Written and published 25 May 2010
Dear Andrew, Taryn & Cathy,
You made a big issue out of my failure to respond to your letters, so I am responding herewith to the letters each of you sent.
I note that Jude sent me a letter when I was living in Denver – but didn’t send another in the second round after I moved near where she lives, and Benjamin didn’t send me a letter at all. I guess the Church is worried that I may respond in person by paying her or Benjamin a visit and it sort of blows the “You have disconnected from your family and refuse to communicate to them” line when I show up and they are unwilling to talk to me (as when I went to the Fort Harrison and requested to see Benjamin).
I also note your letters were coordinated, all coming from the address of the International Justice Chief. You put notes saying you want me to respond to that address because you are “following LRH policy.” How so? If I am an SP, my only terminal is IJC. No policy says IJC is your postal service. And if you are following what the Church now claims is LRH policy – then these letters are disconnection letters. Or are you trying to “handle” me and get yourself to gentle cause? Which is it? Handle or disconnect? Somehow you seem to be demanding that I communicate with you? But only if it is supervised? I really don’t know, what policy it is that you are applying?
I also respond here to the letters you sent to the St Petersburg Times. Those letters attempted to spin the encounter at the doctors into a “family dispute” that occurred because you just “happened” to see me driving into her parking lot (This story doesn’t quite square with “we are routing this from IJC as we are following LRH policy” – is this a family matter or a church matter?). Odd though that none of you mentioned the 4 people from “International Management” or the 2 PIs that accompanied you on this “family dispute resolution”? And you failed to mention that you had been following me for at least a day prior to showing up at the doctor’s office (Andrew, you said “I saw you yesterday and you looked terrible” – the only time I had left home that day was to ride my bike half a mile to the beach with Christie and Shane so I guess you were staked out next to the park in one of the SUVs with blacked out windows?). You also told the SP Times that you were here visiting Jude and Benjamin – yet you said to me twice “You have no idea what I had to go through to be able to talk to you, Mike.” And where were Benjamin and Jude if you were here visiting them and just happened to be out driving around? And why did you have two rental cars for you, Taryn and Cathy when neither Taryn nor Cathy drives?
But, like with everything in the church today, I do understand the position you are in and what you are required to do, and I bear you no ill will. In fact, Andrew and Taryn, as you will recall, I told you from the outset, and repeated a number of times, that I would happily talk to you without the screaming audience present.
And by the by Andrew, I guess you hadn’t experienced the raving madwoman insanity of Jenny Linson before. I challenge you to honestly ask yourself: “Is this really one of the most senior executives in Scientology?” Yes, unfortunately. But in truth she is just a wind-up doll that spouts the words that David Miscavige tells her to scream and is otherwise incapable of original thought. That is why she is one of his most trusted pit bulls he sends out to make a fool of herself and Scientology on CNN and then again when she led the screaming in the “family dispute resolution” (though I thank God she is not family).
Finally on the SP Times letters, it would be a good idea to remember the episode was recorded by the BBC. Don’t fall into the trap of lying on behalf of the church to the media. It never works out in the long run.
Sadly, I don’t believe you will read this letter, as it would be “spreading black PR” for you to see it. Possibly you will be shown some edited version. That’s why I put it on the internet so perhaps there is a chance that at least you Andrew can read the entire letter. You should.
If you had really intended for me to respond to your letters I would have suggested a different approach that didn’t include saying the following: “You are not even a Scientologist, so stop pretending.” “Maybe you should check out of this game and go sit on a rock for a few million years, way out of the way.” “Overwhelmed, implanted, evil-purp beings like you…” “We will continue to flourish and prosper despite your feeble efforts to make yourself, and the bunch of fruitcakes you hang out with, right.” “The American Psychiatric Association is in the phone book. Why don’t you give them a call. You are 95% in their camp by now anyway.” “Go contemplate at a rock for a long time and destimulate.” “You could not actually have a soul. It could only be rock solid blackness…” “You think you can fake out other people, taking advantage of the fact they don’t actually know you weren’t a Scientologist, having never studied or practiced the Religion you are now so viciously attacking.” “You continue to prove that you really don’t care about anyone and have no personal desires for betterment and never did.” And that’s just a few comments from 12 type-written pages of similar stuff. I take it you were following what someone told you was the way to “handle” SPs? Whoever it was gave you some really bad advice because it only served to make me more determined to do whatever is needed to end the insanity that has pervaded Scientology which includes turning family members against one another.
