Penned by my good friend Dan Koon, one of the nicest people I know. Dan also possesses a wry and dry sense of humor. He said this is the 10 year anniversary of EPing the Highway 79 Rundown, “one of the best rundowns I ever did. It has given me lasting gains.”
Hi Dave,
It has been 10 years to the day that I pedaled through the mechanical gate at the Kirby Apartments, biked through Hemet and routed myself out of the Sea Organization.
Today I am reminded of a line in HCOB 31 Dec 59R, rev. 9 Feb 89, BLOW-OFFS (which, incidentally, I found more easily on the Internet than I could have found in my softcopy Tech Vols, which I also got off the ‘net).
In this bulletin there are some words LRH wrote that stuck with me during my last few years in the SO:
One can treat people so well that they grow ashamed of themselves, knowing they don’t deserve it, that a blow-off is precipitated, and certainly one can treat people so badly that they have no choice but to leave . . .
Now, I have done some things in my life that I am ashamed of but I don’t think you need any explanation why this particular line stuck with me. That last year or so working with Jeff Hawkins, Mariette, Gerti Wagner and Cebron Walker on the Books and Lectures marketing was rough on the sleep side of life. Lisa Schroer once told me that I had the absolute worst schedule on the entire base, even surpassing Guillaume’s which was saying something. (I will say that the Materials Guide Chart that Jeff and I put together and that Carrie Cook designed in 2003 was a good product and am glad that you decided to release that version with the Basics release several years later.)
Compared to many others I could name, I can’t honestly get all motivatorish and whine that I was treated badly. But near the end of my days in CMU, I ran across a datum from an LRH lecture about flows that became an epiphany for me. While looking through lecture transcripts to work out some marketing action or other I ran across a datum where LRH pointed out that a stuck flow never flows weaker, it only flows harder. This seemed counterintuitive to me. One would think that expending energy against something would eventually tire one out so that one could no longer push. But then I realized the truth of LRH’s observation: I was living a perfect object lesson of that datum on the Gold Base.
Things had grown more and more intolerable for me over the years, just as I am sure they had for you, though possibly for different reasons. At that moment I saw clearly that things were not going to change anytime soon and, indeed, a friend who left the base not too long ago confirmed that things on the base have not really changed for the better.
I believe that anyone who leaves the base comes to their own understanding of the way things are, and when they do the only thing that remains is how to extricate oneself from the situation. I did by simply riding off on my bicycle during the 2 1/2 hour Sunday shopping libs we were granted just before Christmas 2003.
With that background it is ironic that I find myself thanking you for making life so untenable that I forced myself to do something to better the condition I found myself in, which is what Scientology is all about after all. I have no idea what these past 10 years of my life would have been like had I not taken off that morning. You instituted The Hole only a short time after I left and I am certain that I would have become one of its unhappy campers.
I am positive, though, that had I stayed I would not have had the rich and full life I have built since then. I have had the opportunity to reconnect with my family which has brought me much closer to them all. I taught myself to paint, a lifelong itch that I had been dying to scratch my last five years on the base, and have sold scores of paintings and had several exhibitions including a solo show this year. I have ghostwritten three books for people who had inspiring stories to tell and each of these has sold well. I have remarried–to Mariette, and for the record there was no out-2D between us while working together in CMU despite what you may have been told; people sometimes come up with wrong explanations for events and out-2D was the wrongest one possible to explain my departure–and we have created a fun and productive life in her hometown here in Sweden. I have traveled around Europe and seen many of the world’s cultural treasures: the Sistine Chapel and Vatican, Michelangelo’s David, the canals of Venice, the Louvre and Rembrandt’s The Night Watch in Amsterdam. I’ve seen more of Sweden than many Swedes and have fallen in love with this beautiful country and the way the people have cobbled together a society that is more equitable, just and prosperous than most.
Oddly enough, thanks to the miracle of the Internet, I am still involved in tech compilations, having compiled many auditor training checksheets for people wishing to train on the tech outside the church. I am even involved in assembling courses on admin tech, which should get a great laugh out of anyone who knew me at the base.
