Really? This is the best they have?
OT Ambassadors from “61 org fields” did not even fill the ballroom of the Ft Harrison.
61 org fields is more than half all the orgs on earth. And this is THE big deal in scientology, more important than anything else with more time and effort and force devoted to it than any program in the history of scientology. I would estimate there are about 125 people in this photo — they either didn’t have 250 people there or they couldn’t persuade them to be in a photoshoot. More likely the former as they routinely exaggerate everything even when there is a photo accompanying the falsehood. And let’s not forget this is the “biggest OT Committee on earth”at Flag and they claim to have 100 plus members themselves.
They are actually promoting this as something to be proud of (shows you how warped one’s sense of the rightness of things becomes inside the bubble).
And of course the representatives from Pasadena learned they are supposed to become SH Size. That must have been quite a revelation for them. And this vacant ideal org has been open for SIX YEARS now. I seem to recall L. Ron Hubbard said it did not take long to build a SH Size org – a matter of weeks. All that was required was having a purpose and “doing it.” So how is it that after six months, let alone six years it is still not SH Size? They got no purpose? They just aren’t doing it? Oh, I know, they are just not applying the “tech” correctly – but they were all “trained” at the model ideal org in LA?? Maybe they havent read the OEC (would not be a surprise as it is not available because it’s “squirrel” by decree of Dear Leader)? But Starbucks has managed to expand without “admin tech” and they just sell coffee, not the answers to life and a guarantee of happiness for eternity. Some months ago Pasadena even had a series of “Sea Org Missions” that “are making Pasadena SH Size.” Obviously didn’t happen and they apparently slunk back to where ever they came from.
Coincidentally, yesterday afternoon at 3 pm someone walked by Pasadena Org and reported there was not a SINGLE person visible on the ground floor (Div 6) other than a staff member standing outside the front door apparently assigned to “body route” but not even approaching anyone, let alone successfully getting them in the door and second staff member standing next to a FART Div 6 display. ZERO public were visible inside. In the little lane next door there were two staff smoking a cigarette. This org is not only not SH Size, it is likely not making enough income to pay its bills.
This is the reality of ideal orgs.
Day after day and month after month the Cherch of Scientology is getting smaller and smaller with less influence than at any previous point in history. I am so thankful for this. It is a blessing. Thank you COB.
Hey Mike. Kinda seems like Pasadena has achieved “SH size”… very few staff and what one sees are doing nothing… no public to say of… no one on line. Seriously… isn’t SH puny too?
PS (Best to you and your family 🙂
Good point Rob. I guess they are about SH size, as are most orgs. Perhaps that is the thing we have all been missing!
The mission I worked at or any mission in California could have attracted a crowd like this any time, for any purpose, back in the day. The old timers must be slapping themselves in the face, asking, “Wha hoppin?”
The OEC Volumes are…”squirrel”? By decree of the new leader?
Man, that’s a lot of green ink.
So, I guess that means the Red books, too, are… void?
Is that really true?
I confess, I missed the memo.
That tech, according to Hubbard, was supposed to be “Universal”,
as in “applicable to any group or organization”. He said you could call yourself an org and go straight to the condition of Power, applying this information…(blah blah blah)
Sometimes I do wonder if David isn’t out to simply run the church down into the ground,
he does so many things so wrong,
– as THE Executive in charge of the – zoo, circus, whatever.
[“most notorious, predatory profit-oriented cult on Earth”, you may quote me freely]
He must be trying to build an excuse to pack his bags and head for some remote island.
(for whatever good his bags of cash would do for him there, I would not know…)
That’s the only sense it, his behavior, could possibly make,
I would have to be crazy, trying to make sense of a lunatic/megalomaniac.
with GAT II all non-GAT II materials were thrown away at Flag. OEC/Tech Vols, packs, dictionaries, EVERYTHING. In qual they have the “new” basic books and lectures, and a couple of these new packs, vol one and two, of HCOBs. (I think they were called ‘Auditing References’ or something similar) The qual library in the new Flag Building is only full of GAT II course packs, basics and basic lectures, and these two small binders. The course rooms have nothing except the current acceptable english dictionaries and the basic books.
everything else was garbaged.
