I was sent a copy of this report by Mike Laws and I thought it worth making more broadly known. It has NOTHING to do with giving money to scientology which is about the only form of commendation one usually hears about these days.
Mike makes some important points, not the least of which is how Mike Ellis could be sent to the doctor (Megan Shields) who diagnosed him with congestive problems and an ear infection, but then just a few days later he is taken to another doctor who discovers he is overweight and has what is apparently a serious heart condition — bad enough to prevent him from traveling. That wasn’t obvious when he saw (presumably — maybe she didn’t even see him as it is hard to imagine missing his condition) Dr. Shields?
It also raises the question: how is Mike Ellis on post? By scientology policy he is not qualified to hold his position as he is PTS. Pretty seriously and chronically with all sorts of physical problems.
Here is a quote from the 1972 Policy Letter Mike Ellis as IJC is supposed to enforce:
A chronically ill person, whether the person is known to be connected to a Suppressive or not, is always found to have been so connected and PTS.
He isn’t just “an” Ethics Officer or MAA. He is the INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE CHIEF over ALL Ethics Officers and MAAs in the world.
They would assume his condition is obviously because he deals with SP’s all the time. I am sure he has done the PTS/SP Course more than once — but what is even more obvious is that he isn’t confronting and shattering the suppression. Maybe he hasn’t spotted the right suppression to confront and shatter? I think he would probably have been better served by going to a doctor and being properly diagnosed and properly addressing the conditions he has….
And now, as Mike Laws has pointed out, that has been made to happen by outside forces. And it just might have saved his life.
Reports Officer RTC
Ethics FCB
cc: David Miscavige
ED Int
Mike Laws
Ted Babbit
Luis and Rocio Garcia
Tony Ortega
The above are to be highly commended for taking a stance and position that quite probably saved Mike Ellis, IJC’s life.
For whatever reason, Ellis received a diagnosis of an ear ache that purportedly prevented him from boarding a flight and heading to Florida for a deposition. Babbit realizing the diagnosis sounded weak, demanded a second doctor to do a diagnosis. Critical life threatening situations were discovered related to obesity and poor fitness, heart disease, and so on. Left undiagnosed and untreated, these issues potentially may have ended Ellis’s life at any time. This diagnosis obviously was missed by the first doctor or else COS attorneys would have used this as a more legitimate and realistic reason to delay the deposition. The attention all of the above have brought to the matter has made it imperative that the COS get Ellis medical treatment.
In the 10 years I was in the SO, I never heard of any SO member getting medical inspections for cardiac care.
I am an overweight person, working on improving clinical defined obesity for over a year. It is not easy, and the world, including the Scientology world is not kind to fat people. Judgments of lazy, pig, over eating, gluttonous are commonly stated and far more commonly thought. It is not easy for people to get help, and sometimes there are real medical reasons for obesity ranging from depression through diabetes. Lifestyle and socioeconomic situations compound the situation and treatment. A job sitting behind a desk 12+ hours a day, little sleep, poor quality food, no time for exercise make recovery near impossible.
I am happy for Mike Ellis that fate has created a circumstance where it is in the absolute best interest of the COS and RTC to make sure he gets the medical treatment and life assistance he needs to get into good health.
This is true,
Mike Laws
Well, “obesity” in and off itself is not a medical emergency, though it usually causes other medical conditions such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. My speculation on why the angina was missed the first time was because he initially only complained about the ear ache, and the initial doctor visit only confirmed it, didn’t look for anything else and was not a full physical. I have a feeling Mr. Ellis has been experiencing the symptoms of angina such as chest pressure for a long time, and these “somatics” seemed “normal” to him after a while. Also, keep in the mind that in the initial doctor’s visit the church, in a typically self-serving way, was only trying to find a reason to keep him from flying; they really didn’t care that much about his overall health. Most Sea Org members health are ignored until it becomes an emergency. Also, as a former Sea Org member, the attitude one has about one’s health is something like “it’s just a meat body, I need to make it go right, and I can’t afford time off since my post is more important than the 1st and 2nd dynamics”. Cult members have cult-like attitudes.
I think I must have been “channeling” him.
