Justin Clark, a public historian and writer based in the Midwest, reached out to let me know he had read my book and written a review for the Truth Seeker, one of the oldest publications dedicated to humanism and freethought. He also published it on his blog I am including it here as it is one of the most complete, yet concise summaries of my book. Justin does a remarkable job of covering so much in what is a fairly lengthy review — but given how much it covers, it’s quite a feat to have kept it a manageable length.
He also did a podcast talking about the book and The Aftermath Foundation and even promotes the Mike Rinder bobblehead as a way of supporting the Foundation.
For someone who was never a scientologist, Justin has an amazing grasp of the subject. I found this podcast entertaining and surprisingly insightful and accurate. Justin is a terrific advocate for exposing the abuses of scientology.
Thank you Mike. Your book is really taking off, for good reason – it is very readable and stunningly gripping. Thanks for sharing the podcast and the other reviews – for those of us who read this blog, we really appreciate hearing about these reviews and interviews which we might not otherwise know about.
“Artistic elevation of bullshit” very well said!
For historical precision: Hubbard’s flagship was an old cattle ferry that served for the transport of troops on D day in IIWW it was called the Royal Scotsman, the 2nd one was the Avon River and there were others. Hubbard renamed the ships to please the military junta in Greece and came up with names like the Apollo and the Diana who were Greek gods. I agree with you on Rinder. He is a man who really deserves respect. Thanks for your review. Good job
Hi Mike Rinder, loved your book, couldn’t wait to pick it up again. Your style of writing was phenomenal. For us outsiders it could’ve been very confusing but yet it brought the reader along easily.
Astonished at what you and many endured and kept thinking how such a smart man carried on so long. Hope your at peace.
Oh my Gosh!
The host of this podcast says “OK” about 125 times during the one-hour video and he says nothing else. Very strange podcast! But it still is better than how Leah acts on Mike’s podcasts.
This should not be a podcast. It is very informative and well done. But it should be called a “soliloquy” because it consists of only one person talking. But aside from that, it is still worth listening to this.
Hi Howie the Spinner — thanks for another of your strangely off-kilter comments.
I don’t know what you find “off-kilter”. It is true that the host of this podcast says “OK” almost 100 times. OK. So I didn’t waste my time actually counting them. It is also true that he says almost nothing other than “OK” or “Right”.
So I believe it is also true this would better be described as a soliloquy.
As far as Leah’s participation in your vanished blogs, the facts speak for themselves.
If you don’t like it, you have every right to describe it as “off-kilter”. But that does not detract from the fact my remarks are all true.
P.S. At the time I made this post this, there were exactly 8 posts made on today’s blog.
When will you get the message that people are not exactly thrilled with you making posts about your book? It doesn’t matter what the quality of the book may be. People just get tired of endless attempts to promote your book.
Hmmm, thanks for the P.S, but who are these “people” who are “not exactly thrilled” about Mike making posts about his book? You’re not representing my opinion, by the way. I’m always glad to read that Mike’s book is doing well! So what people are tired of hearing about Mike’s book? You, obviously, and who else? You might want to consider the possibility that this assertion of yours is in fact a bad assumption 🙂
I’m with Aquamarine, Howie Whoever You are. Mike’s book is one of the best I’ve read. He can promote it as much as he wants to. Go read another blog if it it bothers you so much. Geeze.
That’s telling him/her Debra. Apart from the fact that its a great read (which it is) and that we like and support Mike (which we do) there is information in Billion that has to reach as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.
I’m betting that you have to use a lot hand lotion because the friction from your wanking as you excitedly type one-handed and post your crap on Mike’s site must burn the skin off your small brain organ.
Whoa! Lethally funny 🙂
So How much Is Scientology paying you ?
have to agree that the podcast host seems over his head – but who cares! lol
“OK….ok” uh hun
I wrote on YouTube the errors I see which are being let slide, and hopefully someone will catch these errors.
Excellent interview! One disagreement (& I was members of both):
Yes, Amway is a cult but hardly “the same as Scientology”.
Amway I left without any abuses. When I escaped out of Scientology, after 30 years in & paying them over 1 million $$$’s:
I lost my husband of 27 years…and ALL of my 30 year “friends”. Big difference!
Thank you, ❤️
Tory Christman
In my study of History I keep finding one phenomena. Those who do bad things believe they are good people are doing good.
Absolutely correct, sir.
Yes, its amazing how far more often than not this is true!
Excellent profound concise statement!
WOW, great synopsis! Well spoken, direct, no filler words, very easy to follow. And your up early!
Thanks for sharing this.