This is a video from a scientologist in Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine.
I watched the 20 minute video and it is heartbreaking to hear what is happening in her country.
I don’t doubt the tragedy she recounts, her bravery and sincerity in making this video, or that she is asking for help. This situation is devastating.
But, this video also highlights several things about scientology and the mindset of a good scientologist.
After describing the horrors that are occurring, she hits upon a familiar theme — there is great urgency, the future of the planet it as stake and there are just hours left to do something about it….
This then leads into what she believes can be done by the scientology community around the world to save Ukraine and thus the planet, but first, a reminder that your honor is more important than your immediate life:
And then, the familiar “there are millions of scientologists around the world” (you can almost hear Miscavige “We are the largest private relief force on earth”):
So, what does she want those millions of scientologists to do?
Flow theta. Make positive postulates….
Just like the OT VIII’s bringing down the Berlin Wall, the theta power of the big beings and OTs will cause a miracle:
But of course, with scientology, there is always the rest of the asks — books to hand out (for “after the war” — though they want them donated now):
And to build an “ideal mission” — also after the war, though there were apparently only a few hours to save the planet?
Buy courses for people?
Don’t forget becoming a patron of a field group or a mission:
Or a person?
But perhaps the most telling thing about this video.
With millions of scientologists forming the largest private relief force on earth, less than 1,000 people have viewed the video in more than a week, and less than 100 have liked it.
This is the BIG LIE
Millions of scientologists?? Never has been. And there are less now than any time since the 60’s.
Leave it to a deluded Co$ ‘parishoner’ caught in this horrific genocidal slaughter (or as suggeted, part of an SMP production) to subvert it for promoting another campaign of evil.
This Ukrainian video presented for the viewing pleasure of the invaders better expresses their true sentiments:
“I wanted to take a weapon and end it all but then I realized that force cannot be stopped with force.”
Uh, what?
Force cannot be stopped with force?
Uh, isn’t that how most wars end?
Isn’t that how the Axis was defeated in World War II?
Isn’t that why Lee surrendered to Grant in 1865 thus ending the Civil War?
What is this woman babbling about?
Sad and delusional. Trusting Scientologists to do anything altruistic is like having the garbage man perform heart surgery. Scientology foments hate and greed. One more misguided ironic marketing ploy.
The most ethical group out there? Can’t be, the statement itself is a lie.
Oh, I have to keep reminding myself that it is ethical only by their own warped definition of ethical.
What a group!
“Look, just give us your damned money! We don’t really give shit about anything else. So empty your bank accounts, max out your credit cards (and use this handy how to get more cards guide if you can’t access the 12 credit cards in the drawer). Just fork it over and then go back into a coma until the next time.
Go out and find some of the other millions and millions of $camologists and pester and threaten them until they hand over their cash as well. Hell, lie to your relatives (if they are still talking to you) to finagle money out of them and send it to us so we can keep Dinky McMutant swimming in scotch…um, er, save the planet.”
There are truly no depths to which they will not sink, are there? And no human tragedy they will not try to exploit.
I feel sick.
As do I, feel sick that this seems a good chance for scientology’s poison to infect another country in the midst of struggles which opens its residents to believing scientology lies™. Hopefully, Ukraine will defeat both Putin and scientology pretty quickly.
War profiteers!
War, peace, pestilence: ANYthing which can improve dwarfenführer’s® bottom line. Nothing matters but the almighty STAT! Especially GROSS Income.
Hey, it ain’t “theta” until you’ve paid yer money…
Surrender your ass, your assets, your family, your dignity, your mental
and physical health…in order to “save the planet”.
Letting Pope Slappy pimp and punish you is “honorable” .
What a fucking evil hustle!
Moving – it’s good to hear and see someone who is obviously feeling responsible and pleading for the human race. If you haven’t been there yet, or aren’t Jewish, you may not realize that this has been more or less the reality in Israel for the last seventy years since Modern Israel has been accepted as a sovereign state. it is common for sirens to blare warnings and for people to run for cover – too common., Terrorists driving up onto sidewalks to run people over. Having to put steel and concrete posts on the sidewalks to prevent this. Learning to smile at all this sick behavior and being blamed for it all at the UN. Not so nice. It is easy to become sarcastic at Svetlanta’s pleas for help – to hold hands and stretch our e-meters around the globe and love everybody magically and hug the world so tight that all the hatred disappears. The only thing LRH said about Hitler was that he shouldn’t have attacked when he did — the other nations were giving him everything he asked for. But, why be sarcastic? This girl is really being honest! No, Svetlana – get your Scientology friends and get some weapons – anti-tank weapons and head east right now and get as many tanks as you can! This is how we defeated Hitler!!
