Scientology continues to demonstrate it’s irrational, dangerous attitude towards the current pandemic.
They just don’t get it.
As the old saying goes, even if you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. Even if scientology pretends they are totally in compliance with societal norms and expectations (in fact, they exceed them and did so faster and more efficiently than anyone on earth), they just cannot help themselves when it comes to displaying their real “pig.”
The pressure is still on to “get stats up” — that will never change. So, these recruiters are feeling the heat to bring more people in to join the ranks of those who eat, work and live communally. The same people who are not ever mentioned in scientology’s propaganda about what a wonderful job they are doing to protect everyone on earth. Those who are still living 4, 6, 8 or more to a room and sharing showers. Eating from communal trays of food. Traveling to work together in buses. Mustering together side by side.
If for no other reason than wanting not to contract COVID-19 (let alone a life of pointless stress, deprivation and abuse) — now is NOT the time to join the Sea Org. (You will note this email is dated 7 April 2020).
But then, because this is Thursday Funnies day without the funnies, here is the next most insane thing you could sign up for…
I wonder if scientology even has an inkling that every cruise ship in the world is NOT cruising? If they do know they are probably sneering “wog ships don’t have the tech to deal with a situation like this.”
Who knows what the status will be in July. But I can assure you, even if they doused the entire Freewinds in Decon 7 I would not put my children on a plane to go hang out on the Measlewinds for more than a week. And I certainly would not be booking it now. But of course that doesn’t stop them from sending out their crazy pitches. Like I said, the pressure to get stats up is not abated.
Pandemic Pompadour
I’m not sure if anyone has asked this but it should be asked publicly. If Scientology is this great humanitarian ‘church’ and they say they bring support to disaster areas, what support exactly are they bringing to the COVID19 crisis? Many churches, non-profits, foundation, corporation and very good people are donating time and money to hospital, first-responders, unemployed and victims of the virus. I have not heard about Scientology donating anything. Have they? Are they out there on the front line handing out food? Did I miss that news report?
Hey bon. You aren’t missing any news about. They NEVER did something like this. It isn’t in their policies or directives to do that. It isn’t. I’ve studied them as well those on finances.
But you will find those that say “hands down the loot is all mine! “
“The worst thing to do“. It seem a free criticism but one has to have been there in the SO first. I did it for 15 years. And it is no ‘natter’. Before I left I did 3 months fultime security check (confessional) and I was willing to do it. I said so much bad deeds that the last weeks I was just running past life overts and withholds. No more current life stuff. So I didn’t left with hidden things. I left aware of the sad scam it was leaving behind.
Yeah. It is not easy to leave the S.O. I barely made it out of there alive.
I would like to say that I appreciate your comments and in my humble but likely not opinion you know what you are talking about.
I find that Freewinds ad interesting because it’s doubly deceptive, i.e. so misleading that is counts as an achievement. Look at the girl swimming with dolphins and the one swimming with fish. Not only are these not activities you have time for on the Freewinds, you can’t even do them at all since they’re not essential services and have been shut down!
Who do you think has shut them down? Nobody ashore knows what goes on on the ship and if anyone aboard blabs, they will be declared.
That is why they have a ship in the 1st place; so they can break the law and get away with it. I was there 16 years and I know of a number of laws they broke, but there is no-one to put their ethics in.
I guess that diving has been shut down too. I can just see Captain RA Mike Napier telling Captain David Miscaviage that his diving excursions that he does every year during Maiden Voyage are cancelled because of the virus that Captain Miscaviage said was just bullbait.
In a bit of a twist, at first I thought that to some extent many Sea Org members are less likely to get Covid-19 than many others, simply because many of them seem to be generally isolated from the rest of the world on a regular basis. They’re packed close together, but some Sea Org populations (ie. those at Gilman Hotsprings) may have much less interaction with random people than most ordinary folks do on a day-to-day basis. I thought that maybe this would reduce the chance of a horrific spread through the aging Sea Org members, many of whom are probably in the higher risk age brackets. But this sardine-like packing on buses and such could also have an extreme opposite effect… if Covid-19 gets in, it’s going to get in to an extreme, and it’s almost guaranteed that people who could have lived, will die, because of these practices (or, LACK of practices).
