In June we shot our series finale of The Aftermath, which will air in the next couple of weeks. A&E will announce the date soon.
It will be our last show on A&E.
When we began this journey, we did not anticipate more than a single season. But the response was so overwhelming and we felt strongly that the people who stepped forward deserved to be heard. We were not previously aware of some of the abuses that came to light, and we felt they compelled further episodes. And of course, Scientology’s response to the series played a role too.
Scientology is a formidable opponent with a great deal of money and no restraint when it comes to attacking those who are speaking of their pain and loss because of Scientology’s abusive practices. They made a lot of people, us included, determined not to allow them to get away with what they been able to do for so long.
You have embraced our courageous contributors and supported all of us throughout this difficult but rewarding journey. You have fought beside and with us and for that, we are humbled and honored.
Our work is not done yet. Unfortunately sponsored television has limitations. There are things we cannot film or show on camera because of certain restrictions. These restrictions have limited us in many ways to tell the full story and in some cases, not permitted us to tell the story at all.
For us, the work never stops. There are things we and others have done and are doing that have not been able to air.
We have met with lawyers, we have met with law enforcement and victims have come forward and spoken. You will see and hear more about this in the future.
We have done some amazing work up to this point, and for that we are eternally grateful to our partners at A&E and IPC, especially Devon Graham Hammonds at A&E who has been our angel, our champion and our friend. But now we need to go further. And we need to change our course of action.
In truth we have only scratched the surface so far.
To our incredible, loyal audience, we thank you for all that you have done. Without your support we would not have made it through the first season, let alone 3 years. Some of you probably tuned in initially because you were mildly curious about the crazy organization that couch-jumping Tom Cruise belonged to. But you stayed because you saw the real stories unfold. You cared for those who gave their lives to something they believed in, you realized that Scientology is not just an innocuous fad, but a sinister and dangerous business that destroys families and lives and has amassed 3 billion dollars it now uses to try to destroy its perceived enemies.
You saw that and you cared. And you have formed a powerful movement. Out of the series has grown a new non-profit organization — The Aftermath Foundation — which is now helping those who have been victimized by scientology and have nowhere to turn when they leave. This foundation is a lasting legacy of this show.
To the Hollywood community — you have voted for and stood by and behind The Aftermath by awarding us with an Emmy, a PGA award, a TCA, an Online Film and TV Association award, 2 Alliance for Women in Media Foundation Gracie Awards, the Impact Award at the Critics’ Choice Real TV Awards and another Emmy nomination for our third and final season.
For some, these accolades are important for the work they have done, but for us, it is even more significant as the only acknowledgment our contributors receive.
They haven’t gotten it from law enforcement, which we had all hoped for, and continue working to hope for, so your votes told them they mattered. We want you to know how much that means to them, and to us. You have taken a stand against the abuses of scientology.
To our hard working crew, you put your hearts and souls into this project and we adore you. We look forward to collaborating with you again in the future.
And above all, our brave contributors who didn’t have to tell their stories but did. You have not only become advocates for yourselves but you now do so for others and we couldn’t be prouder to call you friends and partners.
Now we must take this crusade to a whole new level where we are able to do what we know must be done to bring an end to scientology’s ability to hurt more good-hearted people. Without the chains which have constrained us, we are free to do what needs to be done and not have to wait for the wheels of bureaucracy to turn…
We believe that carrying through with things we have been working on behind the scenes over the last few years is what it will take to finally end Fair Game, destruction of families, labor trafficking, sex abuse and predatory financial practices rampant in scientology.
Some of this we cannot disclose yet, some has rolled out already. There is now a strong legal team working with us to bring justice to victims and you have already seen some of their work make the headlines. We believe all victims of sexual assault should have their day in court and yet survivors of Scientology abuse have not often been afforded that opportunity. That state of affairs is changing…
We are gearing up to end Scientology abuses once and for all.
We are certain, in the end, truth will triumph.
Some snapshots of “moments”, some of the crew and contributors. It is by no means everyone. There would be hundreds of shots. If you are not represented here it is not a deliberate choice. These were just shots we could lay our hands on:

The crew in Clearwater

More of our crew gathered for a watch party

Lights, camera, action gang

Our favorites: “The Producers” – behind the scenes stars

The “Glam Squad”

Premiere watch party

Dinner with A&E and IPC after TCA Awards

The “Specials” producers

A&E and IPC execs and showrunner

The Governor’s Ball dinner at the Emmy’s

One of two interviews in 3 seasons we shot in our office

Our favorite “journo”

After a photo shoot for A&E which wasn’t used…

One of the craziest and funniest days of shooting

Such lovely, smart people

At home with the Headley’s

Candid shot with the eternally optimistic Mary Kahn

With Matthew Belloni of THR moderator of TV Academy Q&A, and Exec Producers from IPC

We do love NY!

