These people have totally lost touch with reality.
80 NOTs completions in a YEAR is going to have absolutely NO effect on the “theta/entheta ratio.” Less of these idiotic emails might make a bit of difference though….
At 80 per year, or even 100 per year its 100 years to make their 10,000 target. Only 50 if you give them the benefit of the doubt that they have gotten 5000 in 30 years.
I wonder if these people even know anything about where they are living outside the gates of St Hill? The population of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland is 70 million, increasing about 200,000 a year.
If the highest ever number of people on NOTs at AOSHUK is 19 at one time — that is .0000002 of the population. Or one out of every 3.68 million people. That is miniscule. Ignore the people already alive, they are servicing only one out of every 2000 ADDITIONS to the population (Births minus deaths) or one of every 10,000 people born in the UK each year. To make any real impact on this scene, they need to have a minimum of one out of every 10,000 being serviced. That means they need 7000 people in their HGC at a time. They are not even thinking with 700 or even 70. They are striving to increase their completions this YEAR from 89 to 92.
This is so horrendously insignificant, yet they are PROMOTING their “massive” impact. Clearly they are unaware of reality. Or perhaps more accurately stated they are unaware of their unreality. This is a disease that has spread from the top down in fundamentalist Scientology. These days if anyone in the church who is in a more “senior” position than you says that something is “massive” or “awesome” or “highest ever” or “changing the course of civilization” or any of the other worn out words that are invariably followed by multiple exclamation points, it is simply accepted as “fact” with no further thought.
This is not tough math. But reality just isnt seeping into the bubble at all these days.
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013
From: AOSHUK <>
Subject: From: Liza Riley – AO Tech Sec AOSHUKDear Xxxxx,
VERY GOOD NEWS from the NOTs Team at Ron’s Home!!!
Last week we had the highest ever number of people being audited on OT V, with 19 Pre-OTs going in daily on NOTs (The Living Lightning, the very stuff of life itself!)!!! They are from all walks of life, all ages, many countries, with one thing in common, a purpose to go free and to make it, and help to reverse the dwindling spiral here on planet Earth!
With only 11 days to go until the end of the year we are sprinting to make our target of Highest Ever OT V completions in one year! We are at 81 currently- and with those 19 playing the game we are going to make it!!!
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the previous years, they are:
89You can see that we are having a very real impact on the theta/entheta ratio, and contributing massively to helping Flag to make the international target of 10,000 on or through Solo NOTs!
With our target now in direct and real sight, our attention goes toward the future, and we would like to know from you who is going to be on the honour roll for next year- 2014?
If you are not yet OT V do you have a plan to do OT V next year?
Have you heard about the new intensive prices released with the Golden Age of Tech Phase II?
Do you have any questions about this, or anything else that would help you to make it?
If you are already OT V do you know of anyone else who should be on the honour roll for next year?
Thank you very much for a theta filled year of support, and for anything you have done to help us achieve this target!!! Have a great 2014!
Love from the NOTs Team at Saint Hill
To make any sort of difference to the entheta/theta ratio, more people should be on course, taking services, getting auditing, and all the other Church of Scientology BS, than fans attend just 1 of the professional sports… think the NFL, NBA, soccer in Europe, etc.
This isn’t happening. Miscavige no doubt has the real numbers at his disposal and knows that the Church is empty. It is dead. Worldwide. And it’s just getting worse.
He thinks that pretty buildings will attract people. If they build it, they will come. But this isn’t true at all. The buildings don’t matter. The MEST means nothing (and in 10 years will look like nothing more than a tacky office building).
The only thing that will attract people to the Church is PEOPLE. And sadly, no matter whether David Miscavige thinks that Tom Cruise is the hottest man on the planet, hardly anyone else does. HE’S JUST AN ACTOR. The Church needs people of consequence, and at the end of the day, it needs to PRODUCE people of consequence.
Sadly, the church has NEVER done so. People join the church, and then disappear from life. They don’t join the Church and THEN become great.
And that’s one of the many, many, problems the Church faces. It DOESN’T produce great people. It does the opposite. It takes productive people and then shuts them off from society. And any organization that does that has no future.
Mike you are the best…!!! Good point!
18 OT’s declared in SA, 19 people on SOLO in St. Hill, so a net gain of 1 there.
Add in the millions of course at Flag and we are halfway to our goal of 10,000.
Good points.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mike!
They always (ALWAYS) say “Who’s going to do this or that next???!!” Who is going to be next? Who is going to make another stat? Who is going to give us money.
