Here is another document from our growing team of Special Correspondents keeping their ears to the ground and eyes on the prize.
Tony Ortega included the promo piece in his weekly Sunday Funnies collection this morning and it is worthy of a good chuckle. But it came with an email that deserves its own comment.
This is a wonderful example of the dimwittedness of these supposed “OT’s” who have really learned to not even think dim thoughts for themselves. They are literally dumb as stump posts at this point. A=A=A is the order of the day. If Miscavige pisses on their heads and tells them its raining, they comment on how good a fresh shower feels.
This email highlights these enormous outpoints:
1. The small and failing “Southeast” orgs (what, in the face of massive international expansion greater than ever in history?) in Atlanta, Orlando, Miami and Puerto Rico (only because there are NO orgs in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia or West Virginia to even be small and failing) now become the responsibility of Flag? Why, Miami and Atlanta are the 8th and 9th most populous metropolitan areas in the United States with a combined population of 11 million…. and that is just not enough resources to tap into apparently.
2. Quote: “This is the strategy that COB said would lead to planetary Clearing! Yes, that’s right! A Cleared planet.” OMG, that is said with a straight face! These people will believe ANYTHING that spouts forth from the mouth of Dear Leader. Are they REALLY this stupid? In the face of all evidence to the contrary — evidence highlighted in their OWN EMAIL.
Just these two data should be enough for anyone logical to realize there is something seriously wrong. But these people are NOT logical. In fact, they are completely irrational being unable to do anything other than parrot “Command Intention.”
If this strategy, that is going SO WELL and bringing about expansion like never before according to Miscavige, really WAS succeeding, how can these enormous metropolitan areas in the US be such failures? And how in the entire Southeastern US can there only be orgs in 4 states (Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri) and no orgs AT ALL in 9 states?
His strategy has been rolling for 10 years now. Time enough to demonstrate some workability one would imagine.
And if this IS really the strategy for “Clearing the Planet” and Flag is responsible for Southeast US, why isnt Miscavige using the surplus income already generated by Flag to simply buy them their building and be done with it? FSO sends well in excess of a million dollars a WEEK to “international management” (that does not even exist). In one year $50 million would buy and renovate 4 extravagant orgs.
And who is going to be responsible for Canada and all the orgs there that are going nowhere with the “IDeal Org Strategy”? Or France? or the rest of Australia outside Melbourne? Or, or, or….
Thanks to Special Correspondent Memphis Belle for forwarding this email.
Mike Rinder
The IQ Test OT Committee Email
Dear Members,
On the 20-21st of April we will be hosting the Flag Alliance, which is a gathering of the Southeastern Orgs that need to go Ideal (Atlanta, Miami, Orlando and Puerto Rico). Each Org is bringing their people to Tampa and Flag for this event.
This is our chance to be “hands on” in the creation of the next Ideal Orgs. This is the strategy that COB said would lead to planetary Clearing! Yes, that’s right! A Cleared planet. Now how many times have we all said we would help make that happen?
So, that’s reason number one to save the dates and help us create 4 new Ideal Orgs this year.
Reason number two is: we really need your help. There are all kinds of short term and longer term projects like being part of recovery tours to these areas, helping to create more events locally to inspire others to get involved, etc., etc. And coming to this Alliance will get you connected up and on the team.
Below is the Promo so you have all the schedule. Please confirm to this email so we know we can count on you. Let us know if you will be at Tampa on Saturday because they are serving a free lunch and dinner and need to know the number attending. We really want to take a lot of people there because this is where you’ll get the data you need to be very effective in helping get this job done. It’s the non-E for everyone on this project.
If you can only come on Sunday to Flag, also let us know that.
Check out the schedule below and sign up. I’ll see you there.
ML, Kaye Champagne and Susan Freilich (Alliance IC)
Did you also notice this: “Now how many times have we all said we would help make that happen?”
I guess they are so, so many that they can’t remember nor can’t count them any more.
Pity, besides being blind the have lost the ability to count!!!
Did someone imply that LRH wrote the screen play for “Field of Dreams”, or something? The concept “If you build it, they will come” seems to be policy via command intention.
We really should throw a gala event with the whole vast hoard of int management invited, and explain to them the differences between Hollywood and real life. (Which reminds me to book another event to discuss Santa Clause – no, he is not a moronic midget.)
On the practical side, If they would plant a cabbage patch on one of the ranches, they could resolve the problem of replacement sea org staff. (Or maybe hydroponics would be more appropriate.)