– Winston Churchill
I became aware of Dianetics in the early 70s when I was in high school. As a nice Jewish girl from NY who was questioning everything (it was the 70s) I picked up a copy at the library and started reading. I only read a few chapters and returned it. What a load of nonsense!! About a decade ago I was watching a true crime show about a mother who was brutally stabbed to death by her son who had schizophrenia. Had she not been a Scientologist and tried to treat him with vitamins and treatments recommended by Scientology she might still be alive. And any “religion” that puts Tom Cruise on a pedestal can’t be taken seriously. He’s not even a good actor!! (And kudos to Nicole and Katie for running away.) Finally, what you and Leah have produced is a masterpiece. The episode with the Jehovah’s Witnesses was devastating. It would be wonderful to hear that you two will one day bring more to the screen. And the Foundation (and its name) are a stroke of genius!
Mike I just wanted to say you are such a beautiful and interesting person. I’m just starting season 3 of The Aftermath. I really love and respect both you and Leah so much for your strength, courage and devotion to helping others and exposing cos for what it really is. Every episode has brought me to tears for these lovely souls who have been so hurt.
The way that you’re giving them a voice to tell this story in such a raw way is so powerful. I enjoy your work and I really appreciate you!
Mike & Leah,
You are doing wonderful things. I recently finished your series on Netflix, and I just wanted to thank you both for your love and dedication. You’ve started a chain reaction, and I can only hope to see these corrupt organizations taken down within my lifetime.
I was never part of Scientology, or JW but was born and raised in the Mormon religion. I found myself weeping during some of these stories, because it all sounds too familiar. I hope that your work will continue to shed light on other organizations so that those that have been abused and hurt have the courage and strength to come forth.
This is the real-life battle of David & Goliath, and we cannot let them win.
Sending love to you and your families. ❤️
I hope you’re still reading these comments even tho the series ended in 2019.
Ive watched the entire series several times. Not because I am or have been a Scientologist (thank God for that) but just because I find it so mesmerizing & truly astonishing.
I personally, am a strong believer in being able to think for yourself & I tend to be very skeptical. I just can NOT imagine how anyone can get sucked into Scientology. It’s not that I wouldnt love to help my fellow man or help save the planet, but how is giving up my family and going into debt doing either of those?
Also, from everything Ive seen, in Scientology never talks about God, Jesus or anything related to either of them. It’s all about the psycho idiot RLH. EVERYONE in Scientology is breaking a very serious commandment. “You shall have no other Gods before me” They so sinfully regard RLH as a God. How does this ever register with ANYONE as something right?? I understand the kids reasoning due to having no knowledge of The Bible & the kids who’ve grown up in this cult. They know nothing else, but there’s adults who get roped into this who are fully aware. God will surely get them.
Id like to compliment you & Leah Remini on an extremely fantastical, impressive, touching & very moving series. It has had such an impression on me that I find myself thinking about you both and all the victims almost every single day. Seriously. I wish there was something I could do to help you guys take down this cult. I dont live anywhere close to you guys, I live in South Carolina, but I would LOVE to help. Please let me know if there’s something I can do…anything. You all have moved me & touched my heart like nothing I can verbally describe.
Thank you for bringing out the truth. NOTHING is more important than honesty & truth…besides God. Not RLH EVER in any lifetime. Eternity is a long time to burn. I hope he & Miscavige enjoy the heat.
Sincerely, Kim Griggs
Greenville, SC ❤
Thank you. Yes, still reading!
Hello Kim. There are a great many ways ordinary people can help. I’m guessing that Mike did not recommend any of those ways to you because … well … forgive me for thinking I can put myself into Mike’s mindset. But I think the reason he would not do that may be because he might have felt that by doing that, it might have hurt your feelings if he suggested some way for you to help that you were just not able to do.
But I am not as kind or considerate as is Mike. He is truly a real gentleman and I’m certain that he would have put himself into your shoes and he would have decided that he just could not say anything specific to you because it could have risked hurting your feelings.
But the one thing that anyone can do is to write to The Aftermath Foundation and tell them you would be interested in helping if you could and then, they could tell you some of the ways they need help.
Have you ever heard of The Aftermath Foundation?
It is a group of wonderful people who are dedicated to helping people who have left the cult and need help. Very often when someone leaves the cult, it is an extremely traumatic experience. Since you’ve watched the TV show, you must have seen how people who leave often leave with nothing more than the clothes on their back.
If they were raised in the cult, they have precious little education except for the crazy education provided by the cult and that is no help when it comes to getting a job or finding a place to live or finding a way to make some money so they can feed themselves. There are a great many things they have no idea how to accomplish. For example, they have no idea how to get a bank account, how to get a library card, how to get basic identification – like a birth certificate or a driver’s license. The list goes on an on.
Let me just paint a picture for you. Often someone has to flee and they wind up sitting on a park bench with nothing and no idea what to do or were to go.
You can visit The Aftermath Foundation at the following web site:
If I made a spelling mistake, just search for “the aftermath foundation”.
When you go to their web site, at the top of the page, you will see a link for “Contact Us”. When you click on that, you will see various email addresses you can write if you wish to volunteer or if you wish to make a general inquiry.
Allow me to recommend you send them an email to their general inquiry address and tell them you are thinking of helping and tell them a little about yourself and then ask them how they think you could help.
I’m sure they will tell you some ways that you would feel comfortable helping. Mike Rinder is on the board of directors for this foundation and so I’m guessing he will see the email you send.
Best of luck to you and best wishes to you.
P.S. I have nothing to do with this foundation. I am just an ordinary slug who can’t stand the way this miserable cult destroys so many families and destroys so many lives too!
I’ve watched this series a few times now and I’m finding areas of thought where LRH’s ideas have infiltrated various religions and even politics. Think about the current administration and the edict to ‘always fight, never explain’. Isn’t that what DT is doing? You’re not just informing about Scientology but ANY corrupt group like them. (People in so many groups come out thinking ‘why did I waste my life on this?’) I hope you’ll come back on a streaming network soon!! (Prime/Netflix?)
Please explain to people one thing – Why do the buildings have crosses on them, they don’t teach The Bible at all. I think some of this inferred ‘religious trappings’ is how they get away with it. Think about it – doesn’t the idea of ‘helping the world’ come from Jewish Teaching called Tikkun Olam? (Idea of healing or repairing the world.) If you keep looking it’s as tho LRH just took the world’s best ideas and made them his own and then charged and enslaved people for it.
All the best to you and Leah and everyone!
They use the cross to represent the 8 dynamics, but I think it’s also used to align themselves more with religion. I was in for 40 years and as a Jew I resented it. It’s just more of their BS really.
Yes Bonnie I really think they use it to deter public officials and police etc from acting on the various reports/testimonies they get because they tend to ‘protect churches’ and the people who see it up there don’t realize it’s not a church or even a religion but a lot of slavery and mind control. That symbol doesn’t mean what the outside world might assume it means, and that’s why they co-opted it as their own. I can imagine you would feel like that about it. Were you able to even say you were Jewish for those 40 years while some of the best ideas were being stolen from Judaism or was that taboo as well? I hope you are finding this series helpful to your process of healing. Take care xx
“Aftermath of The Aftermath” slayed me. I cried like a baby. So much pain, so much joy. You are truly a blessing.
Love to all of you. ❤️
You and Leah are such incredibly strong people; it’s just absolutely amazing. As someone who lives in rural Michigan, I am far from any $cientology building, so without your show I would have never known the truth about this cult.
Strength and good vibes sent your way! Keep fighting.
All I can say is Fan-bloody-tastic! We now have all the evidence we need to dissuade would-be $cientologists from ever joining this slimy, worthless, bullshit cult. Its filthy innards have been exposed to the air and the stink is palpable – not even blowflies will go near it.
Heaps of thanks to all the courageous folks who risked so much to come forward and tell their truth to the world. We honor your bravery and send our deep gratitude and respect. Your trials have not been in vain.
Hey Mike, Did not realise you are an Aussie, lot of chickens came home to roost when I watched the series on SBS in Australia.
I was a child caught up in a Church of Scientology family disconnect in Perth WA in the 1960’s, ( I was 5 at the time, my father sold everything in Western Australia in the mid sixties and went to study Scientology in Britain.
(Can’t mention his name here but if I did you would know exactly who he was, Scientology Perth Leader same time as you got started in the eastern states.)
Mum went crazy about Scientology and they separated, all relatives and extended family exploded about the disconnect, to this day most of the family do not communicate.
I thank God everyday that she got custody and he left for the states to study moreScientology.
Great job with the series!
I’m amazed at the work that Bryan Seymour has done and the book written by Steve Cannane. So much influence in Australia. I dodged a bullet with the Co$ when I was younger too. I read up on it and learnt all about it as a means to educate others against it. I live what Mike and Leah are doing. I think Leah has found her purpose in life and she and Mike have such a wonderful friendship and they really make the show work well.
I’ve been watching Leah Remini and you on Hulu. Mike I have to say, you are handsome! 🙂
I hate that this was the last season of this show. I feel it’s so important for you to continue your work. The episode with the LAPD officer really touched me. Have you considered creating a training class for Police to deal with reports from cult member or CPS?
I also have what I believe to be a very important question: How do John Travolta and Kelly Preston, who are celebrity supporters of Scientology, justify autism and Kawasaki disease which afflicted their son? Why wasn’t this, or Nicole Kidman’s disconnection from her children with Tom Cruise, addressed in the serious?
Take heart Michele. They said this was the last show on A&E. But my hope is that there will be other shows on other venues. Maybe on a different network. Maybe a different kind of broadcast like maybe a podcast or maybe they might start some other kind of web site.
I believe that Lea (especially) and Mike have insinuated there will be more media happenings coming.
Keep this one thing in mind. Leah is not currently appearing in any TV shows. But she hired Valerie Haney to act as her assistant. There must be some reason why she needs an assistant and I would guess they have some plans for something more but it would be imprudent to let it be known exactly what they are planning. We have all seen examples in the past that would suggest it may be best to keep future plans secret when dealing with this scam. After all, the wouldn’t want to give the enemy any info that could be used against them.
I don’t want to explain any further for fear of saying something that may be used to cause some harm to Mike & Leah.
One of the best things you’ve done after giving voice to all of your guests is alerting & educating people about the abuses of this cult & its leadership. You’ve armed people with priceless truth. I hope you can continually rebroadcast these episodes so that no more unsuspecting people unwittingly give their time, money & lives to this cult.
Bless you and Leah for all you have done and all you are doing to end Scientology. I have learned so much and cannot imagine the hell people have gone thru because of Scientology. I will miss your show. I hope you keep us all updated and I pray Scientology is held accountable and brought down sooner than later for their crimes.
I am so sad. The work you have done has been amazing. The show will be missed.
Thank all of you for the risks you took to expose this evil empire. My heart goes out to all involved as I know you have suffered backlash. I hope you get much further than you could have on air. I hope it makes the news!! Much love XO
Go for it!!
Sending you some love from Germany!
God bless and God speed with all your future endeavors. ..and a HUGE Thank you to you ALL!
You two and the rest are so amazing and courageous. THANK YOU for all your hard work to protect people and expose the truth. I will be watching the last season.
Thank you for all the work you have done to expose the evil cult of Scientology. Even though the show is no longer on tv, there are many other sources of media to get the word out. A YouTube channel would be great to see. Good luck and God bless.
I can only assume the organization would do anything to stop you. Their actions show that in how they have no regard for life and freedom. Only lovers of money and power.
Thank you for exposing this cult. I grew up in a cult church and you have no where to turn when you come out of a cult. This series has brought the issue to the forefront and exposed the evil of this organization. Keep fighting. Thank you Leah and Mike!!
i can’t wait to see what you’re both doing next!
I wish the general public had a way to protest the ‘church’ status with the IRS. Is there any way for us to do that? Any suggestions?
I would suggest you go to the web site belonging to The Aftermath Foundation and …
ask them for their advice. They are in the best position to know all the various ways that you can contribute your time in this endeavour.
Good Luck to you.
Mike and Leah, Thank you for educating me. Thank you for the people I might have never met were it not for your show. I’m a never-in and support the both of you and everyone else who has been involved 100%. I think the world is a better place for what you have done and for what, I imagine, you will continue to do. I can’t see the two of you stopping just because A&E will not be airing the show anymore.
I’m seen, a few times already, on Reddit that maybe Netflix, HBO, or another pay TV channel should look into picking you up. If you guys want to continue on, I hope that someone does! The more you educate the world on what’s going on, I feel, the more pressure will be placed were it needs to be: IRS, FBI.
Thank you for what you’ve done so far.
One of your biggest fans (and the official stalker of Marc on Twitter (j/k 😉 ))
I am truly touched by what the families and friends go through. It’s amazing the strength and courage it takes to stand against something so large as Scientology.
Something really came to me while watching a season 3 episode. I honestly believe that the reason they go to extreme lengths to keep you from family that are still members of Scientology is because they know that the only thing that could phase that person in any way would be their family. By them going to extreme lengths and taking them out of the city or even out of the state, they remove any chance of there being any reconciliation and that’s their goal!
It makes me sick to my stomach to think about all the families that have been literally obliterated by this cult. It breaks my heart.
I hope with all of my heart that all of those that have been affected by this organization find peace, happiness, and true love. Also, know that they are NOT alone. All of you that have gotten out- I am so proud of you, and you’re so courageous. Please never forget that. 💜
We have all arrived to the world through a mother a father made it into and we are all the owner of a planet together to do the best in our common interest.
I am sorry to see this show end. The education I got about
Scientology made me realize what a horrific excuse for a
religion it is. Sure hope that the work you have done and
the work you are still doing brings an end to the abuse.
Bless you all
I sorely wish that the powers that be finally wake up & realise what a truly terrible organisation it is and begin to fight with you. You guys have all worked so hard & tirelessly to open peoples eyes to the evil that it stands for and how it will go to great lengths to silence those who stand up for truth. My eyes are open wide and it is because of you guys. You have to keep going because I believe the day will come when Scientology will no longer exist. thank you all so much for you drive passion and absolute bravery xx
BTW, before I forget: WONDERFUL picture of the two of you at the top of the post.
Mike, I hope you have those pictures framed and hung somewhere you can look at them if ever you feel a bit “down”. They show that you did a VERY GOOD THING® Drink in the good feelings — You deserve them.
I appreciate all the work you guys have done.
But, please, please find a way for you all to continue speaking out for the children caught in the grasp of Scientology.
I was molested by my father. The worst of it was knowing I had no where and no one to turn to.
Those kids need you and leah. And they need all of us.
My wife just had an Idea: Why not have Aftermath go into reruns? It had a good audience the first time around; the reruns night also. With no or little additional cost to A&E, sponsors could get good numbers of eyes for their products. Wins for all.
Leah and Mike,
You took on a powerful evil organization. One that viciously attacks its enemies or perceived enemies. It took a lot of courage. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Unfortunately, I was not able to participate, as I now live outside the US. However, if there is something I could assist from here in order to help the victims, and eradicate that crime organization, let me know.
Wonderful run, guys! 3 seasons, and not a SINGLE lawsuit from the Munchkin™. Guess his lawyers told him that he couldn’t win against the flood of truth. Still, I’d have expected him to try… Maybe he’s mellowing in his old age.
Thank XENU that “Aftermath”, the show spawned “Aftermath”, the Foundation to take on that evil Empire on a person-to-person level. The show created damage wholesale. Looks like retail is the avenue left…. UNLESS the foundation can somehow “contribute to the motion” of the pending and present lawsuits. The job won’t be complete until the last victim is released, but Leah and Mike have started the process with a definite “bang!”. Just don’t forget to support the Foundation in any way you can. It’s all for a TRULY good cause, No BS.
Curiosity got me watching the show in the beginning then I read Leah’s book and couldn’t stop watching the show. I was horrified about Scientology and thankful for all the brave people that came forward to tell their stories. I’m sad to see the show end but I know you and Leah will continue to do what needs to be done. Stay safe and thank you.
