I am cheating — this is not really a “post,” I am simply directing you to read this new article in Entertainment Weekly.
I am traveling which has hindered my blogging abilities.
And also, I saw a dozen fake twitter accounts sent out tweets about me this morning, so I figured they must be going nuts about something. I checked the news and this story is at the top of the Scientology newsfeed on Google. I figured this was the cause of their latest bout of ad hominem bleating, so it deserved wider coverage.
It’s my middle finger of the morning to the evil empire.
Read the article here.
Someone just sent me this. I have no idea where it comes from, though it appears it might be on a Facebook page.
These people are SOOOO unreal. They actually believe they can make an impact if they “cut the subscription”??? What, 50, 100 or even 1000 people? And to get rid of A&E they would have to cancel their basic cable package. You cannot just stop “A&E” — and there are tens of thousands of people switching to “no cable” and just using streaming services/computer (which is why you see all cable channels, including A&E putting content on their webpages).
They are worse that just naive. They have apparently been turned stupid.
Mike & gang-After Tony Ortega’s blog post about Charter Spectrum selling a channel to CoS, I sent this email to Stefan Anninger, VP Investor Relations, Charter Spectrum, ([email protected]) and urge all to give Charter a similar heads-up on who they’re getting involved with:
“Mr. Anninger,
I’ve been a loyal Charter/Spectrum “Joe Customer” and hope you can pass this below to your boss, Tom Rutledge:
I’ve learned that Charter Spectrum has provided a channel to the Church of Scientology, which I see here:
I urge the Charter access screening personnel (that I would hope you have) to look into the organization to whom you’re selling media access. This so-called “church” is held to be among the most evil and mercenary organizations on the planet. You’ve but to watch programming you carry, A&E’s Scientology Aftermath series, to witness the tragic drama of this organization’s treatment of former loyal, high-ranking staff members and learn the murderous lengths Scientology goes to for retaining control of its venal power.
After watching even one episode, you (and hopefully Mr. Rutledge) will realize not only the deep moral consequences, but also the disastrous business outcome, of giving a voice to, and thus covertly endorsing, this despotic, diseased organization.
As a professional drug and alcohol addiction counselor, I’m personally infuriated by one of Scientology’s many money-grubbing fronts, Narconon, a bogus addiction treatment business whose sole aim is to get as much money as possible from the heartbroken families of addicts while giving ineffective Scientology-based “treatment,” sending more than a few of their patients out to certain death after relapsing. The current and pending lawsuits Narconon faces attest to this.
If Charter/Spectrum ignores the truth of whom your doing business with, I’ll close my account and make it my lifetime mission to urge others to do the same. And if you’ve heard nothing else from the above, know this and know it well…I’m but one among countless others who also take this stand.
John S. (Jack) Brooks CADC-1″
Together, we can stop Charter Spectrum making this unknowing mistake.
This may not be the first news of the SCNTV media channel that is being reported on Tony Ortega’s website, which I see that Mick has already briefly noted and linked to, but I wanted to go ahead and create a new comment to be sure that everyone sees this:
As I’ve pointed out before, there is usually at least some small kernel of truth in Scientology’s claims, so when they say something like that they’re going to start “broadcasting,” that can’t be totally dismissed. I had thought that it would be something more modest like a channel streaming over the internet, but I’ve also learned never to underestimate them.
I don’t know if this is a bold stroke of brilliance, or just the desperation of a wounded and cornered animal. The programming being reported on Ortega’s website, predictably, looks like cable broadcasting of mostly the same old material that they already have in video format. It would not surprise me if they did something additional like hiring professionals to do a news show from a Scientology perspective, though that would be a stretch for them to pull off.
I would have thought that they would have hesitated to do this, knowing that they don’t have enough good material and that their material doesn’t go over well when presented directly to the general public, and that it might just expose them to even more widespread ridicule. On the other hand, Hubbard’s approach as refined by current CofS management, like with all the mailed PR, is to cast a wide net in hopes of catching just a very few new recruits, and it is possible that they will get more response to this than might be expected.
That’s all assuming, of course, that the reports are correct and being understood correctly, and that Scientology even actually manages to start “broadcasting.” Also, a couple of important things may not be immediately clear, including whether this might actually be some limited subscription channel.
My prediction is that this is a move of desperation, and is going to “pull in” some things Scientology doesn’t want and may have failed to consider, possibly including some new problems like real push-back from Christian religious groups.