In general, I’m opposed to having heroes, but despite myself, I’ve had some. One of them is James Randi, and he calls this sort of mindset “magical thinking”. The specific quote I’m thinking of had to do with him speaking on the “talking to the dead” con artists/mediums, but I think it applies here as well. And let’s not kid ourselves: Scientology is not unique here. There are subsects of Christianity in the USA also preaching about the power of prayer, and some New Age subsects talking about how members can be immune to this and other potentially-lethal diseases. I feel that James Randi is right: the comforts that “magical thinking” can provide to people cannot ever outweigh the physical realities that the universe throws at us. We MUST live in the real world, we cannot deny reality because of what any cult leader, con artist, preacher, snakeoil salesman, or anyone else wants to tell us.
Sorry about the rant, but I’m getting a bit worked up about this stuff in the last week or so. It’s more dangerous than even I thought weeks ago, and I was underselling it when talking to some of my relatives and friends about it. Covid-19 is highly contagious and has an abnormally-long period of “spread to everybody while you walk around feeling fine”… (sorry, I don’t know the term for this). But whatever this easy incubation-but-contagious period is called, it’s DANGEROUS. And slipping into one of these bubbleworld groups would be devastating. As much as I hate on what Scientology does, what it stands for, and its leader, I don’t want to see its members DIE. And it’s no exaggeration to say that a Covid-19 breakout in the isolated Sea Org would almost certainly lead to unnecessary deaths. This is a PREVENTABLE TRAGEDY.
You’re probably right about SO members being less likely than others to catch the virus, as they are so isolated from the world’s population.
Less likely? A person with measles got aboard. This virus is more contagious. One person with the virus could infect hundreds. Not only that but the cult will not admit that anyone is infected or send them ashore for treatment. Secrecy is paramount. I can see the walk-in freezers with bodies stacked on the shelves. Otherwise, they will throw them overboard at sea. I have experience with them along this line and am incredibly lucky to have survived.
They just have no way to let up on the relentless stat push, like a monkey caught with its hand in a jar. Policy gives them no option to declare a suspension or break.
I also wondering what they’re doing about doctrine that requires staff to have continuously increasing stats, or be punished – especially if numbers dip, with no allowance for “reasonableness” about outside circumstances and factors beyond control. Are they laying on the “conditions” and punishment like usual, and is that going to drive staff to desperation when it’s obvious the situation is beyond their control?
And OnceBorn has reported that it appears that the little local org in Plymouth, UK is surreptitiously letting people in who call a number posted on the door. I still wonder if some of the orgs aren’t trying to keep income up by continuing paid services.
When the Covid 19 strikes…will THEY ever ADMIT IT…from what I’ve read, heard, seen…NO they won’t. It will be another case of “someone being treated in a hotel room & expiring”……..g like Lisa McPherson did….of “so called natural causes”.
The supposed membership number is stated to be what???….20,000…which will further decline as the “oldsters” pass away….or some of the members “get a respiratory infection” they don’t survive…..
The cult may PHASE ITSELF OUT since they apparently won’t listen to the “Social Distancing”…..,….one can bet the Tyrant is SAFE & SECURE in his IVORY TOWER with no face to face contact with anyone who might INFECT HIM……scheez.
I very likely have met Lisa McPhereson in Dallas though I had no idea of what would happen to her.
I was in Dallas at the org in 1986 recruiting for the ship, not yet called the Freewinds at that time. Lisa did not die until Dec 95. I am very lucky that I did not join her.
Many are called….many block their phone numbers.
No one goes in.
It is the Golden Age of Idle Morgues
The motto used to be *Many are called; few are chosen”.
Now it is “Many are killed; few are frozen”.
This post made me remember when I joined the SO over 30 years ago. When I arrived to start I had to sleep on the floor for a few days. Then when I said I was leaving they gave me a bed that stank. I went back to sleep on the ground for a few more days.
It was my “welcome to the SO”. I only stayed because I really thought I could help change the world and help others.
