Our friend Mark Bunker is in the news again. But this time it isn’t about what scientology is doing to Fair Game him.
Some of you may have seen the announcement that Wise Beard Man intends to run for a seat on the Clearwater City Commission. It was reported in the Tampa Bay Times yesterday.
Clearwater, Bunker said, has “got a unique problem here in Scientology. And I think the city ought to balance it out with a unique council member who understands Scientology.”
Mark has a long history in Clearwater and with scientology.
We discussed some of this in 2 episodes of Scientology and The Aftermath:
Mark, though never a scientologist, has a vast knowledge of scientology policies and practices and up close and personal experiences dealing with scientology (the “park bench incident” captured in the shot at the top was a remarkable expose of life in scientology’s city for someone like Mark).
Over the years, many people have run for office in Clearwater, most with the idea that they cannot and must not offend scientologists by offering any sort of opinion about them at all. Back in the 70’s and 80’s things were different when Gabe Cazares was Mayor (if you don’t know what happened to him, watch the shows linked above or Google his name). Since the City was sued by scientology and lost, the status quo has been to publicly play footsies with scientology (while seething about them behind closed doors) and pretty much allow them to run roughshod over the community, doing as they pleased, buying properties at an alarming rate even if they had no use for them, while they implied to politicians that if they fell into disfavor with scientology, the voting block of scientologists in the local community would ensure they were not (re)elected.
Mark Bunker has long since crossed the Rubicon when it comes to scientology. He has publicly stated his objections to scientology’s abuses and bullying. He has been sued by scientology. Followed and framed. It is beyond doubt he is denominated an enemy of the cult and according to scientology policy he is to be destroyed. For anyone who may be unaware of official scientology teachings on this, please read Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook which details exact quotes of L. Ron Hubbard that scientology WILL follow with respect to Mark Bunker.
I have long believed that the voting block that scientology claims to have in Clearwater is greatly exaggerated by them in order to gain political clout. Mark Bunker being on this ballot is going to test this theory.
This will be the biggest turnout of scientology voters for any Clearwater election in history — they will ALL be “encouraged” to get out to vote, even the local Sea Org members will be given time off to vote. And they hardly have time allocated to eat lunch… but conversely I suspect that Mark Bunker’s name in the ballot, as an avowed and unafraid critic of the abuses of scientology, will encourage a LOT of Clearwater voters to head to the polls. The election of one seat on the Clearwater City Commission is going to become a referendum on how the citizens of Clearwater view scientology. I predict record breaking numbers voting next March.
There are two (of 5) City Council seats and the mayor’s office up for grabs.
Though scientology, as is usual, refused to comment to the Tampa Bay Times you can bet Mark’s announcement and this story in the Times was more terrible news in the Office of Special Affairs and on board the Freewinds where David Miscavige is enjoying his annual scuba diving excursion (and conducting a few briefings in the evening). And coming on top of the announcement of being sued in California and Keith Raniere’s conviction on all counts it must have been a rollicking good time for all the “OT’s” “powering the future of planet earth” from down in the Caribbean. Miscavige will be back in Clearwater shortly and will be dictating the moves to be made. I would not be surprised to see them try to get a scientologist to run for the other seat (it would be too embarrassing for a head-to-head showdown – what if Bunker won?).
But you can expect to see dirty tricks and efforts to frame and smear Mark Bunker over the next 6 months. There will be claims he violated the election laws and must be removed from the ballot. Internet sites will appear claiming he is a sex pervert, thief, liar, bigot etc etc.
Scientology will wind up their surrogates and hired help (Mary Repper, Wally Pope, Ed Armstrong, Katherine Cole and whoever else they have these days) and send them out to do everything they can to scuttle him in the halls of power of local politics in Pinellas County.
This announcement is no doubt doubly concerning for Miscavige because next year will also see the departure of his long term buddies City Manager Bill Horne and City Attorney Pam Aiken. He pops in to see them and have a friendly chat and believes they are his allies in the city.
This is truly going to be a test of how much scientology can influence the City and elections in Clearwater and how much the citizens of Clearwater want to make their voices heard to install someone on the City Council who has no fear of scientology.