There are no tech dictionaries, no admin dics, no tech vols, no OEC no update packs, no old course packs, no references.
The sups were going nuts as they also lost the “pilot dictionary”. If you want to clear a word you have to use the glossary in your pack or look through all of the basic books glossaries. NO SCN DICTIONARIES. At the Flag building they have loaded the basic book glossaries on a central computer program with screens and keypads in the course room and to look up words, but ONLY that which is in the basic book glossaries. Nothing else. There is no way to “clear all the definitions” in the old way.
Flag AO did not have these screens, so in the OT course rooms at flag you were just screwed in looking up words. If it’s not in the glossary it’s not to be had, the sups were SOOOO despondent. If you needed to go look at a random reference, NOPE. (many times in HCOBs there are mentions of all kinds of things one might want to refresh one’s memory of, a quick trip to the Tech Vols to look at a GF 40 or something. NOPE! Not anymoreeeeeee)
and just to rub this all in…..
it’s not that way at Class V orgs. I know of 3 class V orgs that still have the tech and admin dictionaries, the tech vols, the OEC, all the old packs and update packs, etc..
So StanDarD TechNoloGy is DiffErEnT dePending On WherE you sTudY.
We used to chinese school the definition of that shit.
“Standard! a definite level or degree of quality that is proper and adequate for a specific purpose!
Technology!: the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself!” (I yelled that in unison for months)
I’ve thought this was all BS for years. Go to Flag, AOLA, AOSH, (and apparently some Ideal Orgs) and you cleared words in The Pilot Dictionary. Go to a regular old part-time-struggling-piss-ass-poor Class V org and you cleared the same word in the old “Red Dictionary” full of BTB references and so on. Standard, ..? “Having the correct technology?” ten points of KSW? (I know that shyte verbatim as well. *gak)
Oh jeezus.
it’s all so much bullshit.
I could not fathom why no one else was screaming about this. Now… I just laugh.
It’s such a circus.
“I could not fathom why no one else was screaming about this.”
Everyone that ever DID scream about it was either RPF’d, assaulted or declared. Like other tyrannies, Scientology does not redress grievances…it simply punishes / banishes those who raise concerns.
The very few old timers that are still around keep their heads down as they have seen what happened to others who spoke up. The younger folks have no memory of the previous situation so they just go along with the new set of lies.
The empty Orgs, even FLAG, are the unarguable result.
you’re probably right. But I wasn’t staff at GAT II release, I was public, and I did my own share of trying to raise the roof (carefully)
I’ve been a bit bold and brassy with writing things up, but…
as it turns out…
those reports probably are still waiting in in-baskets of the long-gone.
Well, that clears it up for me, secret-for-now.
(well enough)
I actually have that red dictionary, got out with it some 40 years hence.
Guess it’s a collectable item now, kinda like Hitlers’ china.
I have heard such stories about how David Miscavige trashed, excuse me, “altered” the tech.
Until now, I thought that talk was partly the biased opinion of the oppressed-escaped. Now I see credence where it is due.
How could he think it was ‘right’ to make it impossible to look up words?
The question assumes thinking was involved.
Hubbard was so ardent about that. (after all, … to keep the tech “sealed”, he demanded every word be “CLEARED”, his hypnotic text unaltered)
Now I’m giving more validity to the notion that the new leader is largely, personally responsible for the hastening of the inevitable demise of his forsaken “church”, and that he managed the feat by being stupid. Stupid is really too good a word, as it implies a certain absence of intent.
Yes, we are talking about you, DAVID MISCAVIGE.
– Thanks, Mr. Secret, Mr. W, Dawn
and everybody.
So what it seems like is that everything will be re-done and re-released. (or not, or it’s taking so long because the staff halls echo with emptiness)
All the lower tech stuff was re-done, re-released, and mandated to be done. (St. Hat – levels) From what I’ve seen there is still no SHSBC/Class VIII, and I’ve assumed it’s because it’s not GAT II yet.