Later I realized that if you “help” someone but you want money then it is called “exchange” and not help. Help is usually free.
“Help is usually free”. Wow. Simple, eloquent and true!
The event for young Scientologists is a recruitment pool. It was also called Teen Week.”They are clean”, is what I got told by a senior staff member, what means the teenagers are easily qualified for the Sea Org as they haven’t had an unfavorable life story yet that could get them unqualified.
Here is described a scene how recruiting was done in a more drastic way (at 1:45):
They may have been clean when they arrived on the Freewinds but I remember a year when they went out and smoked dope and snorted cocaine on “Teen Week” . Teen Week was then cancelled.
If they are back to doing it again that shows how desperate they are.
They probably need LSD to get those teens to come aboard.
Bill. Laughing. Lysergic acid? I hope they don’t.
Is there another kind?
Bill. You made me laugh. Maybe my local wine that has at least 13° could’ve the right effect.
The 14 percent alcohol I have been drinking has helped inspire some of my comments. However, if I said that something happened, it happened just as I said it. I have a lot of data which I have seen or heard with my own eyes and ears. I have no need to make anything up.
Some teens take LSD in order to escape the recruiters.
I dropped the acid once, but I don’t recommend it. However, I don’t currently recommend the SO either. I am not recommending that anyone drop acid to stay out of the S.O. But if it happened I would understand. From my experience Church staff members can by lyin cockaroaches. They will say anything they have to to get their stat up, no matter how Out- Ethics it is. And they will be Highly Commended for doing so.
In Scientology when you finish a level there is something known as a “Key Question.”. This is generally something similar to: Do you want someone else to have similar gains to yours?”. This is done on the meter.
If I answered Yes on the Key Question “Do you want others to have the same gains as yours in the S.O”? I would be RS ing on the meter.
You would have to be real psycho to want others to have “gains” like that.
Bill i fully agree with you. And I laughed. Drugs aren’t a solution but joining the SO specially in these days is a suicide. Better be parachuted in some jungle of South East of Asia in underwear and a tooth brush and try to stay alive.
I have tried to be an entertainer
Regardless of the fact that every word I have typrd on any blog is the 100 percent truth the fact that I am still alive after 20 years ago in 2002 bei no g sent off the ship to die of AIDS whitch I received fr blood contaminated iy
Many are called. All of them are called again. And again. And again ad nauseum.
“Many are called.”
Of those I hope the vast majority doesn’t listen.
Have to feel sorry for those who do.
No you don’t. Don’t forget, they chose to be in the cult!
I didn’t. I had the misfortune to be born into a devout family. I was doomed to be a part of the cult. If they’d been a little dilettante, I would have had a choice.
More like “many are harassed, few succumb to the recruiters’ pressure.”
There you go
That’s the way it REALLY is with staff recruitment.
“When we call for you
Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo
You should go
With aplogies to a certain song ong-ong-ong-ong-ong.
Those fish aren’t found in the Caribbean; they live in the tropical Pacific.
Jay Tee said”Those fish aren’t found in the Caribbean; they live in the tropical Pacific.”
AGAIN, scientology proffers “stock” photos as representing something/someone of theirs, like the many sock-puppet Facebook ‘accounts’ they set up to harass ex-scientologists a few years ago.They’re NOT imaginative; that’s verboten in Davey’s tiny little cult.
Still, I’ve seen bright orange fish in the Caribbean. I can’t ID the breeds one way or the other; I just like swimming around as if I’m IN the aquarium like the girl in that pic, marveling at the impossible colors n and around the reefs..
They are risking one of the few things they actually care about—their PR.
The virus is going to run thru their crew, all of whom have NO HEALTH INSURANCE.
Then, what is scientology to do, when 20% of their crew that gets it requires hospitalization, and the HUGE cost of ICU and post care?
“Fucking sickie downstats!! We are not paying to have your degraded being asses hospitalized!!”
They will try to cover up the deaths of the people in isolation that didn’t get hospitalized when they should have.
This is going to be an order of magnitude bigger than the “flap” when Lisa McPherson and they tried to cover it up.
