This is an ideal org “success” that actually speaks volumes about its failure.
Denver was declared an “ideal org” in 2012. It has remained small and failing since — making money to pay their bills by selling parking spaces to people attending Rockies games. So much for the 10.4X expansion that was touted as happening in all ideal orgs once they opened.
The ONLY “completion” they have to announce is one that happened in Los Angeles at a completely different org.
And even then — they are so lacking any sort of good news that they devote a whole poster to someone completing “preparations” for OT levels. Not an OT level.
Denver is not “flourishing and prospering” — it is a morgue. Of course, the newest reason is that they have not had “FEBC Execs” — though of course, using scientology’s own standards, neither did St Hill. Or Boston which is the other org Hubbard mentions (its execs were all criminal registrars who had been brought to the Apollo to be Comm Eved and were going to be declared but the recommendations were mitigated to being sent to Boston to “boom it.”)
The level of self-incrimination continues to rise as scientology sinks lower and lower, clutching at any straw they can find. Soon these ideal orgs will be sending out posters of Sea Org members graduating the EPF as a “success” if the person had been born in their area…
Does anyone have a new info on the Denver Ideal org? Just curious if anyone knows any sea orgs that are still there. Do people who work there that are not sea orgs get paid full pay? Do the sea org members live in a birthing or live like public scientologist? Thank you
Tracey, was the Denver org initially staffed with a lot of SO when it went “ideal”?
Not sure, I just see people going in with vests, some gold some black. I assumed they were sea org sent here. They all seem older. Second generation public members go in too.
I spent the 1970s on staff during the true boom days of Scientology. (and STILL the staff were exploited and paid virtually nothing). Very few people join Scientology nowadays and the ones who stay are mentally impaired (I am not talking figuratively here)/brainwashed. I left after 35 years in, and I love these stories, they bring me uptone when they expose the decades long failure of an already dead religion (it’s a real estate holding company now).
I too miss Thursday Funnies. I don’t get to see others’ life-changing wins, like this guy learning how to suppress his nagging doubts even further.
I think it is long overdue for someone to state exactly what is going on in Scientology. David Miscarriage was allowed a pass on tax from the IRS.
The deal is really quite simple.
He has only one objective now and that is to make sure the Technology of Scientology does not reach the broad public, and any that does is altered so it has little or no effect.
He has made sure no one can take the SHSBC as public, and no one can take the Class VIII course as Sea Org staff.
he as invented the Ideal ORg system so no one actually ever gets any service they just keep giving money away for nothing.
This is contrary to LRH policy and is evil beyond belief.
I am not saying this for a debate about the Technology as I am not getting involved with that stupid argument from idiots and psycho’s.
I wish only to see David Miscavuage correctly identified as the most suppressive person ever to hold office in the Org.
He is working for an evil force, perhaps the US governemnt, the NWO or whoever.
It really does not matter, the only thing that does matter is we have only a brief time to escape the trap of this existence as it is, and he is making sure no one does.
The only hope left is the decent and humane staff who have left, resigned or just blown and are delivering the Tech outside of Miscaviages’s pathetic influence.
Long may the decent stand against tyranny in all it’s forms.
Hi Long Fall Blow Down,
Thank you for writing this comment!
I believe that if I been holding e-meter cans when I read it I would have had an LFBD !!
Certainly, he seems to be following a plan for the sterilization of scn. At this point, if he’s not working for the government or some sinister overarching power, then he must be an abductee (there are no alternatives). Here in Italy, we have Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who, in her book, says that every morning she talks to her guardian angel. And she too is dismantling what’s left of Italy.
I hope you do not think Miscavige might be an alien abductee. Certainly aliens, or governments. or some “sinister overarching power” are not the only available choices for his so-called ‘plan’, which is most likely this under-educated, immature bully just reacting from his pea brain to the situations he misperceives due to his inability to see people as equal human beings.
Aliens, at least, would choose some human other than an eighth grade dropout who is over two standard deviations below average human male height, and who exhibits signs of paranoid delusions, an an aversion to contact with fellow humans?? Might they not go for a young Albert Einstein, Itzhak Perlman, Ursula K Le Guin, or others who showed natural intelligence and talent?