I think you are correct. This is going to pull in unwanted scrutiny and criticism. Why is everything so secret about the events Miscavige does? Because if anyone really scrutinized them, they would be torn to pieces as a fabric of lies. The liability of doing this is that you put the content of whatever you broadcast into the hands of the world to sit and chew on. Even any actors that appear in the shows are going to be tracked down by people with too much time on their hands systematically finding their names and publishing them on the internet. Every one of their promotional videos is going to be scrutinized with microscopes. Of course, the vast majority of what they show will simply be the same milque-toast stuff you can find on their website, but they are going to have to come up with more stuff than that. There are unseen pitfalls in this endeavor FOR SURE. It is being done to convince the INTERNAL public they are expanding, it will flop big time and likely blow-back big time with any external public. Everything Miscavige does turns out that way.
It’s certainly a possibility that part of the plan for the scientology channel might be running a loop. In other words showing the same materials (some may be in a different format) continuously, over and over. It also struck me that the station’s rating is “MA.” I’m not sure exactly what they’re planning on showing that wouldn’t be suitable for at least a fourteen year old. On the other, considering the allegations of child abuse and defiance of the child labor laws in the so, someone might actually might’ve been prudent enough to elect not be seen as attempting to persuade those underage to join the circus.
“…but they are going to have to come up with more stuff than that.”
I used to really be into Oprah. When she started the OWN network, she had a lack of content BIG time. When you’re on 24/7 you gotta FILL those hours with something. Rolling out prematurely, not being prepared with content was not a good plan for Oprah.
If I am remembering correctly, there was media flashback on the poor planning as well. it took a lot of time to develop other shows to fill those slots. I gave up on her then, for many reasons, but in the beginning she was showing syndicated old TV shows in non-major time slots.
Soooooo…. recalling comments on the time it takes and providing financial records for scn getting FCC approval to broadcast thru SuMP… Is buying time/channel on cable providers not the same thing? I’m guessing… but I haven’t the time to research this. Can someone comment on this?
As I put it in post on Tony Ortega’s website, “It’s one thing for them to be a sort of malignant force that seems mostly corralled in their own buildings, no longer able to even “body route” on the streets successfully if at all, but it would be another for them to start trying to broadcast into the homes of the general public.” That might even allow them to directly reach out to some impressionable young people, in a way similar to how Isis and other extremist groups recruit.
This got me to thinking, if Scientology really does start broadcasting on a channel that is part of regular cable packages, there could well be consequences beyond just some predictable responses from religious groups. I know that in the past, one of the things that really generated backlash and consequences for Scientology, was when their recruiting efforts swept up the children of influential people. If something like that does come to pass, there are going to be a many more people interested in doing something about Scientology (as the saying goes), and besides having additional allies in ending the abuses, it would be important to be prepared to communicate clearly and effectively to a whole new audience of people.
Indeed this is a desperate act and you have to wonder if David Miscavige is like one of those unfortunate gamblers who gets an orgasmic thrill making a ruinous bet on a no-chance-in-hell throw of the dice. What can he possibly be thinking?
It’s probably too late to call anything the church does, ‘suicide’ given that scientology is accelerating downhill toward a cliff anyway. But when it presents itself (the LRH biographical episodes!!!) on public media it is making himself available for public commentary armageddon style.
I can’t help thinking this blog with it’s long-standing jokes about SuMP may be among the motivating factors behind the keeping of a meant-to-be-forgotten promise issued last May. It’s easy to envision a crazed and obsessed David Miscavige swearing a hundred times a day, “I’ll show those bastards, I’ll show those bastards…”
I agree that it’s going to open them up to so much more ridicule, especially about LRH’s odd teachings and their laser-show, flag-waving, “hip-hip-hooray” types of “services” if they show that stuff (even though those things are not really what this fight is all about).
I’m just curious if the majority of their “viewers” are actually going to be critics scrutinizing every little thing that is “broadcast” as opposed to those still inside of the bubble. I mean seriously, I have to believe that even the most dedicated Scientologist can only listen to LRH lectures for so many hours a day…..especially if there are no watchful eyes around to make sure they’re truly “studying”.
We are millions of Scientologists! Not even counting all your body thetans would make millions.
maybe there speaking of Money rather than ppl just never know & if I read something claiming to be Mike R that didn’t sound like something he’d say & I’d not believe it unless I heard it straight from him rather than believe Gossip or assume he did esp not knowing him personally which I don’t but he & his family prob would be great friends to have w like ideas & doing the right things so keep doing your calling…. Have a Great Day Mike & family….