Or if they did the right thing and pay millions for the hospitalization of their sick crew? (ha! They will claim indigent status and try to take advantage of government sponsored health care)
The arrogance of those who possess “the greatest technology in the universe.”
John Doe:
You struck a nerve with your comment.
When I tested positive for HIV 13 years after getting blood products in Curacao, the ship”s home port, no one even told me.
Had it not come up in session that I was dying, I probably would not have been sent for testing.After seeing Dr Denk, who correctly sent me too the AIDS Clinic in Los Angeles, My wife was held against her will for 6 months while they waited for me to die. My wife was told by the Captain Freewonds that I was going to die and that nothing could be done for me. The chiro told me not to take the standard meds for HIV.
I think that WHEN, not if scientologists get the coronavirus, they will be cured by Scientology processes, namely R2-45. The, they will cover up the deaths just like they did with Annie Broeker and Shelley.
So sorry to hear that. They’re so f***ing callous. I know the attitude.
I also think that they’re doomed to a serious coronavirus outbreak. Hopefully it will do serious damage to the cult.
This virus is no joke. It kills. A seemingly healthy 58 year old man I’ve known via my business just died of it yesterday. Sick for 3 weeks; taken to the hospital this past Saturday, died 4 days later. He was a friend too. A great guy, so decent, so generous and helpful. What the cult would call a “true social personality” and a very hard worker. None of us even knew he was ill. Maybe he didn’t even realize he was ill. Or maybe he was in denial about it. We’ll never know. He didn’t tell any of us. A vigorous, hard-working, creative, successful, self made man from a South American country; super intelligent, self taught, successful business, his employees loved him. Gone. And his funeral will be attended by only his wife and children because they’re paranoid that others won’t attend out of fear of catching the CV from them even though they’ve all been tested and come up negative. Well, that’s that. We’re dealing of the shock of this incredible loss. Never sick. Had a hip replacement surgery 3 years ago and left the hospital in 3 days, limping slightly with a cane. ” Nothing to it!” he told me. Within a week he was walking normally. An amazing immune system, I’d say. So this makes no sense. Its just insane. I still can’t really feel it. Somehow, his death is not yet – what’s the word – real, I guess, for me. What IS real for me is the danger of this covid thing now. That’s very real for me now. No joke, people. Do your social distancing, sanitizing, wear your masks and gloves. Just do it even if you don’t believe you should and you think its silly and unnecessary. Thanks for reading this. I’ll be OK. It helps to unload sometimes. Thanks for reading.
So sad to hear this Aqua. Thoughts are with you. This is no joke for sure.
Thanks, Mike.
Sorry Aqua for you and your friend and his family. The death stats may be just numbers to be tracked on CNN, etc but each person’s passing from CV is a tragedy for their loved ones, as well as the too soon ending of a human life.
Aquamarine, So sorry for your loss of a good friend and man and colleague. This CV is no joke. I wish you safety and good health and no more deaths of friends.
Thanks, Joe and Cindy.
Very sad Aqua. One scientific fact everyone needs to know that isn’t well publicized, the false NEGATIVE rate for this testing is very high. E.g. you might test negative but be carrying the virus and it is incubating.
I’m sure the testing will improve over time as all of the medicine with this virus has by necessity been rushed.
Thanks, Wynski, and yes, exactly right on what you’ve pointed out.
Our ten year old Grand Nephew Matthew acquired Auto Immune Encephalitis after he got the flu around Christmas time. The disease has totally changed this once academically gifted young boy into a child filled with anxiety, fear, eating problems etc.
If you are not sure what Auto Immune Encephalitis is & the great HARM & devastation it causes, please google it….it’s mind boggling & so very upsetting. Three of Matthew’s Drs have sent request for Matthew to obtain this IVIG treatment…the insurance company turned it down FIVE TIMES…..
Matthew CANNOT be exposed to anyone else for fear with his weakened immune system he could die quickly. The one treatment suggested was IVIG which his parents’ insurance company has REFUSED to approve because there is no high % studies that says it is TRULY effective (add to the cost of each treatment..that it MIGHT or might NOT work…& he could be ok for awhile & then not ok.
