This guy is an “icon” and “all-American hero” because he has given some of his ill-earned cash to ideal org campaigns, but more so because he has persuaded others to part with their money.
Who can forget his wacked out video on Tony Ortega’s site: “You’re going to pay this money fucking eventually”?
It is an interesting microcosm of the crazy world of scientology that this is what is lauded. He is a hero figure for scientology.
The ONLY criteria for being a hero, humanitarian, icon, champion or any other title you can think of is giving money. While Hubbard said it was the “lowest form of motivation in the universe,” the reality is that this was a platitude like “love your enemies.” Scientology is driven by money in every respect. And they are not embarrassed to announce it to the world.
I knew this man when celebrity center was on La Brea , a long time ago . They were just married . My English was very poor at the time but I had this sense that he was a sweet man but very showy .
Scientology took away the sweetness and intensified the showy .
That’s my conclusion about a lot of people I knew and are still in . The worst traits in them intensified , or at least the good things I knew disappeared.
But they are just hidden , if only they would get out….
Today is the 19th anniversary of the attack of 9-11-2001, a horrifying event that resulted in so many deaths and so many citizens rising as true American heroes, risking and some sacrificing their lives to rescue and aid others. When I saw the notice of an event in two days that refers to Cummins as an All-American Hero, I almost regurgitated. He exemplifies the slick shady used-car salesman. He isn’t even worthy of licking the boots of those who are True American heroes.
That Scientology portrays this conman as an “American Hero” on the eve of 9/11 tells you all you need to know about the cult
It’s rather amazing how these creeps run such shoddy practices yet they are lauded only because they give money. That review tells it all. It’s next to impossible to get through to make real money per her description. Just like a pyramid scheme. The only guy who makes money is the guy at the top.
It’s gotten to the point where they need the whale’s for their legal defence/slush fund so badly that they kiss their asses and call them “heroes”.
They give a “time for a “virtual” event in a couple of days from now, but no indication of the place (or software:zoom/ FaceTime/ whatever.) Might meet the standard of a ‘mystery sandwich’, but loads of folks aren’t going to know HOW to participate. Might it be on their Nanny-Net software disk? Are they still peddling that garbage?
“confirm your attendance with your Org’s OT committee chairman” that’s how you’re going to find out.
The paranoia is strong in that one, and Boy! are they going to be pissed off when it leaks for laughs 🙂
Tom Cummins is the founder of American Power and Gas. I read an interview of him that almost made me barf, obviously written by a fawning bootlicker in which Tom describes himself as a self made man and describes the company much the same way scientologists are coached to describe scientology (I.e., so vague you have no clue what he just said.)
I then went to Glassdoor and read reviews of the company. Below is my favorite:
I worked at American Power and Gas
The only pro to working for this company was the day I no longer worked for this company!
Ghettorific environment, Egocentric no it all trainers with Sailor language including the President of the company. I really wonder if they have ever been sued for sexual harassment or in appropriate behavior towards employees. I have never worked anywhere who encourages employees to smoke the way this company does. You can’t stand anywhere near the building because the haze of smoke that comes through the hallways on the 15 min brakes. This is a scam and yes there is potential to make money if you enjoy breaking all the rules and taking a 1000 calls per day fighting with the gatekeeper and claiming the call is an emergency to get to the decision maker. To then sell them on the scam of lower variable energy rates. The ratings are horrible for this company for a very good reason! stay away! Either way if they don’t hear you lying and deceiving the consumer they fire you and let you know you weren’t a good fit anyway. FYI they make you pay $50.00 for your own telemarketer license that you never see once they fire you after the second week of training.
Advice to Management
Not much since it’s all a lie. Perhaps not cursing so much during training and stop showing the boiler room as a great example on how to sell. In boiler room they all went to jail. Which is what will probably happen to some of you. Oh and watching the cookie monster rendition of the boiler room and acting in appropriately with a woman is not my idea of a GREAT TRAINING TOO!!! You definitely give good trainers and bad name that are in this industry.
Scientology breeds narcissism. Mr. Cummins fits the bill. Now more Scientologists can aspire to be like him. OT= Giant Ego. Hubbard really always practiced “the greatest good for his personal dynamics”.
And members of his cult follow that to the letter.
Other people apparently noticed what I did right off the bat. His smile looks like a snarling sneer and his eyes look cold. He just looks like a person I wouldn’t trust. He looks smug.
