So many question, so few answer:
The Brits need Italians to teach them how help and disseminate?
They don’t have any english speaking people? Pier Paderni has been around since the 70’s, he must be getting really old by now. And if these Italians are so good at this, why are the orgs in Italy all empty (with the possible exception of Milano)?
And why aren’t people simply directed to read what Hubbard said about how to disseminate? The claim is that it is ALL contained in his technology, and according to Keeping Scientology Working, it simply requires studying, understanding and applying it? Why do they need 3 Italians to explain it?
And why are there two orientation and enrollment times and then a few days later you start “Lesson 1” — no information about when Lesson 2 happens or how many lesson there are?
And finally — what do they mean “Competent, Productive and Happy Scientologists”? Is this what they claim their “lessons” produce? Who needs to go up the bridge if these 3 can accomplish this with their lessons?
Funny, the experts on Help and Dissemination seem very incapable of delivering a clear message in their own promotion….
Your last new blog entry was on Jan 5, 2024. That was two weeks ago.
I didn’t see that you were planning any kind of long term holiday from this blog.
So, when you say, “Something can be done about it”, I just never imagined that would include a two-week non-disclosed break from things.
Has Mike had another serious health lapse that is preventing him from tending to this blog?
Or has he encountered some kind of serious problem that is preventing him from posting to this blog on a regular basis?
When we see that Mike has disappeared for two weeks without any explanation, it is hard for us to imagine just what could be going wrong.
I sincerely hope that you are not being tormented by the head “Dweeb” (David Miscaviage). Knuckling under to him is no way to keep up the fight against this monstrous machine.
Can you please let us know just what is going on and why have you disappeared for these past two weeks?
Recorded a video with Leah today that should be uploaded tomorrow that will explain all…
The Brits!
Former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has written to the United Kingdom’s tax office (HMRC) calling for an investigation into the Church of Scientology and their finances, claiming “Scientology has a history of fraudulent activity internationally”.
Here is the full story:
Re: “Why do they need 3 Italians to explain it?”
Three Italians walk into a bar…
During my three decades in, a private thought I held: If all these Scientology offerings are so great and are delivered well, why do you need “Public” to be out there shaking the trees, trying to get some fruit to fall? If I enjoy Starbucks coffee, does Starbucks incessantly pursue me to come in and learn how to disseminate Starbucks and compel others to come in and partake of their offerings?
How about factually BE GREAT and DO GREAT? Wouldn’t, then, normal advertising tactics and positive word-of-mouth foster all the stability and expansion a product set would ever need?
This notion of, “Oh no. Scientology is an entirely different type of sale because blah blah blah…”
Errr…Not really. If something is good, people get on board. Their friends see that they are doing better and looking better. These observations and resulting conversations organically create positive word-of-mouth. There you go: problem solved. No need to keep wrangling people for “dissem” seminars and deputizing them as, “You’re actually a staff member! You’re a FIELD staff member. Sign the contract!”
The fact that so many of us, while in, do NOT bring anyone into the org because we don’t want their mental health potentially messed up* and their financial lives put into ruin is evidence the church cannot get anyone new in without some level of flim-flam and trickery.
So sad.
*Anyone Previously-In knows that the toolkit available, when applied, varies greatly from org and org, and sometimes staff are so green or selfish or just plain egotistical “evil purpose” that they surprisingly and greatly UNDERMINE rather than assist your mental health. For me, I put the mix at 65% genuinely helpful and 35% punishment and drama and undermining. The latter nearly rendered all the apparent “gains” cancelled. I reached a point where I would request of a staff member: “Pick a lane. Which is it? Are you here to help or here to stun and undermine a person?”
Bi-polar group is what I concluded.
“Bi-polar group is what I concluded” — that’s an excellent point, and it brings up another one regarding basic psychology…
I learned about sociopathic behavior from a stepfather who abused me, my mother, my brother, and my sister 1973-1979. (Scientology might’ve been attractive, but I knew enough about it to stay away even then.) Projection = projecting onto other people what’s really true about you. That was my stepfather, and Scientology has been doing it from the beginning, only a whole helluva lot worse. Cycles of abusive behavior are difficult to break. My heart goes out to the decent people still in Scientology who desperately want to break it but can’t.
Do I have to say it? Don’t forget your wallets or credit cards.