Ammo Alamo, no. I was simply being sarcastic without intending to offend anyone. DM obviously has tendencies that are downright fascist like scn (having the certainty of truth and wanting to impose it on others regardless). He’s just deeply messed up inside.
The point is, if scn really worked, there would be hordes of people following it spontaneously without the need for reg or anything else. But it’s not like that. Scn has nothing spiritual about it, it’s a commercial trap. Deliberately created. One could audit himself for centuries and still get nowhere. But he always would come back to the same point. Of course, one can believe whatever they want and convince themselves because hubbard guaranteed it. But the idea of being able to be someday what you can’t be now because of your ‘aberrations’ is a nice trap that leverages ego. True spirituality is a solely personal journey. So I completely agree with you. Absolutely.
What do you mean by “he must be an abductee”?
Cindy, as I also mentioned in another comment here, mine was mostly a sarcastic conclusion. There is a lot of literature discussing the topic of abductions and research on it through deep hypnosis. Not that it has ever interested me, but many conclusions among different researchers coincide. One of these is certain behavioral characteristics motivated by strong internal drives with a clear path to follow as if it were already established, or they hear “voices” telling them what to do or even talking to them. The basic theory is that all of these aim to slow down or divert the growth of human self-awareness in many ways. So many leaders fall into this framework (if I had to believe it I would say that hubbard could be one of them looking at what he did, not DM).
That being said, I don’t follow these theories, especially since scn has nothing spiritual about it as it leads by itself people in the exact opposite direction. Furthermore, if DM could hurry up and ruin everything that remains of scn, he would be doing everyone a big favor.
Thanks for the clarification, Losing My Religion.
TL:DR – According to LongFallBlowdown, if he were to engage in a debate about the so-called technology dreamed up by Hubbard he would be getting involved “with that stupid argument from idiots and psycho’s.”
Yeah, right, as one of those “idiots and psycho’s” who find only lies and self-serving narcissism in anything Hubbard proposed I am happy to report for debate duty, with a steady stream of idiot’s drool rolling down my chin.
There is no tech. There is no tech. Hubbard spun off a soon-to-be-discarded technique used by psychologists trying to help soldiers suffering from “shell shock”, as it was known then. He swiped ideas wherever he could find them, which is how he took Volney Matheson’s ElectroPsychometer as his own idea. Borrowing from all the ages of beliefs in re-incarnation, he just added the Martian implant stations, plus a bit of punishment from Santa Claus’s ‘ya better not cry, ya better not pout” form of punishing lifestyle. Since he didn’t have a god able to create the earth and heavens in six days, and rest on the seventh, he went deep into some half-baked SF story about Xenu or Zenu, and DC8 model spaceplanes, volcanoes, and H-bombs to spread Body Thetans far and wide. When it became apparent the so-called Tech had little or no value, in fact was dangerous for the average person to be subjected to, Little Missy Cabbige dreamed up Donate for Status, and Pretty Empty Buildings, which is about all Scientology has to offer today. Hubbard is dead, and he took Scientology with him, thankfully. What is left is a few people who have simply refused to look behind Great Oz’s curtain.
Hell, Hubbard dreamed up a baby formula that is harmful to infants. He turned shiny young do-gooders into cussing, smoking, angry people who he sleep deprived, subjected to an inadequate diet, forced to work beyond human need, and destined to a regimen of bad food and worse pay. He made his indecipherable gobble-de-gook word salad both contradictory and infallible, a sure recipe for a confused bunch of followers, who have never straightened things out because they all are forbidden to discuss case failure, but must announce case gain in glowing hyperbole. With his written and spoken words both unchangeable, every mistake he made will be repeated many times over.
Holy smoke – the guy invented some mystery Tech where you have to convince imaginary body thetans to take their imaginary selves off your body and magically transport their imaginary selves to some new imaginary location?? And pay thousands of dollars to learn how to do that?
Hubbard couldn’t even figure out how to wash a car windshield, much less invent some spiritually enlightening way to hand over your money to him, which is all he really wanted, that, and narcissistic adulation wherever he could get it to prepare for his paranoid side.
AA – Excellent comment.
IMO Davey doesn’t give a hoot about $ci. beliefs. He only wants to maintain POWER and could not care less what happens in $ci. after he is dead and gone.
