The ideal “ideal” org in the “first Clear city” is going to town on “clearing their city.”
12 Clears in 9 months. 15 per year. Should have Portland wrapped up in the year 42,014.
But frankly, they have probably produced more clears than any of the other “ideal” orgs. I would bet that there are “ideal” orgs out there that have not produced a SINGLE clear since GAG II. In fact, I would be it was the VAST majority of “ideal orgs”….
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought these two magnificent breakthroughs (GAG II and ideal orgs) were “making planetary clearing a reality”? Even if ALL the ideal orgs were making this many clears a year and they were ALL in the United States it would only take until the year 502,014 to get everyone clear. Now THAT is making planetary clearing a reality (just because we say the words).
Is there some rule for CofS notices that says that in addition to at least 3 exclamation marks at the end of a sentence, that there must be at least one mis-spelled word? “acheived”?
Hi, the mission was at RBF for a time? It was originally in the building. I knew they had to move it out of the building after Samuels got “disappeared” (apparently, the Gestapo decided that a mission should be “available to the public,” where the one in the building was really only for Delphi staff), but I thought it was in Sheridan downtown, near the bridge.
RBF was Martin Samuels’s house. It may have been owned by TDF, I don’t know, but it was sold by whoever owned it and it’s a pleasant B&B now. I think the property was subdivided, too, so there’s now another building on what used to be RBF grounds.
I didn’t know that they brought the mission back into the building after it was moved out. When did that happen?
Yup, and is I noted in a comment above, John Fry and Kelly (Kertchem) Hepburn are or were Delphi staff also (Kelly is the daughter of a very long-time Delphi staff member). So at least 25% of Portland Morgue’s clears are Delphi-related.
As an aside, Delphi would do well to shed Applied Scholastics and Scientology. The school doesn’t need them anymore; Frankly, AS and Scn need Delphi more than Delphi needs them at this point. Delphi would be better off without that very heavy baggage.
Yeah, and three of those in the flyer work (or worked) at Delphi out in Sheridan – John Fry, Kelly (Kertchem) Hepburn, and James Horton. So that’s what, 25% of their Clears coming from Delphi.
I’m not very computer literate so I wasn’t able to enhance as much as I wanted to.
It struck me as odd that only one of these pictures looked like it was taken on any kind of a stage.
A girl standing in front of a car. A guy in what looks like a comm center. One girl looks like she’s in her living room.
I blew up the certs as best I could and it looks to me like NOWHERE does it say Church of Scientology of Portland. All of the certs are generic and could have been given out by any org.
Something very weird about this promo piece. Very fishy.
I noticed that too. Visually it’s kind of a mess, a Frankenstein of images that’s not at all cohesive. Some kind of fakery no doubt.
The fact that there can be a game such as “Clear”- “Not Clear”- “Clear”- “Not Clear” is ample evidence that the cult of scientology does not have any “standard” tech. If you cannot trust them to deliver what is promised even one time, then you really can’t ever expect them to do it can you? Especially when you have to pay for the re-do’s. If they really had integrity they would stand behind the product and either refund or redo at their own expense.
Really! Can you imagine any other company surviving when they make their customer return an overt product, so they can pay full price for the product the way it was promised?
I know. Wild. LRH set up the criminal exchange policies in the orgs. Being that he was a criminal it makes total sense. I see that DM has kept that piece of Standard Admin in place…
Well, James Horton was clear long time ago, now he made his GAG II clear. Wonder how many of the others are simply recycled as well.
GAG II – making Planetary Clearing a reality show.
Oh, I like it!!!
I don’t think any real case gain is happening in the “church” anyway. Whether these people are really clear or not is a purely academic question – like, “Was the Piltdown Man before or after the Neanderthal Man?”. The answer has no significance anyway. It is only in the Indie field that any real case gain is happening and that people can go clear.