But the greatest richness in my life today comes from my relationships with dozens of the people I worked with in the SO at the base who, like me, came to their own understanding of what was going on under your leadership and did something about it. I have always maintained that many of the finest people I have ever known were the people I met in the SO at the Int base (not that I thought everybody was fine by a long shot but you won’t find more basically good and decent people anywhere in my opinion, despite the survival solutions they sometimes adopt when put in soul-crushing circumstances). I have good friends living literally all over the globe and have made many more who found me through the Internet. I consider the real wealth of my life my friendships with others and, again, I have to thank for the opportunity to really settle on this personal truth for myself. (I don’t know why you are so down on the ‘net, by the way. It would be a tremendous tool for getting Scientology out to the world. It could even be free, just as LRH intended.)
Let me end by saying that this is a time of year during which many people invest their hopes for peace on earth and a better future. Perhaps others besides yourself will read this and know that no matter their present situation, things can always be improved.
These last 10 years of my life demonstrate that in spades. I was one month shy of my 56th birthday when I blew so I also know that it is never too late to begin a new chapter in one’s life.
So, thanks again for making a game that I could decide to end cycle on, leave and create a new game of my own making.
With the same wishes for 2014 and beyond that many others around the world wish for you,
Best regards,
Dan Koon
That is a great, positive and beautiful open letter. I especially like the closing:
“With the same wishes for 2014 and beyond that many others around the world wish for you,”
Because, well, I know what MY wishes are for DM for 2014 and beyond….and to have those come true just makes me smile.
Several of those wishes involve appearing in court. 🙂
“Never too late” indeed.
Happy New Year, Dan!
I already posted but wanted to let you know that I like your sweet pups too! Hope you had a great Anniversary and many more to come.
Dan, that’s a heartfelt and true response to the odious treatment that staffs at Int and other echelons were treated, and shows that you can achieve wonderful outcomes outside the perimeter of the Int base.
I took the RPF to LA Tube to Beverley Hills rundown to start my new journey, and am celebrating eight years of magnificent living off these lines. I had to elude my watchers and take a secondary set of stairs leading down to the Horseshoe instead of over to the mill! What fun!
Getting my passport back meant I could travel the way I wanted and have done so, seeing Venice, Rome, Amsterdam and all the marvellous sites that you mention. And I just celebrated 5 years of uninterrupted wonderful marriage to the girl of my dreams, with no background pressures, innuendoes or demanded divorce. Fabulous!
I troubled over the loss of comm lines and the need to get back on lines, when in fact there are many more good friends outside that perimeter who are willing to communicate. In truth there is a wealth of information and data designed to improve your conditions in life all of which is open to the datum of what’s true for you being what you have observed yourself. This datum that assisted my start in Dianetics but became obscured in an ever increasing dogmatism that became ridiculous…almost like ‘What’s true for you is what you are told by DM’. Well my journey is opening up again and on my terms, not those of anyone else.
There were many fine people working at Int and I still rank these amongst some of the most sincere, hard-working and intelligent people I have ever met. I am saddened that they have continued to be subject to the squirreldom of the ‘The Hole’ and other abuses. Possibly they can’t see their way out. I hope through this blog and other sites that they find the truth about what is going on and do the ultimate evaluation of data.
Dan – you lead the way here with a perfect message for Xmas…I hope you and all the readers here have a fabulous holiday season!
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and wishes. I count you all among my friends and my wishes for you for 2014 are NOT the same for you as for someone else we know. Hope you are all well and happy this season. And, thanks, Mike, for running my letter!
This is a beautiful letter. It’s wonderful to hear your accomplishments after leaving the church. Life does go on, it always does. And life should be lived and enjoyed.
After all, what good is being “Clear or OT” if you aren’t living? Life is a game, not a war against the mind.
I was happy to hear from an OT 8 that then did Ned and that you had wins! Not that it should be this way but there is most certainly something to say for the pure determination of a being to educate themselves to their past and relieve baggage that traps them so they can find ‘home’ and who they really are.
I listened to the interview and it all makes sense.
