With the hype machine now churning out emails by the minute promoting the wonders of the “MV Events” there are some interesting notes in a random selection of emails that arrived over the last few days.
CC kicks things off with Dave Petit pretty much running a standard “party line” though I wonder if he feels especially stupid repeating the lie that this is the 25th Anniversary of the Maiden Voyage that occurred in 1988? So typical of scientology these days — Dear Leader canceled MV last year as he wasn’t ready with GAG II and when he cancels something it is canceled with authority. June 2013 no longer exists. Skipped straight from June 2012 to June 2014 and nobody commented on it. This IS the 25th anniversary. No further questions.
The line about the islands becoming the sea is so unreal it has also got to be embarrassing. Even in Los Angeles where he is and where there are more “ideal orgs” than anywhere on earth, they are not even scratching the surface of the few blocks around each org, let alone “becoming the sea.” And those ideal orgs in Berlin and Malmo and Madrid and Pretoria and Portland and Cincinnati and, and, and are deader and dyinger than they were a year ago. There isn’t a single one that is flourishing anywhere.
And finally, I wonder if he blushes at all with the lie that these buildings are what are imperative in “Keeping Scientology Working itself”? Really Dave?
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014
From: Celebrity Centre International <[email protected]>
Subject: From Dave Petit, Re: Night 2 – Maiden Voyage
Dear Celebrity Centre Students and Preclears,
Last Saturday we held the first of the 25th Anniversary Maiden Voyage events – Opening Night – which covered the activities of the OT Ambassadors and OT Committees around the world and the incredible activities of the Freewinds in Central and South America, with no less than Prime Ministers and heads of state giving their greetings and thanks to the Freewinds on their 25th Anniversary.
This coming Saturday, Night 2 will unveil the “Crusade to make every org Ideal.” When you watch this event, you really get the idea that the islands ARE becoming the sea. This is the most in-depth and real briefing on the Ideal Org strategy. You actually see every detail of what it takes to make an Ideal Org, and you get to see the massive change of delivery and planetary clearing that is achieved once they have accomplished it. This is what makes clearing the planet a reality.
In our new Golden Age, the Ideal Orgs are imperative in Keeping Scientology Working itself. This event shows how we can do this one for one, with every org, and I don’t want you to miss it. I’ll see you there!
The event starts at 7:00 pm on L. Ron Hubbard Way on Saturday night, July 5th. Call us at 323.960.3100 to confirm, or simply click [here] to confirm online.
Dave Petit
Vicki Shantz is in on the action. She too has erased 2013 from her memory banks.
But she has a couple of other hackneyed phrases that Dave forgot. Of course, these are ALL MILESTONE events. Perhaps she means MILLSTONE. As in they drop straight down and vertical and land with a thud…
Now completing Valley means creating the first “Ideal Region!”
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2014
From: CO CLO WUS <[email protected]>
Dear Xxxxx,
As you know and might have heard from the buzz in the field, the FREEWINDS Maiden Voyage Silver Anniversary was just celebrated on the ship!
This was a series of events, each milestones in themselves and they are now available and being presented to you and all LA area Scientologists at PAC and its surrounding orgs.
For LA, both MV 1 & MV 2 mean major stepping stones toward creating an IDEAL LA i.e. the completion of Valley and the creation of the first Ideal Region!
This week’s next event is all about the Ideal Org and is an in-depth briefing from International Management giving the full scope of what goes into the creation of an Ideal Org once it’s on the runway.
I’m personally writing as a key LA FSM I need your shoulder to the wheel in this Ideal Org movement. It starts with getting everyone you know, selectees and all to attend this next event and get the data on just what and how we roll out the Ideal Orgs in our pipeline.
Let me know back in reply that you’re going to be there and what you are doing to ensure the events are packed out starting with your own comm lines.
Lt. Cmdr. Vicki Shantz – CO CLO WUS
Flag isnt to be forgotten. They are rallying to get everyone to give money for Miami? Might as well I spose, Orlando is a totally lost cause though it’s only 75 miles away.