If I was wagering, I’d bet there is no delivery planet wide of OEC to public, Data Series Eval Course, KTL/LOC, PRD, etc.
I would bet that nothing is being delivered except the re-released GAT II version. The entire push is basics, lectures, GATII, purif, SRD. I know that when I was at Flag we only had the above, with the new PTS SP course thrown in. and SRD, of course.
Ever since AOLA had the new pilot dic we’ve been waiting for the new dictionaries. They came out with the “hard to find” dic, (for org use only) but that’s it.
Since the year 2000 or before (anyone know?) higher orgs used the pilot dic and all the other orgs used the Tech and Admin Dics.
Study and training has not been uniform and standard with the same materials for 16 years at minimum.
Long ago, we DID learn that one must clear words per HCOB Clearing Words, and that is ouuuuut the window with GAT II. Can’t clear all the defs without a dic.
aaaand… what the sups tell you? They tell you the glossary is the dic for now. and you can see the sweat bead their foreheads and their eyes beg you not to point out the obvious too loudly.
Dent, ya HAVE to admit (if you have tried to follow that green ink) that it is pretty insane stuff that does NOT result in expansion and never has. Just like the “Red Ink” has NEVER lead to any clears & OTs.
Ya can’t argue with failure.
The whole business model of a Scientology org is based on getting much more than 40 hours a week out of each employee and then not having to pay them more than about 20-30 bucks for it.
And then, making them feel guilty for not working hard enough to get paid even minimum wage, let alone a living wage.
Dent, it’s trying to rationalise the unrational. It can’t be done.
Scientology, in the person of David Miscavige, expects to have something that any business would envy: infinite pricing power, by which I mean that no matter what they charge for their products, there will be a sufficient number of people who will buy them to sustain the organization at both the local and international levels. He worsens this situation by having high fixed costs in the form of expanding the number of organizations that the cash flow must sustain.
I doubt that Miscavige could get along on an assessment equal to the Peter’s Pence collection that the Vatican levies on Catholic churches. It is equal to about one weekly collection, based on what my father, who counted the weekly collection, told me thirty years ago. There is also an equal assessment made by the diocese, so about 4% of what a given church collects annually goes to these special assessments that support church bureaucracy at both the diocese and international level.
When an organization is screaming for money to be kicked upstairs weekly, something is very, very wrong.
“How do we expand fast enough to clear Earth?” … ????? What never fails to surprise me greatly (well, of course it really DOESN’T surprise me anymore) is the complete snow job that all these old timers have DONE ON THEMSELVES! The older Scientologists still in have simply occluded the early and mid 1970s when many orgs WERE actually FULL and expanding, training auditors to go out and “clear the planet.” What’s more, in addition to the bizarre idea they have that the CoS is “expanding” even though it is continually shrinking, they go into agreement that TONS of former top Scientologists, auditors, case supervisors and course supervisors, who of course would be absolutely essential to “clearing the planet” have now “turned into” SUPPRESSIVE PERSONS!!! These old timers will believe any rumor or untruth about how degraded these individuals are without EVER adding it all up that so many people who have been highly audited and trained have headed apparently in the opposite direction to complete degradation. These old timers apparently NEVER even notice the outpoint!
To any sane observer, the old timers in this photo are completely delusional. I will continue to say that David Miscavige, in his chosen field, is a fucking GENIUS! He has not only gotten rid of all dissent to his actions, but he has VERY smartly plugged in another stable datum/game for these old timers to grab onto on their way to their own graves … THE IDEAL ORG! THE SOLUTION TO HOW TO CLEAR THE PLANET! To even believe any of this scheme in the face of the ACTUAL FACTS ON THE GROUND, these old timers must be completely lost as beings, which of course they actually are. (and oh … Sita, Sita, Sita, … sorry to see that you have gone completely brainwashed since I last saw you twenty five years ago … no wonder you in-laws, Lance and Val Whalin and their two daughters have to stay under the radar, pretending to still be Scientologists while never doing a service or contributing any money, while disconnecting from former friends … these people as beings are truly lost).
