A short clip from when I was recording the audiobook…
I understand there is a problem with the audiobook in the UK and Australia. I do not understand the problem, as it had been all set to launch with the book itself and then it turns out there is some issue with distribution rights that is too complicated for me to understand. I have asked the appropriate people to see if they can step in and sort it out… For the time being, you will have to do things the old fashioned way and read the book.
I went to Barnes and Noble in Manhattan to see it in a real bookstore with my own eyes!
I am sorry to do this to you again, but CBS Mornings has delayed the airing of their interview with me. I don’t know when it will air, but will try to keep you informed as best I can. Seems they are worried about scientology saber-rattling their paper swords. Sigh.
There are many other media interviews lined up, but not going to say anything about them so scientology can just be surprised as I pop up in random places. The only one I will say again is that I am appearing on Megyn Kelly’s Sirius XM radio show this afternoon and her podcast later in the da. She already announced it and she didn’t back off last time scientology sent her threat letters, so I doubt she will do so this time.
Of course, when in New York, there are people I need to see. Dinner with Tony Ortega is a tradition. He continues to fight the good fight and has been around for longer than anyone else in exposing scientology abuses. The Underground Bunker is the wikipedia of scientology — the greatest source of information on the subject available anywhere. Plus, we always compare notes about the trials and tribulations of raising our kids…
Finally, thank you all for your kind words about the book.
It’s somewhat overwhelming!
Finally, this is the Amazon bestseller list in the scientology category now:
I am really looking forward to listening to your book. I live in Australia and used to live a few houses away from Scientology at Chatswood. I never knew what it was, and I used to stare at it. Thinking it was strange. Through YouTube, I have fallen down the Rabbit hole of Scientology, and have been very interested in your journey since you are from Australia like myself.
I am proud that you are Australian and have done so much wonderful work to expose the cult of Scientology. We should never refer to it as a church or as a religion not even in a sentence it is a cult and sadly so many people have been hurt by it. Sending you love from Australia.
Hi there from Cambridgeshire in the UK.
I’ve just tried to find your book on Audible to download for my mother, another ex Scientologist from many moons ago, but no luck. It’s apparently still not available here. We’re hoping this will be sorted out soon.
Congratulations and warmest regards, x
Hi Suzanne,
It is in the process of being sorted out. WF Howes is going to be making it available. They originally said it would be released on 31 January, now are saying 23 February. Why so slow is anyone’s guess…
Thanks so much for the speedy reply ! Roll on 23 Feb 23. So looking forward to hearing it. x
Hi Mike,
Hope you are well! Congratulations, writing and publishing a book is amazing.
I am hoping for an update as I still cannot find your book on Apple Books in either format (I’m Australian, so guessing still having issues). I am trying to be good by only buying digitally.
I am looking forward to reading/hearing when everything is sorted.
Sending warm regards from Australia
As a cult survivor of Landmark Worldwide (which is just basically Scientology lite, seeing as Werner Erhard knicked and repackaged a whole load of Scientology’s methodology/content and now has the gall to pretend he’s a victim of Scientology’s Fair Game policy and that’s why he’s not in the US, purlease…) and One Taste thanks so much for all you do in bringing the world’s attention to the evils and corruption of groups like Scientology.
You and Leah Remini’s badass advocacy, resilience, sheer determination and joyous sense of humour have really inspired me to keep going as an outspoken cult awareness advocate. No matter how many deniers and setbacks I face doing so, no matter how supposedly scary the Landmark legal team are, and no matter how much people may judge me.
I know it’s worth standing up for what’s right and what will ultimately help people like me who are neurodivergent (ADHD/Autism) and marginalised and so face extra dangers in being subject to these awful group’s manipulations. If not me who else! And it’s looking at people like you which gives me the extra push to know I’m doing a good thing.
Please feel free anyone reading this to check out this podcast I did as well for more on this:https://onbelief.fireside.fm/318. And add me on Twitter or LinkedIn (which has more videos on talks I’ve done about the link between vulnerbality to cult abuse, marginalised identities and neurodivegence), my name’s Priscilla Eyles. Any help spreading awareness of this issue is really appreciated.
I really really hope they sort the audiobook issue soon! It’s an accessibility issue for me too what with ADHD and am absoultely desperate to listen to it, as soon as I heard about it.