I agree 100%
You nailed it Ammo. As a fellow “idiot and psycho”, I am one of those who firmly believes that pretty much everything Hubbard did was pulled straight out of his ass. He was a world class con man and Miscavige just took over where he left off. For those who think Ronnie is some sort of brilliant savior of mankind who created the only ‘tech’ that could save us from ourselves, I offer the following:
For anyone willing to follow this fraudster, I have some swampland in Florida I would be willing to sell…
AA, I subscribe what you’re saying.
Bravo LFBD! Well said.
The missions in Colorado* went under after the Denver org went “ideal” – a typical pattern. With Scientology actually shrinking, the orgs have been cannibalizing the missions, and the big “stat push” to try to get more business that comes with moving an org into a massive building, seems to be a death blow to anything else in the vicinity – of course the reverse of how internal propaganda claims it is supposed to work, and is going to turn out.
* Except Boulder, which I believe only still exists because it’s the base for an old field auditor who FSMs, and may have to keep it open to continue his real money-making activities – and it moved from a prime location just off the famous Pearl Street Mall and near the University of Colorado, to one in a strip mall outside of town. Also there may have been a mission in neighboring Wyoming that died after the Denver org went “ideal”, too.
Upper management is not averse to consolidating by cutting off their tentacles. They did it in Clearwater 2 decades ago when they instituted a rule of no field auditing within 50 miles of Flag. I suppose that was so that no one would compete against the Clearwater and Bellair missions, or… and this is probably more likely… attempt to shut down the field auditors in favor of them joining staff somewhere.
Miscavige is the one who decimated the mission network in the early 1980s under the theory they were stealing from the orgs (stealing lists, stealing PCs, stealing income). Wouldn’t be surprised if he did it again.
I really don’t get how the people in can’t see that HE is THE SP. No one being auditor trained anymore, no Briefing Course, no Red Vols, no Green Vols, no Tech Dictionary no Data Series, no KTL or LOC; no missions to deliver Basic Courses -FLAG delivering them AND the Purif for God’ssake. Flag routinely ripping off PCs from perishing Class V orgs. No auditors being trained, no Clears being made in any remote conception of volume. Only fundraising. IAS Fundraising and Ideal Org Fundraising for expensive much larger quarters that aren’t needed as they are no way comensurate with the number of Scientology’s remaining skeleton Class V staff and dwindling public. All they do is fundraise now. Donating = Case Gain now. That IS what is being promoted. Its incredible, their not seeing this. Or do they? Is it possible that most of them DO see this, and yet are so COWED that they dare not protest? Are they really THAT beaten down? Jesus!
‘That beaten down?’ – yep, they are. Hanging onto believing the lies of false hope is literally a soul-destroying addiction. Scientology Organizations are one, among many, whacky cults where the human spirit goes to sacrifice itself on the altar of self-determinism (they personally believe!)
It’s very apparent viewing long-term evidence that many kinds of spiritual euthanasia exist, but Scientology is very good at it.
From what I’ve witnessed from within that cult is that it’s like spiritual flypaper.
Yawn, all true, and yet, the irony is that, when one first gets into Scientology, in the Public Division and then in Div 4’s lower bridge, its all ABOUT one’s self determinism. At least, this was my experience.
Honestly, when I first got into Scientology I had no CLUE what my own self determinism on pretty much anything was! I was in my early 30s and on the outside I looked OK and with very little effort mostly sounded OK, sounded normal and together but it was a facade, and a facade that could and did change depending upon the circumstances and the people with whom I was involved.
In fact, to be totally candid, in those day, between the ages of about 15 and 34, not only was I not self determined, it wasn’t even an active or conscious suppression of who I was, in order to be liked or approved of or whatever. Actually, there wasn’t any “me” in those years. In those years, I was like an actor who went from one role right into another without ever any “down time” of just being who I really was. And it was all so unconscious that it never occurred to me that there even WAS a Me , and when it did, I would usually doubt that what I thought or wanted or needed etc. was correct. Talk about being inwardly insecure! I know this sounds wild but its true. “Me” was what or who I was expected to be at any given time or situation. When I discovered that there was a Me I was fast approaching middle age and it was like I was exploring new territory, a strange land. What did I really like? What did I really think? What made me happy? What did I want, what did I need? Again, it sounds utterly incredible but its true of me, or was back then.
