Sent to me by a Special Correspondent last night.
Nothing further need be said.
And no sooner had I posted this than I saw this from Marc Headley on Twitter.
Seems to be a trend…
Here is another one.
Access Hollywood interview with Leah. 43,905 views. And who is PAYING to place their ad to try and take advantage of Leah’s prominence?
It’s always a little satisfying when liars are caught lying!
And just because….
And finally…
Hey Hey everybody. Leah has an ad campaign on Facebook. Here’s the link and the offer it goes to. Free if you get their membership.
Thanks for the lead. I just purchased the audio and have listened to a few minutes of it and hearing the tone of her voice adds another dimension to her story. This is my first audio book experience but I don’t think it will be my last!
You’re welcome, Roger! I imagine that you’re gonna get that Italian fire directly from “her thetan” in the parts where it gets heated up.
Would love to hear your review when you’re done. 🙂
Next Headline!! “President of the Church of Scientology missing for the last 10 years. WHERE IN THE WORLD IS HEBER JENTZSCH?”
Rumors swirling about another high ranking Scientology official, Rev. Heber Jentzsch, who has gone missing. Although Rev. Jentzsch was taken out of hiding for his son’s funeral in 2012, he hasn’t been seen for at least 8 years. We were told by someone who intimately knows Heber, that he was held in an engine room on the church’s “Freewinds” for a number of years and came out “mumbling to himself, incoherently”.
After that, according to Mike Rinder, former church spokesperson, Rev. Jentzsch was being held in what Scientology international management called, “The Hole”. Many people have reported on the Hole who were actually detained in the double wide trailers that served as a prison at the Hemet base; Debbie Cook, Mike Rinder, Mark “Marty” Rathbun, and other notable former Scientology executives.
Rev. Jentzsch’s brother, David Jentzsch, said that the last time he talked with his brother, Heber said, “”I’ll Never Get Out of Here Alive”, this according to Tony Ortega, when he was with The Village Voice. This doesn’t sound like a man who is staying at a beautiful religious retreat of his own volition. (story here: )
According to Ortega’s article, Heber said, “‘I don’t think I can ever get out of here.’ But I told him, ‘You have to try.’ And the last thing he said to me was, ‘I’ll never get out of here alive’.”
Since then, David says, the workers at the base have refused to take his call.
“They won’t let me talk to him. Heber just lost his son, Alexander,” David explains. “I called and told them I’d like to talk to my brother about this. They told me, ‘You can’t come, we don’t want you here.’ I told them I’d come down there and they’d have to let me see him. But they said, ‘Heber is not going to be able to talk to you, so it’s best that you don’t come.”
Is this the next episode in the bizarre and terrifying tale of the current Church of Scientology, run by the diminutive David Miscavige?
There are a lot of ex-Scientologists asking after the health and welfare of their friend Heber Jentzsch, still in the church. Can anything be done about this? Can anyone help David Jentzsch legally, to see his brother?
Can Heber come out to play?
Ok. There you go, cub reporters. It’s all yours, no copyright needed. Take it and run with it with my blessings, as you wish.
Hey, hey, Heber. We miss you.
Nice photo of the dwarf in his ad, perhaps Leah can shed some light on the dwarfs’s ever absent wife?
Considering the dwarfs rules regarding 2d activity in the bubble is he a homosexual perhaps?
I don’t think so as I’ve never seen him in a gay mood.
What does his mood have to do with him, perhaps being a homosexual?
And what’s so bad about being a homosexual?
It don’t mean a thing if you don’t fund Dave’s bling (shoop bop, shoop bop, shoop bop, shoop bop, shoop bop, shoop bop, shoop bop, shoop bop)
Makes no difference if the money’s hot, just give the cobster everything you’ve got.
Walking through the empty Org, short arse scrapping on the floor, TC there in full lock-step, hurry give them all you’ve got.
Perfect description, OTVIIIisGrrr8.
miscarriage (not a typo, I’m following suit by not granting him capitol letters) hasn’t learnt yet, has he? He should know better than to mess with Leah! Her next interviews may well be exposing this lie put out by the dwarf and he’ll get a lot more unwanted, embarrassing publicity for the “patheticness” of the church.
Of course, said ad is probably for the benefit of the still ins. This, too, will probably backfire as they get curiouser and curiouser and dare to take a peek at the internet. Oh, boy. What fun it all is.
