A Special Correspondent sent this in — it was posted on the Razzline.
It clearly is written by a Master Evaluator who thinks for himself and observes what is in front of him….
What a genius:
I’ve read and heard comments and descriptions that many others have said about GAT II and the new Flag Building. Many superlatives have been used. Having attended the events at Flag, nothing I’ve read or heard is an exaggeration or overstatement. GAT II and the new Flag Building are simply spectacular!!
Having been in Scientology for 45 years, I have a perspective that may see these events a bit differently from those who’ve witnessed Scientology over a substantially shorter time frame.To evaluate a datum (e.g., the release of GAT II and the new Flag Building) one needs a datum of comparable magnitude with which to compare it. For this second datum I suggest the release of Dianetics in 1950. Those two are data of comparable magnitude!From the release of Dianetics to the opening of GAT II and the Flag building, it’s been 23,204 days. That was an era of our history and that era is behind us. An entirely new era has begun!!\We’ve used the concept of “Before Dianetics” and “After Dianetics”. Now we have a new concept of “Before GAT II” and “After GAT II”. It’s that order of magnitude! For me this begins to put into proper perspective the magnitude of GAT II and the new Flag Building.ML,Mac
Interesting how this comparison to Dianetics “begins to put into proper perspective the magnitude of GAT II”.
I guess when it all becomes crystal clear to him he will unequivocally proclaim that GAT II exceeds the discovery of fire, the wheel, the printing press, America, the solar system etc etc. If you can think of it, this is more important.
And he presents himself as such an authority. Like all good fundamentalists. They always know all. And speak with authority and certainty no matter how insane they sound to everyone else. The little voice inside their head tells them to pay no never mind to the fools and devil worshippers who don’t agree with them. They are misguided and ignorant. SPs, merchants of chaos, wogs, FPRD cases, DB’s, small beings, dilettantes, PTSes, occluded cases, anti-social personalities and vessels of satan.
Some challenged me on commenting that people in the church today increasingly look upon Miscavige as the reincarnation of LRH. This email is evidence that these people will believe ANYTHING.
I am expecting the IAS to start resorting to the old trick of selling the end of the world soon. They are getting close. “We know the end of the world is coming within one year. Your money is no good. It will not survive the apocalypse. The only ones who will are Patrons Meritorious Platinum Gluteus and above.” Believe me, there are PLENTY of people who would buy into this. Especially if it was uttered by He Who Must Not Be Named.
The parishioners of SCN have become experts at double talk. They twist things to fit into whats their little world it truly is a disability and it grows with every course they take and every session they complete because its their way or the highway no other road exists in their eyes. Truly sad!!!
“They are misguided and ignorant. SPs, merchants of chaos, wogs …”
Don’t forget the bitter, unemployed, defrocked apostates on the fringes of the internet.
That would be me
Dissecting the new Mark 8 E-Meter updater software
Interesting what Wolfbane says is what I suspected:
“These things have sat in storage so long it does not seem feasible it would require a firmware update/activation to run digital functionality. As Marc Headley has explained in the past, they would have needed to gut all the e-meters they had in storage and replace the internals to truly accomplish that, in which case there would be native USB support.
Which is also stupid, if the thing works right out of the case – don’t connect it to your computer. Period.
Speculation: what they are likely trying to do is shoehorn in the means of automated device tracking/registration, to prevent people who are not in good standing from being able to use them. A faux lockdown if you will, fooling people into thinking that need to get the firmware check annually to keep it working. And I would be shocked if there really is a chip inside the device that self-disables if it does not get connected to a computer once a year.
There is so much crap in that Anibus Report, custom handling of some sort of calendar-based date tracking didn’t jump out at me, yet… but surely there is a date stored to a regkey somewhere that will set off a stoopid nag prompt telling the person to re-connect their e-meter after a year has elapsed. With the real purpose being a server-side process that records which serial numbers map to which names to tell the cult who is using which device.”
Another thing is that the updater is an exe. file which wouldn’t run natively on a Mac unless the person uses Bootcamp or runs a virtual machine of some kind.
Seems that whatever geeks they have left still serve the “evil empire”.
(The famous “Scionanny” software only worked on windoze as well which was fortunate for us Mac users who got suckered into getting a Scn On-Line cookie cutter website 😉 )
There is also evidence that the app instals some kind of spy and malware on the “lucky” users computer.