I wonder what percentage of an org’s field is actually on board and in agreement with the strategy of Ideal Orgs, what percentage “go along so that they can get on VII/stay on VII”, and what percentage stay home and hope it blows over someday.
I was on staff during the dream of Going Old Saint Hill and at one time believed it might even be possible someday. I was off staff by the time of Ideal orgs and never ever bought into it. (I’d read the HCOPL and knew Miss Cabbage was squirreling its intent) Once I was even bold enough to give a carefully worded opinion to a Flag MAA
I’m soooo happy to say that I’ve avoided giving to any org. Not one thin dime. I bought a lifetime IAS as it was cheaper than yearlys, and that’s it. (I’ve nothing to be happy about except escaping and not giving extra cashola. That’s it. Period and full stop, everything else was a waste!)
I think your snowed old timers are a small percentage of org fields.
on anther tack: I’m actually glad of this whole Ideal BS. It’s driving people out, and that’s a good thing. Any way out is a good thing.
It is truly sad to see the unworkability of Scientology organizations. The use of degradation, false purpose, unreal targeting, command channels that destroy comm lines, and an utter lack of organizational reflection or true quality control is the policy. The real proof of the pudding is how lrh died. He did exactly like his own example of the woman who introverts on all her dynamics in the danger formula in the ethics book. He was pts as hell and not at all a testimony
to his own philosophy. The sadness is that auditing works and the reactive mechanisms will continue to be restimulated so that culture will continue to go to hell in a hand basket. You can’t use force and a paramilitary organization and pass it off as humanitarian, especially when combined with extreme arrogance.
It should be Dread Leader. That was a staged photo if ever I saw one. Was there anyone under the age of forty in that group? Most of them looked like they were discussing what nursing home they were going into soon. I also noticed that the exit was effectively blocked off by the regges and pond police…sorry, Sea Org that run the joint.
From what I could see, there were 9 rows of 12 across. 108! Pretty sad showing. And one wonders just how many of those were shooped? LOL
The worst enemy of DM is called DM
Dave’s Expansion Formula:
1. Hold self up as the conduit to Ron
2. Demand obedience by instilling fear (threaten their eternity)
3. Con public out of money using Ideal Org, Fight The Psychs, et al.
4. Shame staff into working under threat and enforce penalties while I live in luxury
5. Hold lavish events showing my brilliance using state of the art CGI
6. Increase my assets and real estate holdings
The “Fight the Psych’s” strategy is the best one for the dishonest person. Anybody might know, that Psych’s are just like dormant clusters. They don’t do anything on their own they wouldn’t know how to do unless given the chance to do it. So why go up to them and “punch them in the face”? Isn’t that kind of PTS a bit, before one has actually hooked up with a Psych? The Church of Scientology, these days its scriptures come from the Holy Bible. OT’s for Jesus. 🙂
The orgs aren’t empty. They’re spacious.
Yeah, yeah! Dat’s da ticket! They’re spacious! That ought to bring in floods of people….
I wish we had +1 buttons on this site. +1 !!!!
“But Starbucks has managed to expand without “admin tech” and they just sell coffee, not the answers to life and a guarantee of happiness for eternity.”
This little sentence is a laser to the very center of the heart of truth.
If the “tech” could make OTs, it would have, and planetary expansion and succor wouldn’t have even needed “Five Years” (written in 1965)
Every new level, book, or process after DMSMH was merely an excuse for the lie and failure of the prior lies.
If a clear was a clear and an Ot was an Ot… you couldn’t stop the stampede.
The stresses of the Ideal Orgs not actually fulfilling the Field of Dreams promise must make for some hellacious strain on local org execs right up the thinning lines.
*shudder (and munches popcorn too!)
Tell me what it takes to let you go
Tell me that my touch didn’t mean all that much
let it go
let it go
let it go…
Given 106-125 attendees from a group of 61 orgs, presumably after high pressure to get people to attend, this photo is yet more evidence that the criminal cult of $cientology is dead. It’s just that a few people have not figured that out yet.
