I assume “If you want to be OT, do the Basics” is a Miscavige Quote (R) they are using for the headline of their Success Stories these days? I guess He has a right to do that as he invented the term “The Basics.” Though I suspect most readers will assume it is an LRH quote.
I wonder when the PDC became part of “The Basics”?
And when they started dressing people up as witches for their success stories?
This was sent to me by someone and I believe them it is real. But you have to wonder if this isn’t someone making fun of them.
And if this guy is so good at curing his physical ailments with thought maybe he should think about curing his ailments for a week or month or even PERMANENTLY so they don’t keep coming back after 3 days? What’s with the temporary cures?
You have to wonder if this is really what they are promoting as a result of listening to the Philadelphia Doctorate Course?
Not a big surprise I suppose when the BIG EXCITING NEWS in the C of S is OT VIII’s co-auditing their Objectives re-do’s, but I really wonder at the barrel scraping they are engaging in. Funny how in the RCS, OT = Body and Theta = MEST. Truly an A=A=A world.
When I first got into Scientology, I remember the “basic books” being about 4 or 5 books to read, such as The Evolution of a Science, Fundamentals of Thought, etc. I certainly didn’t include books like “History of Man” which is pretty far out, even to someone who has been indoctrinated into the philosophy. For the PDC tapes to be considered a part of the “basic” just shows how far things have been turned upside down.
speaking of the PDC’s, I have the old binders with the transcripts and the audio cassettes, remember? Back in the early 1990’s before I went to Flag as an Outer Org Trainee in October 1992, I used to listen to those tapes as I went back and forth to work for my day job. I actually recall cycling through them 4 times – and it really, really keyed me out. Driving down the highway, looking at people in other cars, and getting blown out of my mind listening to those tapes, and seeing the physical reality that I was currently surrounded by, you know? The realization you have been alive for eons of time, on many other planets, and now you are HERE! In this spiritual wasteland! But it has now been a long long time since I reviewed those tapes. But with this blog I decided to pick up the transcript of the first tape and just start reading it again. I only just read the first 2 pages and bust out laughing 3 times – I forgot what a GREAT sense of humor LRH often demonstrated when giving lectures. The guy was brilliant beyond all belief. I remember one Briefing Course tape where LRH said he deduced the probable existence of GPM’s, and then went looking for them and found them. Trail end of the BC tapes, when he gets into GPM’s. I almost fell out of my chair when he said that. Made me realize what a real genius he was in the field of the mind.
Genius often sees things in the future that others do not. This makes them look weird and somewhat dodgy. In truth, they’re just trailblazing. Their “night vision” enables them to see composites — things joined together into whole concept, that many others just see as random thoughts. Yup – he could see for miles and miles. 🙂
My 40-year involvement with the C of S, 10 of which was on staff (non-Sea Org), was fantastic until things became so perverted as to no longer qualify as being Scientology anymore. I wouldn’t trade it for any other set of experiences. I went into it with eyes open, knowing groups are nuts, dodging the bullshit and picking up the gems along the way. I earned more money ethically in the business world using Scientology than I ever spent on services and outright donations and still made it to the top of the Bridge – Public Relations, Marketing, Sales, Financial Management, Quality Assurance, Investigatory Procedure, Process-based Metrics, Strategic Planning and Tactical Execution, Knowledge Transfer, Data Assimilation, Data Analysis as well as human nature, interpersonal communications, and how the subconscious is hard-wired, how it picks up virus memes and trauma-base compulsions and obsessions and how to program it or debug it.
Hubbard led an exploratory R&D expedition into terra incognita. He was a brilliant guy but just a human being with his own case just like everyone else, warts and all. Nonetheless, he plumbed the depths of the subconscious and was the point man on springing its myriad booby traps with no prior blueprints, binding the wounds from his mistakes while with hindsight marking the trail for others to pass safely. He also envisioned the heights to which consciousness could aspire. Whether he or any members of his party actually found the proverbial Northwest Passage to total mental and spiritual liberation or he got mauled by his own grizzly in the effort is not the issue. The point is that he pushed the envelope further and mapped more of the terrain than any mother fucker before him.
As tough as that is for the naysayers, competitors, armchair critics, theoretical sit-at-homes, and sociopaths to swallow, it’s just a cold hard fact whether they recognize it or care to admit it or not. And as they rub their hands and squeal with delight over the demise of corporate “Scientology”, what they fail to realize or confront is that it is just a necessary metamorphosis in the evolution of the subject and that the groundwork that Hubbard laid is serving well in the development of a stronger, more constructive and socially acceptable 2.0 movement, which it’s most talented practitioners have already joined. What they also fail to realize is that nobody gives a fuck about their withholds.
The route that Hubbard mapped, with its wagon wheel ruts and sink holes and Donner Party incidents and sun-bleached bones along with way will eventually be a smoothly paved expressway, now that we know the way. Thank you, Mr. Hubbard, for allowing us to stand on your shoulders.
A glowing tribute, Mr Graduated, Sir!
+1 Now that’s saying, what I’ve been feeling :o)
Graduated: Awesome.