What a great show this has been on so many levels. Sad to see it come to a close, hoping it is temporary. On a personal level this has been very therapeutic for me. Still working on more layers of that damn onion! All those awards show the interest of the community in this subject matter–so good to see. Nice to see the photos of all those involved who made this happen. Thank you so much you guys!
Leah, you and Mike, as well as all of the behind the scenes people are truly gifts from God. To take on a giant like Scientology and to bring to light all of the evil that lies within this giant is simply amazing. Your show made me laugh, cry, and more than that, to feel. To see what so many people have endured at the hands of Scientology just went to my core and brought out so many feelings. I will continue to pray for your cause. Scientology will be ended. Amen!
So proud of you and Leah and everyone who bared their soul to help others. Please watch each others’ backs. You are dealing with a scared, vengeful little tyrant. Wish there was a way to keep him from leaving the States. Please keep up your blog. I never miss a post. This is a time when good men DID something!
Blessings and peace to you and your family. You deserve it.
I’m going to miss watching Mike and Leah in action but looking forward to seeing the expose of Scientology play out in the legal arena. Wishing all of you good, Aftermath people strength, love, and light as you forge ahead. xx
I am so sad to see this show end. I hope that we can continue to learn about cults and how to help people in this legal form of human trafficking. Bless you and Leah and your whole team. I look forward to what you will be doing in the future.
I am so damn proud of your entire team and although hard to watch, it was must see TV. I am very confident you will succeed in taking away their tax excerpt status.
You guys are awesome! Every single one of you. You have laid the foundation for the work ahead. But more importantly, you have planted seeds in so many ways. I am grateful that each of you (at A&E, Leah, Mike, the survivors and so many others) stepped forward and spoke out. Our job as friends of the show is to support the ongoing fight again Scientology and to support those who are still healing. The legacy of this show will live on. My biggest hope is that Aftermath will continue to impact the lives of the abused, draw out those that are hurting, bring Scientology to justice. It may not happen tomorrow but it will happen. ‘Love you guys. I have the utmost respect for all that you do and continue to do. Keep loving; keep pushing for justice; stay strong.
Very exciting series all around, gave lots of renewed hope to so many and exposure to this sadistic bullshit business under the guise and protection of a religion.
Thank you all, mucho gracias, merci.
Mike, Leah and crew…. Im from the UK and have followed your journey for the last 3 years, and the work you have completed and the awareness is amazing…. sad to see it finish, but keep up the fight, and anytime you are in the UK or Souther Spain (i have a house there too) there will always be a place at my table… BRAVO to you all…
Mike and Leah,
This is a place where I feel that Christianity has let people down. We have support groups for those who come out of other cults, but somehow Scientology has been missed. I am determined that will change! Thank you for caring when others don’t!
I am soo proud of everyone. Thank you for shedding serious light on scientology. I had know idea what it really was until you guys brought more to see. Thank you for everything.
I am really sorry you cannot continue with the show because it was really good and I even went down to the local Scientology office and saw what lures people in. It was interesting that I could attend the church (free) for a period of time without being asked to join. It is all that you said it would be. No one was in there, they had these short videos to watch. People were very nice but it did not feel like a church more like a business. I will never go back. I would buy netflix if I hear you were being shown there because the stories were so compelling and I want to bring the show to more people.
I truly appreciate that your work is going to continue and I hope to hear more from you in the futue. I would love to see this organization taken down. We have enough going on this country that we don’t need an organization like this too.
Mike and Leah and everyone behind the scenes you have no idea what you have done for those who NEVER knew or understood the Church until now. My God you have made it possible for so many to find peace with so much they didn’t know was possible and even made horrors happen beyond your control. However your ever so never ending pursuit with ending the loss, abuse and so on has become a savior to many and I can not begin to thank you for that. I am a Catholic raised and Born so I don’t get what this church has to off in regard to GOD other than just speaking jipperish of bullshit and lies of a non GOD above, so for that you deserve more than your getting in sharing such pain and abuse 😢 which needs to be stopped and shut down ASAP!! Thank you for putting your lives and so many more out there to see the truth that is needed to be told for too long and hasn’t! Your truly an angel to 😇 many! Did the Church stop this? Or did A&E? I am curious cause I’ve read some stuff and worry for your safety all your safety to be honest……God Speed to all and hope this is not the END!! Many Blessings to all 🙏❣️❣️🙏 I love you 💖💖💖
Well said, Steph <3
There is no god in that place it’s all science bullshit or rather man bullshit if they new God hopefully those things would not be accruing.Love you Mike Leah & gang your fan for life
Which god would you prefer they know? Thor? Hera? Unkulunkulu? There are so many to choose from; so many horrors committed in so many of their names.
Believing one fantasy over another does not prevent abuse. But it can justify it. Especially when reinforced by a group.
The solution is, and always has been, the destigmatisation of doubt and the application of reason.
I left 9 yrs ago in the beginning they were relentless.i joined the lds an live in Utah wonderful things over the course of last 4 yrs has happened got my family back a great job and a new home.ty for what you are doing an have done.the abuses have yo stop
So you left one cult
For another ?
Mormonism is clearly not a cult. If you think it is you obviously have not looked into it. Don’t make such stupid remarks when you’re on educated. I am not a Mormon and I have never been a Mormon but I do know that their morals and attitudes are in the right place.
Really? Not a cult? How about Warren Jeffs leading a cult of underage girls to have sex with him? LDS and Jehovah’s are a cult just like Scientology. They prey on insecure, uneducated people.
May I please suggest that we not rip each other apart this way?
Everyone coming to Mike Rinder’s blog, “Something Can Be Done About It”, has at least one thing in common.
We’re all OUTRAGED about the human rights abuses and ruthless financial scams being perpetrated on undeserving people by the Church of Scientology.
Its safe to say that we all agree on the purpose of Mike’s blog to stop these abuses, and that we all agree that something CAN be done about it.
Now, about other subjects and areas of life we can and do differ – sometimes widely.
But we’re all under the same tent here at Mike’s. We are a GROUP with a strong purpose and a worthwhile goal. We can disagree about all kinds of things – we can disagree strongly, passionately, without ripping each other apart and weakening our purpose.
We’re in the TRENCHES together 🙂
Just saying 🙂
“…under the same tent…in the TRENCHES together…” Feel free to add your own metaphor 🙂
Aqua:”We’re in the TRENCHES together”
In a way, yes, but that doesn’t mean we all agree on everything, or that some of us might be more sensitive than others, etc. I was honored the other day to receive a comment on another site that I was courteous even though I “obviously” thought the guy was deluded. Guess I was being extra-special good there, because I have about as much sympathy for “flat-earthers” or “creationists” as I have for anti-vaxxers, a subject I’ve broached here, I believe.
jere, you’re right to point this out, and we can absolutely disagree strongly about any number of things.
Now, in my view, that doesn’t mean that such areas of disagreement cannot EVER be DISCUSSED. (Not necessarily here and as regards politics though, per the rules.)
I like to UNDERSTAND a point of view that differs widely from my own.
Therefore, if I respect the person whose viewpoint disagrees very much with mine, I want to UNDERSTAND WHY he or she holds this viewpoint.
Once I understand something I can just have it be there. I may not agree AT ALL but the differing viewpoint doesn’t “stick” me because I understand it. Again, I like to understand, when I think something is important. So I ‘ll ask questions, I’ll probe.
But jere, some people can’t HANDLE this. They either cannot or will not explain their reasoning and worse, it is upsetting to them that such a disagreement even EXISTS, never mind WHY! “We’ll never agree…there’s no point in discussing it, we’ll never see eye to eye…” Etc, etc. They fluff you off.
But I’m not trying to make that person agree with me – no! I’m just trying to LOOK from THEIR viewpoint. I’m just trying to understand.
There can be any number of viewpoints out there that I don’t necessarily agree with at all but if I can “look” from these viewpoints and kind of “be” these people who are holding these viewpoints then disagreement isn’t a problem. I’m still me. I have my viewpoint. They have theirs.. Which d
Anyway in my experience a person gets freaked out if there’s a disagreement and withdraws.
Consequently, that subject becomes “off limits” – it can NEVER be discussed. Now, that’s fine, but then, I, in my turn, know that this is someone with whom I can never be close because I will never understand that person, that’s all. And by the way, I’m not talking about me “probing” or asking for explanations about PERSONAL matters – no. I would never probe a friend or loved one about painful personal matters that person had no wish to share with me! . I’m talking about politics, politicians, religion, religious leaders, current events, economic issues, climate change, films, books – nothing personal or private! To me, all of these subjects are or can be grist for a conversational mill. Why not? And how boring if we ALWAYS 100% agreed. If we ALWAYS agreed then we would all be the same being. And its just me, but if something is important, I NEED to understand. MOST things are NOT important. A few, a very few things ARE. So, I try to understand, that’s all.
Help me to look at what YOU are looking at. If its important, help me to see what YOU see. Once I do, then, it ceases to be any kind of issue, because I know what you are looking at. Its not what I’m looking at but so what? I can SEE what you’re looking at. I understand
Here’s an example of what I mean: years ago I lived in an impoverished country. Very poor, totally uneducated black peasants elected a brutal dictator with the best of intentions. He used their trust and loyalty only to enrich himself. His policies made them poorer and in every way worse off then they’d been before they elected him their president “for life”. Did they hate this man? No they adored him. Worshipped him, almost. Why? Because he knew how to talk to them, that’s why. In Scientology, one would say he had “a good comm line into them.” He ACKNOWLEDGED them. No other leader of that country had EVER acknowledged this wretchedly poor very dark skinned underclass in this country, but HE did. Never mind that it was all a lie and a sham. Never mind that he was only using them for his own selfish financial ends; never mind that he cared nothing at all about them and proved it by his actions over and over…they loved him, they believed in him, they swore by him, and nothing, but nothing, was going to change their minds. I lived there and saw this up close. Was I angry or upset with these people in general for embracing a psychopath whose heel on their necks was worse than any of their leaders’ before? No. I understood, totally. He spoke their language. He communicated to them in their patois. He KNEW them. What he said was all lies and he never followed thru but so what? He acknowledged them, recognized them as PEOPLE who MATTERED. No leader had EVER done that before, He had these people in the palm of his hand and they were the majority of the population. Were they stupid? No. They were uneducated, exploited and manipulated, downtrodden and ignorant. Their lives were totally fixated on surviving from day to day. They were in a highly manipulatable frame of mind! Point being, I understood; it was EASY to understand – for me. However, many of their fellow citizens in the country COULD NOT understand. They had money, they had businesses, they were secure financially and they DESPISED these peasants (not as individuals but as a class) for keeping a brutal dictator who was killing ALL of them (literally and figuratively) in power. But I and most Americans there, and most Europeans there, understood. We could see why the peasants were so “stupid” about this leader. But their own countrymen, for the most part, could not and the country was very divided because of this leader. It had been quite divided before that anyway for other reasons but during this leader’s regime, things got ugly and dangerous in that country.
Long-winded Point being, some things ARE important to understand!
Thank you for reading this if you’ve managed to do so!
There’s my girl, Aqua! The voice of reason and peacekeeping.
Sorry it’s been a while but hello again!
Will be checking in more often.
Hi Indie!
There you are!
Its been a while.
I was wondering where you were.
Welcome back 🙂
My opinion is that religion is the root of all evil…
IMO, Much evil has been done “in the name” of religion; not BECAUSE of religion, per se. All religions, AFAICT, tend to preach acceptance of others (if only to get those others to convert). It’s some evil LEADERS who pervert the message to create bloodthirsty, evil savages out of their followers.
To make that argument work, you would have to ignore or deemphasise every “evil” piece of scripture. Cherry picking, in other words. Faced with so many contradictions, that’s exactly what religionists have to do. The difference is only in the significances assigned.
Who is more a scientologist? He who applies What is Greatness? Or he who applies Fair Game?
In the Quran, naskh allows the sword to have greater significance than peace – one could argue the jihadist is far more a muslim than the lovely, fluffy one next door.
Faith is, to greater or lesser degree, the surrender of reason. It’s a slippery slope. The risk of sliding down into extreme batshittery is ever-present.
All of these are brainwashing cults. When they have their own banks, are referred to as “the order” and you have no say-so in your own life it’s a cult. They heavily ride on keeping the bloodline clear and choose incest (yuk) to make it happen. Some being 14 and marrying their 45 year old uncle as a 3rd wife. BTW – it uneducated. Warren Jeff’s has been know to have sex with under age children, whom most were his offspring and LDS is a greatly known cult. Mormons is another cult, especially when they charge $10k a year to be a part of them.
Yaya: $10k/yr to be a member? I was under the impression that they were strict “tithe-ers”, 10% of gross income going to their church. The catholic church started that, IIRC, and got fabulously wealthy because of it, ‘back in the day’.
I don’t think you can lump mainstream Mormonism (LDS church) with the fringe cults like FLDS and Kingston Clan. Those groups, which consider themselves fundamental are the ones that practice polygamy and incestous relations and child abuse and are condemned by the main body of the Latter-day Saints.
You may find the mainstream Latter-day Saints abhorrent but it again comes back to people can believe what they want but they can not do just whatever they want.
I’m an ex Mormon. Born, raised and related to two early prophets (head leaders).
The break-off group of LDS are the Fundamental LDS (FLDS). They are polygamists.
The LDS gave up polygamy to become a state.(Utah)
Both Are Cults.
Just to clarify, Warren Jeffs was a excommunicated Mormon. Just like the Mormon’s you are referring to and they are not the same as the LDS Church. I just thought you should know what you are talking about.
IMO, you’ve tarred LDS with the brush more appropriate to the FLDS, a “breakaway” sect(cult) which reinstated those immoralities & insanities as church sacraments. I don’t much agree with the LDS’s high-controlling ways, and I CERTAINLY can’t get behind what the FLDS added in to the mix.
Thank you for defending The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day. Saints. I’ve been a member since 1981, I was 31years old when l joined. If the Church were a cult l would have left years ago. True believers of the faith are loving and kind, believe in and worship Jesus Christ and do their best to live a loving and kind life, serving others who are in need, don’t berate those that wish to leave the faith or go after them or harass them. I’m grateful for my faith and my relationship with my Savior. I am also grateful for Mike Render and Leah Remini for there huge efforts in bring the truth to light about Scientology and helping people to tell their stories. Mike and Leah are Christlike advocates for those in need.
Warren Jeffs is not a member of the LDS Church, he is a fundamentalist who made up the rules as he went along. He is evil and just to note, if he were a member of the LDS Church he would have been excommunicated and handed over to the police.
But there is no such thing as a planet Kolob or a council of gods. If there truly was, don’t you think Paul, Mark or one of the other 12, or even Jesus himself would of said so.
Nob: “Planet Kolob”? “Council of gods”? Google found Kolob, thank Xenu.
Lovely auto-correct strikes again: Nob: should have been Bob: Fumbly fingers ran raster than the brain.
All organized religions are cults.
The term cult has multiple meanings and sometimes it is not a reference to abusive practices but simply a taxonomic term intended to differentiate between religions, cults, sects and denominations. Some believe that Judaism and Hinduism are the only religions in a taxonomic sense since all other religions stem from these. Monotheism vs Polytheism.
But religion is a more general term that can include Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity and Taoism.
Sects would be branches off major religions like Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed Judaism or Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Reformed Protestant, Evangelical and Pentecostal Christianity.
Denominations would include Baptist, Presbyterian etc.
The reason Mormonism is referred to a cult despite the fact that is non-abusive and generally healthy as a belief system is that it does not distinguish itself from Christianity and instead asserts that it is true Christianity and asserts that what Catholics and others practice is apostate Christianity. But Mormonism departs significantly on key doctrinal positions in that it is non-Trinitarian and it rejects a belief in hell. It also is, unknown to many, polytheistic in that it asserts that there exist many gods even as we on earth have only one relevant God. Operationally monotheistic within a large context of polytheism. But the problem is that this is so remarkably different from standard Christianity that it is considered completely outside of the Christian camp.
So is it a separate religion? It would make sense to consider it so if only to avoid the baggage that comes from using the term “cult.” But it is strictly a cult because it masquerades as one religion (Christianity) while being wholly different. Jehovah’s Witnesses do the same thing and they use their own version of the Bible (specifically to deny the deity of Christ).
