I was sent this article by a reader and found it interesting and relevant. I doubt there is anyone who reads this blog who has not encountered this sort of personality, I think cults tend to be breeding grounds for extreme behaviors. I had no idea that this was an identifiable and categorized type of person. There is a lot of information out in the real world that can help make sense of cult experiences! High conflict people (HCPs) have a pattern of high-conflict behavior that increases conflict rather than reducing or resolving it. This pattern usually happens over and over … [Read more...]
Where is the IAS?
If this situation is so dire, why isn't the IAS stepping in to spend ten thousand dollars to buy some generators/batteries? The IAS has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past based on Freedom Medal winners who "brought LRH tech to the government of Ukraine and thus brought sanity to an entire nation." They have used the Ukrainian Freedom Medal winners to do fundraising events. They have explained how important it is to "bring the tech" to this nation. But now in their hour of need, the IAS is nowhere to be seen, instead it's a Facebook pitch to keep the mission bringing the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Midwest Unite Giving money to "build a great Midwest" by finally renovating the Battle Creek building purchased nearly 20 years ago -- they should be trying to open some orgs in the Midwest as most Midwest states have no scientology org at all. Poor Mike Blake This guy gets hit up for everything in Columbus. Why isn't the ChanMan ever participating in giving his money? Columbus org paying for Battle Creek Why? They're supposed to have opened dozens of missions by now that should be turned into orgs (remember Miscavige's infamous "arrow" graphic?) -- … [Read more...]
Freedom Medal Winners Become Fundraisers
This guy, like so many other IAS Freedom Medal winners, got awarded for accomplishments in “disseminating scientology” - and promptly stopped those activities and started being a fundraiser for the IAS. There are literally dozens of Freedom Medal winners who promptly vanished from the scene, most of whom only appear to raise money for the IAS. From the “disseminators” to the “psych busters” (and if you added up their supposed accomplishments, psychiatry should be a distant memory at this point as they have "shut down" psychiatry in so many places everyone has lost count) to the “Way to Ha … [Read more...]
LRH Books Are Saving Iran
It is sometimes interesting to look back at promises made in earlier years. This is some empty hype from 2014 that reads the same as their bs pitches today. They start with offering that “12 important opinion leaders” were “introduced” through the “L. Ron Hubbard Series” (NOT “LRH books”) and then one unnamed leader talked about The Way to Happiness (not supposed to be promoted as an “LRH book.”). They claim to have gotten permission to distribute the “beginning books of Dianetics” and WTH to libraries. No scientology of course as they are pretending this is not religious material (the bait … [Read more...]
Kissing David Miscavige’s Butt
This is one of the recent press releases put out by scientology. That they're not embarrassed to have this appear anywhere says a great deal about just how much of a cult scientology is. The only comparison to this drooling idiocy is the fawning supplication of the poor people of N. Korea who fall over themselves to praise Dear Leader Kim Jong Un. Scientologists these days fall over one another to praise their Dear Leader -- for "saving the tech in it's purest form" (while he has completely decimated it), as a "get humanitarian leader" (which overseeing one of the … [Read more...]
Solo NOTs “Orders of Magnitude”
They announced they had reached their target of 10,000 on May 4th. That’s 3 months ago and they have added 100 since then. That means 400 in a year, so at this rate, making the next target of 25,000 is going to take more than 60 YEARS! Yet they are so proud of this accomplishment! Isn't it just a little ironic that in the face of this, "Mr. Solo NOTs" is doing a briefing about "orders of magnitude" -- when they are so far off any possible correct order of magnitude? The world of scientology is a world of delusion. If the sheeple are told something is good, they accept it w … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Winning? 34 years on staff, which has accomplished what? Wiso Gossett knows… His accomplishments as an artist set him apart Brian Anderson! For years the Flag PR spokesman - now part of the “Infinity Group” renting master bedrooms. How do you leave the Sea Org and remain so brainwashed? Tampa Org promoting Mace-Kingsley And it will only cost you $25! (That way they can count attendees as “First Service Starts”) Lot of kids stuff Flag, the top of the Bridge… Getting those intro services rocking … [Read more...]
