Some serious hype inflation is ramping up for the grand re-re-ribbon cutting festivities in PAC. OMG!!!!
One week away and they are “getting promo put together for you… to spread the news far and wide.” Just a faction too little, too late.
Hi Xxxx,
As you may know, AOLA and ASHO are Grand Opening on March 1st! COB was in Copenhagen for the Grand Opening AOSHEU and announced it to the crowd!
I will get you the finalized agenda in short order, but in the meantime I wanted to give you the heads up about this so we can really utilize it to its fullest. We are getting promo put together for you to get out to your field to spread the news far and wide.
The Hollywood Life Improvement Center is going to be opening as the first part of the festivities on Friday night at 6pm.
On Saturday, everyone is meeting at PAC at 11 AM for the Grand Opening ceremony. Immediately following, there will be tours of the completely transformed AOLA and ASHO – the ultimate Ideal Sea Org Service Orgs comprising the Ideal Pac Base! This alone is such a monumental moment for the Continent, no one will want to miss it!
In the early evening, most likely at 6pm, all WUS Orgs will be gathering in the brand new ASHO Chapel for a First Ideal Cont Summit. We will have the best of the best Ideal Org makers there, and we will have you and all of YOUR best there – to participate in a monumental moment where every one in attendance pledges to make their Org Ideal this year and get into action to make that happen.
All of the WUS IS BEST are going to be there – even the Ideal Org EDs will be there to flow power and help get the rest of the Cont to Ideal!
But it seems “COB” will NOT be opening the test center — that is “guest speaker” only…. Probably too scared to do that one as there is no way they will be closing down all of Hollywood Blvd for this. Thus, he would have to be out in the open, visible to the unwashed masses.
And yet this is the only really newly opened facility.
Tells you where his priorities lie.
He is becoming more and more of a recluse who fears any interaction with other humans that is not completely controlled.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
That’s what happens when devotion to MEST is substituted for real service to one’s fellows.
Back logged comment.
Was gonna comment on this “Monumental” event yesterday but ended up going to the Spy Museum instead.
And today I gotta lotta spare time on my hands so I figured what the hell?
Let’s see.
It’s taken ’em almost as long to get this Test Center AKA the HI as the Super Power building and I don’t remember how times they’ve renovated and re-renovated and re-re-renovated the Pac Base.
(Guess they had to do something with all the SO members they assigned to the Decks and RPF.
Never mind the Tech/Admin ratio.
In this town I think estates personal outnumber all staff in other divisions combined.)
The idiocy of all these “upgrades” is just unbelievable.
When you look at the times when the place was most packed with public was when the AC and the elevators didn’t work right and the BC still looked like a maternity ward.
Heard it was even worse back at Temple Street where the place had the ambiance of an abandoned warehouse. Yet they had twice as many people on the BC back then.
AO was just as bad.
During the winter. The space heaters that Tech Service supplied to all us auditors would blow out the circuit breaker.
A flash light wasn’t just an item on the check list but a necessity back then. But despite auditing by flash light at times the PCs/Pre OTs used to fill up the reception rooms beyond capacity. So much so that tech services had to put couches in the hallways and still there wasn’t enough room for ’em all.
Many of them ended up hanging out in the stairwells which back then were open air.
Now the place looks so… apocalyptic.
Every time I drive by it looks like an empty stage set that should be moved to a new home in the back lot of Paramount or Universal.
Really sad.
Thanks for the nostalgia, RV. I remember the same things you did and it brought a sigh of how fun times were back then. And now it is as you say a set waiting to be put on the truck and hauled to Paramount Studios.
Reminds me of the Steve Miller song ‘Take The Money and Run’
Apart from the fact he won’t run
it’s gotta be scary to be miscavige. i just couldn’t live that…….with so many pianos hanging over my head never knowing when and which one will drop. same as being a gangster………you know deep down somewhere out there an ugly fate is waiting for you.
