I have been flat out recording the audiobook in preparation for release. I haven’t really had time in the last few days to put together a real blog post.
Thanks to your support, A Billion Years is now #1 (hardcover) AND #2 (Kindle) in the “Scientology” category on Amazon.
So much amazing support!
Amazing! I can’t wait to read it
As much as I would love to read the book, I think the story told via voice would be really special. Some voices are boring and stiff but Mike’s is always fun to listen to. And please, laugh a bit if there are funny parts. LOL! Makes it fun. 🙂
Preordered the book. Thanks Mike. More people will know the truth about Scientology.
I’m trying to figure out now to preorder the book/audio book. How’d you do that? With thx.
Just go to Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Billion-Years-Escape-Highest-Scientology/dp/B0B72F2VV8/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Might have missed it. When does the Audible preorder start??? It will be great for my long commute.
I am thrilled that you have written this book! I’ve been following the saga for a while now; our family was effectively in a cult (World Wide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong was the leader). I grew up thinking that mascara was evil and that pants with a fly on a girl’s jeans were epically bad. The PTSD is real. I’m 53 and still impacted. I very much appreciate that you have invested your soul into revealing the true nature of this organization. I look forward to buying the book – I just can’t seem to figure out how to preorder? Specifically the audiobook. Any guidance you can provide would be appreciated. Also, have you gotten your book into the library system?
Have just pre-ordered the book on Kindle. Can’t wait!!! I’ll be on vacations in Australia when it comes out so it’ll be doubly special. Congratulations, Mike!!
Thank you
Here’s what never ceases to amaze me. Here’s the bestseller list on SCIENTOLOGY, by the largest book retailer in the world. And not even a single elron book is on the list! So much for that #1 bestselling author…
Isn’t Dianetics at #5?
That’s the audiobook – not written by Hubbard
Do an episode on the podcast on the book! Leah can interview you!
Somewhere in September, or maybe October, 1 copy of your book will be in the Netherlands. 🙂
Thank you!
Can’t wait for the audio book. Well done Mike x
I ordered all three.
a) Kindle (which as a researcher, then EVERY word in the book can be searched using Kindle’s search, it’s like an ultra “index” searching researcher tool)
b) audible, and thus hear Mike’s voice (Leah’s audible book I highly recommend, she really gives excellent extra to her book by hearing her speak it)
c) Written. Having the book in hand experience, and makes re-reading and finding one’s place in the book, the easiest in the overall book experience.
I only get all three on the most important books.
I hope your book delivers Mike. My reservation is that you have told more in your years since being out, and I know you have written more in your years out, than can possibly be in a single book, and then there is the one downside to a major publisher, their caution and fear of suit.
How do you rate your book Mike in terms of your publisher’s worry about anything you wished to write in it, which they felt not wise to publish?
To me, if you write about the 50 plus beatings by Miscavige, that is plenty enough proof your publisher is not worried.
Hi Chuck,
Thank you for your support!
It is very hard to assess one’s own writing. Obviously, I have a pretty good idea of what will and will not pass legal checks going in.
I hope you will agree once you have read it, that it contains a lot more insight and details than any shorter blips have been able to cover. I will be interested to hear your thoughts…
Wilco. LOL.
(Inside joke, in Sea Org, wilco’s are not allowed. Instead one in Sea Org is to comply and report compliance, period. Saying “wilco” to a superior is taboo. Comply only.)
I guess that means using “Wacko” and “Weirdo” was frowned upon as well?
Of course.
When you use taboo words, you get a scolding, and wilco’s not a confidential word, it’s just a Hubbard prejudice not to have staff running around saying “Wilco” and then not do anything.
The more you inspect really this Hubbard prejudice, it’s more evidence of how stupid even to worry about things Hubbard worried about and made a big deal of. Hubbard was always injecting more into situations and problems which just didn’t need more to be said about them.
So the myriad rules, and the “SP penalties” even, are just making a mountain out of a molehill.
Hubbard was on a kick to keep all the staff and followers he could , as his “captive audience”. So he just came up with volumes of stupid requirements.
I wish today, the word “XENU” could become a curse word.
Like if you bumped your head on a doorway, you could saw not “DARN” or curse, but say “XENU!”
That’d throw a wrench right back and Hubbard’s anti XENU word use.