What kind of sentence is that? Wow/ No words.
Lots of words. No punctuation.
If rays of love and light start shining through the hearts and minds of every pseudo and genuine s.o. member alike, put down your middle finger. Miscarriage will blossom into Miscaviar and everyone will be at fault for the most glorious unfolding of glorified body thetans in Christ’s millennial realm.
we are millions? sheesh he/she really is in the bubble one day she will know the truth
Are the FSM aware some folks are apparently spending money on cable they could be using for courses, or improving their IAS status? Tsk, tsk.
My new hobby is collecting the nicknames of DM that you folks have come up with. My favorites so far…Dwarfenfürher and Diminutive Jim Jones! Any others???
Size 7 ladies. If the slipper fits.
Hi M.A.
Missionary Kid posted a compilation of nicknames for the Wee One (on the list!) over at the Underground Bunker a while back
Here’s the link (it’s in the comments section)
Over at the Bunker they use my favorite “Captain Four Foot Thirteen.” Another one I see often is David “SCOHB” Miscavige, SCOBH is an interesting acronym the Tiny Tyrant used to describe a specific sexual act he claimed incompetent scilons did “……. on Hollywood Boulevard.” Someone over there has made a list of all the nicknames and it’s fairly long.
I hate to be the party pooper, but I would like to suggest that particularly the names that make fun of Miscavige’s physical features are uncalled-for, and that they risk creating the wrong impression about otherwise serious critical comments, particularly with new visitors and especially any still-in Scientologists who might come here seeking information. I think that our host Mike is a great example of taking the high road, and the impact that has in part through the unassailable reputation that it creates for the speaker (or writer), and that we would do well to learn from his example.
I agree with you. I don’t think it accomplishes anything, but I don’t have time to sift through and try to edit that sort of thing. And it is a way of expressing frustration for some and simply a way of demonstrating that “I am no longer in a subservient position to you” for others.
I on the other hand will happily take the low road.
In their own words, it’s FAIR GAME. In the fight against scientology, remember that their side will resort to anything. So I will do anything I can to ridicule Miscavige.
BUT, I would stop all ridicule if David Miscavige made even the smallest effort at atonement. I believe all people can be forgiven. I fear he is too far gone at this point, but stranger things have happened.
Keep in mind this ecclesiastical leader
makes fun of everyone who crosses his path or steps on his tiny John Lobbs.
Not to mention telling his flock to “suck cock on Hollywood Boulevard”
So, while normally I would agree with the sentiments you expressed, David Miscavige deserves each and every insult thrown his way…..from the top of his ridiculously pompadoured head down to the aforementioned tiny John Lobbs.
100% agree.
I’m no English Major or Copy Editor but sheesh whoever wrote that has atrocious grammar!
Grammar doesn’t matter in throat to throat Tom Thumbery.
Are Scientologist starting to get curious and watching the show, hmmmmm!!!?
She looks great. She looks fantastic and 10 years younger. 🙂
AGREED! This is what taking a weight off your shoulders looks like! She is free to live her life speak her mind and help others TRULY help others not fake phony acting like you’re helping others. She is what FREEDOM looks like….freedom is beautiful! 🙂
They actually think their membership is in the millions – in spite of the (at most) dozens they see at the ideal morgues? I had to LOL.
All I have to say is:
Leah Remini Fuck Yeah!
Mike Rinder Fuck Yeah!
(and two more middle fingers to the cult)
Gus, I think that maybe Scientologists who lived in the LA area where there are some bigger orgs and more activity – and, probably around a quarter to a third of the active members left on the planet – might think that and not have to confront the more typical idle morgue situation.
Is the Cof$ getting ready for negotiating surrender terms yet? The war against honesty is going terribly for them.
I walked past Big Blue the other day. Someone was waving a white flag…
Did it have two interlocking triangles and a big, honkin’ S on it?
Mike mentions the Scientology news feed on Google. I have Religion set as one of my topics on Google news.
Scientology NEVER comes up in the Religion news feed on Google. Never.
It’s like Google knows something the IRS doesn’t.
“MILLIONS of scientologists” is a gross exaggeration but the more accurate, “dozens”, just isn’t sufficiently intimidating to convey a worrisome threat. If you ask me, it’s rather telling that a boycott is being staged rather than a mass OT counter-postulate offensive. But seriously, hasn’t David Miscavige been able to discover an extra-marital affair or something among the A&E executives that he may put a stop to this very popular show?