It’s never (NEVER) “What can we do to make our services easier, better, more to your liking, our wonderful Customers/Parishioners who mean so much to us…?” Oy. What a yucky thought on Christmas Eve.
I hope for everyone else it is happy, healthy and loving. Merry Christmas, for real. 🙂
John Doe,
You got that right.
Merry Christmas
Go to boot camp and come out a soldier. Join the Hare Krishnas and after awhile you’ll wear orange robes, bang a tambourine and do the jazz dance that crazy women do when inebriated. VERY GOOD NEWS. Go to AOSHUK and join the OTs who wear cameras on heads, stage non-existent events, act stupid and stalk Marty and his wonderful wife. Only 11 days to go until we get another squirrel buster in a fruity shirt.
This short video disturbed me when I was still in, due to my own recognition of the similarities between church OTs and Ed Begley JR’s Son of the Invisible Man. Enjoy!
more delusional propaganda…
All of these sky-high goals or targets are either unobtainable or the end product is sooo overhyped, that even if it were achieved the resultant effect would be imperceptible.
Personally I think “Clearing the Planet” is a suppressive target and is simply unobtainable. We have LRH to thank for that one.
“Clear the Planet” IS a good thing – but, how? LRH never really tells us EXACTLY how to do that, other than apply Standard Tech and Admin. Or, Super Power is the key to planetary clearing – hmm, okay…HOW EXACTLY?
Everyone in the church simply IGNORES the logistics of such a task. The logistics boggles the mind. I really think they believe that if they just do what LRH says long enough and hard enough, that something magical with happen which will suddenly put world clearing within reach. Wow. Just wow.
That people will magically just wonder into an org, now that the theta-entheta balance has been adjusted. Because the reason why they didn’t before is all that nasty entheta flowing around in the Theta Universe.
Sorry–I meant 80 a year.
50 a year. How many quit each year? How many Scientologists die of natural causes each year?
These facts are always the elephant in the room when Miscavige speeks.
“If you are not yet OT V do you have a plan to do OT V next year?”
Let’s see…my plans for next year are:
• get un-labeled Clear
• re-do Purif and Objectives
• do the new, shorter, quickie Grades
• re-do NED looking for .001 of a TA division change to determine if there’s earlier similar incidents
• buy a Mark VIII Ultra E-meter
• re-do Solo I
• re-do OT I. II. III solo
• re-do OT IV audited
Then, and only then will I consider doing OT V.
Wait…how about this plan: I leave the group of people constantly re-paying to re-do what I’ve already done on the Bridge and return to a society that may be full of entheta, but at least it’s not full of the artificial entheta introduced by the “church”.
That’s TWO ultra mark 8 meters POT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, exclamation points have captured my imagination. 🙂
Still, Highest ever is Highest ever.
Don’t nag a rise.
“The Living Lightning”
That brought the giggles.
They have better odds of being struck by the old fashioned regular dead kind during a thunderstorm.
When I was actively working for the Church, I used to think I understood what this whole “theta/etheta ratio” was all about, as long as I didn’t think about it too much. Like so many things in Scientology, it doesn’t hold up well under inspection.
But even taken at face value, any Scientologists surely can see that they are way off target right now on “flipping the ratio” planet-wide. Any idea that they are actually creating a positive effect planet-wide can only be called delusion. Do any survey you want of media or civic leaders or opinion leaders in any country in the world. Ask them anything about Scientology’s positive influence in their society. Once they either stop staring blankly at you or outright laughing, I think you’ll find that Scientology is having absolutely no real effect on anything anywhere. Except perhaps on its members’ bank accounts.
Yet rather than confront this simple fact and actually take effective measures to do something about it (which is what Hubbard actually said to do), instead they have done an Orwellian morph of what “theta/entheta ratio” really means and turned it into a false sense of causation and security. In fact, it has actually become a justification to do nothing effective at all.
What I mean by this is simply that when any significantly “good news” occurs anywhere on the planet, Scientologists use the “theta/entheta ratio” to tell themselves that they are somehow the ones who actually brought about this good news, regardless of who actually caused it. I first noticed this when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union was no longer imprisoning its own people. Scientologists world-wide hailed the release of OT VIII as the “cause” of this. The Berlin Wall’s falling was the result of societal and economic evolution which was literally years in the making. It had everything to do with the spread of Western ideas into the Soviet bloc countries and economic necessity for Russia to feed its people. It had absolutely nothing to do with OT VIIs sitting in a room talking to themselves with an E-meter.