Kaye isnt shy about her stat pushing. Just let it all hang out, but make sure you COUNT THE STATS. It’s not even that it’s ONLY money that is important, what is MORE IMPORTANT than that even is GETTING CREDIT.
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2014
From: “Flag OT Committee” <[email protected]>
Where: Fort Harrison Hotel
When: Immediately following the MV Event
Why: To help with fundraising, routing people and having fun for Miami Org!
Hi Team!
So we all need to rally to the call and get Miami done. I need each OTC member to actually help on this.
First, stay after the event to help. Attend the parties in the Garden and Hibiscus. Bring your friends…ask them to stay after the event and enjoy the parties.
We will have a briefing about where Miami stands now on funds…we are getting closer and closer.
I’ll give you the location for the briefing in the next email.
Hook up with OTC members at the Garden or Hibiscus and pick up Ideal Org Donation forms. These must have the OTC/Div 6 C stamp on the top corner in Red to count for OTC….or you can write it in. Ask your friends, family, acquaintances and people you don’t know to donate. You’ll be surprised how many will just do that.
We all want Ideal Orgs!
Miami is the next Ideal Org that can be completed. It’s in Flag’s backyard and we really want all Orgs around Flag to be Ideal so we are creating a safe, theta, ever expanding space around Flag. People donate when they hear that. It’s magic.
Please confirm to this email that you will be staying to help.
ML, Kaye
And then there is the CO OSA EUS(?) who is totally out of step — pushing IAS donations?
Of course, “we have never had a need for our 4D campaigns like we do today” which means “I need money now because my ass is getting beaten for not having enough IAS collections”.
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2014
From: CLO EUS <[email protected]>
Subject: A Message for the 4th of July
Re: 4D Campaigns
Dear Scientologist,
With the current Maiden Voyage Events our expansion has reached into levels into society never before imagined.
We have never had a need for our 4D campaigns like we do today. Therefore all the energy and every flow possible is needed in order to take our campaigns to the next level.
We are playing a game to reach our next milestone in IAS donations. We are doing this true EUS style and achieving our targets. I am counting on you to assit this and get the Scientologists those who really are creating a NEW CIVILIZATION.
Please go to WWW.IASMEMBERSHIP.ORG/EUS and make your donation today and in reply please let me know what you are able to do.
Sonia Gobbini
Commanding Officer
Office of Special Affairs East U.S.
“People donate when they hear that”
I do, I do, WOW!
In fact I can feel a donation coming on right now!
This soap opera of the C of S and the IAS vultures is entertaining beyond belief.
I remember visiting Miami Org in the 80’s and being told it was an incredible place.
Actually this was true.
The building was VERY upstat, excellent furniture and facilities, and the staff I dealt with were the most uptone across the spectrum I have ever met in an Org.
Laid back, content and just getting on with the job of training and auditing people.
As LRH intended.
I found out later most of the staff at this time were OT III or above. To me at this time I thought this is what an Org should be like.
London was a shit hole compared to this set up.
So Miami was really and Ideal Org long before the dwarf seized power.
Of course most of the sheeple were not in Scientology in those days so today think like robots.
I wonder what is so wrong in Miami today that they have to have an Ideal Org.
What happened to the old one in Coral Gables?
Here’s an outside, in this link, asking straight help and opinion, which I hope people send this man at least links to what’s happened in Scientology “cult” history:
Oooooh, exciting. What happened to Tim Lomas as CO OSA EUS? Did he go up to Int or leave? Anybody know?
Safe space around Flag!???
A couple months ago I walked into a Clearwater thrift store and asked if I could donate 5 boxes of scientology books and taped lectures to their store. The answer was “we don’t accept stuff on that subject”. I had to toss it all in the trash instead.
When I lived in CW I soon learned the natives hated and resented Scientologists in general. And thought it was a cult. I’m sure there are exceptions but in general I kept quiet about my “religion”
You may wish to watch the film “1984” starring John hurt and the late Richard burton.
It is a very disturbing film but it almost mirrors the current state of Scientology under the dwarf’s jack boot.
Thanks. I have watched it and read the book again recently. Chilling.