Considering that my Great Grandparents came to America from what was ONCE “Russia”…i.e. Great Grandpa came from Lithuania & Great Grandma Apolonia came from Poland to the USA in 1890 at age 11….this has me to the point of boiling over in RAGE. HOW DARE she insult my intelligence or the intelligence of anyone else with a PITCH FOR MONEY to go to COS.
WTF??? I damned well KNEW they weren’t going to send the $$$$$$$ to the Ukraine…to President Zelensky for his soldiers to have enough ammunition & FOOD & God HELP THEM let this end.
Putin is a sick man, & his “conscripts” are murderers of men, women & children as well as RAPIST of women & children. The saddest part is nothing will be done about it, these men will never pay for what they’ve done.
Sadly my Great Grandpa would NOT teach ANY of his 11 children the Lithuanian or Polish language since he said “YOU LIVE IN AMERICA”…..& he learned English very quickly but left his home language back home.
I have picked up a few words in Poiish courtesy of my husband’s family….I only wish I knew more, especially Ukranian so I could help somehow.
PLEASE if ANYONE or ANY PLACE in your home state or country is accepting donations of clothing including underwear for men, women & children, also coats, sweaters, shoes, socks boots & DIAPERS & feminine products….something as small as a bar of SOAP, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, combs…wash clothes, bath towels, shampoo…..please even ONE DOLLAR would help.Thank You.
COS can go F**k themselves the money grabbing Bast***s
Well if the eradication of Scientology in the Ukraine region is imminent, perhaps letting the country fall might be good idea since Russia does consider Scios an undesirable race. Any country that allows Scientology to exist should go, period. Not much else to say.
How many OT8s does it take? It’s clearly time for Miscavige, Tom Cruise, and Kirstie Alley to up their postulates before it’s too late. And when it comes time to rebuild the Ukraine, an Ideal Org is the obvious priority. But . . .
I can understand the temptation to slip into magical thinking. Things often seem overwhelming and when faced with devastation – whether it be in the Ukraine, Yemen, or the threat of global environmental catastrophe – some will make postulates and others will hope the aliens will come and save us. Perhaps it’s the same reason that people wait for JFK Jr to return. It’s not simply a matter of delusion, but delusion runs deep.
“I can understand the temptation to slip into magical thinking.”
Yes, when people have no solutions; when there is NOTHING they can do to cure or correct a situation that spells their ultimate doom; when they are completely overwhelmed, when its all just way too much and they consider that there’s no way out, they turn to delusion. Because they don’t have it in them to kill themselves. They’re still physically alive and there’s too much mental pain so they comfort themselves with delusion.
Many people in this country are doing exactly this. They are being fed the most outrageous, ridiculous, easily debunked lies and they are believing them. They can and do believe anything – anything! From anyone, anywhere! If it makes them even feel a little bit better, only just a little less hopeless, they’ll grab onto it and believe it.
I correlate these non-Scientologist Americans, this “I Am Finished And Have No Future So Tell Me Anything That Will Make Me Feel Better And Convince Me That Its Not My Fault” crowd – I correlate this group of Americans with the long term Still In Scientologists who believe anything that Miscavige tells them – anything. That’s how desperate they are to believe that Miscavige knows what he’s doing and cares about them. For these long term Scientologists (excepting UTRs of which one hopes there are many) for these Still Ins, ANY lie will do, so long as they don’t have to confront having been lied to for the past 30 or 40 years – or worse, if they were born into the cult, having to deal with the utter shock of realizing they’ve been lied to from birth. Talk about “Too Gruesome”…nah. Its too much. Delusion is the solution. And for Scientologists they manage this without drugs. Miscavige’s lies are their drugs. Not so the deluded non-Scientologist. They need some chemical help to keep believing the BS they’re being fed.
I that stuff really worked then there would be no more wars already. but there are. and will continue to be.