If I lived in Clearwater, I would be casting my ballot Mark Bunker’s way. Knowing him personally, I also attest to the fact that he is a thoughtful, gentle, decent and highly intelligent man who has empathy for the well-being of others and a keen sense of fairness and justice. He is not a gimmick candidate. He is going to be a lighting rod concerning scientology, which is a huge presence in Clearwater, but he will also be a great representative of the citizens of Clearwater in all respects.
I intend to do what I can to help make every eligible voter aware that he is a fine candidate to represent their interests on the Clearwater City Commission.
Where can we go to donate to Mark’s campaign?!?
Nowhere yet. No fundraising is permitted until after 19 Sept
On election day, at the designated polling places for the properties Scientology owns, it might be interesting to have people with large posters informing the Sea Org voters about the Aftermath Foundation.
Signs like “Memorize this number if you want to leave“ or “There can be life beyond Scientology and success in the world,” or “There are people to help you if you want to leave the Sea Org”, or “You will never get up the bridge in the Sea Org but you can as a public.” Okay that last one may be a bit disingenuous but it sure as hell would resonate.
Mark Bunker! 🍃🌺👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌺🍃
This is incredibly exciting news! Yes! Go Mark!!! This will be fascinating to watch play out. I admit I don’t really know but it seems like he could win. What a great thing that would be.
Scamology will show everyone what dirty politics are all about x 100. Anyone who knows anything about Scamology will see through it.
They will use threats, infiltration whatever it takes. These SOB’S don’t play by the rules… only by THEIR RULES AND POLICIES
Which are criminal.
Frankly, as a non-lawyer-type, I see no connection between keith and DM’s trials other than they are/were leaders of high-control cults who I believe should be put away for years. Ranierre (or whatever) has been convicted and awaits sentencing; the Munchkin® hasn’t even been served with papers to appear yet. It’ll be YEARS before Jane’s lawyers break his defensives and we see him in a courtroom or in a deposition.
Interesting read…scientology lawsuit
I’m really surprised that some lying $cientology trolls haven’t posted on today’s story yet.
Xenu knows that they’ll say *ANYTHING* to try to discredit him. I’m waiting for some crazy ass made up story about how Mark dresses in drag and occasionally walks around in public naked… lol.
They have *no* shame and lying is a $cientology sacrament.
Mark must have some serious cojones to run for office on an anti-Scientology platform in Scientology’s holy town. I suppose the advantage of being a long-time critic of Scientology is that there’s nothing left for them to do to him that they haven’t already done.
This will be an important election for many reasons keeping CO$ scrambling on many fronts including Jane Doe Lawsuit, Marks Campaign, Leah & Mikes show, membership dropping, and Aaron’s constant Youtube’s playing – they can’t keep up! . The timing is good for both the campaign and the lawsuit. I think that is why others have failed in the past. Coming hard and fast should water down the strength of they responses mount on any one topic. They can’t fight every battle with maximum fighter power when they are being fired upon from many side.
I’ll be casting my vote in 2020 – Go Mark.
Let’s all move to CW and register to vote!
Hip, Hip…
Hear hear!
This will truly be a battle, and could give us a lot of insight into How the cult is functioning. Depending on Florida election laws, Scientology could import a large force now so that they would have met residency requirements to participate. Not sure what the laws are, but with them having a heads up about Mark being on the ballot, it’s an opportunity for them to shift their numbers accordingly. I believe there was a cult in California that did the exact same thing and ended up in trouble because of it. I’ll do some looking to see what they could do to throw a wrench into the election and if it’s illegal. Although peacemaker likely already has it covered!
I wish Mr. Bunker the best, and if I lived in Clearwater I would be voting for him! Please let us know what he needs!!!
The Rajneesh did this in Oregon by bringing in homeless people.
Unless scientology resorts to this sort of tactic (not likely as they would have to feed them) there arent enough scientologists anywhere to be able to overwhelm the number of non-scientologists. There are 135,000 citizens in Clearwater (of course they are not all eligible to vote)…
Have to feed them?
Would you be surprised if they announced a wonderful new combination weight-loss and health-boost program all due to the power of fasting?
How many of these homeless people would have to starve to death before the police people would come and arrest these scum?
Skyler —
The police wouldn’t do a goddamn thing… as per usual.