There had been a lot of death, sudden death, and some bad decisions afterwards. Possibly I sort of died too…I don’t know. but hey, the rain falls on all of us at some point in our lives, so I’m not complaining because while I have indeed been very unlucky I’ve also been extememely lucky in other ways I had the rain fall on me early in life. Others get caught in it later. So what’s my point…oh, right – self determinism.
So to make a long story short, I got into Scientology to get rid of a kind of chronic grief and sadness from all the deaths, and what happened was that in the courses I did and the auditing I had on the lower bridge, I was helped, and I discovered or regained or what had been submerged or whatever my own nature. And my own nature is basically a happy one. I was like that as a child – pretty much in basic cheerful mode most of the time until I was about 13. Then it all changed, never mind why, long and boring story
I did not get far in Scientology. I was only audited to the middle of the Bridge. I didn’t auditor train. I didn’t go Clear, not even close. I never went to Flag. I did a lot of courses at my little org. Became very fond of the staff; cared about them. Thought they cared about me (ahem!) Never mind, they were very helpful, and patient with me for years. I will always grant them that, its just fact as regards my experience, and I owe them gratitude for how they worked with me. Because inside – not outside, outside wasn’t the problem – inside, I was a mess. Really a mess.
The way I was, inside, it was a miracle that I didn’t become an alcoholic drug addict, or a prostitute. Remember how I said just now that besides having been unlucky, I was also extremely lucky? Well, not going down those roads, or even being tempted to go down those roads, were some ways I was extremely lucky. I didn’t like drinking that much so that ruled out drowning my troubles in booze (I did try getting very drunk to forget a few times, didn’t work) and I’ve never been able to be physical with a man that I wasn’t really attracted to, so that ruled out hooking, and as for drugs, legal and otherwise, I’ve always believe myself to be spaced out enough naturally so that drugs might really put me over the edge, so I was not tempted. The angel over my shoulder told me that fhe feelings of pain and loss could not be wiped away with alcohol or drugs, and although I wouldn’t let any man really love me, the concept of being with a man or men I didn’t love was repellent to me, although I broke this rule a few times, out of loneliness physcial need. It didn’t make me happy though. Pretty much I was no-where, happiness-wise. I did know what didn’t work; the basics self destructive things. That much I knew. So I was lucky in that regard.
Wow, how I do run on. I should probably erase all this but what the hell. The main point is (whew, finally, right?) is that in my experience the beginning courses, and the lower Bridge, which is all I did, helped me a great deal to uncover, or discover, or whatever, my own self and with it my determinisn.
I realize that my experience is at variance with others’ experience here.
To those whose experience with what was the techand those who delivered it in the late 80s and early 90s was horrendous, or just not workable somehow, please understand that my experience is my experience and yours is yours. Keeping in mind that I was NEVER at any time staff or Sea Org, that my whole 25 years in was as a public, that may well be the linchpin upon which the differences in experiences turn. From what I observed, Sea Org members behaved very differently, and in my (then private) opinion, operated very much OUTSIDE of the way Hubbard in his HCOPLs and HCOBs said was the right way to operate. I knew nothing about Sea Org members, their lives, their hours, their enormous stress. I observed Sea Org members from the eyes of an ignorant public Scientologist who was being treated well by the staff of her little org and my true, private opinion of them WAS (not is, was) that they were overbearing types who always had to have their way NOW, people who were uninformed about and intolerant of and uninterested in the daily issues with which Class V staff and public grappled, namely feeding, clothing and housing themselves…that’s how I viewed Sea Org members, for decades, literally. Privately, I considered them as enemies! Yes, that is true! But the org staff never complained about them and of course I didn’t either. But privately, yes, that’s what I thought. When they – Sea Org members were always “they” to me back then, never “us” – when they came it meant trouble of some sort. SOMEthing was going to be busted up, criticized and/or redone.
And of course I couldn’t have been more WRONG in this generalization.
I found out after I left how uninformed I was about Sea Org members.