How nice.
Like I said earlier it probably has a kill switch of some kind if the user strays too far off the Rez.
Seems they solved the problem of antiquated serial connectors by including an adapter for USB.
I mean what were they thinking?
It was evident more than 15 years ago that printers,scanners, external drives and other peripherals were going USB.
Yet they are selling this stone age appliance as the “latest and the greatest”!
I wouldn’t put this meter anywhere near my computer.
I fucking love your ass
“kill switch of some kind if the user strays too far off the Regs”
Fixed that for you.
“The little voice inside their head tells them to pay no never mind to the fools and devil worshippers who don’t agree with them. They are misguided and ignorant. SPs, merchants of chaos, wogs, FPRD cases, DB’s, small beings, dilettantes, PTSes, occluded cases, anti-social personalities and vessels of satan.”
Two days ago I was talking to a non-Scn friend I hadn’t seen in months. She’s on her own spiritual journey and this made a great exchange between us about the subject. She said she had interest in Scn some time ago, has read some books and knew about some of the reasons for the grade chart but she never could get passed the obstacle of having never met (she owned a business in CW) a Scientologist that she felt reflected anything of value to her; that I was the first person who had come from Flag that she liked! I explained to her that it was most likely because of a thought going through their heads about people who weren’t Scientologists and your paragraph above says it fully.
One thing you can count on is that under cob there will be no true ARC or granting of beingness to people who haven’t seen the light through Scientology. The two actual unarguable implementable concepts that give the tech legs in to society cut off at the knees unfortunately put Scientology as it exists today in the same category of every other “religion” that talks the talks and fails to walk the walk. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.
Mike, worrying idea that the IAS might become a doomsday cult. We should, at least, have plenty of early warning since this only works as a fund-raising method if it is publicised and many – yourself included – have rather a good track record of getting to the internal PR campaigns of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.
I know of a staff member finishing up their contract now and will be leaving the church afterwards. They are completing the “term” because they don’t want to be red flagged and harassed for leaving early. The church is indeed getting smaller, and losing it’s fire.
Ironically in the overt-crazy Church such people are loaded with missed withholds which make them unable to see and discern the wood from the trees, they propitiate to current “management” again ironically because no one is getting their actual overts of betraying Scientology and LRH by supporting the main bandit dude and his banditti of hangers on.It must be a horrible mind set to have – “cognitive dissonance” only just starts to describe the horror of thinking like they do. Tone level of propitiation. They really should read “Clean Hands Make a Happy Life” HCOB
Well, Mac you’ve been involved with Scientology for 10 years longer than me, but my Data Series training doesn’t give me the same view of the situation. Over the past 35 years I’ve watched the church reality move more & more towards cultdom.
Over those years, in my Scientology communities I’ve seen chronic illness, death, destruction of personal finances, familys destroyed, and staff enslaved without hope of personal enhancement. I saw all of this by just looking around in my immediate environment, which consisted of the two largest Scientology communities in the U.S.
I suspect that the major difference between Mac and most of those who post here is that we are still capable of simply looking.
Mac is trying to secure his insecure clapping seal belief with more clapping seals around him. The warm feeling he has inside, is not himself, it is the heat from the herd being led to slaughter.
Date: 0.04 AGII
Contrary to the claims of some bitter defrocked apostates on the fringe of the internet:
The Theta Tsunami unleashed 2 weeks ago keeps causing ripples in the time-space fabric of the universe. These ripples are being detected and have been detected in the past, because they distort the time-space fabric of the universe, by advanced extra-terrestrial and extra-galactic (type II to V and beyond) civilizations across the universe.
These advanced and very advanced civilizations are, and have been, sending their inter-planetary and inter-galactic missions to contact the CoS headquarters.
As a side note, a Disturbance of the Force has been detected yesterday, due to an unanticipated Airplane interfering with the theta waves rippling across the universe.
As an end note, here is a picture showing a bitter defrocked apostate, sent by a Special Correspondent.
“Wow, wow, wow.”
Mac must be on crack.
Wow…it is another case of delusion by a Scientologist…and it is very sad. I am in total wonder as I see the Scientologists…so desparate to be right about their “religion” twist the truth to suit their hope!! It is going to be rough for this guy when he sees that nothing changes with
GAT II…just like everything else….total failure and the cult of Scientology is going down really fast now!! Thank GOD!
go for it
Mike Rinder might recall when we all sat in the auditorium and Jack Ries and Al Trout came to lecture to us. (Big falling out happened subsequently between them and the Church)
In the early 1980s SURVEYS were done rigorously. All Orgs implemented these on their Publics new and old.