Visualize (postulate for you ex-sci folks): David Miscavig in prison.
Probably not even a real photo. When I was going to the Stevens Creek org 2009-2011, anytime they needed a promo of “public” they rounded up the staff, dressed them up (with the best looking youngest ones most prominent) and took pictures of that. The courser rooms rarely had more than 5 people at one time that were actually public, but the promo pics of course rooms were filled with staff & sea org in wog clothing. It took me a while to put it all together that this was the state of the entire organization.
it seems to me that this religion does to the people what you see in the buildings, beautiful on the outside but empty inside , just a facade, what a sad joke.
Hi Mike, I was carefully looking ai the picture of the OT Ambassadors and Comittee Members.As a member of the over 60 Club I empathize with aging.Yet please,here are some points that came to me after looking.
Did the pitted prunes get passed around before the photo?
Did all the lovely Thetans get something for their iron poor blood – even a plate of fresh spinach?
Everyone seems to be huddling across their chairs.The hearing aid run down will commence shortly.It really seems like a scene from a slowly fading movie.May that continue until nothing is left.xo
Ann, as always, razor sharp observations. Pass the pitted prunes and the hearing aid rundown: Scientology in action indeed.
Why are all the participants paired off and talking to each other? It looks like some ‘training routine’ that isn’t going well. I guess that is the Amway inspired part of the ‘convention’. Remember that each participant paid to do this. And because there are so few, they couldn’t go to the Fleecewinds. I have to wonder how much the Fleecewinds is making on their current diet of ‘Prosperity’ conventions?
Those mOrgs singled out for special mention are now on notice that they have to produce or the next Sea bOrg mission will be taking over their mOrg. The example of LA Day and Foundation should be fresh in every clam mind.
That is the future of $cientology. Loyal, but non-producing Staff getting fired and replaced with people in steak house uniforms. Uniforms that will not produce any more income than the old staff.
A “grey hair” that I know, managed to get his daughter into the sea org. I suppose that,
in his mind, it further guaranteed his own eternity. Never mind if She wakes up 40 years
later with mesothelioma from the freewinds. He was willing to pay any price for his own
eternity. And, “if She dies, She dies”, is an attitude we know all too well.
Here is what a Judge had to say about parents who use faith-healing rather than modern medicine:
Judge Margret G. Robb later wrote that “Parents, while free to make martyrs of themselves, are not free under identical circumstances to make martyrs of their children,” citing the Supreme Court’s 1944 decision.
Starbucks has no admin tech yet expands.
The ghost of LRH is screaming in front of the Pasadena Org.
Scientology buildings likely will just end up being repurposed when Scientology reaches it’s negative tipping point of participation.
Does anyone know if there are any ways to collect “body thetans” into large empty buildings.
Then the OT 8 Scientologists could give group processing to the collected “body thetans”.
Like a sort of Scientology Ghostbusters group counseling.
That’s a new service Miscavige I think could come up with!
Secret Course for OT 8s only, training them to group process “body thetans” and use the empty orgs!
Hubbard I think just wasn’t creative enough with the further extrapolative services that he ought to have thought up to hoodwink the “body thetan” believers into further activities they could pay for.
Ghostbusting “body thetans” ought to have evolved, I wonder why Hubbard didn’t go that far?
I guess getting the “body thetans” off one’s body was more personal and sellable compared to going out into the public and exorcising the “body thetans” in the wog world.
So much potential to further sell creative services relating to the “body thetan” population on earth that needs alleviating.
Skype Matrix
Chuck, you just defined OT 9 and 10! Now with extra whipping because your BTs are so down stat.
Thanks to the internet and all the exs who have testified, $cientology is no longer a mystery sandwich, it is just that crazy cult that enforces disconnection, coerced abortions, financial chicanery and couch jumping. No one wants to join that and as the minions get whipped to debt, they are leaving too.