The little man hasn’t learnt a lesson has he? DON’T mess with Leah!
But then, he’s not known for his intellect, is he?
HARK! A new era in Scientology. Captain david miscavige (not a typo he doesnt deserve capital letters) helping financially support SP’s everywhere. That’s getting into the Christmas spirit captain dave. You’ll be a christian before you know it. Heck you might even make it onto my Christas card list.
This is so bizarre that I’m having a hard time believing it. Is this their idea of being hip or net-savvy? Traditionally memes are humorous and/or clever. These are neither.
For some time now, communication emanating from the bubble is either vengeful and mean, or oddly stilted and awkward. They really are suffering an identity crisis.
This is what happens when you habitually lie and ruin people’s lives and then get hoisted onto the world stage. You just end up looking like a blabbering idiot.
The comment memes aren’t Scilon work. Blame the cancer that is killing /b/ for the suckitude of the ones Mike posted. Maybe someone will do some Advice Leahs that will be better.
Great post. Cross posted to 20 Facebook groups (as I do with many of your blogs) also pinned in Pinterest and Twittered (as I do with many of your blogs.) Two thumbs up 🙂
Dave – you’re an idiot. A moronic, evil, two-and-a-half percenter idiot. However, I’m getting sick to death of seeing your continual foot-bullets, so I’m gonna help you out.
Just release a simple statement such as: “We sincerely regret any hardships Ms. Remini feels she may have experienced while a parishioner of Scientology. Scientology’s only purpose is to help our fellow beings and bring happiness to all life. We wish Ms. Remini all the best in all her future endeavors.”
Of course it’s a lie as that’s the last thing you really feel, but as someone with a little experience in entertainment publicity, I guarantee if you do this, you may have at least one or two people left who don’t think you’re an asshole leading a dangerous cult. These two people may live in Timbuktu, but hey, a win’s a win.
And, you might actually come off as an adult.
So, please, short and sweet – high road and grown up.
And then shut your fucking mouth.
Shhhhhhh. He may be listening.
Seriously? Davy boy only listens to his psychic mind. His BTs tell him what to do….
While it is quite true that COB RTC David Miscavige needs admiration particles flowing to him without surcease, it is not because he is a vainglorious narcissistic as a tiny handful of bitter defrocked apostates have alleged.
Nor is COB a strutting popinjay, a cretinous nancyboy, and he is most certainly not a “dramatizing interior decorator” as some have called him.
The fact is that thus “Big Being” needs to have a constant Niagara Falls torrent of admiration particles flowing his way only because it helps lesser beings.
So long as he has the money and power, COB doesn’t really the need the endless thousands of standing ovations at events — this although he has certainly earned them by his Herculean labors efforts at planetary salvage. No, the truth is that the little people, well, people like you who are reading this blog, need to flow COB admiration because it is, as show by actual research, case gain.
We in RTC have conducted research proving that preclears who flow COB an unending stream of admiration particles achieve 470,000x more case gain. IAS donations increase case gain by 253,000x. Thus, by applauding COB and donating to the IAS, case gain increase is a staggering 723,000x
So the next time you are jumping to your feet at an event for the 122nd time, just remember this is case gain for you. COB Is humbly accepting your applause only to help you.
It is only for the spiritual gain of others that COB drinks in the applause. It is only to help others that COB has spent decades and hundreds of millions of dollars ensuring that his face is plastered all over an ocean of publications, videos,
Even that $8,000,000 advertorial in The Atlantic that did not go well due to Psych sabotage and all of the sniggering among the chattering classes of SP’s was done for your spiritual benefit.
So how about you stop all of the J&D for once and say, “thank you Sir, thank you COB.”
Thank you, thank you cobster. You’ve definitely provided me and my pals here shitloads of laughs and guffaws. You truly are The Pope of The Popinjays.
OTVIIIisGrrrr8 this is for you!
OT IX answers one of the questions most asked by Scientologists: “Do birds fly?” OT X provides the answer to “Do fish swim?”
Oh, man! I am off to the supermarket to buy People. Gorgeous cover shot of Leah, and the blurbs are devastating to the cult. And, yes, I’ll pick up the Star also. I have no shame. I’ll just hide it inside People 🙂
Correction: In Touch, not Star.
