Another in the series of essays about the Tone Scale from our old friend Brian Lambert.
“Your authority over words is absolute. You are grandmaster of words and can do with them as you will. You know what they mean to others. You know how their meanings and melodies affect others”
“You use the minds of men”
– from L Ron Hubbard’s Affirmations.
Making an affirmation is an unquestionable revealing of personal values. It’s a statement of affirming to attain a desired state or increase it.
Please keep these affirmations in mind when reading this article or my other essays on the tone scale.
The tone scale is understood by the Scientologist to be a mathematically accurate measurement of human emotions.
To the believing Scientologist the tone scale is as accurate as a tape measure. The higher the number the more free theta for survival. The lower the number the more aberrated and less free theta for survival.
Where and why Hubbard placed sympathy, grief and accountable on the tone scale, its deconstruction and implication, is the inspiration for this analysis.
I deconstructed sympathy and grief on the tone scale — I am now including accountable in my observations.
My first thought is that ‘accountable’ is not even an emotion.
My second thought is that the position -0.7 (yes that is a minus sign) on the tone scale for accountable is as perverted as the placement of grief and sympathy.
Accountable is a word which represents being responsible for one’s actions and influence. Being accountable is a consciously chosen value of honesty.
Being accountable is a behavioral expression of the virtue of integrity – it’s not an emotion. That truth alone should wipe it clean off the tone scale. It doesn’t belong there.
It’s like saying the word ‘accuracy’ is an emotion. It’s made up gobbledygook
But he did put it there and I am obsessed with the question WHY!
Once again he put a decent benevolent word below hate and hostility, below 0.0, and sandwiched it in between the words blame and shame.
That is the value Hubbard gives accountability. He sees it similar to blame and shame. He sees accountable in the negative theta category. There is no other way to interpret this.
Let’s look at the actual definition of the word accountable:
- subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable.
- capable of being explained; explicable; explainable.
— synonyms
culpable, liable, responsible, answerable.
What the hell???
Why did he put this positive human value of being responsible so low on the tone scale? He redefined the meaning and value of this word by its low numerical placement.
In Scientology, accuracy of word meaning is a religious sacrament.
Accountable means that we are being responsible for something. It’s the acceptance that WE have an accountability for outcomes we are responsible for.
Being accountable is an extremely positive survival trait. It does not warrant being condemned to below 0.0 on the tone scale.
Being accountable is the glue of trust that binds positive interactions with people; a personality trait lacking in Ron.
Is that why he placed it much lower than hostility and hate? The experience of being accountable for Ron was “low toned”?
Trying to make sense
But it does make sense from the standpoint that Hubbard was never accountable for his actions. He hid from or sought to destroy any human being who asked him to be accountable.
He blamed BTs and SPs for the condition of his life until his body and mind deteriorated and collapsed under the weight of a life of deception.
He labeled any person or organization, who asked him to be accountable for his claims as enemies of mankind. He actively harmed people who asked him to be accountable: Paulette Cooper.
The AMA and FDA were seeking accountability from him to protect the public from false advertisement and deceptive claims of healing
The FBI were asking him to be accountable for criminal breaking and entering and theft of government offices.
Criminals hate accountability.
They go to jail when they are held accountable. They are punished for their criminal behavior. So it’s understandable that the criminal sees being accountable as a detriment to their very lives.
Honest men and women seek to be accountable. That is because honest men and women are…….HONEST.
Only dishonest people run and hide from accountability.
Being accountable is a source of pride for a normal decent person, who suffers from humanoid, meat body “wog morality”.
There is no definition of accountable – in any dictionary, that justifies Ron relegating the word to the dregs of tone scale hades.
So why did this master of word definitions do this?
This question keeps haunting my unrelenting inquisitive nature…
He knew that the manipulation of language, words, their meanings and “melodies” were at the same time psychological control. Control of meaning is control of how we see and perceive life itself.
Grief and sympathy are looked down upon in Scientology because of the their tone scale position. They are actually called being low toned.
Scientologist’s entire behavior towards familial emotional intimacy can be deviantly altered thereby.
The Scientologist is always blaming and never being accountable for their self created horrendous PR condition. It’s always someone or something else that is to blame – ALWAYS!
Never accountable – NEVER!
Could the low placement on the tone scale, influence how Ron’s disciples see the meaning and value of words like accountable, sympathy and grief?
The Shame Blame Sandwich: definitional degradation by tone scale position association
Hubbard inserting accountable between shame and blame on the tone scalereveals, to me, Hubbard’s distorted understanding of the word accountable.
If I am a pathological liar, which Ron is now known as, then being accountable will be an experience of being shamed and blamed because my deception is being revealed and I am being discovered as a liar and a manipulating user.
If I am an honest person, being accountable is a source of happiness and pride for a job well done. The word accountable should be way up there with cheerfulness. I’m happy when I do a good job and my accountability is a positive experience. Being accountable is an extremely good feeling when the product is high quality.
If I’m a deceiver, then I do not see accountability in a positive light. Maybe that is why he placed the word so low and between shame and blame?
Does Hubbard corrupt words intentionally for control? Or is he just occluded from understanding the real meaning of these words because of some kind of psychological deviance?
Or both?
Questions the Free Thinking SP asks:
Does Hubbard intentionally alter the “melodies” of words for control?
Can the tone scale be a tool for psychological manipulation?
Is the tone scale a mirror of Ron’s moral shortcomings?
Did Hubbard use his teaching devices to psychologically control our world view in order to “use the minds of men” to acquire status and power?
Did he manipulate the “meanings and melodies of words” as he affirmed he can do, to affect that psychological control over us and secure paying customers?
The numerical placement of words defines them according to Hubbard’s idea of “high survival trait” vs. “low survival trait”. These words: sympathy, grief and accountable – are degenerated in value and meaning by their placement.
Was Hubbard just crazy or was he intelligently using his power over words to manipulate human values for his own purposes?
This numerical placement of human values and attitudes describes the church of Scientology to a T.
It is hostile and hates, has no sympathy for harming others, sees the tears of those they harm with disdain and condescension and understands those tears to be the product of mental illness, and never ever feels accountable for the pain they create of their deplorable PR.
How can I not connect these dots? They are there in plain, on the tone scale, for connecting:
1.9 Hostility
1.4 Hate
(There are 13 emotional tones below hate until we get to sympathy)
0.9 Sympathy
0.5 Grief
(There are also 13 emotional tones below grief before we get to accountable)
0.2 Shame
-0.7 Accountable (yes, accountable is below 0)
-1.2 Blame
What can be the behavioral implications for agreeing to and living these definitional distortions? We already know how it affects grief and sympathy. What about accountable?
Warm Regards,
No, Brian. It is a deduction from Lucifer. Lucifer ponders his future and his role as Lucifer in Paradise Lost in two distinct places. The state that he reaches is best described as “serenity of beingness” as described by Hubbard. He still retains his multiple identities but he is looking with equanimity at them. I have taken the liberty to make the conclusion based only on my opinion. The point that I was making was related to the fact that the tone 40 in Scientology is actually a low point on the scale of realms. Lucifer goes into extreme action which is high on Hubbard’s scale when he starts the battle in Heaven. After his loss, he rests and becomes thoughtful. He actually considers returning to heaven with God but rejects it. Lucifer only brings enough “light” to mankind to start enough reason to develop a quest for release. According to Milton, he does not have the ability to become powerful or OT. Milton describes OT as “Glory” and “Joy”. Hubbard’s tone scale is more like a tradesman. The ultimate point of Paradise Lost is that you cannot be OT while you lack compassion. Hubbard rejected compassion so he is Lucifer. But Hubbard’s path “dead ends” as is obvious. This, in my opinion, is why Scientologists sit with no real OT powers and just imagine them in a subjective state. There is a total disconnect between a real spiritual level and any kind of real knowledge. Hubbard copied the term “knowingness” from Blavatsky. What it really means is the central egotistic realm as a substitute for real knowledge. So in OT VIII Hubbard needs to invent “amnesia” on the whole track to suggest that he is revealing truth. But you cannot reveal truth by a process of elimination as the “Jains” discovered in India in ancient times. So Hubbard was a sort of modern day Jain.
Read the materials Marildi. Check to see if you have any MUs. You have simply made my case for me. Below are lifted quotes from my essay that address your counter argument
Also, please use a dictionary and define accuracy. Cheery picking one synonym, which my pull quotes agree with you, to justify accountable being below death on the tone scale is simply foolish and against the rules of word clearing.
Get a good dictionary and be a good student.
“If I am a pathological liar, which Ron is now known as, then being accountable will be an experience of being shamed and blamed because my deception is being revealed and I am being discovered as a liar and a manipulating user.”
“If I’m a deceiver, then I do not see accountability in a positive light. Maybe that is why he placed the word so low and between shame and blame?”
Brian, you have to remember that marildi supports child abuse by the CoS and is against exposing it. Has been caught lying many times on this blog. He/she is a known criminal and troll. Don’t waste your typing.
She is an OSA troll with the deception that she is into other practices. I’ve seen her operate now for 10 years.
When Marty was critical she would drive him nuts and he would simply put her in her place.
She gets you in a conversation and then uses the OSA voodoo talking style of disruption and deflection.
There was a time a while back where she was commenting everyday.
Then Mike posted, what I think is one of the most important gatherings of Hubbard’s sickness called L Ron Hubbard’s Playbook on Critic’s.
Mike puts together many of the disgusting behaviors Hubbard teaches as policy against critics. Truly psychopathic instructions.
Marildi was nowhere to be found on that blog. Nada, zip.
That was very telling to me. They may send in Marildi when Foolproof’s nasty comments aren’t working to enturbulate.
It is very interesting that their presence actually acts against them but they do not know it.
They do not understand how they are perceived. They are kinda occluded. And dare I say never accountable for their OSA style trolling.
Correct Brian. She once spent the better part of a day on here trying to convince people that the CoS would destroy anyone trying to use the tech outside the church and to get people to not be Indies
Sorry, define “accountable”. My pre coffee brain needs coffee.
Thank you Mike so much for this forum. You have my respect.
Hi, Richard!
I’m a bit familiar with Craig Hamilton from the Shift Network site but for whatever reason I was never inspired by him.