Our country is in great peril, no one knows the outcome, we can only hope for the best & do what we can to safely at a distance help others….even a PHONE call to those elderly who are often times very isolated.
Keep those you love & care about in your thoughts & prayers….Aqua, so sorry to hear about the loss of a good man…..sad.
Thanks, Balletlady.
They don’t NEED health insurance —as long as they’re not PTS, according to “scripture”, and as long as scientology “foots” the bills. “ISO” costs the cult nothing, and that’s the only ‘treatment’ staff will receive.
They won’t even get an aspirin from the MLO.
Now Jere, in the interests of being accuracte, I must tell you that the MLO gave me an aspirin once when I had a brutal case of shingles brought on by AIDS. The pain was so bad I could not even scream any more. Of course, an aspirin did fuck all for the pain. What I really needed was a blade or a gun to self-terminate.
Jere. I once had a throat infection due to some bacteria. I could not swallow or eat or drink except with great pain. Certainly nobody said it was ptsness, it was galley stuff. Anyway the MLO who was a chick who had read some LRH bulletins and didn’t understand anything about medicine spent 3 days doing useless touch assists and I was suffering and not eating. In the end I was at the limit, pushed the MLO aside, sent the security of the base to fuck and went to a doctor. In 24h everything was fine.
They don’t need “Health Insurance”.
What they need is ” Life Insurance” with the org as the beneficiary. That way the org GI will be up even if the crew are dead. In West US, a major reg died who brought in a lot of money, maybe a mill a week. The org played a game with its public to get this dead regs income up the week after he does. This is how they honor his memory; to profit from his death. That alone is a good reason to stay alive: Had I died as they postulated there would probably have been a event to buy (me) a new generator for a few mill.
I wonder what they’ll call their new secondhand cruise ship that they will probably buy cheap by next year, the Thetanic?
They’ll probably call it the Freewinds II.
I lived with a S.O. member on the Freewinds ( then called Boheme) named Wick Allcock was placed on a mission to determine the name for the new ship. After surveying a lot of people he came up with the name Freewinds. I helped his brother, Chief Engineer Wak Allcock, put the name and insignia on the stacks of the Freewinds.
The S.S. United States is up for sale.
Love that: “Thetanic”!
Completely out of touch with the real world…they have a pandemic of lie, after lie, after lie.
And the virus is?
I leave it unanswered to see what or who you think the virus is?
SILVIA observed:”they have a pandemic of lie, after lie, after lie.”
That’s been SOP for 70 years, soon(in May).
They are a pandemic and one must practice social distancing with them or die.
“Many are called, none refused – ARE YOU KIDDING??”
Peter you are fully right. And if he doesn’t qualify we will make sure he does (win or die in the attempt). Low IQ or low Aptitude? Piece of cake. He isn’t speaking consequetar? What’s the problem? We will assign him to a post where he doesn’t need to speak.
They haven’t a clue. They stand to lose an extremely Large Portion, if not a Majority, of their staff (the over-60’s), yet, the focus is Still on fundraising. I can’t believe the Runt hasn’t ‘cut and run’. Is he Really that Delusional?
“Is he Really that Delusional?”
And worse, Marne.
I’d like to know if he has an escape plan, or if he’s too slack to have come up with one.
Pathological narcissists don’t care about anyone but themselves, so of course not. As far as he’s concerned, when he dies its the end of the world.
Does nobody in Scientology think about how it will look if there’s an outbreak of coronavirus on the Freewinds after they just had an outbreak of measles?
Moose, NO one but Dwarfenführer has the RANK to think about ANYthing.
Moose. It is since a few days that I realized that among their ranks they got a more deadly virus. The COBid.
Almost joined the Sea Org in 1987. The pressure was intense. They once had a person on me all day long. When I did not join at 11;00PM, I cannot imagine what she suffered. As far as I know, Laurie Webster and her husband are still in the Sea Org after more than thirty years. What a waste.
Part of the pressure I felt when being worked on was exactly that: compassion for what would happen to the person should they not “get the product”. If I caved, they were so relieved.