I think Miscavige has only scratched the surface of potential Ideal Org fundraising schemes. For example, he could: 1) auction off to public leftovers from his specially-prepared meals; 2) Ship out the garbage and trash from Int to PAC or elsewhere and auction it off to public; 3) Auction off Int staff in the Hole or RPFers from any RPF to be slaves for a certain amount of time (day, week, month, etc) to rich public to perform various tasks including vehicle customization or so high rollers can practice berating, beating and torturing subordinates; 4) Auction off chances to become part of the COB entourage for a day, week, etc; 5) Publish and sell special collectors editions of particularly juicy sec check KRs; 6) Have Gold film then sell special one-of-a-kind videos of COB inspections of the base including all beatings and humiliations administered; 7) Sell special how-to videos on being an asshole by Jenny Linson (the “Ultimate Asshole Collection.” The possibilities are actually endless….
🙂 🙂 🙂
Since you’re mentioning France, we’re nowhere near getting an Ideal Org here in Paris. Some loaded donators have been writing big checks but what with the price of of real estate in Paris + the dwindling number of French scientologists (less than 1500), it doesn’t look good – thank God.
Apparently part of the money donated was used for the Brussels ideal morgue which is sitting as empty as a California beach in a snow storm.
And then there is the threat of Scientology being banned in France. So I guess Davey will be reluctant to open a Gallic idle org that may have to close as soon as it is opened. And should he come to France to cut the ribbon, he may even be arrested and jailed by the French. After all, they did sue LRH and sentence him in absentia back in 1978.
Litlle Davey in a French jail, now that would be rich.
This is the time of year when I start planting my garden.
This latest church BS would make great fertilizer if it weren’t so toxic.
The Church is going through the normal death throes for any business on a collapse. Whether Enron, Lehman, WorldCom, Pontiac, the CEO’s will stand up and pontificate about how well they are doing and how the “new reorganization” will create untold expansion and wealth. With the above, collapses happened shortly thereafter. Lehman’s CEO claimed they were 100% solvent and collapsed just three days later.
If you think about it, you can’t even blame DM for lying, other than he is a psychotic liar anyway. But from a strict business perspective, he is simply doing what he has to do. Even the President of the US has to lay out some PR about our economy…if he told the entire truth, we would probably have bank runs which would even be more of a problem.
My point is that SCN is dead…there is no delivery of training or auditing to speak of. Remember Karen saying that she was told that there was only one public person Class 5 made all last year. That is dead! There is almost no reason to even argue the point.
I told a friend a few months back that the orgs will start to a “consolidaion,” all shrouded in some smokescreen of “expansion”…well, here it is. It is just more of the same…they are dead.
The lawsuits are also just part of the game. Soon, everyone will jump on board the lawsuit bandwagon for fear of being left out once the cash distribution begins.
It really is fascinating to watch. What is really a fascination is to see how blind those still in truly are. Lest we not forget…they blind themselves. no one else is doing it. I did it to myself after all…I am fully aware of how that mechanism works.
OMG! This is so ludicrous on so many levels.
They are doing this “alliance” scam elsewhere. Denver, Salt Lake City and St. Louis are promoting the “Gateway Alliance”. If they continue on this trajectory, you’ll end up seeing “The WUS Alliance”, then the “North American Alliance”. All this says to me is that they can no longer gather enough people locally. They’ve burnt their field. So, by combining the fields of 3 or 4 orgs they might muster enough people to make an event worthwhile.
Another way to look at this – its an idiot filter. Anyone dumb enough to travel hundreds of miles, spend money on travel is certainly worth regging. Those who do not attend are either 1) too broke to make it, or 2) too intelligent to fool. Either way – you don’t want them at your event. So, the hapless fools that actually go out of their way to attend this event ARE PURE GOLD.
Yes, and it has been done in Chicago and Detroit, in 2011 and 2012. Try this link – work, Google “scientology midwest alliance” for several links.
“Another way to look at this – its an idiot filter”.
That’s for damned sure. I was one of those idiots a few years ago.
Okay I am a Southeast US guy…
Atlanta Org right now is “Ideal”. Meaning, its about 3000 sq ft (give or take a 1000) and it’s ideal. Meaning, its the perfect size for what goes on there are has been going on for years.
If you are single and have no children, you certainly don’t need a school bus to drive around.
The current building in Atlanta is already too big. The ideal org building will be a bus with a driver and nobody riding in it. pity. What caught my eye on this email was joining the “recovery” effort. Guessing my doorbell will be ringing soon. geez.
One would be better off donating to the Association of Professional Independent Scientologists. They are doing something to improve the world by using the technology of L. Ron Hubbard. Not Miscavology
I noticed that this version of the flyer does not have the same typo as the one that Ortega has: the “Idea” Org was caught. Also, can someone shed some light on the small print? There is an acknowledgement to the LRH Library and for the excerpt of the copyrighted works of LRH. There is copyrighted material on this migraine-inducing, eyesore of a flyer?
Once again, I stand in awe of Miscavige’s money making genius! First he created the game of the “ideal org”, a game that all Scientologists could play (check or credit card?) without actually getting new people in or auditing anyone or making any more auditors. The way you play this game is you give money and get others to give, so that your area gets to buy a new building, renovate, instal the implant screens …. uhm, I mean video information monitors …. and you now have an “ideal org” which might not train or audit anyone, but it is ….. uhm …. ideal.