He is smug. He’s proud of it and should be. He is a member of the most ethical group on the entire fricken planet. That puts him in very, very rarefied air. Add to that his super human qualities after Oh Tea Ate and Super Powerz Rundowns and shit, I tell ya this guy is the real deal and ranks right up next to the top ‘wannabe like Dave’ guys ya can find anywhere.
Yo Dave,
Give em a stroke good buddy…… or at least toss him a bone. He’ll sing a tune and cut ya another fat one big boy!
Yo Julian,
Take the rest of the night off and relax. You can assign yerself lowers tomorrow.
LOL. I think he deserves to be Big Being Number 4. Tell him to drill “And then there is me”.
That “smile” was rejected by the left side of his face.
Tom Cummins creeps me out. His face. I know he’s supposed to be handsome but I don’t like his face. His smile is a sneer. It doesn’t reach his eyes, and his eyes are cold. From his expression one could say he is quite impressed with himself. He’s the kind of guy that it would be fun to make a date with and then, at the last minute, break it, or just stand him up, and when he calls to find out what happened and why you weren’t there, you say, “Oh my gosh, I completely forgot that I had to wash my hair last night!” A completely shitty and covertly hostile thing to do but Ok, he creeps me out, and so much for his looks which I believe reflect his character, or lack of it.
Based on what he writes he makes his millions in some company connected to the fossil fuel industry, and he HATES the lockdowns occurring, the social distancing, the mask wearing, etc. because of course his business is suffering, bigly. Well, along with all the possible reasons to be glad about the future of America’s energy being Clean & Green, that it will be putting this selfish, narcissistic cult creep Cummins out of business is definitely on MY list.
I get the feeling the pipsqueak likes to surround himself with a bunch of dupes who are all primed to take the blame and take the fall if and when the arrest warrants ever come down. The first prerequisite for this position is they must not be sufficiently swift to have any clue that they have been selected to play the part of chumps. They are just the fall guys who will get arrested and charged and stand trial. These trials only need to last long enough for the so-called POPE to beat a path to some country which does not have any extradition treaty with the USA.
Alternatively, he can just get on board some sea worth craft and live on the ocean where he is almost impossible to be served with any legal documents or arrested. I’m not sure about this, but I think I once read that in order for someone to be arrested while they are “at sea”, they must agree to be arrested. I wonder just exactly how much of a fool this so-called POPE may be.
Of course, Skyler…. Haven’t you read the “Bolivar” issue? He’s surrounded by layers and layers of minions ready and willing to take a fall to protect him. As IF he’s got something valuable. (My bet it’s not really OTIX , since there are a few indications that it never existed and others that Davey wouldn’t actually release it if it did; not until his bank accounts are overflowing OR he goes to trial or deposition. Before then he’d need Fleece-winds 2.9, an “Ideal” cruise ship/yacht modified to his exacting standard, a tub that could sit proudly at the docks of Monaco and the Italian Riviera; Paul Allen, Branson and others with “merely” 300-foot palatial scows must be green with envy in comparison, or else it’s not Ideal enough.
Very true Jere. But I have some doubts that he would ever sit in any port on his tub. If he did that, he would be open to all kinds of assaults – both legal and criminal. If criminals learned that some multi-billion cash cow was sitting on a boat in some foreign port, there would be an irresistible urge to kidnap the prick and squeeze him until he gave up all his money.
If the criminals do not act quickly enough, the legal crime fighters would surely seize him for an extremely long list of offences – both criminal and civil. In the end, the result would be the same. Dwarfenfuhrer will be reduced into a shabby little creature living out the rest of his days in a tiny cell, all alone with no one to order around or to give beatings in order for him to feel good. He would be smoking no cigars, drinking no Scotch whiskey and eating only the most paltry and shabby kind of food.
Hoo Ray!
Ain’t Karma divine?
I agree. Something about his mouth…like LRH and his trout lips. This guy has a similar look. It’s nasty. I’ve never thought he was attractive in the least. Watching him on that leaked video on Ortega’s blog was nauseating. He basically pulled the David Miscavige 101 attitude. I love the tone 40 intention and hopes at what I have always called the ‘Scillonian Jedi Mind Trick’ working on the masses. ‘You WILL give this money’ (eyes unblinking and glaring). He said the F-word at least a thousand times as if that somehow commands one to be more pliant to his demands. Then there was the threat that Mike mentioned and another one that I thought summed it all up.