I just noticed they stated “we cannot do anything against this SP?” Then say “if we can let’s cut our subscription “?? That’s negative connatations by using “if we can”…”we cannot do anything”….I thought Scientologists were super beings?
I thought cable packages came in bulk. you have to get x y and z to be able to get b,c and l…So maybe have everyone give up cable and satellite TV? Good luck with that. Maybe they would turn to Scientology to fill the hours. pahahaaa! Probably they would reestablish their book reading skills and pull out the board games first…
Yeah, if they get rid of any channel who has ever aired any interview critical of Scientology, in conflict with any Scientology doctrine, or who has ever shown anything with an SP on it, then what channels would they even have left? The SuMP channel? Maybe that’s the ultimate goal……although I have my doubts they’ll ever get that “channel” up and running.
Or maybe I’ll be eating a hearty helping of crow on my last sentence…..ugh….
Dear Anonymous Person who wrote this promo, What specific lies are you talking about. Don’t you represent a religion that’s about “specifics?” Aren’t “generalities” a Suppressive Person characteristics? Oh well, it’s only one characteristic. You need 11 more of them to prove you’re a real SP. Oh wait! … or criticize david miscavige.
Can’t Scientologists just “think” about scrambling the A&E broadcast and it will come to pass? The OT VIII ppl should be able to transcend their bodies & cause A&E satellite signals, TV reception and such to just turn to static?
You’d think!
Sincere thanks to you Mike, your family, to Leah and hers for going through round two on this series. Not just because it will help others avoid the same fate but because I think your efforts will in the end, bring about reform if for no other reason that society will demand it. Thank you for doing something about it.
Agreed! Thanks Mike, Leah and everyone who sacrifices to shed light on this cult exposing the truth for the world to see. Thank you!
I am on vacation in Amsterdam this week and what do I see on the street where my hotel is located??? A big empty shell of a Scientology building. I took pictures and wish I could upload them for everyone to see. It is a big beautiful brick building with an LRH quote and a typewritten note (in Dutch) on the main door. Again, it is empty with no signs of people or activity, just the signs and LRH quote. It reminded me of one of the recent blogs that talked about how followers are misled into thinking things are going much better. In my humble opinion, they’re tricked into contributing to something that is really just a deceptive scam intended to build the “churches” real estate assets.
You can easily post them at Tony Ortega’s blog. Lots of people would love to see then. Its really good news that we pretty much know but pictures are fun and it confirms the reports. Pls do 🙂
Scientology has not studied the “Streisand Effect”. Keep their belly-aching known to the world Mike. You are doing the world a service.
I’m still laughing about the “millions of Scientologists” part! LMAO
You mean to tell me that you don’t believe they 8 million members? You know you’re ethics bait, right?
Yes!!! And “can not”. Really? You mean, “cannot.” And “Against to” What the hell?
“Millions?” Yea right. You are so pitiful.
Millions of Scientologists, just like Kirstie Alley’s recent tweet. What physical evidence have they seen with their own eyes to support this belief. It is definitely the hardest thing for a Wog to understand. The study of knowing. Wow!!!
I asked her about that. Because she initially said on radio show that her cult had 20 million but on Twitter the other day she said they were 10 million. So I asked her what happened to the other 10 million kristie?
What did she say?
As I noted in another post…obviously they are STILL counting those of you who have yet to receive your official “DECLARED” letters…..after all, if you have not yet received that lovely little correspondence, you are still being counted don’ you think
Silly question…If the “church” want their members to “cut the subscription”, does it call attention to the series and make members want to watch? Will the members start to ask themselves questions about where their money goes and will they then see the emperor has no clothes and call for answers to the allegations?
Will THOSE members have a wake-up call?
Let the light shine into the dark!
I am so looking forward to seeing Season 2 of Aftermath. I’m able to either stream it from A&E’s app or catch it during its TV broadcast. If I have a shift when the latest episode is broadcast live, I may even catch it on the app so I can check articles I need to read during the ads. I didn’t miss a single episode, including both the AMAs, all during the first season and I won’t during Season 2 either. But what can I do as a never-in besides write or phone my Congressman? What can I do that has enough credibility to be believed? My Congressman is a friend of mine, someone I’ve known for a good 13 years, someone with whom I’m on a first-name basis, and I still lack the credibility with him that someone who has seen or especially been subjected to these abuses would have on this subject. What do you – any of you who have been in at some point, particularly those who were in for years – suggest as the most effective things never-ins can do? A whole slew of us watched Season 1 and even more will watch Season 2. I’ve been reading up about Scientology for years and a friend of my late husband’s, Keith Henson, was subjected to immense harassment; I’ve heard his tales firsthand. How can any never-ins best help take this institution down?