“Solve it with Scientology”
Hurricane Debby reminded me of the original Hurricane Debbie -- Debbie Cook's email that rocked the scientology world on 1 January 2012. In addition to other points she laid out, Debbie highlighted Hubbard's insistence that scientology NOT engage in "fundraising" but sell and deliver Dianetics and Scientology as the only way to success. Here are some Hubbard quotes Debbie cited: From HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech: “GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS FROM SCIENTOLOGY in your org. Baby-sitting or raffle tickets and such nonsense.” From HCO PL Org Programming: “If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fu … [Read more...]
They’ve Dropped the Pretense
This address -- 8039 S Vermont -- is the Church of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard Community Center. They don't even identify it in this latest promotional piece (now known within the NOI as "Mosque 27") and IAS Freedom Medal Winner and proud (?) scientologist Tony Muhammad is preaching squirrel non-scientology stuff in this scientology building. You can read the earlier piece I did on this NOI is Winning the War with Scientology Clearly, the NOI is rolling forward, taking advantage of the gullible fools at Inglewood org who are so desperate for "acceptance" and have nothing … [Read more...]
About “Clearing Earth”
Came across this promotional item from 2020 It contains a quote from Hubbard that is not dated. Probably from the 50's or 60's, but let's assume for argument's sake these were his last words in 1986. That's almost 40 years ago now -- and I guess the passage of time has proven that in fact we CAN'T clear Earth. Things have in fact gone backwards. Even counting all the "Dianetic" and "Natural" Clears -- there were no more than 75,000 cumulative by 1986. The population of earth in 1986 was 5 billion. Today it is 8 billion. Today, according to scientology's latest Clear … [Read more...]
Training Under LRH — The Legacy of David Miscavige
Well, this should be interesting. A talk, at St Hill, about what it was like training under Ron. Do you think the "legendary" John Parselle (interesting side note -- he signed me up for the Sea Org when he had been sent to Australia as a Tours Reg in 1973, he was never a posted auditor again) will mention the elephant in the room? The "training under Ron" that John participated in was perhaps the Briefing Course and definitely the Class VIII course on board the Apollo. NEITHER OF THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN SCIENTOLOGY TODAY. The two auditor courses that Hubbard declared … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Seems sort of impressive... Until you realize it includes the people with the small certs -- they completed the Solo Course Part1 or Part 2 or any of the "theory" sections of any of the "OT Levels" rather than the auditing level itself. And until you realize that even if this were 19 Clears in one week it would take 6700 YEARS to Clear Great Britain’s current population. That's some bad news.... Apparently the social media brouhaha around scientology in LA has resulted in "fake bad reviews dominating the top"... So, everyone leave reviews "but don't do it all the … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard: How to Present Scientology
Scientology often tries to reach out to real churches and human rights organizations in an attempt to generate goodwill for itself and create "PR Area Control." Here are some of L. Ron Hubbard's writings on the subject to provide some insight into what is really going on in these efforts to ingratiate themselves with other groups. Hubbard had a lot to say about how to present scientology and make it acceptable in society. Most of which has nothing to do with scientology as a subject. But instead revolves putting forth an IMAGE of what scientology is to make it "acceptable." And making bold … [Read more...]
Narcissism Is a Trait That’s Hard to Shake
I had ended my series about Narcissism and then my old friend Kate Bornstein sent me this recent article from the New York Times. I felt it added something interesting not covered in any of the previous posts -- a study that shows narcissists don't change much over time. It adds up with the other information and I felt it was a good addition to include here. Narcissism Is a Trait That’s Hard to Shake, Study Says Here’s how to recognize it and cope with the narcissist in your life By Christina Caron July 11, 2024 If you’re hoping that the narcissist in your life will change, a new stud … [Read more...]