Hello KatherineINCali,
In case no one failed to greet you yet, please allow me to say, “Welcome to Mike’s blog.”
I’m quite certain you are correct. By this time, the police are likely very frightened (and with good cause) to do anything with these cretins. After all, these creeps have managed to scare off such powerhouses as the IRS.
There is a big Hero’s medal waiting for whoever may be the first person to scare these bullies off and help put them in prison where they belong.
Oops. Doggone it. I meant to say, “In case no one has yet greeted you, …. “
Mike sure is skilled at writing this blog. He is one of the most skilled of them all.
Can you believe that monster thought that by bullying and torturing Mike he would wind up with someone who could do a better job than MIke?
What a jerkoff! There is no one better.
The monster was incredibly lucky because he had the best person to assist him going and he figured he could find someone better. Instead, he wound up with Ed the Idiot and the cult has gone downhill at a record clip ever since.
It reminds me of George Steinbrenner. He kept firing coaches hoping to find someone that was better than the previous coach. But he never found anyone better than some of the great coaches he had. Serves him right. That was a great lesson in the Karmic arts. Steinbrenner got what he deserved and the same thing will happen to the monster.
Skyler, I have enjoyed reading your posts for months now, and wonder if you are an Ex Scn? Or a never in?
Hello Cindy.
In case no one has ever welcomed you here before, allow me to say, “Welcome to Mike’s blog”. And thank you for your kind words about my posts.
I am happy to tell you my story. But I made a post telling it in detail on the Ex Scamatologist Message Board under the name “Ali Shibaz”. I try to use a different alias on different message boards to protect my anonymity from the nasty people in the scam who would follow me and steal my garbage.
You can read about it in Message #13 in this thread:
I hope you will enjoy reading it and if you’ve ever seen the Woody Allen film, “The Front”, I tried to model that post after the experience of one of the characters in that film.
I don’t know why my reply to your post kept going in the wrong place. It appears to be a reply to KatherineINCali. I don’t know why. Maybe there is a limit to the number of nesting levels you can use when replying to someone.
Thanks for the greeting. But I’ve been reading and posting on Mike’s blog for at least a few years now.
That was nice of you, though.
Hello KatherineINCali. I don’t know why I don’t seem to recall ever seeing any of your posts before. I’m approaching 70 years old now and I’m worried that I may be starting to become forgetful.
I just want to live long enough to see the end of this miserable scam. I just want to see this criminal cult come tumbling down on top of that evil monster and squash his head flat.
He is “Evil Personified” and we really need to take him out somehow. Hopefully some legal way. After all, …. we are not criminals like he is.
True Dat!
Why the hate towards law enforcement ??? Reading this blog has , I believe, informed me that Scientologists do not file complaints and they also state that they want to be “in”. I haven’t heard,until yesterday, that a Scientologist has finally pressed kidnapping charges. Yesterday! What is law enforcement supposed to do?? No case would be won on hearsay. Not with Scientology’s Attys. All these years I wonder how many complaints were filed? My guess is “few”. Maybe it’s easier to blame law enforcement then Scientologists themselves, as to why Scientology still exists. It’s a shame that I only read a few that blame law officers, but I get tired of reading it and then trying to defend them when they’ve done nothing wrong.
Shereefe, it isn’t about law enforcement. They are running scared. It’s about the criminal acts of scientology. Look at the video where Clearwater PD were called to “clear” MiKe and Leah off the park bench in a “public park” and clearly were taking their orders directly from the scientology reps who would not even come across the street. And the records of overtime paid by scientology to the off duty Clearwater PD working for scientology, and in LA, the refusal to tell leah Remini the results of her missing person question about Shelly, instead going to the press to say Shelly was fine, and telling Leah the info was classified. And as far as lawsuits – Wollersheim won. Laura DeCresenzo successfully got her PC folders in her lawsuit about forced abortion. Marc and Claire Headley lost their suit (about human rights abuse I think). Numerous families of dead Narconon patients have sued and settled. Debbie Cook settled after her damning testimony. But it is really expensive and brutal to go up against this criminal organization, so most people just can’t.
“smiles from behind a well worn Anonymous mask” 😉
They also resorted to bioterrorism. I hope scientology refrains!!