So if the issue is abusiveness, you are right to object to calling Mormonism a cult, although I would call the polygamous Mormon sect that operates in Mexico as cultic in that there is alleged abuses of women going on there. I think the guy that kidnapped Elizabeth Smart was also a member of a cultic offshoot of Mormonism.
cult, denomination, or whatever. I was required to *understand* the various religions in the area; *belief* was optional. I eventually reached the point where EVERY denomination/sect considered they were the ONLY path to redemption, all believers of the others were doomed to Burn in Hell”™ I recognized that either they were all wrong, or something else, as I couldn’t tell their teachings apart (Amongst the Abrahamic faiths), so I accepted the civilizing aspects from each of them and trashed the judgmental, bigoted garbage. ‘Course, that’s just me; YMMV. Thomas Jefferson’s Bible is one I’d like to read, someday.
I will really miss this series and I’m hoping another network will pick it up. Although I’m not sure this series convinced many people to leave Scientology, I would be willing to bet that this series prevented many, MANY people from getting involved with Scientology. And if that is true, this cult will eventually go away forever! Hopefully. Keep up the fight! You two make a great team!!
What you have done has been amazing! Keep up the good work! We appreciate you (and others before you) informing us of the evil that is Scientology and know that they can’t last without tax exempt status. Continue fighting and hopefully they will lose that status as soon as possible.
We will wait for the good news.
Great job! Thank you!
I’m wondering as a mother, and former educator, if one way to get more results is to show that these children aren’t being educated. In NY children must remain in school until they are 16. I also wonder if these children are given medical care. Isn’t neglecting children against the law in FL. Homeschoolers even have to follow curriculums.
Christine, this is another area where their claiming to be a religion protects the children from too much “school learning”. IIRC, they claim that the kids are “homeschooled” and the authorities have no say in what they are taught. I’m certain that scientology feels that getting them through the Student Hat is sufficient education for them, since scientology ‘tech’ has all the answers to life’s questions. It’s well documented that LRH considered a “wog” education as worthless or worse. Davey-Boy doesn’t seem to think any better of it, either.
I hope to see you soon on perhaps Netflix, Please keep getting the truth out there!!
Please have Netflix Pick this Up
Please. From the bottom of my heart I’m begging …. Don’t stop. Too many people need You .But Thank You for Ever have started this show. I Pray we meet again soon .
Everyone before me has expressed my feelings so much better than i ever could. I just wanted to add my thanks, support and admiration to all involved in this show. To the incredibly brave survivors who have come forward, and to you Mike and Leah for your sacrifices and tenacity to bring these horrific abuses to light and hopefully, justice.
You are heros all, and an inspiration. I look forward to seeing the full fruits of your labor revealed. God bless you all. This will be your lasting legacy. ❤
You posted your opinions even though you felt afraid they were not as good as those expressed by other people.
That is the very definition of courage. You are to be congratulated for taking action even though you may have been afraid to do so and even though you were completely wrong about your opinions. Your opinions were just as valuable as anyone elses’ – perhaps even more so because they contained the manifestation of your courage.
In order to bury this evil abomination, we need people to come forward and make their feelings and opinions known. I thank you for doing that.
Warrior on you brave crusaders! Keep fighting for those who can’t fight and those who don’t yet know they should be fighting.
I’m really glad that you guys made this documentary and for sure you have and are save lives.
This cult has to stop !
You guys are doing a great job . Congratulations and thank you for open people eyes .
This is just a start , do not quit ( I’m sure you won’t) I cant thank you enough. Thank you , thank , thank you .
Unless it’s in the new season, we need to know “Where’s Shelley?”
I’ve enjoyed your show and look forward to your new endeavors. Great work you have done and sacrifices you and EVERYONE involved have made to accomplish this. Keep it up!
What a wonderful idea for a new season – if not on A&E, then perhaps on some other network or in some other media.
It doesn’t have to be limited to Shelley. There are many others whose stories beg the questions:
1) Where is X? .. or ..
2) What ever happened to X?
100% AGREE….
“Where is [X]..Sicks degrees of Scientology”
Yes SICKS is intentional instead of Six
The work that you two have done and the countless stories that were told….UNBELIEVABLE! Thank you for exposing the horrors of this CULT. That’s what they are. A CULT that has gone for decades unchecked has now been exposed and WE the people see you Scientology! I could never imagine things like this happen in our time. A organization built on lies will NEVER stand. Like the famous words of Peglin from CRAZY RICH ASIANS…”bok bok bitch!” Go get um Leann and Mike!
You all do amazing work! Pls consider Netflix or Hulu! We want to watch more!
You work, your passion, and your integrity shines through in everything you all did.
Thank you for helping countless others from falling victim to the abuses of Scientology. I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who would have joined but saw your show and stayed away. You gave them a chance at life.
May you all have peace knowing that none of your labor was in vain.
You all are amazing and we will all be here to support whatever you do next.
(((Whoops accidentally replied to someone else’s comment when I tried to post this))))
I have followed your show into this ugliness from the beginning, I have been shocked so many times byt he absurd behaviors an abuse that goes on..It has brought me to tears many times..I can’t get passed how these otherwise intelligent people would continue to follow such abusive power an dangerous rules.
I’m glad you both have the strength to expose an rescue those who have wanted out. I pray for you for continued strength.
I feel the Angles an guides above will allow you to walk in peace & light.🙏💖
Aug. 16, 2019
Thank you and Leah for all you are doing. I was upset to hear the show was ending but I understand you need to move on to the next stage. I’m so happy to hear you guys are continuing the fight and wish you the best. Much respect to you both for standing up to the world’s biggest bully. Take them down!
Well done. 🙂 Well done. Hopefully one day we can end Scientology for good. Thank you to everyone involved in the making of this series. Much LOVE and PEACE <3
I am sorry you will not be on anymore. I hope that there will be another place that you can find that will allow you to tell the truth sometime soon. God bless you all!
Great job you guys! Do an online show!! No one can stop you
Keep it going
Thank you Mike and Leah for all you do. I hope so much the tax exempt status changes which will close their doors for good.
DM needs to be behind bars.
Bravo Mike and Leah! You have done amazing work with the Aftermath series. I cannot wait to see what you have in store next.
I started watching because I like Leah Remini and I admired her courageous choice. I watched her show with her family and loved the way she loved her family. I knew nothing about Scientology. I do believe it’s a cult, and I think Leah and Mike did a service to the American public. A service that our government doesn’t seem to be able to get a handle on when it comes to David Miscavage.
Thank you Mike & Leah for all you have done to bring Scientology and what they do and stand for to the forefront. And all the help you have given those who have left or want out. Hope y’all can continue to help the fight and possibly move forward with the show on a front such as NetFlix so we can follow your journey honestly and fully.
Peace and love to you both
I’ve been watching the show from day one! I’ve even watched just about every show and documentary about this evil cult that I could possibly find, even before ‘Aftermath’ came about. As a soldier, I can’t stand seeing people hurt, abuse, control, or intimidated by tyranny and those with a false sense of grandeur or superiority over others! I sent Leah a message on Instagram, but I don’t think it’ll ever be seen. I would love to help in any way I possibly can! Even if it’s providing plain clothes security or delivering coffee! You lot have inspired me in a way that I’ve never felt before! Watching these victims and hearing their stories and knowing what you and Leah went through and others continue to endure through…I don’t want to call it ignorance…I’ll say blind faith or even just plain fear, which is the strongest emotion our brains are hardwired to remember most. I want to help! Thank you educating and opening the eyes of so many to these absolutely horrid and downright abominable acts against their fellow human beings! And thank you for inspiring us all!
Thank you both! And God’s speed to bringing down this horrible organization. xo
Yes. Thank you both so much for Bringing down this Hell hole. I just Pray they all get it one day and leave that CULT..
Keep fighting the good fight! You are all amazing.
Thank you for your dedication into ending this atrocity . I hope we are a part of this ongoing story and can view your work on the next level.
Thank you for enlightening us non Scientologists on exactly what a plague this organization is! Any possibility of a Netflix or a Hulu possibility?
What you both did literally is life changing for all who watch it. I almost got sucked into that cult in 1988…. it absolutely needs to be dissolved! Your work and determination is inspiring. It means everything to own your past decisions and then live your life so raw and honest going forward. What always resonates with me, is Scientology attracts good people…. what a crime.
Watching your show: I laughed, I cried, I learned, and honestly wish we could help you all more collectively. Please tell us what to do, Im in!!!!
Mike and Leah you two are real life superheroes!
Thank you for being so real.
Totally agree with everything you said ☺️
You work, your passion, and your integrity shines through in everything you all did.
Thank you for helping countless others from falling victim to the abuses of Scientology. I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who would have joined but saw your show and stayed away. You gave them a chance at life.
May you all have peace knowing that none of your labor was in vain.
You all are amazing and we will all be here to support whatever you do next.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You have opened the eyes of the world to this horrible cult and their disgusting practices. I’m so sad to hear the show is ending, but so glad you will be doing further work to bring down as much as you possibly can on this organization. Keep going and be strong knowing that the public is behind you and cheering you on!!
Just lending my voice to this long, wonderful list of supporters. Thank you for your courage and willingness to sacrifice your time, energy and privacy. As a never in, it has been an eye opening ride that started with Leah’s book “Troublemaker”. Each and every episode was expertly put together and addressed so many aspects of this horrific cult that calls itself a religion. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Mike, please know that although not all of us comment on your blog every day, that doesn’t mean we aren’t reading it! So glad to read that you will continue posting here.
I had no idea the extent of this organization – and I live in Clearwater! Thank you for your courage and tenacity with this exposure. And for handling it with such grace to the victims. I am praying for you all in your continued work.
We love all of you, we are so so proud of you, and we are behind your efforts 1000%!
We know we are not done with this work and that this is a shift to a new moment where we will come together again to continue our fight.
Keeping all of the crew, contributors, and Leah and Mike in our hearts and minds as we stay strong in revealing the truth of a nasty blight in our midst. Much love to all of you.
I smell Netflix deal
This saddens me that the show is ending. I’ve enjoyed following these stories of how victims were finally getting their voice to expose this cult for what it actually is. I hope we get to follow this journey somewhere else.
I have been shocked, moved, and mesmerized by the show and will remain a supporter of your efforts to give voice to victims and hold scientology accountable. God Bless all the contributors for their brave and candid testimony. Thank you for all you have sacrificed, I will continue to support your efforts!
Keep up the fight, do not quit. Justice will be served thanks to you. It’s only a matter of time. “Do good and good will come to you.” Those still inside need you just as much as those who have left. Amazing work. Leah you wreak of honesty and compassion, and everyone can see how hard you (and Mike) are working on this. We are with you!
This is not the end for Aftermath…!
We, your viewers will tune in wherever & whenever you choose to broadcast – next…
How can I help…? How can I help you & Leah continue with your purpose…?
I am here…
You & Leah are the best along with everyone involved trying to help!! Keep fighting please!!
To Mike, Leah,A&E, and all the brave survivors who told their truth thank you so much. Thank you for opening our eyes to what this cult is doing to people and how they hurt and tear families apart. I watch from day one because I was curious as I’m sure most people did. Now I support all you are doing to bring justice for so many survivors. Don’t stop keep pushing justice needs to be served they need to lose their tax Exempt status this is not a religion it’s a cult. They may not be making kool aid and poisoning people. But they are terrorizing people for years and years.
This show really opened my eyes to a group that I didn’t even know existed. I’m thrilled to see them doing all of this work to bring justice and tell the stories that need to be told. GO LIA AND MIKE!!
Y’all are simply amazing! I have learned so much from watching this show. It is amazing to me what people will do to each other for greed and power. Please keep fighting. People need to know that they are being used and lied to. Through this show I have seen your passion and dedication to this cause. All you guys have done is tell the truth. That church must be stopped. Thanks for educating me at least a little on this issue. I know just because the show ends doesn’t mean your fight against these monsters will end. To quote Dory in “Finding Nemo”: “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”
Please just keep going! You have so much support behind you in the general public! There are to many things int he past 30 years were people in power destroy families and individuals. You give hope that there those with the ability to fight.
This series has been one that has stayed in my heart from day one! I applaud every effort made by you, Leah and all of your contributors. Your courage and strength is astounding and honorable! I pray that the horrific abuse of Scientology meets its end very soon. I will be cheering and crying tears of joy when that day comes! God bless you and all the tireless hours you and everyone have dedicated to this cause!
Thank you all, Leah, Mike, A&E, etc. If you all walked away now, it’s ok. You made people aware of issues in Scientology. Hardly no one can now say “I didn’t know” That’s the greatest outcome of all of this. Again, thank you. Go enjoy your lives!!!
Mike, Leah in the words of Winston Churchill this is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning. Godspeed and go get em.
And the words of William Wilberforce:
You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Downtown Clear Water “taken over by COS”…….and speaking out gets you nowhere or accused of a hate crime or bigotry….
Thanks for the Aftermath and ALL of your other good work Mike & Leah.
A couple of years ago I met with an old friend of mine that I hadn’t seen in many, many years. We met at his brother’s house and I had no idea how this was going to go. His sister-in-law asked me how we met. I hesitated a second and then said, “we met when we were doing scientology decades ago when were just a couple of culties”. She softly said with a knowing voice, “aah, scientology, Leah Remini”.
Your work is reaching LOTS of ordinary folk out there who would be hard pressed to be recruited into the scientology cult or any other cult for that matter as a result of your efforts.
Mike, Leah and all involved in the show – Thank You!
May you be forever free to walk in truth, light and love.
Your dedication to exposing the multiple levels of Scientology’s horrific beliefs and practices has been admirable and of the first water.
With today’s reporting of the show’s future, there has been a mini squeak from Scientology’s public relations people. However, once again Scientology is left impenitent among the Mighty Roar of ‘Scientology and The Aftermath’ truth!
Hi Mike:
I was worried that the fight might die away with the end of “Aftermath.” I’m so very happy and relieved that that’s not going to be the case. Bless you for the stand you, Leah, Tony Ortega, Paulette Cooper and so many others have taken against this destructive cult. I’ve been so saddened to hear so many terrible abuse and disconnection stories. At least this terrible practice has been brought into the open and I wait hopefully for people in the bubble to realize what they’ve given up by turning their backs on those that love them.
Please keep fighting!!!
Thank you.
A zillion thanks Mike, Leah and to all those involved in the Aftermath. Likewise to A&E and everyone involved in the production of the series. I’m in awe of your collective courage to embark on this highly successful series and opening up this vile organization to the TV public at large. Each and every award was richly deserved on every level. Wishing you every success in your ongoing battle to put an end to this degenerate organization. A faithful Toronto reader/watcher.
Thank you, thank you to all involved for giving us a platform to get the truth out there. You are all awesome and I cannot wait to watch the finale. The whole world now knows the truth due to this show. Lots of love to Leah and Mike.The truth brings light.
Thank you Mike and Leah, for all that you have done to expose the abuse – and thanks especially to all those who bravely told their stories even knowing that the organization would come after them tooth and nail. I too must believe that the truth will come to light. Look at Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein – protected for decades by money and the power they amassed, but it didn’t protect them forever, not once people started speaking up and speaking out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for delivering a blow to Scientology and David Miscavige. It was HUGE!
T blow was the hardest and longest lasting blow to date.
Now…To follow up with the onslaught of lawsuits calling David Miscavige and the evil cult to the carpet is so well done. It is amazing and brilliant.
Leah and Mike…. you just may be responsible for taking the criminal beast of Scientology down.
Congrats and thank you.
Your blog continues correct?
Oh yes. And everything else besides….
Where is your blog Mike?
Awesome! I got worried for a minute there!!
So behind everything you’re doing. Seems to me that somehow your work will eventually impact all cults. Keep fighting for truth and freedom for the victims of cults! We love you and your amazing courage!