NOW Miscavige has gone brilliant again! You and your friends and family may have finally paid for YOUR ideal org….. but it ain’t over folks. NOW you need to get together with folks from other areas and form ONE group that will buy/renovate buildings for the WHOLE AREA (like is being done in California). Yeah ….. you need to contribute AGAIN! (it’s always more money, folks, it’s always more money). Remember …. IT’S STRATEGIC! By the way … one more thing?… The meals aren’t actually free,
What a bunch of phoney, huckstering, brain-washing, off-purpose, money-grubbing ignorance and avoidance of actually doing Scientology.
No. That is not how the planet can be cleared, Kaye Champagne and Susan Freilich. It is also not done by building lots of buildings and taking pictures or videos of them and showing them to people and bragging about how nice they look. And it is most definitely not done by serving lunch or having pep rallies or psyching yourselves up to sell other people on selling other people to sell other people on these things.
But the planet possibly could eventually be cleared by having a conversation with a person who doesn’t know about Scientology (you know, one of those “wogs” you’ve read about) and getting to know them. And letting them get to know you. And then maybe helping them out by showing them how to improve their lives using Self-Analysis lists, or TWTH, and maybe some other Tech you have been fortunate enough to have been given by LRH. Some of those people might even want to help some of their friends in the same way. Of course you would have to communicate with and actually get to know some of those “wog” people. But it’s not so bad. Heck, you used to be a “wog” yourself. You’d be surprised how much you have in common with other people. They are much better company than MEST.
Fantastic. Thank you for that!
“Just one thing to do” –(said while diving into the nearest phone booth, to emerge seconds later, changed into a slick Black tuxedo costume, even slicker hairstyle
and state-of-the-art instant sun tan that even contains traces of mandatory 18 ct.
Gold Glitter. ) and says in a ridiculously deep voice – for a midget -( while assuming
the classic Superman take off pose! )—– “This is a job for DESUPERDEMON! “
There are almost no words for this nonsense.
I wonder if some of these people have ever actually considered forming an alliance with LRH and the Tech, Policy and advices he penned.
It’s Hugh! It’s Strategic!…….Really? Is that right?
Every time I think its safe to imagine some sanity emanating from the ranks of the OTs, there’s another article like this and I get that old feeling like from the movie “Jaws”…dum-dum, dum- dum, dum-dum,…the insanity is back…it never went away…There’s blood in the water and its BACK…Oh, God…the mind just BOGGLES.
All I can think of to keep my own head from spinning is LRH’s datum about people being “last ditch right” up until the end. That’s how I see these benighted souls – being Last Ditch Right no matter what. There’s a desperate quality coming across in this e-mail. This very subjective of me but I’m getting a kind of desperate, frantic vibe.
“Find out what it is!” “It’s huge!” “It’s strategic” “It’s never been done before” “It’s an experience you’ll never forget”.
Is this a night with Lynn Irons being auctioned off?
You are sooo bad Oracle.
I think they left out “Ballistic Missle” 🙂
Funny girl! No, it is a night with Scarlett Johansson.
You people are all too negative here. Just because the Idea Org strategy has never worked doesn’t mean it won’t work this time. OK, I have to go now and bang my head against the wall. I was told that if I did it would eventually rain gold.
‘Southeast Ideal Org Alliance.” _ one word:
“This is our chance to be “hands on” in the creation of the next Ideal Orgs”
“hands on” LOL
Yes! hands on your pocket book.
The desperation continues to show through as you point out so very well. Five years ago, we would have been required to pay $100 for the privilege of attending to cover the cost of food, etc. Now they are enticing with free meals. I also remember when the local public at Flag were puking over the demands for money for Tampa org. They kept promising us we would only have to do it once – then we could get back to our real hats of moving people up the bridge. I will admit, I still see certain names and think fondly of the individuals. I know that in their hearts, they still believe they are doing the noble work of helping the people of planet Earth. I am only amazed they could stay this blind for this long.
Also cannot help but notice not one mention of LRH or one LRH quote to back up the activity. Clearly not his game anymore.
Good points.
Your comment about the food reminds me of the events at the Shrine Auditorium. As a Sea Org Member, I looked forward to them so I could eat as much free-food as I could after the event, in disguise, while dressed in "civilian clothes", and feed my hungry body.
It’s kind of funny how off-purpose it is. Forget about LRH policy. Forget about doing or delivering Scientology. Who cares about stats and all that mumbo jumbo. If COB says we are going to clear the planet by riding unicycles and juggling bowling pins then by god that’s how it will be.
I believe I still have some charge on the term “get the data”. “You don’t want to come because you’re still broke from the last fundraiser five days ago? Well, you should come anyway so you can get the data”.