It is the ” chopper tech” that keeps him hidden. He is petrified of that monster bird.
Doesn’t he love the smell of napalm in the morning?
Since Scientologists are used to listen to taped lectures:
How many times are they gonna re-open the fucking test center???? When I was on the RPF we did all the furniture for that and the ABLE building. My unit did the exterior stucco TWICE because we were told smooth, then some bastard from INT came down and “didn’t like it” so we got lowers and all that bullshit and THEN had to re do it again. I wonder how many times they did the stucco this time? Jesus they are desperate. Plus there are WAY too many crazies on Hollywood Blvd. Not just the ex-scientologists and SP’s like me but genuine crazies.
Best of the Best Fundraising Summit
Anyone over the age of 10 not allowed !
Make that 1.
Ok, do I show up to this stupendous! Monumental! Once in a Lifetime! Earthshaking! planet changing! Event at 6:00 per the email and risk being early and having my pockets picked by the drooling jackals waiting at the coat check room (erm Regges) or do I show up at 6:30 per the promo and risk being fleeced by the ethics officer sending me for a sec chech for daring to be a CICS and show up late or do I not show up at all and wait for them to show up at my door and drag me int ethics?
Wow. The choices a person still stuck in the bubble gets to make are nothing short of breathtakingly nauseating. Freedom my ass.
Tell then you’re on medical leave in Geneva.
Save money on ribbons today with the incredible new and very discreet portable sewing machine! You don’t even have to remove the old ribbon! Just sew it right back up, and you’re ready to cut again in mere seconds! And nobody will see you do it! Meet your legal department’s demands without being noticed! Don’t waste your valuable PR money constantly buying new ribbons! Due to recent unexplained unprecedented demand, ribbon supplies are short! And look how messy they are to unroll! Yick! Who wants to expend all that time and effort and money getting a new ribbon in place? Double, triple, go geometrical in expansion with your ribbon cutting ceremonies! Recycle, and cut your costs as well, with the amazing new portable sewing machine! A cut ribbon can be repaired in seconds! Ready to cut again in an instant! And it’s YOUR secret!
This guy should buy a synonyms dictionary so he could write other words instead of the over-repetitive “monumental” adjective.
Ah….and there is going to be a ‘monumental’ regging…yes, I know, I also used his “monumental” vocabulary.
Message to DM as quoted in ‘The Dark Knight’ – “Do you have any idea who you’re stealing from? You and your friends are dead!”
Kim Un Jong has the same problem in North Korea.
Quan Jue ( throwing critic’s to starving dogs) creates bad PR
Building special prisons like the”HOLE” does not help either.
Armored vans not armored enough.
What is an insane despot to do ?
“…the ultimate Ideal Sea Org Service Orgs comprising the Ideal Pac Base! This alone is such a monumental moment for the Continent, no one will want to miss it!”
So now it’s an ULTIMATE Ideal…whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I notice they stopped using quite so many exclamation points. Wonder why.
Just so “they” know. What would make it ideal to me personally is if they started to call F/Ns properly; treated everyone with respect and dignity; quite declaring SP everyone who thinks it’s inappropriate for their fearless leader to beat, torture, humiliate and generally suppress the staff; audit and C/S for the PC not the organization; quit suppressing the field; allow disagreement with any questionable tech point; quit lying about their stats; quit being so friggin self-righteous; knocked off the “only-one” valence; quit murdering their unborn babies; become more spiritual instead of utterly MEST oriented; quit disconnecting mothers and fathers from their children; bla bla bla…
The more I look at it, the more it appears that the church is dead.
It’s like asking a nuclear explosion to stop wasting energy. I’m not sure the tech has not been developed to audit an organization and restore its abilities. If it were, and the Co$ were audited properly, the grouper engram at the top would be the first to blow.
Like popping a pimple.
Gawd I guess this moron needs to keep the announcements going so the legal teams and judges around the country know how busy he is!!!!!!! what a waste of time! DM where are the products?