Maybe we can get #ReleaseTheRinderTapes trending in Europe and Australia! And all pester Audible daily/weekly etc till they sort it out. It’s almost as if they have Scientologists behind the scenes putting spanners in the works!
Thanks again for all you do Mike, truly inspiring with all the crap you’ve had to face and the family disconnetion. Look forward to the Mark Twain event with the awesome Tony Ortega in January! 🙂
thankyou – ive been trying to get this on audio since its release – now i have an answer lol but i do hope they get it sorted soon
Me too Helen! It would be perfect to have as audio as I can listen and work at the same time! Fingers crossed its sorted soon and congrats on its Publication Mike, looking firward to getting my hands(ears) on a copy! X
So glad there’s more than just me sharon x
I email audible uk weekly to push for them to get the book but its something to do with a licence… the reply really wasnt clear ty Audible UK!!!! Due to my sight issues my only option is an audiobook so i will continue annoying Audible …
Fingers crossed Lynn
Sorry I was out of the loop lately but Big Congrats on an awesome book Mike! I was having trouble getting the “out of stock” feature to allow that 50.00 donation, but after getting the urgent, loaner, “read only” copy from amazon, I found that the general Donate button worked fine to request that signed version! Love you always for all you did over the years, and still do to help us all Mike! Bill M
Ex 2010
Thanks Bill.
The general donate button on the blog is NOT for the signed editions of the book. That has to be done through the SP Shop (https://thespshop.com/). All the copies have been sold.
I am trying to arrange some more copies and get them signed and shipped off but I have finally gotten home so it’s going to take a minute…
Thanks for explaining that Mike! I forgot for a minute, this was intended as your donation to a separate entity! Good news, it’s also fine to be considered a general donation to any of your efforts. Either way it appears your signature is getting more valuable Mike. And I am contributing to a “good problem”! ha… Hope you will truly get a good chance to enjoy every moment of your well deserved rewards. You have an obvious successful book release occurring Sir!
Best to you and all your beautiful family! Bill
Got you. I’ll get you a copy old friend
Say it Mike. Apparently you’re my longest friend (1978) from back when you were being noticed as VERY POWERFUL, ABOVE AVERAGE, setting the example as a true ROLL MODEL. You set a whole new standard of STRENGTH, UNSHAKEABLE, etc! So I immediately had to consider this new word about you, RESILIENT.
Yes it’s a great word for you too, so I was just stuck with certain other concepts: UNSHAKABLE, MOST DEDICATED, THE TOUGHEST SURVIVOR, etc! It appears everyone can now easier recognize you properly with your great new book Mike! Thanks for being you!
Already finished reading the Kindle edition. Thanks, Mike, and others for sharing your stories of your hard fight. Wishing you and your family all the happiness you deserve in the future.
Congrats Mike! You are a beautiful exemple of wat resilience means 🙂 Can we hope to see you soon in Canada (Montreal more specifically;)
Thank you again for everything you do!
Highly recommend the audiobook! Its on Scribd (which I also highly recommend if you’re a reader) Im 6 chapters in and the book is absolutely phenomenal so far. Mike Rinders voice is so soothing that listening to it at bedtime lulls you into a wonderful sleep. I’ve read every former scientologists book and while they are all pretty good, this is the absolute best.
Congrats with your book, Mike!
I bought the audio version through Apple. It’s great! I was going to post a positive review on Amazon but couldn’t bc there’s been “unusual activity” in the reviews so only verified purchasers can post one. I was confused at first – then I remembered I hadn’t purchased through Amazon!
Can’t buy the audiobook from Audible. It says ‘Not available based on geographic restrictions’. I’m in Denmark. I hope I can buy it soon ☺️
Yes me too
I apologise in advance if I’ve missed some announcement or such – I wanted to see if there’s a possibility of paying a bit extra and getting a signed copy of the book. I think it’d look awesome next to BobbleRinder. 🙂
See my post this morning
Got one, thank you so much, sir! 😀
Megyn Kelly is one of my favorites, and the interview was great. It’s good to see Mike looking well and doing well in life. Seven years ago, Mike helped me out when I was leaving the church. We’ve never met – only by email. I wanted to say thank-you, Mike for being gracious and helping people in whatever way you can, even words of encouragement. Best of luck with the book, and I’m looking forward to reading it. I think it will be a bestseller!