Stat Thursday! As of 2 PM, California time, there have been over 500 comments at the Bunker, and over 200 comments here at Mike’s blog regarding Scientology the Aftermath. I was unable to find one negtive (entheta) comment regarding Scientology the Aftermath. I was able to assign each comment to an individual email account. I could find NO coersion for these comments, they seem to be spontaneous. Most of the comments contained emotion and feelings.
OH, Whatever you do be sure NOT to tell the miniNapoleon that there is a 2 hour special comming up, on August 26. He can’t handle the truth!
I am very disappointed to see the news that A&E isn’t going to do another season with you guys. But, i hope that the loss of the network doesn’t mean that your work vs scientology is over! I look forward to what you guys do next. And I am hoping the suit filed against masterson, scientology and miscavige goes well for the ‘good guys’.
Thanks to all of you, but especially those brave people who came forward and told their story, even tho they knew what it might mean for them.
keep fighting the good fight!
I’m from Canada and an avid watcher of the show. I watch repeats till new episodes start, I absolutely love the show and what it is trying to do. When my granddaughter went to high school, there were a couple of students pushing Scientology. She asked me what I thought so I got her to watch the show. Very quickly she was disgusted by the cult called Scientology. She came to that on her own, from the recounts of all the victims of Scientology. She was grateful to have the information and was able to relay it to fellow students, who in turn started watching the show. Also, love the books, still trying to read all I can. I’m sad the show will be ending but will look for any upcoming updates. Sincerely, Cindy Harrie
I’m sad to see the show end, but look forward to seeing what comes next.
I’d like to ask you, if you have any influence, to make the show permanently available worldwide so that people can continue to find it. It was not aired in my area.
In my area, season 1 was released on DVD. That’s a start. I’d like to see it on the iTunes Store internationally and also a streaming service. My personal preference is the iTunes Store.
Hi Imaberrated:
I don’t know if you’ve already tried this, but you should be able to watch all of the Aftermath episodes on a&
Hope you can get ’em.
“Those Hidden and Secret Things Will Be Revealed “ is a Favorite Scripture of mine from the Bible and I believe this was fulfilled during the Series! Thank You so much for your dedication to your calling!
I have really enjoyed this show. People should know that being treated the way ya’ll were treated was so horrible. It really bothers me on the disconnect from your families that really got me. Bringing all the wrong to the fore front, and exposeing David Miscavage for what he is. WOW is all i can say.
I really wish you both the best on your journey. and once again Thank you .
I love the show and the genuine concern that you and Leah both have for the organization’s victims. On a entertainment level, I do love the banter that you two have, which helps lighten the mood in between stories.
In a world without scientology, you two would be a fantastic comedy duo in a sitcom.
Thank you Mike!!! Thank you Leah!!! Thank you A&E for taking a chance. Thank you Bonnie Elliott and Amy Scobie for kick-starting this idea – the idea that grew, lite up the underbelly of the church of scientology and informed millions of the cruelties, abuses and sufferings inflicted by the church of scientology. You deserve all the awards and accolades you get.
I won’t go in to what being part of this show did for me personally but I can pretty faithfully say the chances are slim that I will ever do anything again as meaningful. Thank you for allowing me to tell my story.
Best wishes to Leah and you in your future endeavors!
Thank you for being a part of it too, Mary. Everyone who played a part in this show and who continues working for what’s right is owed a debt of gratitude by the rest of us. You have put yourselves on the line when everyone would have understood if you just wanted to disappear.
You and everyone else who appeared on the show have sometimes allowed old wounds to be opened and pain to be shared and opened yourself up to harassment from Scientology in the hope that one day, no one will ever have to deal with the abuses of Scientology ever again. And when that day comes, we will have all of you to thank.
Dear Survivors,
I learned so much from your show! I have great respect for all the men and women who had the courage to leave and I will continue to pray for those still trapped. When I was a young girl I went down to the CC and could have easily been caught up into this (if I hadn’t been a starving college student)!
I look forward to your future and the freedom that this work will bring to people. I hope the young family in from the “Perfect Family” in Oregon was able to keep the land that had been in their family for so many generations.
With Great Respect,
Best of Luck Mike, in health, happiness, success and all your future endeavors. I admire you, and of course Leah, for the courageous roads you traveled to help make society a better, less restrictive and safer place. Thank you for being the person you are. The Universe is already thanking you. Peace always !
Congrats to all on a job well done! The ball started rolling with the brilliant Going Clear and turned into a landslide with The Aftermath. Thanks to Mike, Leah and all the brave victims Scientology is TOXIC! It’s a JOKE. They will never come back from this. The day is coming when this BEAST will be slayed.
Thank you Mike and Leah for taking on the monster and not backing down. I am reminded of this quote by Jane Austen:
“There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”
I can’t resist adding one of my favorites by Louisa May Alcott – “I am not afraid of storms because I am learning to sail my ship.”
May all the Under the Radars and Survivors continue to find courage and peace as they learn to sail their ships!
Leah and mike, all the crew members, the victims and advertisers – Thank you for informing us on the cult. Please keep up the awesome job and give us more on another venue. Peace!
Fabulous news! And a well-written piece, Mike! When I got on-line first thing this morning and saw the Hollywood Reporter article in my news feed, I knew immediately there was to be news here from you!
You and Leah are so courageous – thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done and are continuing to do. Between Leah leaving, your blog, and Going Clear I was set free from the real trap that is the COS. I once sat across from Leah on course at CC and I remember how balsy I thought she was – loud and brash – well little did I know! You go girl, Leah! I am so proud of you! It took someone like you, and Mike, to pair up as the perfect team to unearth and expose what was going on – and to let people tell their stories. I have cried along with you – and laughed when appropriate too. I am excited to see this new episode, and excited for the future. I will continue to donate to the Aftermath Foundation – you guys rock!
I forgot to include that while I am excited about the fabulous news of the upcoming special episode, I will miss the series and am sad there won’t be full season in store for us. However I understand completely the need to move on and continue this endeavor in a different manner. We don’t even have TV in our home so we subscribed to Hulu so we could watch The Aftermath! Wondering (and hoping) if your next broadcast platform – if there is one – (hope there is!) will be Netflix or Amazon. That would be great! Keep up the great work – I look forward to your blog posts every day and will look forward to whatever you and Leah are working on as you continue to shine a light in the deep dark recesses exposing the COS for what it is. I am so glad I am out and I have you, Leah, the Garcia’s, The Tampa Bay Times, and Tony to thank for that.
This breaks my heart reading this. I’m happy we get the special episode finale tho. Without Mike and Leah, and Aftermath I wouldn’t know about the abuses of scientology. I’m forever grateful to everyone involved in bringing this to light. Thank you for your passion, tenacity and hard work. You are fierce warriors. I’m with you all on this mission to the bitter end! So much love and respect. 💖
I would love to see you create a sitcom that has the name “Pope” in the title and is essentially a vehicle for laughing at the so-called Asshole Wanna-Be-Pope.
The basic joke would center around this premise, “Hey Dumbass Fake-Pope. You such an Idiot! You had the single most capable individual there ever was working for you and dedicated to helping you and how did you treat him? You put your stupid hands on him and smacked him around and abused him and put him in the hole. How did he react? It was no surprise he was clever enough to blow your stupid scam, and by his doing that, you created the biggest pain in your ass you ever had.
And as if that wasn’t bad enough, you fucked around with Leah and thereby created the biggest pain in the ass that the world has ever seen. Together – Mike and Leah almost single-handedly lampooned your stupid scam and almost destroyed it.
So, you think you are some kind of Pope? It would be far more accurate if you called yourself, “The Asshole of the Stupid Scam”.
I’d love to see a new episode every week, dedicated to the proposition that this wannabe idiot gangster thug took a multi-billion dollar evil scam and rode it right into the ground. Every week could focus on yet another idiotic decision he made and the ramifications of that decision.
I would think such a sitcom could make this Asshole lose his mind. It could make his pea-brain explode and it could give us all a real good laugh too!
Skyler, “You put your stupid hands on him and smacked him around and abused him and put him in the hole. How did he react? It was no surprise he was clever enough to blow your stupid scam, and by his doing that, you created the biggest pain in your ass you ever had.” I would like to add to your very true statement with this, “…and Mike can’t be bought off like some well known ex SO Scns were.”
Working title: The Pooping Pope. It chronicles his life in the cult, first hitting his preclear, then his coup taking over Scientology, and finally him on a prison farm shoveling manure. As the sun goes down, we hear him say, “I can’t believe all this shit!”
Another nice post, Scribe!
Mike & Leah LOVE NYC….so I decided to post this about the upcoming A & E LAST episode.
Thank you for these wonderful pictures…so many HAPPY People who are free at last….I hope and pray that what has been taken from you….your parents/siblings/children/extended family & friends….is one day returned to your loving arms.
Thank you Mike & Leah….it’s been an excellent run.
My heart breaks a little reading this. I’m so happy and grateful it lasted this long tho. I wouldn’t know about the abuses of scientology without Mike and Leah and this show. Thrilled to hear about the special episode finale! I will continue to stand with you all until the bitter end. So much love and appreciation for the tenacity and hard work you continue to do. Truly fierce warriors! 💖
Perfectly Said.. Thank you
Beautiful pictures of beautiful people who so courageously brought the depraved darkness of Co$ to the searing Light of Truth, thence to send back to the nothingness from which it sprang.
Heroes of the Heart all!
Wow, Mike; yourself and Leah are trailblazers for this. I was naive about Scientology before I watched this series but from what I knew, I always felt a negative feeling when I heard ‘Scientology’ – This has been an eye opening, raw, heart wrenching/warming and heart breaking thing to watch. To see so many courageous people speak their truth and have their hearts break in front of millions, to see you and Leah have your own moments of emotional turmoil has been heart breaking yet needed. I know it must have not been an easy decision to make to put yourself under such scrutiny by ‘the church’ but well done to you, Leah and everyone involved with ‘Scientology and the Aftermath’. I feel educated and humbled to have been able to watch each persons journey throughout telling their stories. Sending all the positive thoughts to you and Leah for the future endeavours, I can only pray that the outcome is such a big victory!! Thank you, Leah and everyone who worked on the program for creating this, for allowing us into your worlds and for opening the eyes of people who have never stepped foot in a Scientology ‘church’ and those whom are or where in the ‘church’. Love to you, Leah and both of your families and everyone on the show. All the way from Australia xoxo ❤️
You guys have exposed a lot already . There’s only so much you can do until you’re beating a dead horse. People will continue to expose and go forward exposing this charlatan cult.
There is only so much we all can do until this evil scam collapses into a pile of dust and our future will never again hear the name, “Scamatology”.
Mike & Leah have come real close to destroying this evil scam – all on their own. The best part of this story is they are not yet through and the future of this scam is looking very bleak indeed – all because of the idiotic decisions made by the Fake-Pope Asshole.
Can you imagine! One day you’ll only hear of the word “Scientology” in the history books!
Bravo. As an ex-Scientologist for 24 years, not only are you educating the masses, but you are also freeing those that couldn’t do it by themselves.
As a family, we watched Aftermath and my daughter is a better person because of it. You have raised her awareness, educated her and empowered her to make the right choices and I love you for that.
We will follow you wherever you go.
To all who bravely stepped into the public light to share your story, thank you for the sacrifice of your time, family, and privacy! You have made us all more aware than we were before, a step in the right direction for change! Mike & Leah and everyone who spoke up, you are my heroes! What a difficult thing to face in front of America. I hope you all find the healing and peace you deserve.
Mike —
You and Leah rock! A&E, too. Can’t wait to see what comes next. Aftermath opened up a whole can of worms and let people see the ugly truth. Forever grateful!
Thank you Leah and Mike, and A&E producers and crew, and all the many participants over three seasons, for all the excellent work you have done, sharing so many important stories.
Keep doing the best, find new outlets for spreading the message. Keep the flame burning for many years to come. As long as Scientology continues its abuses and ruining lives you have an important job to do!
You and Mike are the best. Thank you for. Bringing this travesty to the forefront. How can people be so gullible. They pick their victims carefully. It is so sad. I know there will be a great outcome. Thanks for everything.
Scientology ‘modestly’ marks time with the acronym AD, which stands for “After Dianetics”, as if that bunk is any sort of significant milestone in history.
Closer to reality, marking time in the church’s dwindling spiral to oblivion, we now have BA and AA, specifically, Before Aftermath and After Aftermath.
Mike and Leah, you have done an incredible job in exposing the cult to a mass audience, with compelling evidence and touching stories. If scientology’s name was mud BA, it is now, AA, poison.
Wish you both all the best in the future and I’m sure there is more to come.
Keep pushing forward and exposing the vile truth. Wishing for pure freedom to all the families affected. May your journey into the unknown be a beautiful awakening 💛
Congratulations on your success, and bless you for being so brave. I loved the episode on the JW’s, and plans for more? What about the Mormons and others? Lots of former Mormons out here with fingers crossed.
Mike, that hug you gave me will last the rest of my life.
God bless you guys. Thanks for having the balls.
Well, we have the balls so I guess we should start playing. Now I think…wait…what? Oh, it’s THOSE type of balls. My bad.
Zaza i am so sad this show has endrd ut what is next resdy for it and i thought it would have already been announced by now am very disappointed that nothing has been said yet what is going on please!!!
Blessing to you and all your crew in front and behind scenes. Prayers over everyone on this journey.
And let’s hope Ronbots see the light. I sure hope so. They’re trapped in their own minds.
Wow! I’ll really miss this show, but I’m hoping you are working with a cable company to show more in depth information about this tragic situation. Kudos on the Emmys, the awards, the amazing 3 years you’ve already filmed. I cannot wait for more! I’ve always though Scientology was a scam, but had no idea about the abuse, the financial burden it puts on people and how they tear apart families. Keep up the amazing work! LOVE you guys!!!
God bless you all! The real God, not the aliens…..
You mean body thetans? Well, we’re all infested with them so we might as well get used to it. I do have a couple thetans that I chat with.
Thank you guys so much for this movement of truth and freedom,” tv show “ doesn’t give what you guys do justice. I never knew and you showed me. Even through attacks which we all know you guys have gone through you persevered and have victory and will continue to have victory because you are standing for truth. Standing for truth is sometimes a road of attack and tribulations but what you all are doing is making a difference. Be encouraged and can’t wait to see what comes next.
What about trying to have the show on Netflix or Amazon. You would be able to show everything.
Of course $cientology will try (and fail) to paint this development as a twisted “win” brought about by them which in reality nothing could be further from the truth. But then truth has never been a $cientology concern. The bag of hurt against them has only just begun. To the diminutive in every way abusive cult leader David Mismanage I can only say “Crucio!”
Their words carry no weight when they always claim to be winning, no matter what happens. No matter how bad things are in the real world, no matter how bad they can see things are with their own eyes. Even though Scientology has shrunk so much that there’s only a remnant of 10-20k left in the world.
Yes, you, OSA operatives, who are reading this post. You can see that it’s true if you look and don’t listen. There is no ‘expansion’ going on, except in the square footage of the dead and empty orgs. It’s over.
“Their words carry no weight…”. MarcAnon, their words never carried ANY weight. Period! And that’s because it’s all HORSESHIT!
We wish you the best in bringing all these painful events to Justice. I grew up in a cult-like church so I was able to relate to everything you all went through. ‘Til this day it has an effect on my adult life and I hope this will lead a way to fix all these other “churches” that are doing things all in the name of God. There are many people out there, like myself, that are healing from everything and your show has brought them to light. Thank you!
Leah, Mike just let me say I love this series not for entertainment purposes but the knowledge that you provide. Letting us know the truth that is happening, not allowing us to be blind to Scientology’s true intentions. I believe more people’s stories need to be heard. Please try Netflix or other streaming services to continue telling people’s stories.
Mike, you hit the nail on the head. I began watching out of curiosity, but was hooked after episode one. As the story unfolded I became more and more angry. How in the world?…..just a question that had no answer. This was not just a phenomenon, its an abomination. Growing up Catholic, we had certain rules, etc. that I sometimes thought were, frankly, ridiculous, but the difference was that I COULD WALK AWAY!!! I lost nothing but my own beliefs. I lost no family, no friends, no job and no self esteem. I can only sympathize with with these people, as empathy is nearly impossible because I can’t imagine the hurt and pain. Keep it up. Wherever you all are headed, I’m behind you all the way.