Brilliant Graduated, well articulated. I find it odd when people say they spent 30, 20 or whatever years in and now they say it’s all shit and they’re disavowed completely. I understand betrayal very well, and I understand the lying that’s occurred. But I want to say is have faith. Have faith in yourselves, in your theta goals that you had for participating in Scn, have faith in your own mind and ability to discern, and in every good thing that you did or tried to do! Religious manipulation and betrayal is not new and probably will occur again. Your life has always had value and power, still does and still will. Don’t give it away to assholes.
Thank you, Hallie, and those who have acknowledged my comment. I think the real assholes are not the trolls or never-ins with hidden agendas, but those veterans who stand on LRH’s shoulders with muddy boots and rationalize doing so at length.
Thanks for that, Graduated. I sent it on to my friend, the recent Ron basher.
“I see negative comments about the tech at this site and others”
Unfortunately, this is due to
a) The legacy of the bs DM style Co$.
b) A side effect of whistleblowing.
c) People’s lack of experience with currently sanely delivered tech outside the Co$.
d) People’s A=A=A
“and oftentimes wish that those who are so virulently down on Scientology, could have experienced some of the things that I have in auditing.”
1/5 Geting started in Dianetics – “It was almost like a family!” – Miracles
1 of 5
It makes sense to go OT on a gradient. The thing that doesn’t make sense is all the insane bullshit that a person has to go through in the cult to get anything resembling a win.
Some people just living life experience having life changing successes and they don’t have to put up with hardly any of the insanity the cult dishes out. When I was in the cult it was hard enough getting up the Bridge and try to make myself a better person. I had to generate lots of money and discipline myself not to spend much on the day to day pleasures of life. Then I constantly had to fly to Flag and put up with the robot course supervisors and sec checks, the courses and looking up MU’s, going to ethics and getting “handled” by teenage “ethics officers”. The at home I was supposed to be on the OT committee and try to push Scientology into a world that didn’t seem very interested in it. I am SO happy that I am out of that rat race.
Thanks again to all the people who did the Truth Rundown article with the St. Petersburg Times. It woke me up and I am eternally grateful.
“Thanks again to all the people who did the Truth Rundown article”
Ditto that. It was a turning point for me too.
Well said Tony. That pretty much sums it up. I had a few arguments about “doing the basics” with churchies before I woke up. One in particular stands out. It was almost exactly 2 years ago and one guy – an OSA agent as it turned out – was trying to convince me that if we all did all the Basics everything would magically turn out alright. I pointed out that a lot of folk he was talking about WERE doing the Basics, but also DID know about at least some of the abuses. And things were most definitely not magically turning out alright. Did he think that they were going to have some sort of mass group cognition, wake up and stage a coup to oust Dear Leader and put everything right? Madness.
Martin it’s funny the stuff these guys come up with to handle their willingness to not look.
I knew an OT. He was a dear friend who died of testicular cancer in 1998. He was mid OT 4. He was a teacher, a cynic, an amazing person. He was in the Sea Org when he died.
I loved him as a father. He provided me with my hat in life, countless stories of LRH and the early days. He even mentioned me when he passed away to Mithoff and Miscavaige.
That was the first time I doubted the efficacy of the tech, to see someone actively on auditing an OT level die from cancer. After that, I never wanted to do those levels.
Los Dias Del Muerte. I wrote a note and burned it for him. I hope he finds something better than what was given a Messenger who served Ron, served the Church, and died due to Neglect.
DR, you are sorely missed.
Your story resembles many
I had a friend like your DR. His name was Bill. He was a gentle soul, with a sharp wit, an unbending belief in the tech, and an uncanny ability to see through bullshit. He taught me how to be a good person ‘within the Tech.’ He couldn’t or didn’t materialize $50 bills at will. He didn’t levitate like a deity shrouded in mist. He went to work every day as an engineer. Then he showed up every night as staff during Foundation hours. He ate his same cheeseburger at the same restaurant, every day for over a decade. He was a simple man, who just loved the technology — he played with it. He didn’t die, a ‘Great Man.’ He wasn’t rich or celebrated – at least not beyond the few that knew him. But I loved him as a friend and mentor. Bill was what Scientology was all about. An understated, but heartfelt belief in helping others.
I understand your story Gatchild
Note the “© 2013 CSMV…” at the bottom of the promo. I haven’t cross checked the directory listings I have for the millions of orgs, missions and groups that have opened up in the last decade under the leadership of his holiness, but back in the day when there were just a couple of dozen orgs in the US, that would have meant Mountain View, in the SF Bay area.
I would imagine that no one attempted I/A for this outside of the local area. And it’s hard to imagine LRH Comms (each org’s local I/A) being necessary, these days. After all, wasn’t it the LRH Comm’s purpose “to make Ron’s postulates stick”? I don’t think anyone’s pushing that anymore.
The LRH Comm was probably urgent directive’d on to the BSO post in order to comply with getting those pallets of GAG II materials properly inventoried. (This mentioned in a recent post here.)
I think that this was not seen by DM tho. Not because he would not have loved the overall idea, the copy, and the photograph. He’d probably be telling any remaining crew at GOLD:, “Now see this promo piece? Now THAT’S a promo piece!!! Why can’t any of you jerks make promo like this???” (Remember the glee with which he narrated the videos of the silly skits for fundraising at the OT convention? It was on either Marty’s or Tony’s blog. This sort of idea is the kind of thing he loves.)