Somebody ought to remind FFT dicktater (tater-dick?) about the rumor that circulated through the orgs and Scilon websites of how “…some secret billionaire” was paying Tony Ortega’s way to very successfully launch ‘Unbreakable’. And all of the while legions of PI’s unable to uncover his/her identity. Say, Davey! Have you considered that maybe Leah has one of her very own? Some secret angel paving her way to blast you and Co$ to kingdom come? Now you gotta spend EVEN MORE MONEY to try and beat Leah down (with foot bullets, naturally), ‘cos now there are TWO guys setting you up to fall. Both of them are bigger than you could ever be–in so many ways! *chuckle*
Just be sure to mention to wog outlets as to how you are being bullied and picked on by guys richer than you and you not being able to expose them. And that-really!-they’re not figments of your imagination.
Yes, the cobster (I’m stealing that) couldn’t possibly admit that Leah is financing her own attack on him. Then he would have to ADMIT that she is in some way successful after leaving the cherch.
I’m sure he’s stomping his feet and throwing a fit, just like that impertinent brat in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Veruca Salt. I think he’s about the same height. Probably would look about the same in a dress. Anybody wanna shoop that? lol
Now that I look at the video, she’s a little better behaved than little davie.
…too bad we don’t have one of those furnaces.
Poor Davey. As far as I can conclude, and I said this since years, my opinion is that he’ll leave the cult stealing a large pack of zillions, and has perhaps already bought some island or marina somewhere under the sun, where like Hubbard, he hopes to drink too ,much whisky and go after some girl still in love with that dwarf.
This is a secret so don’t make this public, BUT,
One of David Miscavige’s private hide away’s is in the South of France.
The Zillions are in Offshore accounts..
You know, the island of Saint Helena is available.
The Brits are trying to turn St. Helena into a tourist trap. We’ll have to find somewhere even more remote. I’m thinking South Georgia. Uninhabited and with an indescribable stench when the seals and penguins come there to mate. Oh, wait, they’ve got a rat kill project going on there. DM won’t like seeing his fellow predatory rodents being exterminated.
Well, Espi, south Georgia is good….until you hear the banjos…
Dissemination is a beautiful thing!
They might try insemination to increase their members.
It’s actually a brand new part of the Org Board, THE INSEMINATION DIVISION. If those CICS’s can’t increase our numbers, I’ll do it one insemination at a time till the entire planet…..
They aught to rethink that old “no kids for the SeaBorgs”, with no new public joining and no next gen scions being born, insemination may be the only source of bodies in the shop soon. Ewwwwww, the thought of a Daves-dwarf army creeps me.
Love the ‘In Touch’ cover. First of all, you know that no “Scientology secrets finally revealed” is going to happen in that article. It’s the cover that’s priceless: “meltdown over chipped mugs and cookie dough.” Great J&D stuff. LOL!
Mike sorry this is off topic but I was just forwarded an email that The Way to Happiness Foundation is seeking donations from Scientologists so 250,000 copies of WTH can be distributed in Paris. The first thing that sprang up in my mind was how disgusting that the cult never fails to rise up for a “retail opportunity” and secondly the irony, see the following.
“In 1978, L. Ron Hubbard was convicted in absentia by French authorities of engaging in fraud, fined 35,000 francs, and sentenced to four years in prison.[26] The head of the French Church of Scientology was convicted at the same trial and given a suspended one-year prison sentence “
Thanks Doug.
You know the scientology fundraisers motto: The best type of fundraising event is a front-page-headline tragedy.
Like the famous line from Apocalypse Now that is repeated at every IAS morning muster: I love the smell of tragedy in the morning.
And while they’re at it they could print up some copies of the Way To Happiness in Arabic to send to Syria…oh…that’s right…Syrians have no money to donate…never mind.
How great would it be for a journalist to cover Scientology during one of their zillions of humanitarian efforts and expose how it’s only one big photo opportunity PR shoot.
Who is Leah? I have never heart about her before ..
Unfortunately, I am afraid this isn’t a joke. You need some help.
Who is Leah? The dictionary sez: Leah. noun. Former Scientologist who is kicking Hubbard’s teeth in.