Getting back on topic, did you notice how Brian ignored the actual point in my comment where I gave a “real-world dictionary” synonym of “accountable”? I guess he couldn’t deny that the concept of “blameworthy” makes perfect sense to be located down where it is on the tone scale. 😉
To me the scale wasn’t an all important part of the subject but other people might see it differently. The “debate” might be whether Hubbard was being deliberately manipulative when he wrote the scale and for the sake of debate other sides of the debate can be presented. I’m not that interested. Sublime states at the top of the scale and metaphorical below death states at the bottom. I didn’t dwell on it.
All too many details points at L. Ron Hubbard as a CIA agent ( and so is DM ).
I was interested to know about Leserve and his wife, as I know them both from the FOLO EU and CLO EU. Thank you for having put this info here on your blog. Before he went to int to becone ED INT, and as I was the continental personnel dir, I had the assignment to investigate him and verify all possible data in his personnel and ethics folders, summarize data and send it to Ron. He was clean and qualified for the post.
If your point depends/ is predicated on a single synonym of a word you are in trouble. Many synonyms (if you actually look in a dictionary) have multiple and sometimes contradictory meanings. Also, a synonym isn’t a definition. Please use the Oxford dictionary. Mishmash from hubbardologys bastardized definitions have absolutely no point.
I would like to make a formal apology to Foolproof. A few threads down I told him it was childish to name call and I would treat him with respect. And then I asked everyone to call him Stinky (lol) instead of Foolproof.
Foolproof pointed out my hypocrisy and inconsistency.
I want to thank him for keeping me accountable to my word. I do not feel shamed or blamed. I’m actually happy as truth is more important to me than being right.
So right here I am demonstrating that to me, being accountable is very uptime. I actually feel gratitude. That’s up there with cheerful.
If I was an arrogant egotist or criminal, being held accountable would mask me feel down toned.
That is how Hubbard defines accountable.
Thank you Foolproof for helping us all understand my essay better.
I appreciate your help.
Here’s a kiss
Lol- you rock Brian!
Brian Thomas Lambert,
I just want to point out that your essays have the highest ‘comments’ stats here on Mike’s blog. WE have much to thank Foolproof for in this regard. Not just in the number of comments FP makes but the fact that FPs jibes get many viewers to think your essays through with greater depth and understanding, and then when they respond they clarify even further what you were essayfing about. We have much to be thankful for having FP on the scene to help further emphasis your essays.
This essay has caused our super trolls, Stinky (Formerly known as Foolproof) and Miraldi to surface. Stinky has gone into overdrive on this blog and makes a mess in his poopy pants.
This essay directly uncovers Hubbard’s nefarious or mentally ill tendencies – or both.
Here is what Stinky and Marildi believe in. Just keep going back to this list when reading their posts. Marildi and Stinky are protecting the legacy of madness:
Piltdown man
Bodies in pawn
Baby farms
Doll bodies
Alien ghosts in your bodies making you think thoughts
Martian implant stations
Tears for losing loved ones are a secondary
Hawaii existed 75 million years ago
The emeter flawlessly reflects thought
L Ron Hubbard was a wise man
L Ron Hubbard wanted to electrocute himself to free BTs
All psychiatrists are from the planet Farsec
Smoking cures cancer
Smoking cigarette is dramatizing volcanoes
The Van Allen Belt is hot
Ron had a trip to heaven and found statues that implant you
The universe exists for trillions and trillions of years disagreeing with real science
Thought gays should be disposed of
Advises ruthlessness as a leadership skill
Has a trail of broken marriages
Ron tortured his x wife and leaves a trail of suicide and broken families as his own family legacy.
So remember, when Stinky and Marildi (we must find a new name for her, any suggestions?) are sticking up for Hubbard and seeking to disrupt Mike’s blog, just remember they think the way they do because they have granted Hubbard infallibility and have allowed super wacko ideas like these listed above into their cognitive faculties.
This is a small list. There are reasons they are so strange. They have studied L Ron Hubbard.
All loonies are cordially invited. A-Jers especially welcome! Get some real mass on what the
Reactive Mind is! (No need for Clay Demos now!)
Meet and hobnob with stellar celebrities of this marvelous meeting of reactive minds:
– Terra Noncognito (seemingly now retired)
– Brian Lambent (when not meditating on the stillness in implants)
– Jesuit George (only when he’s not on the trail of Lucifer)
– Kat de La Rueful (get to know her before she becomes a star on A2E, or is it A2J)
– No-Wynski and his famous mimeo machine (acts as doorman)
– and if no one agrees with your comments, we have Ann who will offer gushing praise
and agree with anything you say (see “Propitiation” in Emotional Tone Scale)
– music will be provided by bnxtram or whatever his name is, blowing his hot-air trumpet.
Write long rueful screeds of total gibberish that no one reads to prove you were right (but they will still “agree” with it! Amazing eh?) Banish those blank staring moments of non-comprehension by simply saying they didn’t exist! No more counter-effort reaching for a dictionary!
Here you can finally get to say what you wanted to say as you knew you were right all along! All the material can be re-written to your heart’s content! Such joy! You knew best all along! Never again those pesky supervisors saying “find your MisU!” Swap carping 2nd Phenomenon stories with other like-minded souls (we don’t use the word “thetan”
anymore). Now you can have a good “natter” at least! Clay demos are now a thing of the past, and as for demo kits – phooey! Re-define words as you see fit, especially those special words used in Scientology (as of course you know better than Hubbard). Prove that 2nd Phenomenon is just a distant nightmare! Don’t worry anymore if you don’t know what “Remimeo” or “engram” means! Be late for course even! Blow from courses to your heart’s content!
So you knew it all along – you too could have written thousands of pages and books
and created a multi-million dollar worldwide philosophical movement with hundreds
of processes and techniques to increase yours and other’s abilities and remove those dark thoughts which plague your mind. Now is your chance to do so! You knew best all along eh?
So – good luck with that! You’ll need it!
Since you are the oracle for your all knowing cult, let’s try this.
1. How many sea .org members (who signed a billion year contract) have come back to report for duty after they died? I’m guessing less than 1.
2. How many of your enlightened members actually have superpower? Again- I’m betting less than 1.
3. Since Hubbard believed he was eternal (or his spirit, soul or whatever he called it)- why hasn’t he come back to lead you all out of the darkness with his brilliance? Maybe he hasn’t because he HAD a STROKE and DIED?? Wasn’t he due back a long time ago?
4. Why isn’t the master plan of clearing the planet working??
5. What have you really gotten by devoting your entire life to an entity that cannot keep its most fundamental promises?
6. How many Scientologists have reported back to their org (or whatever name you call it) and said- hey- just got back from my spiritual journey (read death)- this was my name and social security number so now I want to complete those courses I prepaid for before I died? Again….less than zero.
Please answer these fundamental questions- if you can’t, at least try to figure out why all of these things were told to you and yet they never happen…
AARP says senior citizens should keep our minds active. Repartee on an Anti Scientology blog might keep someone sharp.
When cable television first came out I was channel surfing and came across Billy Graham preaching. He KNEW, he was POSITIVE, he was CERTAIN that if he dropped dead on the stage that very moment he would IMMEDIATELY ascend into Heaven. Debate that or why bother?
Debating the Afterlife is an exercise in futility but I still like the extrasensory, the paranormal and the supernatural. 🙂
He won’t answer. To the believing Scientologist truth is suppressive. In Scientology, knowing the truth about Hubbard will get you declared.
To L Ron Hubbard, the truth of his life was suppressive. If he were held accountable we would see the man behind the curtain, powerless and deception as a life style.
What you are asking Kat, is for him to be ACCOUNTABLE!
Scientologists see being accountable as blame and shame.
So they squiggle and squirm in their very sad cognitive dissonance.
If we take the tone scale as a flawless measuring tape, it’s higher toned to be dead at 0.0 than be accountable at minus 0.7.
“Remember, it’s higher toned to be dead than be accountable”
Maybe that is the motto of the Scientologist.
They will never be accountable until they see through the deception.
now there is a really really sad state of affairs- believing that dead is better than being accountable.
Well- it can’t hurt to keep trying to get Foolproof to see the light… besides, it is amusing! Just seeing the foolishness (pun intended) he comes up with in order to dodge questions that he doesn’t want to answer is very enlightening to me.
I enjoy your articles! Keep them coming!!!
Warm regards,
This whole thing is crazy from the first premise- you CANNOT mathematically measure human emotion. There is no way to measure human emotion- there is no standard for the measure to be taken. Emotion is unique to each human- it is not a standard one-size-fits-all type of “thing” that can be distilled into an equation. That false premise on which Hubbard rests his entire house of cards is fatally flawed and cannot be defended. Ever. Trying to find sense from nonsense is futile and a waste of time and energy.
I’ve thought that too Kat. Ron makes a linear absolute: the tone scale. It’s almost absurd. Certainly it makes sense that cheerfulness is higher than terror. They are commonsensical and fall in a rational line. We can all agree to that.
But what he does to grief, sympathy and accountable is terrible. This doctrine produces sociopaths in my view:
No feeling for causing pain – sympathy
Disdain for the down tone tears from others because of the pain we have caused – grief
And not giving a damn about consequences – accountability
He does weird shit on the tone scale. I can almost smell it.
If you work with Chakra healing the spectrum of emotions are seen as frequencies of energy.
Emotions are frequencies. That’s my understanding also Jim.
Frequencies of energy are vastly different from rating “numerical values” of high vs. low on a scale. I can understand the frequency analogy- it just is- this tone scale is assigning positive or negative numerical values to something that can’t be quantified by another person. Chakras are about balance- tone scale is about control. By stating that an emotion someone feels is “low” or bad, you are redefining their self awareness in a way that shouldn’t happen- if I feel anger, there is usually a reason that I need to understand, find the cause, and determine why I find that so upsetting. That is neither good nor bad, high nor low. It just is part of being human and growing emotionally.
Don’t get them started Jim, they’ll be off like a rocket explaining what they think things are. Whoops! Too late, they’re off, making balls of twine out of a short piece of string. Thing is, no one really gives a damn what they think apart from a few bruised souls on here.
Hubbard talked about emotional tones as a frequency spectrum of harmonics. He also noted that they occurred in flows: in, out, and stuck. Harmonics could be validated, somewhat, by using the tonal values and their associative flows. I don’t think many scientologists spent much time trying to figure this out since their daily student points would crash resulting in a trip to the word clearer. No technology can be understood without knowing its words and symbols.