The only time I ever saw DM in the flesh (outside of at an event) was once years ago when he was walking through the org where I was by himself. He was trying to be “anonymous”, but I recognized him, smiled pleasantly, and was just being there comfortably observing him. When he saw me his eyes got real big and he actually ran in the opposite direction like a scared rabbit. It was rather weird.
I didn’t realize what I had been confronting until years later. Probably he was very uncomfortable without a “posse”. But no, never met the little bully. Maybe he sensed that I can’t stand bullies and don’t tolerate them. I like nice people.
Me too Espiritu. Mean people really do suck.
J. Swift, Mike,
There is a long list of highly trained individuals, both SO and public, that passed or no longer on post due to their medical conditions/sickness. To mentioned few at the FSO. Senior C/S FSO Richard Reiss. He passed around 2010 after being treated for cancer for two years, coming back to post as Senior C/S. I witnessed few times he was screamed by the Captain FSO, Harvey, and RTC Rep. His then wife Kala Reiss , Deputy Senior C/S FSO, also contracted cancer and was sent to City of Hope. I am not sure where is she now. Solo Not’s C/S Anne Rhodes, had a stroke in the middle of Solo Not’s HGC and came back to work limited hours. All Solo Nots C/Ss (2003-2008) were deprived of sleep, overworked, overwhelmed with high Blood Pressure. When they went home per schedule, RTC sent vehicles to get them back on post.
We lost also very good people outside the SO, like Wendy, to constant pressures for donations. David Gaiman was one of them. He once confessed that if he told just half of what he knew what is going behind the scenes in the upper management, he would be instantly declared again. He passed in a meeting room. David Shiffman from San Diego passed way too young. Joanne Lonestein left us too early.
The Church never applied standard PTS Interviews and 10 Augs to their own SO members, but instead keyed them in with more and more sec-checks. They can’t take care of their own. Just when it’s comes out in media, they “take action”. Perfect example was when Anonymus complained in the St. Petes Times on a 3-4 AM buses taking SO members to their quarters. When the word got out, all of a sudden a normal schedule took place, but only for a week or two. This organization in the current state is a slave organization. Mike Ellis is one of 100s in that situation.
Great exposure that can help him get some sleep. NO excuse from being deposed. He knows too much.
Mike, J. Swift and others- good job on voicing the current state of CofS. We have to continue doing that.
Yossi, you bring up a very interesting point on the 10 Aug. I had many many of them, primarily for being accident prone. Hadn’t thought of this in 10+ years. The conditioning is such that no good SO member could ever consider the oppressive nature of the SO a real source of suppression, it couldn’t enter thought process. Wow, amazing really to think about from a current understanding of the world and life.
Mike Law,
You are right when pointing out that a good SO member could ever consider the oppressive nature of the SO, and therefore his/her condition never improves. If one does consider someone in SO acts suppressively and voice it, they are given so much tailored-made FPRD they introvert and take all the “blame, shame, regret….” on themselves. My wife did figure out the true SP(when routing out), but kept it to herself, so her leave would not be compromised. Interestingly enough, the operating procedure of the Church, especially what I experienced at the FSO, is Hill 10 or after a flap. Only when someone blows – they get sleep and proper food and schedule if they return; if an SO family member dies, they can go to their funeral for 2 days, but god forbid to let them go before and say goodbye to the loved one; someone gets really sick and then gets a proper sleep, food and medical attention. It’s totally insane the way this is run.
This is such torture. It explains a lot about my impression of flag. The fact that true items are denied is extremely gross out tech. Another peeve of mine is the complete lack of privacy for staff. A person’s item shouldn’t even be known by more that a couple people, let alone evaluated or denied. I’m beyond disgusted. Thanks Mike Laws and Mike R. for bringing a correct item to this quagmire. Caring for the well being of one individual, treating them with dignity, respect and compassion is what decent people do.
I’m not shocked that a long-term SO member is ill. Shit hours, shit food, shit conditions, 0 pay, 0 self-determination, 0 exercise, plus the apparent love ElWrong had for cigarettes don’t add up to anything other than heart disease and early death.
I am surprised that the IJC manages to get out of a deposition by waving a flimsy doctor’s note though.
The US legal system is horrible. It’s not set up to deal with a body that has been labelled a religion and which is so utterly immoral as the Church of Scientology. Scientologists still-in should be ashamed of the way the church they support acts.
