Here is a new invitation being circulated among the “humanitarians” of the world.
Wonder how this “Open Invitation” for “The Freedom of Expression” would work out if your expression was something not entirely fawning about David Miscavige? Or L. Ron Hubbard? Or scientology? Or what if you showed up bearing a cake iced with “Where’s Shelly Miscavige?”
They are literally inviting everyone/anyone: this invitation accompanied a note inviting a declared SP to attend this event.
But then again, this is the email address of the originator: SCN_LFBDFN@ It doesn’t fill one with certainty that this individual is operating 100% in the real world.
Do you think the Youth For Human Rights subscribes to the idea that everyone has the right to religious freedom? Even including the right NOT to be a scientologist? Or more specifically do you have any rights if you have chosen to no longer be a scientologist? In the eyes of scientology this is clearly a worse sin than never having been on in the first place. But a tip for the scientologists who claim to be the champions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Wonder what they think about this human right?
One would imagine with an organization that professes to be all about freedom of speech and freedom of religion and human rights that they would be willing to welcome those with views that don’t match theirs…
But of course, that is wishful thinking.
Anyone want to test the waters and show up for this “All Are Welcome” “Open Invitation” to celebrate “Freedom of Expression” and express an opinion that David Miscavige is less than God-like? Or that scientologists are not tolerant of others’ beliefs…
Show up with a tray of deviled (SP’ed”?) eggs and you should be welcomed.
A final thought on the subject:
SP’d eggs. That is funny.
I have to wonder about the thought control ingredients the cult front group will provide. Sounds like a recipe for more manipulation and thought reform to be thoroughly mixed in till well blended and then sealed in layers of plastic bubble. The true intention, is control (restriction) of humans, and not rights but requirements according the the alignment with scientology as the Authority.
Anyone going needs to be forewarned as to the very likely occurrences of mental and emotional sleight of hand lest they get trapped into a prison of belief.
Hi dchoice, Very good to meet you.I really liked your post! Sleight of Hand one of the tricks Scientology pulled so well for so long.I agree with you, but I do think the Internet will bite and is biting their backside more than they will ever admit.Love,Ann.
I can see His Oiliness Davey gathering the few minions he has left, yelling at them and punching a few and ordering them to handle the fuck out of the SPs who are attempting to (successfully) destroy the only chance the human race has to survive. And all these poor idiots can come with is to invite people to learn about the very thing they violate and make a mockery of 24/7. What can be more crazy than that?
Your logic is irrefutable .
Hi AleAlex Castillo( ex flag evaluator 1975-1981), I am most pleased to meet you. Even though my time was before dm assuming the throne,I have learned much here about him and all his machinations.I enjoyed your post too.Love, Ann.
I was just in the bathroom cleaning my teeth, real and fake, when I figured out the secret meaning of “SCN_LFBDFN”. Apologies in advance for the naughty swear word.
SCN – Scientology or Scamology depending on your point of view. LFBDFN – Largely Finished Because the Dwarf is Fucking Nuts.
When it come to the evil, toxic dwarf, using the word “Fucking” is just natural. I would have been very surprised if you didn’t use it.
I can’t get my head around the incongruity. When I think of Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights, the first thing I think of is not “brunch”. The match of the event to the thing being honored is non-existent. It just makes no sense whatsoever. Given that fact, how did they think of this? I know that their capacity for rational thinking is suppressed by the fact that they’re Scientologists to begin with, but they have to have a few functioning brain cells left. This is like having a “Dress As Your Favorite Sex Toy” Arbor Day high tea. It’s an amuse bouche, but fundamentally has no connection to reality.
Well, I will do something appropriate, unlike Scientology. I’m going to have a nice glass of wine bidding Antonin Scalia bon voyage on his one-way trip to Hell and warm the cockles of my heart thinking of the ways that Satan will have fun with him. I’m hoping for the ever-popular “up to his lips in a pool of excrement”. And, maybe one day, he could get relief by standing on Clarence Thomas’ shoulders.
Yes, I can’t think with it, either. Is he playing devil’s advocate or trying to wheedle out more SPs? Or making out the church is cool and modern and in sync with the rest of the world. He’s trying to impress the few followers he still has so that when they read how discriminatory the church is, they can say it’s not true.