Flag has been luring the hapless from abroad to staff itself for a long time.
Wonder what percentage of CW Sea Org slaves are even legal to VOTE!!
DM: that’s it! everyone stays 30 minutes late on Tuesday to make up for the time off to go to the library to vote. We’ll bus them all over at noon sharp!
Van driver: “uh, sir, we only have 5 American citizens on base, I’ll take them in the van”
I just watched a couple documentaries on Rajneeshpuram, and I was thinking the same thing,; that Scientology might try to lure lots of people to Clearwater just to vote, then cast them aside. They could try to house them, at high risk and illegally, in their empty real estate. I like Skyler’s idea of them selling the idea as a weight loss program. LOL!
I would watch out for voter fraud. I expect that Scientology will get lots of Scientologists to register (or whatever it’s called in Florida) to vote in Mark’s district, whether or not the voters reside there or are even citizens. Not sure what checks Florida has in place — probably non-citizens would not get away with it, but non-residents maybe could, since Scientology has a lot of Clearwater addresses to use as fake residences. They’d also probably violate the law in having Sea Org members and staff fill out their vote-by-mail ballots in front of them before sending them in for the voters. (No need to give them any time off to vote that way.) Just because it’s against the law (for an employer to get an employee to forfeit their right to a secret ballot) doesn’t mean there’s much risk of getting caught at that. The Scientologist voters would have to report it, and you know how that goes.
(On the other hand, it would only take one person to report it, so if you’re reading this, OSA, it’s probably not worth the risk, given all the other crimes you’re currently having to defend legally.)
If Clearwater residents who support Mark want him to have a chance, you had better find out what recourse there is to contest illegitimate voter registrations and vote-by-mail ballots. Perhaps Clearwater residents could bring these concerns to the Registrar of Voters and ask for procedures to be put in place to identify and prevent widespread voter fraud?
Many years ago, I read an article about people in foreign countries that followed the goings on of a small U.S. town via the town website as a form of entertainment. (I am avoiding the use of the term cult following here.) Internet buzz could gain that type of international following for this election and then the subsequent city meetings. World wide attention would keep a light on any legal abuses, harassment or anything other than model citizenship from opponents to Mr. Bunker and his supporters.
If you look up the statistics there are 117,000 people in Clearwater. Only 42,000 voted in last election. There are about 76405 registered voters. Estimates of 870 registered voters in 2017 in Scientology. Mark should win easily.
I sincerely hope he wins! Clearwater residents need someone who has a vast knowledge of $cientology’s endless abuses and crimes. Mark certainly qualifies in that area… and then some!
We follow everything on Mike Rinder’s blog because we live in Clearwater and hate Scientology. Why? Scientology lies. Scientology harms families. Scientology hurts people and then attacks them. Scientology is harmful for everyone including our community.
Citizen’s of Clearwater are sick and tired of Scientology and their manipulative tactics. Everything they do is the opposite of what they promise. They are destroying our City and we want it back.
We are delighted to have Mark Bunker as our representative in Clearwater. Things are changing for Scientology and David Miscavige. His criminal con game is over.
Outstanding post! Bravo!
Yes Indeed! Bravo! Bravo!
P.S. Not trying to one-up you OSD. Honest.
And that, my friends, IS comedy.
Should Mark be worried about his safety? Does he have protection around him?
Missy, you should ask Mark.
Definitely. $cientology absolutely hates him for exposing the truth about them for many years now.
That stupid injunction against him should not be enforced after all this time. It’s beyond ludicrous.
If he has any pets, he needs to install surveillance cameras outside his home — for their safety and especially his own.
Who knows, Miscavige and $cientology might get into such a panic about Mark runnining, on top of the announced lawsuit, that they cross the line regarding what a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization can do regarding politics. In a way that’s so flagrant the IRS can’t ignore it without Congress coming down on their neck.
Xenu willing they do something that stupid!
PickAnotheriD put in his comment Tax Extempt Organization 501 (c) 3 explains the rules for Non-Profit, Tax Exempt rules as far as their obligations to the voting public. Thank-you PickAnotherID. Good to know policy explained. There is now 501 (c) 4 and that too was helpful on learning what Scientology’s guidelines will be
The Sea Org has the motto “We Come Back” or something like that. Their motto for this year will be “Vote Early. Vote Often.”