What about technology? Can’t they hold a deposition where Mike Ellis lives and film it in real time so that he can be asked questions by phone or over Skype or something? In Marty’s deposition posted on the Bunker, his attorney wasn’t even there…. we hear his voice on the telephone. So why can’t we just take the deposition of Mike via video and Skype and phone and whatever technology there is? You could get a local Court Reporter to show up wherever he is and also take transcription of the whole thing.
“We” could do that. But if you have ever been deposed you will understand why it is preferable to question important witnesses live. A lot is lost in remote depositions, including seeing who is else is in the room and what they are doing. The Ellis depo could have been taken remotely and there would have been no objection by the church. Ted Babbitt decided he did NOT want to do that. He knows what he is doing. He is a VERY experienced litigator.
“Sorry Cindy, no LRH reference.”
Office of Global Judicial Salvage This Sector
I am honestly not involved in this law suit, and have absolutely no “inner circle” knowledge, but do have significant other legal experience, and have been on both sides of hostile depositions. Technically I believe you can Skype or do a more sophisticated video conference. Practically, in as key a deposition as this would obviously be, not a good idea, out of camera coaching, or even if poor momentum was building, or Ellis was about to say something he shouldn’t, someone might conveniently trip over a wire to disconnect and allow time to re-group. Very difficult to manage. I wish some of the depositions I had done were video.
Also, don’t forget the Empire likes using tactics that make the other side spend lots more money. They have essentially unlimited legal budgets for things like this, no one else does. I would imagine, with the caliber of attorneys and people involved, an LA deposition would probably cost an extra $10-20 grand, with travel, hotels, airfares, etc. And that price would be assuming some sort of contingency arrangement discounting attorney time, travel time etc. I was involved in a law suit where a trans continental deposition was done that cost $50,000 or so, not our side, but another party. It is part of how the Empire attempts break its opponents, either financially or their will.
Thanks, Mike Laws. I keep waiting for the happy ending to this horror show. God, I hope it comes soon.
DM: “Ellis, you don’t have heart disease. You’re just PRETENDING to have heart disease. Your problem is that you are just a lazy fat-ass. Now get back on post as soon as you have completed running around that pole for three days. Malingerers! I’m surrounded by malingerers. ….Where is my car? Why isn’t my car here? Are you malingerers going to make me late to meet Tom Cruz for the screening of his new movie? Are you trying to embarrass me in front of my friend, Tom?!
LOL, Espiritu. Several years ago when Marty was under squirrel buster siege I went down for a couple days to lend him and his wife moral support. Obviously photos were taken and placed on one of their hate sites … the comment … “can anyone report who this fat ugly guy is?”: LOL.
You almost write as if you have spent some time with DM!
IJC mimics Shermanspeak/BS like everyone else. He does what he’s told. Just as much a criminal as the rest of the scum at the “TOP” of Co$ management.
I agree, Pericles. He’s as out-ethics and as criminal as his master. He’s in there, playing the same game.
Mike Ellis needs to go on a diet but when did anyone in the S.O. health become important?
Gretchen Swartz for instance, she was huge and died on post.
The end is nigh. One cannot go on perpetrating injustice in the name of religion and expect to survive the onslaught of implacable forces already set in motion. The new game will become assisting those who were harmed and helping them get their lives back on track.
When “IJC” gets deposed he should be asked what his book bonuses were for the last 5 years compared to his pay. I know quite a few people (that were in “ethics trouble) that he contacted, not to help them get justice, but to be blackmailed into buying all the revised books. I think his real post title should be “IJC for Book Sales”.
That would be nice Mat, but the scope of the deposition is limited. The church strayed very far afield and risks the ire of the judge. I know Ted Babbitt is not that foolish. He will stick to information that is relevant to the hearing on Febriuary 18th which is what the judge instructed. Broad discovery will come later in the case.
That makes sense. Thanks.
Good point Mat. Even though Mike Ellis was not actually getting book bonuses (as of June 2013 when I was last attending ILO musters – no one at ILO was getting book bonuses) Mike was one of the top ‘Basics’ Regges on the base. I saw him get acknowledged for his sales at nearly every muster and wondered how he did it. Now that I have heard the stories about the public who needed help getting back in good standing, and were offered a smooth path to redemption in exchange for buying Books and Lectures, it all makes sense.