Never in, but outraged. I want to know how to help, too
Laugh at them! They hate being mocked! That’ll do it.
Riverc the answer to your question is answered by Leah in the article Mike linked. Thank you for caring 🙂
Speak out. Write your congressperson; write the IRS. Go talk to a scientologist that has disconnected from someone and tell them about what you know. How the censorship they are experiencing is a characteristic of someone being ruled by a tyrannt. Truly try to engage in a discussion. If they won’t? Just tell them millions feel sorry for or are disgusted by a scientologist because they are free to hear and digest anything they want.
Gotta love it. Scientology has narrowed their range of emotions to two: Love bomb and Hate Bomb.
Happily the rest of us have a wide range of emotions to enjoy. Just for example: I am joyous and exhilerated that you and Ms. Remini have a second go at producing Scientology’s Truth Revealed
Wide range of emotions? I’ll admit to pity, glee, exasperation, empathy, and schadenfreude.
My only complaint about Aftermath is that I want it to start tomorrow!
The hate bombs are all over the internet, in their smear sites. You know the ones? Co$ slander and libel of exes who dare to speak out. If it were me targeted in this way, I’d be tempted to sue for slander and libel… But aint they got a nerve, whining about “hate crimes”, when they have taken their fair game tactics to the world wide web. Still, these insidious smear sites prove a point, at least about the juvenality of leadership, and that Co$ acts like no other church. Anywhere. Ever.
“Love bomb and Hate Bomb.”
haha, totally funny! and totally true.
Stupid is as stupid does…
And incorrect grammar to boot!
“We cannot do Anything against to this SP channel???”
Maybe they are hiring Russian trolls too these days.
Attendant to that article I read one that was a partial interview of Kirstie Ally by Howard Stern. In the interview Ally states she knows “hundreds of people who have been in and out of scientology.” Does that not tell her something? My guess is she doesn’t KNOW hundreds of people IN the church. She may see gatherings at which appear a few thousand, but even that has been dwindling over the years. So …. millions? Not so much. Thousands, and shrinking daily.
The support for you Mike and Leah on the other hand, is measured in the millions, evidenced by the number of viewers of the series, the subscribers to your blog, and those who follow you and Leah on Twitter and Facebook.
P.S.: I’m not sure about the spelling of the actress’s name.
It’s spelled “Alley”.
Thank you for the correction. ✌
” They are worse that just naive. They have apparently been turned stupid.”
That happened a looong time ago! If the cult were simply stupid they might not be quite the liability that they have become to society.
Stupid is as stupid does, Coop. And there’s a whole lot of stupid in Scientology. An over abundance, if you will. They’re swimming in stupidity day in and day out.
Now, fart in their general direction and have another laugh. By flooding the intertubz the clams think they have muddied the water enough to discredit anything you say or do. Another major fail. But someone will claim it as their happy stat of the week.
I shall now play the worlds tiniest violin in praise of the Dwarfenführer.
Season 2 will be such a blast, I am investing in popcorn futures.
ROFLMAO zemoo 😉
Popcorn futures up 6 points…and rising!
“We are millions of Scientologists” – yeah, right. The best estimate is that there are approximately 20,000 to 40,000 active. Even if every one of them “cancelled” A&E, it would have no effect whatsoever.
More like 18,000 to 20,000. Seriously…
Yes but how many are Sea Org, Int Base and RPF? That’s not 20K paying members right?
We in Global Capitalism HQ spend a lot of time talking to the management teams of companies we invest in. A major topic of discussion is always what risks and threats management is worried about… if we can predict risks to companies at least as fast as their management, we can avoid losses on our portfolio in the event that the broad stock market worries about effects of something and hits their stock price. For example, when Hurricane Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans and Houston, we were busy assessing how much business the companies we owned were doing in that area, and what an interruption for 30, 69, 90, 180 days would do to a company’s profits and thus to its stock price.
Several years ago, many companies were announcing same-sex partner benefits for their gay employees at about the same time. A number of fundamentalist Christian groups were announcing boycotts of those employers — companies like Target, all the airlines, Apple Computer, Google and many others were all allegedly in the crosshairs. We spent a lot of time talking to managements of the various companies that were targeted and we discovered something very interesting.