I have to shake my head at the concept of these Still-Ins attending these events and believing the lies they are being told. Its like small children who believe whatever their parents tell them because little kids have no data and because they trust and depend upon their parents for their survival. For these reasons, whatever the parents tell them goes unquestioned. I have to shake my head, but then I remind myself that once, I, too, was one of those children. But there is hope. A child who is being lied to by a trusted parent can one day accidentally catch that parent in maybe another lie, something not necessarily important but something that the child knows very well is a lie, nevertheless. He will then begin to pay real attention, begin to fact check, look for himself, test for himself. This is no small thing but, as the saying goes, we all have to grow up. I did, all of us here did, and many other Still Ins can. Knowledge is power and false data cannot imprison anyone who has true data. Mike, thank you for flowing us power.
Whoa, I’d like to clarify that what I shared about being “one of those children” who were being lied to by a parent was my metaphor for my childlike unquestioned acceptance for many years of whatever I was told by the cult. Because of the trust engendered by the wins I had experienced with the tech, it never occurred to me that I was being lied to. Then, one day, I spotted a lie – a stupid, unnecessary lie, and it intrigued me, and I started pulling that little thread, and so on, and so on, and eventually got the Sherman Tank. Did I ever. I know why the cult is deathly afraid of these blogs. Any Still In who starts reading them, forget it, its the beginning of the end.
Friends, whales and sheeple, lend me your ears;
I come to bury David, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with David.
“…to attend this next event and get the data on just what and how we roll out the Ideal Orgs…”
“Get the data” = “Give the money.”
“Ideal Orgs are imperative to keeping scientology working” …..MEST? huh? I thought Scientology was all about intelligent application by PEOPLE. What a twisted pitch in order to back Miscaviges real estate scam. Those who don’t blow and resign are the ones in treason.
Twisted pitch, sheeple there’s a hitch, when you realize you’re just Dave’s bitch.
Yep Doug – thoroughly agree – those still “in” are in Treason to LRH and the subject, and all those who have helped in the past. I still cannot believe that some people I knew are still “in” not-is the huge outpoints in the whole criminal scam now. Most of the people I know however I can understand straight away why they are still “in” – they were and are the “HGC circlers” and they are still “circling” – popping in now and then to get their overts off and their ARCXs “handled” and making recompense by “donating” and hoping of course that the Church auditors still carry on missing all of their really big overts! They are usually the ones crying shrilly form their positions on the OTC to “donate more – NOW” to deflect attetnion off of them and their overts against the subject. Something like that anyway. I’d feel sorry for them if they hadn’t contributed to the scene. And if I was to walk into my old (empty) Org (which I did do) and start saying this they would think I was the one with the problem and carry on not-ising it all – and probably then the IAS regges would demand even more money from them to stop people pointing out the obvious outpoints on the whole scam.
I LOVE that cartoon.
btw, off topic: Mr. Rinder – you always have the absolute best opening graphic. always spot on and usually humorous. I see a coffee table book like the New Yorker cartoon anthologies filled with the different opening innuendos, proceeds going to DownWithMizBitch.org.
And of course:
Ideal Island – for places like the Philippines or Indonesia (go Borneo!)
Ideal State (how could I have forgotten this?)
Ideal Time Zone
Ideal Refugee Camp !?!
These internal emails reveal the Co$ is generally operating at hallucinatory cause. Hallucination is the rubber band engine that pushes this limping organization forward. It’s a Ponzi scheme in the internet age, which is impossible.
Robert, with all respect, Ponzi schemes are still very much ongoing in the Internet Age. There are lots of nice, naive people being cleaned out of their life-savings and worse, because conscience-less con-artists posing as “financial advisors get them to believe they can collect ridiculously high interest daily on investments of 100s of thousands or more. The scammer shows them “statements” “proving” the “profits” and stages meetings in banks. Victim goes all in and mortgages property to make even more. Money is sucked offshore in a flash, and victim is left broke and brokenhearted, having also lost a trusted friend and perhaps lover, who may just laugh in their face if confronted, because few cases are ever prosecuted.
Ok, not really Ponzi, but same result.