Cummins was hosting this webinar to
stick it to everyoneraise donations for yet more Ideal BS and his contribution was to match 50/50 any donation. So if you needed to ‘make your next status’ and it was say 200k away he would double that. Then he came out with his nasty threats. If anyone out there was planning on making their next status just because he was matching donations don’t mean that you can suddenly feel relieved that you only have to ‘donate’ half of what you were going to donate. Such as instead of that 200k you were going to donate you decide to only give 100k since Cummins is matching half. Which is what I thought the point was but stupid me. Noooo…he gets the Scillon hypno eyes and F-words a long rant about donating till it hurts. This guy is scum. To put the word ‘Hero’ next to his name and to put the flag behind him is reprehensible.Why don’t this guy donate some of that money to the poor. Why don’t he help build affordable housing. Why not provide a food bank in low income areas. What about helping the homeless get back on their feet. Oh I forgot…he’s here to make the ‘Able more able’…screw the un-able.
Yes, he’s total white trash and I make no apology for that term. Human trash comes in all races, skin colors, nationalities, religions and socio-economic groups. This guy is trash.
Just another phony, over-the-top wallet-looting event put on by that criminal money cult.
Formost observed:
“Just another phony, over-the-top wallet-looting event put on by that criminal money cult.”
They have OTHER types of events?
It’s not surprising that he’s a Trump minion:
Scientology’s efforts to suck up to power is appearing to pay off | The Underground Bunker
Scientology’s efforts to suck up to power is appearing to pay off
By Rod Keller | August 11, 2019
[Big time Scientology donor Tom Cummins gets a thumb’s up.]
It was a good week for Scientology’s efforts to connect with powerful people.
OMG, in that pic, tRUMP looks to be in pain.
O/T. On 9/8/20, Scientology Clear, Super Power Completion, Class 4 Auditor and Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad aka Tony Muhammad joined host Scientology Clear, Super Power Completion, Cause Resurgence Rundown Completion and PTS/SP Course Graduate NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad on Repair of the Black Family for Part 3 of a discussion on the Scientology Condition Formulas:
Earlier, on 9/5/20, Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad presented the Repair of the Black Family class “Manifest Your Vision Into Reality” based on the Scientology Tone Scale and book “Science of Survival”:
Oh, those NAMES! Tell me, please, that you can’t remember them, but copy-and-paste from another document. I you weren’t consistent, I’d wonder if you were just making them up.
I am actually sick looking at the American Flag in the background. Scientology wants to destroy the United States government and tear up the Constitution. They are fascist.
George, they’ll destroy all of the Constitution BUT the 1st Amendment. Without that, their butts be flapping in the breeze.
Just because you have borrowed and scrimped and been nearly bankrupted to get your local mORGue to open its ‘Ideal’ building, doesn’t mean you are off the hook. Oh no, you are responsible for the whole damn universe so you better keep coughing up.
Tom’s smile looks like a sneer.
It looks like slime.
Barf. Cummins. There are a few scientologists that even when a scientologist made my stomach turn. He’s one of them. Cordone – another. The Feschbachs (on Tony’s site today) two more. After I read Tom Cruise’s remark “There’s LRH; there’s david miscavige and then there’s me.” I can’t look at him without the gag reflex kicking in. I think that’s my list. (david miscavige doesn’t make me want to barf; it’s some other emotion below 2.0).
I feel exactly the same way Mary. And my list is the same as yours. I have always suspected Tom Cummins got into some kind of borderline shady biz or that he somehow got a monopoly on it early on. He is in energy biz if I remember correctly. I keep waiting for the day when we find out he did financial irregularities to say the least. He and Cardone both are sharks and buffoons.
Cindy, it’s likely not “borderline” illegal.for such a tiny group, they sure have a LOT of illegal acts they’re in court for; see Tony’s “Full Court Press” rundown at the bottom of each of his posts.
Thanks Jerre. I’ll check it out.
Cindy, was that “sharks and Baboons”?
in any case, snarks are appropriate.
Looks like the Feshbachs need to see about floatin a 3.5m tax loan from Mr. Britches. I think his smile reflects the interest he goin to charge ole Mattie Poo.