They should try reaching out to the Russian military and see how that works for them. After all, part of their “religion” is patterned after military life.
Well sort of, not really. But they think so.
The church could provide their services for free, if they wanted.
Or they could just provide introductory services for free, if they wanted.
Or they could offer Ukrainians a special “war package” discount, if they wanted.
They could train a legion of book one auditors and send them out to audit the masses, all for free, if they wanted.
But they don’t.
“By their actions you will know them.”
They are not interested in real dissemination.
They are not interested in clearing the planet.
They are not interested in getting the masses up and out of “the trap.”
Services must be paid for in full, even though they are out of financial reach to 99% of the public.
If other scientologists can be made to foot the bill, so be it.
“It will be found that those who will pay were the most able to begin with and have the greatest value to others. Their worth as persons is greater.” — HCO PL 9 MAY 1965, Auditing Fees, Preferential Treatment of Preclears, Scale of Preference.
Their worth as ” prey” was considerable to the Tilden Twat, and
continues to be so to Little Lord “Fuck-ahoy”, the hardest working
ecclesiastical sociopath on Teegeeack…
Is this the Svetlana who is an MAA at the Flag Sandcastle?
Our planet is in real danger and time is running out … in HOURS?????!!!!!!
Great. Another lunatic.
And spare me the bullshit about the Code of Honor. Yes, there are some fine points on it, but NOTHING you are allowed to apply in the CoS. One day when “captain” Lundeen was regging me at ASHO, I refused to participate quoting a point from the Code and I thought his head was gonna explode. When I repeated it to one of his 19 year old ethics henchboys, the idiot screamed at me, SHUT UP! THAT’S ENEMY LINE!
Sorry, I don’t have the spare 20 minutes for this video, the usual talking points don’t interest me enough to spend that much time on it. Suffice to say, I will be spending my money elsewhere. I’m a big tipper and the people I help where I live actually appreciate it .
*suggest she call Arte Maren, Drew Johnston and the Chan Man. They got moolah to spare for such noble pursuits. I’ll leave clearing the planet up to these courageous theta warriors and their pals.
And where the hell are all of those damn phamphlets anyway?
Yo Dave,
Can You git off yer ass and send some of yer calming booklets to Svetlana so she can handle this crisis. Yer slackin off dirtbag ……….. git on it!
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Svetlana
To: David Miscavige COB RTC.
From: Alcoboy.
Re: Why doesn’t he get that?
Why doesn’t he get that?
Hmmm. Let’s see.
Um, failing orgs, crashing stats, you living a luxury lifestyle, you slapping people all the time……..
Get the picture?
No love at all,
To: Alcoboy.
From: Lieutenant Commander Shanaynay Muhammad, Nation of Islam/ Sea Org.
Re: calling COB ‘slappy’.
I will be at your house soon to conduct your Committee of Evidence. Charges against you are referring to David Miscavige as ‘slappy’.
Lieutenant Commander Shanaynay Muhammad, Nation of Islam/Sea Org.
To: Lieutenant Commander Shanaynay Muhammad, Nation of Islam/ Sea Org aka Bootylicious
From: Alcoboy
Re: Committee of Evidence
Okay, Bootylicious, I have a question! Are you still hiding from the police?
Unfortunately the video must have been withdrawn.
From the images I suspect it is not an improvised video.
I’m willing to bet there’s New Era pubs behind it.
In other words, the conclusion is that making “theta flows” means making money flows.
However, I do not think she is talking about welcoming refugees in other countries as we are also doing here in Italy.
What happens there is truly heartbreaking, but that the solution is ultimately just asking for money for materials and the like (and making postulates) is really painful to hear.
Self delusion is very hard to break through. But the ‘give me money’ theme is what is the feature here. It’s not a war, it’s a fund raising opportunity.
What the Ukraine is going through right now is beyond a war crime, it is genocide. And F&*k Putin and his army of war criminals.
I may be repeating myself. As a former Combat Rifleman I simply can’t undervalue a shovel.
I’m surprised that you can still buy shovels, what with the millions and millions and millions of $camologists buying them up to move all the bs that Dweebus Merdemonster keeps spewing in his never ending quests to create new ways of removing money from the sheepbots and opening more offshore bank accounts.