These emails are for internal consumption only. Like many of these so called “events”. They are basically *propaganda* from from modern Latin congregatio de propaganda fide ‘congregation for propagation of the faith’.
As many of have written Scientology has like other religions become totally faith based making it truly a religion in the eyes of the arbitrators of religion the IRS.
In fact one of the sticking points which stuck in their craw was that unlike other religions Scientology offered or in the opinion of some “claimed” to give a *tangible* result of some kind from processing or training in the technology.
That and the fact that they had fixed fees for services which is actually not so different from the Mormons and other religions who tithe their parishioners.
Now the IRS need not worry since most if not all of what the Church offers these days gives no tangible benefit at all.
I mean by the time one has gone through the obstacle course known now as “GAT 1” in auditor training or reached the pinnacle of the Grade Chart as in OT VIII. They are told that whatever gains they had if they had any are now totally invalid and that they have to start at the beginning again with GAT II.
And so it goes.
Then of course there is the concentration on what are called “straight donations” which according to law are supposed to give no *tangible* benefit whatsoever. Yet we can see that here in this country we have “the best congress money can buy” meaning that the ones who give them money as a “donation” always expect something back whether it be new laws that support their interests or to run interference on their behalf in order to skirt certain legislation in place.
In other words even though the laws says that these donors should not expect something back they always do despite of what the law says and therefore are a corrupting influence in politics on a macrocosmic or microcosmic scale.
So in closing. Yes Miscavige to a large degree is responsible for the decline of the Church of Scientology but the fact is that he has many willing accomplices and vested interests who along with him also share this responsibility.
This is a pretty confused agglomeration of things that I don’t have the time to set straight. Your understanding of tax law isn’t very accurate Robin. The IRS cannot make determinations about whether there is or isnt a benefit provided, but they can make a determination about whether that is what you are proclaiming to provide. Ironically, the activities of the church today are not within the IRS regulations, though they were at the time of exemption. The church no longer cares about being in compliance with IRS regulations as based on the laws of the land they have virtually no oversight over a church.
As for politicians, they are not 501c3 exempt so the comparison to them is very strained. Political donations are not treated like donations to a public benefit entity.
If your theory about how the church has simply become a tool of the IRS is true, then you should be railing against LRH as he was the one that insisted that exemption be gotten. It was an integral part of his estate planning and his “plans” for the future of scientology. Getting exemption was not Miscavige’s idea. It was entirely L. Ron Hubbard’s.
Yeah, yeah, yeah I read Trust B too. He also discuses in Corporate policy as well.
He had to deal with “the man” just like every one else.
But what I said about corruption still applies.
So your point is?
As far I’m concerned what’s left of the Church public is nothing but a bunch of do nothing dilettantes and lunatics who like to throw money at “worthy causes” to show others their “humanitarian” intent much the same way the Robber Barons of the late 19th and early 20th did.
Beyond that is what can be called parasites (regs) who feed off their egotism and vanity by giving them special “statuses” which forms a symbiotic relationship made in hell.
There are many, many more opportunities for “Ideal” than the CofS is currently using. I hope my humble attempt here helps them with their waning fund-raising stats. Some of these are:
Ideal County
Ideal Province
Ideal Territory (the fight of the Territories!)
Ideal Administrative District (some countries have these)
Ideal Department (viva la France!)
Ideal Canton (go Switzerland!)
Ideal Township (here we come, South Africa!)
Ideal Demilitarized Zone (there must be more than just Korea!)
Then of course:
Ideal Slum
Ideal Barrio
Ideal Occupied Zone
Ideal Theater of Operations (for ongoing conflicts)
Ideal Prison (go Criminon!)
Ideal Sub-Continent (for those continents that have these – India?)
Ideal Ocean (Pac vs. the Atlantic, vs the Arctic, vs the Southern Ocean (the clear winner so far!))
Then when a city gets really saturated with ideal orgs, don’t give up hope! We could still have:
Ideal Neighborhood
Ideal Rural District
Ideal Block
Ideal Corner
Ideal Apartment Project
Ideal Real Estate Sub-Division
I’m sure there are more that I haven’t thought of. Hope to see some of these in future church “Ideal” mailings!