Companies actually have great research on customer propensity to switch. They worry constantly about how easy it might be for a competitor to grab loyal repeat customers. All the companies we talked to had run detailed surveys and computer models on the effectiveness of boycotts historically and had discovered that an organization with one million members prominently announcing a boycott of a company’s products had exactly ZERO discernible effect on their sales. For most retailers (and of course for airlines as well) weather has a far greater effect on sales.
So for a small cult with less than 10,000 members (excluding broke staff members with zero purchasing power) in the US, many of whom are “under the radar” members, pretending to go along with things but not actually going to events or doing what management says, the idea that they can have any effect on the finances of the network broadcasting Leah’s show is simply comically deluded. They’re only slightly deluded if they are believing what the cult says about membership, but they’re simply beyond saving if they actually know how small this failing “church” is and still think they can have an impact.
In the past, companies would often scramble to appease boycotters, not by doing what is demanded, but by at least sitting down with leaders of the group. A lot of companies had a person, typically in PR, with the title of “Director Of Community Relations” whose job was to sit down with these people and to pretend to listen to their demands. Now that they know boycotts are unlikely to have any effect, most companies simply ignore them. They don’t even bother to put out a press release much less waste their time on a meeting.
So even if A&E somehow became aware of this threat, a low-level PR administrator would take a look, spend five minutes to evaluate the threat as too small to even tell management about, and would toss the paperwork.
And for every one scientologist who boycotts the sponsors of A&E, there will be hundreds more, people like you and me, who will endorse the sponsors of A&E for two reasons:
1. They have the bravery to stand up to the cult of scientology.
2. The Remini/Rinder program itself is beyond being just an entertainment or informational program. This is MUST-SEE television, and it has become a topic around the water coolers across the world where A&E broadcasts.
My sentiments exactly! !
A&E is a BRAVE network they present so many cutting edge programs-they open the eyes of people every day on so many topics that otherwise we’d never know about. Raising the consciousness of the world seems to be A&E’s credo. Kudos to A&E led by a woman with chutzbah!
erm…Chutzpah! Meant to say!
John P.,
Don’t you remember the effective blow against HBO, in response to ‘Going Clear’, when millions of Scientologists canceled their HBO subscriptions and HBO was forced to lay off thousands of employees and eventually closed up shop for good?
Me neither
“pretend to listen to their demands” is what most businesses or governmental organizations do these days for most pressure groups. And most businesses will not address or acknowledge such a small protest group. The $cieno protesters may get more attention if Leah and Mike talk about on Season 2. No one else will even notice them.
The small numbers of pro-$cieno protesters will be offset by people buying all the ESPNs in order to watch the NCAA Tournament or Baseball season. Until the cable/satellite providers actually provide ala-carte channel lineups, no one will notice this butt hurt. The Streisand Effect now must be called the Miscavage Effect.
The clam ‘protests’ will not even be noticed, they won’t even be a blip on real income or subscriber graphs. Graphs that have properly labeled axis.
The World’s Smallest Violin again plays its mournful tune for the butthurt Clampire.
zemooo, you called it here first, and I will underline it, bold-face it, and italicize it… from this point on, the Streisand Effect will no longer be called the Streisand Effect. It will henceforth be known as The Miscavige Effect.
Keep drawing attention on yourself Miscavige, you shoe wearing size lady 7 sociopath!
I’m very much hoping A & E ends up releasing stats on how many (verified) people actually write in that they’ve cancelled their cable. And it is a nice idea to send an email lauding A & E for the series. Will do so today.
Millions!?!? Hahahaha ahha hahahaha. Omg the naivety and blindness of the bubble is overpowering.
Season 2 is going to be EPIC!
I can’t wait to hear the stories – hopefully there are some new ones I don’t know yet, although I don’t know how you can top the dog/disconnection tale told by Aaron in Season 1. But I’m hoping.
As to this story, I’m sure A&E doesn’t give 2 fucks about 12 people threatening to cut basic cable.
Again though, millions????? Hahahaha haahhahaha. Thanks Mike for the laughs! Great stuff.
Fake news claims Russia got Trump elected. Noooooo, it was the 10,000 OTs that were just made! Lol!!!!!
Travel safe Mike. Your middle finger gets magnified a trillion times and sent around this old world. Love it! Thank you. ??