Those who are actually on the Advanced Levels know what they are handling and what they aren’t. They contribute to this widespread lie within the Scientology world through their silence and they should be ashamed of themselves for this. People at the lower levels have no clue what the OT levels are actually all about (unless they look at the Internet, of course) so they are allowed to dream up literally anything they want to about them. And because their misconceptions serve the interest of the Church in justifying its very existence, those lies are allowed to spread.
I’m glad MIke posted on this subject, because it really highlights a source of many enormous logical fallacies within the Church on so many levels.
And by the way, Merry Christmas everybody! May your holidays be bright and full of good cheer. I wish you all honesty and true freedom in this new year, especially to any still-in Scientologists who are reading this. Think about what you read here and know that there is more truth here than in any number of Miscavige briefings you have been subjected to. I wish you the best!
Excellent comment.
On one hand you can dismiss any positive effect Scientology has had since the organization has as it seems moved toward hallucinatory “cause” but the facts are that Scientology in the past has had positive effects.
One has been Dianetics in the 1950’s. Before that there wasn’t really any “poor man’s psychotherapy”. One that anyone could do by simply reading a book.
Another one was blowing the whistle on covert mind control operations being conducted by our Government. Not only that but giving a way an auditor can run this engram.
Study tech has had a salutatory effect on education in general.
Also the tech when properly applied can remove the ravages of drugs, speed up the healing of injuries, shorten convalescence relating to illness and in general when correctly applied can place an individual at cause over his or her environment.
Not to mention the fact that several Scientologists were able to convince the Intelligence Community to explore psychic phenomenon for three decades.
Even if you don’t believe such phenomenon exists. You at least have to acknowledge the fact that it was millions of dollars that were diverted from more lethal programs.
However these results were achieved by actually *applying* the tech not sitting back and auditing oneself on NOTs and throwing money at the IAS, or Ideal Orgs, or some Library scam where the books actually end up in the discount book or are thrown out by the Library in question.
I think what is left of the Scientology laity in orgs these days are those who believe they don’t have to roll up their sleeves and actually *do* something about the way things are by actually auditing people or *doing* something to improve conditions.
They suffer from the “Field of Dreams” mentality that if you build an “Ideal Org” people will come or that if they audit themselves long enough the world will somehow change for the better and that they don’t have to do anything more than lift up a pair of over priced e-meter cans and adjust the tone arm on their way too expensive meter. Thinking that by doing this they are somehow making the world a better place.
I could say more.
But since this is Xmas.
I’d like to wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
“I think what is left of the Scientology laity in orgs these days are those who believe they don’t have to roll up their sleeves and actually *do* something about the way things are by actually auditing people or *doing* something to improve conditions.
“They suffer from the “Field of Dreams” mentality that if you build an “Ideal Org” people will come or that if they audit themselves long enough the world will somehow change for the better and that they don’t have to do anything more than lift up a pair of over priced e-meter cans and adjust the tone arm on their way too expensive meter. Thinking that by doing this they are somehow making the world a better place.”
Yes, that was exactly my point. You have duplicated me utterly on this.
“’Field of Dreams’ mentality…..” – yes, that is there. There are those that are waiting for command intention orders. But they are willing to roll up their sleeves and work, and are spinning their wheels ‘training’ and ‘preparing’ for delivery.
It is quite depressing. They cannot see the hole that they are digging themselves into. Their intentions are great, but they just not-is reality.
This is a fantastic intellectual study, but in reality, it is very sad.
IMHO, any effort to force reality on them is taken as an attack, and they circle the wagons. The only solution is a light touch with love. Let karma be the enemy, then we can be there to help them up when it is over.
That being said, there are also the brown shirts that are promoting the mess, they will inherit their own mess.
And the status beasts that have no other purpose in life, they will fade away to other things.
And where did they get this field of dreams mentality? Straight from DM’s PR.
I also doubt that any original grassroots projects would be welcomed. They would distract time and money from the big plans authorized by COB..
Yes, the theta/entheta ratio “created” by the RCS has ALWAYs caused everything good worldwide, but somehow is NEVER mentioned when bad things occur. At these times the RCS selects out their counter-efforts (the psychs, Big Pharma, suppressive individuals and governments), the IAS goes into action using the bad news to squeeze money out of everybody. . And what’s blowing my mind is that NO-ONE, including myself, to date, ever has or had the presence of mind to query, “Well, why isn’t our theta/entheta ratio handling that?” “Why did this happen at all, given our theta/entheta ratio?”
There is a broken communication line between the AOs, and all the Orgs, for that matter. It seems they are operating alone, rather than being aware of what the others are doing and how relates to them. With no management at the top, the result is individuated Organizations and out of comm.