Now as regards my point I have gone far afield and apologize for that.
It seemed and it still seems to me that the lower Bridge in Scientology is all about uncovering and freeing the self determinism of the person, while, from what I read, the upper Bridge is all about obliterating it! ” Bring it it, lets see it, ok, good, THERE it is, now lets get busy snuffing it out!”
It appears to me – and again, this is all very subjectiive on my part – that I didn’t stay in long enought to get snuffed out! was lucky to get out before that happened!
Grammar/typos/emotional sorry
My heart goes out to you. I hope you are happy and healthy now.
Thank you,t hat’s very kind of you, Tracy. I’m fine now, and actually have been for some time now. “Happy and healthy” and overall, taking a long view of things, very lucky. Thanks again
You said it well; “a soul-destroying addiction”. They were and are good, well intentioned sincere people who are now, unknowingly, or with full awareness, or in a state of perceiption in between these opposite states of awareness, pro-actively engaged in protecting and serving a hugely suppressive criminal and as such engaging in criminal behavior themselves. Like the saying goes, “The road to hell…etc.” Very sad and I do mean that literally.
Since Scientology has a long history, I suppose the scio-powers-that-be are “omitting time” in their stories to their followers about their expansion or achievements. Maybe we should spend more effort to HIGHLIGHT and EMPHASIZE THE PASSAGE OF TIME for them in our critic messages. Maybe they will start to see that “production” and stats aren’t all that they have been cracked up to be.
Aqua, it doesn’t get any better than what you said.
“No one being auditor trained anymore, no Briefing Course, no Red Vols, no Green Vols, no Tech Dictionary no Data Series, no KTL or LOC; no missions to deliver Basic Courses -FLAG delivering them AND the Purif for God’ssake. Flag routinely ripping off PCs from perishing Class V orgs. No auditors being trained, no Clears being made in any remote conception of volume. ”
The less ‘tech’ being applied, is all for the better in my book. No ‘clears’ being made? This is nothing new. There have never been any ‘clears’ made, only “clear’ certificates and fancy bracelets. Same with ‘OTs’. Even though the ol’ grifter proclaimed Sonia Bianca (sp?) and John McMaster to be the first real ‘clears’ (different versions I guess), they never achieved that state of existence and neither has anyone else no matter how much 100% standard ‘tech’ was applied. Whatever the hell that means.
“Are they really THAT beaten down? Jesus!”. Yes. This is the result of ‘ethics tech’ being applied. Nothing like a good ol’ gang bang sec check and yet another set of lowers to make one think twice about thinking.
You and Aqua have really summed up the state of existence in the orgs and Flag completely. And this is so true, “Nothing like a good ol’ gang bang sec check and yet another set of lowers to make one think twice about thinking.”
Its all ethics, ethics, ethics. Apparently the word itself has morphed into a CO$ right ALWAYS, anyone disagreeing with CO$ wrong ALWAYS, Zero Sum solutions of “handle or disconnect” which no longer has anything to do with the self -determination of those involved. Handle or Disconnect now means:
“Do EXACTLY what we the Church of Scientology tell you to do, OR NO MORE communication with child/mother/father /brother/sister/lover/husband/wife/friend/relative for high-crimin’, out-ethics, other-fish-fryin’ YOU”.
I hear you, Ms. B! Quick question if its ok for you to safely answer it on this blog; When you were in, were you in the Sea Org? Again, if you’d rather not answer, no worries, just tell me so plainly and I will understand
Well, I was sort of. I actually signed the infamous billion year contract. I didn’t ever ship off to get started though. Instead, I blew and went to work a job in Wyoming, far far away from the long arm of the cult. At least I thought so. They managed to find me and ‘recover’ me. It seems no crime is too great if you still have some money.
A bit later, I actually joined staff at a mission as an ‘ethics officer’ if you can imagine that. I blew that post too after my money dried up. Once again I was ‘recovered’ after I recovered my income stream.
Never one to give up the hopes the cult offered for spiritual freedom, I came back as a public person until I finally pried my eyes open and really blew the cult for good. Life has only gotten better since.