Video kiosks can’t sell you your ‘ruin’, they can only bore you to sleep. A sleep that can’t come on the uncomfortable benches you have to sit on.
scientology, going the way of Border’s Books, not the Way to Starbucks Happiness.
I always liked Borders Books. Too bad it is gone.
And everyone looks so old!
That struck me too. Where’s all the fresh meat? Come on WOGs, get with the program – your OT committees need you!
Martin, what do you want, sirloin, tri-tip or filet? I’ve got a great Bordeaux waiting for you too….
Where is the best place in Pasadena to celebrate Taco Tuesday?
My favorite Mexican restaurant is Mijares on the west side of Pasadena on Pasadena Ave. Not sure of they have Taco Tuesday. Here in Huntington Beach, we go to Fred’s Cantina for Taco Tuesday. It’s right across from the pier. Fred’s is on the second floor with a panoramic view of the ocean. And the tacos are KILLER!
leave it to Surfer Dude to provide useful information
Yes, and so many are bald.
Pffft… Ideal/empty…same diff.
Done pseudo church, gone pseudo church.
Ideal Org, there’s only one way to be, you said it,
(teehee, teehee)
Because I’m using “eating tech” my waistline is expanding a lot faster than the CO$.
If you look at the attendees in the photo it confirms that the median age of an OT committee member is 60+.
That’s because the last group to come into scamology in any great numbers (in the US, West EU, UK & Commonwealth) were born BEFORE 1956. Other than members children, scamologists born later than that are almost non-existent.
Simply put: The public has become wise to the fact that the beautiful candy the CO$ sells, is laced with all kinds of poisons.
So I tried counting. 106 (give or take 2 or 3 that I may have missed or counted 2x) including the ones that appear to be walking in but not those in uniform. We got more volunteers than this to spend an entire Saturday building a community playground with our only promise being happy children when we were done and a some pizza for lunch.
Don’t tell me Starbucks doesn’t guarantee happiness for eternity, because it does (more happiness than Scn does for sure!)
Sunny, my wife is certain that Starbucks guarantees happiness for eternity! Just ask her when her Starbucks card is out of money…
10 years of cannibalizing their members for “Idle Morgues” and not one OT notices the buildings are not only vacant still…but the Ideal Org huge monstrous buildings are really HARD to keep going with no people coming in…..
Is it similar to reversing the “entheta to theta” ratio?
If enough real estate is purchased and renovated….planetary clearing can finally occur?
“If enough real estate is purchased and renovated….planetary clearing can finally occur?” Of course it can! Now, it will be all in your head, but, sure, go ahead and pretend that planetary clearing is not only occurring, but, it’s occurring at the fastest rate in the history of Scientology. It’s fun to pretend….
From what I have learned, the NY Org was doing far better in 1969 than ALL the LA orgs today combined. Hubbard should have quit while he was ahead.
Well, Boomer’s (as a demographic) where the last group that El Cons lies resonated with. That’s why it all stopped expanding ~’74-’75.
BUT, if one follows El Con’s “Green on White” all ya have to do is recreate the Boomer’s and the era in history and you can recreate the “affluence”. LMAO!!!
I’m one of the early Boomers (1946 to 1956). And I became affluent after leaving the Cult of the Dwarf! And by affluent, I mean living by the Pacific. And, Mike, you’re absolutely right about El Con lying to the Boomers. We represented a huge block of people that were searching for meaning if our lives.
Nice post there, Mikey!
They almost all have white hair!
Hey hey, I’m hoping my grey makes me look dignified. Now, I’ve NEVER looked dignified before, but, I’ll give it a shot…
My next comment is not so nice.
When will the Kool Aid rundown happen and in what form?
How does one comment on an literal absence?
Oh right, Mike, you just did.
Well, at least all the OT’s in this picture are different looking and not Photoshop images. Because I have to admit, anybody should know, that if the Church of Scientology has to Photoshop pictures of their expansion for the first time anywhere before in eternity, then they might as well pack it in and just find another planet to Clear. 🙂
The most obvious feature of that photo is the amount of grey hair. The second is that in its heyday, any org’s OT committee could have got together that many people for an event.