The product – unreality on its operations, followed by e mails or messages as the above one.
Also, did you notice at the end she asks 5 questions to the public? This is another indicator of not knowing the scene and not having coordination on how or where to go.
The struggle for the staff inside has become inhuman…hope this ends soon.
And AOSHUK is also servicing people from outside UK/Ireland, i.e. Europe, Russia, Canada, South Africa even. So it is even less significant when compared to the numbers of the general population.
And how is this for delusion: an OT VIII recently completed on Superpower said he was sure the exact point when the dwindling spiral reversed was when the first public completed Superpower recently. What???
If they really cared about the “theta/entheta ratio” and saving humanity, they wouldn’t charge so much for their courses. We all know what they’re really after – $$$$.
> “These days if anyone in the church who is in a more “senior” position than you says
> that something is “massive” or “awesome” or “highest ever” or “changing the course of
> civilization” or any of the other worn out words that are invariably followed by
> multiple exclamation points, it is simply accepted as “fact” with no further thought.”
Hubbard has a name for this disease:
The “idée fixé” is the bug in sanity. Whenever an observer himself has fixed ideas he tends to look at them not at the information. Prejudiced people are suffering mainly from an “idée fixé”. A FIXED IDEA IS SOMETHING ACCEPTED WITHOUT PERSONAL INSPECTION or agreement. It is the perfect “Authority knows best.” It is the “reliable source.” A fixed idea is uninspected. It blocks the existence of any contrary observation. Most reactionaries (people resisting all progress or action) are uffering from fixed ideas which they received from “authorities”, which no actual experience alters. (HCO PL 19 May 70)
Uncover – and isn’t a fixed idea what a service face is based on? “Anatomy of a Service Facsimile” is the reference.
Funny how right these Kool-Aid drinkers can be.
Transparency and truth are the theta producers and we’ve got plenty of that!
Happy Holidays everyone! Love and peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (is that enough exclamations?) 🙂
🙂 !!!!!’
“Transparency and truth are the theta producers and we’ve got plenty of that!”
Triple that! Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year!!
I was supposed to go to AOSHUK but decided to be a namby-pamby decadent defrocked hedonist in the fringes of la dolce vita. Merry Christmas to ye all.
No wonder I feel like getting in touch with the “International Justice Chief” lately, who is “my only terminal”!
Too bad he is probably stuck doing call in, trying to sell MK Ultra Meters or some such. So much theta!
See you on the other side, IJC.
I think that the number of people leaving the cult is making a much bigger difference on the theta/entheta ratio.
The more people that escape and free up their own theta and help others to understand the trap and start independent delivery, the better off things will be.
So true Tony. The latent gains upon once a person leaves and start to decompress are usually very significant. It’s amazing once the correct source of suppression is located how stabilizing it can be.
Tony, you old Scrooge you! You must be forgetting that with all these OT V completions East Grinstead is as Clear as a drop of morning dew! Must be so – the theta just permeates the entire area!
Interesting that Liza assumes the public are fully briefed on the stats for NOTS completions of previous years – if only it were so that stats were so freely available. What I can say categorically is that the current rate of NOTS delivery at AOSH UK is trivial compared to the late 80s – there were routinely dozens of NOTS PCs onlines. Indeed, when NOTS was released there was a queue half way up the drive of pubic wanting to sign up for it. “Ever” as in “highest ever”, presumably means ARG! (After Release of GAT). Pre-ARG! doesn’t even exist any more. AAAARRRRGGG! Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas Martin and Doug. Merry Christmas to you Mike and Christie and kids. And Merry Christmas to all you bitter defrocked apostates out there. You know who you are. Revel in it!
Exactly so, Tony. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. That’s the sound of TA blowing down all over the world from all the people who have gotten the right indication. The right why and that it isn’t them.
Sounds like a nice Christmas present to me.
Merry Christmas everybody.
Right on Tony!
Let’s do it and still enjoy the holidays without the Co$ entheta.
Touch with reality?…. uhm……. you’re talking about the church of scientology here…… we make our OWN reality, bud. Anyway we ‘re dealing with THE VERY STUFF OF LIFE ITSELF!!!! (By the way, can you make a donation toward the construction of the ideal bathroom we ‘re building for Ron’s office? “Flush status” is only $2000 & “Throne Status” is only $5000.)
Good analysis Mike. You were even very generous …
«They are from … many countries … »
Ha ha ha, ideal bathroom and “Flush status”. When I think about it, not that far away from the reality.
How much to get on the Perforated Honor Paper role?