But, no, this was not OK’d by DM. How do I know? Because it was published before Halloween! In order for it to have been released on time for this Halloween, it would have to have been submitted several years ago.
Just Like tampabayjack, I did the Basics in 2009 and left soon after because my life was getting progressively WORSE, not better. Leaving the church was the best move I ever made. This promo piece is a joke. The Basics are a joke.
Not really a parlor trick. Common in the 1970’s
when LRH was on the lines. Back when tech was” IN. “
Before posting an image, it is a good idea to do some image forensic.
The uploaded image is a JPEG last saved at 99% quality.
If this image were a promo scanned by somebody, then the ELA (Error Level Analysis) should show a similar distribution all over the image. But, the ELA clearly shows this is a fake image because it has been altered.
GIMP’s ELA done with quality 1.0 (the highest):
An OT, not sure what level, but an OT and a Sea Org member, did a parlor trick on me once.
This was when I was very new in Scientology. I had been out partying the nite before and had a huge, crushing, really awful hangover. My head was throbbing badly and I was in the org because I think the EO 8-Cd me in because I was supposed to be on course.
Anyway, a visiting SO member, a nice guy, a Hispanic man, was doing whatever he was doing at the org, and got me in comm, and of course I told him I really couldn’t talk much because I was in terrible pain. He acked me gently and well, and stayed in comm but not in any overbearing way, asking me questions that I could answer with a simple “yes” or “no”.
After a few minutes of this I noticed that my head was not hurting as badly as before, that it was noticably less painful, but I said nothing and just continued to be in comm with him in my limited way.
At some point, he asked me, “Is your headache better?”, and, very surprised, I answered, “Yes!”, adding, “Why did you ask me that?:How did you know?” He answered, “Because I located it”.
Now, I had no idea what he was talking about – I mean, how the hell do you “locate” a headache in someone else’s body? No clue at the time what he meant by that. But because I was relieved to feel better – now I had a manageable headache whereas before the pain had been so severe – and because he was a nice man, I told him, “Well, thank you very much!”.
That was my experience. This does’t mean that I ascribe “cause over mest” to all OTs. This was just my experience, with that particular body problem, at that particular time and place, and with that particular individual.
Today, I believe that he was a high ARC individual with very good TRs and a very good comm cycle who was interested in me. He duplicated extremely well. I think these are clues to what being able to “locate” means, but then, I really don’t know.
Cool story, Aqua. I related a similar one at the Underground Bunker last year and, as expected, got some negative comments.
One in particular was a frothing-at-the-mouth inval eval wrong indication from a never-in who posts regularly here and at the UB and is much admired for his posts and analyses.
Have you mellowed any, JC, or were you just having a bad week back then?
I see negative comments about the tech at this site and others, and oftentimes wish that those who are so virulently down on Scientology, could have experienced some of the things that I have in auditing.
At the very least, it’s a technology that really can help a person to find personal peace and a measure of spiritual tranquility – with the caveat that it’s delivered by the book. And I do mean the old book.
Amen, Ronnie. The greatest fear of the never-in critics re scn is that the tech works. Their rage reminds me of the condemned man holding his face on Judgement Day in the famous fresco. This thought does not make me gleeful or bring me joy, just sadness.
I requested in my UB post that anyone who thot I was lying say so, but post under his own name. Few of those who did did.
Damn, sorry for the misspellings, y’all! I’m usually more careful.
Ronnie, yes, I second your motion. I have had many wins in auditing and have had OT Phenomenon that I did and perceived. So sad that many of these very vocal and virulent naysayers who invalidate the tech have never even had a session, so how could they possibly know what they talk about?
I third your motion, Ronnie. I’ve also had many wins in auditing and have had some OT phenomena. One of my non-scientologist bosses once indicated to me that he had come to the conclusion that I was clairvoyant, based on some things I was able to do on my job,
An OT parlor trick story: 1970, I was a new Scientologist. I had discovered a couple of lumps in my body in a place that I didn’t think they belonged. This worried me. I never told anybody about this.
I went to an event at a mission. An OT 7 (original) was speaking about Scientology expansion plans. I was listening to him, but I also had a lot of attention on my physical problem. All of a sudden he commented, “If you’re wondering why there are lumps in places where they shouldn’t be . . .” Yeah, I was sure he read my mind. I was delighted that he was able to do this and that he was kind enough to demonstrate this ability to me.
Quentin Hubbard once did a similar kind of telepathic parlor trick with me.
It was only a few hundred years ago that people who gave evidence of these kinds of abilities would be targeted for elimination (banished from their villages, hanged, stoned, burned at the stake, etc.).
+1 So true, Mr. Bell…
I’ve had a million cool wins in auditing and a couple million more auditing others. My wins are mine and my business. If I choose to do more auditing, because I want to gain more peace and understanding of myself, that’s my business also. I know Catholics who pray, confess, Hindus who chant, Buddhists who meditate etc. and I don’t think it’s my place or right, to question the merits of the spiritual path they’ve chosen. It’s their business. I hope their path is right for them and that they are achieving what they’ve hoped. I would ask those with no skin in the game, “what tenets do you live by and why do you care?”. For those badly burnt by the malpractice of scn, I wish you recovery and peace.