Spot on.
Don’t you ever, ever, ever question me again. Lou!!!
Monumental, stupendous, earth shattering. Feel free to use whatever adjectives you want. Don’t hold back!
How about “Witless, Compliant and Destitute” ?
That’ll work.
The product of Scientology these days seems to be manufactured monumental moments.
Yes, and apparently the highest state of existence one can achieve within that organization is …..Ribbon Cutter. Must be true, because that’s what the top dude is all about.
Time to write up his hat.
Re: the Life Improvement Center, the HI building was already entirely gutted for this all the way back in 2006, all the SO members who used to berth there moved out and crammed into other already overcrowded berthing. And the planning for doing this goes back even earlier. Seems the fastest growing religion in the history of all is a little on the slow side when it comes to doing something. Another byproduct of sociopathic mismanagement by Miscavige – he who does everything even though when it comes to the consequences had nothing to do with any of it.
“He is becoming more and more of a recluse who fears any interaction with other humans that is not completely controlled.”
Well his fears may be justified. He has created situations in families for example that are so severe that revenge becomes a possible option for someone in search of relief.
When I was relatively new to Scientology I was stunned while on course to read that it was a natural inclination for someone to want to murder their suppressor-that’s right. It made sense of course but I didn’t think I would actually find it written (as I said I was pretty green).
This may have been removed from the PTS/SP Course but maybe some others remember this as well and know the exact reference. This was around 1985.
Just how big is this ” brand new ASHO Chapel” that will hold a ‘Summit’?
“Please reply to confirm your attendance” – they want this by mail? On a one week notice?
“In the early evening, most likely at 6pm, all WUS Orgs will be gathering in the brand new ASHO Chapel for a First Ideal Cont Summit.”
Uh Oh !…Danger Will Robinson…. leave all wallets, credit cards, car keys, kids, etc behind. They are out to get you !!
As for the non-appearance of DM at the test center, Mike you are 100% correct, not only is it the lack of control, it’s only a test center after all….way below his “status”.
How awesome. An Ideal Sea Org Pac MUSEUM featuring artifacts of a by gone era and a bye-bye religion called “Scientology” complete with animated statues of people that used to be actual “Scientologists”.
I wonder if the Hollywood tourist buses are going to start putting the “Pac Base” on their route? Next destination immediately after the Hollywood Wax Museum I’m thinking.
Yes it sucks to be Miscavage. Hiding, only going out in highly controlled areas where the unwashed masses cannot see him, where helicopters cannot buzz him and photograph empty seats and photos of the crowd sans photoshopping. Body guards, armored cars, what else, Davie? I sometimes wonder if he is trying to do a life continuum of LRH in some ways, the part where he ends up alone, hiding, in the desert in a trailer. If he is going to do a life continuum, how about continuing to uphold the real tech, standard tech as set forth by LRH without all the deletions and changes and alterations?
Can you even imagine him holding a question and answer period with public Scientologists and new public?
Yes I can. So long as it was done in a locked room with reg-types on the doors so that people asking questions could be led straight off for $EC checking. If they can’t find cash the questioners can “volunteer” their way into the RPF. After all when you don’t have toilet paper in the washrooms they get very dirty.
“…We will have the best of the best Ideal Org makers there, and we will have you and all of YOUR best there – to participate in a monumental moment where every one in attendance pledges to make their Org Ideal this year and get into action to make that happen.
All of the WUS IS BEST are going to be there – even the Ideal Org EDs will be there to flow power and help get the rest of the Cont to Ideal!”
Even the most ardent Kool-Aid sipper can surely see this is going to be a monumental ‘crush regging’ event. It brings back horrendous memories of ‘friendly staff’ posted at the exits to ward off any counter intention you may be experiencing.
Ms. Haven, my thoughts exactly! It seems strange to me that they would telegraph it so plainly.