Leah Remini is the actress who played in King of Queens. She was a scientologist since age 6. She got out of the cult after being in for 30 years. Her book, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology, hit number 1 on the NY Times best seller list. Not sure how you wouldn’t know as her face is everywhere….
Do you actually believe Friend doesn’t know who Leah is? I smell a rat.
Well, if you smell a rat, then I smell a rat too!
The picture of Miscavige struck me as odd. It has English, Arabic, and Hebrew. It looks like a picture from 2012 ( That’s three year’s ago — and they can’t get a current picture of the maniacal miniature? Maybe that’s the last time he appeared to be smiling?
This one looks much better:
Here a message on the French blog
Un scientologue m’a appelé samedi pour me demander de revenir sur les lignes parce qu’on a besoin de tous les OTs ! Je lui ai répondu qu’OT ou pas on ne voyait pas la différence dans ce monde de merde.
Et là il me sort « tu sais, sans les OT, il y aurait eu peut être 500 morts à Paris ». Je l’aurais eu à côté de moi, il se prenait une baffe magistrale.
Qu’ont-ils à toujours tout ramener à eux ?????? A croire que le bien vient uniquement de leurs séances d’audition solo et que grâce eux le pire est évité ? Très facile à dire, très difficile à prouver !
Et se servir des attentats pour « disséminer », c’est une honte.”
The guy is furious as he just got a call-in to come back on lines as they need now all OTs on lines. The calliner told him:
” You know without the OTs, perhaps there would have been 500 People killed in Paris”
Holy fuckballs that is a horrible thing to say. I am white with rage
So, the OTs let 129 people die? Shame on them, shame!
Leah Remini isn’t seeking attention, she’s INFLOWING it like crazy because people know that she can finally speak candidly about her experiences. Really Dave? You think Leah sits at home pouring through the phone book to find names and numbers of producers of talk shows so she can somehow garner a little more attention for herself and her book? YOU WISH! You accuse Leah of what you yourself are doing…..and what Scientology has been trying to do for decades.. APPEAR LEGITIMATE. If you YOURSELF agreed to do a candid interview about the practices of the $cientology Corporation and agreed up front that no question was off limits, then your phone would be ringing off the hook JUST LIKE LEAHS IS.
Dear dave, End Disconnection.
Dave: NO.
“Stop dave Stop.”
McCarran, Dave just moves to the beat of that old Rufus song ‘Once You Get Started’
Stop dave Stop. I can’t do that Hal.
Do you want to hear a song? Yeah, Hal. Sing me a song.
Dear Dave: Fuck you! Whew! I feel better now. End disconnection.
Somewhere orbiting Target Two, L. Fraud must be seething seeing what’s been happening with Project Celebrity. And if you can facepalm in the afterlife, that’s what Yvonne’s doing right now. The Toxic Dwarf has well and truly goofed the floof.
Ah yes, goof the floof. One of Hubbard’s scientific terms regarding OT III.
The whole world is expecting Tom Cruise to come out and stop the abuses by the church but he won’t because he is as guilty as miscavige .
He may be guilty but the church has so much in their pockets to use against him, he’s stuck.
Now he loses either way.
IMO: When he realizes his personal problems (that will be revealed publicly) are no different than any other human on earth…he’ll maybe step away. I’m guessing he is shamed into a lot of it.
Scientology ads appear in front of almost all of my YouTube videos. This has been going on for about a month or so. It is the ultimate in irony that they are paying me to expose and criticize them. My viewers love it. If you want to see Scientology’s latest ads, just watch one of my vids.
I always skip the ads or kill the sound regardless of the content.
Damn, Chris! I went on youtube and no cult messages came up. I’d like to see them.
And learn tons of stuff from Chris. His videos are some of the best on critical thinking I’ve seen. I look forward to them eagerly!
Chris, not to be ‘entheta’ but you should also hear what Julian Swartz and his Agents has to say about you in the orgs. They chatter their “dead-agent” crap into people’s ears, which comes across as silly, petty,vindictive and violates a person’s right to privacy. It makes them look bad doing this but they are blind. You are much braver than they will ever be. Keep on doing what you’re doing. You are getting to them, real good 🙂
I love your videos too and am a long term UTR. Respect.
if you want to see a stark raving lunatic just watch me watching one of those scn ads
Post updated with additional material… Smile Dave. You’re on candid camera.
