OK, I must have seen literally a thousand of these “come to this event, it will be incredible/amazing/spectacular/blow away” etc etc with endless exclamation points.
They are the same people over and over talking about the same thing. They promise incredible information which is just one of these “FSMs” (who earn a commission on everything that is paid for as a result) rehashing some old Hubbard quotes as if they are a new revelation. And then they really get down to business with some good old Big League Sales and hard sell money-grubbing.
What is particularly remarkable about this Amazing!!!!! event is that even though they have re-opened the orgs, they are still doing this online. You would think they would be anxious to get people back into their buildings where they can control them much better. I can imagine what a high percentage of people bail on these things “oops, bad connection” “my zoom just froze” or no explanation just bail out of the webinar when it comes time to pull out the credit cards.
What, the might Valley Ideal Org — largest org in the US — doesnt have a single person who can dig up some LRH words of wisdom (no matter how hackneyed) and turn them into a “seminar” that will solve all problems for everyone everywhere?
Are things really this bad inside the scientology bubble that even in LA all they can scrape together is another “Power FSM” from Clearwater to phone it in?
Emmett is the essence of the fraud in Scientology. He knows Scientology delivers “NOTHING”. However, he can make in one night a cool $25-$50,000 by saying a few words and then doing nothing. He gets 15% of super high priced services in the $40,000 per person range. I felt so guilty I had to stop, but people like Emmett have no conscience.
I spent 27 years in Scientology and attended many events of one type or another.
In all those years, I never attended ONE single event, or seminar, or briefing – not ONE – that did not, in advance, promise to be “amazing”.
That I would be amazed was always promised. Always.
Ten years ago I left the cult.
I was just so tired of being amazed.
I got tired of winning. . . . . . . . . . (facetious)
I quit around 1980 because of the price increases which I thought were greedy and unjustified. The wins weren’t worth the cost. Some people kept paying.
Got it, Richard. You left in 1980; I got in around ’85 and from there too the prices kept increasing. The less people in the org, the higher went the prices, seemed like.
And, yes, I was riffing on “tired of winning” ๐
Do they always turn into some sort of fundraising event?
“Do they always turn into some sort of fundraising event?”
I joined up in the mid-80s. From my cult experience, beginning in 1996 and continuing to when I left in 2011, the answer to that would be “Yes, always”.
Thanks, very interesting
Pumpkin – that is awesome. Yes, Scientology is circling the drain.
Heh – I have a bunch of active Scientologists on my FB account as well. I was dee clared an SP a few years ago but they kept it quiet and did not enforce the disconnection. Some of my favorite peeps are still in and talk to me all the time.
We would love to hear how those comm cycles went – of those members in doubt due to Aftermath. How much did they see and were you successful leading them to the door out?
I served in the Sea Org as a un paid slave for way too many years of my precious life.
Scientology helped me live the dream. I am Clear and OT and I am a sanatation engineer who picks up trash for a living.
Now, where do I sign up for that Dee Line position where I can dig through garbage cans of Ex Scientologists and try to find dirt on them so the Church of Scientology can blackmail and extort them into silence of telling the truth about Scientology. It is all so very spiritual and ecclestical.
I want to finally get something out of my involvement. I want to be paid the BIG BUCKs by the big sleezy law firms that represent the Church of Scientology and David Miscavige? I got nothing out of going Clear or OT or being a Scientologist except a Clear bracelet and a bunch of SP books they sold me.
Where are Gavin Potter and Mickey Chan? I thought they were the postulate kings? Emmet Osborn is so far down the list of presenters that he wasn’t drafted, but is a walk on to the team. This guy is not up from triple A or Double A or single A. He came in from the hot dog stand. With mustard on his shirt.
Good one, Zee. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
I’m a #Igotout after 40 years like many of you. I know hundreds of scientologists from many years working in Sea Org registration and with the top Field Staff Members.
About 5 years ago now, I finally figured out there is no thing as the ‘Reactive Bank’ or BTs and the meter reads on emotion changes, not incidents.
I was declared 8 years ago for friending SPs and about 60 or so FB friends removed themselves. Fine – 3 didn’t.
About a year ago I began searching for my old friends and requesting friendship. Now I have 10 or so active scientologists on my FB ๐
So what has happened to OSA?
Yes, it’s falling apart Mike!
And it’s because of so many speaking out and because since mid ’90s we have platforms.
We are in a Great age of information. Critical thinking skills are developing. We no longer act like animals judging each other by the way we look or where we’ve come from.
The whole world is taking a look back at itself and striving to be better.
Scientology is out of sinc with the rest of the world and is starting to stick out like a sore thumb.
I’m 90 miles North of Big Blue and everyone I met these days knows about Scientology and it’s crimes.
Several have asked me if it’s true – the Aftermath stories.
They can barely believe it’s lasted this long.
The 2 children and X that disconnected from me are no where to be found on completion or donors lists and all have changed phone numbers. I hope they are UTR and it won’t be long now they’ll phone. ๐
So since I have some active scientologists on my friends list, I occasionally get a message from one still in needing to bounce doubts off and lend a shoulder. There have been 3 now. Everyone is because of the Aftermath. There must be thousands leaving ๐คฃ
Pumpkin. It is very likely as you say, if not much, much worse. In their social networks they continue to talk about millions of parishioners and expansion never seen before.