It’s a similar tactic to the ones Hubbard constantly used when challenged by the outside world. He put out those phony things, like the Creed of the Church, Respect Others’ Religious Beliefs, What’s true for you is what’s true (for you), power of choice, and a whole stream of hypocritical philosophies. It’s standard operating procedure.
And the winner is . . . the cake with the colored frosting helicopter on top. Freedom of expression!
Yes,Scientology got us very grooved into trying to maintain ARC. Also it grooved us into not “offending” people of spread “entheta”. Since getting out of Scientology I realized that all you can do is express your true viewpoints and let the chips fall where they may.
I wasn’t sure about UDHR so I fished around. There is a preamble and 30 articles. Search www dot un dot org Adopted 10 December 1948 (?)
I posted too soon. Robert Almblad has a very good site posted below. sorry
Sorry Mike, the Brunch pic didn’t load on my browser this am. Now your post makes much more sense to me! Funny as hell.
And speaking of people without a clue there’s a site i discovered yesterday:
Update at Brunch:
The Prez and Co. are in town (Palm Springs) and ‘Rifle’ at La Quinta is still looking like the worst house in a great neighborhood; not even the newer Range Rover parked in the driveway — just to impress.
Now that the beans are being spilled (again) on that other blog (can you say Tony?) about the dismal state of affairs in your cult, will you be spending more time in seclusion meditating to Buddah that Ron actually WILL return and send your sorry ass to the RPF so you can redeem yourself?
Do you think Miscavige uses Rifle as a “safehouse” getaway place for himself? Hard to think that’s the case, he’s usually lugging along his hired security personnel isn’t he and they’d be practically guarding Rifle any time he’s “in town” to use it, I would think that’s more his style.
On Outer Banks I saw a photo of a lady who used to be in Mary Sue’s entourage, and today I could imagine that the people who used to be in the HU (Household Unit for either LRH or for MSH) might be house caretakers in the Miscavige today actual “safehouses” if he even has these, but I’d err in the direction of thinking he does keep up some ‘safehouse’ or two for himself
Oh, the troubles of being a paranoid cult leader replacement! The lifestyle and tips for how to live on the sly out of sight passes on to whomever decides to wear LRH’s boots in the sky, or is LRH up in the grandstands waiting to cheer on whoever wins the Birthday Game, or is LRH out circling Arcturus (the star) doing his OT running program for messing up this time around on earth in his civilization changing effects. .
Good intel has it that D.M.has a safe house in the South of France.
Some Nazi SS Officers had nice digs with airstrip and hangars just right
for a crime figure , dictator, Ponzi scheme Guru on the lamb.
Attic or Basement could be a treasure trove of stolen art and portraits
of Adolf.
So…..are you going to take them up on their offer, Mike? Hey, when they say EVERYONE is welcome, I take them at their word.
Also, if you ever come out here and need a place to stay, we had a spare bedroom and I can drive you to any place you need to go.
Saturday brunch with the kids followed by a redeye to the summer-like weather on a west coast beach. Nirvana.
I love it: SCN_LFBDFN. For those never in, that means “Scientology, long fall blow down floating needle.” It’s an e-meter reading that signifies a release of mental charge and a floating needle. At the end of an auditing session, when the “PC” also has a “cognition” (realization) and is VGIs (very good indicators, like smiling, laughing, brightening up, etc.) the auditor would say something like “thank you; your needle is floating; end of session.” And then if there had been a significant drop of the e-meter needle before the floating needle (FN or F/N) that would have been a long fall blow down, and the auditor might write on his or her worksheets a note of LFBD and FN.
It is the detailed methodology of Scientology that helps a pseudo-science look like it is a valid spiritual science. Add that to the fact that those who have been audited or have been auditors have seen FNs, PC cognitions, etc. This reinforces the idea that the “tech” does “work.”
The problem is that for Scientology to be validated to any degree, it needs first to be thoroughly researched by actual social scientists, physiologists, scientists in general, etc. If it is valid, it would stand up to the scrutiny. What is most likely to emerge in my opinion though is that it achieves its tangible results (FN, etc.) in large part if not in whole from suggestion, indoctrination, training, and various dynamics of the human mind and human social systems.
Let’s face it. If it really did work, we would have thousands and thousands of fully and objectively documented clears, OTs, verified past life memories, people who are free of an array of maladies mental and physical, and so forth. We would have people remembering how to build spaceships that travel faster than light. We would see people able to create things from nothing and make things vanish. Not Las Vegas style, but for real. We have none of that. In over 65 years, there is not a single proven clear, nor a single proven OT. Despite however many LFBDs and FNs have been achieved.