This blog is supposed to be about the abuses of scientology. Instead, we argue about the definitions of words used in scientology. It’s a waste of time and energy and, furthermore, divisive.
Simple solution. Don’t argue just ignore it if it bothers you.
Yea right. Unfortunately, I don’t want to stop reading the comments since most of them are worthwhile enough to expend the energy and time to read them. I also don’t like blocking commenters for a comment I don’t agree with since I still may learn something from them in a subsequent comment. Brian set me off with his arrogant comment suggesting that I had an MU without explanation. I will try to heed your advice.
Peabody, Mike didn’t say “stop reading”. He said, “Stop arguing.”
Slowdown there fella and take a DEEP breath.
I know what Mike said. I also know about me. Sometimes, it’s difficult for me to keep silent when I probably should. But you already know that as well as others here. Thanks for your comment.
Would you like to tell me what I did wrong so I can be responsible for my words and actions Peabody?
I’m willing to be wrong.
This is a repost since the first one never showed up.
Sure. You stated that I had an MU without explanation. I’ve heard that too many times as a scientologist of 50 years. In the beginning, scientology made some sense if you were smart enough and worked hard enough to understand what Hubbard was saying. Sometimes, using a dictionary alone was not good enough to get a full conceptual understanding of a word out of context even if looking at all the definitions and the words in the definitions with their derivations and then using the word in several made up sentences and using a demo kit or clay-table representations, then reading the text again to make sure that it made sense and you got it. Choice of dictionaries was also important because the simpler ones were not complete enough and the harder ones as the Oxford would put a person in an endless chain of looking up everything under the sun. Never-ins can’t get this because they were never exposed to the rigor of it all. As a result, the never-ins believe that anyone who took up scientology is nuts. They do have questions about the words and acronyms we use, and we try to answer them the best we can. You and I know that this is not sufficient. Kat LaRue comes to mind who admits she knows nothing of the Tone-Scale but she sure has a lot to say about it. As I said in an earlier comment if, in effect, we spend too much on the “technology” of scientology (especially now that Miscavige is changing it all) we are bound to find disagreement when we should be concentrating on the abuses of it. Another issue I have is the complaint that Hubbard changed the meanings of words. That happens all the time elsewhere. Take word “orbit” for example which is name used in physics, blutooth tracker, gum, sprinklers, games, retirement systems, anatomy, Houston Astros mascot, and probably more. Afterall, the main goal of OSA is to create an uproar amongst us. Anyway, it’s not about right or wrong since we should be over that. Thanks for your comment. No hard feelings.
So you and everyone else who has had comments trashed knows, the interminable debate about misunderstood words and definitions and whatever is a distraction and has gone on too long. I just started trashing anything that had to do with it. I don’t have the time or patience to keep reading the endless debate that changes nobody’s mind one way or the other. Foolproof of course accuses me of censoring only him/her. A number of people have suffered the same fate.
Brian, I’ve been trying but nothing gets uploaded. Murphy will probably get this one up no doubt.
I’m sorry you have had some negative experiences with word clearing for 50 years with other people.
You agree with Hubbard’s placement of accountable on the tonescale. I do not.
I don’t even see accountable as an emotion. All I can say is: keying you in to 50 years of bad experiences was not my intention.
I believe anyone who agrees with Hubbard’s placement doesn’t know the real meaning. Don’t take it personally.
It’s ok for us to differ. My argument is in the essay. I don’t need to repeat it.
I have been trying to reply to Brian’s question but it doesn’t get uploaded. The form has been asking me for my name and email address every time lately and tells me that that information is required. I fill it in and some of my comments are uploaded but not all. I don’t know if the problem is at my end or somewhere else.
I think it’s interesting to note how Hubbard’s selective- or re-definition of words is a key tool of indoctrination and manipulation.
We can see how the loyalists and diehards resort to the old tactics of dogmatic and fanatic religion, and try to defend spurious concepts by using obscure alternate definitions and otherwise splitting hairs. So much for the idea that Scientology transcends traditional religion and is supposed to be “science.”
Science is supposed to reduce things to clear definitions, like speed and acceleration; and fundamental concepts, like e=mc2. Scientology’s words and symbols can’t even be clearly enough defined to be useful, as demonstrated by the fact that they’ve been the source of endless argument for decades – and haven’t been part of producing any provable, reproducible results, other than the anecdotes of a group of followers who can no longer even convince gullible outsiders.
I was always bewildered that Hubbard gave “despair” its own level as many of the lower tones arguably stem from it – “accountable” being just one example. I saw/see it as a despaired, hopeless surrender (“It’s all my fault!”), higher than blame (“it’s all your fault!”), and the opposite of the empowered “I am a god ergo responsible for everything” mantra synonymous with the top of the scale.
The key word here is surrender. Being accountable is also to be answerable. Within the context of the lower scale, this imho is acceptance of self as a liability or burden (remember the cartoon has a little copper carting the poor sap away). A need to be blamed and a final recognition of responsibility before denial kicks in.
But that is not the definition of the word accountable.
I’ve heard people justify accountable’s position on the tone scale with:
I think he meant……
I’ve always thought he meant………
Maybe he meant…….
The definition of the word in a real world dictionary is the only definition and meaning.
In a “real world dictionary,” one synonym for “accountable” is “blameworthy.”
I would say it’s pretty self-evident that the emotion of anyone who feels they are blameworthy would not be a very high tone at all – which is why it’s on the low end of the tone scale.
Hi marildi! Here’s something which might be something new in the “theta universe”. A guy named Craig Hamilton who’s associated with Wilber’s Integral Life group says he has developed a way to create the satori experience rather than just contemplating and discussing it. Who knows. He kind of reminds me of Adyashanti.
I see Richard that you are working with Marildi. I had a suspicion but now you have convinced me.
You are being deceptive that you and Marildi are into eastern philosophy.
Deception and lies: the essence of L Ron Hubbard!
One cannot be a proponent of Patanjali or the great masters and believe in Hubbard’s hogwash.
It’s like saying a disciple of Satan loves Jesus. It’s pure lies.
I’m pretty sure Brian remembers all the philosophical exchanges Richard and I (and others) had on Marty’s blog years ago. What is deceitful, in Western terms, is Brian’s rhetoric.
The “emotion” is a negative reaction to the discipline enforced (accountability) on an individual who is irresponsible. That’s why Hubbard put it not so high on the tone scale.
Do you have any idea, Brian, if the incident of suicidality (the desire to electrocute himself with his own creation) with LRH, coincided with this in any way? I’m not sure anyone could know but I wonder.
He was loonier than a fruit cake at the end. His end of life therapy was having Vistaril injected into his butt cheeks to calm him down from looneyville.
“But that is not the definition of the word accountable.”
Sure, but this is HubbardSpeak™. If you ask any scientologist – in the church or out – they will arguably offer up a comparable definition to what I stated above. Arguing over their “scientological” definition is folly. The most you can expect is an admission that Hub meant something other than what is in the dictionary. Hardly an earth shattering revelation.
We can only speculate on Hubbard’s true motives. Bleating on at foolproof and marildi for not accepting your speculations is just rude, imho. But hey, maybe there is some truth to your argument. Maybe, when hearing the word “accountable” in the outside world, scientologists unconsciously assign it a negative meaning. Maybe, on some level, it reinforces the urge to attain godhood. To strive for promotion at work. To do better, to move up in life. To reach “the top”. Are you open to the possibility there are positive, empowering implications as well as the nefarious ones you’ve focused on?
Scientology, both as a philosophy and as a system of quack therapy, is arguably a course in absolute responsibility. And everyone on earth is answerable to someone/something, even if it’s only the law of the land – something Hubbard never overcame despite his questionable ambitions. If he believed as you claim, then he essentially placed the whole of planet earth’s chronic tone below body death. Including himself.
That’s insane…even for a nut job. I don’t buy it.
“Are you open to the possibility there are positive, empowering implications as well as the nefarious ones you’ve focused on?”
Hey Mwestern, absolutely there can be good. But seeing the good in Scientology is not why I come here. There has been so much harm done in its name. So many families in pain for the single reason of studying L Ron Hubbard.
I have 0 trust for the man. Uncovering his deception, and I mean deception, is my passion – not finding the good in R6 or running rudes.
That’s exactly my motto. And Hubbard’s.
Awww- that’s so sweet foolproof. You just confirmed that you don’t think anyone here is a fool! (Or did you miss the implications of your statement?)
I thought the same Kat. He actually labels us non fools with his statement.
I’ve never argued with you. Or did you miss something?
Apparently you also do not understand the definition of argue. If they will allow you access to a dictionary, you should look it up… or did Hubbard redefine that word as well?
What a great subject Brian. If you look at El Tubby’s Tone Scale – $cientology is at the lowest rungs of that scale. David Miscavige is at the rock bottom. Controlling bodies, no sympathy, being objects, hiding and total failure ….Being Nothing.
Miscavige is a huge nobody creating absolutely nothing for anyone or anything. Tom Cruise is headed there too.
Can’t wait to see what happens in Cultwaters now that Tom Cruise is in th e Belly of the Beast.
How long before Scientology caves him in or a sliver of sanity seeps in that huge ego and wakes him up. 3 failed marriages is SOP in Scientology but a total failure in reality.
My 2-D and I did PTS/SP course 2005 ish. I don’t recall “accountability” on the Tone Scale.
Did Miss Cabbage take that out?
That course messed up my relationships and caused a divorce due to confused states we both got into because of Scientology.
Very damaging information that needs to be destroyed.
Look at the photo of that sIcK fReAk L rOn hUbBaRd ?????????????
Founder of … a religion? ??
Sometimes a picture is TRULY worth thousand words. Ten thousand words.
Let’s not forget that Animatronic robot decked out in a stupid pseudo Captain of the Sea uniform with his spinning eyeballs — who looks like he’s starring in Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club band — the one and only David MisCavige. ? We know your reading these commments, David, you worthless POS ? Why don’t you ooze out from your scientology septic tank and engage the public sometime. ???
Hubbard looks decrepit but so do lots of old fat people who smoke.
“I am accountable to no one.”
