There is quite a lot to be gleaned from this FB post and the comments.
First, and most obvious, these scientologists are apparently NOT at cause over their lives and are struggling financially.
Second, their solution is NOT to “solve it with scientology.” Haven’t they read all the success stories from the people who listened to the ACCs and it totally changed their life/handled all their problems/ got them moving on the Bridge etc etc? Not going to be auditors who are cause over life?
They didn’t even take them out of the plastic wrappers. So many scientologists have been convinced to buy Hubbard books, lectures and meters and never opened them, they just stacked them in their garage or basement.
They’ve got 2 Mark VIII meters they have never used? That’s $10,000 they handed over to keep those EasyBake ovens in their cases.
But it’s the comments in response that are SO telling.
The absolute control of everything in every scientologists’ life epitomized by the often repeated “check with OSA about what you are doing.” The Stasi are watching your every move. And you can bet these commenters made sure THEY alerted OSA so they would not be targeted for failing to report a “crime.”
Somehow, even when you buy something from scientology, they STILL control it. You are not allowed to sell it at a loss, you have to sell it at the same price as the bookstore. Why would anyone pay the same price for a car that has been drive off the lot as one from the showroom? Can you imagine a car company trying to regulate the price of used cars like this? It is absolutely crazy. But scientologists just accept it as the norm.
No doubt these people are having financial problems at least in part because they have handed over money to scientology. Once they’ve got it, the wellbeing of those who gave it to them is no longer important. They could care less if their arbitrary and crazy rules make it hard for these people to get out of the mess they are in. “They didn’t follow policy” and they’re “not applying the tech to handle their situation.”
These vignettes are where you see the real nature of scientology. They ONLY care about getting people’s money. And keeping it at all costs.
How does Scientology justify the rule of not being allowed to price your own items ? If i was to ask a member why i cant sell something for the price i deem fair and reasonable what response would i receive?
What a perfect example of the evil control within the cult community. It’s like an animal that eats its own. Before e-meters had software that dictated updated licensing controls of the device, I had multiple meters, gave them to my son to sell on eBay for whatever he could get and he could keep the money. He was lucky if he could get a couple hundred bucks for one meter. All those books and tapes went out with the garbage because I didn’t want to provide the hogwash to anyone else.
$80 final offer
It should be possible to get a good price for these e-meters, since there are so few of them available for sale on the open market. Obviously, they won’t work because of the cult’s software restrictions, but I wonder if they could at least turn it on, and make a few needle motions appear. More likely it will just transmit its serial number to RTC once someone plugs in the USB dongle. Then, whoever sold it will be in deep trouble with OSA.
Wow, that post is so sad. They have no idea how much they are owned, but they are going to find out. I’m sure the snitchers will be writing Knowledge Reports.
Two doors down from my storage unit is another huge storage unit with boxes of BASICS from stem to stern. Can’t sell ’em (because of Ethics trouble, but also because they just won’t sell); can’t give them away; don’t need ’em. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of crap in a storage unit.
Just another, ‘later down the chain of events’ example of Scientology’s only creation ie destruction. It’s not that it doesn’t care about individuals, they love their input and actively seek to steal all their have and max their credit, then leave them to rot or ruin them if they complain. It’s all on auto and very well justified by the operation of the Sea Organization, created to oversee all aspects of the organization. They have no conscience.
It’s simply what they do.
Kailey will be posting here in due course or at least reading blogs like this, sigh.
“The absolute control of everything in every scientologists’ life epitomized by the often repeated “check with OSA about what you are doing.” The Stasi are watching your every move. And you can bet these commenters made sure THEY alerted OSA so they would not be targeted for failing to report a “crime.””
Totally spot on, Mike. These are mean girls watching out for every small failing or omission so they can look lily-white. It’s slam or be slammed in Scn. But don’t worry, karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around.
“They didn’t even take them out of the plastic wrappers”. That sentence leaped out at me immediately. Obviously these items, though purchased, were not needed yet purchased anyway. But why?
Let’s apply Sherlock Holmes’ Deductive Reasoning:
Fact: items were expensive. Fact: Items were purchased. Fact: After being purchased, items were never opened. Fact: Items are impossible to use without removing the wrapping. Fact: Items were never used.
Conclusion: Expensive tems not needed by themwere purchased by these people due to intense sales pressure to do so by their Church of Scientology.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
I was telling my friends about the E-meter the other day and I said “It’s an easy bake oven with cans” and they thought I was exaggerating but I showd them this and they said “Oh dang it is an easy bake oven!” Followed up by “WTF $10,000?!?!”
Perfect description
Kailey Lareau sounds like a new Scientologist. Anyone who’s been around Scn for a while knows not to go on Facebook and ask about selling their E-meters at a discount. Cultists also don’t go on Facebook and talk about money trouble.
This poor girl is about to get a Severe Reality Adjustment from the Ethics Officer. Maybe it’s just what she needs to wake up from the brainwashing.
The Emeters ought be called “Body-Thetan Detectors” starting now.
And the body-thetans we all supposedly have infesting all of us non OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 humans, which is most of us, we all got loads of these body-thetans, supposedly, to someday deal with, LOL.
Hubbard’s Emeters were and are used to find body-thetans, and to record when those body-thetans are freed (exorcised) off of us humans.