I can relate. I frequently bought things or volunteered because I felt sorry for the staff and wanted to give them a “stat”. They couldn’t get me to join staff but I always pitied the ones who were recruiting me. I could see they needed that “stat” very badly even if I didn’t know that they’d be punished for not getting it.
A friend of mine on the Freewinds recruited my future wife after the COCMO Ship told him that if he failed to recruit her that he would be sent to the RPF.
I particularly love the pictures of kids snorkeling with the fish and surfing with dolphins. Yeah, like they would ever have 5 free minutes to engage in something actually fun (or worthwhile)!
“Yeah, like they would ever have 5 free minutes to engage in something actually fun (or worthwhile)!
that wouldn’t be productive Miss Dutch
Fun equals “Other fish to fry” equals ” Out Ethics”.
They will have time for fun when they are dead. I should know, I am having fun now.
My Scientology under the radar and in hiding but still connected to Scientologists sources tell me the Scientologists are howling because they have to remain static and the brainwashing implant that L Ron Hubbard drilled into their subconscious minds was that Thetans hate to be Static. THAT IS DEATH.
Scientologists won’t be able to get their daily, weekly or monthly dose of brainwashing and hypnosis via the Org’s regime and dictatorship from above or L Ron Hubbard’s technology so many will start venturing out of their bubbles to look at the internet and dig around as to why they are not expanding, the Ideal Orgs are empty and they feel like shit most of the time.
May they never be the same
DeCultified wished the scientologists:”May they never be the same
Such a WONDERFUL sentiment, DeCultified.
Howling, are they? Sounds like addiction going unsatisfied. My heart bleeds for these morons – not.
“The pressure is still on to “get stats up” — that will never change. So, these recruiters are feeling the heat to bring more people in to join the ranks of those who eat, work and live communally”
Sure enough that having less to do now they started a huge recruitment campaign contacting all possible prospects.
But they will find that joining the Sea org ISN’T that exciting thing they thought to be. Specially when they start to realize in the backgrounds of their minds that there is no expantion or Earth clearing occurring at all.
“join the ranks of those who eat, work and live communally”
Misery loves company, don’t it?
Jere. Right. Misery always hopes that some else join the team.
I’m disappointed that it’s not going to be Man’s HUMANITY to Man that brings down this church. I was kind of hoping for a crescendo, something that would give me great satisfaction – you know – like the day the Berlin Wall came down.
It’s pretty apparent that this church is going down little by little by little and it looks like this tiny little virus will play a part and when the virus is gone, this vile little “church” will pick up what vile little pieces it has left over and slither off until the next best person or thing comes along to take a whack at it.
“many are called but few are chosen”
Well i don’t know if it has changed but when I was there EVERYBODY was made someway to be qualified. Stats…. You know.
To be rejected the guy had to look really dangerously weird, like talking and laughing alone in corner for hours or similar things.
Here’s my immediate “picture” as regards Scientology’s Class V Org staff coping CV-19 situation:
From what observed there were 2 main socio-economic “types” of CL V org staff – I’ll label them for now “Type One” and “Type Two”.
Type One were almost always full time staff supported by spouses, family or their own money, and didn’t have to work a “wog” job.
Type Two were self supporting needed to work a real job in order to be on staff.
This is just from my experience as a public for 25 years but from what I saw, there was little staff turnover in the Type One category. Type Ones may not even have been wealthy but they had their lives arranged so that someone was supporting them. Type Ones, for the most part from what I saw, would stay on staff, year after year, continually renewing their contracts.
Type Twos though, could be full or part time, and in this category I observed almost continual turnover. Most of the Type Twos didn’t make it on staff, from what I saw. New faces, all the time. All gung ho. All excited, urging me to join staff, glowing, telling me all that it had done for them to dare to “play” this big game, yada yada, all the cult lingo and frankly I have no doubt they were sincere at the time because you could see it in their faces that they were all charged up, rarin’ to go and clear the planet, etc. All gung ho. Then, one day, I’d look around. “Where’s So and So?”, I’d ask. Smooth, ready, evasive answers: “Oh, he/she routed off for a while, had to handle something.” “For a while?” Never saw them again. Not even on course! Not in the org again at all! Just GONE.