I agree with you COMPLETELY. The complicatedness of the auditing methodology reflects the typical overly worded Hubbardism which,
when deconstructed, either means nothing or is an obvious truth which could have been said with a fraction of the words. It looks impressive because it’s complicated and has to be done in a VERY specific way. (or, LOL, the PC won’t get case gain)
I do think it has some real utility as an efficient confession system which is known (ask any devout Catholic) to work wonders on a person’s state of mind. It think it can also help a person identify troublesome unexamined assumptions and be rid of them at once. There might be other applications of value. Still, there are no transformative miracles with the tech. As you say, if it were extraordinary we would know it after 65 years.
Auditing methodology is not that complicated. A person can learn to do metered dianetic auditing in perhaps two months. Mistakes are noted and corrected by the case supervisor. Likewise grades auditing.
So true. It is chat site comments like yours which I read when I first started reading the chat sites.
Excellent points, always relevant for the future too.
No OTs, no Clears, just coincidentally improved lives of followers of a super hopeful “new religion.”
Cons work due to the dupe’s hopes that what the con man is selling is real and attainable. The dupe does most of the work providing the hope of things like OT, I sure did.
AWESOME ANALYSIS!!! Comments like this should be sent to the WorldWide Government Investigators STILL ON the sci-fi freaks’ case. They’re just waiting for enough of the scientifically proven evidence and victim impact testimonies to strategically finish off these mind-fuckers.
If enough stories and solid opinions get sent to the right place—and they have REAL, ACCREDITED, VETTED scientists/psychiatrists/therapists/think-tankers to verify and explain the evidence—the government will not only will get them off their freeloading, free tax status, they will shut them down forever as the CRIMINAL FRAUDS they are, and they’ll be forced to pay PUNITIVE DAMAGES to each and every VICTIM, besides being sent to jail!
LOL, How embarrassing! Please remove the second “will;” it’s a mistake.
What a delightful thought! Imagine getting back all the money you paid it – with interest, of course. It’ll be a queue I’ll readily stand in. I can see it in mind’s eye, the queue going around the block…
It can be done. The government has already done it to BIG government (asbestos cancer), BIG Tobacco (addictive chemicals), BIG Pharma (and still is), BIG Hospitals (malpractice/negligence), BIG Industry (water and air pollution), and a number of other biggies. This could be some HUGE Class Action Suit if people get together. I’d get online; who cares how long it takes, the waiting would be sweet anyway just thinking about it.
The little dick has billions, so he could pay everyone back. Of course he’ll have to sell off ALL the empty buildings, tsk, tsk — hee hee … He’ll have to find a Holiday Inn, though, when all the shares are being paid back, and he’ll have to eat at a charity soup kitchen. LOL
(Oh, and his sneaky overseas bank accounts will be taken.)
We wish Dawn. In the US though that cannot happen, “Ex Post Facto” anyway.
In the US, anyone can sue. Someone else has to take up the fight. Do you think they’d do that with RICO cases?
thank you.
Sometimes following an LFBD F/N the f/n can be persistent and the preclear cannot be audited for days or weeks since no reads/indications will show on the e-meter. The big cognitions/realizations that occur can stick one in scio, reaching for the next big win.
So true Richard!
Honestly, I thought it was “Scientology: Let’s feature brunch dishes for now.” As a way to make themselves look as innocuous as any small-town church social.
AS of 2013 there were estimated 20,000 active
Scientologists in the World. Today it’s a lot less
by thousands. The Clampire is shrinking because
of gross human rights violations across the board.
This cannot be fixed with cupcakes and deviled eggs.
Oh, man! I thought anything could be fixed with cupcakes and deviled eggs! Am I the stupidest man in the world or what!
Only cupcakes and deviled eggs made in Colorado with the prime ingredient of Cannibis
My favorite kind, Jose!
Don’t forget Cannabis brownies, too, OSD! LOL 😉
Haha, far from it, Baby! OSD, you’re as shrew as they come, and I love every one of your facetious posts!! 😉
A few class action suits would sink the ship and get the job done.
Don’t tease me, TFB! If you do, I’ll start to drool……
Keep your receipts.
Hi Richard, Touché, Be sure to keep your receipts and watch out for the torrent of Muddywater!! Love U,Ann.