For male lovers with an oversized libido, there’s Ideal Dick.
Ideal asshole – person running a cult
Morris you forgot Ideal Drug Dealers, Ideal Prostitutes,
Ideal Adult Beverages and Establishments, Ideal Gangs and Ideal Politicians.
How about Ideal Slums right next to the Pacifica Bridge?
🙂 🙂
And of course, the Ideal Thong for the Ideal Tanning Bed and the Ideal Tan which can only had by the Ideal leader of the Ideal Cult.
The straight donations that take the place of auditing or courses in $cientology must reek wonderful cognitive dissonance on the loyal minions. LRON specifically forbade such things {until he saw the bottom line anyway} No matter how the next years play out, someone is going to resurrect the L Ron model of $cientology and try to put the self help pyramid scheme back in action.
The current leadership of the ‘chirch’ couldn’t care less about auditing or courses, those take time and have some little overhead that goes with them. Now ‘donations’ have only a very minimal overhead. Not hard to see why DM goes that route.
Kaye said “First, stay after the event to help. Attend the parties in the Garden and Hibiscus. Bring your friends…ask them to stay after the event and enjoy the parties.”
Parties you have to beg and order people to go to don’t sound like fun parties. Especially when they involve donation envelopes.
Party = have some chips and dip then give me the cash bitch.
In fairness to Dave Petit, he didn’t actually say the islands are becoming the sea. He just said if you watch the event, you will get that idea. And if you are a good hypnotic subject (otherwise known as a ‘sheeple’), you WILL get it because the suggestion of what you will get from the event has already been implanted with this email. And by the way, Dave Petit does not get embarrassed. He is a Master of Miscaviology.
Dave Petit, I got your message and shred it.
About Dave Petit: what a lying phony that guy is. After I started reading Marty’s blog but while still in, I heard him speak as guest of honor at an org fundraiser. It was hyped as a huge deal that he was there. From Marty’s blog I knew what he and Miscavige really thought about us and I was sickened at the way Petit false-flattered our pathetically small crowd in order to squeeze as much money as possible out of us. I listened to his crap in silent contempt for him and pity for the public he was apparently gulling, and gave not one penny to this fundraiser. Knowledge definitely is power.
I’d like to believe that even today there are others in the same state that I was in back then, i.e., to all appearances very much with the program but actually under the radar, reading this blog, reading Tony’s and other blogs, getting more and more true data, pretending all is normal and but with eyes wide open now to the lies and insanity, ceasing to donate with one excuse or another while privately safepointing themselves and their dynamics for an exit.
I have often thought about the day which will come where people stand up at an event and throw tomatoes and eggs at the podium!!! What a gas. Now that I would pay to attend.
>You actually see every detail of what it takes to make an Ideal Org
Translation: bankrupt the few remaining members
>you get to see the massive change of delivery and planetary clearing that is achieved once they have accomplished it.
Translation: massive change = delivery of nearly zero services because the Ideal Orgs are empty and a MASSIVE FAIL
>This is what makes clearing the planet a reality.
Translation: This is what makes clearing the planet a delusionary fantasy. It can however “clear” (reduce to zero) the bank accounts and savings of current members.
>It starts with getting everyone you know, selectees and all to attend this next event
Translation: bring your friends because we want their MONEY too!
>what you are doing to ensure the events are packed out
Translation: bring in staff, Sea Org, hire extras, use Photoshop to doctor pictures, all to make it appear the CoS is not dead yet
“>It starts with getting everyone you know, selectees and all to attend this next event
Translation: bring your friends because we want their MONEY too!”
Translation P.S. We want to leave NO comm line uncut, and make sure EVERY friend is unfriended!
Translation: Our leader is COB and we do what he says without question because he sees the BIG picture even if we don’t. Anyone opposed is an SP and must be attacked ruthlessly so as to ensure KSW is kept in at all costs.
Long live Chairpussy of the Bored
Who are these Prime Ministers and Heads of State
ole Dave is talking about?
More church PR comments that seem fantastic
but yet are just generalities with no fact.