Yea, I’ve been in Scn since the 70’s. I’ve heard many OT stories and wins. Most are kind of nebulous and unrepeatable. Like “I lost my keys, and then exteriorized over to them” Or ” I was driving and I knew an accident was going to happen so I slowed down time and just missed the oncoming car”. Or ” I lost his phone #, so i postulated he’d call me” etc etc. I don’t really care. If you can’t exteriorize with full perception, so be it. But if you can, then do it! This is the success story I want to read: ” I can exteriorize with full perception, so that if you go into another room, I can tell you what you have in your hand”. Exteriorized with full perception is an ep of many Scn processes, but I’ve never seen it. I don’t disbelieve, it’s not really a matter of belief, I’ve just never seen it. In over 40 years. I was SO for many years, audited in the HGC at CC. Not once have I seen any observable OT phenomena. I’ve had wins. Tr’s were great. Enjoyed other courses. But never Have I seen anyone knock off hats at 50 yards, or any “cleared theta clears”. I had a SO member tell me he was one. So I asked him if he could create an illusion that I could see. He told me he didn’t do parlor tricks. I don’t think any OT’s can do “parlor tricks”. But then again, we all know how to embellish success stories.
who are you that they have to prove it to you?
oh you mean because they are the ones who say they want everyone to have the tech?
like if they did show you their powers you would be so convinced, like you couldn’t run fast enough to the org and be raring to go up that bridge?
One OT8 who could actually exteriorize or slow down time or even just see through a wall would be enough to convince EVERYBODY on planet earth to study the tech!
scientology would have about 7 billion members…….literally.
Just one OT8.
but instead of clearing the planet and sharing the tech as they so profess, they’d rather respond with “i don’t do parlor tricks”.
yeah ok pal, thanks a lot.
i wonder if his OT abilities can foresee a reg cycle in his future?
Many years ago as a new Scientologist in Div 6 I was sold the PDC tapes by then bookstore officer. I bought them having no idea what they were. I was in a good mood and had money to blow at the time and the BSO did not pressure me in the least but merely asked if I were interested, telling me they were on sale and so forth, and I said I would buy them. Well, he went over the moon, his face just lit up with happiness. Frankly, I got an unexpected kick out of making someone so happy. I’ve always been a big reader, and I was mildly curious, so I thought, “What the hell”. Mostly, though, I could see how much this BSO needed to sell these things, even though he was making a concerted effort to be casual with me. As I said, I got a kick out of the instant happiness that radiated from him when I simply said “OK.”.
I began to listen to the PDCs and quickly my head was spinning, I was doping off and falling asleep. I had no study tech at the time. Someone I was friendly with at the org who was OT III advised me to stop reading the PDCs because they were way over my level. A few years later this same friend bought them from me on behalf of someone else who needed a second set of them. I’m hazy on the details of that.
This was back in the mid-80s. When I bought the Basics in 2007 I was surprised to see the PDCs included in them. Since then, I’ve had Student Hat and KTL and a lot of other things.
As to their being part of the Basics which every one needs to read and study as pre-requisite to any auditor training, I can’t imagine – I truly cannot imagine, how new Div 6 public are going to cope with this! It didn’t turn me off to Scientlolgy but I can see how the PDCs would bog new people. Reading the rest of the Basics before auditor training is a long enough runway but to expect Div 6-ers to get this under their belts – wow.
I agree AM.
They’ve got a huge crashing Mis U on what a *basic* course is.
Either that or they’re just suppressive.
No way is the general public is going to interested in Scientology at the level it is presented in the PDC.
They mise well play the “Role of Earth” in reception through loud speakers.
Who knows maybe NICAP and UFON might sign up 😉
“Basics” is actually a word that is part of the phrase “Basics of Scientology” which anyone can find in the original Scn & Dn Technical Dictionary or in HCOB 3 May 1962 which are defined as:
axioms, scales, codes, *fundamental* (emphasis mine) theory about the thetan and the mind.
Most of these data are contained in one book entitled “Scientology 0-8” which includes some fundamental which is defined in my Oxford American as:
fundamental |ˌfəndəˈmentl|
forming a necessary base or core; of central importance: the protection of fundamental human rights | interpretation of evidence is fundamental to the historian’s craft.
• affecting or relating to the essential nature of something or the crucial point about an issue: the fundamental problem remains that of the housing shortage.
• so basic as to be hard to alter, resolve, or overcome: the theories are based on a fundamental error.
noun (usu. fundamentals)
a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based: two courses cover the fundamentals of microbiology.
• a fundamental note, tone, or frequency.
fundamentality |ˌfəndəmənˈtalətē|noun
ORIGIN late Middle English: from French fondamental, or late Latin fundamentalis, from Latin fundamentum, from fundare ‘to found.’
Probably the first definition is most applicable which again is:
forming a necessary base or core; of central importance: the protection of fundamental human rights | interpretation of evidence is fundamental to the historian’s craft.