And what happened to Steve after Dan left. I laughed out loud! At some year on staff at AOLA I was happily white gloving my office listening to one of the many alien educational tapes. The OT III sup came in and listened to a few mins of it and got enturbulated and ‘told on me’ and shortly I was under Non-enturbulation order (one step from being declared). I find it had to believe I didn’t see the insanity right there and then at the trouble others will go to to make sure a person does not educate themselves further then scientology studies.
Oh well, I’m out now but checking out things whether I believe them or not – give me more data to base life on and that is a good thing. Understanding relieves the pain and amnesia of the past. Its nice to hear from Dan and how he is doing. Happy holidays all and may every day bring more understanding of the past and allow more of all our good intentions to forward us to more freedom of the mind and spirit.
I think we are all so lucky to have gone thru what we did and be here now.
Dan, as a fellow Int resident from 1980-1982, I remember you very well. I talked to you briefly when Mark Shreffler was at my house after he was declared. Back then I was Bonnie McKeough. What’s interesting for me is that I always thought highly of you and admired you back then and never forgot how genuinely nice you always were. I was fortunate to leave through an amnesty in January 1982 and I was SO ready to leave Int back then. It took me years to get over my brief 1 1/2 years there and I can’t imagine what you went through after I left. The way staff were so poorly treated as early as 1980 was unimaginable to me even then and I had had enough. I was surprised that more people didn’t leave when they had the opportunity to get the hell out of that crazy environment. Back then I saw nothing but outpoints and couldn’t imagine how LRH could condone such treatment of people. I now understand who was really behind it all and since everything has come to light, I have stopped having the recurring nightmares of living at Int base. Thank you for freeing yourself and for helping people and for speaking up and living a wonderful life outside that prison of deception. You are my hero.
Thank, you, Dan. May 2014 be a year in this spirit. May David Miscavige and his supporters find the help to end this cycle of abuse and make a new beginning.
Beautifully written!
Thank you for all that you’ve done and still do. I’m glad to be able to call you my friend! 🙂
Beautifully written Dan – and many congratulations on your ten year anniversary of freedom. I am always in awe of those, who after years of being in the sea org, would escape the base or org with nothing. It is stepping out into the unknown of whether and how you will be able to survive. I guess that just that thought alone keeps many people in. It takes courage to escape. To have the heart and soul that you do have on top of it makes you very special and well deserving of every single pleasure and success that you enjoy now. I wish for you and Marriette that your future and all your future futures continue on the same path of happiness and success.
Thank you for letting those of us who know you only through your posts peek in on your life and experiences and wins. I always make a point of reading what you have to say.
Congratulations for the good things you made happen, and especially congratulations on your success with your painting!
Living only about 30-40 minutes from there, I only just realized that Gold Base exists in Hemet (armpit of the Inland Empire). Thanks to Leah Remini, I started researching the CoS and I can’t believe these atrocities occur not far from my home in Temecula. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary Dan and for all you have accomplished in between.
The photo alone tells your story. Now for god’s sake would you please reprise your Joe Howard role in an updated sequel. This time bloodshot eyes are not required;)
Wonderful comment Dan. Thank you so much for all you have done and continued best wishes!
VERY at cause and high responsibility letter. Also…….lookin’ good Dan ….. mid 40s now?
Nobody has unmocked Dan!
What a truly uplifting story.
If you want to be sure COB gets it, you should email it to Tom Cruise.
What a great letter. Though I didn’t do the Hwy 79 R/D I did learn a lot on the disconnection R/D, and came through with my family and well-being intact. Your posts on other blogs in ’09 helped me come through my period of loss after leaving the church. I also got a lot from your many products in the church as well as after, and will continue to use your compilations to help others improve their lives.
Have a very happy holiday season.
Mark Elliott
Need to know,
I second the motion.
Thank you Dan. Couldn’t have come at a better time for me.
This is the problem with uneducated leaders. They have no clue what they are doing but not only that, they have no clue that they have no clue about what they are doing. Confusing I know. I would love for Mike to do a article on how DM’s lack of education in Management on the lowest level, has played a big part in his loss of any person who has ever done anything good for scn.