Ann – I was in scio 1975-1982 so no receipts available, just a Minister Certificate which somehow survived – lol. Class action lawsuits might occur 10 years from now. Without receipts no financial harm can be proven, legally speaking.
Incidentally (you already know this, just general interest) when I got into scio in 1975 auditing was $25/hour and I was making $10/hour as a painting contractor. An e-meter cost about $125 and there were no donations expected and no staff contracts.
Hi Richard, I never had receipts either and the very early personal lawsuit that I worked on before it was decided to make my case a class action, the problem was as near as I can recall it was 79-80 that many first hand accounts were given as to Sci and Sea Org etc.But at that time not a lot of receipts were available.For example I had no paper record of the 25k I gave Asho F in 74. Back then I never thought I would leave SO.My lawyer in my case was Michael Flynn until I withdrew due to various entanglements some still Guardians’ related.
With receipts I was entertaining the thought of those still ins on the Moneywinds and the sinking of that old tub with class actions.Would be wonderful! Happy ❤️Day to you.Love,Ann.
Ann – You were very courageous to venture into a lawsuit back then. The fear of the Mighty CoS was great and well founded.
I believe that as CoS continually gets exposed and loses power, many more people will become less fearful and come forward publicly. I’m too old to want to kick the snake myself!
If I had dumped tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars into the CoS I would be praying to Xenu that class action lawsuits begin.(small attempt at a joke)
Happy Valentines Day back to you, Ann Love, Richard
Hi Sweet Lady, You might be able to still get back some bucks: Your years in as a slave laborer. The sci-fi freaks cannot get rid of ALL those years — too many testimonies (and it was your mailing address, after all) will work! xoxo 😉
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Thank you Angel for thinking of me. Maybe said bucks will occur and if so wonderful.But you know my secret passion would be to create a fund for SO members to use when they got out.If they need initial help for whatever even buying a house with-peaceful spaces-for them to rest. If I ever got back any bucks, that is what I would do. Love U Always, Ann.
At one time there was a Church of “Scientology”. Now there is a church of David Miscavage calling itself the Church of Scientology.
From the “Code Of A Scientologist”:
“As a Scientologist, I pledge myself to the Code of Scientology for the good of all.”
“9. To embrace the policy of equal justice for all.”
“10. To work for freedom of speech in the world.”
“11. To actively decry the suppression of knowledge, wisdom, philosophy or data which would help mankind.”
“12. To support the freedom of religion.”
I could agree to the Code of a Scientologist. But I guess that got thrown out about 35 years ago and it took me a long time to find out.
Mike, you’re delivering one body blow after another.
If I were to reveal my identity and practice my freedom of speech to express my thoughts about Scientology, my extended family would shun me (disconnect from me).
Here we have a “religion” that promotes freedom of speech while practicing the suppression of free speech. What kind of religion does that? What kind of philosophy hides behind a facade of noble ideas while bankrupting its parishioners with rapacious demands for money? What sort of human rights organization actively suppresses the rights of its members?
Answer: One led by a sociopath.
“…one body blow after another.” Maybe we should start calling Mike, ‘Rocky.’
In November 2015 I predicted that Dwarfe Malignante would fall because of what he did, and continues to do, to Shelly Miscavige. I stand by that prediction. He won’t go down for the abuses of OSA. Not for executives in the Hole. Not for enslaving Sea Ogres. Not for abusing the US legal system. Not for human trafficking. For Shelly.
But Shelly needs our help. Know something? Call the FBI. Heard a rumor? Call the FBI. Know something about that cop that said that Shelly wasn’t missing? Call the FBI. Are you still in and know something not mentioned above? Call the FBI. Drop those dimes (into a pay phone), and make the world a better place.
Hi James,
You’re so right!!!
I do think that most of the IRS and the FBI agents—and most other government and police officials connected to the scientology cases—are either hypnotized, blackmailed, threatened with harm or death to them and their families, and/or loss of their jobs, money and property.
Something’s going on “when the FBI accepts an alleged lousy phone call from a reported missing person ‘as evidence’ that the person who answered the sheriff’s phone was indeed Shelly Miscavige.” Anyone could have answered that call pretending to be her. The sheriff could probably be an UTR scientologist, and he could have made up the whole phone call story. The sheriff knew Shelly that well that he could recognize her voice? Paaaleese!