As an aside back in the days when I was a course supervisor there was a drill we used to use on students who felt that every thing in an Lecture, HCOB or Policy or Book was important.
In other words the student had assigned a monotone importance to everything.
You know Ron he’ll go on with examples and explanations and recollections about working for the ONI and being sheep dipped into the LAPD and working the beat on Eldorado Street and how he never bothered carrying bullets in his service issue ACP ’cause it would make the gun too heavy, etc and so on and so on…..
And the silly student would think all this stuff was “important”.
So I’d sit the student down or have his twin do it and ask the guy to evaluate the actual importances of what he or she seemed to be making a career out of studying.
You know what was nice to know, what was good to know and what he or she really *needed* to know.
But it seems they don’t do that any more. Not since the last time I was there. In fact it almost seems as if they encouraged these excursions.
Back to the basics.
If you look at the Grade Chart or the “living Bridge” or whatever, you’ll see different levels and each level involves a different level of skills until one reaches the level known as “an expert auditor”.
And each level is a gradient of understanding.
So you are not going teach some guy or gal at level 0 about Service Facsimiles or how Ron came about to developing R6EW and the Clearing Course.
Sure it’s good to know what these terms *fundamentally* mean.
As an aside I also noticed that they’ve removed all these Scientology technical terms from the “Study” Tapes yet have left intact all the highly technical terms the Ol’man uses in Photography, Navigation, Music and even Motorcycle Mechanics like how to repair the headlight assembly on an Enfield motorcycle which I’m sure everybody rides.
Yet they’ve removed all those nasty Scientology words like GPM, R3GA, 3DXX, etc which are all in the original Tech Dictionary BTW whereas “dereograph” is not.
Go figure.
So each level has different *fundamentals*.
Yet in this age of what I call “one size fits all ‘Scientology'”.
Ya know everybody does objectives whether they need them or not.
I mean not everybody is a “what wall” case like____
I’ll let you fill in the blank.
Same with the purif even if the PC has practically no drug history at all like mommy gave ’em a children’s aspirin once ’cause they had a fever.
Yet there they are sweating in the box for months on end.
Running out what exactly?
Who knows?
That aspirin mommy gave ’em has been long gone for decades.
Then on the training side it was everybody had to do meter drill 25 perfectly before graduating onto the levels. A drill they are never going to use on any level below Grad V.
Now they have to study all of what they are calling the “basics” which is a redefinition, truncation and perversion of the “basics of Scientology” where they practically throw the whole Scientology library at the poor student and rivals the SHSBC in the vast amount of data most of it you are never going to use at the levels and much of it dealing mainly with OT Phenomena (if you read C/S Series 2 and the HCOB Scientology and Dianetics: The Current State of the Materials you’ll understand why ) and tell ’em they gotta know all this stuff which is a blatant lie, not even what my friends in the GO called “an acceptable truth” before they can advance to not even the levels but the torture, pain and misery of getting a text book pass on a drill that even sends shudders through expert auditors when they’re sent to qual to do it.
I mean all you auditors out there.
When’s the last time on Dating and Locating that you had to date an incident down to the precise millisecond?
I think I had to do it maybe once or twice in all the thousands of hours I’ve audited.
I’m pretty sure all this busy work was pretty much devised to actually stop auditor training while giving the ostensible impression of making better auditors.
Covertly designed so that anyone who complains about anybody having to learn all this useless (at the lower levels) theory must be “disaffected” or an “SP” of some kind.
I guess the Golden Age of Tech and the so called “Hubbard” Professional Emeter Course more accurately hurdle wasn’t as effective as anticipated in stopping the flow up the so called “living bridge” so they keep devising better ways of killing it.
Any lurkers reading this I suggest you pack up and leave quietly before the “monumental” release of Golden Age of Tech 2 because I’m pretty sure it’ll put a period on any hopes you have of ever becoming an auditor or moving up the Grade Chart,
Because I’m pretty the “living bridge” will be pretty much dead with the stake of GAT 2 driven through its heart.
There now I feel better after all that ranting 🙂
Oh I forgot about the cross dresser in the picture.
Well I figure that he’s trying to show everyone its all fun and games over here at the Scientology Reich like some Brownshirt posing in front of a burning load of books with a toasted brawtwerst and beer.
At least that’s the impression I got.
Yours mighta been different.
Wow. Where does one even start describing the outpoints here. So much missing data and contradictory facts. Has Andreas done any OT levels? Is he a NED auditing completion or Clear? If he has done OT levels, why is he just now “beginning to act as an OT”?
From what he says, it sounds as if he has a lot of attention on chronic somatics.
And those were very nice wins in his success stories about handling somatics. From my experience on both sides of the cans this kind of win is also very usual with people just starting out with Diantetics auditing. Maybe he was inferring that his wins are “the beginnings of acting as an OT” in the sense that one builds upon the gains one has on the lower part of the Bridge as one progresses on one’s journey to OT.
Reading LRH books is part of auditor training, it is a good thing to do in general, and can help a person to improve their life…….I highly recommend it.
But it is NOT a substitute for standard auditing, including OT Levels as Andreas seems to imply.