So many people are outraged at his leadership skills and blame it on so many things but very few bring it back to his lack of education.What exactly does one expect from a high school dropout!
I know there are many that are high school drop outs that go on to become very great people. Those people generally at some stage educate themselves at some point or at the very least excel in very select areas through life experience and a willingness to learn from it.
DM on the other is very sure he knows it all but has no idea what he doesn’t know.
As I said, I would love for Mike to do a piece on this simply because DM may not read the comments but he would read Mikes post.
Just my thoughts.
Great letter, Dan!
You have inspired me, ever since I saw you as “Joe Howard” in the Pro TRs film, back in the day, with those natural TRs shown plainly, as coached by Ron.
Your various articles on the tech have been very helpful, as I have found my delivery legs again, outside the RCS, and am now delivering Solo, Solo NOTS, Academy Levels, and HQS, every day – and having a ball!
Merry Christmas to you and Mariette, over there in Sweden!
And thanks so much for the letter – methinks it will resonate around the world.
Best, Randy
Hi Dan.
Beautifully written, unique viewpoint, appropriately theta for the season.
Best to you and Mariette for the New Year and what your futures have to offer.
Great letter, Dan! This is the first address to or about David Miscavage that I ever read on this side of barbwire fence that is not hateful and accusative. I very much appreciate you leading the way in this particular direction because it is toward the top of the Tone Scale and toward the Truth. DM deserves any hate and accusations that he gets and more but “What is Greatness” still applies and our Dynamics still include EVERYBODY else and ARC is still equal to Understanding and higher our ARC the better off we are and closer to God we are and closer to being Gods. So in the final count the best answer to DM for everything he did and is doing is to be happy and healthy and how do we do that? Through unconditional love. Hate and accusations is the way in the opposite direction, i.e., toward being unhappy and sick. So thanks!
Well, it’s better to be too nice, than not nice enough.
Mr. Rinder, if the world was composed of types of folks you have on your blog,
it would be a far, far better place.
Be extra nice to those who deserve it. Especially our furry friends.
Dan: You are someone I hold in very high respect and your story assisted me greatly in my decision to resign from Scientology after which I was expelled on Christmas Eve 2010. Like you, my life has been greatly enriched as a result. Thank you and a very Happy Holiday to you and yours.
What a great overview.
Beautifully written. Great post.
Too bad it will not be duplicated in the spirit it was written.
Ditto on the value and pleasure of close tight relationships with those who came through
the same Ordeal and time track.
If only those locked in the Sea org knew about the sheer happiness of re-inventing a new life without the mental imprisonment and confines of the past…
Happy Christmas and New Year to Mariette and Dan.
Ditto on the value and pleasure of close tight relationships with those who came through the same Ordeal and time track
That would be you K#1 🙂
“With the same wishes for 2014 and beyond that many others around the world wish for you”
A very Merry Xmas to you and your family Dan.
And another Happy New Year!
Hello Dan,
Greetings to you from sunny South Africa. I have never personally met you, but I feel I have come to know you well. I have read with avid interest many of your comments and articles – they were a stable point for me on my own journey out.
Wishing you and your lovely wife all the best over the festival season. May 2014 be everything you want it to be.
Love Black Panther
Beautiful, a real Scientologist
Thank you Dan for this moving letter. Thank you for letting us into your life, sharing with us your wisdom and insights. Thank you Mike for creating this forum where we all meet, from all corners of the world.
Tami and I had an easier time leaving, just 18 months ago, which seems like an eternity. We were concerned we’d be losing friends when we depart the CoS, but have made many, many more in this time period.
At Dror we use course packs and checksheets Dan has put together. Again, thank you so much.
DM’s reign of hate and terror can only go one way – straight down and vertical. Our care for each other and open comm will win.
Wishing Dan, Mariette, Mike, Christie and all readers a wonderful 2014!