I read that they got enough calls saying that sheriff WAS/could be lying.
I don’t understand why the FBI did not follow the correct procedure, follow through, and provide Shelly Miscavige and Leah Remini the right to due process of law.
And you’re so right, James. A few more dimes could re-open that lost investigation and blow this thing wide open. I just hope and pray Shelly doesn’t turn out to be another Lisa McPherson someday.
I just can’t believe the FBI and IRS are that stupid! And why hasn’t the little dick divorced Shelly yet, like the rest are forced to do? Afraid she’ll have to go to court and make an appearance? Hum ….?
Hi Pat, it wasn’t the FBI, it was an LAPD officer that accepts money (along with others) from DM to provide security at Co$ events. The FBI would NEVER accept just a voice on the phone as proof. That LAPD cop is dirty, as is ANYONE that accepts money from DM.
Apparently Shelly was spotted in a photograph at a scio event last year. If that be true then “Where’s Shelly” becomes a moot point. At least she’s alive.
I heard that the dirty LA cop that DM had in his pocket is now not on the force. Might be time to do another missing person’s report on Shelly now that others will be investigating it and not that one cop.
Hi James, ALL kidnaps should go to the FBI. It’s HIGH time everyone started writing letters to them that they believe Shelly has been kidnapped and being held against her will, or had been done away with. The last one to see her was the little dick. He could have gone to far! Husbands ARE the first suspects.
The FBI knows all about brainwash. They should be able to do something. Twenty-thousand supposed scientology members? They should inundate the FBI offices in Washington and California. 😉
David Miscavige, keep doing what you’re doing.
What, being the biggest sociopath on planet Earth as we know it?
being a little (tiny) prick
So tiny one would need a magnifying glass. And even then, it would be hard to see….
LOL, yeah, OSD! dm is needle-dick the bug fucker!!! hahaha
Threefeetback, you got that right! LMAO!
Even if the Church of Scientology sends declared SP’s invitations to one of their events, I don’t think anyone is aching to get back there. I could not wait to leave the Church of Scientology, to the point that I did not yet have the education sufficient enough in the English language to communicate it to anyone coherently then. I sort of toughed it out. 🙂 The Church of Scientology is extremely bad news. It does not deliver anything LRH promises and does not promise what it does deliver, which is crime and mayhem into people’s lives. I am very happy to have pioneered the experience of learning about this group in this life, so my next life is not a repeat of this one. Thank you Mike, for all your ARC. 🙂
Hi Mike, My cup of Kona coffee and your post. It is very tempting to me, that if I lived near Clearwater, I just realized that is a misnomer when it comes to Sci. Should be Muddywater,FL but I do not think the state of FL will change the name! Anyway I would love to,show up with plates of deviled eggs ( hot sauce galore) and my golden rod and a tee shirt that says A bitter defrocked apostate SP…and a sign that says..That little Blog known as Mike Rinder’s On the Fringes of the Internet is my guiding light!
Really though bring your own brunches now?! I suppose all the chefs for SO do nothing but run after dm all day menus to hand, The Sea Org and all the Orgs and Missions are so into begging pleading and screaming for more bodies in the shop, yet all they see are empty palaces.
Slow slow moves the floundering once mighty ship. I do feel that by the end of my journey here,the Light will crack open the rock jail doors.That is my faith and my star which keeps me going even when I do not feel like it.You are amazing to pound it out every day! Love U 2 Always,Ann.
I wish we lived closer to each other, Ann B. I’d come over and share a cup of Kona with you. My favorite coffee in the world.
Hi OSD, I was thinking the same about you two. I wish we all lived closer too. But come hell and high water I and hubby will be at your Party. Count on it!
Walter has a special message for you.He says that since Valentine’s Day is his birthday, he has had 34 years to be really Scottish on that day and he does it so well! Laughter! Love Always Kona Coffee Forever! Ann ps thank you so much for keeping me laughing,love your posts.
And I cherish your posts!
Hi OSD, Happy ??❤ Day to you & yours Always,Ann.
Muddywater – lol – Maybe the town council will designate it an official subdivision. When/if Tom Cruise relocates there as some media reports suggest, Clearwater/Muddywater will get a lot of media attention. I haven’t heard much about TC moving there. Maybe COB decided that wouldn’t be such a bright idea.