Well, that’s refreshing…
The bombardment of scn ads start with this graphic where you have the word science from one side of your screen colliding with the word religion from the right…the block letters mish-mash to the middle and out of the alphabet soup you magically get: SCIENTOLOGY.
Just exactly like magic.
I thought that was ironically similar to the creation in real life. Just shove the words together. Take real words and make scientology out of it, and sell it baby, sell it up good.
Never mind it is actually goop. What the science community leaves in the toilet.
These ads are everywhere now on YouTube. There is no doubt in my mind that millions are being spent trying to keep the face of scn as polished as possible. And they are slick, these commercials. I mean, wow. Of course I get creeped out. The general public sees this stuff to think they are looking at a regular advertisement. I look at it and have Orwellian nightmares.
One came on the TV at a party and i start flipping out.
“Oh don’t get him started on Scientology…” says a girl. She is being playful but she is serious. They think I’m something of the villiage idiot already, so i try to tone it down.
Inside, i am still a freak.
So, yeah, thanks for calling them out on this glossy crap, Mike. Thanks for pointing out how much money they are spending on polluting the airwaves. Remember everybody that those dollars were won WITHOUT BEING TAXED.
Somebody has got to tell the story straight.
Miscavige is the attention whore. He craves it. He’s addicted to it. The only attention he gets is from his Still Ins at events and most of them only show up because they’ve been nagged, coaxed, coerced, threatened and hounded into doing so. If Miscavige thought he could get any spontaneous, positive attention he’d be walking the streets naked.
Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! My eyes!!!!! Aqua, I’ve gone temporarily blind when you wrote Miscaviage and naked in the same sentence!
I know. 🙂 Sorry, OSD. Poor Lou, right?
that was unneccesarily vulgar
My apologies to all whose sensibilities are outraged by my recent display of unnecessary vulgarity.
Hi Aquamarine, I love you just as you are. You believed in me when I first posted here and as I face my six month mammogram for the return of breast cancer, I lean on you again. Refrain I can do it ! Love U, Ann.
Thank you, Ann. Of course you can do it. You will do it. Your spiritual strength and courage will power the body to do the test, and you’ll come thru with flying colors. We’re all with you. We care about you.
You have to keep yourself with us because I believe that one day a big bunch of us will be together drinking too much champagne at OSD’s beach place.
(Actually, Bud Lite and grilled Nathan’s hot dogs sound like more fun.)
We really are all with you Ann.
Picture all of us right now in your mind
feel the healing power and know
we are all with you.
Each one another form of healing hearts.
Always more
I’ve never seen you use unnecessary vulgarity. But keep in mind who I am….
Necessary vulgarity seems more to the point.
That’s what I’m talking about!
I’m a Christian and every year we do a food drive during the holiday season to help those less fortunate have a warm meal for thanks giving give kids presents for Christmas and so many other great things to help others . That’s what a real religion does in my opinion that is why a real religion should be tax exempt. When was the last time an ideal org opened its doors to let homeless people in when it’s cold out or pouring rain . I know many Catholic churches that open their doors to those in need for nothing in return
“When was the last time and Ideal org opened its doors to let homeless people in when it’s cold out or pouring rain.” The last time was trillions & trillions & trillions of years ago. And even then, they kicked them out after an hour…
You’re wrong OSD. When the sheeple lose their houses to the IAS vultures, they become homeless as do Sea Org members and the compassionate church takes them all in and gives them sucker, I mean succor.
Isn’t ‘succor’ anther word for sucker?
by such surcease
“Desperate” isn’t the right word to describe the motives of a person who is currently riding on an extraordinary wave of success. That accusation just comes across as resentful and jealous. Let’s utilize that excellent word more effectively and apply it to David Miscavige, the universally maligned and ridiculed Bully Dictator of a universally maligned and ridiculed Bully Religion which is rapidly collapsing.
Or even to Tom Cruise who is mad as hell about Leah’s revelations about him. He’d love to refute them in an interview, but that interview can’t be a candid one, it must be a soft-peddled one. In other words he needs a Tom Cruise INFOMERCIAL. Now, THAT’S a good employment opportunity for the word, “desperate”.
One revelation that isn’t so bad in my book is Tom wanting to play ‘Hide and Go Seek’ on his “secluded, three acre property.” That sounded like fun to me. Hey, I would have asked to borrow a pair of tennis shoes and played!