Thanks, Dan. You’ve got all the “old,” good stuff that LRH wrote about in there. Integrity, granting beingness, what is greatness. Once again I am learning from something you wrote. 🙂
I admit I am still on the pretty snippy side of having escaped. I did the Hwy 79 RD but with a car a couple years after you did. And as you know you and Mariette were SOOOO instrumental in making sure I figured out what was going on when we met later. Leaving was half the turning point. I just didn’t like how staff were treated anymore. It was vile.
Hearing what you had to say finished the job.
I’m very happy that you are happy and really enjoying life, love and friends, (and your painting!) and I have to thank you and Mariette and John’s hospitality for helping me see that it’s there for me too. I had given it ALL up while at the base–everything for the sake of getting “products” and avoiding wrath.
Whew! Thank you, thank you, thank you. So glad I ran into you on the outside..LOL…a very Merry Christmas to you and Mariette and an even more successful and wonderful 2014!
A prime example of ‘What is Greatness’ from Dan.
Just “Wow.”
Thank you Dan. Best wishes to you and yours in 2014.
What’s that old Dianetic Jingle? “When a motion comes in, use it and win!”? Perfect example on a big scale!
Happy Holidays to you and Marietta in beautiful Sweden! Crunch some snow for me will ya?
We do seem to gravitate to what we liked to do best and were good at, now in the field.
Trying to put oneself into the receiptpoint, Davey’s ‘shoes’, I could imagine that your ‘gentle version’ built on WHAT IS GREATNESS would hit him much harder than an angry letter.
It must really suck to be Dave these days…
Wonderful letter. Filled with light. What an amazing attitude and an amazing 10 years you have created for yourself. More to come. ! Thank you for the inspiration.
Hi Dan. Thanks for wearing the tech compilations hat. Your contributions are very appreciated.
Thanks for writing this letter. It says so much about who Dan Koon really is. That’s also helpful to me, since I will forever still somewhat see “Joe Howard” whenever I look at your smiling face.
Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Les Warren
Well said. Like you, some of the best people I have known worked at Int. The crime is that their dedication has morphed into being agents of DM and not Scientology.
My biggest loss when leaving was the prospect of losing those comm lines. But, as you state, with the internet, I am probably more connected to them then when I was on staff.
Glad you are enjoying your life in Sweden. I am leaving Hawaii on Monday to visit the family in the Bay Area and Tahoe.. experience some snow and then return to the tropics.
If you want to thaw at some point, you are welcome to visit here any time.
Mark McKinstry
Is actually up to oneself to decide to change and create a better life and there are many that have done so.
That is what counts, that one decided to do so and had the guts to go ahead and do it.
Lets take this opportunity to wish you Dan and Mariette a very nice Christmas and a great 2014.
And these wishes go too to all those who have now a better life because, by their own power of choice decided to do so.
Great article Dan. It’s been a true pleasure getting to know you and speak to you. And can I just say you look incredible for 66!
Happy holidays to you, Mike, and everyone else
Dan, this is quite a heartwarming message you have laid out here. Thanks for connecting me back up to “What is Greatness”. All the best to you and yours.
Really well said Dan – it’s a pleasure to know you since we “met” in 2009.
My open letter to Mr David Miscavige would be altogether shorter and more succinct, and would probably read “Dear Dave, You have become a parody of yourself and rational minds the world over seem to think you are a complete tosser and a very sad, deeply unhappy man. I tend to agree. Now go away.”, Ml, Martin
Thanks for sharing this letter Dan and Mike. You are an inspiration to me Dan with the life you and Mariette have put together since leaving.
I think it takes differing amounts of time for people to realize that the Emperor wears no clothes and that no matter what you might do, there is no way and no one who will make him put them on.
In addition to the realization that things are not going to get better, for me the added factor was having someone like Janis Grady, who I have always completed respected, decide to leave with her husband at the same time. We never discussed it and I had no idea that Janis and Paul felt the same way I did. Once I found out they had left, I knew then that I was not crazy for thinking the way I did and it made it easier to go.
That’s why letters like yours Dan are so important. OSA staff are reading these posts and they make their way to DM and his staff as well. Some of them may listen and decide life is much better on the outside.
Continued good wishes to you, Mariette and your beautiful dogs.