One question was:
“What group in history conjures up in the mind representing Core Values, Excellence, Legendary, Camaraderie and Leaving a Legacy” (paraphrased)
The big overwhelming response was King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table, Camelot.
At that time we all had to study the book “Positioning, the Battle for your Mind” by Al Rues and Jack Trout.
The *positioning* was decided !
IAS = the legendary Camelot, Knights of the Round Table, hence man on horseback.,
See the video to re-enforce the “Positioning” of the rip off scam “IAS”
That’s fascinating, I had no idea. However given Miscavige’s buffoonery and missteps I think this video offers a much more accurate representation of the cult these days
Looks like it was more successful than the briefing that I went to where H&K recommended that the CoS emulate Micky Ds and compared Standard Tech to a Big Mac.
I’ve noticed that Slappy the Squirrel is big on sucking up to “experts”.
I’m surprised he hasn’t made DSM required reading for all auditors. But then maybe it’s because they might find him listed under sociopath.
Believe me, if he listened to H&K he wouldnt have the shit PR he has now. Their advice had nothing to do with McDonalds. It was focused on doing charitable work.
That was something I heard too.
Obviously they didn’t implement that aspect of Bob Gray’s advice just as they ignore certain aspects of policy like refunding money to dissatisfied PC and Students.
However the Micky D connection was there because we had to sit through a series of McDonald commercials while the execs in the room extolled the virtues of H&K’s marketing campaign for the big m.
That said.
Like I said my most memorable experience was as I said same exec comparing Standard Tech to a soggy wrapped in a styrofoam coffin and as tasteless as the last one Big Mac.
Yeah who knows if they built something like a Ronald McDonald house or whatever they might have gotten better PR.
Besides they would have saved big time since they wouldn’t of had to hire a clown 😉
Yet I don’t see how H&K woulda helped much.
Like I wrote earlier they handled the Moonie account as well and many people still look at it as a corrupt cult run by an insane patriarch which has political ambitions with close ties to the CIA.
Which is how many people view the CoS.
I still dont understand what you are talking about when you keep referring to McDonalds and who was shown commercials and marketing campaigns and by whom? H&K had no marketing input, they were strictly PR. It was Trout and Reis that were brought in for Marketing and subsequently Penn and Schoen to do surveys. The line to Mark Penn (who became the personal pollster for Clinton) came from a H&K connection as they had worked with Mark Penn.
Late ’80’s Bonaventure Hotel.
Some briefing by Int Management to all staff SO and Non SO in the Pac area on some upcoming PR campaign by some big PR firm.
All I remember is having to watch Micky Ds spots and hear some exec extoll the dubious virtue of making Standard Tech as uniform as a Big Mac.
Figured it was H&K who was responsible for my indigestion after reading Susan Trento’s book entitled “The Powerhouse”:
Oh Noooooo-o-o-o-o-oo!!! They nuked the bunny! NO respect for us quadropeds except those dang prima donna horses. They probably think they’re cool because they surveyed into the ad.
….and I don’t believe that knights looked so pretty and clean every day (white glove clean!) after slaying dragons and saving maidens 24/7. Just a tad unrealistic…not sure how THAT happened….:D
In these kind of cases you could wonder: “Where is Ron?”
“Before GAT II and After GAT II.”
Oh, boy.
I actually have no words after reading what this guy posted on the razzline. Just wanted you to know I’m here and have read it. I didn’t think I could be shocked anymore. I was wrong. I’m going shopping. I think I need to look at things for a while. To LRH: I know, My apologies Sir. No worries. David – just a blip in history. Tech is still here and available.
We know we are not controled by slappy
slamp dunk
As the decay continues and the end of the C of $ nears, it seems the bubble-dwelling kool-aid drinkers will pull anyting out of their own ass to convince themselves that all is well. Therefore, with that in mind, I hereby proclaim myself the highest honor status in the IAS:
Double Diamond Platinum Crusader Warrior Supremus Biggus Dickus Meritorious with Honors
(On a medal bigger than Tom Cruise’s medal, so that the inscription will fit on it.)