Yea, it’s amazing how something so “absolute” can be so arbitrary. Do an L3 RG (or F or H) and you get, “I’d like to indicate you’re clear and didn’t know it” or something of the sort. Attest, go to flag, have an FES, and back to wog. Is the clear cog even being used? Not that it matters.
When reading Mike’s post I thought immediately this is really suspicious that ONE org produced that many clears and should be reason to immediately send a mission to investigate.
Then I saw that Portland org already took care using the “Clear / not Clear / Clear” game, i.e. they are old,
refurbished Clears that are being promoted here.
Call off the mission, they are playing the standard corrupt game, everything is LOOKING alright!
They’re only clear until their cert is canceled and have to do it all again. If you factor in having to do everything twice, Portland and won’t be cleared for another 80,000 years.
That’s exactly what I was thinking, Glenn. The capriciousness of cancelling people’s Clear certs is just insane. And the overly troubling aspect of this, is, it seems to be entirely money motivated.
Truly evil. Having audited clear checks/intensives from 78 to 84, all I can say is the state is very definite. When it is messed with, it has an immense impact on a being of devastating proportion. This capricious treatment of the state is as evil as it gets.
Um, Ben Klevit went to FLAG last year, and came back “clear”. Last I heard he was the PES
That was going to be my comments–I wonder how many of these had their clear certs invalidated?
Wait a minute. John Fry was also “clear” decades ago…
Many of these might be re-do’s. 🙂
Hmm, Rick Facteau was “Clear” back in the 80’s. (That’s not his pic BTW). Didn’t El Ron say that clear was as close to as absolute as you could get?
When they got to Flag to do their OT levels they will get the R factor : “We have reviewed your folders and you are not Clear.” Then it’s back to the drawing board.
If Flag stopped delivering Grades, NED, Power, CCRD, then the incidents of “Not Clear RFactors” from Flag would drop dramatically. If Flag had to send the person back to their local mission or org to go clear once they gave them the NOT Clear RFactor, there would be no money in it for Flag and so Flag would just stop messing with it and the number of “not Clear” Rfactors would drop substantially. It’s all about the money for Flag. But we all know that is not the case ever since Flag started delivering Grades and NED etc, which was cutting the lifeline of the orgs and missions beneath them.
I HIGHLY doubt that Cindy. FSO was into the “undeclare” game before it was into concentrating on delivering the lower bridge. FSO has ALWAYS done a “clear check” on anyone arriving for Ad Courses. It was a common occurrence back in the early 80’s. They would then do one of two things. 1)Reg for the 12-1 HGC for NED or, 2) Reg for Power – C.C.
It was a Win-Win for Dept. 6 & Div 4’s…
I wonder which orgs are allowed to deliver CCRDs these days. Are they done right in Portland? Or only at higher orgs, as has been the case at various times? In any event, I would be willing to bet, based on the pattern of the past, that some of these people will have their Clear state cancelled, and that it will be found that some suppressive C/S allowed false Clear attests. I’ve seen this pattern time and again, especially when there is a sudden surge in the number of new Clears (not that this really classifies as a surge, but it is an odd increase).
I was staff at the Portland Org through the 70’s. I know a few of those new clears and they are the children of old friends. Good to know that there are a few people getting some auditing somewhere in the C of S.
I know people who have been declared Clear and then undeclared Clear, back and forth, back and forth, several times. I wonder if that is still happening.
If this posting attracts any old-time Portland Org-ers or COSMODers, I would love to hear from you!
It appears we have a new GPM, specific to the Bridge: “To be -clear” vs “To not be -clear”.
A lot of money can go down into that black hole……
COSMOD, via Davis, alumna here, but OUT in ’75!
I had friends from Davis who went to Delphi and Portland in ’72-’73 when these were brand new acquisitions! You?
Delilah — There was a mission started in LA in early 70s by Jerry and Nola Simmons, weren’t they former COSMOD staff?
Yes I was there from 1971-1979 and had lots of COSMOD friends. We may well have known each other.
I’ll bet you anything that whales are declared “not clear” more than rank and file. The cult just can’t get enough money.