LOL! Nicely done Dan. You have penned a Christmas missive that should be ranked right up there with the famous “yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause” letter. The best of the season to you, Mariette and your vast cornucopia of loved ones.
All my love,
Merry Christmas
Goodwill to All Mankind
What a wonderfully written letter, hard-felt and sincere. I am sure it resonates in a lot of hearts, it did in mine.
Merry Christmas and another enjoyable year in the midst of friends and family,
What a beautifully written letter. The sentiments in it could only be expressed from a position of love for one’s fellows and a sincere hope for a better tomorrow.
One could only hope that David Miscavige could change his mind and leave the game as you have.
Whether he is capable of playing a better game or not is the only real question he has to answer. And thus we wait…
What a beautiful viewpoint. I was in the church for 28 years and on mission staff for 12 of those tears (years) and feel much the same fortune you have expressed here.
I gained so much from the tech I even had huge gains from NED in 2007, seventeen years after completing OT8. It took me 6 months of destimulation from the time I left AOLA. to see what I had gained. This is because of the constant auditing and forcing people back in session over wins.
I have looked at so many other ideas and viewpoints and possibilities that my world has opened me up to so much information. My latest adventure has been a You-Tube video that I wish every former Scientologist would watch it is called, “Roswell Full Interview *TOP SECRET* 1947”.
If this interview is real, and I think it is, it confirms so much of what I recieved from my studies and participation in Scientology was the right avenue to follow. If one chooses to listen to this you will think this sounds exactly like LRH in many many ways. I have listened to it 3 times and will listen to it again and again. I have also thought was this stolen from the Scientology books and tapes. This for me has opened my eyes to a new understanding.
It also explains to me why almost everything is rigged to fail on this planet. Maybe this really is a prison planet as the alien in the interview says it is and it is meant to be a mystery that thetans never figure out.
Thank you Dan for this write up, I find it inspiring.
Phil, I you are exploring these fields, you may find the following interesting: “”
Phil, do you have a link to post for us to go to that interview?
Dan, I feel like I know you from your postings and all the wonderful stuff you have done for the Indie field. Thank you for your great products while in the SO and for the things you’ve done to help the Indies. You are an inspiration to us all…. you built a wonderful life for yourself at age 50 something after getting out from under all the suppression. Any UTR or SO member reading this, you can make it! And if you need help you will get it from the Indies. Thank you Dan.
Have fun with this Jane and hold onto your hat- you’re in for a ride!
Alien Interview by Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy.pdf
Oops, the above link won’t work, this is the full address.*XbZHftT02OrCCtDf7ky5wpAWuuI9G6RvHio4vOIx4HQ7sDvvvD6pVZBD-lZU7koTLXqScOPrTnL0Awa4JPCJUbYDllC*vHx/AlienInterviewbyMatildaODonnellMacElroy.pdf
Phil, I took your suggestion and spent the afternoon listening to this material. I found it fascinating and right in line with much of what LRH has stated. Thanks for the heads-up and I plan to but the
Thanks for the heads-up and I plan to buy the book.
I began viewing this vid with enthusiasm. The intro is a good sell.
But I encourage you to save your money unless you’re buying it for fictional amusement. This “interview” has clear indications of being a hoax.
1) it’s a knock-off of the chronology that has emerged from LRH writings (implying either LRH knew of the interview and copied it or he was one of the Domain officers)
2) its science is way off (this universe is not 4 quadrillion years old and its age was not dated exclusively by carbon dating) (amongst other out-science)
3) Cydonia? (the “face” on Mars) A little too convenient a bit of info. (Even LRH never mentioned Cydonia as the Mars base (that I can recall), which he probably would have if he’d known.)
Sorry to troll off Dan’s worthwhile Christmas letter. That sort of attitude (Dan’s) is a more appropriate for us to nourish than yet another conspiracy theory.
How funny you would mention something about Roswell. I haven’t seen the video you mentioned, but a couple of years prior to Dan’s leaving, his brother sent him a book about Roswell. Dan read it and then got me to read it, which I did. We started to get enthused about the subject (anything to give some respite from the endless punishment of the Int base). Dan got a second book about aliens (which we both read) and I purchased the “Alien Autopsy” video–a hoax, by the way, but was promoted as the Roswell alien. Anyway, when Dan left that Sunday never to return, I got blamed for “spreading black PR” to Dan about aliens, LOL. Literally, you can’t make this stuff up.