Words from a crook showed them the way
To be free of good judgment and follow Dave
But the price of ideal orgs they all must pay
From now on
They decided to give their cash
And be led down the garden path
He stands small
He fooled them all
He found a way
He stands small
The mini Ron
In love with Tom
He stands small
“Chrrrp, chrrrp” not ‘Ka’ching, Ka’ching”. The sound of idle morgues.
You forgot the crying just before 2pm on Thursdays…
Space – Scientologists are just into ‘space’ that’s all. Be it between the ears or the distance to the wall or horizon. They don’t won’t no stinking people dirtying up their space. Doing a good job creating it aren’t they? Now they’re splurging on it.
Mike, you described what I have seen every time I drive up to the Model Idle Morgue in Pasadena. At one point, they even had a small table outside the front door with a small basket of WTH booklets. There was a sign that said, “Take One.” No one could be seen on the first floor. And if the SO girls are gone, as they just couldn’t confront Wogs, how are Div 6 body routers going to do?
Or maybe I’m completely wrong and the entire staff is on course on the 3rd floor. That’s got to it…..
OSD: 10 am on a sunday and I asked my standard question…. what happened? this place used to be really hopping decades ago and now it is always empty? Answer was oh we have hundreds on course in the course rooms. Oh? says I. Yes we have 81 people on staff and here I can show you the list. I guess making a photocopied list of names has replaced the photoshopping – it’s cheaper, and as we all know a list of 1000 words is better than an obviously fake picture which my eye had registered.
The time I got a free WTH I said I would take it and read it over a coffee down the street. I went back and the woman who gave it to me came to ask if I had read it and what did I think? I asked her to give me a random page number and I read and showed the comment I had written on that page over coffee. I think it was one about respecting your parents so you can guess I had scrawled a few words about hypocrisy, disconnecting and turning your parents in for what they say or something. I said there was more and since I’d read what COS had to say would she care to read what I had written. I think she was horrified that I had defiled the poor thing and wiped the fake smile away. I left with my edited WTH.
You da man, tony b! Great post! “..and wiped the fake smile away.” I know that smiling does not come naturally to staff or SO. When they find out you’re not amenable to being in the cult, and their fake smile disappears, I believe it’s a relief to them! Since smiling is not natural to cult members, it’s difficult to maintain. Going back to their crossed arms and 1,000 glare makes them much more comfortable…
Please don’t leave me in suspense OSD. Did you take the WTH book or not?????
I was going to pick one up for you, but, being in Old Town Pasadena, and all the great restaurants, I decided to to get a bite to eat instead. I hope this doesn’t crush you…
Now I will never find the way to happiness!
The delusion just doesn’t stop, does it? One would think at some point the cashflow will be eclipsed by that going out. The whales can only be tapped so much, and my guess is that there is no way new ones are coming into the klan as opposed those who may slowly be dropping out. The east Europeans may bring bodies, but not $$$.
Flag and the SO can fill their ranks with the foreign recruits, promised the moon, shipped over, and trapped… but what of Class V orgs and missions? From what I’ve seen staffs are old or are the children of the old. These next ten years will be interesting.
What’s going to pay those light bills?
This makes me think: are any of the east European countries where a lot of these Sea Org kids come from aware of what’s going on? This might be what is needed to bring down DM for good. Maybe American law enforcement’s hands are tied but what about Russia’s? Or Poland?
“What’s going to pay those light bills?” They’re going to fundraise for it.
Monthly??? ROFL
Looks like a bunch of prospective clients for Grecian Formula 16.
Anyway, Mike you are analyzing this from the viewpoint of a good and sane person. That’s a no, no.
You have to look at it from DM’s viewpoint. He is a person who joined an evil cult (emotionally unbalanced at the time he did) with nothing to offer that is worth money; and in fact is destructive. He was apprenticed by by a criminally insane cult leader. The cult’s inflow of people has been downtrending for 40 years years. He was programmed to keep the cult’s reserves ever growing.
What are ya going to do?