There! I sure feel better about myself…
Congratulations on your new Status, Jethro! That is hella funny!
Congrats Jethro! You’ll do well with the ladies.
Perhaps after 45 years he’s emotionally unavailable. Stuck in Tone 40 fighting the good fight against the evil beings all around. I felt emotionally dead for a some time after routing out until snapping out of it one night while watching some movie. Weird that it wasn’t some horrible injustice, disaster, kids or Oprah moment, it was just the dog was killed.
Big moment, tears welled up.
I think of people in the CO$ have falling into the gravitational field of a Black Hole, – in the mental and spiritual sense. Some accelerate in their orbit and escape the gravitational pull, others succumb and will vanish in the dark. There were many examples on this blog about people who are so to say past the event horizon. I just wonder what happens to these people when the collapse is happening. It maybe catastrophic for them.
I had the exact same question. Mac Graham is the only “Mac” I’ve ever known in Scientology.
Does anybody know if this Mac is Mac Graham?
P.S. Like you, I always liked Jill.
Mac, not so much…
It is Mac Graham.
It is Mac Graham. If he really knew what happened to his wife Jill and I when RTC busted us I think he would have laid off the Kool aid. I’ve heard he has jacked his loyalty to Dear Leader more and more since his wife tragically died,
I would like to hear the story. I always wondered what happened and why she was busted.
Here is a taste Simple, she and I took the fall together.
Thanks. So many good people wiped out.
Citing Gat ll and the new bldg. as a data of comparable mag. to the release of Dianetics, is a little too out gradient of a lie. If you’re going to lie, first rule; make it believable.
Well, on the outside chance that this guy really does believe it, I’ll try to help him out a bit.
Here’s the difference between the two. When Dianetics was released there was an incredible amount of interest, Dianetic groups were springing up everywhere, many, many people were excited about the data, etc etc.
When gat ll and the new building came out nobody cared.
Except perhaps to glean a bit more fodder for their stand up routine.
“I am expecting the IAS to start resorting to the old trick of selling the end of the world soon.”
You are on to something.
It struck me some time ago with regard to the vaults and titanium plates, etc, whatever, designed to withstand a holocaust of some kind.
Obviously that says loudly that the planet won’t be “cleared” before. in some way, the world will end.
The whole thing seems to make any effort to “clear the planet” rather pointless.
Which is it? Let’s work to make the world beautiful, or we’re doomed?
Both are control and fund-raising techniques.
Cult of Confusion
“The little voice inside their head tells them to pay no never mind to the fools and devil worshippers who don’t agree with them.” Mike Rinder.
LMAO!! That is a new classic line. OMG that was funny.
My Friend
To be perfectly clear I would be honoured to be one of them
I am always the odd one out
A little history:
Well from one vessel of Satan to another, is it just me or is it getting hot in here?
“I guess when it all becomes crystal clear to him he will unequivocally proclaim that GAT II exceeds the discovery of fire, the wheel, the printing press, America, the solar system etc etc.”
Don’t forget the moon landing, isolating the transmission mechanism of malaria, rabies treatments, nuclear fission, the laws of motion, relativity, abolishment of slavery, birth control, canned food, identification of vitamins and their effects, a coast-to-coast freeway system, the telegraph, telephone and television, global positioning system, geosynchronous satellites, and of course, the most superlative development that will salvage all of mankind: the development and globalization of pizza.
Of course, to me, GAT II is as significant as the announcement of cold fusion. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_fusion)
I don’t even crack head Mac is so deluded as to compare this event to common history.
He means Scientology history. You know like your typical Marxist who thinks history began with the 1917 revolution and ended with its inevitable collapse.
Obviously he is an untrained moron who wouldn’t know what the history of the subject was even if it bit him in the ass.
Dumping money on the Bridge did hurt ( in time and money /$150,000) and cost me a few million
in lost business. The lessons learned were priceless. Discovering who your real friends were
and finding out that Ron’s tech had been destroyed by a flagrant criminal.
I think there will be some loyal to the end in the Bunker when the the Red army enters the “Berlin” of Florida. It’s only a matter of WHO the Red Army will be, my guess somebody you least expect.
Thank you, Mike, for pointing out that the LeftOvers in the church are now thinking DM is LRH and knows and understands the tech more than LRH. It’s embarrassing to think that I once looked up to these guys. Whew.
That’s what they are…. LeftOvers.