OMG, WELL DONE for blowing and not shipping off per the Sea Org contract, Ms. B. I say that with the same fervor that I’d say, “Well done for avoiding that concentration camp.” Seriously, you did the right thing. Now, you might have felt badly or guilty about that afterwards (or have been convinced to feel that way, whatever) but from a pragmatic viewpoint, you did NOT join a suppressive organization totally run and controlled by a sociopath, an organization which totally brainwashes young, helpful, idealistic people, exploits them mercilessly, turns them into soul-less exploitive creatures themselves; an organization with the so-called purpose of helping and saving mankind and “getting ethics in on the planet, which is NOT doing this, and which has NEVER at any time even remotely done this.. Give yourself a gold star – a hundred of them! – for fleeing THAT trap!
“Staff at a mission as an ethics officer?” Sure, I can imagine that. I only made it to mid-lower bridge in my little org and had very good experiences with staff and with my ethics officers. They were good people; they helped me.
But then, money…without it, how is one supposed to live? “Make it go right” is not a solution. Adequate staff pay IS the solution to getting and keeping good staff. How can any organization run well with enough people and good people? Honestly, its ridiculous. I was only ever a public. I never joined. Came close but didn’t follow thru. I knew I’d never make it; working 40 hours a week on staff and then moonlighting. No. Not sustainable. I am not a trust fund baby and I didn’t have a wealthy spouse and I wasn’t about to sponge off of family members either. No way.
Down the years I saw many shiny eyed new staff members starting out, all excited, all looking forward to helping and making a difference, etc., regging me to come on board (unsuccessfully) A month or so later they were gone. “Hey, where’s _________?” “Oh, , he/she had to route off staff for a while to handle something”. Mostly never saw him/her again. Truth. Only a few staff stayed, signing again, year after year. They had situations wherein it cost them very little to live. One of them was wealthy, the others were comfortable in their own ways and could work full time at the org (for free basically) without needing to work “wog” jobs in order to eat, clothe and house themselves. Totally not sustainable. And of course they were desperate, desperate DESPERATE in those days for more staff. Couldn’t blame them, but then, the truth of the matter was that they were gulled and trapped into working 40 hours (and frequently more) for the cost of a take out coffee shop lunch.
For whatever its worth, IMHO you did the right things as regards staff and SO, and if as a public you weren’t being helped by they tech, then hey, why bother?
Aqua, they don’t want to realize that he’s the real villain. They won’t look in that direction even if you whip them for weeks.
Just think, in every success story they have to attest to the meter, they thank him warmly for what he did (well, it’s also true that if they don’t, they don’t attest at all). They are scared to the bones.
You’ll see, soon they’ll be forced to have a photo of DM hanging in their house and dust it continuously.
Loosing, of coursre you are right. Man oh man, its just textbook Hubbard PTS SP, down the line! But, Loosing, here’s what I believe; its possible for criminals to get away with crimes for many years. I could run off 5 names right now, right off the top of my head, of criminals who got away with things for years. But eventually though, they DO trip up. They make some kind of mistake, usually concerning MONEY and not even necessarily even a large sum of money. It could be quite a small amount of money but they get CAUGHT and somehow it becomes greatly publicized and/or it proves to be THE thing that allows law enforcement to POUNCE. And compared to the other crimes, for which there is perhaps insufficient evidence, this is thing that gets pounced on pales in comparison. That said, the criminal can finally be charged. And law enforcement is all over this minor crime because they know that there are other crimes far more severe, which lack evidence in which to convict.
I believe this is what is going to happen with Miscavige. I really do. Now, I don’t have any evidence for this; its just a hunch.
But its a strong hunch; its always there.
Only I don’t know how, and I don’t know when, but there will be something, and compared to the atrocities he’s committed it will be a nothing-burger. But with regard to his endless crimes and human rights abuses it will open the door and let the sunlight in, big time.
Aqua, what you’re saying is a quite broad topic to address here. What I can only say is this. Firstly, when a person has a lot of money, they can find loopholes through lawyers and tax advisors to get away with it. Just look at how many billionaires don’t pay taxes, or pay a ridiculous amount, simply because they manage to avoid it.
In addition, when a person engages in negative actions towards others, their space, both spiritually and in reality, tends to narrow, until it simply becomes a bottleneck, where the person cannot go neither right nor left, let alone backwards, and is forced to move forward. The problem is that those who follow end up funneling into that same bottleneck.
