Scientology advertises every event as “epic,” “monumental” etc etc and every one of them is something nobody can afford to miss.
But this one stands out. “In support of the Gothenburg ideal org” it promises to be memorable if only for the choice of title. It is also interesting as there is not a peep about the “ideal org” in Stockholm — which should be where the effort to build a second ideal org (after Malmo) is directed — the capital, cultural center and largest city in Sweden.
But back to the “Have You Lived Before This Life” event.
There used to be a book of that title published by scientology — they subtitled it on Amazon “A scientific survey: a study of death and evidence of past lives.” Yeah, very scientific.
When the “Basics” were released, it (along with Mission Into Time) disappeared from the bookshelves and the memories of the sheeple.
It was promoted as a book by L. Ron Hubbard where he revealed the truth about past lives with actual details of those past lives.
Of course, it was just a collection of incidents pc’s had recounted in auditing sessions with absolutely nothing verified or verifiable. Same story as Mission Into Time which failed the test of whole track recall miserably. Of course the book didn’t include the “scientific” evidence of the many people who recounted their past lives as Julius Caesar or Joan of Arc or Jesus Christ…. pretty compelling evidence that these recollections are figments of the imagination.
Past lives are an article of faith in scientology. Yet there is not a SINGLE instance ever of anyone being able to actually recall any verifiable past life — but all scientologists believe in past lives and that they recall them in their auditing sessions. You would think that a single one of the thousands of Clears/OTs who died in the last 50 years would have “picked up a new body,” made their way back into scientology and gone into an auditing session where they had been able to recall their immediate previous life that could then be verified in the pc folders retained by the org. Just one. OT VIIIs are “cured of amnesia on the whole track” — what about one of them?
It’s another part of the scientology smoke and mirrors show.
Wonder what this event is going to consist of? A bunch of anecdotes taken from pc folders? Just telling people they have lived before and they should believe it?
Such a weird theme for a fundraising event…
I am not interested in “believing” in reincarnation. From my perspective I think that it is probably real.
Good points about physical universe evidence of the phenomenon. There is a group of psychiatrists who have been sincerely studying this for several decades:
Wow, the artwork on what seems to be a later edition is way more grim than the one I have with what looks like is a monk with a candle crunching over skeletons in a catacomb. What a bizarre book, full of insane stories that nightmares could be made of….
This is what Jenna Miscavige Hill mentions on her website. The idea that all past life experiences take place hundreds and thousands of years in the past yet nothing within the past one hundred years that can be verified. I know that in the past we agreed that if someone walked into an org and claimed that they had been LRH in a past life they would be shown the door. But what would happen if someone walked in, bought an auditing package and during their auditing it was found out that they actually had been LRH in a past life? Would they be shown the door as sort of a hush hush operation? Would the mighty midget try to have that person killed? What would the church do? Any ideas?
Monday morning: Woke up and realised that I had been reincarnated because I could remember every thing from the day before.
Tuesday morning: Woke up and realised that I had been reincarnated because I could remember every thing from the day before. Getting excited.
Wednesday morning: Woke up and realised that I had been reincarnated because I could remember every thing from the day before and the day before that. Reincarnation is real. Incredible!
Thursday morning: Woke up, don’t remember anything from the day before…becoming disappointed about the idea of reincarnation. On another note: Had a terrific party Wednesday night, loads of snack food and alcohol. Have a rotten headache and everything sounds four times as loud as usual.
The font on the poster looks oddly like “The Simpsons” font. A tribute to Nancy, perhaps?
Also, I have family members in Göteborg (Gothenburg) and had no idea there was an org there. It appears to be in a small building, ironically located above a nightclub which in this photo is displaying a huge rainbow flag:
At least it’s in a central location, unlike the Stockholm org, which is WAY out in the suburbs.
Font has more of an Unsolved Mysteries vibe, and indicates a similar type of entertainment to be found within…. Folks like ghost stories, what more can one say?
Mike I hope it’s ok that I am going to use your blog to talk a bit about JOe Reaiche who passed away this month .
Because I saw his love for Jordan and was there when Alana was born , I know what a great Dad he was , how well he took care of all the kids .
I am heart broken because he didn’t deserve to be disconnected from and his life ended without his children around him .
He was a good man .
The consequences of his disconnection are horrendous on so many levels.
Yes very sad to read this on Tony’s blog this morning. It’s an excellent summation of the whole story. He will be missed…
I don’t know about reincarnation. I suppose it’s possible. My difficulty is the fact that there are, literally, thousands a people who claim they were (take your pick); Jesus Christ, one of the Caesars, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth the First, George Washington, Bernadette (Soubirous), Napoléon, one of the Pharaohs, etc., etc. Almost always someone famous. So the facts of their lives could be read in any number of books.
Well, goddammit, I believe in past lives. I really do. The trouble is, I can’t substantiate that belief. I wish I could but I can’t. None of the auditing I received allowed me any insight into past lives. Sure, there were incidents that came up, the e-meter told me so. All of these incidents were conveniently waaaaay back on the ‘time track’ and not able to be investigated. Seems that my previous life must have been pretty engram free, even my previous life’s birth and death and occasional traumas. If I would have been able to simply recall my previous name, where I lived, where I worked, schooling, friends and family, it would be no problem to do a search and get some info on what I was up to in my previous life.
Hot Tip for Div 6!!!!!: Instead of doing those silly pinch tests on the e-meter to prove its veracity, how about scrounge up someone’s identity in their immediate previous life? The prospect could whip out their smart phone and with a quick Google search, get some basic info on who they were before occupying their current meat sack. That should open the flood gates and soon the Ideal Orgs would be flooded with raw meat begging for services. Oh ya, hidden standards…
Some 10 years ago there was a YT video of a fund raising event in Gbg. Maybe 7-8 people and dressed up like what not and incredibly enthusiastic and “successful”. Just INSANITY in a nuts–shell! Actually all of them are!
Stefan, what you were witnessing in the YT video is known in Scientology as ‘glee of insanity’. Honest to gawd, this is actually defined in the Tech Dictionary. Oh ya, they don’t exist anymore, but they can be had for pennies on the dollar on eBay I’m sure. Check the phenomenon out here on an official RTC website:
Yes! I actually wrote the below comment on Tony´s blog two days ago re first time reading the OT3 material in the course room!
“I remember me and my twin/buddy when we first read it, we started to giggling and both felt it was ridicoulus and insane, still we just wanted to believe.
If the sup had seen us he would have concluded:“
We would hear stories of returnees occasionally. I remember hearing a guy named Spencer Bradham gave his previous life’s name, the folders were found, and he was routed onto OT 3 immediately. But I only vaguely knew of him due to his family being well-regarded. I didn’t know him personally, and couldn’t ever verify if that’s what happened. Not that I believe it would have been real, but would be interesting to know if he/they did.