I did a test if Creative Porcessing works or not as described in the PDC lectures. I mocked up winning at a slot machine. I play at those machine sometimes, so I mocked up a specific machine with a specific win. (600 Euro) I did this for 5 days around 5 minutes a day mocking that scene up. Goal has been to put in 2 coins and then win. It did not work on the first attempt. It worked on the 3rd day of try. But I had to put in 20 coins and then I had the 600 Euro.
Conclusion: it did work but not as expected or mocked up. But to be honest, I could not repeat that win. I did some other little testing of the workability. It worked sometimes and sometimes not. (I have to add, that I am usually not able to handle physical universe without my body.) So, it did sometimes at least appear that it works. But in fact I found it boring as that kind of handling physical universe is not effective and does not replace going to work and learn my job well.
Speaking of handling the physical universe by handling the physical universe, there’s an old Scientologist joke I heard in the 70’s. The guy who wrote it is probably declared now for joking and degrading but here it is.
Three Scientologists sit down at a restaurant. It’s very busy and the waitress is taking forever to come over.
The Comm Course grad says, “I’ll get her,” and he strains and strains with his intention to get her to come over, just with thought. He tries so hard that his face goes red. But that doesn’t work.
The Clear says, step aside, son, let me get her for us. With less effort but still with determination, he “intends” for her to come over but to no avail.
The OT VIII, Class 8 says, “Ok guys, I’m hungry. Let me get her for us.” With that, he raises his hand in the air and says, “WAITRESS?”
I heard it just the opposite, with the OT VIII trying it first and the Comm Course student getting the product.
I like that version best, because the Bridge just kept getting more and more complicated, so the time you arrive at the top it all takes enormous effort.
Good joke – either version. It’s just common sense in the end. Mother sees car coming too close to child walking with her. Does she stop and “intend” the car to stop or the driver to wise up? Probably she just pulls the child to safety and then flips the driver off as he passes for driving too fast. Sometimes, it’s the simple straightforward solutions that are best. But being an OT and intending more in one’s life — that’s certainly a product of good auditing and Just Doing It. Nike’s tagline for the last 30 years is as good a definition of OT as I have heard. “Just Do It.”
Yeah I remember that joke Indie and one about OT VIII where the guy finishes OT VII and so AC Admin opens up the vault and hands him a slip of paper from Ron that says:
“Go back and do OTTR 0 and this time do it right!”
(Guess they took that joke to heart over there 😉 )
Andreas, like you I also had back problems. I solved them permanently with Foundation Training developed by Eric Goodman. Scientology means “knowing how to know answers.” Not all the answers to every question in life are answered in Scientology but the way to find the answers IS. The answer to how to find answers, I found in Scientology. The answer to my back problems, I found in Foundation Training.
+1 Dan. There were a series of TV commercials, years back from a company called BASF. The basic premise was that BASF (a chemical and manufacturing company) didn’t make all the great products that they showcased over those 60 seconds … “they made them better.” They were made better because BASF products were involved.This has always been my concept of SCN. There isn’t a policy or chapter on bricklaying, or plumbing, micro-surgery or even baking pastries. But by applying the tech on gradients, study tech, purpose and goals — yeah, you can become a very good baker. Awesome!
I can ALSO do magic!
Give me that wallet.
Thank you.
Now you see it…
Now you don’t!
Presto change-o!
DM’s version of magic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRW7pITY5Cg He never quite gets it right, does he?
As a public in for a few years – believe me when I tell you this – NO ONE is going to go up the Bridge with “success stories” like this. They are pathetic!!
I remember listening to some OT Ate’s talk at an event. One said they handled migraine headaches after obtaining OTVII. I thought to myself – that is their only WIN after 30 years and $$$,$$$,$$$.
It was so CLEAR to me that “Going up the Bridge” creates headaches of magnitude. The cost and hoops the Cult makes one jump through is obvious to a newly recruited clam. The Cult puts the obstacles there and makes people jump through. This is NOT the reactive mind – it IS Scientology. They blame the psychs of doing the thing that the cult does daily – gives you problems and then sells you the solution!!
I made a mental note that I would skip the auditing side of the Bridge…I was not impressed. I knew enough from the Wog World that you can treat ailments with homeopathic remedies and medication. What a waste of money and time – “going Oat Tea”!! It is so pathetic!
The CoS gives you problems and then sells you the QUASI-solution. But be patient, after the NEXT dm Re-discovery, everything will be OK
“It was so CLEAR to me that “Going up the Bridge” creates headaches of magnitude.”
That really is true. At least in the environment of the CoS. The organization creates endless problems/stresses for a person — time stress, money stress, staff-recruitment stress, can’t-admit-it’s-a-cult stress — and the more deeply involved one gets, the more one has to not-is (i.e. self deny) more and more of the group dysfunction and suppression that is in front of one.
And that’s just from being “public”. Join staff, or god forbid, the Sea Org, and the group-imposed stresses multiply.
The Church of Scientology actively suppresses a person’s life, all the while containing a system (when used sensibly) that can in fact help a person overcome the stresses of life.
It’s a very bizarre creature, this Scientology thing.
“The Church of Scientology actively suppresses a person’s life, all the while containing a system (when used sensibly) that can in fact help a person overcome the stresses of life.