Delphi student & staff member 1981 to 1990 here. Had Martin Samuels as one of the keynote speakers at summer session graduation 1981 (when I was twelve) and then… he disappeared… Parents wouldn’t talk about it. I learned not to ask questions. Started the communication course at the “Sheridan Mission” (old COSMOD) shortly before it was sold and converted into a B&B. Then finished the comm course during the mission’s brief residency at Delphi itself, which ended after flaps with weirdo Sheridan public creeping out the paying students.
I was a Div 6 er at the “other mission” in Sacramento out at Arden Way in 1978-79 but had opportunity of going over to the Cosmod mission at Sacramento to do Div 6 training with Lynn Irons and his posse of 6 gorgious body routers. No GAT then but they sure knew how to GAT people in the front door of their mission. In the 1978 they reportedly had about 200 public on Div 6 lines alone. I was at the Portland Org in 1981 on a brief tour. Beautiful city.
Isn’t “Sara Gill” the face on the ‘What is Scientology?’ billboard ad? This cult is getting wayyyyy to inbread. No wonder it is hemorraging on all fronts.
One of the most important marketing tools is “word of mouth”. If there is nothing to be proud about in becoming a clear, then there is none or negative “word of mouth”.
I bet if you talk to the “dirty dozen” up there individually, and asked them their reasoning for becoming clear, what they have achieved in their mind, what their future holds scaling the bridge, and have they told all their friends and family, you would get twelve completely different “clusterfuck” answers. Sorry…. I just wanted to say that word again!
I know Rick Facteau, that is NOT his photo! I guess there could be two people with the same name but highly coincidental with such a unique last name.
If you look closely at the photo, it says Jr. after his name. His son perhaps?
But when the 12 get to Flag, they’ll be declared “not Clear” and will get to spend a lot of money at Flag.
Unfortunately, you may be right.
Nothing to correct you about Mike, your math is Einstein’s style – an ideal straight down and plummeting collapse.
I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure every single one of these 12 people is staff at either the org or the local delphi. Although the delphi staff are technically org public, they are really more like staff. So you could almost say none of these people are public.
I think Charles is correct. At the dire end of CC Portland, pretty much the only “public” taking services were Delphi staff members. Over the years, Delphi staff have always been the key demographic for Portland’s succession of orgs that have made Portland seem more busy than similiarly sized cities. Indeed, without Delphi, Portland Org would be much more comparable to Cincinnati, i.e., dying a slow, painful and inevitable death.
James Horton, now about 50 years old, has been on staff at Delphi since he was a teenager. Glad to see Delphi’s strong support of its faculty in going up the Bridge. At this rate, he should be in the upper OT levels before he hits 100.
You’re wrong Mike. I heard a long time ago, something like not everyone had to actually be Clear to have a Clear Planet. That being the case Portland could be Clear in the year 30,013 and the rest of the planet circa 222,015.
Thanks for straightening that out Ronnie.
Phew. What a relief.
Of course, this is dependent on no growth in population….
6.7 billion and counting…
The word exponential comes into play, Mike. The faster the population grows, the more it grows exponentially. There’s not a chance in hell they can ever do what they say they’re doing. It’s all make believe. Gosh, I feel like a kid again!
You are out of date. today there are 7.25 billion and counting…….
330,000 births today with 136,000 deaths which gives us a net positive of 194,000 new mouths to feed just today. Tomorrow will add another 194,000 Wogs for Dear Leader to get regged up for clear!
Yo Dave,
Tell me exactly how the fuck you are going to ‘clear the planet’ with your 10,000 orgs and Missions each producing 12 clears per week. My calculations show that you are cranking out 120,000 clears each week if all produce like Portland.
Ok, I know your GAG II thingy is stellar so I’m going to say you 2x your current stats next week and you crank out 24 clears per week in each of your 10,000 Orgs and Missions and I’m going to also give you a break and say that you make them all idle this week (since only Idle Orgs can produce clears). So there you go ……. UP UP AND AWAY with 240,000 clears each week.