Sayings of Chairman Dave
Never mind turning water into wine as George does at his parties – it always amazes me how Brain and his MisUs can turn a perfectly straightforward proposition and observation into the most ridiculous piece of rubbish imaginable and then some! This is well, truly remarkable. I think LRH should re-write “CONFUSED IDEAS” HCOB and rename it HCOB “BRIAN’S CONFUSED IDEAS” to accommodate this phenomenon – not even Ron could have possibly imagined how far this principle would sink! In fact you will all recall that long looping squiggle line in the original HCOB that denotes a confused idea, well, several kindergarten children should be let loose on the new HCOB to scribble to their hearts content to create the new diagram but even then this would not give Brian justice! In fact DM should be petitioned to allow a revision of the original HCOB. In fact instead of the dwindling spiral line simply the photo above of Brian should be inserted where the line was – that will “explain” all! And just think, if Brian had looked up the word “Remimeo” none of this would have come to pass! Gadzooks!
Proof Of Being A Fool – do you think you can make an argument with ideas instead of sophomoric name calling?
For instance: give me an idea or ideas that counter mine, then we can actually communicate.
You are an intelligent person, I sense that.
Remember communication? It’s really what Scientology is about, right?
Unless of course if you are a true believer and have been barred doctrinally and behaviorally from talking to critics.
Your response will tell me.
So why do you disagree Foolproof? I truly want to know. Really. Please structure your ideas with reasonable disagreements. I will be respectful, I promise.
Haha! Is this you now being all “reasonable” and feeling hard-done-by? And hoping to elicit sympathy by showing willingness to be receptive?
Brian, I am not going to argue with you – “I think it all ought to be re-written…”. What do your materials state? To help you at least just in case you are really being willing to receive, but more so for the other mis-emotional experts on here as I don’t believe you for 1 minute, here are the definitions of the word “Emotion” followed by some link on the Tone Scale I found.
EMOTION, 1. a response by a wave-length affecting an individual or another which produces a sensation and a state of mind. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06) 2. emotion is three things-engramic response to situations, endocrine metering of the body to meet situations on an analytical level and the inhibition or the furtherance of life force. (Scn 0-8, p. 66) 3. a manifestation, a condition of beingness which is the connector between thought and effort. The tone scale is a direct index of emotion. (5203CM05B) 4. the intention to exert effort bridges into the body by emotion. In other words, the physical-mental bridge is emotion. Emotion is motion. (5203CM04B) 5. emotion could be called the energy manifestation of affinity. As used in Dn, emotion could be called the index of the state of being. In the English language, “emotional” is often considered synonymous with “irrational.” This would seem to assume that if one is emotional one cannot be reasonable. No more unreasonable assumption could possibly be made. (SOS, p. 48) 6. this word is redefined in Dn and is given an opposite for comparison, “misemotion.” Previously the word emotion was never satisfactorily defined. Now it is defined as an organism manifestation of position on the tone scale which is rationality appropriate to the present time environment and which truly represents the
present time position on the tone scale. Rational effect. (SOS Gloss)
Best of luck! Drop your Success Story into you local Org, Thursday is coming and the Qual stats are a bit down. You can boost the Money Paid For Training stat by contributing to it also.
There is no communication without trust, and sarcasm is the death of communication. So thank you anyway for your response Foolproof. You have revealed that you are barred from talking to critics and must, by Hubbard’s philosophy: attack.
That’s ok, it’s just where you are at now. Have a great day anyway.
Foolproof says –
“but more so for the other mis-emotional experts on here as I don’t believe you for 1 minute”
So, it’s ok for critics to attack then, but somehow it is wrong to attack the critics? The elephant in the room of criticizing.
Ron has taught you that disagreement is attack.
There’s the problem.
And all critics are criminals that deserve being ruined utterly.
You have been trained to be an attack dog and see adult disagreement and debate as a full frontal assault on your master and religion.
And maybe that’s why Ron put accountable, the subject that this essay is about that you never address, so low on the tone scale: free thinking disagreements and being held accountable are interpreted by Ron as blame, shame and attack.
And that’s where you are FP.
All free thinkers that differ from Hubbard are evil criminals who can’t be trusted and must be destroyed.
And that justifies your hostile and mean spirited words and attitudes.
You even don’t trust when I offer you a olive branch.
Even that you interpret with a hostile lack of trust.
It’s kinda sad actually.
Hostility, punishment and meanness are probably the environment you live in at Gold.
So I understand the pressure you are under to attack critics. It must be internally stressful.
It’s also possible that you could be sent to the hole if you are not nasty enough.
Such is your religion. Such is Dave: lack of trust and punishment as a communication style.
With all sincerity I wish you well.
I could care less if you believe me or not, or interpret my reaching to be friendly as 1.1 or whatever doctrine filters you are seeing through.
But I do wish you well.
I’d rather stay at home, play music for my much younger handsome fiancée ? the secret to a successful life isn’t found in an org. I saved that money, meditated on an “ideal” me, then made it happen. Helping others attain success, given freely, helps one attain even greater levels of success.
Scientology is greed incarnate, set upon the world by a man who had no clue how to function emotionally a day in his life (please refer to his classic life story). So how am I to respect a system made by such a degraded being?
Talking of greed incarnate, you might like to use the Emotional Tone Scale to spot where your “much younger handsome fiance” is on the Tone Scale.
Greed? Me? Maybe sometimes, like all humans 🙂 But when you make it the centerpiece of your existence and turn it into a system of belief, it reveals an insidious nature Emperor Palpatine would envy.
Lack of empathy and sense of charity with a healthy dose of narcissistic tendencies isn’t a nature I would even contemplate. Helping the helpless is something even pack animals practice. It’s hardwired in our base nature for a reason, as we are part of a larger community. Not near Target II, but here on Earth. And Foolproof, please tell me you don’t believe the crap that man spewed. FFS you seem intelligent. I’d respect you more if you were a flat earther O.o
Again, why would I use a degraded being such as LRH as a guideline? If you can’t own your life, how can you expect others to follow suit??? Please explain how LRH is NOT a degraded being, not trolling you, just curious.
I spotted Agnes’ fiance at ‘virile’ , it is a tone between enthusiasm and ACTION but since Ron failed too give it a number I shall defer and not give it a number.
I followed the rabbit hole in thinking foolproof has some intelligence in there already (if it exists, it is so repressed it isn’t visible) Tried the same arguments with no discernible result- never gave a counter argument to spark and intellectual debate so that he could clarify positions and create discourse. He is a lost cause and completely indoctrinated to the cult. I would have enjoyed an intellectual debate with him, but it is pointless! He has, however let me see into the pattern of thinking that imprisons those who remain in Scientology. It is really sad.
Kat, An intellectual and genuine exchange of ideas with Foolproof would or could be very interesting. Sadly, I just don’t see it happening.
I agree Kat, it’s really sad. What some of Ron’s doctrines do to people!
Not good!
Goddamit, I must be channeling Brian. I feel like a walking, talking ‘MU’. I dusted of me ol’ OE dictionary and cobbled together a demo kit and even scrounged up some modeling clay. I put all of these to use and no matter how you slice it the word accountable IS NOT an emotion. Even if you use a long looping squiggle line the word accountable in no way becomes an emotion no matter how much one intends, postulates or mocks it up.
Yes, ok… Well, ok, I agree with your second sentence above. Now, what word in your materials was misunderstood? See above definitions.
“Now, what word in your materials was misunderstood?” or “What do your materials state?”
For the uninitiated, these are the phrases that every scientology course supervisor parrots back to a student when they disagree with the sacred utterances of the “founder and source” of scientology. It’s the KSW thing to do. Any course supervisor deviating from this patter will be punished. So, if a student wants to continue with the subject and become an auditor, one has to find a way to conform. This entails some serious lateral (twisted) thinking because the straight definitions of real English (or whatever language it was translated into) just don’t work.
But, lets just take for example what you offer up in definition #”6. this word is redefined in Dn and is given an opposite for comparison, “misemotion.” Previously the word emotion was never satisfactorily defined. Now it is defined as an organism manifestation of position on the tone scale which is rationality appropriate to the present time environment and which truly represents the present time position on the tone scale. Rational effect. (SOS Gloss)”
It appears that the English definition of emotion wasn’t good enough for Hubbard. Fair enough. If that’s the case, he should have made up a new word to describe what he was getting at. Just about anyone knows what you mean when you describe emotion. Hubbard didn’t need to offer up his word salad twisting of an already well defined and established English word.
My natural curiosity drives me to wonder where all of this came from. I notice it is from the SOS Gloss. For the benefit of those who don’t know, I’m going to offer up some ‘verbal tech’ here. SOS Gloss is the Science of Survival Glossary. Just to walk this back a bit, down the laboratory labyrinth, SOS was Hubbard’s second book to come out after his bestseller, DMSMH. He wrote it (presumably after exhaustive research) in Cuba where he had absconded with his daughter Alexis ‘Who’ Hubbard whose mother was Sara ‘I don’t have a second wife’ (née Northrup) Hubbard. Would you trust someone like this to write a book on the ‘tone scale’ describing how to predict human behavior so one can have a better chance of survival amongst their fellows? Apparently the ‘tech’ Hubbard discovered and so carefully laid out and defined didn’t work all that well for him. Just look at the folks he surrounded himself with throughout his life. It’s an impressively long list of people with anti-social characteristics as evidenced by how he had to off-load the lot of them. This included his third wife, Mary Sue ‘Under the Bus’ Hubbard. Look at what the cult is left with today in the personage of David ‘Blackheart’ Miscavige and his entourage of toadies doing duty as OSA staff.
I’m going to stick with my own conclusions about Hubbard’s ’emotional tone scale’ as laid out in SOS. It’s all bullshit that Hubbard pulled out of his ass. There is no research behind it and the ‘tones’ are just random, illogical placements assigned random made-up numerical values to create the appearance of real science and research. Bottom line. Hubbard was a world class con artist and nothing more. Many of us bought into the con in hopes of a better life. But the ‘tech’ doesn’t work as promised. Thanks to the internet and a slew of courageous people, the lies are being exposed one comment at a time. Thanks for the opportunity at this blog Mike. Every little bit helps.
Ms. B, I thoroughly appreciate this well thought out and expressed comment. Sounds EXACTLY right to me!