I am 75 years in few days on teegeeack. And an OT what’sthenumberedprblem? nowehere.
Therefore, I’m much much much younger than insane dward and their gurus who invented some cults.
Salman Rusdie is indeed one of those who are targeted by criminal cults. Me too, I do not cease to attack to crétinized insane “beliveres” of another “religion”.
You too as well, Mike. Cults are to be desdtroiyed by education. E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N. But power people do reaqlly exclusde education of their people, even large départs chiefs, seniors of other BIG courtries, etc.
Happy Birthday Roger! wynot here; I will never forget your cardboard megaphone in 1999 at the Lisa McPherson memorial picket in Clearwater. I hope you are well, and still giving them hell! ’til next time!
Oops, not cardboard – construction paper! Whoop-Whoop!
Interesting but not apples to apples. Those human rights declarations do NOT apply to private entities and membership therein. e.g. One can get kicked out a private group (or not be allowed to join) if your views don’t comport with theirs and it isn’t a human rights violation. Those articles are to prevent governments from prosecuting citizens as only governments have the power of the law. For instance, the Pope can kick someone out of the church if they voice that God doesn’t exist. No human rights violation there.
Of course the idiot running the CoS & the former head of it, El Ron tried to squash any contrary thought processes. How else do you maintain and insane cult?
I don’t think this post was meant to be an apples to apples comparison. It is meant to show the utter cynical dishonesty and hypocrisy of the Church of Scientology. They falsely promote themselves by claiming to be ardent supporters of human rights. But they not only don’t want to extend these rights to their members, or any critics or perceived enemies, they also reserve their “right” to perpetuate abuse, intolerance, character assassination, destruction of family and livelihood upon whomever they choose. Yes, as a private organization they do not by law have to allow people of opposing views into their membership or gatherings. Yes the law allows that they can expel such people from their membership, yes their membership can shun former members. But comparing what the law allows the Church to do with what they actually do to people which violates their rights is also not apples to apples.
The sci-fi freaks are playing against the law — they’re baiting and switching. Saying one thing, but doing another. With enough simple testimony about this they could be brought down by these means, along with every other gripe accumulated against them. The evidence keeps building! 😉
Can you imagine expressing free expression doing TRO Bullbait on your twin using L. Ron Hubbard or DM as buttons? I don’t think any hard core kool-aid drinker could get through the drill let alone someone who is going through cool-aid withdrawals.
Hi Natural Clear, Good to meet you. I liked your post,in fact I thought it was inspired.Considering I would have the courseroom where Asho F SO did bullbaiting etc,in total hysterics with the absolute mimicking I had to endure of me and any type of electrical equipment malfunctions! So in that light your post made me laugh! Love, Ann.
They truly have a total misunderstanding of the word freedom
In Scientology, Freedom = Enslavement.
Freedom in scientology also means – your money in our pocket.
It also means the RPF.
It also means lawyers have papers for you to sign.
It also means doing what you’re told.
It also means forced abortions.
It also means mortgages, once, trice & more.
It also means lot more Credit Cards – maxed out.
It also means being told who you can be friends with.
It also means the power to disconnect from family members.
It also means not having a life anymore.
It also means feeling like you have look over your shoulder all the time.
It also means being incited to playing Navy.
It also means 3 & 5 year contracts.
It also means whatever COB says it means.
Janice got it right though – “freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”
…nothing if it ain’t free, yeah.
Feeling good was easy Lord when Davey lost his cool.
Your argument is concise and 100% relevant Mike. It is appalling to see the richest cult on Earth which makes millions on slave labour, parade about human rights. For the Cult of Greed, human rights is just one more kind of cheese in the mousetrap. They have been very imaginative on making money without delivering anything in exchange, without any accountability for the expenses and last but not least with the benediction of the IRS and the American administration which let them continue their extortion racket with total impunity.
Hi Alex De Valera, Thank you for your powerful post.I agree. Every day I wish those still in SO & public payers could take one peek and think who is benefiting the most from this “religion.” David Miscavige hands down! This is from my experience many years ago with both groups directly,I still feel the IRS & the FBI are not perceiving the scope of this cult.Either they truly do not understand anything about it,except it is a religion or they deliberately do not wish to rock any boat.Moneywinds or otherwise.Enjoy your posts.Love,Ann.
It’s not “hate speech” just because Scientology hates it.