Oh! So that’s why I have a lump on my head!
Perfectly said!!! I couldn’t agree more💜
Thank you for bringing everything to light..everything out in the open..and yes..there is so much more you were limited to be able to show on a Cable channel. Lyin.tology as I refer to it has got to be destroyed. It has got to be dismantled…taken down. It is a horrific cult. There are prisoners being held against their will in internment camps. Or as I refer to them CONCENTRATION CAMPS. I live in Mn and every single time I go past the Scientology Church in Downtown St Paul it truly turns my stomach. Ive walked past that huge Church, stood in front of that church, its huge, and no one is in there, its sitting there this huge building as an eye sore. And I think…this is where Hitler lives.
Changes in focus are part of the journey. Have you raised awareness? YES! I knew very little about this disgusting cult until the first episode of Aftermath. I am with you on this mission and am personally ‘spreading the word’ whenever possible. Their ability to brainwash, abuse, lie, mislead, deny freedom, deny education, etc are unspeakable acts that remind me of Adolph Hitler. Thank you…. we will continue to help you “get ‘er done!”.
Awww love this.
Thanks Mike and Leah, keep up the fight and bring those SOB’s down!!!
You done it good as a Co-Star in Hollywood. He he…. It’s been a ride.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t stop what you’re doing. I’m a never in BUT I was interested in dianetics in the early 80s. Thankfully life sidetracked me. I’m horrified by what could have been. Their policies and tactics sicken me. It’s too bad advertisers care more about money than supporting the truth!! Maybe continuing with telling the victim’s stories on YouTube is an option. I watch Chris Shelton, Aaron and many others in an effort to be as informed and armed as possible. Keep fighting!! What you’re both doing is amazing and courageous work! I’ll be watching faithfully from Canada!
Thank you, Mike and Leah.
Looking forward to what’s next great job
Finally, what many have been waiting for, the TRUTH to come out from more VICTIMS where the “church” like the Catholic Church buried rapes, molestations of members. I’ve watched every episode, the brave members who stepped forward with the tales of horror at the hands of a supposed “church” that seems to “lock members behind a 6 to 8 foot razor blade topped fence or in a double wide trailer as if a prison in a double wide trailer” until THEY feel they can be let out. No church has the right to disconnect, shun, defellowship a former church member because they made the decision to leave that church. No church should force members to work for little to no money, or separate child rom parents OR force them to spend thousands of $$$ on “lesson” to move up a bridge that does NOT in reality exist…like the childhood game “Chutes & Ladders” where at the WHIM of “the big cheese” one can be sent down the ladder to begin all over again for MORE $.
I truly want to thank all the brave souls who stepped forward with their own horror stories of the abuse they suffered while members of the COS. They enlightened many of us who had no idea any of this was going on.
I am SORRY TO SEE THIS IS THE LAST SHOW …Leah Remini & Mike Rinder need to move on in life & I wish them well.
Mike, I can’t even begin to comprehend the amount of work you and Leah and all of your crew have put into the Aftermath. Also, a huge shout-out to your spouses, children and family members for supporting you both. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy on them either.
It must be incredibly rewarding to see all the good your efforts have generated: making the world aware of what this horrible cult has done and continues to do, the Aftermath Foundation, and now the lawsuits.
I wish you and Leah all the happiness and sucess you deserve in this life. With all the horrible stuff that goes on this world, you are a force for the good and a shining example for the rest of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I hope to see an update episode in a year or two on the progress made. You all have done great work.
Hi again, just forgot to add to my long comment (sorry) lol but, you know, these organizations used to get away with these abuses Scott free before Reality Television and Internet could expose them! Like Scientology, many of these high control groups keep their followers from looking into their own religion. But we weren’t. We saw it via another one. I’m sure my ex religion didn’t anticipate that haha! Well, so, I kept seeing similar abuse tactics, and procedures, setup to facilitate the abuses! So with each exposure in each show, it actually kept giving me red flags! Not everything is the same, but it showed something like a template for any cult to get far and exploit as many people as possible! So, it opened my eyes throughout the show, and then it made me brave enough to do my own research about my religion. I doubt I would have, if not for your help waking me up, and I have now heard many ex JWs say the same thing, and after the JW exposure show, even more! The rest is history, and Liberation for the first time in many of our lives! Soo, agai…Thank You ALL OF YOU!❤️
I am sadden to hear that the show is over on A&E. I appreciate all you and the network has put out there about Scientology. Now you have got to find a way to have an uncensored show on Netflix or somewhere! It needs to ALL come out! Please keep us updated on Instagram on what other, projects, shows, podcasts or whatever yall do! Yall are angels and never stop or give up! I pray that yall end Scientology for good!
This makes me so 😤 I..can’t.. even… this saddens me as Aftermath is by far one of the best TV programs out there that is focusing on ridding a cesspool of disgusting scum suckers and opening up the eyes of the country to these maggots of prey as well as making a difference and helping the victims/survivors be able to live the life they never had.
Thank you!!! Mike, Leah, A&E and all the staff involved in exposing this cult! Having come out of a cult church most of my adolescence into adulthood life myself, I know how freeing it feels to have someone actually listen and do something about it. To JUST BE HEARD is absolutely most important.
I look forward to more potential projects and hopefully you can form your own podcast, or maybe Netflix?? I will miss Aftermath. I looked forward to each & every episode. Thank you again for all everyone has done.
Good luck; God speed.
Mike and Leah – Congratulations on a job well done. God Speed on the next steps of your journey. And may we never stop asking “Where’s Shelley?”.
Bad things happen when good people do nothing…..Kudos to you ALL for taking this giant on…your slaying it!!
Could not agree more.
Hi Mike,Leah and crew..Unbelievable work you are all doing to make everyone aware of this cruel abusive cult..So sad this will be the last season but looking forward to what you all have planned in the future!!Best wishes and stay safe!!
Big UK Fan🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
To Leah, Mike, A & E channel, staph, and to all those who told their story: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for telling these stories, that should never have had to be told if Scientology (and the other abusive “organizations” lets just say) would have had decent and proper policies, and would have ensured a decent, loving, proper SAFE environment! Hearing the stories captivated my heart for the long haul because I had to know, because I felt deeply for each and EVERY one, even if one has later tried to untell his story, or conceal the true nature of how some things went. I hope Marty gets a change of heart, but, without him doing so, the story has been pretty consistent and exposed! I hope it can keep being told until there is no more negative thing happening in that organization, or else, that there is no organization! I have to say, that I come from an angle of outside spectator, who has had her eyes opened about her religion, in many ways thanks to ALL of you! Thank you for telling the story in the episode about the Jehovah’s Witnesses Abuses, because that is where it personally was speaking for me! I was encouraged to stay in an abusive marriage and had not been warned when a 2 time offending pedophile was in my congregation, and more I could say, but won’t as I no longer am in, but will suffer shunning and there are many things I learned besides why it ALSO is a dangerous organization and I wish there was an Aftermath Safe Place for those in my ex faith to turn. But YOU opened my door to LIBERTY! Thank you so much ALL OF YOU!!! I KNOWN I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS SITUATION THANKS TO YOU… I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Thank you for letting us know about the series. Thank you, for all you have done and continue to do. I have always wondered about this “Scientology” and now I know. Sad that I ever wasted a single moment thinking about it at all. God be with you and may you continue to shine in the eyes of those that matter. Be safe and well, I will continue to pray that the path takes this cult to a complete end and soon.
Yo Dave,
Ok good buddy, round one is over. Good job. You are still in the ring although no one can see You.
But now the gloves come off. All the nice stuff we said about you ……. fogetaboutit. Better prepare for some uglyness now Dave. This will be the real deal ………….. you …………. in the witness box ……………. whadayasay about telling the truth to power Dave?
Yer total freedum awaits ………………. oh yes, don’t forget ….. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where you been, pal? It’s not the same without you!
Oh! So that’s why I have a lump on my head!
Thank you all! Keep going guys!! You have my full support!! I have been watching since the first show! Get those bastards!
Just so sad it’s ending on this format….look forward to seeing y’all elsewhere….my family and I are your supporters til the end…keep up the work for truth…love you Mike and Leah.
Mike, I’ve watched the mission/journey you and Leah have been on from the start and can’t express how happy I am that you’ve begun to expose this ruthless organization. Glad to have been a tiny dog of help on the mission you’ve both taken on. God speed!
Mike, Leah, Victims, Crew, Producers, A&E: Thank you for your courage and sacrifice. There had to be so many scary decisions that we, the audience, cannot begin to comprehend.I hope that you can continue to beat their butt. I’m worried 😧 that someone might get hurt from this evil cult. Please be careful
Thank you, Leah and Mike.
BOY, did Tommy piss off the wrong person at the “wedding of the century”, or WHAT?
I know, RIGHT?!!! Holy cow, talk about foot-bullet! LOL Those blue suede shoes of his must have been smokin’ after that!
Jere Lull – Yes Tommy boy did piss off the wrong person at that wedding. I bet D M would like to get his hands around Tommy’s throat . Tommy has got a lot to answer for . How’s marriage numero 3 lover boy ?
Considering your work so far, I am excited to see what happens when the restraints are loosened.
O/T: As I reviewed the pictures, two things struck me:
1) It seems Leah doesn’t TAKE any but gorgeous pictures
2)it was great to see Hana looking so good. She was one of the good ones and always retained her humanity as an Exec. I don’t remember her ever looking or sounding angry, much less the high-volume rage which seems to be the emotion of choice these days in scn.
I’ve lived in the next town up from Clearwater for over 20 years and I’d see Scientologists walking around downtown and read things in the paper but, it was not until you and Leah started broadcasting that my eyes were truly opened!
Thank you to everyone involved in the show and especially the people who shared their personal stories. My heart goes out to each and every one of you.
My mom lives not far from Clearwater and when we visit her I refuse to patronize Clearwater at all. I know that isn’t fair to those who aren’t scientologists in that city, but for me, I’d rather spend my money elsewhere.
Let’s see: you start a brand-new show on a backwater network, the show ills in millions of viewers (In Real Life, not scientology’s “millions”, or is it *BILLIONS*, now? ) No matter, the beast is mortally wounded
BUT remember that even mortally-wounded beasts can lash out with their dying gasps. still WATCH YOUR BACKS, never let your guard down or believe they’re done with the “fair” game games condition. As long as the Dwarfenführer wields any apparent power, he’s likely to do something nasty to someone.
As I type, I fear a bit for Shelly’s situation.
No discernible reason, it just came to me.
Jere Lull, your last two lines about fearing for Shelly’s situation struck me. So if Shelly is called to testify in the current lawsuit that’s gearing up, wouldn’t it be “interesting” if she suddenly died and it was made to look like either natural causes or a suicide? That’s something I don’t wish on Shelly, but not something I’d put past DM and those who do his bidding.
An amazing amount of EFFECTIVE work by all involved and the accolades that should go with it. It is great that the series can be accessed into the future on A&E due to the internet.
Cannot wait for your online excursion that will go broader and deeper!
Does this mean there has been one more special episode shot, a series finale, which has not yet aired?
I hope that you will find another way to continue the programming, online distribution, a Netflix/Hulu type situation, or something of that nature.
The excellent work you have done exposing the abuses of Scientology has been smashed into the history books. This information is now out there, forever, and Scientology will forever have to deal with the fact that they can’t refute it, and that the world knows of their crimes.
Keep it up, and I hope there will be more content in the future that’s digital, streamable, sharable, etc.,
Until there is no one else being held captive, abused, or having their family taken away by Scientology –
YEs, that is what it means. A 2 hour special has been shot and will air soon.
SOMEONE: please remind us Monday that the special is at 9 PM. Just in case my DVR tries to screw up.
August 26th, 9pm! ☺
I have tattoos that say, August 26th, 9pm. I just need to get over the pain.
OSD That might not be the time for Pacific Time. That time was for Eastern time.
Mike, Leah, and all the wonderful producers and people at A &E who put on the Aftermath show, THANK YOU for your bravery and hard work and personal risk to do this. You are pioneers and crusaders against evil actions of a cult. And also thank you for not allowing yourself to be bought off and owned by DM and the church. I hope you can find other venues to carry on for another season of this great reporting and expose of DM and the church. We must not stop until the abuses stop. My hope is that those of us affected by disconnection will see our loved ones soon as a result of all this. Thank you for all your work.
I am and will be eternally grateful to all of you who made this show for the world to see. It has been instrumental in getting individuals to take a good look at the organization of Scientology and to leave this oppressive group. I was in it for decades myself and left after watching the Truth Rundown put out by the St. Petersburg Times and was extremely thankful for all of the information I was able to get from this report. As I read it, I knew that the people being interviewed were telling the truth because I had experienced the very same things they were relating. Good luck in all of your future endeavors. I wish you all the very best.
Congratulations on The Aftermath series and what you’ve accomplished with it. You have my family’s heartfelt thanks.
My siblings, some of my extended family and one of my children have declared Suppressive Persons by Scientology. All have refused to disconnect so we are still a family. Even the few who are in good standing refused to disconnect. A new, straight-down-and-vertical era has begun for Scientology. The Aftermath has served its purpose.
Again, thank you and Leah for your ceaseless efforts to expose Scientology’s abusive and criminal practices.
Wow, thanks.An unbelievable run.Curious on the legal target 2.
Mike, Leah, Victims, Crew, Producers, A&E: Thank you for your courage and sacrifice. There had to be so many scary decisions that we, the audience, cannot begin to comprehend. Many blessings to you all as you move forward in your pursuit of justice. Please keep us in the loop. Now that we know the truth about Scientology, we are also responsible for how we respond.
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
– Winston Churchill
LOVE that quote. Thank you.
Very grateful to you and Leah and all those who supported your efforts. The world of Scientology is a greatly different place as a result. You have introduced the TRUTH where none existed and it has saved lives.
From the bottom, side and top of my heart, thank you.
As in, whoop there it is! Whoop there it is!
Thanks OSD! That song has been in my head for the last two hours. Good thing I have Mike’s bobblehead on my desk to tap every time I sing it!
You actually sing it? Whoa! That’s some talent!
Thank you Mike and Leah. May you have another TV media to further the story of abuse.
You guys have wounded the beast.
May this up and coming lawsuit bring down this evil regime.
Hubbard uses the law to harass. It’s now karmically time for the tables to turn. The law is now in hot pursuit of Scientology criminals.
We will all be watching.
May your next phase be even more powerful.
Thank you all those who told their story on Aftermath.
Nice post Brian.
I will make a comment as soon as I stop crying. 😢. Love you guys.
I’ll stop crying if you make a comment.
Ok…OSD…! 😂
C’mon Kim! Smile…oh, sorry. You’re already smiling.
Well, there goes the last reason for keeping my cable subscription.
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the show. Well, maybe “enjoyed” is the wrong word, as it was frequently heartbreaking and/or disturbing. But I never missed an episode, and have the utmost respect for you and Leah.
Loved Loved Loved the show. You did more to expose the evils of Scientology than all other previous efforts combined. There is so much more to do. Please go to NETFLIX, they would be fools to not pick up this show!
Mike…Leah…What you have accomplished is remarkable, will always be appreciated and never will be forgotten. Thank you.
Thank you Mike and Leah for all you do!
I am saddened that this has come to a close, at least on A&E. What your show thus far has done and continues to do for the victims, survivors and the truth about this sick money hungry cult has been amazing. Mike and Leah kudos to you both who have lived this nightmare and have done and will control go fo whatever it takes to put an end to this once and for all. I applaud you both and everyone involved. I will continue to follow anything and everything you bring to light. Godspeed to all. Keep up good fight. It’s phenomenal what you’ve accomplished.
Many thanks for all you have done thus far. It will be a sad day for all, I’m sure, when the final episode of the show comes to a close. You all have brought to light something most of us never knew existed. Oh, sure…we all knew Scientology was a “thing”…but I’m pretty sure we never knew what a terrible “thing” it was. I would also like to thank you all for the expose you did on the Jehovah’s Witnesses. My sister has been a practicing Witness for years, and she took offense at the facts exposed on your show (no surprise there!). Maybe it gave her pause…maybe it didn’t…but at least you put it out there. I’m convinced a very dear friend of mine became a victim of Scientology. Reports are that he’s no longer with us, but there is no information about his final resting place. I have exhausted every avenue trying to find out details of his last days, to no avail. The perseverance both you & Leah have displayed gives me the strength to never give up in my pursuit of the truth. God Bless you both and everyone involved in exposing the cult of Scientology. Your efforts will be appreciated for many years to come.