It’s a very bizarre creature, this Scientology thing”.
That’s exactly right, and very well said, Margaret. And it is totally bizarre that helpful workable content is housed within an extremely suppressive context. It really is incredible, in the sense of being impossible for anyone to believe without personal experience.
It isn’t bizarre at all because the “helpful content” is just talk therapy, which you can do a other ways that work better and don’t come with the mental abuse which was worked into all the materials by LRH. The abusive structure is necessary o make you hand over money, and making you hand over money was LRH’s primary objective.
Funny, I don’t find the mental abuse and money greed amongst the indies Philip.
Nor do I find it in all the materials of LRH.
the “helpful content” is just talk therapy, which you can do a other ways that work better
Phil, I’m just curious. Have you ever had professional auditing? Not trying to pry, but you seem to be really upset with the basic therapy of Scientology. I’m interested as to whether you received some bullshit DM-style altered Scientology, or what.
Philip, many people allude to RH being a brilliant man, but a con. Who put together SCN, solely as a means of parting money from the man. Seriously though … can you imagine a more time consuming, life consuming “con” then spending 50 years developing a subject that supposedly achieved this? If he were so brilliant, I assure you, there were easier cons to pursue. Please, step back for a moment and look at this premise – it doesn’t bear scrutiny – it just doesn’t. SCN, agree with it or not, actually produces results. It helps people, by observation and stats, it helps people..
Talk therapy… Dianetics was a basic form of talk therapy in the 1940s, It’s been that ever since and more. In my opinion, many other therapies saw the efficacy of this and began using it — and we are all the beneficiary of this trend. Perhaps you never had a chance to experience this, if this is the case, I am really upset by that. All too many people never got that chance because of what DM and his enablers have done.
LRH is ‘guilty’ of being a man, of being imperfect and flawed, of being lax in supervising a vital late-life transition of power, of trusting some people and not others. But of creating a technology that has merit and can alleviate suffering on many levels — even if temporarily. No, not guilty.
Third Party (lies, false data and evil intentions) – is like a wild fire, in that it often races over naturally occurring breaks composed of logic and reason, on it’s way to condemning someone for all the wrong reasons.
Believe what you need to, by all means. All I’m saying, is look and observe on a broader scale – the proof is there.
Aquamarine & Margaret:
You’ve expressed very well exactly what I’ve been thinking for a number of years.
Now take a guy like this…….when his back or knee pain returns and he does some more OT stuff and they go a way for a little bit but then return again and again…….he starts to feel his OT powers slipping, further powers don’t begin to materialize…..he does more auditing, he goes to his C/S to try to fix his case, spends what his has left trying to find out the WHY that is holding him back……he’s running out of resources, he’s exhausted every last option, ethical and not, burned every outside relationship……bills coming in from everywhere…….he runs out of money and no way to get more to do more scientology,
his problem in his mind is, his case is bugged and he can’t fix it…..his case is wrecked and he can’t do scientology anymore!………where does he go from there, what does he do?
he knows that he is immortal, that he really is a thetan operating a lowly meatbody, he knows this life is just a trap, a mock up, a trap he as a thetan, has been ensnared in forever….a pointless, degraded existence anyway……he knows how things work, he knows there is an “in between lives area”, he knows he’s automatically going to be sent there to get re-implanted, that he’s going to pick up another meatbody.
hmmmm……maybe dying isn’t so bad…….after all life is just a trap. I’ll find the tech again in my next life and with what i learned in this life added to my track, i’ll be that much closer to getting it right in that next life.
and there you have the actual EP of OT8……and lower.
Sounds like the high that kills you is worth it.
this is in reply to a request from bob dobbs in a previous thread.
i’m posting it here just in case he misses it in the other thread.
at the bottom of the page you will find:
John Buchanan , a Scottish landscape gardener working in Germany, was recruited by the Munich org 3 years ago, accrued huge debts to several Munich banks to buy courses and materials, and committed suicide in May 1994 to escape his debts.
His mother quoted a letter claiming he would be re-incarnated and come back to Scotland –Closing shot of his headstone– “He did return to Scotland”
Nice! Very nice, WhiteStar! Reading your post would cave in most SO.
A = A
LRH = DM = salvation = Ideal Org = OT = Tom Cruise = total freedom = zombie = total insanity = Basics = narcissistic rageaholic
Mike, not only is this fitting for Halloween, but also for the day after, when OTVIIIisGrrr8! finally takes his costume off.
The line between reality and satire has become so blurred in RCS that it’s often hard to decide with absolute certainty that a ridiculous, over-the-top public utterance is, in fact, the Word of COB. Or vice versa.
Maybe this is why they need ID badges for the Flag event. So that random babbling lunatics don’t wander in off the street, get mistaken for major OTC benefactors, and ushered to VIP seating.
+1 re OT8isGrrr8 stepping out. Oh, and the lunatics. Sometimes the OTC benefactors and the lunatics are one and the same. Just sayin’.