“We are MILLIONS of Scientologists, all your cable channels are belong to us!”
Hee hee hee… welcome to the 2000’s you minion’s of LRH’s 1950’s dated unalterable “tech”. Guess the guru didn’t have the foresight to imagine the internet.
I am amazed those “millions” of scientologists have time away from their busy busy coursework at their echoing idle orgs to even have a subscription to A&E. Oh, wait, they don’t or they would realize just how stoopid they sounded. I usually stream it from my iPad. That way I can watch it wherever AI am. I wonder how many of the *ahem* millions of scientologists know what channel A&E is. If it wasnot so laughable, it would be sad.
You go Leah!
At least they admit they can not do anything against A&E. They are getting smarter. Thanks for the lulz.
Hi Mike there has probably been at least a million of us who were taken advantage of and scammed by Scientology. I love the show and plan on calling and thanking A@E for the exposing of this fake Church- Cult.
Has there ever been an estimate of how many people have passed through Scientology? Considering how long it’s been around, I could see maybe a million have taken at least one of the intro courses. But would love to see estimates at the different levels: intro, clear, OT (any), staff + seaorg.
Ah, you can do the math backwards. If the cult has a billion bucks, let’s say two billion bucks, that implies the whole charade is a failure. Think about it. Ten Thousand committed people (granted you lose some here, you gain some there), donating tens of thousands since the 1950’s would certainly add up over time. But millions of people squandering tens of thousands, and in recent years, hundreds of thousands, then yes, this “church” would be a mighty powerhouse of unlimited financial capital. Only 1 to 2 billion bucks of capital would imply Miscavige and LRH before him have no idea how to handle finances.
The church may be fake, but the cult part is absolutely true.
“We are millions of Scientologists!!!” — First laugh out loud of the morning.
These millions of Scientologists will surely put A&E out of business. /sarc
They are living inside a hollow bubble. Sad.
Good for you Mike, hang in there. You are doing a great job and they are now in panic mode. They are seriously naïve and stupid to think they can stop A&E, the SP Channel. LOL……..
Keep doing the A&E Series Mike and Leah, you have them on the ropes! After Reza did the “Believer” show about Indie Scientology, Freedumb magazine put up a hate site within minutes of it airing. It shows you how scared they are as it is full of lies. On a similar subject, WHEN IS LOUIS THEROUX SCN MOVIE COMING TO AMERICA? Any details?
Louis Theroux movie premiered in the US a month ago. Google is your friend.
That’s what I thought, but for some reason I am unable to find it on any streaming service in the U.S. I will happily pay to see it, but I’m apparently not able to do so; I’ve tried to, including via overseas services, and I am not permitted to watch it in the U.S. A trip north may be in order as a final resort; Canada is less than a half-day’s drive away.
Go to Amazon Prime. You can rent it there. Didnt look anywhere else. Google is your friend.
Thank you, Mike! I really appreciate that. It’s apparently now available there; when I checked there first, since we are Prime members, it hadn’t been, and all I’d been able to find were European and Australian sites which couldn’t show it to people in the US. That was several weeks ago, though, and I look forward to seeing it as soon as one of us gets paid later this week.
There’s been hardly any advertising for this in the US. It’s strange. I wish it would have hit theaters here instead of going straight to stream. Would have loved to have seen it at the Alamo Drafthouse. Oh well.
I should have seen it during SXSW!
I loved the movie. After reading on Marty’s that it was crap I needed to see myself. It was a very good movie.
And I had real compassion for Marty. I did not see Marty getting upset as a negative. I actually had empathy for him and what he went through while in the cult. And is still going though.
I really feel for those Scientology black ops people who granted Ron magical messiaship and thus did things that they now feel bad about.
This cult must be destroyed so no more children become Ron’s thugs.
Keep moving ahead Marty. Cling to the truth.
What L Ron Hubbard did to people’s mind is a crime. A crime against humanity. Against the children.
It’s easy for people to hate or feel betrayed by Marty. Yeah he did bad shit. He learned how to do bad shit from that SOB hypnotic operator called L Ron Hubbard.
Our fault was naivety; lack of understanding.
Ron’s fault was greed and conscious deception, a legacy of lies, hatred and violence against anyone who dared step on Ron’s religion angle.
Marty trusted Hubbard. Trusting Hubbard is a dangerous affair. It will lead you to the dark side. And then you have to deal with the karma.
But Hubbard did not believe in karma. That, in effect, was an attack on our innate sense of conscience; our innate sense of right and wrong.