Your letters gave me the distinct impression that the only thing you would want to hear from me was “I am sorry I have been so stupid, I am reporting back to the bilges/Hole/tent on the golf course and I will write up steps A-E 5 times through” But, that isn’t going to happen, so why respond?
The foundation for that impression was the letter I received from Cathy when I reached out to her after I first left. I asked her to call me or come and visit. Her response, and I quote: “Fuck off. That is the last thing I would want to do. PS: I’ll send the divorce papers and brief the kids.” Cathy, what is it with the divorce? OSA lawyers put the papers together for you as the petitioner, I signed them, and they were filed and assigned a case number in Los Angeles Superior Court (BD476191) on Nov 19, 2007. It’s a formality to have an uncontested divorce with no mutual property and no child custody go through the court process. Yet, now, when it is convenient (i.e. in dealing with the media?) you claim you are still my wife, though you use some other name – Bernardini — neither your maiden nor earlier married names? What is this about? Based on your communication at the outset, the letters you have sent and your screaming tirades when you “happened to see me,” including your command to “stay away from Benjamin” I would hazard a guess that you don’t want to be married to me (nor by the way do I want to be married to you). Apparently you don’t even want to sully yourself by using my name. So, why scream “He is my husband” at the doctor? Did you (or OSA) do something to prevent your divorce petition from being finalized? Is this another good tactical move to combat “the SP”?
And while on this subject – Monique Yingling told the St Petersburg Times that I had refused to see you in Denver. She claimed that you were there to inform me about the situation with Benjamin and that I did not want to talk to you. Just so you know, and I have a recording of this meeting, she never told me you were in Denver and never told me there was any information I needed to know about Benjamin. And you didn’t try to call me, even though you reportedly flew to Denver to see me (I take it you weren’t there skiing?). Monique called me on my cell phone. Why didn’t you? You even have my email address – so does Linda Hamel and others in OSA. When Monique called me and said she was in town and wanted to see me, I arranged to see her. I would have done the same with you (though Tommy came all the way to Denver and stated he was there to see me too – but when I tried to call him to arrange a time and place, Monique wouldn’t let him talk to me).
So the record is clear, it was only after the 6 man team came to Denver to try and handle me and I told Monique she should go back to LA and deal with the rot that was destroying Scientology from within that you all decided to write to me. This was two years after I had left the SO. I had sent Xmas cards to everyone and the only person who responded was Barbara – until she too was told she could not communicate to me and sent me an “IJC” letter. Her cards and letters were nice, telling me I will always be her son regardless of anything and good roads, fair weather chat about dogs and kids and mundane matters. Mine were similar in response as I had no intention of creating any further upset for her. I was simply letting her know I was OK and wasn’t living in poverty under a bridge or dying of leukemia because I thought she would worry. I didn’t “suppress” her or give her a bunch of entheta. Andrew, I am sure you have seen those cards and letters by now – she even sent me photos of James and his wife and child, so proud to be a great-grandma. Barbara said she was too old to travel to the Freewinds or Flag again, so she had “nothing to lose” by communicating with me but was very worried that Andrew and Pat would find out. But that was too good to last – after all, her being in contact with me was “preventing her Bridge progress” – NOT – she told me she was on the Academy levels at the org and doing great auditing others, of course, she couldn’t do OT IX and X as they don’t exist. So, the letters that you then sent to me, along with the less than subtle effort to buy my silence by Monique, solidified my conviction that I could not ignore the destruction of Scientology at the hands of David Miscavige.
The problem is that none of you know what is really going on. You have been fed a lot of information that contains enough grains of truth to be believable, and yet is perverted to create a very false picture.