Maybe they will sue to allow their ancient thetan newborns to vote…
The local Scilon bigwigs freaked out over Mark simply sitting on a park bench, so I can imagine the stir Mark’s running for city council will create. COB will have the lawyers working on this full-time, and OSA too.
But Scilons are masters of the foot bullet. Whatever they do to try to prevent Mark from getting elected will no doubt come back to haunt them, much worse than if they did nothing at all.
Maybe Cruise should run for city council. No, Cruise couldn’t stand being on the council unless he was voted Top Gun, and got paid hefty appearance fees.
I would certainly enjoy seeing press reports about Mark Bunker giving Tom Cruise an update on Scientology while in the council. 😉
After all I’m sure Cruise will have his TR’s in.
Yes, that is what they say, “We Come Back”. Unfortunately, NO ONE HAS EVER COME BACK!!! And no one EVER will, Ammo. I mean, if fatso didn’t come back, what makes you think ANYONE will be coming back?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they tried to prevent Mark from running using dirty tricks and that became the straw that broke the camel’s back? I mean how can a nation professing to freedom and democracy openly abide the suppression of an election?
By this time, I would put nothing past the crazy fuckers.
Plop, plop,
fizz, fizz
won’t give DM
the relief he needs…
Plop, plop
Fizz, Fizz
A new way to go to the bathroom?
I was thinking maybe it refers to antacids? Lol
Sheesh I meant “it” as in the post not you Wynski
Where’s the edit button??? 🤦♀️
LOL!! My kingdom for an edit function.
I saw a very interesting film yesterday titled, “The Internet’s Own Boy Aaron Swartz”.
Aaron Swartz was recognized as a genius from a very early age and did many incredible things on the Net and for the Net. But the reason I’m posting here today is because the greatest thing he ever did was to oppose a bill that sought to close down any Internet web site as soon as one claim was filed against them that they were used somehow in copyright infringement.
All the big money corporations were behind this bill. But Aaron started some web site or organization and people deluged Congress with phone calls and emails. No one ever thought people had a hope in Hell of stopping this bill but they killed it dead.
If Mike doesn’t know about this case, I’d like to suggest that he might like to find out how Aaron did this and maybe he can use some of the same techniques to help in getting Mark Bunker elected.
It was very inspiring to see how one individual was able to turn the entire Congress around. When the bill was introduced a big majority in Congress promised to vote in favor of it. But after people sent all those emails and phone calls, the members of Congress changed their mind and a big majority voted to kill this stupid bill.
Unfortunately, I should tell you the whole story. Aaron was bullied so badly by the FBI and some asshole prosecutor that he committed suicide. But I hope that won’t stop anyone who would like to know what he did from searching for him on the net or watching that film
I lived in Clearwater for a few years back in the 2000s. I had contact with many of its citizens either personally or through their businesses. Anytime the topic of Scientology came up their opinions were very low. It was clear to me the cult was not liked at all. I hope they all turn out and vote for Mr. Bunker. I sure would if I still lived there. I think the fact he was never “in” makes him an even better candidate. Knock em dead Mr. Bunker.
The fact that he was never “in” eliminates one of the strongest crutches the cult has. They often are able to deflect and avoid lawsuits because they can claim that all the horrific abuses they heap upon cult members are a matter of “religious freedom” and they don’t come under any criminal law.
But if they screw with Mark or his family, they will be afforded no such crutch and the police can finally arrest all the people who screw with him and especially the crazy monster who runs the whole cult.
Wow. This is going to be interesting. Predicting in advance that there will be scams and personal attacks on Mark Bunker can only help raise awareness and head off some of the inflammatory rhetoric before it starts. I would vote for him.
I would love to vote for Mark as well. Unfortunately, I am not a citizen of the USA.
Wouldn’t it be better if we could somehow find a way to use the Net so that people from all over the USA as well as all over the world could send emails and make phone calls to register their opinions?
By the way, one of the techniques employed by Aaron Swartz was to put up a link on the web page he used to some VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) so that anyone from anywhere in the world could make a phone call to Congress and register their opinion.