Now here is where you lose me dear leader because world population is cranking out 194,000 new people every fricken day which puts 1,358,000 new Wogs on YOUR plate …..dude …..each week.
What’s your ‘LIKE NEVER BEFORE plan ………………or are you like obummer and don’t really have one? Cmon Dave, you are way better that some old wannabe president, let’s get something goin here shall we good buddy.Call me if you need a hand, you remember the number …..209-928-4822 ….leave a message.
Portland’s motto is “Keep Portland Weird”. That could work for or against Scientology, really.
Well it’s not so bad. Of course, it won’t clear Portland. Why to clear Portland anyway? They also don’t need any ideal org to clear anyone. Really what should really be done to actually deilver more services? Make more clears.
But it looks like a little affluence. They better apply the condition. Of course, spending money to buy ideal org is the best way to kill an affluence condition. But maybe it was just a backlog, false affluence, stat then plung as it is really not at this level.
I would say the major problem is that nobody wants to go in an org to do scientology.
They have to revert all the changes which put the stat down the last 30 years. First one is to fire Miscavige.
Dave, You need to start over with kindergarten — and at least graduate from High School or get a degree in something. A sociopath of your caliber can do much better than this.
“Really what should really be done to actually deilver more services? Make more clears.”
It is clear that Miscavige could care less about clears. Instead all he cares about is whales.
One of those “Clears” is Brandon Allender, he is John Allender’s son.
It looks like he’s wearing a staff uniform but he left to join the SO about 10 years ago.
hmmm, I wonder
He’s one of the Sea Org network staff in Portland. Last time I knew, he was the only one but they probably added at least a Flag Rep after the Ideal Org opening (maybe). Interestng to me that he went Clear there. That’s more Bridge progress than anyone is making in any of the SO bases. I noticed that there are a few staff members in that group of pics (maybe half of them?) It’s supposed to be a good thing that staff go up the Bridge, of course, but it makes me wonder if they are so bored and lacking public that they don’t have anyone else to audit except the staff. The ratio of staff to public completions are all wrong for a public service delivery organization of this size.
You said that right! Instead of a “public service delivery organization” I’d say it is a “staff dry cleaning (of money) organization”.
Hi Lynn! Last thing I heard was that Brandon was on staff at Portland along with his mother, Lynda.
Brandon Allender ??? Where have I heard that name before ? 😉
John and Linda Allender. Mr. Squirrel buster himself.
Interesting. I wouldn’t call those Good Indicators on several of those new Clears.
Amazing they got 12.
Speed things up a bit , cancel GAT 1 and 2, cancel Ideal Org Program,
disband the IAS, disband the RTC, Free the slaves,restore all missions,
forbid and cancel all rpf, rpf rpf and rpf rpf rpf. and a few other things.
Free Heber,Shelly,et al. send the COB on a long vacation. reinstate training auditors
as priority one, deliver what you promise, reduce rates to 1972.
Portland should do fine then.
my stable datum was
a standard tech class VIII couldn’t but boom an org
everybody seems to have forgotten that one, even the class VIII’s themselves.
No matter how many Class VIII’s you have in an org or mission nowadays, new people won’t flood in because the truth about Scn is on the interwebtubes for all to see. BTW, that datum (from El Ron) didn’t hold true. Dig through Flag Data Files and you will see…
Not this one
DM would never allow the clampire to go back in time. He has already given the death knell to the ‘tech’ by GATing and semi-coloning it as a revenue enhancement measure. I do expect a ‘Reformed CO$’ to start up sometime, the freezoners can’t do it all. The future of $cientology is in NaCONon half way houses and continued clubbing of the whales and anyone with money until all revenue has dried up. The future is going to be clams selling ‘The Way To Happiness’ brochures to each other.
Speaking of Portland, saw this on Twitter the other day. A 10-year old? There is truly no low these people won’t sink to.