Should be never MIND going to food bank and soup kitchen instead
Oh wow…. I would so be lining up all the homeless people I could find, kit them out and take them to a free lunch! Then again not really free you have to bring the food? And then hope that all the other “creations” you taste are made by people who have employed proper hand hygiene tech. Never going to food bank and soup kitchen instead.
Perhaps I am quite mad to believe this, but I see the possibility of the folks in Clearwater complaining that their beliefs are being discriminated against when people don’t show up at their “celebration”. I have no idea how widely this event is being publicized, but it’s awkward to ask a person who is coming to an organization’s function for the first time to bring food, even in the guise of a competition. Chances are that an outsider will know no one there, and scientology has gotten enough bad publicity, particularly in the Clearwater area, that most people would be content to stay away.
Any group has a certain way that they behave. There are group norms. The group norms may not translate into the larger world, and one is tone deaf of this fact at their peril.The question that they should be asking is: if our people aren’t responding to our publicity, why should be expect others outside of the organization to respond to it?
Great opportunity for an overflowing crowd reunion of Ex-Scns ‘pot luck’ brunch.
TFB, my sentiments exactly! Can you imagine all us showing up for the brunch in Clearwater? What a time we would have! Even catch up with old friends! Maybe hang around for a few days! And…we can go over to Mike’s home and hang out with him! That would be the icing on the cake for me.
Yeah, Mike should send out invitations to the Fort Harrison Brunch with that photo of an overflowing crowd standing behind him that he posted a few years ago.
Scientologists live in a bubble of extreme selective blindness. Their definition of freedom has such incredibly narrow parameters it makes the term ‘inappropriate’ cover everything not covered in their holy than thou texts and enforced social mores. They cannot afford to be tolerant of anything else just on the point of their own unprecedented expansion they cannot see or experience. Their own world isn’t real to them so how can anyone else’s be real. This may be crude, but they really are a bunch of wack jobs, getting all excited over the thought rather than the real thing.
Only a scientologist can understand a scientologist and that’s just one on the many generalities they live by, and that’s all they’ll ever have, generalities, even as their organisation disappears, They have failed to notice they deliver nothing but intentions, they have no substance in reality, just empty buildings. That open invitation is bullshit.
“Selective Blindness.” You hit the nail on the head, I Yawn! Indeed, they all suffer from enforced Selective Blindness. And, of course, with their numbers dropping like an anchor, it’s only going to get worse for them. Tee hee….
As usual Mike beautifully said.
Very interesting story happening at the Bunker yesterday and today for anyone who’s missed it.
Ok. Hubbard supposedly felt that this UN declaration pushed by Elenore Roosevelt would help the world. When the youth for human rights org first came out there were scientologists who disagreed with some of the points. Boy were they shut down fast.
Most of the cherch front groups are hypocritical but this “social betterment” group takes the cake. I read the list and the SeaOrg and Scientology violate almost every tenant. You could do an article on almost every point. It’s pathetic.
Article 12. Fair Game and Disconnection
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 22. SeaOrg and Org Staff
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
Article 24. SeaOrg and Non-day and foundation staff(18 hour work days) no days off.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
This front group needs to be applied to ALL the cherchs violations. It shows one just how much North Korea, Scientology and ISIS have in common.
Scn is the first comprehensive description ever of what life is. The most misunderstood word in Scn is “Scientology.” Most scientologists apparently think that “scientology” is “life.” It isn’t. Scn describes life and its function. It is up to the individual to live life, and – wonder of wonders – it is the individual himself who is “life.” To overstate: Scn is inert. You can take a Scn book and bang it on a desk, put it on a shelf, leave it on a table, and it won’t move or protest or really do anything but sit where you put it. Clearly, that is not “life” – it doesn’t perceive or eat, etc.. What you make of it is your “creation” of it. Some people are really good with recipe books, and can cook beyond the recipe – they get the idea, and are able to embellish on it. Same with Scn..
It sure pisses you off to see this… no doubt they read Article 18 and said “Oh my god, we can’t use that one, lets move on to 19 and we can con the wogs that read this.” Here is link the article 18 and the rest of them
Only honest beings have rights. And if that fails you fall back on the “greatest good”.
There is absolutely no need to hang on to outdated principled moral arguments. You’re above that if you are a Scientologist.
Hi Interested Party, It is good to meet you.A sharp post! Thank you for pointing out what you did about cos.So true.Love, Ann.