A couple chapters read last night, and I’ll probably continue at that pace. I did post my own little #ABillionYears tweet, though since my Twitter account is barely used I’m sure it won’t be seen by many. (Not a nick that matches the one I use hereabouts, so even if some see it, probably none would make the connection.)
Over at Tony Ortega’s site I did have to post a bit of fun – my current Kindle recommended reading list. I’d guess about 2/3rds are the top books by and about ex-Scn that I currently don’t own on Kindle and much of the remaining third are in the realm of books on being anti-racist or fiction by exceptional authors.
Hi Mike,
You were so great on the Megyn Kelly show today. I thought you explained the perfect amount of inside Scientology stuff to her. You were also so relaxed and personable. Great job.
I’m looking forward to reading your book.
Ex since 2012
i know your book will be incredible – I’m waiting a few days until I can sit down and devour it undisturbed.
In the meantime, I am sending prayers for the wellbeing of your family. I hope they are either with you in New York or riding out Ian somewhere safe.
Downloaded my (Kindle) copy last night and loving it so far! Feeling a little apprehensive since I have a good idea of where this is going …
I received the book this afternoon in the UK and literally ripped the box open and not put it down.
I hope the audio issue is resolved soon as I’m buying that too.
The book is incredible.Mike, congrats
I went into a Barnes & Noble in Manhattan yesterday and did not see the book. I will try another location.
Look in the religion section
I was looking at “new releases.” Good errand for tomorrow!
Reading it as we speak from the Emerald Isle and CANNOT put it down!! Well done you!
Re: “I am sorry to do this to you again, but CBS Mornings has delayed the airing of their interview with me.”
One take away from the 37 years I spent in scientology: no television. I rarely watched one for the first two decades in the “church,” and finally threw the TV out in 1999.
Hubbard hated pictures, in particular other people’s pictures, and the so-called negative effects they can have on people watching them. As a result, I limited what little TV I watched, and would allow only a few motion pictures now and again.
So, instead of needing a TV (or social media for that matter), I come here to catch up on everything Mike Rinder. Thank you!
How you going.
Your memoir is brilliant. Chilling, deeply affecting, and an ultimately uplifting epic.
Devoured “A Billion Years” in one long sitting, after retrieving my prized, preordered copy from our local brick-and-mortar bookstore.
Dialing into hear you on Megyn Kelly via SiriusXM, however possible. We also need a book tour throughout the Commonwealth
The book is fabulous. I thought I knew so much about your story and leaving the church etc that there wouldn’t be anything new for me to read. I was wrong. Not only because it so well written that I found myself wanting to know what was next but there is actually quite a bit that I didn’t know.
This book is a good read for anybody whether in a cult or an abusive relationship, etc., or not.
Congratulations Mike.
Congratulations, Mike! I have my audiobook and I am anxious to continue listening to it, once Ian has had his way with us! Glad you are in New York and I hope your family is with you!
I presume CBS had to postpone your appearance, not because of Scientology’s whining, but because of Hurricane Ian. Not saying that Scientology wouldn’t try to pull another “send Tommy Davis to ABC News” type of thing, because they’re no doubt afraid people will read what’s in this book.
And they are. I picked up my copy at a Barnes and Noble in my city. So did two other people I saw while I was there. I’m excited to read this!
Why would CBS even bother you for an interview if they’re too scared to use it? Seems silly. Your book is wonderful so far!
The more I read about Scientology, the more I have a Bad Taste.
(No, I’m not leaving a link for the Peter Jackson film on YouTube, look it up yourself.)
This is survival story in the truest sense of that word. I feel compelled to read it and have the strongest compassion for those who were raised in the cult of scientology just as you and many others were, Mike.
Thanks for your courage, your perseverance and for stepping up and telling the truth.
David Miscavige is nothing more and nothing less than the leader of a corrupt organization akin to the Mafia, full of criminal activity and human rights violations as a matter of daily course. Sickening that it is doing its dirty business under the guise of improving and serving humanity. It’s worse than a sick joke.
The entire organization should be taken down with the anti racketeering laws in place already.
I’m looking forward to your podcast with Leah-Leah resuming!
Audiobook works great in Canada
Just took a peak over at Kobo.com and this is where ‘A Billion Years’ stands now that it’s been officially released:
#1 in Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality, Other Practices, Scientology
Looking good!
Fantastic! 🙂