You have no doubt been given all sorts of DA packs and materials about me. Don’t you think it’s a little odd that there are such materials about everyone? Isn’t it starting to set off alarm bells that every person who ever speaks out about what they have seen has “confessions” about how terrible they were and how they were all trying to destroy COB? You’ve written similar things Cathy, I have seen them with my own eyes. They are only not used because you continue to toe the line. But your confessions are just like everyone else’s – you admit you have tried to impede and overworked poor COB because unless you do that you won’t get out of the trouble you are in. I did at least 10 “A through Es” during the time I was either CO CMO Int, WDC OSA, CO OSA Int or in the Hole (that is probably more than you have done, Cathy, but I know for certain you did at least two A-E write ups because you were an SP along with everyone else in the Hole and they admit to terrible crimes and intentions towards Miscavige and Scientology). Now, it is impossible that every single person in International Management is out to destroy David Miscavige and Scientology. But if you look in every person’s files, you will find the same sort of “confessions”. He proclaims loudly and repeatedly that this is the “op” of Int Management and nobody is going to get anywhere until they admit to it. There are ready made “confessions” to “D/A” every person at the Int Base. It’s designed that way. And no prizes for guessing what LRH says about someone who claims everyone else is an SP.
And just as an aside: Didn’t it ever strike you as just the tiniest bit strange that I was the International Church Spokesperson while I had been declared by David Miscavige, not once, but at least 5 times. And that I was doing this after those “confessions” that are published in Freedom Mag or handed out in D/A packs. I would come out of the Hole or the bilges or OGH or the lake at St Hill as a total SP (according to DM), put on a suit or tuxedo and be the church spokesman or a speaker at one of the phony Int events? Is that standard Scientology policy at work?
The majority of the sensational “entheta” about David Miscavige concerns his physical and mental abuse of people. I know that in the circumstances you are in, you will swear under oath that black is white in order to protect him and his acts. But Cathy, you have seen it. Don’t pretend you haven’t. You just believe it is acceptable behavior because of all the “wonderful things” he does. But those two data don’t add up – savior of Scientology and vicious tyrant. And if it really is OK in your mind that he acts the way he does – why is everyone lying about it? Why not come out and say “Yes, he does beat people and he mentally abuses them, but we all think it is OK because he does so much good for Scientology”. Don’t kid yourself that it is just because “wogs” wouldn’t understand how it is the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. No, 97.5% of Scientologists would be horrified if the church admitted the truth and the flow of funds would dry up. That’s DM’s dirty little secret. Scientology is supposed to be about the truth. Not covering up what goes on behind closed doors. That internal rot is a symptom of the decay of the church because it no longer represents truth.
Taryn, I don’t know for a fact if you have personally witnessed Miscavige wailing on someone, but if not, I am sure you have heard from plenty of people who have seen Gary Wiese being hit by him, and probably also Guillaume, Heber, Yager, Mithoff. Henning Benndorf saw it hundreds of times and Miscavige told Henning to hit people on his behalf. Henning was in SFX a lot. When I asked you whether it was OK for Miscavige to hit people, your response to me was “I never saw him hit you.” Probably true. But it was not a response to the question I asked.
Andrew, I know you haven’t seen this sort of insane behavior. Nor have you witnessed the mental abuse. You know I was in the bilges for more than a month with Guillaume, Heber and Yager at the same time Barb was on the Ship completing OT VIII. I had to be kept out of her sight in case it enturbulated her. When she attested, I was brought out of the bilges for an hour to get cleaned up and sit with her in the Heritage restaurant while someone stood guard at the door to ensure I didn’t do something funny. It’s odd, I was so happy for her, but it was such a strange situation, it was difficult to not let my true feelings (“What the fuck is happening here?”) show through. But that’s the weird shit that goes on. You can ask Barb about it. I am sure she will remember. I had people go ahead of me to ensure she wasn’t in any passageway if I ever went out of the bilges. I know she thought it odd that I had been on the ship for a month after MV and she hadn’t seen me.
But honestly, Miscavige’s insane treatment of SO members isn’t the most major departure from the ideal scene. It is just a manifestation of his aberration and the true crimes that he is engaged in.