10 year old kid: Come on in and watch some movies.
His Target: What kind of movies?
Kid: Movies that will help you (now taking Target’s hand pulling him in)
Target: How old are you?
Kid: My body is 10 years old but I’m a fully formed thetan.
Target: What the hell is a thetan?
Kid: I’ll show you when we go inside.
Target: Hey, let go of my hand.
Kid: No! GET IN THERE NOW! Don’t make me get mad…
But the birth rate is higher than the “clear” production rate and therefore it will never be possible to make a population become “clear”.
Too much logic, this hurts my brain. Please stop! LALALA CAN’T HEAR YOU…. 🙂
Plus, over 1% of the population dies each year. So, once they reach 15,000, the 15 new ones each year will be offset by the number who die each year, so they can NEVER reach an all-clear city, even in a billion years.
jgg, thanks for saying that. That’s what I was thinking too.
Something weird about this. Rick Facteau completed OT preps in 2012. So I guess he was un-cleared and then re-cleared in time to be counted as a GAT II win?
John Fry did power and power plus in 2009. I guess they just decided he was clear after all and that power was not needed? San Brown also did power and power plus back in 2007.
These guys have absolutely no integrity at all. Its all about how it LOOKS. nothing to do with how it IS.
Hmmmm. Interesting. Maybe some of these people had already attested to Clear and then Cleared again. I am actually surprised that ANY org made this many Clears in 9 months.
How many time do you have to go Clear until you’re actually Clear? This couldn’t have anything to do with money, could it, McCaran? Nah! Their just making sure…
Old Surfer, it is never ending. But seriously here is a test. A “Clear” is someone who no longer has his own reactive mind. SO, if a “clear” is knocked out for an operation, he should have access to his recall from during the operation. UNLESS, he still has his reactive mind. In which case the time he was unconscious during the Op will be occluded. 😉 In other words, the “fun” i never ending. LMAO
Well notice, the flyer said 12 Clears since GAG II…….since everyone is being made to redo everything because of the amazing advancements (misplaced semi colons? Leftover exclamation points? ) under GAG II, this makes sense……..sad but true
EXESSO I think you are right. These “Clears” might be re-cycled.
GAG II stops everything because no one is qualified to do anything, so maybe they sent a GAG II auditor from Flag to Portland to re-process these poor invalidated/reprocessed Clears?
Mike, I laughed hard at your latest choice of cartoon. That is hilarious.
As for Clearing Portland…or anywhere else…I see no possibility under any circumstances. If there were, Clearwater (aptly named) should have been the first cleared city. Instead, despite great deviousness, all they’ve succeeded in doing is make the locals hate, despise and avoid them.
I guess Dainty Davey Dingbat could solve that problem by simply declaring each and every man, woman and child in Clearwater as SPs, thus ineligible for even being counted. That leaves only staff and visiting blind and deaf penitents for Clearing. Come to think of it, none of the staff are going clear anyway.
Stating it does not make it so.
The delusion continues apace .
Keep going, RCo$ is fading away, albeit slowly.
Wow – Go Portland. Mike, you would be correct in your assumption that they’ve probably produced more clears than other Ideal Orgs. This is certainly true for South Africa – has not been able to produce a clear for more than 8 years now. Joburg, the 2nd Ideal Org built – now celebrating it’s 11th Anniversary still cannot produce clears – in fact NO org in South Africa can. All public have to go to an AO to get this step.
GAG2 – speed of particle slow.
“speed of particle slow.” Nice. Wish I’d thought of that. But my brain was on ‘slow.’
Re the S. African orgs: if they’re not allowed to do CCRDs they must have screwed up big time on the CCRD cycles. In the past this would have taken only a few months to retread the pertinent auditors and C/Ses but 11 years of not handling this delivery stop is just plain insane!
Then, under the DM’s regime, this makes a lot of sense…stop, stop, stop!!!
The clears made must just not have been ideal enough to DM’s standards…