In fact, I don’t know who, even inside them, has really seen it. But they keep saying it’s better than ever.
Here in Italy we have a saying: if they are flowers they will bloom (but so it seems to me that the plant has already dried up).
Wow this is such a great post. It made my day, Pumpkin. Good job that you’re doing to answer questions of doubters, let them run things by you, and you are a safe terminal for them. Keep it up! And thank you to Mike and Leah again for the Aftermath program and blogs and etc that you do.
So very very true Pumpkin
Your post is inspiring! I hope you hear from your loved ones soon.
I think the glory days of the OSA are over. They have to know that if they conduct any “noisy investigations” the victims are keeping very detailed records to prepare to bring criminal charges. With all of the electronics available now they would be nuts to keep stalking people. The rest of the world has plenty of “tech” to capture their antics now.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
When they have to pull people in, what they often pull out of the hat is the evergreen argument of how to “make your postulates to stick.”
It is a huge taking for a ride to which everyone continues to fall for it like a bunch of dodos, time after time.
Surely everyone thinks that the last time someone tried to explain it to them either they didn’t quite grasp something or who was explaining it wasn’t clear.
But this time there will be a highly decorated OT 8 to explain it.
This shows how far they are from an objective reality but that they live only in an imposed subjective one.
Unfortunately if they were really in the present they should remember if anyone ever showed such powers. And if they were really in the present they wouldn’t need to make ‘postulates’.
O/T. 2022 Minnesota 4th District Congressional Candidate Michael Snellings says: “I’m a Christian and I’m also a Scientologist.”
Michael Snellings says that he is a candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 4th Congressional District in 2022. Replying to Adam Ford, Snellings tweets:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
I’m a Christian and I’m also a Scientologist. I commented on one of your anti-Scientology articles as it goes against the very thing that christians face everyday which persecution for one’s beliefs. Do your research on Scientology before printing anti-Scientology, thanks.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Snellings’ Scientology Service Completions indicate that he has been on the Freewinds twice:
NOTE: I wonder if Joy Villa provided the recent model for the “Christian Scientologist” strategy, and other Scientologists — particularly those who (like Villa).are interested in politics — are “repeating the successful action?”
Further verification of Snellings’ candidacy:
Memorialized on ESMBR with screenshots and additional material at:
Argh. Typo. Third link, to Snellings’ Twitter account, should be:
Sure, he’s a Christian but just wait until he hits OTIII. Goodbye Jesus, nice worshipping ‘ya for a while.
In fact, one doesn’t have to wait until OTIII.
In several lectures on the lower bridge LRH skewers the concept of ANYone person taking responsibility for the sins of OTHERS. Per Scientology doctrine, this is simply impossible, unworkable, and delusional.
In fact – and I wish I could remember in what lecture it was, but I can’t place it and am too lazy to do the research – but in one lecture not only does Hubbard totally shoot down the idea of the feasibility of one person dying on a cross so that the rest of us get a mulligan forever after for all of ours, but he goes so far as to say that there had to have been something really, really WRONG with Jesus Christ (morally and ethically) for him to even WANT to do die for others’ sins. In other words, according to LRH in this lecture, Jesus Christ was so riddled with overts and witholds HIMSELF that he was PROPITIATING like mad! Willing to immolate himself – do ANYTHING to make amends, because HE HIMSELF was so guilty! Yep! That’s what LRH said. Paraphrased, but that WAS the concept!
I do recall the gist of this reference if not the exact wording but man does he shred to pieces Jesus of Nazareth! And in a lecture anyone on the lower bridge or maybe not even on the bridge at all could read. I think its in one of the Congresses.
In brief, the ENTIRE premise of Christianity – Christ suffering and dying for our sins – totally, but totally shot to sh*t, courtesy of LRH, thank you, Sir!
Too funny! (But then, NOT for someone who is a believing Christian, and please, no disrespect for believing Christians; I’m just sharing about something LRH wrote.)
In the class 8 tape Assists, LRH clearly states:”There is no Christ” as if he knew from the research he did self auditing in a locked room.
Great post. You are hitting the key points. Hubbard also had Jesus as a Pedophile. The only thing that will save the NOI is that Islam also rejects Jesus but not to the extent that Hubbard did. NOI loves Hubbard’s “Way to Happiness”. The ministers will be faced with a choice when they hit the OT levels. My prediction is a 50/50 split.
A more generalized concept might be a “surrendering into the Universe”, a total suspension of ego and asking for guidance or protection from a Higher Power or Universal Intelligence.
This is also in opposition to the scn concept of the thetan being all powerful when “rehabilitated”.
Yes, completely antithetical to Scientology doctrine!
That one can believe in the fundamental principles of Christianity AND at the same time believe in the fundamental principles of Scientology is an impossibility.
Of course, one can be and stay attached to the cultural aspects of Christianity – the holidays of Christmas and Easter and all their trappings, but these are cultural, not philosophical. One can be attached to the cultural practices of any religion without actually believing in its principles.