Haha! All that acres of verbal diarrhea, mud-slinging and MISEMOTION above just because you can’t wrap your wits around “misemotion”. Now if you’d been a good girl and just looked this up, all your problems would have been solved – well, maybe:
MISEMOTIONAL, 1. such a word would indicate that a person did not display the emotion called for by the actual circumstances of the situation. (SOS, p. 49) 2. being misemotional is synonymous with being irrational. (SOS, p. 49)
Ms. B,
That is a very good summary- especially regarding the time frame in which Hubbard concocted this baloney. I think that the underlying issue is the same one faced when trying to understand a sociopath. A sociopath lacks many of the human emotions and connections that other humans have. Because they do not feel the same emotions that others do, they lack an ability to “define” an emotional state to their satisfaction (they havent experienced it, so cannot understand or define it) It’s akin to trying to define how a thought is formed- we may be able to understand why we feel a specific way based on previous experience or education, but to define and explain how the actual thought formed is beyond our ability to adequately describe to someone. Imagine that was how all emotions were for you- completely undefinable and alien. Then consider that you can create your own meanings for those pesky words that others understand but you cannot. It would make a twisted sort of sense for why Hubbard did this. Just think- he kidnapped his daughter (whom I am assuming was likely distraught over the sudden separation from her mother and all that she knew), the little girl is experiencing these emotions that he can not define- because he doesn’t feel them himself. It is likely then that he set out to “neutralize” these words. To make them into things he could control and define in his own way- that way he would not feel inferior for being unable to “define” an emotion. In this way he could also suppress any guilt he may have felt (although he likely didn’t feel any).
Just a thought.
To tell you to look for your misunderstood word was used as a thought-stopper when Hubbard’s ‘research’ and ‘tech’ were questioned or when there were contradictions in his writings or it didn’t make sense. The Orwellian Newspeak with its ‘ethics’ and ‘justice’ system is also part to stifle any criticism and discussion.
FP is using the assertion that Mike and others would have MUs in the same way to dodge arguments. It’s also his snobby way to shut others up combined with childish name calling (as Mike mentioned) of everyone who argues with him or is criticizing Hubbard and/or his ‘tech’.
What is a “MU”?
MU is a scientology acronym for misunderstood word. According to Hubbard’s extensive ‘research’ and teaching, these nasty little buggers are the root cause of just about anything one can think of on the ‘whole track’ (the ‘time track’ going back endless gazillions of years according to Hubbard and his followers). This is why FOOLproof predictably throws these accusations at everyone posting comments on this site. We must have all misunderstood some of the ‘founders’ words. Everything he wrote or uttered is infallible and not to be disagreed with or questioned. Ever. It’s FOOL’s default answer for everything. It helps him avoid simple conversation, discussion or debate of anything people post here that may be contrary to the tenets of scientology. This is classic evidence of a cult troll. Deflection, avoidance, attack. It’s sad too. FOOL is obviously an intelligent person fully capable of engaging in meaningful communication but chooses instead to tow the cult line and try to derail the subject under discussion. In this case, Brian’s essay about a certain aspect of Hubbard’s ‘tone scale’ that makes no sense whatsoever to any rational being.
MisUnderstood, a non or wrong definition of a word.
He made us devoted to the power of words and then created his own language and thus the universe was created in the image of Ron.
But I do love words because of him.
I can’t believe I’m trying again, but I’m an eternal optimist. The fact that you have had to memorize gibberish (for some reason the long established and recognized definitions of words- not just in English, but in every recorded language was not understood by Hubbard) should strike a warning bell with you. Please wake up. Open yourself up to the possibility that you were taken in by a charismatic con artist. Look around you and see what you could be doing instead of being completely subservient to a mental prison. In your world, there is only black and white- right and wrong according to the people who tell you how to think and behave. You obviously have access to the internet. A library would be better, but you can find court records online. You can find studies of cults online if they won’t let you go to the library. The world is full of beautiful colors, variations in how we live and believe, and awesome wonders that are only available if you open yourself up to it. If your whole goal is saving the planet, then take a little time and get to know the planet a little better. Perfection doesn’t exist in the real world- that would make it sterile and utterly boring. Please open your heart and mind to a much happier existence than the one you are currently in.
That’s what I saw also Ms B. He placed a word that is not an emotion. Then I thought he placed it there to diminish the value of the word.
Hubbard ran from accountability his whole life.
Hi Brian.
You asked at the end of your essay what happens if you live in a world with bastardized definitions (paraphrased) of real human emotions.
I’m going to crack a door here & then probably shut it and run.
I, as Mike is aware, was not in Scientology. I was in another cult that presented itself as a way of self improvement & helping other people. Accountability only applied to certain people & completely disregarded other ones. I used to joke that my personal mantra was “Make it better”, because I felt like I had to BE accountable for all wrongs. If I could find something inside myself where I had messed up, even if it was just a blip of a doubt, then I had a hope to resolve the problem.
I don’t have that mantra anymore. It does not work. But after living a lifetime surrounded by a whole lot of people who don’t want anything to sully their veneers, I also choose to be safer than sorry & I am isolated a lot, hugely skeptical & afraid.
I choose to be kind where it is reciprocated & not to spend energy where there is a negative feedback loop. I know what living in that kind of world feels like, looks like, smells like (fear, rage, shame, exhaustion) & it doesn’t stop when you leave. I am ten years out & constantly fight with myself to NOT take accountability if it isn’t mine. I will risk an amends even if I’m not sure, still, because it might be true that something good can come of it.
So, I’m sorry for hijacking your post. It was very well done & appreciated.
For the sake of the people who are former members of COS, & really everyone who comes here to vent it out in a semi-safe place, that’s my accountability, honesty, & reveal for the day.
And I hope it was a little glimpse of one person’s truth of what happens when you live like that for a long time.
Thank you for being a gentleman. Your other comments show that.
Show Compassion, thank you for sharing in your learning with us. I think ultimately we become stronger people after being in a cult. Getting out of an environment of being condemned and not nurtured can take time to heal. Just remember you are free now. Treat yourself like sovereignty because you are.
I’m glad I did it. I have a pretty good bulshit detector in operation. Thank you Commadore lol!
Thanks again for your posts.
The S word in there threw me. All I know to say is
As a follow up to what I wrote earlier, one of the reasons I wrote Mike in the first place & one of the reasons I made a decision to read about Scientology & watch the A&E show is because there are hybrid type groups out there. The similarities with where I was & the experiences are alarming.
While the internet is a wonderful tool, if used appropriately, it can be used by people who are looking to dupe people & make a buck in a meticulously constructed way. The group I was in was also granted 501c3 status & though on its face did NOT operate as a religious entity AT ALL, that’s why it had that status. It could have achieved it another way, as normal non-profits do, but it did not. Because of that, it was further allowed to have subentities that were under that umbrella.
Much like the initial personality test given to what Scientologists call ‘raw meat’, I was interviewed for something like two and a half hours before I was ‘accepted’ into what was considered an ‘elite’ group. It wasn’t elite per se. It just cost more, on many levels. This group exists no longer but there are plenty more where it came from.
As a person who genuinely cares about other people, I feel mine is a cautionary tale. I hope that the things I’ve said help people who were in CoS understand where I’m coming from & I hope I haven’t caused any more distress for anyone. If I have, I am genuinely sorry. I find no allegiance with the people who hurt any of you but I know that if Mr. Miscavige’s wife can be essentially held hostage for over 10 years, so too can someone else’s loved ones.
Best to All.
Ms. B,
Re; Your dictionary problem: I’m not sure the OE (oxford English) dictionary is allowed in the course room of scientology. You MUST use the Hubbard dictionary, all of his written and spoken words, to get the correct definition.
Mini FP you are making my argument that Hubbard alters the meanings of words for his own purposes.
Thank you very much?
Happy to contribute.
This comments section is definitely becoming a whirlpool for people who just make assumptions. You haven’t got a clue what you are talking about so go and assume something else.
Not true. When I was on course in the cult, the Oxford English dictionary was the go-to source for excellent definitions and derivations for English words. It’s a great dictionary but can get a bit unwieldy at times (could lead to ‘word clearing’ lengthy word chains) so most students used a smaller dictionary until they got stuck. There are lots of smaller dictionaries that are very good but not considered “dinky dictionaries” which were not allowed in the course room. Hubbard’s ‘tech & admin’ dictionaries were also mandatory so one could ‘word clear’ the definitions for words that Hubbard made up or changed (twisted) from their English meanings to serve his purposes. Even FOOLproof can’t argue with that, but he’ll surely find something to disagree with or launch an ad hominem attach to carry out his mission as an OSA troll.
I think we should nick name him Stinky,
What do you think Ms B? He kinda leaves an odor. I think it fits.
It also makes him more cute… he needs it.
Not sure about the Stinky moniker, but god knows anything to make him cuter would help. He sure as hell isn’t helping himself in the cuteness department.
Oh! And I thought you were responding now with sweetness and light, sorry, love and compassion and not “sophomoric name calling”? Didn’t last long did it? But that’s alright at last you are being somewhat honest now – and Mike probably won’t publish this comment.
Yes, you are right Foolproof. I withdraw the moniker of Stinky.
I apologize?
That’s how to be accountable. I’m grateful that you pointed out an inconsistency in my expression. Thank you very much Foolproof.
Good call?
After posting I had another thought on his placement of accountability. If he is using this in another way- you are not accountable for others emotions and feelings- that they have sole responsibility for how they react (I believe he used an analogy of a sniper- it being your responsibility for being shot) then that is even more powerful. Using my earlier scenario- it would be your fault if you boarded the plane and it crashed- then there is even more power over an individual as that places everything that occurs on the individual- meaning that if you have strong reactions to anything it’s only your own fault. This again gives someone great sway over your personal thoughts and feeling and makes the individual feel like everything bad is their fault- this would make someone extremely vulnerable to trying to find a way to stop “bad” things from happening to them- again- cue Scientology…they promise to teach you how to control the feelings of shame and impotence. At that point, you again have a lot of control (as long as they believe in the “scale”). It is almost textbook mind control.
Great point Kat. I would bet that’s also true.
Accountability is not responsibility. Responsibility can be shared. Accountability cannot. An individual will be held accountable for a shit storm he created and he will have to justify his actions or decisions which caused it. Accountability lies between Blame and Shame on the Tone scale which seems like the right place.
Use a dictionary Peabody. You have an MU
Dissent in the ranks? (Sorry Peabody if I wrongly associate you with “the ranks”.) How ironic of you Brian to propose this solution! Of course anybody with any sense and no bias knows he’s right, don’t they.