If Tom is livid over that, then he is way too serious about himself.
If I had an extra 8 million laying around I’d buy a couple Ideal homes (one Ideal winter, one Ideal summer), a couple Ideal cars, some Ideal clothes, pass out some Ideal money to family and then just live out a much deserved IDEAL life. And yes OSD I would buy an IDEAL HARLEY!
I was waiting for you to say that. I was also waiting for you to say you’re buying my family a new home. Ideal, of course.
And an Ideal surfboard for OSD too, please.
Bless your heart, Bea! You know me so well!
And….Hurricane Leah is getting it – thank you very much!! Not only is she getting attention for herself – helping build her integrity, humanity, grace and professionalism – she is single handedly helping to destroy the Church of Scientology!
Thank you Leah – please continue! Members are leaving in droves because of your courage to speak up and tell the truth.
The World is falling in love with Leah Remini and Scientology is showing its fangs again!
Ms. Remini – if you are reading this – THANK YOU – you have empowered so many of us to come out of hiding and suppress Scientology with the truth about Scientology!
Oh – I almost forgot – FUCK YOU OSA and Dick-tator David MIscavige!! Your days are numbered…tick tock tick tock *as Tory Magoo would say*
Hip Hip Hooray – down with Scientology today!!
Hip, Hip Hooray – down with Scientology today! I love it, Idle Morgue! I wish we were standing in front of big blue chanting that slogan!
don’t ever feel lonely
doing a thing like that
I would join you
in a heartbeat, OSD
Oh, don’t worry! I’d certainly drag you along with me! And anyone else in the L.A. area who wanted to come and have some fun. Especially talking about OT III at their tables.
I’m shopping for a guy fawks mask. Maybe paint one up myself
real nice like
(i said that like this oldWestern gun-slinger, real badass.
…hey did u see a-a-aquamarine, um. Wow.
earlier i mean.
i think she likes me…i’m not kidding)
Hm? yeah i got cowboys for real make me like six-foot-five
then after we could maybe do the beach thing, boards ok tell aqua and Ann.
Don’t tell anybody but im experiencing this love-all state of being. If anybody could get a scientologist to talk to a guy in a mask, it would be me. I do believe.
Hi Idle Morgue, I am with you. Leah Remini joins my ever lengthening list of real heroes. She is beautiful, very strong and a bright arc light right in the face of cos and cob. The remark by David that she is desperately seeking attention, is so very old and tired. That line was trotted out on me years ago as a Mike Flynn plaintiff. Same old dog and pony show, except the real dog and pony took off long ago. And I see someone is trying to call the Asho Lion home to the Ideal Org of Asho. Sorry boys and girls that Lion is never going back! And I have his roar of agreement! All us bitter defrocked sp apostates on the fringes of the Internet pack one powerful punch! About time I’d say. Love, Ann.
Team Leah! (Pumps fist) And everything that Idle just said.
and Tory MaGoo pumps fists times two!
And I…well, I just sit on the stoop and watch.
like hell you will
It would be interesting to audit the legal entities of the Cult of Greed, how much money comes in and how much money goes out to help people, like giving water, shelter, medical aid in the event of a catastrophe. The result would be astounding science-fiction!
“…like giving water, shelter, medical aid in the event of a catastrophe.” Alex, that would never happen. They come in for a quick photo shoot then leave. Scientology NEVER does anything for anyone unless money is exchanged…
the dwarf should get rid of jis own minuscule aggrandized self. He’s nothing more than one of the many people who were duped by the crime cult founder. It’s one of the things I’m not agreeing to Mike and Mark: I’m certain Hubbard was a crook and knew it. He came in that “job” when he hated himself since he was’nt even able to control himself.
People with such IQ as LRH and the dwarf can’t ignore and still beieve what they do against others. Theuy are the same sort of criminals as Abu Bakr al Baghdadi are, even when their methods are a BIT different. And they are ignoble enough to be sent to jail for life.
Or die on the spot, like abu bakr (The Successor, in arabic) could get in few days from the coalition he was creating, like DM has created his own coalitiion here.
If CO$ invested in eight million to preserve it’s self against Leah Rimini, it makes one wonder how much it will preserve when Senior Miscavige book comes out?