But the Type Ones were always there, year after year. I was a public for 25 years so and there was a group, albeit a small group, of regular, reliable, always there staff. And none of them had to work an outside job.
So I don’t think the Coronavirus is going to keep the Type One staff away in spirit. In body possibly but as soon as they’re legally allowed, they’ll be back.
But this Type One group is VERY small and the orgs can’t function on their backs alone.
The Type Two group, now – they didn’t stay long even in the best of economic conditions. They found it hard (I gleaned, because they didn’t outright TELL me this) they found it hard to find decent paying jobs that could be done in the HOURS they NEEDED in order to be on staff. And the staff job ALONE is quite demanding, what with all the Int events and fundraising thingies and meetings and briefings and All Hands actions…alone a Class V org staff job is extremely demanding, and there was all this time spent at the org, and they made no money. What they made was a joke; enough for maybe a cheap Chinese take out dinner. Type Twos would begin all in a glow and then one day…poof! Vanishing act.
So to the point: I’d say this CV-19 thing is going to finish off the Type Two category of Scn CL V staff. Think of it: now, even if they HAVE the energy, even if they HAVE the perfect Wog job with enough money and the right hours, they CAN’T go to work. NOW, they have to have ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS a boss who will let them work from home. Plus, if they were broke before, they’re going to be really broke now. Huge PTPs (present time problems) for this Type Two group on top of what already WERE huge PTPs causing them to leave staff before their contracts were over.
The Type Ones, in my opinion, will come back provided they’re still living, breathing, ambulatory masses of protoplasm, if for no other reason than they have a steady reliable sufficient income and they wouldn’t know what else to do with themselves. Many of them are pushing 70 and have been on staff for 40-50 years. Being on staff is an ingrained habit; they’ll come until they die or get sick with one thing or another.
But I believe Scientology has lost the Type Two staff forever.
My very small former org has 5 staff, all Type Ones. Scores of posts have been unfilled for nearly a decade. They don’t produce anything that LRH says a Scientology org is there to produce. They’re not making Clears; they’re not training auditors. The halls echo with their voices. Yet these Type Ones come in.
God knows what they do actually DO all day and night, but they come IN
PS: I said I didn’t know what they did all day but that was wrong; I DO know what they do all day; fundraising. Event fundraising. Off line, off-purpose, off-policy, but its Command Intention, so that’s what they do. Sad. I almost pity them. But then I remember that these nice, wonderful, high ARC people are, in a nutshell – nuts. They dispose of you quietly and without sorrow, very nicely and with high ARC
But that’s ok because I don’t miss them. THEM. I miss what I THOUGHT they were. Strange how an illusion, or a delusion, can take hold of you. I thought they were a certain way… But they were never what I thought they were anyway so I’m better off without them because who they really are I don’t like and don’t respect. Its my illusion, or delusion regarding them that I cling to, and “miss”.
Excellent analysis in my opinion.
Interesting post, Aqua. I was a Type Two, joined staff in 1970 when I was 19. That first staff stint lasted eleven years. I lived at home until I was 25, and then when my father died, my mother told me she was gonna find her own place to date, etc (What NERVE! Me own muddah abandoning me!)
At that point I had to find a cheap room to rent (50 bucks a month) but in order to afford even THAT, I had to moonlight all weekend, dishwasher, busboy, furniture salesman, etc. And that’s when a glamorous American city was still affordable and very few staff had children. I doubt you’ll see many of the Type Two’s now , just staff supported by someone else.
Your insight into how it was and is is spot on, Aqua.
Ciao Aqua. You have well described a situation present in practically all the orgs. It can also be useful for those who do not have an org reality. The first type is the “hard core” who can stay on staff regardless of pay and “keeps the job open”. It is now their mission. Regardless of whether the place produces something.
Yes, some events for IAS, and SO orgs and fund raising.
Always positive as if ‘then everything will be fine you will see’, they will release OT 9 and 10 and everything will be okay or ‘Ron will come back’.
The second type is perhaps fascinated by the environment but then the lack of money as well as discovering that there are somewhat strange things that do not match with what they preach make them run away.
