So they’re collected in one place, here are some of the recent interviews I’ve done for a A Billion Years.
Scientology has been playing Whac-A-Mole trying to stop the word getting out with their usual array of legal threat letters, delegations of lawyers and scientologists, taking down podcasts (temporarily) with phony copyright claims etc Unfortunately some media still give their empty threats credence, but those below obviously did not…
There’s a lot more to come.
Today Extra Channel 9 Australia
Patrick Bet David Podcast
Banfield on NewsNation
Megyn Kelly Show
Salt Lake Dirt Podcast
Though s relatively small one, this was one of my favorite interviews…
MythVision Podcast
Also great.
Kim Masters The Business
An old sparring partner from when I was a scientology spokesperson
Very Highly Commended. LOL.
Great work.
I hope Channel 7 Sunrise has you on at some point. The presenter, David Koch, is like you a fellow Adelaidean (and in fact is chair of Port Adelaide football team!).
Ty for your continued call to do the right thing. I have learned so much from your writings. When do u anticipate the podcasts returning? Ty for being a good man
Hi, Mike,
Mike, I’m on my third listen through of A Billion Years since I bought it on Audible one week ago. I’m enjoying having you read to me! There’s so much there and I want to make sure I take it all in and digest it. Will finish tomorrow. Every time I get more information on this organization, I’m amazed they haven’t been taken down by the feds under the RICO statute. Yes, tax-exempt religious status gives an organization lots of freedom, but not freedom to commit crimes against its members or the public just because of its beliefs. It is a criminal enterprise. Your story is an expose and I hope more and more people find the courage to jump ship and get the help they need, your adult children first and foremost among them. Blessings on you and your family for this important work.
So many of the cult’s victims couldn’t or can’t speak about what happened. Who knows what horrors are still happening.
You got it , it because they still do not believe to be a victim , the Stockholm syndrome.
This gives continuity to abusive culture and the followers consider it as norm and justify it.
Two thirds way through! Wow, love the book and love that your bringing even more awareness to this cult. Keep trucking Mr. Rinder!
Excellent interviews. I’m not surprised that the book is doing so well. Thank you for all you are doing to get the truth out there about Scientology and Miscavige.
Thank God for people like Mike & Lisa & all others who have came forward about this Sick Cult & the people who are responsible.
Back in the late 70’s early 80’s a very dear friend had gotten caught up in Scientology. He along with another member reported Scientology to the FBI . The FBI raided the Mission Inn, in Riverside ca
My dear friend testified against them & he then had to leave California & went to Mexico ,to hide from Scientology.
I know that he is smiling & crying from heaven . Thank God something more will be done. ♥️ TEC
Lisa? Did you mean Terry?
I would really really hate being an OSA Int staff member right now.
You do great interviews Mike. I’ve seen a bunch of them lately, and every one you’re sharp as a tack.
Wonderfully articulated Mike. I really enjoyed listening and seeing the way you laid out the sequence of your involvement and explained Hubbard. Glad you’ve done and are doing this, so much easier than just reading text on the matter, or better stated the two go together really well to portray the human experience and the tragedy that is Scientology.
Awesome stuff. I love knowing the cult’s diminutive leader and minions are sweating bullets. I’ve been able to catch several – Megan Kelly, PBD (which I though was phenomenal on your part but also the hosts – they had really done their homework and asked great questions, also gave you some rebuttal which was handled well), and part of Salt Lake Dirt. Hope these opportunities keep coming your way.
On ya, mate! Keep the hits coming. Great to start an early (3:30am) work day with the truth getting out there at last.
What a great “book tour”. Hit it out of the park Mike!
Bought and read your book. I spent decades on Scn and wish I had read your book decades ago. It is sad that something we believed in was such lie and also how many people’s lives were destroyed. Reading how your ex-wife treated you when you were in hole was truly disgusting. She and your daughter come across as two really vicious, foul mouthed, hateful individuals. Go glad their attack on you in parking lot was recorded as it showed how truly vindictive and horrible all those people are. Of course then they are filmed acting as victims and pretending they are reasonable, nice people. Thank you for trying to correct the abuses.
BAM! 💥 👊🏻 💥💫
Excellent Mike
Damn, I have a LOT of podcasts to follow.
Mike-thank you so much for writing the book, doing all these amazing interviews and for speaking out. You really are an inspiration and your story is so moving. I am in the middle of the book right now and love it!