Start a fad to have everyone say not “Oh darn.” But say “Oh Xenu.”
That is great Mike. Look forward to reading it
Looking forward to your book. I’ll pre order a copy this week. I see New York Times best seller in your future.
The truth does set is free! It’s the best and fastest way to happiness. 🙂
“…A Billion Years is now #1 (hardcover) AND #2 (Kindle) in the “Scientology” category on Amazon.”
Wow, Mike Rinder FINALLY takes some LRH advice!!! ‘Book sales make booms’. This is proof positive that the Tech works and works 100% of the time when applied 100% correctly. A hearty Very Well Done for your efforts. VGIs all around!!! I’m sure that your Stats will continue to be straight up and vertical. What is amazing is that this is happening without you putting any pressure on anyone to buy a pallet full of your books to distribute to every library in the world or pawn off on unsuspecting friends and family. Somehow these stats are accomplished single handedly without a cadre of Book Store Officers desperately trying to hawk their wares. What is your secret? Oh ya, truth…
PS Are you charging extra for the limited leather bound Kindle edition?
Let’s throw Mike an Upstat party!
I can almost picture Decaying Muckmind, in a fit of desperation and blind rage, rising up out of whatever barrel of scotch he’s living in and sending out his sheepbots to try and buy up as many copies of Mike’s book as they can and then destroying them.
Maybe, but as the Borg say, “resistance is futile”. The cult has tried these tactics in the past by stealing critic’s books from libraries, etc. Didn’t work***. Besides, I’d like to see them try to destroy all of the Kindle editions out there. That would take a real ‘OT’ to pull that one off. I’ve never met an ‘OT’ who could even remember what they had for breakfast in their recent past let alone read minds, bend spoons with their minds, make traffic lights turn green, be cause over matter, energy, space and time or any of the other bullshit they claim they can do. I think most ‘OTs’ out there would be happy just to attend a Chan Man seminar and learn how to get out of debt.
***This would be a good project for OSA to get their PR Area Control in ‘upstat’ mode. Ha, best of luck with that one. Besides, what OSAbot could possibly be trusted to steal Rinder’s book without sneaking a peak since Mike was once in charge of OSA hisself. If he can go to the dark side and become an unemployed, bitter, defrocked apostate blogging on the fringes of the internet after having fallen off the back porch of eternity – anyone can do the same. Or, at least pull their heads out of their arses. And I hope they do. I’m being an optimist today.
That’s cool Mike. Doing your audio book is the priority as far a I’m concerned. Even though I’ve preordered your book, I may end up also getting your audio version.
When I listened to Leah’s book Troublemaker in her voice, with her attitude, I realized it made the book even better. In fact I listened to it twice.
Mike, you have a unique voice. Yeah, I think I just talked myself into it.
Copy that. I will enjoy Mike’s book on audio. Loved Leah’s book on audio for reasons you state.
I ordered your book the first I heard about it. Can’t wait!
Thank you!
I’m so glad you did this, Mike.
You deserve all the love you’re going to get. You’ve always been a favorite for a reason.
Your goodness always shines through. And you’re fun.
Your book will help so many, it’s an important story.
So I’m grateful and excited for those reasons as well as the ways it’ll help me personally.
Filling in the back stories, the true stories, the other sides of things, and simply telling the witness tale, I find these things to be settling. I’m always comparing to my own timeline, what I was doing and what my take on things were at the time.
We were all In Scientology together for so long.
Yet, with all the secrets and lies (*acceptable truths) shore story, confidential levels-Issues, don’t discuss case, no verbal tech strictures….
There were so many realities. So much B.S. now unpacks with hearing stories and info.
Thanks for sharing yours. Can’t wait.
And….. Audiobook? Brilliant! You know we want to hear you. !
I think you should take the weekends off all the time. Fewer topics would allow more back and forth conversation which is what makes social media interesting.
Richard, I tend to agree with you on this. One thing I would like to see more of are those postings with the iconic picture of a smiling disheveled Ron at his typewriter. Those topics always seem to be a bit more provocative and generate some interesting discussion. It’s really too bad that some of the Hubbard/scientology apologists have disappeared (or have been banned). Their postings were always so entertaining and revealing of a mind on scientology. I miss FOOLproof the most. What a classic cult mind on full display.