Note. I have no grudge or hate for them. I understand them. I was there. And I’m sorry for the illusion that they have to live. For me it was an experience and I don’t refuse it.
Only those who pull the strings piss me off because they know very well how things really are.
Yes Aqua and LMR.
On around 1980 I was staff at the Flag Service Org.
A mission came which consisted of ALL of the members of the WATCHDOG Committee, then the most senior people in Scientology other that LRH. RTC did not exist yet.
All staff gathered in the East and West Auditoriums and WDC Chairman ripped into the staff for reasons which I do not recall.
Then he demanded to know what we were going to do about it.
No one spoke. The silence was deafining. Finally, a staff member by the name of Glen Zottola stood up. He gave an impassioned speech which broke the spell. He went on about how he was going to do his post the way LRH would do it. He saved us with his speech as no-one else had anything to say. A real on-source hero.
A week later he was GONE, routed out. This was in the days when you could still leave alive.
I missed my chance. The only way I could leave was dead.
Thank you Bill. This is a peace of Scn history I never heard before. At least this way. So the guy spoke up and the result was him routed out. Well they keep doing these betrayals to the staff still these days. Good we are out even if it happened later. Thanks again and do well Bill.
I have always thought that he left because he wanted to.
He was really a dilletante pretending to be a die hard staff member.
And had they routed him out for whathe said, that would not necessarily have been an overt on their part.
There was an older lady who was an FESer on the Freewinds. Her parents were booked for the Maiden Voyage of the Titantic. In 1912.
Somehow they missed the boat. “Missing the boat” is usually a bad thing. In this case it was good.
I am only still alive because they booted me out. I was not actually routed out. When you are dead they let you bypass the Routing Form.
I was in the SO so maybe this really does not apply.
You are spot on about the Type 1s and Type 2s. Since the SO provides food and berthing we did not have any of those.
However, we did have a few Type III’s I.E. PTS Type IIIs.
I had the honor and privilege of watching 2 of them for a number of months. These psychos destroyed everything in their path. They were, and are today, good people ( I added that last because one of them I know reads this blog; he is currently one of my best friends). There is a lot of stress being on the watch. Some people could not handle it. You would have to have a death wish to want to do the watch. At the time I met that qualification and I also wanted to help my friend who I will leave unnamed.
Even though the SO has a lower turnover rate than the lower orgs, I would guess without real evidence that the suicide and psycho rate is higher.
Blowing the org is like a steam safety valve blowing. It makes noise, but is better than letting it all blow up.
Bill. The SO pretend to handle great jobs but then they ask to the staff to be OT and no case on post. So the overall business is made by people that use all the capabilities to make things go right. The counter effect is that after a while they usually start shaking inside and could explode or implode.
In both cases one has lost them.
The SO is a big deadly lie.
I do not fully understand your comment but I will make a preliminary statement.
1. They do not “ask” the crew to have no case on post; they demand it. “Case on post” is listed as a crime in the justice codes. You can be Comm-Eved on such a charge.
Now people have cases; I certainly did. My understanding of what LRH said about it is that to clear the planet is sufficiently difficult that if any case was allowed on post that it could not be done.
But LRH also pushed the handling of staff cases.
If you don’t handle staff cases that case will eventually land on the post or destroy the staff member. Now in the 23 years I was in the S.O. I was never accused of case on post. It was not necessarily that I had less case than others; I was found to be a last lifetime Clear but per Ned for OT Series 1 that means the person is at risk until they get to OTIII. I have been at risk for the majority of this lifetime.
My viewpoint on this was that nothing could interfere with getting the products of my post; the only reasonably acceptable reason (and this was even out-ethics) was that I was dead.
( I just now had this cognition that perhaps the reason that I am Dead Men Tell No Tales is because in the S.O. I was not permitted to die; I just had to keep doing my post. Now I have no great duty to live or die; life is probably more interesting; I would probably be bored when dead; we shall see.
Bill, life is more interesting, indeed.
After all we are exactly the life we are living right now.
I knew a few guys like that in the Sea Org. The SO made them that way.