Intended to make one think….wow…Prime Ministers….wow
we are really important and expanding…..duh
And yes I agree with Sonia….the IAS has truly driven the
expansion of the Church into the lowest levels of society never before
imagined. It is kinda like a sink hole. Everything is falling in but
the money.
Unfortunately what is left in Church these days are public and staff who actually believe if some politico or someone “in authority” says it it must be true.
I mean all they need is some high school drop who has absolutely understanding of the subject and has not had any evident case change since back in the days when he played the role of Scientology’s éminence grise to dress up in an Sea Org uniform and claim he is their religious “leader” because he happens to be the Chairman of the Board RTC which is actually mutually exclusive.
Personal integrity be damned.
Never mind the ability to distinguish between differences, similarities and identities.
Of course this is the result you’d expect when they concentrated on “auditing” and eliminating the bazzilion technical experts such ourselves Potpie.
What they call “dumbing down” the Organization.
Aside from everything else they’ve managed to succeed at this brilliantly.
Hi Team! Bowels of Hell are wide open for you!
Put on all your comm lines. E mail credit cards numbers before arrival !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
It’s funny, when I go to the IAS site EUS my cyber adaware software tells the that this site is UNTRUSTED!
Even my computer knows!
I’d say you have some pretty savy software. What does it say when you go to $cientology.org site. It should be detecting some serious cognitive dissonance!
They said to pay up mister (sister) I’m regging you tonight
We found your credit cards, you know the ones you tried to hide
Now is the time to do it
You swore you’d give us all them bucks
I said well yeah I know but when I did – there was one thing I wasn’t
Really thinking of
Money changes everything
Money, money changes everything
We think we know what we’re doin’
That don’t mean a thing
It’s all in the past now
Money changes everything
They shake your hand and they smile
And tell you what you wanna hear
Give us the names of friends
Soon we’ll have the planet cleared
Ah but I found out they’re only
Looking out for themselves
And you say well who can you trust when the promised land turns out to be Hell
Money changes everything
Money changes everything
We think we know what we’re doin’
We don’t pull the strings
It’s all in the past now
Money changes everything
Money changes everything
Money changes everything
We think we know what we’re doing
We don’t know a thing
It’s all in the past now
Money changes everything
Money changes everything
Money changes everything
MJ, puhleeze say what song your lyrics should be “to the tune of”.
Money Changes Everything
Cyndi Lauper
Hey DM, RE: New Civilization. “America”: CinemaScore: A+. Tell Lou to pack your bags. Have her get Tom to get the Gulfstream pulled out of the hangar that JB built in Burbank at the Bob Hope Airport. Kinda looks like you have run out of ribbons to yank in Clearwater. BTW, when is Tom going to make good on his promise to leave America when Bush was re-elected in 2004 — and then being snubbed by Obama in 2009?
“Threefeetback – you can make up the damage for this invective by sending a $10,000 donation to help get an Ideal Org in Mongolia which has been on the drawing boards for the past five years. Consider this acceptable amends for your betrayal of COB and Scientologists in good standing.”
RTC internet Liaison for unauthorized websites HFA
Tommy like Barbara probably really had no real intent to leave America when Bush was re-elected and was merely a cynical effort to “get out the vote” that failed miserably.
Tom is following in the footsteps of Barbra with his futile attempts at resuscitating his career; just as Dave has convinced himself that he is following in the footsteps of LRH (to withdrawal and exile).
Right 3feetback.
You can probably find ’em both at Spago’s, Musso & Frank’s, Katsuya’s or any of the in places to go in LA commiserating.
Telling each other:
“I *am* big. It’s the *pictures* that got small. ”
Figuratively and literally.
At least Barb has her singing career to fall back on.
What’s Tom got other than that couch jumping episode on Ophra?
If I was into crying crocodile tears I’d say it was “sad” but I’m not.
Spago? Musso and Frank’s?
Come into present time…
Tom has milked that toothy grin for about all it is worth. Like Tom and Barb, Katsuya is struggling to remain relevant, but also getting a bit long in the tooth.
Ok Mike,
So what’s the hippest place in LA.