I don’t know enough about American Municipal elections to suggest who the phone calls could be made do. But I bet there are more than one place that would respond to phone calls.
We all should ALL vote for Mark.
If I could vote for Mark Bunker from Queensland Australia, I definitely would. And I’d tell all my unborn children to do the same. This cult infuriates me to distraction.
I like the way you think, Scott Tweedie!
You’re a good lad, Scott. A very good lad.
Good Point Rosemary…the louder they scream the more attention Mark will get.
Wow, this shows you the paranoia miscavige, OSA and the church members live in. It denotes they are terrified, even though their attacks are masked with replies such as: they are a religion, have rights, are doing good, meant no harm, help society, blah, blah, blah
But deep inside they are terrified, and that includes the so called leader miscavige. He personally has so many crimes and abuses that he shakes in fear even if he pretends otherwise.
Mark has many goodwill people’s support and this will balance somehow the unchecked abuses of the church.
Did not know Mark Bunker was never a Scientologist. Good to know I always assumed he was.
Good luck Mark.
IIRC he once lived in a house that, before him, was used by someone on the COS mailing list.
Even after that person moved elsewhere and Mark Bunker started living there, the mailings went on. Thus it raised his interest.
Another example of the COS creating its own enemies.
And Mark knows a lot about Scientology too. He’d be the perfect candidate!
And I intend to do as much as I possibly can from my side of the Pond to support and promote Mark’s endeavours. He is a serious candidate with a serious message and a serious chance of success in these elections and it is incumbent upon all of us to gently help that good man across the finish line 🙂
I believe he will do a great job on the city council I have a question does FL have a voter registration and do they have to have an ID to register? Scientology would allow the SO members to be able to do this In SC you have to register at the SCDMV and there’s a website to see who is that’s how you get calls about voting
Yes to both Sandra. As well as proof residency. Although they can get that proof from the owner of the property where they live.
Well well well Wynski…..now THAT alone is very interesting….YOU mean to tell ME that a voter in Clear Water likes everywhere ELSE has to HAVE proof of residency for voter registration and have to have an ID to register?
THAT is some scary shit….they have to have a I.D. WITH them….now that alone will give us some type of COUNT as to how many LEGIT voters belong to COS in Clear Water.
Also….. Proof of residency from the owner of the property where they live…….another interesting point…just WHO will PROVIDE THIS PROOF….Will it be DAVID M himself….IS HE THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY>>>>>What about the potential voter who might just say in essence:
Well, I only live here temporarily so I can complete my O.T. course classes to move up the bridge…., but actually I am from India, China, the U.K. etc etc etc etc……
The other fact to consider is the voter registration process does not require the applicant to prove US citizenship. Merely check a box on the form confirming this. From all I’ve seen about 40 to 50% of the sea ogre staff are foreigners. Wonder how many will be pushed to register and lie on their applications. Of course all with the justification that this is “the greatest good for the greatest number”. Despicable.
NOT a good idea in Florida Glenn as one has to show FL ID and THEIR database shows if you are a citizen or not. It a 3rd degree felony (5 years in prison to lie on your application.
Understand but don’t believe it’ll stop them. Have seen far, far too many acts of fraud and misrepresentation in this cult. And all were explained away saying “it is the greater good for the greater number”.
Well, Balletlady if one says they are from China then they cannot vote. Florida is NOT Kkkalifornia.
See here for more info. https://registertovoteflorida.gov/en/Registration/Index
Exactly my point Wynski….but don’t you think that COS will push to get as many Clear Water residents to vote whether it’s legal of not….
When we vote, we have to show proper I.D. AND SIGN a REGISTER…..comparing signatures & BE ON THE REGISTERED VOTER LIST ALEADY.
Sure the CoS will try to get as many Cult member CW residents to vote. But I doubt there are near as many as people think. You didn’t read all the documentation in the link I gave. You cannot even REGISTER to vote unless you have proper credentials. No registration, no voting.
Absentee Ballots anyone for those “Scientology Snowbirds”….hahaha..
As noted in my other text, same thing here you HAVE to have proper credentials to vote, I.D. and be REGISTERED to vote in the district you live in ….AND sign the Voter Register AFTER they check your I.D.