Regarding the “If you want to be OT, do the Basics” I hink it is in alignment with a long pattern of severe invalidation. You arent Clear. You arent OT. Even though you have been auditing for years and getting good results yo udidnt know what yo uare doing because you trained pre-GAT, etc. It’s invalidation of every important state in Scientology. It’s terribly suppressive. Nonw you arent really OT unless you sit through Miscaviges Basics. Next up, even though you re-trained on GAT, you really dont know how to audit or live unless you re-train on GATII.
And keep in mind that some people have done “The Basics” so many times before DM started pushing them, as in: read some or all on Class IV auditor training, read them again on Solo Course, Read them again on the BC, read them again on OT VI. So after all that, you are told to read them again as “The new and improved Basics” because a few commas and semi colons were out of place. Can you say overrun and prevention of actually doing your Bridge with these little side trips (for the 5th time through) ?
Great observation, Jane. I’ve been around a long time, and read all of the basic books at least a couple of times, long before the ‘Basics’ were issued. As a matter of fact, when I was a broke teenager, that was all the Scientology I could afford, so I immersed myself in them.
About the only thing I liked about the ‘new’ books, was the typesetting. They’re definitely a lot easier on the eyeballs than the original books.
+1 Totally suppressive. A complete unmock of what LRH created.
If after listening to the PDC he is dressing and acting like this makes me wonder if he really understood them at all. PDC deals with philosophy and spiritual abilities but, oh, now I understand, after 150 hours of Objectives he is so, so, so introverted that he can only be aware of his body and its multiple somatics, the opposite of PDC philosophy.
But who cares, his completion counted as a stat…straight up and vertical, right?
Whaaaaaaat ? This is confused.
Psssst Andrea, David Mscavige wrote the questions for the wife search of Tom Cruise.
Example: Do you have any sexual perversions ?
So if you want really impress Pope Kinky the first thing you got to jazz up the
witches costume with something more skimpy. Lose the broom, hold something more Phallic.
I see black leather or latex…
I would say it’s fake. It has an LRH quote in it.
The PDC is part of the BASICS line up of books, tapes and CD’s…at least it was in 2007-2009. Points of view can vary from student to student. When I finished the PDC portion of the BASICS I told my wife,. that’s it for me. I do not know anyone who can demonstrate anything I’m reading in the PDC lectures. NADA….I came away with this opinion….OT’s who can demonstrate OT abilities as per the PDC live in LRH’s imagination.
After finishing the BASICS in 2009 I walked away from the Church of Scientology after 43 years. I had enough of the cool-aid, the hype, the IAS and Sea Org goons and standing every 5 minutes to clap for the founder who I knew was a bullshit artist. One of the best. NO MAS for me.
I guess this stuff is working for Andreas…good for him.
I’d love to see the promo piece from 2007 that included the PDC as part of the Basics. I have plenty of promo pieces for The Basics(tm)(R)(c)(sm) and none of them have the PDC included. That’s why I reported the sudden “addition” of the PDC to The Basics as an outpoint in June (http://possiblyhelpfuladvice.com/?p=13657).
I guess because it is the lecture series that accompanies 8-8008 and that is one of the “Basic” books. By Miscavige definition, “The Basics” consists of all the books and whatever lecture series accompanied them. The term is a misnomer.
The PDC lectures were included in the Basics package from their beginning in 2007.
I’d still like to see a promo piece from 2007 saying that.
TBJ, good for you! I hope the rest of your’s and your famly’s life is extraordinary and filled with peace, joy, happiness, heatlh and prosperity. I got out when all the mission holders were slaughtered. Bent, in Riverside, was a friend back then. I supposedly went Clear at the OC Org in Tustin. My auditor was Dave Petitt and thought I should attest to Clear (I’ve always been a very positive person so maybe that’s what was focusing on). My problem was the original definition of Clear: A Clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane. I believe I read that in Book 1. That was a HUGE gap in my mind. And one I could never come to grips with. Someone let me know if I got the definition wrong. But, again, TBJ, good on ya lad!
Another definition for Clear is, “A being who no longer has his own reactive mind.” To m e that is a more precise and workable definition and less open to arbitraries than the one you mention, OSD.
That covers everyone then, because the reactive mind was just a figment of LRH’s imagination.
Perhaps you’ve never experienced a session with an auditor who was trained before the age of Miscavige. If you had, I think you would have discovered your own reactive mind. In fact, I know you would have. Trust me, it’s there.
This is such a tech degrade. Basics=OT=magic=breakthrough of the mind=funny witch? Doesn’t AVC control promo quality? Isn’t AVC under RTC control?
There hasn’t be an AVC the way it should be for many years. Miscavige, in his micro-managing, has approved or rejected promo for years. He’s blown away any executive position with any responsibility and stuck them in the hole or sent them to other continents. Sometimes he’s written promo himself when he thinks everyone else is trying to screw him over and won’t do their jobs. I betcha a bag of leftover Halloween candy that he approved this, bypassing everyone as has been his op for…wow…more than 15 years now…?
So this gives you an idea of what Miscavige thinks of the tech. He personally has rewritten it and degraded it so badly himself for so long that no one else at the Kool-Aide table can tell anymore.
What AVC? what RTC? 🙂 Blast from the past.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen such consistent trash coming out of orgs before. Amazing that this is the “standard” they have set.
Maybe Andreas is a cross-dresser …