The “ideal” org in Columbus is putting on a new IAS event. Remember, this is the supposed to be what a scientology organization in its ideal state is like. And this one is manned primarily by Sea Org members sent from Los Angeles.
Their event features Freedom METAL Winner Bobby Wiggins — the very tired and very lame old horse pulled out of the barn to try to earn himself some commissions.
And then they pull out the big guns from the Solid Waste Authority and the Lower Otentangy River Watershed! They are going full in on the WTH precept of protecting the environment it seems.
This is apparently what a blockbuster scientology org event is these days in this era of lowered expectations. It’s “Powering Expansion.”
Ideal Orgs are a 100% failure.
How much do I need to donate to attain the status of Freedom METAL winner? Like 50 bucks? Is it like an under-status for blue collar scientologists?
I’d like to know the connection in scientology to Ohio Governor Mike Dewine because more than once he has included scientology propaganda in gift bags and handouts at PR events.
I still feel tired remembering the effort to put on those stupid events knowing the crush begging that we would be forced to participate in. The staff can’t go home until their target is met. I heard they used to lock the doors so no one public could leave! Ugh
During many events and fundraiser in the Flag Auditorium the doors were definitely shut with Sea Org members (guards) standing by them so no one could leave – unless of course you were barfing. Same on the Freewinds. You had to have a damn good reason for wanting to leave (another form of false imprisonment).
They seriously need some work on that Way to Happiness message. The first work should be making sure the form of the message (booklets) isn’t so good at creating solid waste.
Scn would never allow it, but some quick calculations based on how many books/booklets they claim to spread and the number of pages in those, could be used to calculate an approximate amount of deforestation caused in the creation of the paper and toxic pollution caused by the inks and processing.
How about printing them with recycling marks so people know which bin they should go in? How about actually doing greatest good and figuring out that paper booklets are a bad thing, especially if “highest ever” statistics will always demand more destruction on the 5th and 6th dynamics to feed the hunger of this one useless group on the 3rd.
Anyone have current info in Rezza Islam and his mom who scammed the system in the name of Scn for millions? Did they stand trial yet?
Tony Ortega has been updating on that when there is news. The latest was that Rezza’s mother, Hanan, recently died of the colon cancer she’d been fighting. This is a post about that and the trial dates being repeatedly rescheduled. No idea about the trial date though. Sure has dragged on.
Thank you Annie Oakley. Sure has dragged on. And Rizza goes around still acting like he’s some big shot.
I drove twice though the state of Ohio on I-10. The truck stops were nice.
I believe I-10 is too far south to run through Ohio. Perhaps you were on I-70, I-80, or I-90 (the east/west routes) ?
To: Church of Scientology of Columbus Ideal Org
CC: All Sea Org Members
Re: IAS Freedom Metal Winner
To Whom It May Concern:
In any Org or Mission that utilizes Hubbard’s Administrative policies, I would assume that you abide by the Seven Division Org Board. On that Org Board will be found the Department of Promotion and Marketing. DPM is in charge of all Org promo. In order for promo to be distributed, that material has to go through various terminals in order to get approval. One very important part in that process is called Issue Authority. An earlier step in that process is Proof Reading. An even earlier step in that process is the approval of the Blue Line (sometimes called the Brown Line), which requires the approval of a piece of promo just before it goes to press.
When a piece of promo is mailed out or distributed with typographical errors (such as using the word METAL instead of MEDAL), you are, in effect, slapping the face of Scientology’s Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, not to mention anyone actually named in the promo piece as well as the public to whom the piece is being sent. It’s also a slap in YOUR face.
I used to be in the Sea Org. I used to be the Acting Director of Promotion and Marketing at ASHO Day. I used to be a Scientologist. To see Scientology promo mailed without proper Issue Authority shows irresponsibility. It is an insult and disservice especially in an Org run by Sea Org members. If you’re going to run your Org and it’s public into the ground (after all, we know exactly what you’re doing), at least be professional about it.
First, kudos to you for pointing out the ridiculous error ‘Freedom METAL Winner’ and for upholding the standards that used be be honored in the organization.
I also acknowledge that your response posted here does not need to have the fine attention to detail that an official promo piece should be subjected to.