Whee! It makes sense to me, finally, what the Emeters most important purpose is, finding and showing the freeing of body-thetans which were Xenu R6 implanted and dumped onto earth infesting us humans, it’s quackery really, it’s snipe-hunting.
The Emeter Gizmo Body-Thetan Detectors are vital to fixing humanity, it now makes sense to me.
… don’t forget, Hubbard himself graciously falsely claimed he forgave for years, the “gift” of the “tech” (the Hubbard quackery pseudo-therapy and Xenu’s body-thetans exorcism) freely to the Scientology orgs! Then he thought better and then billed the orgs the exact amount of his back owned taxes, to offset his tax arrears.
What a guy, L. Ron Hubbard! Xenu’s best friend and creator. Body-thetans creator also, and thankfully Hubbard succumbed to his own body-thetans creations, what a nut!
The only justice is the dismal failure mindset of Hubbard, at the end of his life, when he briefly admitted, pretty much perfunctorily, but at least Sarge told Wright that Hubbard told Sarge he’d failed. Hubbard only admitted failure to Sarge though, which is why is so important for all Scientologists and ex Scientologists to carefully read the final pages of “Going Clear…” a few times, times over equals certainty, that Hubbard was a schlub.
Scientologists just need to read the final chapter of Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” book and the documentary, first things once they quit official Scientology.
The only decent thing Hubbard did, and kind of shallowly and quickly, and only to Sarge, was admit he’d failed.
Hubbard didn’t know fully why he failed, though.
Quitters to the Scientology know better why Scientology is a rip off con scam snipe-hunting bust.
Hail Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans come shower on David Miscavige and OSA Int on overtime.
PS: PLUS it needs be mentioned the Emeter Gizmos are supposed to detech the R6 implanted body-thetans which Xenu dumped onto earth and onto us! Emeters are body-thetans finders and also record when the body-thetans have been “freed.”
I Googled Kailey Lareau — it’s a fairly unusual name so I imagine it’s the same person — and her X account has the username “cryptocalliee.” It’s possible she lost a bundle on some crypto scam!
We used our books as kindling for our fire pit. Took us about 5 years to burn them all. Destroyed the tapes. We did not want anyone else to fall into the lair by selling or giving away all this shit. I think between my husband and I we must have “invested” at least $50k over the years. Fortunately we never gave a dime for the Ideal Org scam. Making the Church real estate rich by selling or second mortgaging my own home and giving them the money is not a scam we fell for. Unfortunately we did fall for a lot of other lies over the years and put in plenty of long hours for virtually nothing in return. Been out 20 years and have never been as calm and at peace in my life. I only wish there was a way to take down this cult. They are as slick and as much of a con as Donald Trump — and just as evil, if not more so.
Yes, Mine went straight into recycling bin and some into the trash. Her boxes of crap just won’t sell, not even at a discount.
If any Scns or OSA sees their post trying to sell stuff cheap, they’ll be sent to ethics and get in hot water immediately. And you can’t undercut the org so you have to sell for full price, that is IF they allow you to sell it. Back in the 80’s when things were more lax, I bought an emeter from a friend who was awarded one and she sold it to on the payment system every month over time. They tried to burn me for that but I just said, well, it’s either buy it on time or I don’t have an emeter and it will impede my progress up the Bridge to not have an emeter. They let it slide. But now they wouldn’t. I like Glenn’s solution for how to get rid of unwanted stuff from the church: the city dump.
those comments are so telling. you can’t make a move without approval! if you do be afraid of repercussions! if no approval you could spend weeks or months in the ethics office and have to buy more sec checks too. plus she wants more money from bridge materials to buy more bridge. yikes. 😳
I had a similar “stash of trash” but chose to take care of it the swiftest and most appropriate way. I knew all I’d given/paid for it would never be refunded and selling it on the web would be a total waste of time. I took it all to the Tampa trash dump. It was TOTALLY the right thing to do because it was swift and also demonstrated its true value.
Remembering all this puts a huge smile on my face, just like the one I had while I tossed it all in the dump.
Hip, hip, hurrah X3. 🙂
That’s been commonly known policy as long as I can remember. I had to wait until I was out to sell a bunch of the old reel-to-reel tapes to a freezone auditor. Interesting stuff on those old, and sometimes obscure lectures–stuff the COS would never make publicly available today.
OMG, Katrin Pasic was at the Stockholm Org at about 1981 and later SO in Denmark. Still in the Cult!-(
OMG … “EasyBake ovens.” Is it possible to laugh too much at one of the world’s biggest quasireligious frauds?
Tough shit Ms. Lareau. How stupid can you be advertising that you are under selling the org?????? Were you born yesterday? And now with the whole online control of e-meters, you can’t even sell it on ebay😀😀.
My heart bleeds for you … ok, not really. Cause you are OBVIOUSLY not applying the correct condition to your finances. Go to ethics and cramming and get some help.
“And you can bet these commenters made sure THEY alerted OSA so they would not be targeted for failing to report a “crime.”” Yowza, totally, Mike. It’s been over 40 years and I still remember getting into hot water because I knew of an out-ethics situation, and failed to report it. Leads to a strange combo of paranoia and vigilance. But, it got me booted out, so all’s good! 😊