Long term supporter of this blog, Professor Aharon Friedman sent me a link to this show that aired last night on Israeli national TV (one of the 3 state owned stations, channel 11 which is like Israel’s BBC)..
The format of the show is interesting — simple and direct. I thought it was excellent.
The title of the show is “Sorry for the Question.”
Here is the little blurb (may not be a perfect translation, I used Google translate for this bit, I am sure Aharon or someone else will correct me if this is too far afield).
“The program that asks everything you’ve always wanted to know but feared or couldn’t ask. An honest and intimate glimpse into the lives of groups dealing with social stigmas through questions asked by viewers.”
The program is in Hebrew with English subtitles.
Just in case this embedded video doesn’t work (as it sometimes doesn’t on WordPress) here is the link: https://youtu.be/yteYdaFNLy0
Makes you wonder when the last time a scientologist appeared on Israeli national TV — and whether they even have anyone who is willing to appear on TV. In the US there is no scientology spokesperson who will appear on national TV. The last one who did was Catholic lawyer Monique “Muffins” Yingling.
Giora Kenneth, another former Scientologist, is also one of the panelists who participated in this episode (he’s the man wearing a hat). In the past he has commented on a couple of posts on this blog under the moniker “Jory G Kenneth”.
Yes, Giora is an ex Sea Org. Great guy, and a great artist. His brother in law Ilan Weil used to be a celebrity. However, Scientology pretty much ruined his career with its incessant pressure for money and time. 7 years ago I met with him and his wife (Giora’s sister). They were very disappointed with Scientology and were ready to leave. I tried to encourage them and at the end of our meeting said the simple statement: “things will get better for you.”
Guess what, Ilan wrote a nasty KR where everything he and his wife said was now cited as if I said it. The parting encouragement sentence was described as something that caused them a lot of agony.
Just for fun I replied to this KR with a letter explaining what really happened in the conversation. I preempted the claim I should have written it up, by reminding the “church” that as an auditor I was bound to maintain confidentiality. I know that as a result they had to undergo Sec Checks, Conditions, etc. They ended up spending their inheritance money on being ruthlessly interrogated.
At least the got their just dessert.
“Catholic lawyer Monique “Muffins” Yingling” The “Catholic” is just her shore story. I can’t beleive she ever goes to Confession.
She is probably a TWICE A YEAR Catholic…they attend Mass on Easter & Christmas ONLY
I can practically imagine her scenario:
Muffins: “Forgive me Father for I have sinned”.
Priest: “What sins have you committed my child”.
Muffins: “I am one of the Lawyers that defend The Church Of Scientology”.
Priest: “I can’t think of ANY Punishment that will forgive YOU for doing THAT”…
Can someone clarify whether all these people were describing only Scientology or referring to many different cults? No names were mentioned (unless I missed them). This was very well done. Kol HaKavod (more strength) to the individuals in this video.
Two of the people were ex Scientologists. The others are from other cults. They did not mention the cults because of fear of lawsuits.
In the USA, the mainstream media wouldn’t dare start out by calling them a cult.
And their stories only mention “alleged” abuses, and they always say Scientology “denies” the claims, even though the cult doesn’t address the claims at all, but only attacks the accusers.
This program is indeed quite innovative in its format. It is only the interviewee and the director. I did not realize how popular it is until today many people whom I did not know approached me and told me they watched it.
I helped recruit the interviewees. It was not easy. By the way the skinny guy with the hat is ex sea Org.
I should also mention that “Leah Remini: Scientology and he Aftermath” appears in the text and note 1 on page 1, as well as in the Reference List on page 43. Leah’s book “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology” appears in note 1 on page 1, and also in the Reference List at page 43.
As a never-in, I found the video very insightful, and the succinct, non-confrontive format gave it a comfortable accessibility as if having a conversation with each interviewee. Even with this, the menace of cult manipulation came through clearly.
Well done…Bravo!
This program is indeed quite innovative in its format. It is only the interviewee and the director. I did not realize how popular it is until today many people whom I did not know approached me and told me they watched it.
I helped recruit the interviewees. It was not easy. By the way the skinny guy with the hat is ex sea Org.
Excellent video format with the same question seen from different points of view.
Personally, I think Scientology is the “Mother” of all cults. This is probably the reason that they cannot get anyone to defend it on National Television. Scientology plays around with immortality and the potential for power. For me, the only way through Scientology was to do the e-meter exercises and see for myself that Scientology was a total scam. Getting to OT VIII is more than just the BT’s and Xenu. Hubbard went deeper in his Satanic Cult by claiming that we are all implanted by space aliens. Well, use his technology to deal with these and the lies come at you in massive form. Even if you accept his Science Fiction about implants, there is no advancement in any kind of power. The real proof of Scientology is that you can spend a lifetime at his lower levels and never get to the truth.
Hubbard’s technology was nothing more than a perversion of Blavatsky and Theosophy. You can find today good Theosophists but you cannot find even one honest Scientologist. I would personally love to take on “Muffins” Yingling in a debate about Scientology. Her millions are so undeserved.
“You can find today good Theosophists but you cannot find even one honest Scientologist.”
True. Not one.
Because any HONEST Scientologist GETS KICKED OUT, declared a Suppressive person.
Because any HONEST Scientologist becomes a Suppressive Person, from whom his or her family, friends and associates must DISCONNECT.
“Honesty” in the cult today is now defined, AT BEST as “Forwarding an Enemy Line”.
LYING TO OTHERS AND ONESELF is a fundamental requirement of remaining “in good standing” with Scientology. Honest Scientologists are a LIABILITY. If you cannot or will not lie, you’re OUT. Only liars can be Scientologists!
My old OT VIII former friend is still in. He fits the pattern you describe. Has not spoken to his daughter in about ten years. He is totally dishonest and just lies and lies and lies. You describe the truth.
George, in effect I heard you saying that you could spend your life in the lower and higher levels of scientology and never get to the truth. I agree, as the only “truth” was that Hubbard’s intention was to enslave anyone who had any involvement in his fantasy anti-science at all. What kind of sick puppy wants to enslave all men, all women? What kind of sick is that puppy? those questions pretty much answer themselves.
I’m recovering for the last thirty one years. I now have vivid dreams about Scientology topics – Cult leaders etc. The dreams are very weird but I am still am able to see the twisted tricks of Scientology.
Right with you there. When I have a nightmare, Scientology is always an aspect of it.
Thank you Mike for taking the time and effort to give all of us this information.
And I am glad someone in Israel is letting public know what this cult of david miscavige really is; there is no need to abuse more people.
We actually do much more than that. We provide a hot line for cult survivors and their families. We publish info about cults. For example, regarding Scientology, we publish the names of companies that are run by Scientologists and are trying to recruit people for the cult.
We are always in some litigation with some cult. Usually we win or it is dropped.
Here is our web site, alas in Hebrew.
I applaud your efforts, Mr. Friedman. As a (Scientology) cult survivor, it’s good to know that there are people like you out there to help people like me.
O/T. Mike, the following academic paper cites to your website at pg. 4, n. 6; pg. 5, n. 10; pg. 40, n. 135; Reference List, pg. 43.
“The Dangerous Discourse of Dianetics: Linguistic Manifestations of Violence Toward Queerness in the Canonical Religious Philosophy of Scientology.” Author: Francesca Retana, University of Puget Sound. 46 pages. Relics, Remnants, and Religion: An Undergraduate Journal in Religious Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2, Article 4. Date: 5-5-2017. HT: Incredulicide on WWP.
The Reference List cites your essay “Scientology Homophobia.”
That’s cool!