Such situation can’t be reset.
It may seem like these guys are doing well and getting away with everything, but it’s not the case. It’s a universe based strictly on symmetry. He can’t eacape It.
Loosing, YES! Yes yes yes yes yes. OK, let me see if I got this.
Such a person reduces his OWN space. He does it HIMSELF. His reduced space is a BY PRODUCT of his own negative actions toward others.
And the APPARENCY, what can be viewed and observed in the physical universe, can be that he’s doing fine. The apparency can lead others to believe that this person can continue to harm others with impunity. And if he has a great deal of money, this apparency, this facade, can be actively maintained for much longer than if he didn’t have so much money.
That said, his shrinking space continues to shrink. The “space” in which he can himself operate as a being automatically shrinks if he continues harming others, no matter that he’s getting away with it legally, socially etc. Because he continues on this course of bad actions to others and covering them up, necessitating more lies and more coverups in turn requiring more bad actions, etc., etc. his space just gets smaller and smaller and smaller. It cannot be otherwise! And because he has so much money he can mask this ever shrinking space.
But the universe works in symmetry and before long the apparency (outward appearance, doing well, prospering, etc.) begins to reflect the actual, true, shrunken inner reality.
This has been happening to Miscavige! Amazing, I see it now.
can’t go anywhere. He can’t communicate openly with hardly anyone.
Forget our jokes about his physical size; his operating space as a being is very small.
A “bottleneck” you call it.
That’s an apt description. There are very very few things that he can do, hardly anywhere he can go, and hardly anyone he can talk to.
There is SO much that he can’t say. Wow. What a tiny, tiny narrow, confined little life he has – my God! Why, there are people in actual physical prisons who have larger operating spaces than he does!
And he created this all himself. He did it. He shrank his own space. From a fairly large sphere back in the 80s to what it is today nearly 40 years later, now, a bottleneck only.
And all his money can’t enlarge his own personal operating space.
All he can do is continue to fleece the Scientologists for more and more money so that he can buy property and renovate builidngs to “prove” Scientology’s and actually HIS, “expansion”.’
Just a theory but it could be that he keeps the Ideal M’Orgue program in place not only for tax purposes but for the personal, emotional, feel good benefit it affords him as well.
Is it still working, this scam? We don’t know, because the Still Ins who AREN’T fooled and possibly UTR aren’t talking.
DM really hates field auditors cuz he think they steal from his org and take their pcs and money. That’s why 20 or 30 years ago they raided Trey Lotz’ very successful field auditing practice and shut him down, took his pc folders, cancelled his certs. He hated that Trey produced more Well Done Auditing Hours than their whole org auditors combined. DM subscribes to, “There shalt be no other Gods before me.”
Cindy, I heard that Trey Lotz was (and possibly still is?) an excellent and successful auditor and a terrific person, very caring and honest.
No matter what one thinks of Hubbard’s auditing tech, decent people who want to help others in their own way and with the full agreement and understanding of people who want such services and are OK in paying for them should not be harmed.
Of course, Miscavige the Sociopath would as a top priority make the personal and professional annihilation of such a person
There are, after all, many types of legal mental therapies. To each his own, I say. Some people are helped by just talking to a shrink, some prefer drugs alone to handle chemical imbalances, some are helped by both drugs and talking, and some are helped by Hubbard’s auditing. Some people go to Gypsies who light candles and say they can communicate with dead loved one; I knew an old man who missed his dead sister dreadfullly and was comforted by this. Some people make Novenas…to each his own.Its a free country. We’re each free to choose. Lve and let live . .As Frank Sinatra said, “Whatever gets you thru the night”
Right on!
Back in the day, SLC mission holder, Steve Surry used some of his staff to start a mission in Denver and Bellevue, WA. Both missions were doing “ok”. That is, until the Mission Holders Massacre in ’82. Those missions as well as all of the other scientology missions were beaten to a pulp and never recovered. Those pre-massacre missions were much more successful and productive than any current ‘Ideal Org’. The fact that all of scientology orgs, missions, field groups, WISE and other shadowy front groups are failing is nothing but good news.