DM is getting desperate and if his father does release a tell all you have to wonder how long before the whole thing crumbles. I wonder if he has an exit strategy to avoid it falling on him
I bet DM was a bedwetter into his teens.
He stopped?
What do you mean, into his teens. More like into his 50’s.
I believe he still wets his bed…
🙂 🙂 🙂 every time he sees a picture of Leah.
Oh! Then he craps in his shorts.
DM is a Tiger.
TIGER, 1. a pretended member (staff member) who has been repeatedly associated with goofed projects and operations and who actually has caused such to occur. He is a person who is a continued out-ethics person. He has failed to get ethics in on himself. (FO 872).
More of a pussy.
…or a kitten…
this has gone too far
(more more more)
LOL!!!! Still laughing! Mark, you are too funny! Almost as funny as me!
Hi Old Surfer Dude, You do know what I have been talking about. Mark Marco ( he will not like me for the capitalization,) but hey he deserves it. He is a light that will shine through any storm and an excellent writer too. OK I am a little biased. Love Always, Ann. Your humor has kept me going, I love it and your viewpoint. Love, Ann.
Re: Tiger. The genius, such as it is, of Hubbard is his ability to fabricate absurd categories in response to whatever bugaboo is pushing his button at a particular moment. Here, as he does so often, he is laying the blame for his own repeated and persistent failures at the feet of his underlings, and then inventing a cute term to describe the imagined phenomenon. In this case, and without cause, he conflates the cause of his “goofed projects” with the poor saps he has assigned to carry them out. Of course the reason for the goofs is that they are Hubbard’s works. Then, as always, he further lays blame with what he calls “out-ethics,” the meaning of which has nada to do with the English word ethics, nor any of its etymological cognates. When he says “pretended member,” he is even trying to disown the scapegoats from the legitimacy of their association with him.
Hubbard — The knife that never stops stabbing you in the back.
Spot-on analysis. When we start using our own reasoning skills it’s amazing how Hubbardarian Law quickly turns to obvious bull shit.
Correction: what is AMAZING is that it took so long for us to apply our own reasoning skills to Hubbardarian Law.
hgc10 wrote:
“Hubbard — The knife that never stops stabbing you in the back.”
LOL! It is a amazing how often Hubbard got away with stuff like this.
Scientology is littered with service facs (“We build a world with broken straws”) Blame and Shame (“I had to undercut Scientology technology because Man was so stupid”), Instant Attacks (“WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG???”) and outright name-calling (“tiger”, “DB”, “1.1”, “PTS”, “SP” ) that are all designed to cover up Scientology’s failures and lay the blame at the feet of Scientologists.
Scientologists were expected to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the failures of Scientology while Hubbard and Miscavige took none.
Once you have adopted these things to do your thinking for you, which every ethics interview is designed to do, you are a full-on unit of propitiation and self-invalidation. All while thinking that you are on the road to TOTAL FREEDOM.
Scientology is built of loaded language, bait and switches, hypnosis, brainwashing, and every technique of social coercion that L Ron Hubbard could find, including seniors in paramilitary uniforms screaming TOO GRUESOMES into your face to severely adjust your reality.
Hubbard built a fucking onslaught to make you give over every single thing of value that you had to him.
I’m happy that as many of us who survived Scientology did so with fairly reasonable sanity.
If you think about it, there are a lot of very valuable lessons to having survived Scientology. The trouble is that you never learn them until you are fully and completely out of Scientology, and looking at it from way on down the road.
You gotta admit it’s quite the con.
An excellent critique Alanzo. The Church is exactly and precisely constructed so that no one ultimately wins except the man behind the curtain pulling the levers of this killing machine disguised as Oz.
Hi Alonzo, As I read your post, I felt what you described very deeply. For me it has taken years and years to see exactly what you commented. I was far far down the road, and I still was blinded by parts of Ron’s Sea Org World. Then I found this blog and have peeled back all of it. Very spirit searching for me when I realized how much I gave to him to use however he wanted. I like your choice of ” reasonable sanity”. Some days that is how I feel. Always, Ann
People are going to flood into the Orgs from these ads. It’s well worth the expense. I hope they are prepared for the influx of public.
chrismann, you are more right than you know! My neighbors, upon seeing the ads, and not knowing anything about scientology, are signing up for courses. People are walking by my home trying to figure out how to get to the OC Idle Morgue. It’s….it’s almost like they’re hypnotized…or drunk.