I mean aside from Tommy’s and In&Out 😉
It is so blatant that it is bizarre. They must somewhere, in their little hearts and brains, suspect that something is amiss… Or have both of those organs shrunk to such a degree that they are barely functioning? They are just barely alive enough to stand up, walk around and repeat what they are told to repeat, but not alive enough to think for themselves or actually look around and really care for anyone else.
These guys who are left are literally missing their own lives.
Why have these Commanding Officers survived so long on their Commanding Officer positions:
Dave Petit,
Cal Cole CO AOLA
John Lundeen CO ASHO Day
Rene Norton CO ASHO Fdn
John Danilovich CO AOSHUK
Vicki Shantz CO CLO WUS
and others I foget, but some of the continental and delivery Sea Org orgs executive positions have managed to keep their heads for over a decade, some for several decades!
You must have already explained why, but that is a stablizing factor, I notice, that for some reason, the key Sea Org delivery org top executive position(s) have somehow remained stable.
Is it their personal art of managing how to live with David Miscavige’s rule!
Also, the finance people in the existing finance network. They were by my memory also somewhat stable over the decades. Like the RTC Treasury lady Barbara Kernbach, she’s in a different higher echelon, doing the RTC money dealings, and likely some money dealings to pay for Miscavige’s weekly misuse of church money, but why these people have positions that are stable amidst all the other difficulties, is remarkable.
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 1975-2003
I suspect it’s because, 1. There are very few veterans that could take their place and, 2. the vacuum of top management at Int, i.e. no WDC, no ED Int, no IMEC, etc., probably means they only operate on RTC projects – Ideal Orgs and IAS. As long as they deliver in those areas, they would be left alone. Training and auditing stats don’t come into the picture.
Good point Chuck,
The only thing I can think of in regards to this is that DM has literally NO stability of personnel around him
at INT/GOLD and apparently not much either at Middle Management and depends on these loyal COs. To hell with auditor training and WDAHs, the donos stat must still be good and that is-after all- what counts in his warped mind…
Many years ago, when we were all much younger and I had more hair on my head, Cal Cole was the CO CLO WUS and Vicki was his junior. Before that Cal was ED SFOD and before that, he was a slippery registrar, in the tradition of Fred and Louis Schwartz and Bob Zeltzer.
Cal leaned toward selling auditing, as therein lay the short term big bucks.
He carried his reg/salesman persona up the org board with him
Thanks Greta, Phil an nommom, especially the Cal Col career trajectory, Renee Norton also a reg for year, and then John Lundeen, always on money lines and at least as the FBO role he know his income sources and how to make sure the income making was done as the priority of staff life to keep his little part of the action afloat and out from the higher ups’ needling orders.
But the “reg” background, also Ivan Oblolinksy was a nifty AOLA reg, and also Kerry Gleason has his day in Div 2 at Boston during the Boston Sea Org do or die mission team that lined up the Boston area sugar daddies to keep Boston in the gravey.
Regging, money lines background, the requisites for the focus of that Exec.
Although Debbie Cook’s long reign, and also prior to her the reign of Ron Norton, neither were reg or church money backgrounds, Ron was an exemplary auditor, and Debbie was really excellent too, they were tech people.
Ah, this is just a side question to the leader job security long time critique of why Sea Org executive life was so short for most!
Others, there are factors that kept them at the grindstone week in week out.
The battlecry of scientology.
IAS donations for “status”: As wrong as using children to shame and extort their parents for money.
“Please go to http://WWW.IASMEMBERSHIP.ORG/EUS and make your donation today and in reply please let me know what you are able to do.” (That way we can push your shame button for that little something extra.)
Out of curiosity, when did the notion of “status levels” come into the IAS? Wasn’t a factor when I was involved.
Delusion Central. “Our expansion has reached into levels into society never before imagined”. Apparently there is no shortage of imagination in the bubble.
Imagination – euphemism for delusion.
“With the current Maiden Voyage Events our expansion has reached into levels into society never before imagined.”
Really Sonia? Now exactly what levels of society would those be? We have so much difficulty imagining anything that we need your help and your events to provide the necessary enlightenment. And all this has happened due to the 25th anniversary of the 26th current Maiden Voyage event? Simply wonderful.