Paul, BTW, didn’t you attend early school with Bill Gates? Have you had an opportunity to connect since exiting the matrix of the SO?
Brilliant, a neat slap on the face covering various angles such as care for staff members. Well done Mike, I liked it.
Strange, that he who lives by shifts, can seldom shift himself.
Why would Miscavige even give a rat’s ass about this? He’s a psychopath.
A bold, cheeky and accurate advocacy of observation, logic and flushing out of phoney baloney-ness, Mike Laws! Way cool posting.
Made me smile, few words, but you got it .. exactly. Thanks.
All that is said about Michael Laws is very true. If ever there were an honorable being, Michael fits the bill. Imagine being in the position that IJC is in in his condition and it took being on the “world stage” so to speak, to get medical help. Further acknowledged by a fellow ex-Sea Org member in this way will ensure that he gets more care and hopefully fitness boarded that could save his life fully placing him outside this ‘den of thieves.’
On another note, in 2012 a long term original Sea Org member and comrade of LRH’s, Frank McAll, living in an apartment off base with his now ex-wife as he is deceased, received excellent medical care, probably just to keep him quiet. He had poor eyesight in his right eye and received a glass lens replacement and when he had heart trouble was given a pacemaker. At the time he was a much loved member of the group and there were many LRH Advices written about Frank, including a little document he had framed on his desk, typed by LRH in 1973 that “Frank, for all his good works in service of the Commodore, is hereby released from any further ethics handling.” This was signed by Ron himself. Frank maintained that Ron had told him on many occasions that Frank was never and could never leave the Sea Org. In May of 2012 he dropped the body while still in the S.O.
Interesting. LRH claims on numerous occasions that ethics are those actions that a person takes on himself to survive better, in fact even defines “ethics” in many places as a contemplation of optimum survival. Group ethics, or so-called “justice” is done for the survival of the group. So why the heck would it be a REWARD to release someone from ethics handlings? (“release” them from all of the benefits of “ethics technology”? hmmmm) – unless of course the Scientology “justice and ethics” system is ACTUALLY designed, despite some of its sweet definitions, to be a system of intimidation, penalty, punishment and force designed to modify people’s thoughts and behaviors and “keep them in line.” See, this is what Ron REALLY thought about his ethics system. Otherwise wouldn’t he have applied it to himself?
Thanks for this, I didn’t know Frank and had no idea. Even though many of us feel angry, betrayed, or sad, I think it is important for context to show that positive things have happened within the empire, in a small way it may help build understanding of why some still stay. The bad deeds are hidden, justified and buried, while the good deeds are often blown beyond their real value, and are used as cognitive dissonant justification as to why some should stay or not rock the boat.
Mike Laws is a man of few words, but when he speaks he always has something important to say.
Glad to see Mike Ellis getting the medical care he needs, this quite unlike Gretchen Schwartz who died at her desk at Pac Base a few years ago. I heard Grtechen had a massive heart attack at her desk while on post.
Gretchen was 62 years old when she died and had served for 34 years.
Incredibly, a CoS memorium acknowledged Gretchen for remaining on post until the very end.
That’s something I never heard regarding Gretchen’s death. Wendy Ettricks said she had a brain tumor, Went in for an operation and died in the hospital.
In either case she worked hard and long hours for many many years with her husband up at Int., was obese and sendintary And I find it very sad.
That is sad. So too the death of Wendy Ettricks, down and out in a seedy motel in the Valley. She fell from Grace and died with apparently nobody much caring. It’s the cold world of scientology that once you are no longer in “good standing” (whether officially declared or not) you may as well be dead. No empathy. No sympathy. No care. Human Rights and compassion are a facade in the church.
Yes indeed Mike. When the faithful wake up and pierce through the felonious facade of the so-called church, they will, in the cobster’s own terminology, experience a severe reality adjustment.
Mike I was shocked to read of Wendy’s death here when you stated “So too the death of Wendy Ettricks, down and out in a seedy motel in the Valley. She fell from Grace and died with apparently nobody much caring.” I knew her briefly many years ago when she was a top FSM, along with her FSM partner and they owned a home together. Met her husband and child also, she was a caring, very able and fun person. What happened? What did she die of? Falling from “grace”, “seedy motel” and “nobody much caring” rips right through me. If you can’t answer here could you please email me? Thanks.