Your response is very strange- are you implying that only bad things result from accountability, and that is why it is “low”??? How is it a negative to hold yourself accountable for your actions (good or bad)?? ultimately, accountability is good whether the outcome is positive or negative. This is ABOVE responsibility! Someone or some group can have responsibility for a task, but there needs to be accountablity for the outcome…if not, then who would really care what happened? There is pride in doing a good job that you are accountable for- there is also satisfaction, joy, and conversely, shame or regret- those last two are what makes humans try to improve! Without accountability, there is stagnation and no self worth. I can give responsibility to my employees to carry out a task, but the ultimate accountability for the outcome is with me as their boss! If they do good work, the accolades are shared, usually sparking increased job satisfaction and enthusiasm. If it turns out poorly, it is mostly on me as I am ultimately accountable for outcomes reporting for the department. How is this supposed to be low and between blame and shame??? That just shows how utterly twisted Hubbard was when he created a false world based on warped perceptions of word meanings. I don’t really get how he persuaded people to believe in this “scale” which seems like it was developed by an emotionally stunted mad man! Unfortunately I know how cults do their work, so I get the bait and switch game he was playing.
Accountability occurs after irresponsibility. Irresponsibility is not showing or doing with due care for the consequences of one’s actions. The responsible person pays his bills on time. The irresponsible person does not and there are consequences and he will be held accountable. Accountability has a negative connotation because of the discipline imposed on the person to do the right thing.
I cannot agree with your assessment that accountability is only negative. It doesn’t ONLY occur after irresponsibility. You have a flawed definition and perception of the word. I am accountable for my actions (good or bad) you are accountable for your actions (good or bad) you cannot only be accountable for bad actions you are accountable for all actions
What seems very simple to thee and me Peabody, is of course developing into a hugely complex ball of twine for those who want to re-define a simple word to try and prove some (unimportant) point but of course more to smear Hubbard. They’ll argue about this for decades to come and hang on to their misunderstanding to make them feel right.
Can you really type “re-define a simple word” without seeing the irony of what you are writing??? It seems that Hubbard re-defined plenty of simple words to twist others to his way of thinking. I keep hoping that you will actually pull your head out of the cult for a second and realize the craziness you are espousing here- but no, you just seem to take it to new levels of ridiculousness. I leave you to your craziness and inability to appreciate the absolute black hole you live in!
I think you will find that it is Brain (and now also you), that has re-defined the word to suit his cloth. Or didn’t you read his article? Still, don’t let that worry you, you will let that fact slip on by.
You obviously do not have a dictionary
Oh great wise one, telling me that two words mean the exact same thing. The dictionary cross defines ethics and morals yet the two words do not mean the same thing. I understand that you’re committed to your argument because of what you wrote and, heaven forbid, no one wants to be ‘wrong’.
I don’t know enough about the “tone scale” to make an intelligent comment on what all it entails, but I can make some comments on what the “levels” of importance tell me as a “normal” person. The first thing I note is that if this were trotted out when someone first walked into a Scientology building asking what the religion is about, most would run back out quickly if they were told that the “church” thought that human emotion was thought of as a liability. The fact that accountability- as you pointed out- is considered a very, very positive thing by 99%of the public ( in reality, how great would the world be if no one was accountable for anything? For example: if a passenger asked the airplane machanic: “is the plane engine working well?” And the mechanic answers: “Eh- who knows- I’m not accountable for that”- how many people would fly? How many people would do ANYTHING that relied on someone else….. and that is one MAJOR key to it all- when you don’t rely on anyone else, there is an aloneness that is easy to manipulate because-face it- you have to rely on someone sometime…enter Scientology!!) this is ground zero for the cult- when Scientology becomes the only entity that you can totally rely on, you are ensnared in the proverbial catch-22. you can’t get free without relying on an “outside” view, which you’ve been taught you can’t trust, Another problem with this is that Hubbard held others accountable for things- for example, who was blamed if something went wrong? Obviously someone was accountable for that. They were punished if they “failed”. However, he was exempt from accountability I’m pretty sure that Hubbard based this on his own personal internal hierarchy of thoughts and feelings which tells us a lot about the man!! When looking at it as a method of mind control, the absolute negation of deep feelings and emotion allows an individual to be led fairly easily (your natural reluctance to hurt someone is connected to empathy. If you negate empathy, you have a measure of control of that person). I believe Hubbard knew this and used it to his advantage. I believe this was an amalgam of both his personal traits and the way he laid out stage one of creating people who would hand over ultimate, total control of their lives.
Great introspective article- very enlightening to a non-Scientologist!! Thank you.
Hey Kat, Great comment. You are a deep thinker. Thank you.
Ok I will use Method 7 word clearing for you now, which is used when working with children or
foreign-language persons or semi-literates: you still haven’t grasped that this is a condition or state that a being finds himself in and which he flows or doesn’t flow to his environ. It is nothing to do with office politics or whatever you are imagining it to be. The Emotional Tone Scale has never been codified or even thought of until Hubbard did so, so you are somewhat forgiven (well, not really, as you just want to bad mouth anything to do with Scientology, however…)
The emotional tone scale is probably one of the most ridiculous ideas I have ever had the misfortune to learn about. If you think that speaking gibberish makes you sound enlightened, you are sorely mistaken. Every time you try to flex this “cult-speak” you just sound more and more like a brainwashed empty body with absolutely no clue as to how human beings are supposed to communicate. I get that you think that believeing this gobbledygook makes you somehow feel superior, and that you need that crutch to make yourself feel important. It doesn’t make you anything but a pitiable, sad shell of a person. Please gain some enlightenment before your little cult crumbles and you are forced to face some hard truths. I’m attempting to understand why anyone would think Hubbard would be someone to admired or emulated. There are so many great thinkers, philosophers, teachers and seekers out there to choose from- and you chose an emotionally stunted failure who liked to dress up in a pseudo naval uniform and play with people like puppets. I get why people started out thinking Scientology might have some purpose, but it’s time to look at facts and not hyperbole. Hubbard was a misanthrope who had very few redeemable qualities. He deserves scorn, not praise. The people here managed to see the truth of what he was and are brave, strong, amazing individuals who have shown how resilient the human spirit is. You should join the ranks of these people and become your own person. Read your posts from the last few weeks with an open mind and try to see them with unburdened eyes- it might make you take a second and actually wonder why you are still following orders that make no sense. Like I tried to say to you earlier- before you “save the planet” take a little while to learn all of the wonderful things the planet can offer those who are able to see it clearly and not through blinders put in place by an unhappy, unfulfilled sociopath. Try it out. If you aren’t happy with what you find go back to your cult and live there for the rest of your days, banging your head against an impossible set of ideas that get you nowhere and nothing.
“Mary Kahn says
February 9, 2019 at 8:46 am
The church of scientology is the king of labels – false, made-up or accusatory labels – that will become attached to you and those around you the day you walk through its doors. Stay away. Stay Far Far Away.”
I think this statement pretty well sums up any answer you are searching for. LRH created labels & upended the normal definitions of language for his own gains. One can not reason with insanity, with pathological lying, or with hate. One must instead endeavor to seek their own truth. Perhaps that is something that is more generally accepted according to a dictionary. Perhaps that is a personal moral code that one creates for his/herself. Cultures do this without being able to read another interpretation of words. It is about one’s own choice & continuing choices when you falter in your actions next to the moral code you agree to live by as you dictate it to *yourself*. Self correction & acknowledging wrongs & continuing to grow are assets. I read something that said if you aren’t a little bit ashamed of where you were last year, you’re doing something wrong. I think that is situation dependent to some degree but if one is seeking to grow their expression of humanity, it’s probably very apt.
You have an excellent guide on what not to emulate & clearly you know that. Any searching of meaning beyond that is probably akin to nailing jell-o to a post.
Having been an LA cop, who started in 1971, when there were hippies panhandling on Hollywood Bl. and Krishnas at LAX, I and those like me provided the accountability for those who chose to hide from their illegal deeds. However I can’t remember an entire “church” whose founder, his writings, the current leadership, staff and “parishioners” are dedicated to avoiding accountability of any kind for their actions, even if they’re illegal in nature, except for Scientology, as I now understand it. In Los Angeles, across California, and in America that means there is an populated archipelago, if you will, dedicated to thwart the legal activities of those today who are performing my lawful duties. Hello? Does no one see a problem with this negative social behavior beyond those who watch Leah and Mike’s show and read similar blogs?
Brian, You are on something really big. In “Paradise Lost” Book 4 Lucifer goes through an emotional transformation before he descends to Earth to become Satan
“Thus while he[Lucifer] spake, each passion dimmed his face
Thrice changed with fear, anger, envy and despair, [ 115 ]
Which marred his borrowed visage, and betrayed
Him counterfeit, if any eye beheld.”
The Tone Scale that Hubbard built is that emotional transformation.
Hubbard was full of fear, anger envy and despair.
Haha! You’re both “on something really big”! The Devils Ride Out again!
How many people paid that much attention to the tone scale? The essence of Scn is, or at least it was, metered auditing. Some people say they had to Chinese School the tone scale and even watch a video about it. When did that start up? Sounds like Dev-t.
The tone scale is Dev T? That language is Scientology Language. But how can you be a Scientologist and consider the tone scale DevT?
Er, he’s not a Scientologist, not any more anyway.
There’s no possibility of auditing anyone correctly without understanding the Tone Scale REALLY well and being able to spot ALL the tones REALLY well.
The processesses are the tools but the Tone Scale is how you use the tools.
The RIGHT process delivered in the WRONG tone level to a person will not only NOT help but will most likely DAMAGE thE person.
Forget auditing, even – how do you communicate to or with someone who is in grief? Who is enthusiastic? Bored? Afraid?
Being IN communication with someone is EVERYTHING In auditing and in LIFE.
Someone has to be willing to receive your communication. If its FORCED, then its not really received – the person doesn’t really WANT it!
Even just having a conversation without being in communication with someone is at best a meaningless flapping of lips with sounds coming out.
AUDITING someone without being IN communication with that person can do that person a GREAT deal of harm!