He dismantled our sense of right and wrong so that we would do his bidding.
I hope that Aftermath is the most wide spread account of L Ron Hubbard to date. Knocking his greedy little ass of that messianic make believe pedestal.
I think we should all hold Marty in the light. He was the human crow bar that opened so much for all of us.
Instead of hating Marty I pray that we all hold him in the healing light of Spirit; joy and love.
There is no space and time between us. Our thoughts instantaneously appear in the personal space of those we love or hate.
Google “spooky action at distance” or “entangled particles”.
Photons and electrons can move from one place to another without crossing space. They just instantaneously appear. That is what the quantum leap means.
Our thoughts are the same. Send Marty love. Pray for him and his family. We all have been victims of a sick philosophy that affected our lives.
Be grateful for what Marty has done.
Thank you Brian. I believe we do owe Marty much more than anger that he seems to have gone to the dark side. He opened many doors for others to see the inner workings of the cos. Unless and until he speaks to his shift in tone we won’t know what caused it. I feel we shouldn’t judge him without the facts.
Thank you for getting my post supporting Marty. I appreciate it.
+1 “Keep moving ahead Marty. Cling to the truth.”
Thanks, Brian. I wholeheartedly agree with what you’ve posted.
Love unconditionally for all and try to not judge others, even though sometimes that’s hard to do. It’s still better to take the high road and hope for a good outcome.
Exactly, I believe Marty to be a good guy. Who knows what his heart is making him do now that he has a child to look after.
We all have crap pasts. Otherwise we would not be on this mud ball of looney tunes.
“Forget the past,” said Sri Yukeswar. “The vanished lives of all men are dark with many shames. Human conduct is ever unreliable until anchored in the Divine. Everything in the future will improve if you are making a spiritual effort now.”
The cult is soooo confused. The “Believer” show was probably the best PR the cult has ever received on a national show such as this and yet they make a hate posting. Even though it wasn’t working directly with the cult, Aslan did his best to make the tech seem somewhat workable. A few drawbacks however. They didn’t kiss DM’s ass as being the leader of this wonderful “church” and they had to dig up some graves of those independents, to audit him and demonstrate the tech.
The good news in the Believer was that it positioned SCN tech right along with cults that eat human brains and follow Voodoo. I’m dying to see how Aslan tries to portray how eating brains is a “workable” technology.
It is going to be quite embarrassing when Freedumb has more enemies with hate sites than the number of SCNists.
Two middle fingers up!
That’s a new record! Two middle fingers up! Way, WAY up!
Giving COB the double middle finger, straight up and vertical 😀
And thumbs down for his all thumbs management style.
“We are millions of Scientologists”– Oh, Bless their little hearts-so delusional.
And then they call Leah and Mike, “fake news.”
I was actually a bit dumbfounded at the remark of Millions of Members. They actually believe that. Delusional doesn’t even begin to express how thick their rose colored glasses are.
Imagine all the Kool-Aid they have to drink to keep themselves delusional. Bubble dwellers are funny people…
Ah….well, so much for freedom of speech, right?
Correct Diane. The only First Amendment right they care about and will defend vigorously is the “freedom of religion” cloak they have been hiding behind. All that other nonsense about freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, and the right to petition for a redress of grievances is just a load of crap.
Ahh, I love the sight of a one-finger salute in the morning. It’s almost as good as the smell of napalm. 🙂
Better, really.
Mike how does one know if a twitter account is real or not?
ANything that begins with “WhoIs…” then the name of a whistleblower is fake. So are “TheReal[name of a whistleblower]” and anyone who pushes “Find out the real story about what an abusive/lying/cheating/money-motivated/apostate [name of a whistleblower] is a fake account. Set up by OSA to try and “counter” the exposes of the abuses that keep coming…
Did you happen to notice the new website put out by ‘STAND’?
It’s just more of the same nonsense, but this time Scientology puts its name on it (or its logo at least)
I happened to run across it when I googled ‘Tony Ortega’
I have checked it out. How come one can never leave comments on their crappy websites?
I think I know the answer. Lol
Thanks Mike for the ‘fake’ info.
Wishing you and Leah the very best and successful time.
Thank you for that, Mike! I’m so new to twitter. Off to check out twitter.
Thanks for all you do!
hahahaha you said:
“It’s my middle finger of the morning to the evil empire.”
Thanks for the belly laugh this morning… it makes my day.
Nice Mike! Thanks