It would help to strengthen your message, however, if you would check for such minor misuse of the apostrophe in this phrase:
“… run your Org and it’s public into the ground”
Cheers to you, Fred. I commiserate with you on the sorry state of affairs in the Scientology world these days.
Thank you, Paul, for pointing out the misuse of the apostrophe in my earlier post. Sadly, I am my own “Issue Authority” and Proof Reader.
Mike Rinder, not I, pointed out the use of the word “Metal” versus “Medal.” I simply ran with it.
Yes, there used to be honor in the Sea Org.
I’ve strongly suspected for years that orgs and missions have completely ignored the Issue Authority line, mainly because it’s become a nonexistent entity. Which leaves them to put out amateurish and ridiculous promo with total impunity.
If you look at the bigger picture, the COS has become an organization largely operated by untrained, inexperienced execs who simply make it up as they go along with nothing but their specious authority of some meaningless rank to direct their random decisions. And if you thinks it’s absurd now, wait until DM unleashes his Golden Age of Admin.
If it wasn’t for the fact that people are still getting hurt, abused, and ripped off, it would an amusing and comedic reality show.
I couldn’t have said it better, Chris.
Yes, it is ironic that Miscavige’s Golden Age of Admin is to be released during such a misuse of Admin “tech.”
“Ideal Orgs are a 100% failure.”
It goes against any kind of business logic that one expands a business (and let’s face it, scientology IS a business) by not offering any kind of service or product but just having a really nice building to walk into and hope that people had questions and were willing to come in and ask a video machine and that THAT would inspire them to want more.
dave, you are a big, fat – oh wait – a small framed – LOSER. Tick Tock, dave. Your time is running out.
It does go against any kind of business logic. In fact it goes against any kind of logic, period. For several years I said exactly that, to any staff member who would listen. Politely, with ARC, always, but I made my point, with references. With what result?
Nothing. No result. Nada, zip. Like talking to walls, Mary!
Actually that’s not strictly true. I DID get some feedback.
I had MUs! I had OVERTS! that needed pulling, pronto. Ditto witholds, and last but not least, how about some false data stripping, hmmm, to help me get with the Ideal Org Program?
I told them I didn’t have MUs – they did. I told them the overts being committed were not being done by ME but by them. The witholds were their witholds, not mine. All of the above did I state to various staff members at various times without losing my temper thank you very much!
I knew they were wrong . I knew it wasn’t me. Without arguing with them (after a few attempts I saw that argument or showing them references was futile) I refused to be gaslighted. Once I finally left for good I suspect my sigh of relief didn’t compare to their collective gust.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: questioning me.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Scientology tech.
False Data Stripping wouldn’t have helped Aquamarine? What about all your blather about Scientology being able to help everyone?
Oh, wait a minute. It hasn’t worked on you either.
That explains it.
All your blather was just to get people to hand over money.
No love at all,
$cientology only gets the movers and shakers in the real world to safe point. So they only got someone who has to go to any ‘public function’ and explain the difference between cardboard and paper? How lame is that?
OSA will probably get a few public and staff to help pick up garbage for a couple hours. A photo shoot will be done and Scientology will claim to be leading the community in cleaning up the environment. Just lame PR while they literally pay about $150,000 a week to print all kinds of sales promotion that goes straight to peoples garbage pail.
O/T. Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad has attained the Scientology religious state of “Word Clear.”
Archived with a screenshot on ESMBR and Instagram at:
Mr. Wiggins does represent the true face of Scientology. Old, sad and tired.
…and near death.
I wondered about that. He looks very thin despite the tan(ing bed?) Looks like he’s survived on mostly rice and beans for a long time. Hardly a healthy diet to age on.
Columbus native here. Until about 8 years ago I didn’t even know we had Scientology in Central Ohio! I have heard of SWACO. They used to have a program called “ReArt”. For a nominal yearly fee you could go to a warehouse they had and get all the ‘goodies’ you wanted. Boxes of pens leftover with some organization/company’s name on them. Stacks of paper. Tons of upholstery fabric. Clean, unused cardboard. As a preschool teacher I used most of it for art projects. They had free workshops on how to use all kinds of stuff (read chunks of packing foam) to make manipulatives. SWACO will send a speaker to ANYone who requests it. I’m guessing the FLOW people are the same. Scientology ‘safe-pointing’ (is that the right word?) has gotten flimsier and flimsier.