Better yet, take only a pre-paid debit card containing only what you are willing to flush/burn/smoke at the event.
They should rather be told how to handle the crap PR they have, before trying to find someone’s ruin and ‘save’ them.
Now that they are no longer able to bring in people, they must have done some sort of eval where they are trying to revive the expansion model of Italy in the 80s.
I met Pier Paderni way back in the day, he was one of the founders scn un Italy and he had good empathy and the ability to explain things and convince. And this is not something you can broadcast to a crowd, it’s either yours or you don’t have it.
Furthermore, finding the ‘ruin’ is something that takes time, it may take several meetings with the guy, and in the end no one finds it but one is taken and magnified – the person withdraws into it – and then indicated to the person as the thing to solve. Practically almost an abuse.
Hi Mike,
I’m glad to know you are doing well. I would like to know if you have taken a look at scientology audit on youtube. I would ask that you watch a full video before making a judgment.
I realize that what William Gude, Jessica Palmedessa and others are doing might look like bullying at first glance. But their goal is to stop scientology from recruiting at the Los Angeles testing center. And they have been extremely successful. That location has been targeting Latinos who don’t speak English, and that has also all but ended thanks to their efforts.
I understand you might feel there is something morally wrong with what they are doing. But I think it might be that you don’t fully understand American culture after being in Scientology your whole life
Americans on both sides of the isle feel strongly about free speech and being within the Law is part of our moral compass.
William, Lara, Jessica, and others are using free speech to end scientology. They are in essence “fair gaming” scientology, within the confines of American law. Read the comments under their videos. They have unbelievable support from both former scientologists and never-ins alike.
They could use your knowledge and support.
William has been an LA cop watcher for years and is more knowledgeable about the corruption within the police and how to deal with it than anyone else fighting scientology.
Based on your message here I checked out the videos you referred to. Hats off! William and Co. are really in the face of those body routers on Hollywood Boulevard.
While I cannot speak for Mike I would understand if he remains quiet. Keep in mind that he’s engaged in litigation against that cult. A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g he utters publicly is monitored by OSA, and you can bet, they will jump on the tiniest little thing to pervert into something that they can use against him.
NB: It would be absolutely fantastic if you could catch that COB entering his HQ on Hollywood on video.
This sounds like it’s as much fun as a root canal
Right?! I thought the same thing. Ugh
Read the ad carefully — it says “Competent, Productive and Happy Scientologist” — in the singular, meaning there’s only one of them. I wonder who it is.
Speaking of a “masterclass”, does deadmau5 still have one? I told the people in charge he shouldn’t years ago. I also told rolling stone and others about him. Its all on my blog FTR.
Glad you are doing well, Mike. 🍺
Off-topic but the idle orgs in Moscow and St Petersburg were reportedly closed down by the government in 2021. Do they still exist? Has the whole activity gone underground? What is the world’s fastest growing religion doing about it? Miskiewisz is awfully quiet about it. What’s actually happening with Scientology in Russia these days?
The “event” totally smells/sounds like a gang reg event. But hey! It is scamtology afterall isn’t it! Run folks, RUN!!
They should change their name to scatology. For the sake of truth in marketing.
And why are they spelling enrolment with two Ls?
Good question Graham,
Master Google says;
Both enrolment and enrollment are variants of the same word. Enrollment is the standard American spelling in the English language, while enrolment is for British English. Both terms refer to the act of enroling or enrolling or being enrolled.
Thanks. I’d guessed it was probably the Amerenglish way of spelling but it does look odd to English eyes, and as it’s supposed to be aimed at a British audience….
Cultural sensitivity never was a Scientology strong point.
I didn’t know it could be spelled with one L. XD
“Happy Scientologist?” I nearly hurt myself laughing. Reminds me, I need to go feed my Unicorn.
Sounds really lame.
Oh come on Mat… doesn’t this sound like a fun way to spend hours and days of your time?
And finally — what do they mean “Competent, Productive and Happy Scientologists”?
Clueless, Broke and Double-Plus-Good Robots.
… they left out “orphaned” and “friendless.” — unless, of course, one likes having faux friends and family.
They mean that there is no such thing. It is an oxymoron.
Yo Dave,
In yer case, leave off the ‘Oxy’ good buddy. I know You like yers straight!