It’s getting dangerous. I think that if DM told them to all drink Kool Aid laced with poison in order for them to all meet on the other side and build a new civilization in another galaxy…. that they would actually do it.
Jeez–I know I can’t get to this blog every single day, and therefore maybe I missed something of great importance….but….how can DM POSSIBLY be the reincarnation of LRH when DM was already an adult man when LRH passed????? Do they think that LRH threw “DM” out of his own body and took it over? Un-friggin-believable….
Gato, ain’t you ever heard of walk-ins? This is not a new concept. Only way Slappy could get away with claiming this, though, would be if he uses Jim Jones’ trick of having a confederate whispering into his ear with a wireless rig. LRH was of course incredibly articulate and, however much one may revile or disagree with him, undeniably brilliant. Miscavige is none of the above. If he were to make this claim tomorrow (Mike, you are giving DiMwit WAY too many good ideas), he would need someone a lot better than Dan Sherman at the microphone.
DM may have had enough years in to be an adult man, but “adult” hardly fits his temper, activities, rages, etc. More like a two year old thumping his heels on the floor in order to get his way.
I wonder if this is Mac Graham, widower of former long time Sea Org member Jill Graham who died of cancer in 2001. Jill and I worked together for many years in the Universe Corps. Mac has been stuck on the bridge for decades and has always had money issues.
It is Mac Graham. I believe his wife died of cancer while on the RPF. She had been a valued NOTS auditor at AOLA.
“I am expecting the IAS to start resorting to the old trick of selling the end of the world soon. They are getting close. ‘We know the end of the world is coming within one year. Your money is no good. It will not survive the apocalypse.’ ”
I know for a fact that around 1980 Flag executives were using just that type of scare tactic as a promotion and closing tool. This was shortly after the HCOB about WWIII and radiation was published. Flag was telling people that LRH believed the world was only six months away from a complete nuclear destruction and we needed to get up the Bridge NOW!
Sadly, because the information lines in the world at large were so protected back then, we believed them. Went “all in” on the bridge and didn’t buy the house we wanted; debt piled on beyond our tolerance; we mismanaged our careers; marriage collapsed; etc. Took me decades to recover.
I’m OK now personally and financially . . . but it took a long, long time to “revert the scene,” as they say..
Great photo Mike! You are so funny. You definitely should write a screenplay! I’m giving your blog a 5 star review! These people are competely clueless and I feel sorry for them.
Their cases are so messed up by having to re do it all that they simply end brainwashed.
The EP of the re do it all is: ‘keep believing the DevilMoron, follow his command, do not think, do not create, do not speak, look at nothing else and your eternity is guaranteed”
No doubt.
What is particularly interesting about this is that the person writing this is not concerned with (and doesn’t even quote) any DATA for his “comparison”. He is simply making up a comparison between a thing of the past and a delusional future for which there is no evidence of any kind.
The REAL data of comparable magnitude would be:
– The release of Golden Age of Tech 1 and the “spectacular results” that followed
– The Ideal Org program and the “expansion” that resulted from it
– The IAS-sponsored “planetary dissemination” campaigns and the “flood of new people who started on The Bridge” as a result
– The (re)release of the Basics and the resulting earthshaking affluences in… something?
– The number of times Miscavige told Scientologists that ALL was messed up before, but THIS TIME, we finally got it 100% right
… and since for any evaluation, the outpoints would be tabulated and also attributed to a source, it would have to include:
– omitted results from huge and incredibly costly projects – 11 (David Miscavige)
– altered importance – 245 (David Miscavige)
– incorrectly included violence, invalidation, SP declares, antagonizing devoted followers, allies and opinion leaders – 495 (David Miscavige)
(and I won’t even bother continuing, because I could add another 30 or so about the tech alterations, the “Miscavige Lifestyle (™), deception, fraud, etc.)
Exactly. People within the Scientology bubble seem to be entirely unable to objectively evaluate the colossal failures of every one of COB’s programs. The cognitive dissonance knows no end. Despite repeatedly missing the target, it’s deja vu all over again for Scientology when COB stands on stage and gives the clubbed seals yet another wrong Why and another wrong program and they applaud in ecstatic furor.
