This is a quote sent out from the church as part of one of their many fundraising pitches.
Methinks they would do well to read it:
“When things are not running right, when the public, unable to perceive why, drift down to an apathy below perception, when a culture, already misguided, drifts further and further toward ruin, the nation is fortunate indeed that it has men with the genius to recognize approaching doom and the courage to speak out. …
“If a system could hear, if there were somebody to talk to, if it cared, if the men in charge did not become so devoted to their own interests to the callous exclusion of the sufferings of all others, one might achieve political evolution to saner plateaus rather than revolution. …
“But there is still time. If those with influence and authority would listen, something could be done before it is too late.”
—L. Ron Hubbard
I am reaching into my pocket now………..
Yeah, so doing something about it means donate money…obviously!
i don;t think we can speculate or assumkje what happened int he final days or how LRH was then. All we kn ow is that somehow Miscavige managed to claw his way to the top and isolate LRH from the rest. Maybe some know who were around at that time but I would not mind betting that Miscavige has ensured they cannot speak up. Anyway it is up to use to carry forward the legacy of LRH regardless of Miscavige.
Hmmm, the one person that was with LRH at the end who is still alive was not silenced by Miscavige. Sarge. He told his story to Larry Wright… You can read it in his book. And realize that of all the people I know, there isnt a person that loves LRH more than Sarge. It was devastating to him but he felt the truth should be known and with Annie and Gene Denk gone and Ray Mithoff thoroughly controlled and silenced, there was nobody else who was there.
>>>…the one person that was with LRH at the end who is still alive…
Just wondering: is Pat Broeker already dead ?
He was not WITH LRH. He was the courier between Miscavige and Annie.
Miscavige and the Co$ system, listen?? Haha. Hahaha. Hahahaha! ROFL!! Listening and looking are verbotten!! They only do videos. The world is filled with sq-sq-squirrels! Horrible, horrible, squ-squi-squirrels! Fearsome s-s-s-sq-squi-squirrels! They must be video-taped, 24/7! They are public enemy number one! The Monty Python Killer Rabbit is NOTHING compared to the other-worldly ferocity, the savagery, the murderousness and Devil’s Alliance of Squirrels!! They are legion! YAAAAAAH!! Run! Run! The squirrels are at the gates!! They’re attacking us with battleships!! Nobody leave the safety of the walls! Spies are everywhere!
Has been said many, many times by many, many people other than LRH, before LRH, after LRH. He should have made sure this was done in the CoS, One good step would have been not to fall in love with Davey or let him become his ONLY comm line to the outer world (but Ron was probably gaga for the last 5 or 6 years of his life, so you can’t really blame a guy who has dementia, etc).
Hey Joe,
Maybe I am misreading you, but it sounds like you actually ARE blaming Ron just a little bit. I don’t think that Ron “fell in love” with Miscavige. It was more a matter of a rabid anti-scientologist renegade usurping power and misusing it to his own ends and taking advantage of someone who he was supposed to be helping to achieve a great purpose. This is called betrayal after trust.
Mr Pendleton,
You may be assured that LRH was NOT ‘ga-ga’ at any time in his life and most especially during those final years. I know that personally.
If you would study the technology you may, or may not, understand how miscavige attained his position and who helped place him there.
Great quote. Mike, once again, thanks for this blog. My comments here refer to the previous article as well.
LRH is so clear on this fundraising lark. He says do not resort to fund raisers. Do not. Solve it with Scientology. This ED says she is going to fundraise.
He says set aside funds for your buildings from funds earned through delivery of service.
The ED of the org in Buffalo says budget approved! This is actually saying that we have set our target for fundraising. Budget, my ass. Call it what it is, a fundraising target.
Interestingly, these non-existence statements are also nothing of the sort. Non-e implies you find out what the folks out there need or would be interested in. This is not what they are proposing. They are proposing a campaign from those raised funds. These actions are promotional actions that are STANDARD no matter the condition. It is NOT a non-e campaign.
Non-e is a quiet condition. Very quiet. No action, no people in the building, nada. Silence. Not a happy condition yet.
The universe out there will do one thing to this “campaign” and this org. It will send it down one more condition to liability.
Then, just to get you going, she quotes LRH. Making auditors and auditing people. What a dang cheek.
Connect the dots. Do fundraisers, build buildings first, set up all your donors for a loss by high overheads without the demand and service In place, sell books to the folks who don’t need them, don’t make auditors or service PCs, and tell us how LRH supports all of this by quoting him!!!
Those under the radar, look and take note of this unabashed insanity.
Those “under the radar” have taken note. That’s why they are now “under the radar”. People do see the out tech and off policy, and the more they have read and understood of the Red Vols and the Green Vols of Scientology the more obvious it is. The ridiculous and blatant out tech and off policy just goes on and on almost nonchalantly, one thing after another …’s almost as if squirrels were running the Church of Scientology. Hmmmmmm.
Some very good points Greenonwhite.
I can’t help but think these flashy “Ideal Orgs” are never really “owned” by the staff that inhabit them. Because deep down they know they haven’t earned them through the production of a valuable product. Just as a rich, spoiled brat doesn’t appreciated MEST lavished upon them by their parents. Based on my experience, this is one of the contributing factors to their neurosis. What makes matters worse is that I don’t think CLV org staff really even want this. I think they do want to produce and enjoy the rewards of their efforts, which may or may not include swanky quarters (maybe just decent food and shelter). I think they are being forced to want this by management. And as it continues we see more and more crazy, neurotic, sometimes borderline psychotic behavior from the staff involved. Wildly out-of-valance, embarrassing stuff.
I think this leaves the org in a introverted, withholdy state. They must be contributed to. There is a sense of entitlement. Inflow, inflow, inflow with very little outflow. I believe there is an HCO PL which addresses this (Ethics and Exchange?), where LRH talks about how the balance of flows keeps the bank off the individual. I think the same applies to groups. So, by demanding that org inflow energy instead of people for services, management is forcing the org into an out-ethics situation, and in response they become more and more aberrated as a group and less and less productive. It is insidious. The brilliant handiwork of a true two and a half percenter.
Very good point StatPush and so basic. I will post it on my group on Facebook as it summates another Why those orgs fail continuously.
You nailed it Statpush.
I postulate that somehow soon, someday soon, all Class V org staff share their actual data and stats with one another – real inter-org communication, so that each staff person in each org can cognite on the actual scene and know they’re not the Only One. I am holding a picture of this happening.
Here is a good quote for them, “We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important. When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some HE [high explosives]under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism
might still be going. Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.”