I’d like to know too, Mike. If you can’t answer here, can you email me? I knew Wendy Ettricks personally.
J. Swift:
There must be a huge long list of people who should have received medical attention when they were “in” but didn’t. I can imagine the Hole is full of them and the older SO members must also be vulnerable. Instead there seems to have been the gospel of LRH which implied sickness is weakness and a personal failure to absorb all the benefits of Scientology. And let’s face it DM has a large sadistic streak and I can quite imagine Him saying xxxx doesn’t deserve medical care as He has better uses for the cash. Once in a while there is a quiet announcement of some one dying – wasn’t Annie Broeker one? – from something that should have had medical attention. Whether it did or not I don’t know.
Maybe it is a good time to chase the COS for medical attention as well as a decent wage and treatment as a human by the organisation with the largest proportion of people labelled humanitarians.
And while we’re at it, let’s see about converting Pope Francis to Islam.
Gretchen Swartz’ death is so sad. They say sedentary jobs and not moving is as bad as smoking is on the health and maybe even worse than smoking. And Wendy Ettricks. THat’ very sad. She FSMed and served to help the church and her selectees for decades and no one even came to give her an assist or ask how she was doing or help her. But why in a seedy hotel? Did her own husband kick her out of the house? What is the back story of how she came to be in a hotel? And what was the cause of Wendy’s death, as in what did she die of?
You are right.
Please let’s not forget
Security Chief at Int and ex-husband of Lou Miscavi… aehhh Lou Stuckenbrock who died of MS somewhere off the Int-Base.
His own father – a VERY longterm SCNist – had said, that NO PTSness was involved in that instance and that “everything was allright”.
Ohh gosh…
Mister Swift,
Yeah, it is bloody awful. As we get older, we find we are no longer superman, the age deterioration exponentially compounded by the earlier abuses and lack of care we subject ourselves to. The human body was not designed to survive sedentary 5,000 hour work years, limited sleep, poor food. Medical care has dramatically enhanced the typical human life span from 30+ to 70+ years. Those conditions with no medical or dietary help has to be leaving hundreds, if not a thousand or more old time SO members in horrible shape. It is very sad.
When I was at AOLA Enid Byrnes died with little to no medical care. Many others were neglected. No one wanted to pay.
According to that definition of PTSness then David Miscavige should not be on post.
What post is he really on?
Best statement at all ..
Brilliant! What an amazing way to confront this situation and make it widely known with good will and unassailable logic!! Love this!! I hope Ted Babbitt is reading this. Yes!
Call me cynical, but I think that if Mike Ellis were not seriously ill – and he may not be – that Miscavige would be willing to pay the right doctor handsomely to be forthcoming with such diagnosis of Mr. Ellis as to ensure that he is never deposed.
Just because I find it interesting, I’d love to know the process by which the 2nd doctor was chosen to examine Mike Ellis. Did the cult pick him or was the choice agreed upon by all? Enquiring minds…
Hmmm… Ted Babbit should INSIST on an independent diagnosis and keep the court informed about this dodge of the deposition.
The second doctor was chosen by Babbit’s team. It’s Megan Shields prognosis which is the fraud.
“Taking him to Megan Shields…”
It’s obvious to me that he WASN’T taken to Megan Shields. If he had been, she would have given the same prognosis as the second doctor and not have had to make something up. The second doctor said nothing about any ear infection that surely he would have it there had indeed been one.
This is brilliant for this deposition. Judge Whitmore will surely have something to say about this. He now has positive evidence of the skulduggery that the church and this “Dr” Megan Shields have taken part in. With a bit of luck, Whitmore might even report it to the Medical Board, if not for investigation, for noting it in her file with them.
This bodes really well for the Plaintive in this case!
As for Mike Ellis being such a nice person (commented by someone on this blog), let’s not be Theatie Wheetie about him. He’s party to a fraud together with the Dr Shields.
The second doctor was not chosen by Babbitt’s team. The second doctor appeared after pressure was put on to schedule the deposition following enough time for the ear infection to be healed. He then ended up at a walk-in clinic and was diagnosed with heart problems.
Wow Mike, you honestly couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.
I also want to know how they chose the 2nd doctor. Megan might have signed off on it without seeing him. What about the second one? Who chose that doctor?