I got to thinking that maybe it is the same phenomenon as people who believe in cold readings, mentalists and psychics. People who go to psychics are told about 100 different guesses by the psychic, only a small percentage of which actually apply to them. But they remember all the “hits” and forget all the “misses” and claim the psychic was “so accurate it was amazing.” They WANT to believe, so they find it easy to forget those misses.
The only problem with this comparison is that COB is NEVER right in his programs. Every single one of them have been a disaster of titanic magnitude (I love using these big superlatives against Scientology – colossal, titanic, etc). He is quite literally taking Scientology as a religious movement and driving it right off the cliff. And the lemmings who follow him are cheering all the way as they plummet to their financial and spiritual ruin.
Have fun guys. I watch in amazement as this show carries on. It is one of the most interesting object lessons in credulity and self-deception I’ve ever seen.
In regards to evaluation: isn’t that interesting that Dave has a HUGE, MASSIVE program to handle ever little “why” he supposedly found? The announcements about those HUMONGOUS solutions are typically earth-shattering, astounding, massive, etc.
Transcribers put semicolons in the wrong places? Reissue ALL the books!
One drill was found to be too hard? Redo the WHOLE COURSE, or wait, better yet, redo the WHOLE TRAINING LINEUP FROM SCRATCH!
Need to release a new rundown? Let’s build a new BUILDING THE SIZE OF A CITY BLOCK!
Some orgs look run down? Let’s spend BILLIONS of dollars to buy and renovate new buildings to replace EVERY SINGLE ONE ON EARTH!
Well, not sure which course Davey has done on management, the one I’m kinda familiar with contains this little section:
“Just as you proceed to the MOST MAJOR SITUATION – go big, when it comes to the handling it usually occurs that the reverse is true: go small!
But just because the SITUATION is big is no real reason the solution must be.”
(HCO PL 30 June 70, THE SITUATION, from L. Ron Hubbard)
Certainty. It’s a bitch.
“There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance.”
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, 2007
“History is on our side … we will bury you!”
— Nikita Kruschev, 1960
“I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel.”
— Edward J. Smith, Captain of the Titanic, 1912
Those are great! Reminds me of the story of theologian and philosopher named John Duns Scotus. His work was eventually found to be so far off the mark that he’s now known for the term “Dunce” and the “Dunce Cap.” It will be interesting to see how history will treat the amazing GAT II breakthrough brought to the world by the great Messiah Miscavige. Me thinks it will be the shortest lived of the massive breakthroughs that is suppose to save Scientology. I think John Duns Scotus has paid his dues and it’s time to rename the cap to a contemporary fool. Let’s rename it to the “Slappy Cap” after “Slappy Miscavige” the man who destroyed the religion but couldn’t stop the real technology.
“…the man who destroyed the religion, but couldn’t stop the real technology”
Okay, I’ll bite….What pray tell would be the “real” technology?
Mr WhoStoleMyCog,
(Great name btw)
That would be the technology of Scientology before David Miscavige altered it to forward his agenda. E.g. redefining what a F/N is or changing the training lineup to GAT and now GAT II. Scientology is being practiced quite successfully without the structure of the RCS.
It’s okay with me if you think it’s all shit. I had great wins in Scientology and use it everyday. I don’t have any illusions about Hubbard not being severely flawed but I think he created a body of amazing work that would take even gifted individuals many lifetimes to achieve.
This is how David Miscavige sees himself in German:
“An entirely new era has begun” is practically the definition of squirrel and is anti-KSW. What happened to “knowing we have the correct technology”? It was wrong?
Well done RTC (Reverse Technology Centre) you have arrived. May you get everything you deserve.
Perhaps the datum of comparable magnitude is a dichotomy. In 1950 people approached in droves. With GAT II they are leaving in droves.
Miscavige cannot be the reincarnation of LRH as LRH made it all wrong and thus the master himself had to make it go right and send his sorcerers’s apprentice back to scrubbing the foor.
What you say makes perfect sense. But I wonder if the kool aid drinkers still in can make a logical statement like you just did
Does this mean GAT II is the best thing since sliced bread too?
And the “big bang” too.
And the inception of god.
There are actually no data of comparable magnitude since ever.
A sad testimony to the theft by Miscavige of Scientology and the Church from LRH.
What did they steal? His mind?
When people make such delusional statements as Mac, I shudder.
I fear for the person’s family.
I like the ‘vessels of satan’ bit. I believe we in RTC were selling insurances to survive the between lives implant station.
Buy now, while you still can!