Take a bow, take a lap and take the rest of the day off.
Mike, you’ve surpassed your self with “dyinger”! Big laugh here. Unfortunately, most of those still in have *very* selective vision and cannot see the empty orgs, the lack of service, the paucity of training and auditing (not) going on around them. The cognitive dissonance must be playing hell with their reality.
Their cognitive dissonance has become their reality.
Here is the church
Without a steeple
The Org is Ideal
Now there’s no more sheeple.
So Kay says: ‘safe, theta, ever expanding space around Flag. People donate when they hear that. It’s magic.” – Really? That is the closing line? Safe space around Flag magically produces money…
They have to come up with the most rare, off the cuff and ‘nothing to do with delivery’ statements to keep pumping up the money. From Ideal Planets, to Continents, to Regions, to Spaces, to Universes and Galaxies and whatever a dictionary can provide for future phrases.
Will see what comes next from this delusional, criminal activity. Thank you Mike.
The next phase is “Ideal Missions”! No kidding.
A little little problem that just poped up “unexpectedly”, is that one of the big whales for one of the very first “Ideal Missions” and OT and SUPER POWER completion just had a heart attack… ups. ;-(
Not funny.
You can imagine what is being done in the background to get this covered up… auditor’s already on the plane to get “everything handled” etc. etc. etc.
He’ll be in for a surprise as he is more connected to the whole scene than he himself knows… Let’s see, whether he returns or what… Ups!
If he would know all the background data and financial irregularities in regards to a “soon to be opened Ideal Org” and DM and the former INT Security Chief and Lou… and his mother…
Well, it’s better than any soap-opera – except it involves real people and real lives, and one can realy feel sorry for them. But be sure that a cover-up is already being put in place… just wait for the footbullet…
But there ARE rebels amonst the OT’s and more and more are starting to see and ARE speaking up… 🙂
What’s a COB to do?
They promote “safe space around the org”? They believe that the world around them is scarey and unsafe with the millions of unwashed and unenlightened masses. So instead of going out and doing as Ron did, to rub elbows with everyone, including the unwashed masses, they hide in their insular little orgs and say you must give money to make the scarey outside world “safe.” Wow, what a bunch of nonconfront. Definitely not exhibiting EP of the PTS SP course.
Wow! Random acts of desperation. Clear the decks folks, she’s going down hard!!!!
“Random acts of desperation” on a global scale! For its size, Scientology is sinking faster than the Titanic did.
My reaction: “I just can’t read this shit anymore.” (No, I didn’t mean your commentary, Mike, but the emails that you post.) Rest assured, I will keep coming to your blog.
I love ideal orgs, it means fewer and fewer honest people are getting screwed over by these criminals, (because these idle morgues are EMPTY) and it keeps these dangerous squirrels away from things that matter (legitimate businesses, sane people, friends, family, etc.)
They will never find a comm-line, because they don’t want to hear what would be said on an actual live comm-line.
It’s like watching a dog fight, the dogs don’t know what they are doing. If no-one gets in the cage with the dogs then it’s all good.
Good luck Davie, you’re in the cage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ken you are so right. These people are totally oblivious to the outside world and totally oblivious to the fact that $cientology is universally hated. So long as they are wrapped up in their own little internal world and fundraising schemes, the real world is safe.
Kaye’s note re Miami says this: “I need each OTC member to actually help on this.” I take the presence of the word “actually” in this sentence to mean, “you guys better produce some actual, meaningful results, instead of just paying lip service to getting things done and then slinking off as fast as possible so we don’t reg you even more.”
“Ask your friends, family, acquaintances and people you don’t know to donate. You’ll be surprised how many will just do that.”
Why don’t they just put on saffron robes and try to impersonate the Hare Krishnas? Just don’t use the little finger cymbols, they are really annoying.
Imagine walking down the street in any city and having a perfect stranger ask you to donate to the “L Ron Hubbard Auditorium” or an “Ideal Org”. I want that conversation on youtube. No matter what face you put on it, these emails are full of desperation.