Aqua – Nah. Who needed to memorize the tone scale to sit down and audit someone? It sounds like an invention from DM to slow things down. DEV T, Developed and unnecessary Traffic. It’s part of scientology-think to communicate to someone a tone level higher than they are in order to “impinge”. An auditor doing that in session would be a robot. Auditor robots might be the wave of the future in the CoS. They could precisely identify a three swing floating needle.
Thanks Aqua, I sliver of light shines through. That being said, I and Aqua are on the same page when it comes to ending the abuse of scientology.
Richard! We’re actually in total agreement as re the Tone Scale. I did not say, nor did I intend to imply, that the Tone Scale had to be MEMORIZED. Certainly that would be a waste of time. Spotting tones is one thing, memorizing the tone scale – fuggedaboutit 🙂
Right back at you with that, Peabody 🙂
Yeah, ok, one would do so for an hour or so and then it is learnt. Not a big deal at all. Certainly not something to sing and dance about. Good data though. It’s quite useful in spotting people’s er, tone level. including the preclear’s.
Better word clear learnt.
Learnt and learned are alternative forms of the past tense and past participle of the verb learn. Both are acceptable, but learned is often used in both British English and American English, while learnt is much more common in British English than in American English.
Yes! I’ve been unable to respond! I admit I don’t like that word but I was wrong. I was wrong and I accept accountability. ☺
Ah bin en 9th grade 3 tymes an I ain’t learnt nuttin’
Hey George, I think you and I share a common understanding of the metaphysical evil that was Hubbard. I’m not so much conscerened with titles as much as behaviors.
If those behaviors cause suffering, and he knows he’s causing it but doesn’t care, then I see him as evil.
But I agree, he invoked the negative spectrum of thought. And he attained it. And it consumed him.
There are names for that side of the metaphysical spectrum.
It is interesting that in “Paradise Lost” the highest state of mind that Lucifer reaches is “Serenity of Beingness”. This is at one point where he sort of for an instant overcomes his fear. So Lucifer, the reactive mind, is able for the moment to feel relief.
Foolproof, you are again missing the point. Control of the reactive mind is very, very low on any scale. Hubbard missed real spiritual development. Hubbard glorified the “reactive mind” as the control point. In reality, Lucifer had control of his “Reactive Mind” and he was a mess. In Paradise Lost Lucifer is constantly blocked by his own pride from any higher levels. Even a “Freshman” meditator can hit far higher levels than Scientology. Take a look at the fear in Miscavige’s pictures and you might get the point. When Hubbard placed the reactive mind in the past, he totally lost control of it. Time track never works the way Hubbard imagined it.
I agree George, when I made meditation a daily habit I really saw how childish, ignorant and false Hubbard’s world view was.
No need for CS, auditor, delusional or valid auditing procedures.
No via necessary. No additive to self inquiry or spiritual perception.
Just the spacious skies of awareness. And free all day long!
Yay! Free from Tubby’s mind noise!
Yes Brian! Spot on my friend. ☺
George, in Paradise Lost is the term serenity of beingness actually used?
Excellent work. Hubbard said that he was in the role of the “mythological” Lucifer. I think he actually was Lucifer.
Yes, this is indeed excellent work. What astounding insights into the reactive mind! I have just had a cognition! OMG! I see the Light! I must sit down and reflect…
Sitting down and reflecting would not hurt Foolproof. In fact they teach it in cancer wards. They have found calmness to help in the healing of cancer.
Surely this is not you now trying to cast a spell or even just invoking negative thoughts or invoking introspective thoughts? Surely one cannot be that evil eh? I thought you were a decent human being? Did George suggest this? What a devil eh?
May you be filled with light and joy Foolproof. May love and happiness be yours evermore Foolproof.
This is the attitude you will get from me only from now on. Express whatever you wish or what are commanded to do by way of policy.
I wish you all the goodness and happiness that can be gotten.
Returning love for hate is the policy of the liberated masters: the truly free. That’s the policy I practice and apply.
Me too Brian. I always try to respond with love to everyone. It’s beautiful and empowering.
And yet you write whole articles and comments stating exactly the opposite. Still, the fools on here believe the last thing they have read so you may be successful in conning them. Ann will believe you of course (of course).
Foolproof my friend, lest you think I’m gullible please think again. I do believe Brian because he is speaking the truth. I see quite clearly which is why I can see scientology for the scam it is. It’s not that hard. Basically common sense. Try critical thinking sometime. ☺
Your sad devotion To Hubbard’s failed abortion of a religion is most enlightening.
Bless his heart Dark Avenger, he’s touched in the head.
Great analysis. Heaven forbid that Hubbard would ever be held accountable, responsible, to blame, liable, or anything less than THE game-maker, source, cause, most admired, and sought out for his wisdom.
Damn Brian this is one of the most thought provoking essays yet! Brilliant analysis. I do wonder if he did it intentionally or if that is how he thought. Probably intentionally.
Brian asks…
“Was Hubbard just crazy or was he intelligently using his power over words to manipulate human values for his own purposes?”
This reminds me of the classic line a stick-up man might use when he pulls a gun on you and demands your money. “Yer money or yer life,” In the case of Brian’s question, the correct answer is both. Hubbard was both crazy AND manipulative. One needs look no further than his own Affirmations to verify this truth.
In my experience with the cult, they will not demand your money or your life. They will demand BOTH. Lurkers, run, don’t walk to the nearest exit.
Miss B Haven, I hope you come to Howdy Con this year so I can meet you. I like your posts.
Cindy, I’d like to be there but I just checked out Ortega’s site and those dates don’t work for me. Besides, from what I recall of So. Cal that time of year is that it is plagued by “June gloom”. I know HowdyCon is going to be held in the Inland Empire but that just reeks of Int. Base and would surely ‘restimulate’ me to no end being that close to cult headquarters. A nice drive in the mountains to get out of the heat would be good though. I’m thinking Rim of the World Highway. Maybe I would get a chance to see Shelly thru the razor wire. Probably not. There is about as much chance of seeing Shelly as seeing Hubbard crank out a ‘clear’.
Brian – Fascinating article!
As a narcissistic individual, Hubbard must have abhorred the thought of the word accountable.
Real or true self accountability requires self reflection or an emotional and vulnerable inner evaluation of oneself. Because of Hubbard’s ability to place himself as a Scientology Diety, I can only conclude that Hubbard inwardly feared to be accountable.
Hence the low Tone Scale value of this non emotional word.
O/T. Nation of Islam Sister Iris Muhammad has completed the Scientology Objectives, Drug Rundown and Happiness Rundown, and has attained the Scientology religious state of Recall Release.
Interesting. At what point in her Bridge progress, I wonder, will Sister Iris Muhammed begin to question NOI’s stable data as regards Jews and white people being solely responsible for all the world’s ills?
I concur, Accountable was something LRH never intended to do (his marriages, his taxes, etc) and, to have accepted it, would have made him wrong. Heaven forbid!
So, to wash his hands, he decided accountable was something wrong and placed it lower on the scale, thus validating his claim that he was only on the high levels of the scale.
Did he use words to manipulate others? Indeed he did. Look for how long many of us ‘believed’ what he wrote and said. There was no way to question what he meant, This belief was enforced when you had to word clear the word, clay demo it, receive Method One, do the Student Hat again or else…
Hi my name is Angel. I’m from Ontario Canada. I’ve been researching about Scientology ever since I walked into a narconon meeting back in 2005. My heart feels so heavy for everyone that has been hurt by this cult corporation. Mr. RINDER if I can help in anyway please email me. Abuse is wrong even when it comes from “religion”. The world needs to unite against this evil cult because Scientology won’t stop until the people educate themselves and research what they actually do for the betterment of all.
Angel,what happened at the narcanon meeting ?
“Accountable” = “Caughtable”. The whole theme of this religion seems to be: How to be a jackass and get away with it. Most people joined to improve self-assurance and/or a desire to improve their own lives and those of their loved ones plus save the world. T That is the opening bit. To do really well in Scientology it helps to be a paranoid-narcissist with low conscience and three or more credit cards.
Brian – another great essay. And to think I had to learn that friggin tone scale up and down BY HEART (no mistakes) while on auditor training. And the film watched over and over and over and over again. That gawd awful film that Hubtard directed. And all I could think was what a horrible director/film maker he was. Of course no one could ever dare voice that opinion unless you wanted to be in ethics forever.
SIGH!!!!!!!! what a mind f*ck this all was. What a waste of endless hours of my life on study. Gees I could of been a surgeon by now.
P.S – saw part 2 of your interview with Ron Sr. and it was great. Wonderful that you’re exposing what the cult does once money is dried out. I was on OT3 at exact time as Likky and also thrown to the curb. I know EXACTLY what that poor girl went through. It’s very upsetting to hear what happened to her, I hope that she is fine and that she reaches out to you one day.
You “could of been a surgeon by now” – not with that wording. Jeez! And being on course whilst falling under the categories of A-J is also not helpful, to all concerned.
Foolproof – It’s easier to get people to believe a lie, than to believe they’ve been lied to. Especially after they have wasted their lives and a shit-load of money on it!
Hey Ms. P,
You opening ideas gave rise to the idea I learned from Swami Vivekananda: “no spiritual effort is lost”.
We all learned a lot of important lessons as Scientologists. Not what Ron imprinted on us, but what we learned in the experience through our own experiences.
Some good stuff came with us no doubt.
Thank you re Ron’s Interview. It felt good to get that offf my chest like that. Where you in Saint Hill when she was?
Brian – “no spiritual effort is lost”, you are absolutely right.
I was at AO in LA.
In revisiting Hubbard’s Tone Scale, I now see it as a variation of Nietzsche’s concept and philosophy of the “ubermensch” or superman, very similar to the Nazis vision of a master race superior to all others. In order to achieve the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” the Scio must sublimate their better nature and adopt an amoral viewpoint. Never forget the Scientologist’s Code of Honor #12: “Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.” Scios can and do use and abuse that single maxim to justify their unethical and often criminal behavior.
“Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.”
Sounds reasonable, but then, the workability of this would depend on what “just” means in any given situation as well as WHO is doing the deciding.
So, Nietzsche, you wouldn’t have shot Hitler then? “Those who cannot understand how to put their thoughts on ice should not enter into the heat of debate.”
Intellectually astute, but troll bait once again. One can only guess about OSA staff who waste their time on literary knowledge of which they have no real understanding.
Foolproof, I want you to know, from my heart, that I am going to keep you in my good thoughts. I hope that you can let yourself fall into the void of the Universe & let it prove to you that it will lift you back up again.