Flooding the orgs, clamouring for the tech. Those ads are really working aren’t they?
The sure are Aunt Bea! I mean, they spent 8 million dollars on them. When you spend that much money, it automatically works…..right?
Seriously!! Do they think we are stupid? Miscavige are delusional. Perhaps they should spend their parishoners money on feeding and caring for their Sea Org folks.
About as likely as Davey abdicating his throne.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Stop Deb!!! I can’t breathe anymore…
As likely as John Travolta becoming a critic of the cult…
The Dark Knight
Lieutenant Jim Gordon looking at a picture of The Joker (substitute David Miscavige)
Gordon: What’s he hiding under that make-up?
David Miscavige is Desperate for a Life.
Sorry Mike am I reading this correctly – scientoology has spent $8m on an ad – or they are accusing Leah of spending that much?
No. Leah spent nothing to promote herself. She wrote a book. It is scientology and Miscavige that spend money trying to make themselves relevant.
Thanks Mike, that makes a lot more sense.
No amount of gloss or advertising will change what scn is, they are incapable of even recognising that they need to drastically modify their behaviour.
I wonder what the cult spent on their Super Bowl spot? Now that is an act of desperation!
Dear dave,
I think you need to put up MORE ads, because nobody is getting how insane everyone is but you.
Has it become an RPFable offense to cut your subscription to Mike’s blog?
According to Tony, they didn’t spend 3.8 million on a national feed Super Bowl ad, but he does place the cost of running the ad they used regionally during the SB and elsewhere in the millions. Of course, since the books wouldn’t be opened as long as COB is alive and not behind bars, your guess is as good as mine.
Those expensive ads I am sure is an excellent example of everything DM does to “save the planet”. I am sure scientologists everywhere are happy how their donations are spent
Looks like she’s getting the attention. Duh!!
Well, DM is certainly getting attention but not the kind he wants. He looks desperate to me. And another thing – I live in Austin and worked near the capitol. There was a Chipotle down the street from the Scientology center. I never once (and I was there almost every day) saw anyone entering or leaving the building. And unlike Dallas, where the cult advertises every day disguising their meetings or their groups as anything but Scientology – I’ve yet to see a single Craigslist ad advertising the same in Austin. But it really does creep me out that they installed themselves right across the street from UT. I don’t imagine they get much business there (Austin is WILDLY liberal) but still – it’s creepy.
I had the same experience when I was in Austin. I went by at the time they were promoting an event was occuring. One sad, lonely looking person standing inside the doorway at a card table. That was it as far as “life”…
That was me, Mike. I took a wrong turn on Hollywood Bl and ended up in Austin. They needed help and said if I stood at the card table, they would tell me how to get back home.
Based on Scino directions, I assume the directions ran you through 6 IAS reg tents, your wallet is empty and you are somewhere near target 2.
how’d I do?
Hello?…..Hello? Hey! I’m lost in space! Need a little help here. And…I’m broke!
Before I knew anything about Scientology I went to UT from 1998 to 2003. I would walk on Guadalupe Street across from campus and always be asked to take a stress test. I always kept on walking and would joke if they offered free pizza they may get more college kids in. I had no idea at the time how dangerous that group was. I wonder if the stress test gamble ever worked
Stress testing does work to sucker people in, which is why they use it, in the 80’s and 90’s they would have done what they call ‘Body Routing’, which was a pseudo survey to get a person engaged so they could take them into the building. Not sure when they switched to mostly stress testing. Both techniques depend on the skill of the people using them.
No one is listening to Miscavige or reporting what he says because he only spews lies….
“given a choice between journalism and advertising, people gravitate to journalism”.
Leah appeals to journalists because she is telling the truth and they are reporting it. Miscavige just tells lies so no one pays attention to him except when he pays for ads that look like journalism. And, he can’t do that again because he screwed that all up : ” No media property wants to experience the public flogging that The Atlantic took in early 2013 when its native ad on Scientology looked too close to the real thing.”
It sucks to be Miscavige….
it sucks to be the dwarf boy exponentially….
It’s just as well the RCo$ is never audited. I guess this is one of the “social programs” they used to try and reg me for. What a load of bollocks