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Perhaps try asking with his name on here, Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker and the Ex-Scientologists Message Boards (ESMB). Recently two people were looking for info on a parent and former friend, respectively. They’d been looking for decades and were able to hear from people who’d known and worked with them, and in one case, someone who was around the parent towards end of life. It’s a tight knit community so if you’re able to post last known whereabouts and name, people there will get the word to exes they know from that region.
As to your sister, my prayers will include her tonight (technically this morning? New mom brain!) and that the show planted a seed of something she cannot ignore. That she will be more aware of the contradictions and things that should not be. And mostly that you’re family will be kept whole and grow closer in the process.
Thank you for your reply, Jenyfurrr. My friend’s name was (is) Ron Stevenson. He moved from Connecticut to Artemus, Kentucky in the mid 90’s. A few years later, he sold everything (including his beloved dog) and moved to Florida…never to be heard from again. He was (is) a computer wiz. I don’t mean just navigating the keyboard…I mean building them from the ground up, programming them and building websites. I have no proof that he ended up involved in Scientology, but it’s as good a guess as any that he seemingly disappeared after moving to Florida.
Thank you again for caring and for your prayers for my sister. She’s still going to the Hall to worship (she’s told me about the Sunday “mass” & it doesn’t sound much like church to me). However, she’s yet to be baptized into the faith, so we have hope!
Before I knew much about Scientology your story about your friend wouldn’t lead me to think that… but being that he sold everything and then disappeared, it’s the first thing to come to mind.
Glad your sister isn’t 100% in yet and hope her continued communication with you will help her to slowly see the light. I’m Christian and I can’t imagine – even with faith – going into a Kingdom Hall and not seeing a bunch of red flags in what they say and do, especially if one has any knowledge of the Bible themselves. So no problem, happy to keep her in my prayers and hope that she starts to notice and see some warning signs.
I grew up in Clearwater and remember my parents vehemently stating that Scientology was a cult and not a religion. I was too young at the time to fully understand, but your show brought back so many memories for me. They worked with Gabe Cazares to try and stop the land grab of property in downtown Clearwater (which is now a ghost-town….so sad!). Your show was so important in letting people know the true evils of Scientology. I had no idea of the abuse and emotionally manipulative practices going on. As you both said, if they really are a religion they would let you leave. We will miss your show, it was truly an enlightenment.
J. Ross,
Please tell your parents that THEY WERE RIGHT!
What courageous and discerning parents! That was a time when the “church” of $cientology was so dangerous to oppose (still are, but they were able to operate so overtly back then…) and the information about them was not as widely known or accessible. Growing up in Clearwater, I’m so glad they protected you from ever becoming involved and modeled doing the right thing even when it’s difficult. Much respect to them.
Thanks for sharing – what a crazy, stressful time that must have been!
Thank you, and please keep fighting. I’ve been enraged and disgusted by this and I hope ANYONE complicit in these abuses are also held accountable. Go get ‘em.
We have a pinita of Miscavige! Come on down and bring you favorite stick!
Keep fighting the fight! I am truly a fan of this show and Mike and Leah. Thank you for exposing this cult and so many others like the Jehovahs Witnesses. We stand together to open the curtains and bring light to their dark corners so that everyone will see who and what they really are.
What we need right about now is for Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Elisabeth Moss to wake up and see the truth about Scientology. Then – all of them join forces with us and go after David Miscavige and his evil cult.
Tick Tock DM
Tick Tock!
Heh – Epstein’s cell is vacant. Wouldn’t that be great if Slappy dined the orange jumpsuit (boys size 4) and was locked up in Jeff Epstein’s cell?
Thank you Mike, Leah and all the crew and brave interviewees for coming forward and airing the abuses and resulting aftermath of life in Scientology, most especially in the Sea Org. It came home to me the other day, yet again after meeting with 2 friends and former long term fellow S.O. members, how devastating this organization’s policies and brain washing was and is on children, families and the souls of all involved.
Well past 60years old are three who chatted over coffee, and still the grief wells up and the wreckage of lives impacted by Hubbard’s policies reveals more layers and details that the heart couldn’t deal with until just now.
This show has made me cry many many times. These people that are stuck in this evil environment we pray for. You and Leah are amazing getting these stories ot there. Keep up the great work and God bless to All!!
OMG! Holy Xenu! Did I read this correctly? Season 4 coming out in a few weeks?
My postulates are coming true and I did not even do Super Power.
Thank you for all you have done and are doing.
How do we get Aftermath cards? We will be handing them out to the poor slaves selling cult books at flea markets and witch fairs.
I have a feeling that regardless of the tv show or not . you will prevail for all who have in the past and still are dealing with this terrible suffering in Scientology? I could only imagine the power they hold in fighting against your efforts. There has got to be a loop hole to bringing them down? Leah and Mike , your crew and hopefully the feds,police,judges will be able to find a way to justice for all these people? It sounds like money is the root of all evil to how Scientology works. I only hope that someway the show can continue in another way to spread the word and light to many who still don’t know about this. Because there are so many who don’t know. The world needs to know. It’s just embarrassing how all these years they have gotten away with so much. Keep on telling the stories and I hope you get these bad people. Go get them!
I love your show and will miss it. I spread the word for others to watch it. I couldn’t get enough because I was in such disbelief that all this is truly unbelievable at times and all those who have suffered. Maybe? The show will go on in a new way?
This isn’t the news I was expecting. I enjoyed watching your show and seeing the reality that has surfaced from Scientology’s evil practices. Please continue to reveal the truth and help victims recover. I sincerely hope that you will return to the airways someday. Special thanks to Leah and Mike, keep fighting for justice.. Please keep us informed when you can. Our hearts are with you as you go forward.
Bravo, Mike and Leah!!!!
Looking forward to your next moves.
Both of you are kick-ass champions for truth and justice.
Much, continued strength to you ALL. The work you’ve been doing is nothing short of amazing. I have the utmost respect for you all. Go get em’
Wow. What an announcement! What great photos! What a great acknowledgement to the producers and participants of the show! Thank you Mike and Leah for your hard work, persistence, and courage! You deserve all the accolades and the Emmys for bringing to recognition the abuse perpetrated on hard working well meaning parishioners. I admire your hard work and honesty in what y’all do. 🙏💪
Not an end but a new beginning!! I’ll miss the show, but it will not change my path- or the path of so many who fight against the evil perpetrated by this cult. I KNOW the fight will not end until the cult is destroyed. I mourn the fact the show will no longer be able to reach new and even more dedicated public members who may still be in that “curious couch jumping” phase of the journey.
Mike- I want to thank you and Leah for allowing a glimpse into a world I never knew existed. I won’t stop just because the show has, and I look forward to new revelations and new opportunities to fight this battle!!!
You GO, Kat! Please accept a ((hug)).
What about me???
I agree, new beginning of new opportunities to ensure people are aware and inoculated against this group, of fighting for justice for victims/survivors AND of seeing what Mike & Leah have coming next online or on other venues to continue down this path!
Thank you for ALL you’ve initiated and coordinated. You’re amazing and your passion and commitment are inspiring! The billboard and other things you’ve done or spearheaded with others truly bring great hope. Also I know there are others you’ve worked with behind the scenes (thx to them also) and connections you’ve made to set some things in motion.
I know there are some exes and those personally effected who are likely feeling sad or disappointed, but thanks to all the above that’s been started, what Mike & Leah do next and the many people who’ve been inspired by the show to get involved and DO something… I hope they hold on to your words above!
Thank you for sharing these stories. Keep up the good work even if it has to be behind the scenes now.
The Aftermath spurred me on to think more about my past involvement with cultish religion and with toxic relationships in my own life. It reaches beyond Scientology. Thank you, thank you!
Do I understand correctly that just one new episode filmed in June remains to be broadcast?
Thank you for exposing Scientology for what it really is. A cult which has somehow managed to slither under the banner of religion. My daughter & I were enthralled with every episode & after the completion of the series were left totally baffled & wondering how this cult has been allowed to become so influential & capable of destroying so many lives without any consequences.
Thank you once again for giving your audience some insight on the treatment of members under the iron fist of this cults’ narcissistic & brutal leader. Keep up the fight!
I don’t want it to end!!!! You’ve been amazing and very insightful.
Thank you guys for opening up our eyes to all the horrible things that goes on with Scientology. I’m sure we will see you again once all the legal crap is finalized. God Bless both of you, your family and especially those who told their heartbreaking stories. We’ve got your back. Love to you both, can’t wait to see you again.
Ugh…I was afraid this was coming. A show as important as this should never stop airing for us to see. Exposing this horrible cult and what it’s doing to people is most important. I hope that you guys will continue to do your work somewhere else.
Thank you for these shows! Keep up the good work! The local churches in Clearwater area are with you. We have been in prayer for you for years.
Praying for everyone’s safety. So thankful you are not backing down.
Obviously God has another plan for your hard work to reap a harvest! The show was a great avenue to create awareness and expose this cult for what it really is. I have cried, laughed and been outraged by the stories you all have told. I have also prayed for your team…for strength and protection, and I will continue to do so until every single soul has been released from Scientology. PLEASE keep us updated!! You are not alone. May God go before you and direct your paths and keep them straight. Can’t wait for the season to start!! You and Leah make a powerful team!!
This is bittersweet news. I’ve learned so much about this cult that has taken over Doentoen Clearwater. I trust you will continue to shine a spotlight on the darkness that this abusive organization relies on. Mike, i hope to see you around Clearwater hanging with Aaron and Mark!
Hmmmmm…..I didn’t know there was a Doentoen Clearwater.
It’s near the Abbey….
Abbey the person or Abbey the building?
Thank you to one and all for an incredible interesting show – a real eye opener. It led me to confront the Scientology guys punting for business in my local mall here in Johannesburg South Africa- they have stopped setting up their stress tables. Looking forward to new segment.
So sorry this is happening. Please continue your work. We just saw a building in Philadelphia that is purchased by scientology. Told our child to stay away. Please keep us updated!!
I am stunned that your show will no longer be a staple in my home. I commend you both for being so courageous and determined to bring light to the Cult of Scientology. No person, man, woman nor child should ever subject themselves to being humiliated, abused in every shape or form or tossed as if you were like garbage.
Although we will no longer see you both do what you do best… expose the dirty and the evil that this Cult does… you both are destined to amplify your voices to the top.
God Bless you both and everyone involved in this project and future projects. YOUR WORK IS NOT DONE‼️
Please keep us posted… your forever fan of the Aftermath!
The impact and importance of what the two of you did with “Aftermath” cannot be overstated. You reached MILLIONS of people. Even as far flung as South Africa, I have lost count of the number of people who have immediately recognized the word “Scientology” when I tell them I escaped the cult 5 years ago – and they recognized it only BECAUSE of your show. Kudos to all who bravely stepped forward to share their incredible experiences and HUGE thanks to Mike, Leah, A&E and the awesome team behind you all.
It’s really hard to believe so many people can be misled, but we’ve seen it with our own eyes through you. Thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do. You and Leah are nothing short of Angels for so many people. Tons of Love & energy sent your way. ❤️ MB
What you all have done is priceless, very brave and without any doubt a historical milestone in the rise and fall of the cult of greed.
Thank you so much for the hard work. Please tell A&E to continue to show seasons 1-3. It will allow others to see what’s happening. Sell it to Netflix! Keep it running for all to see.
Tge show will be deeply missed!! HOWEVER we understand that some people high up would like to keep a lid on what y’all do… LUCKILY both of you and other good people are fighters!!! We wish you all the BEST!!! Can’t wait to see what the future holds!!!!
Thank You for sharing the truth about Scientology. Until this show aired I knew nothing other than my mom read the book. However she was a devout catholic and didn’t buy into the insanity spewing from that sick individual.
I am happy that you are at a point where things have progressed to the point where serious consequences will fall into place for the injustices.
I wish you luck on your future battles as I to believe truth will win and they will fall.
Thank you for fighting for those who can’t, for those that have and for those still in it!!!!
Mike and Leah I give you so much credit for the brave and courageous thing you have done and look forward to more from you. I keep hoping that the authorities will do something or the government on their status on taxes. great job and thank you
Thank you to everyone, but especially Mike and Leah, for the blood, sweat and tears that have made Aftermath such a great series. We will continue to support this cause in whatever way we can. I very much admire ever single person that took part in bringing the programs to the airwaves.
Thank you just doesn’t seem enough words for what you guys have done. I watched first out of curiosity then out of horror that things like this go on in our so called civilised world. Then because I have seen the harm that these people do to the young and vulnerable. I hope that you are able to end these peoples abuses that have gone on way too long.
Love the show….will definitely miss it ! Please keep us posted about what continues to happen in the battle against Scientology.
Love the show…..more so love the aftermath crew -keep fighting the good fight!
When this scam finally collapses I firmly believe people everywhere will look back on the show Mike & Leah created (with much help to be sure) and this show will be recognized as one of the single greatest reasons why the collapse occurred.
I would guess that at this time, no one knows how that collapse will occur. It could happen when law enforcement steps in and arrests the leadership and they are sentenced to prison terms. It could happen for any number of other reasons.
Regardless, Mike & Leah deserve the gratitude of everyone for the incredible job they have done as well as the incredible risks they have taken by challenging this evil monster that has caused such great harm to other people who have challenged them.
I wish to salute Mike & Leah and offer them my thanks and admiration for the great work they have done.
We LOVED the program and everything you were doing to help people. THANK YOU! We look forward to your next endeavor.
Sounds like you might be considering Aftermath or a spin-off for a different format after this? You might be surprised, putting it out there as a smaller production, delivered digitally, paid for by just accepting donations from viewers who desire to support you (could roll any money in excess of a certain amt into the foundation, or a percentage, etc)… with a small production, it is hard not to profit, for you two it’d be impossible you wouldn’t pull in enough to make it worth your while. You could talk about absolutely anything in that, with no worries of what is allowed, or what might alienate an advertiser. Just an option to consider.
That’s what I thought was implied — some kind of UN-sponsored television to tell more of the stories. Is that it? Or can that question not be answered yet?
If it can be answered, is there any chance that the shows that couldn’t be shown on A&E could be shown in the un-sponsored venue? (Will A&E let go of the material?) Or is the new focus on “telling the stories” in court?
I have so many questions about the new legal case, too. I was confused why they would go with harassment by the church rather than the damage done by the rapes and the church’s cover-up and “handlings” of the rapes. Could the latter still happen as well? Could the LAPD be sued for “losing” a criminal file? Could the DA be sued for discrimination against CoS’s declared enemies? Of the damage done by and around Masterson’s rapes, I thought the usual Fair Game stuff was the least of it. If they can prove Scientology agents were involved in killing the dog, that would strike another huge blow to Scientology’s reputation, though. I do hope, if & when they settle, the women refuse a gag order as part of the deal.
In any case, the Aftermath show has done amazing work and the Aftermath Foundation is continuing to do so. Many thanks to Leah and Mike, the whole crew, and everyone who participated in the shows.
This entire creation has been wonderful to be part of! Thank you Leah, Mike, the whole crew and especially each person who courageously shared their stories!
Also, a huge thanks to A&E who
Gave you the platform to educate the world about the insideous, abusive side of $cientology, that still continues to this day.
Pre The Aftermath, many peoole still bought scientology must be good as Tom Cruise and JT are part of it. Now? Daily people tell me: “Yes! We’ve seen Leah’s show…we KNOW how disgusting $cientology is.” Bless your hearts! If I can help at all in the future, count me in.
My love and thanks, <3
Tory Christman
(Magoo} 🙂
Mike and Leah and Team, thank you for your dedication, patience, resolve and grace. Thank you to all those that bravely, very bravely spoke out. Thank you is not enough but it is all we can give. All involved – you are blessed and the Truth will surface more and more, fight on , fight hard, fight strong.
Fist bumps to you and Leah and your families and the whole team involved in this production.