And then we could check to see if the cult allowed him to seek medical attention for his condition. Of course illness equals PTS condition so he would HAVE to get some sec checking first and be taken off post per policy.
And WPOD would have to appoint a replacement. Maybe He could get Monique Dingaling to HFA (Handle from Afar) until Mr. Ellis recovers enough to get back on post and fly.
Don’t forget our new acronym WPOD = worthless piece of daveshit.
Oh my, the connotations contained in that report… the criminal negligence within the bureaucracy of miscavige’s organisation are indeed life threatening. Ellis doesn’t know how lucky he is or was if he doesn’t eventually handle the source of his suppression.
On a technical observation, (and a generality to boot), who within the church of $cientology hasn’t got a suppressed and or invalidated PTS item? Illness, not doing well, financial problems, tired, being overwhelmed and inability to observe are but indicators.
The correct item IS the correct item, no matter how much it is denied. Take a bow miscavige…
Is Ellis in Clearwater or LA? If he is in Clearwater, then Shields diagnosed over the phone without seeing him. If in LA he could have seen her in person. I was just curious where he lives?
He works at the HGB in LA. He is the International Justice Chief. The FLB Justice Chief works in Clearwater.
Mike Laws is truly a kind-hearted and exceedingly generous man. His generosity of spirit would let him see this situation in this way. He also has a dynamic sense of humor and never misses the irony in the circumstances.
A puppet, nonetheless. He must have seen enough in the years he’s been on board to know that he regularly violates his integrity.
LOL, Yvonne, your words are kinder than I deserve. I feel the humor was a little on the dark side.
Apologies Yvonneschick and Mike Law. Yvonne, I see only now that you were complimenting Mike Law and not Mike Ellis. My mistake. It was Mike Ellis that I was calling a puppet and NOT Mike Law!
Whilst the issues of heart disease and obesity are well made by Mr. Laws, I would be more forgiving or more sympathetic if this Mike Ellis wasn’t such a puppet for, and supporting the insanity of daddy squirrel David Miscavige for nearly two decades now.
I’ll be sympathetic enough to wish him physical recovery, however unlikely, there is at least some chance now that he’s been diagnosed.
Still, this whole situation smells funny.
The only way Mike Ellis is going to get medical attention is to be sent to the welfare state via Medi-Cal. If the situation becomes dire the cult will just offload him.
Normally he would be offloaded but with all this attn on
the cult in the last years things were forced to change.
Possibly also Mr Ellis will be given the time now to do
something about his conditions. Like 5 mins of exercise
Taking him to Megan Shields and then also to another
doctor is unheard of in the SO PAC area. You go to
the County hospital and get everything for free. (In
2003 just the PAC orgs alone used up about one
million dollars of the taxpayers’ money).
This is not necessarily true. When Mike Rinder’s son, still in, had some form of cancer, it was neglected until it was realized it would become a flap, and conversely could be used to upset or belittle Mike Rinder, DM personally intervened and apparently ordered that he got excellent medical care. In this instance, OSA and DM and RTC can’t afford to leave Ellis un treated after this has been made public, too big a PR flap.
Yep, I see it now. If you’re high profile and it would cause a flap for you to be sick or die, the church pays for medical. Otherwise, it’s nada for the rest of them.
I know that the belief that it is only the crim alla crim that is still in the COS, that only the real bastards are still on posts like this … but I don’t think that is fair or productive. Most people that held high level posts, those with whom I am personally acquainted, believe if they were treated half way decently, they might still be in. If I was treated half way decently I might still be in, having been born into the subject and not knowing any other way. Not everyone in was treated nearly as badly as some of us. If Mike Ellis left and spoke about what was really going on, he would be welcomed with open arms.
One of the best “KR’s” I’ve ever read. Well done Michael.
What did LRH write in SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL?
Which TONE LEVEL would fit?
Isn’t it ‘true’ – per Standard LRH Tech – that the other points are then also fit?
So… how would IJC then handle TRUTH?
Truth? Truth? You want the Truth? You can’t handle the truth IJC! I would like to indicate
your S.P. Item is Davey boy!!!!!
I got it from somewhere this week that Nibs wrote Science of Survival. I think it was from Barefaced Messiah.
Not from there. And not accurate.
A wonderful way to view the situation.