I care about you. Not for any reason other than I can. I see someone who spends so much time trying to be seen but terrified to let the mask slip even a little bit. Will you get hurt? Yes. You already are. That’s just life. But this way? Beating a dead horse, this dead horse? It just gets you covered in dust & maggots & it’s so sad when there are innumerable other ways. Don’t mistake this for pity. It isn’t. It’s compassion. There is a tremendous difference.
Set yourself free. You’ve got so much to offer if you channel it well. Take a chance, will you? Life is beautiful in so many little ways. You can always go back if you want.
Peace, FP. Peace.
Thanks for that Chris……. I agree with you.
Thanks Brian, very nice analysis. Thanks for the help unwinding the lies in Scientology.
LRH promoted dishonesty as a positive attribute for his members to “save the Planet”. But, this anomaly in people is having a short life in the Internet age.
Hey Robert, my pleasure bro. And thank you for your heroism in standing up for Mike. That is true power. That is real power.
Written into Hubtard policy and “technology” is the mandate that Hubbard and his senior execs CANNOT be held accountable for their actions or even questioned or accussed. If a person lower on the rung accuses Hubtard or an org exec of wrong doing they are ordered to be labeled as PTS Type 2 (semi-delusional and dangerous) by the organizations internal police force and barred from any service not addressing that insanity.
PROOF of this essays accuracy.
Off topic. Freak out at scamology international HQ over a few photographers. Hemet police called to intimidate. HUGE fail for police and scamology HQ. Police schooled.
Brilliantly stated!
Accountability is also responsibility, recognizing the truth,
Isn’t that the objective of auditing? Oh well!
This convergence of accountability and blame is just one example of Hubbard’s flawed reasoning.
To admit a mistake can change the course of a wrong behavior.
A fool never admits wrongdoing, thus is always a fool.
Repentance is accountability / responsibility for something that is wrong.
Turning from truth requires repentance, accountability and responsibility if change is desired.
Of course this is only for those who truly desire the truth.
“Con-Hubbard” was only interested in the appearance of truth as he infected the reasoning
of thousands…
This creates a “failed purpose” attitude when someone looks for truth, causing many to never
look to God, fearing falsehood will overtake them again.
May all who have been let down by Hubbard find God’s truth.
After Scientology I did and have not been let down for 38 years.
I don’t think “reasoning” is what Hubbard was doing. He was a narcissist and a sociopath avoiding any possibility of accountability for his own actions, so he literally defined being accountable as an inferior state. If you made this up about a fictional character, it wouldn’t be considered believable, but that’s how cartoonish that villain was, in real life.
Thanks, Brian, for your analyses of the tone scale. Spot on. You’re correct that it’s obvious once one looks, but it took you to be the one to first look more closely and get the rest of us to look.
That’s an excellent point. This actually helped me understand a bit better some things I see them do. They are not accountable…but YOU are. Well done article. Thanks.
Great Rosemarie!
The first red flag we should have all caught with Source: L Ron Hubbard’s – TRUST. Trust is NOT at the top of the tone scale.
Being a successful business person and very successful at running a business – I did not TRUST when I walked into $ciendollatry.
Then I did Science of Survival and the PTS / SP Course and I too wanted to be seen as a high toned person – so over time I TRUSTED Scientolgists and believed what they said.
I witnessed others blindly trusting whatever their FSM said. I saw them financially ruined and families destroyed.
It was a big mistake.
Take note OSA – you too will get screwed eventually – everyone does.
Trusting any Scientologist is being a fool. You are subjecting yourself to being ruined if you trust any Scientologist. They all turn evil if they stay in long enough. Sorry – just my observation. They have to flip into that valence just to survive. Getting out does not change their personality either. They have to be deprogrammed.
What religion charges hundreds of thousands of dollars up to MILLIONS for spiritual freedom while they are tax exempt and above the laws of the land.
Then to hornswoggle members into signing legal contracts with no legal representation is criminal.
Let’s just start with that one thing and they should lose their tax exempt status.
To get people to lie about the cost and amount of time is criminal.
Stop LYING Scientologists.
Just stop lying and see how long $ciendollatry lasts!
It will die all of the faster and for the best interests of everyone on this planet.
Scientology needs to lose their tax exempt status and we are not stopping until it does.
Disagree, Mole. Real trust is quite high toned. Little children are mostly quite trusting. They are mostly very high toned too. A person doesn’t LEARN to trust. We, all of us, START OUT, trusting. Its a natural, native state. Nothing to LEARN about trusting. We all begin that way. What we LEARN is NOT to trust – the who, the how, the when and they why of NOT trusting.
Do we get screwed for being trusting? You bet. But that’s another issue.
Trusting children exude joy and love and enthusiasm along with their natural, innate trust in others. Children reach for you and laugh and accept you knowing NOTHING about you. This is an exttremely attractive quality, when its real.. Its why children are so loveabl, mostly. Their utter spontaneity, their joy for no particular reason except they’re alive, they’re spontaneous, unthinking trust in the people around them and in their environment. Very, very high toned.
. On the other hand, here’s what’s NOT attractive and high toned: are adults who get screwed over and over again and yet refuse to admit they’ve been screwed and continue to “trust” the people who’ve screwed them. Actually this isn’t authentic trust at all nor is it high toned either – its stubborness and a refusal to confront, masquerading innocence and trust.
Aqua – I do get what you are saying here but do children really TRUST or are they victims of their vulnerability due to ignorance and being at a disadvantage.
Trust is used on L Ron Hubbard’s Tone Scale to manipulate others into never questioning SOURCE who is SAUCED.
Children are vulnerable and are forced to believe that whoever is around them – is safe.
That is different from walking into a Church of Scientology and having highly trained manipulator’s screw you in every way they can.
Hubbard puts TRUST at the top o the Tone Scale so the unsuspecting victims who walk in – will want to be considered high toned and TRUSTING. Then the vulture Registrars can take their last dime. The Recruiters can manipulate, lie and deceive people into joining the Sea Morgue and staff.
Hubbard knew exactly what he was doing.
Criminal con thug fucker.
Mole, thanks for responding and in turn I believe I understand your underlying question which is: are babies and young children “naturally” trusting or are they “forced” to be so?
I’m no expert on babies and children.
To me, it looks natural. It looks to me like they’re born that way. When a baby cries it seems to me like he’s trusting that someone will pick him up and do what he wants and needs, i.e., feed him, hold him, change his diaper, whatever.
This is just my opinion, but I think their innate vulnerability, their very LACK of defenses not yet built up, their natural trust in the goodness of others, their natural delight and trust and wonder at the world they’ve just come into, PROMOTES and is essential to their survival. What monster would not respond to these qualities flowing so effortlessly in less than a positive way, or at least TRY to respond in a positive way?
Consider puppies, how adorable they are. So trusting, so joyful, so glad to be alive for no reason at all. Seems to me they’re born that way.
But that’s just me 🙂
Mole, below what I just posted about kids and puppies, yeah I agree that the regg’es and Hubbard used the fact that TRUST is very high on the tone scale to get peoples’ money, effort and time.
These people got manipulated, big time, because they HAD TO BE high toned, they HAD to trust! They made this big EFFORT to be “trusting” and high toned and got majorly screwed, many of them.
But spontaneous trust is NOT forced. Trust is trust…how do I say this? it just FLOWS from a person, its just THERE and it comes OUT, kind of. You don’t – you can’t MAKE yourself trust – you just DO, or then again, you don’t. . Hard to explain!
OK, wait!
Its like the way Shakespeare wrote about how someone feels mercy in “Merchant of Venice”…”The quality of mercy is not strained…” In other words, its not forced. You can’t r MAKE yourself FEEL merciful towards someone. You either do or you don’t, and if you do, it just flows out, there’s no effort in it.
Alright, I’ll stop now 🙂
“On the other hand, here’s what’s NOT attractive and high toned: are adults who get screwed over and over again and yet refuse to admit they’ve been screwed and continue to “trust” the people who’ve screwed them. Actually this isn’t authentic trust at all nor is it high toned either – its stubborness and a refusal to confront, masquerading innocence and trust.”
Either that or it could quite possibly be terror or complete almost catatonic capitulation. Sometimes people are not what you & I would think of as consciously agreeing anymore. In those cases-to leave & thereby be accountable- I would say that something either disagrees with them internally so much that it outweighs their own fear or they fold up like George Jetson’s suitcase. It’s important to realize that mental stamina is different for different people.
Totally agree on all points, SC. In any event, whether they’re being stubbornly blind and last ditch right, or whether they’ve “folded up like George Jetson’s suitcase” (good one, btw) they don’t really TRUST. Its not high toned. Its fake.
When I was in, I encountered a number of Scientologists who were “mocking up” this high tone level. But it was fake. They didn’t really trust. There’s a certain energy that comes out of an authentically trusting person. They didn’t have that energy. In fact they were quite careful and cautious and suspicious, while putting on an act that they were innocent and trusting. Just another bullshit cult pretense. They weren’t high toned at all but they believed that that HAD TO BE, you see, so they “mocked it up”.
I do see what you mean & you’re right. Real trust has an open-hearted accepting component to it. It doesn’t clench its jaw or its sphincter when greeting you. It isn’t full of self, it is full of the all of being.
Thank you for clarifying your thoughts. I appreciate that.
I think that by making accountability a ‘minus grade emotion’, Hubbard was laying the groundwork for Fair Game. Scientologists are not accountable for THEIR actions, but everyone else is. Twisted and evil thinking for sure.. Accountability is one of the basics of, as you said, honesty and integrity. Judicial law is based on that premise. Ergo, Scientologists can behave outside the law and all their policies (eg: Disconnection) make sense and can be enforced. As for it being an emotion…….that’s where the scientology plot gets lost for people who understand that society and reality depend on accountability to maintain peace and order.
O/T – Tracey McManus as a new article out on the Clearwater PD situation:
From the article, “…Slaughter revoked Scientology’s affidavit on file that allows police to issue trespass warnings to citizens when a property owner is not able to be present.”
It will be interesting to see if he pushes $cientology to take down those signs the have all over misrepresenting what Florida Statute 810.09 says police can do.
Judging from this picture of Hubbard, I think he did create a new hybrid, it wasn’t homo novus, it was homo crapus