Logic doesn’t always flow in the expected directions at the Int base, so of course after Dan introduced me to the Roswell conspiracy theory, I was blamed for spreading it back to him, which caused him to blow.
Thanks Steve, this clears up for me the origins of “The Highway 79 Rundown”. Alien technology had made its way onto the Int. Base by way of books and film-how positively clever of them !
Poor Dave, is there anyone in this universe, near and far, who isn’t working against him one way or the other?
Technically, shouldn’t you have been busted for “spreading Grey PR?” LOL
Clearly a hoax and clearly nicked from Hubbard’s space opera. The author, Lawrence Spencer, was a long-time Scientologist when this “surfaced”.
What grace and clarity! Dan, thank you for sharing your words. I’m very happy for your new life. Just reading of it makes me smile and feel very warm inside. Blessings to you my friend.
A big Holiday Cheer Dan! I remember a few years ago after Dan visited me and my wife at our house, Sea Org people desperately were banging on our door to show us Dan Koons declare, we declined as we didn’t care.
Butter. 🙂
Beautiful Mind, Dan. And indeed, your humor in the last line is just precious.
Come to your senses, Miscavige.
Written with grace and style Mr. Dan, which by the way you seem to be known for
Bravo, Dan! I left about 15 months before you. Probably the only enjoyable moments in the months before I left were those spent working with you, Mariette, Becky, Carrie and a few others on certain projects.
The relationships I had developed at the Int base made it very difficult to leave. But I have discovered over the years that the wealth of friendship I took with me has grown greater than anything we had on base. And it is mine forever. No one can take it away. It is a priceless gift that we can all remain in contact, no matter how many miles apart.
Love to you and Mariette.
Dave, Enjoy your Deposition. ‘Clean hands make a happy live.’
“The Highway 79 Rundown”, that is funny!
If only it could get going as a co-audit until everyone still there had it run on them.
Thanks Dan. First of all, thanks for your years of service and your list of stellar products that were bestowed to the planet whilst in the Sea Org.
Second, I agree that putting it all together on the outside has been a gas. Life in the Sea Org was a love/hate relationship for me. I agree that some of the finest people I ever knew were uplines and some of the nastiest I ever met were uplines as well. But that was the nature of the beast: DM ruled the base at 1.5 on the tone scale and it became vogue to adopt that tone level as an operating basis. Thus the base went from a theta gathering of wonderful thetans to a hate club in just a few short years.
I love people again and have been shedding the personae that became me while in management in the Church. I love life more now.
This is your legacy, David. Revel in it.
ML Tom
Wonderfully revealing! A short missive that all Scientologists, still in Doubt about Miscavige and the RCS should read, on the night before Christmas.
We have never met, but I feel like I know you through your internet postings. i really admire you and wish you the best. Thanks for sharing this.
Unfortunately this will go in one ear out the other when and if DM reads it!! but nice letter and you demonstrate greatness. Keep it up!!!
Best wishes to you and Mariette. You give hope to others. Thank you.
This is a beautiful letter Dan and good on you for sharing it. My only wish is that there was an equally big man on the other end of the communication who could receive it and have it move him.
Thank you for all the products you created while you were still in the SO and the new ones you continue to produce. The Materials Guide Chart really is a great book and I do use it-very professional. Jeff Hawkins and Carrie Cook thanks to you as well for this very helpful and well organized book.
All the best to you and all those close to you-Merry Christmas!
Beautyfully written!!!
What a nice read, Dan. Thanks for sharing it.
It makes me happy to know that you have made a new life for yourself and are happy in it.
Merry Christmas!
Dan, what a special human being you are. You more than deserve the beautiful life you have built for yourself. Thank you for all you do to help others. May 2014 bring you ever increasing joy and happiness.
Plus 1
“Greatness”, in keeping with LRH Tech. Well said!