Onward and upward!
And, to the Tiny Tin Pot Tyrant: tick tock, you sorry, abusive motherfucker!
Ouch! Your fist bumps, bumped into my face. No worries. The swelling will subside.
Oldsurferfag has a big mouth! Fuck you troll
First thing is a big CONGRATULATIONS to you and Leah for making such a fine show.
As a never-in, your show was troubling on so many levels as it showed the many and varied abuses of $ci.. I was often gobsmacked that such blatant evilness was being done to people. Fair Gaming, Disconnection, forced abortions, blatant manipulations like safe pointing, physical child abuse, mental abuse across the board, scamming people out of their savings and family legacies, hurting people to show power, lying to everyone all the time and just a general pettiness about everything. I had NO idea this was how $ci.. ran and had run from its very beginning. The end of each episode always left me wanting more.
So THANK YOU for shining a light into this dark dark corner and for such an enlightening show. I’m personally sad to know it’s over, but GOOD LUCK with the next stage of exposing and crushing this evil cult.
Thank you so much. I have been following COS for about 30 years, fearing everything about it. I was so glad you got out.
Take care, the Aftermath has my adress in case anyone in Holland needs a place to stay.
Thank you for addressing one of many religions that do more harm than good. Please keep fighting the good fight but take of yourselves in the process. Let’s see good win over evil and greed. Thank you and best wishes on the next journey, I look forward to seeing what you can bring us. xx
I was one of those viewers that turned for curiosity but was quickly captivated by everyone’s heartbreaking stories, I am so proud of Leah and yourself Mike for your dedication to expose and help those who have been affected by the lies and mistreatment of the members of Scientology,
Thank you Mike , Leah and all involved for tell the world what Scientology really is! They Have to be stop and I know your going to do it no matter what. We who watch your show will be praying for all victims in healing. Please be safe you and your team and all involved! Thank you all again God bless!
As the saying goes: “The truth shall set you free.” Looking forward to the creative geniuses now being allowed to run free. Excited, in the knowledge, we have only just begun. What started as a flickering flame has amassed into an ever shining spotlight. Can’t wait to see what you two have in store!
My friends and I have watched, and then discussed, your program without fail. As sad as we are to see the A&E version of “Aftermath” coming to an end, we hope that it’ll pop up in other formats in the future. In the meantime, I know there are many people who are praying for each of you, and for the sometimes dangerous work you’re doing to shed light on such a corrupt enterprise! I hope a day comes when you’ll all be able to stand proudly, knowing that your tireless work was not in vain. God bless you all!
On behalf of myself and my family we thank you, Leah, A and E and everyone @ IPG for your efforts on behalf of the victims of the cult of Scientology. I sincerely hope you continue to speak on this vital issue in the future both on this blog as well as more mainstream media platforms. If ever I can assist you or your efforts Mike I stand ready to do just that.
The whole story has yet to be told, we both know that and I for one intend to keep speaking on the subject of cults and their predation upon society. You have accomplished so much Mike and for that I’m very grateful. I was active, as you know, in this field long before you left the cult and my intention remains the same.
Much love to you, your family and all present. ❤
Thank you to you and your families for being brave enough to speak up for those who can’t or are too afraid to.
Infinite thanks
My heart is broken by the new of no return on A&E but I understand how these situations happen. The fact that you are continuing to press forward with the necessary demise of the evil cult that has brainwashed so many good people warms my heart and if ever I can assist with more than spreading the word you speak, please let me know.
Mike, Leah, you guys have been such a blessing to those who got out. Keep doing what you are doing. You know you have a huge cheering section! God bless you guys!
I started watching your show in the beginning because I knew absolutely nothing about Scientology and was curious as to why you left. 5 minutes in I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and was glued to the TV not wanting to miss a single word. Leah, Mike and everyone involved in exposing this dangerous institution I admire your courage you’re amazing!!!
I think you guys were all brave! I love this show and everything is stands for I wish you guys nothing but the best in life😚
Well done on this brilliant show and for taking a stand. Cant wait to see what comes next. Keep going!
Such an informative and emotional show. I will miss it.
I found your shows informatively captivating. I will miss the excitement of having new show to watch. I hope that you can find a way to get these stories published or aired and find a way for Miscaviage to pay for the abuse he has caused and possibly the death of his wife Shelly. I would like to see him lose all credibility with everyone who has ever given him the power he has.
You have taught me so much about this crazy cult. I’m thankful you brought this topic to the forefront and exposed them for what they really are. I wish you all even more success on your journey for change. Blessings to the survivors. Thank you all, Leah, Mike & Team. 💕
Godspeed to you, Mike, and of course Leah and your whole team! I look forward to hearing of your successes in the coming days and months (and if necessary, years)!!
Wow! I am a bit disappointed but more importantly I am in awe of the hard work you’ve put in and the resulting momentum. Hoping there will be different/additional forums to stay updated on the good fight. Thanks to all of you for what you’re doing.
I am saddened that you and Leah won’t be on anymore. I have thoroughly enjoyed the show and being a resident of Florida, I have truly realized how crazy this cult is. Thank you for having the courage to do what you and Leah do and I certainly look forward to your next project. God bless you both and all those that have been brave enough to come forward and share their stories. They are truly heartbreaking.
Thank you for showing what Scientology was & is really all about (the destruction of families, sex & child abuse, fair game, etc). Keep up the good work, even if it is behind the scenes, but I am sorry you will not be on TV anymore, to see more of the stories about people who left Scientology. Please keep us informed & let us know what new developments have happened against Scientology in the courts, etc.
Sending you love and light. Thank you.
Yeah, that’s great. Now, can you turn the light off?
Or I can turn out your light. Bitch!
So the soul and spirit of the Aftermath will live on, and the work goes on and the cause endures in newer forms and with more freedoms. What a wonderful announcement.
Would still love to see your birds, Karen. If that’s ok.
Thank you for all you have done! Although I’m sad to see you won’t be on A&E, you must do what is necessary to finish the job. I’ll pray for your safety and success! I also hope we will see these efforts in the future where you have the freedom to do your work.
Mike, I am so thankful for what you and Leah have done. Also grateful to the entire crew and those who were so brave to come forward. I pray that Scientology can be stamped out for good. This is not a religion, it is an evil cult, and they should never have been given tax-free status!! Hopefully that can and will be changed for I think it is a really big deal. If they had to pay taxes on all those properties it surely would hurt their pocketbook and that is ALL they care about……Money and Power. Please continue on this important path of exposing them for the devils that they are. I know it is difficult, but so important!! Please continue to go forward with zest!!
I admire everyone that made this show happen, thank you to all, and especially to you and Leah. I’m so sad it’s coming to an end – Aftermath was an important program and changed people’s lives.
You and Leah took us on an incredible eye opening, gut wrenching journey. For me, Scientology was just a wacky cult, nothing to be taken seriously. Now, it is a blight on humanity that must be prosecuted and then eradicated. Whatever form the fight takes for you and Leah, I will still be here to cheer you on. Thank you both.
Thank you so much Mike & Leah et al. Thank you for introducing us to your contributors. I have enjoyed watching and listening to all of them. Some of the stories are so heart wrenching it defies belief. Any “religion” that can put you in the position of having to choose between your family and your church is inherently evil. I will wait with baited breath for the series finale and whatever comes next. Whenever I am in a situation where I am having doubts about my next course of action, I will ask myself: “What would Mary Kahn do? Thanks again to all.
I live in the valley around those gross “blue roofs”, if anybody ever needs a quick ride away give me yell, it would be a pleasure.
Thanks for the offer to help big blue SO members escape! Also I’m in the Valley too if you ever want to meet for coffee.
Nice – please sign-up as a volunteer at
I have a feeling you will be needed.
Thank you
I’m so very impressed with all that you have done!
Thank you for sharing the truth with the world. I can’t imagine that any of it was easy!
Bless you in your future endeavors!
Hope this is not gentle way to announce the project is over. You guys did amazing job and hopefully you’ll find strength, persistence and money to continue. I wish you all the best. Greetings from Croatia.
Keep fighting the good fight….know that there is an army of fighters at your back with our prayers, well-wishes and finances ready to battle the Cos until it is gone from the earth. You, Leah, and others who have been the standard bearers are so much appreciated. We know it is not an easy place to be.
What you have done, are doing, and will accomplish in the future MATTERS SO MUCH!!
I am sad that the show is ending. I hope that on some other type of tv service it can come back. It has amazed me how many cults there are masquerading as legitimate religions. I am lucky I had at one time wanted to read Dianetics because if it’s promises with this show I found out just how lucky I was to never get my hands on a copy. I used to be very easily brought into this type of controling environment and I fear I would have with it. The work you guys are doing is invaluable and I hope that one day you shatter the walls of this group.
Thanks for everything Mike, Leah, A&E, producers, crew, contributors. You’ve made a huge difference!
WOW, We all knew one day it will end on TV, however those who support you & Leah know the battle will continue for Scientology’s victims. It has been an eye opener for me, I once considered looking into Scientology at the lowest point in my life & was doubting my Catholic faith. I love Leah & I bought her book & it opened my eyes, thank GOD!! I wish you both & all the victims the justice you all deserve & prayers that your fight ends with Scientology being stripped of its tax exempt status & has to pay back every single penny to each member no matter their status, that David Miscavige & his minions are in jail & I pray that Shelly is alive & well somewhere. Good Luck Mike & Leah, keep us updated please.
Your bravery and determination to expose Scientology’s ugliness and manipulation has been amazing. I look forward to news of its demise soon and justice for those who have suffered greatly because of the brutality of the leaders. We have cried with you and others who told of the deliberate abuse against its members. You have done a great thing! God bless you all.
Thank you for doing what you have done. Don’t ever stop…
I will totally miss being able to watch your mission unfold on the tv but understand the need to move in different directions. Please consider adding IG or Facebook lives or another social media channel to let your message be known how you guys want it to be, rather than all the red tape I’m sure you all deal with. So many of us want to continue to support you all from afar and look forward to continuing to do so as I can. Keep up the good fight!
Mike, your kindness and compassion in the face of such destructive, abusive criminality has been an inspiration to me. To think that at one time I was deathly afraid to look at your blog. That WAS the power the cult had over me. You put yourself in dangers way to help people like me get out. You have helped save lives. And linking up with Leah you became a beacon of truth to help us lonely ships at sea caught in a deadly storm, come to a safe harbor created by honesty and caring.
I’m excited about what the next stage of your hero’s journey will be.
Keep up the good fight. You and the brave victims who tell their truths make us proud and humbled.
I grew up in Scientology and even went to Apple School in the 80s. I spent many days/hours hanging out in all the nooks and crannies of ASHO in Los Angeles. My sister and I have watched the Aftermath and it has brought back memories we’velomg forgotten. We believe that these people stories of SeaOrg contracts, could well have been us. Thank you for exposing the truth. People who didn’t grow up in it can’t fathom that all of this is the truth, not just an exaggerated version of the truth. I have watched and been heard saying ohhhh…that’s what that was and I remember this, but didnt know what it meant. Thank you Leah and Mike for this show. Many blessings and I pray that your efforts in the future are as successful. GO GET THEM!
I am crying with sadness that we will not have another season of the Aftermath, but I am also crying with pride that all of you brave souls took a stand and made a huge difference. What you have accomplished already is an astounding feat! I will be following blogs and videos closely to keep updated on the progress. I am behind you in your next endeavor on the path to eradicating the terrible practices of Scientology. Thank you all for what you have done. I am a big fan.
Thank you Mike and Leah. This fight is active. There are people still suffering and being attacked and taken advantage of every day. Families are still being torn apart. Your fight is our fight and we will not cease. I know i am not alone in saying that i look forward to what you have planned next. Thank you mike and Leah, thank you to all the brave people who have come forward to share you story. It has strengthened us and done more good than Scientology could ever do. #FightOn
Thank you Mike and Leah. This fight is active. There are people still suffering and being attacked and taken advantage of every day. Families are still being torn apart. Your fight is our fight and we will not cease. I know i am not alone in saying that i look forward to what you have planned next. Thank you mike and Leah, thank you all brace people who have come forward to share you story. It has strengthened us and done more good than Scientology could ever do. #FightOn
I love you guys and sometimes I worry that they may hurt you physically somehow. So, to our real super hero’s: Be careful, be safe, and go get ’em.
Loved the show! I watched every episode❣️ You guys are special people to fight this fight❣️ I just want Scientology to just go away. I think what you have done has helped so many people and I’m just really proud of you both, good luck with your future hard work. And I hope you continue maybe on a different network❣️
Thank You Mike and Leah for making the world aware of this demonism. God bless protect prosper and strengthen you both for your task and journey ahead support and love for you are here thank you both again.
Jean Bloem south africa
Congratulations on a job well done Leah and Mike. You have certainly staggered and exhausted the behemoth Church of Scientology. Keep up the good work and we we shall see it fall once and for all. Love to you from me and Karry.
I can’t wait to see what’s coming next. I know some might be upset about the show ending, but the whole point is to expose scientology and end their abuses. If you can do that better through a different avenue, I think it behooves us to put the full force of our support behind the new endeavors. I anticipate a full frontal assault and the downful of this despicable cult.
Thanks for the show. Thanks for the hard work. Thanks for not giving up.
I look forward to whatever you do next, even if not on TV. Thanks for the show!
Oh my! :((((( ugh!!
I cannot wait to see and hear more from you and everyone involved. Best wishes! until then, I will be loyally following on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube!
Im sad to see the show come to an end. I am, however, excited to see what you and Leah will continue to do to help those hurt by scientology. Maybe yall could get in with Netflix or Hulu…Im sure you would be able to do much more without the constraints of network television. Please keep us updated with what you guys accomplish!
Scientology and the Aftermath was an amazing show that laid bare the reality of the Church of Scientology as a vicious, destructive, and greedy soul-killing machine.
The Church’s Fair Game machinery went into high gear as David Miscavige’s wretched minions attacked everyone connected with the show. But we all stood strong and united against the slander, libel, lies, and vengeful attacks of the Church of Scientology.
Scientology: You’re not stopping any of us from exposing your evil no matter what you do. The Karmic Vortex is inexorably grinding the Church of Scientology down into the dust of history.
A powerful new phase of Karma is beginning….
A chapter closes, Another begins. Methinks we are soon to see the new chapter will be without the gloves. I am anticipating……..
Mike, you and Leah are unstoppable. Thank you, thank you, thank you. A million times, thank you, for what you’ve done. Whatever the plans, whatever will be occurring in Chapter 2, I’m with you, 100%.
Aww really? I’m gonna miss you guys. Congrats on all that you have achieved. Keep up the fight. Someone has to.
You two changed the public perception of Hubbard’s con forever. This show was like the heavy lifting of the first stage of a Saturn V, now you’re in orbit. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
I’m so sad to see the show go, but am encouraged by you and Leah’s determination to end Scientology. I know one day, your hard work, and people continuing to tell their stories will bring them down. I must tell you I can’t wait for that day. And we will all know it was because of you and your team. We’re all behind you!
Mike, thanks to you, Leah, and all those involved in making the Aftermath program. It has been a knock-out blow for scientology. The cult is down for the count, as evidenced by all the empty orgs and public repulsion.
Can’t wait to see the future projects from you in the future, now that you are unfettered and unrestricted. This must sound ominous to David Miscavige.
I too thank them for all they did to bring things to light. I’d heard rumors for years. I remember hearing the advertisements when I was younger for the dianetics books… Miscavige should be shaking in his boots. I also have to wonder with the new laws that have just opened up in some states re: statute of limitations if that can help some of the cases of past abuse. I really hope people can find peace at minimum and hopefully some justice for what has been done to them and their families.
I so love the Show please continue to keep us updated, Thank you for sharing your challenge with us. Thank you to all the People who stood up and Fought. Bless you All.
Bless you for what you have done and are continuing to do! I hope to learn of the results for all your next avenues to finish Scientology. I will be praying for all involved! Thank you!