I asked you Andrew if you knew what inurement was. Hopefully by now you have had the good sense to look it up. Miscavige is guilty a hundred times over. And that could bring about the demise of the Church. He knows it, but he thinks he is above the law (as well as policy) and can outsmart anyone. He can’t. But more importantly, he is in direct violation of very strict LRH policy. You have probably been convinced that “COB” deserves everything he has and more. Dozens of cars. Private jets. Lavish quarters. Expensive meals. Outrageous gifts. Cooks and maids and servants and typists and secretaries and chiropractors and hairdressers and makeup men. The problem is, LRH didn’t have that. And LRH made his money by writing his own books. DM hasn’t done anything other than illegally assumed control of the Church and is reaping the rewards, not of his work, but by taking what LRH created. The $1500 per day for a scuba boat to sit next to the Freewinds, the lavish meals and expensive cars are paid for by the donations of good Scientologists like you. Just one day of that $1500 per day boat charter would probably pay someone’s monthly mortgage that they took out in order to increase their IAS Honor Status. The money spent on having 4 PIs follow me full time would buy 2000 copies of Dianetics every day that could be handed out to people for free. Did LRH waste money like that? No way. And if you look at the article, What our Fees Buy you will see what he has to say about this.
You have been convinced that the Ideal Orgs strategy is a wonderful, on Source program. It isn’t. It is propaganda by redefinition of words. The LRH game for orgs was to expand beyond the size of Old St Hill and with that done get the staff to OT. You don’t hear about this anymore, and the Universe Corps is a faded memory. THAT was LRH. “Ideal Orgs” is DM. This is what LRH says about the subject:
” We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important. When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some HE (high explosives) under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going. Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.
“What is important is how much service you can give the world and how much you can get done and how much better you can make things. These are important things. These are all that are important. A bank account never measured the worth of a man. His ability to help measured his worth and that’s all. A bank account can assist one to help but where it ceases to do that it becomes useless.” L. Ron Hubbard, 31 December 1960 lecture, The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology.
But even more important than this is the perversion of fundamental Scientology. PTS/SP tech is being squirreled with disconnection used as a means of controlling people rather than a last resort tool to help someone de-PTS and lead a happier life. It’s so bad, the Church spokesman doesn’t even know what to say any more – he says one time that there is no such thing as disconnection and then tries to go back on it and say it “isn’t enforced” and then tries to say it’s like the Catholic religion. I mean, guys, why not come out and say what really happens. There isn’t a Scientologist in the world that doesn’t know how it goes. If what is being done IS standard Scientology – why not just come out and admit it?
And there are many other examples, including 6 month sec checks on OT VII, redefining F/N’s, a training line up that makes robot auditors. You will, of course, reject this out of hand. But look at the long term international stats – they don’t lie. And I know they suck as I have been into many orgs in the last 6 months and every single one of them is empty. From London to NY to Tampa to Dallas to Brighton to Orlando to Miami to Denver to Kansas City. And I have received first hand reports from people who have been into numerous other orgs. And while the propaganda line is “new orgs opening” in truth it is only new buildings opening. There hasn’t been a new org opened in recent history.
Here are some articles I suggest you read. They won’t take you long. And if you can truly think for yourself then you can make up your own mind. But I would hazard a guess that you a) will never be informed that they even exist, b) if you do hear of them you will be told not to read them because they are all lies or c) you will reject them out of hand as you have already been conditioned to believe that the internet only contains entheta intended to destroy you and Scientology. But, just imagine if LRH had lived his life that way. Afraid to look or see because someone told him it was all bad. He would never have discovered the reactive mind. Or anything else for that matter. What happened to the idea that Scientology teaches you to find answers for yourself? Here are the urls for the articles. There are literally thousands of others written by all manner of people.
So, you now have a response and you can decide what you want to do. I am more than happy to communicate with you – any time you want. Though I am not willing to have the communication controlled by the Church. If you can’t have a comm cycle without being supervised by someone in the church then I don’t know what freedom you feel you have achieved.
And remember, it is so very easy to dismiss everything that is said that doesn’t match the party line because there is a built in justification: they’re an SP, they didn’t really make any case gain (even though they may have attested to every level including OT VIII), they are not really a Scientologist, it is just their own overts etc etc. Some won’t confront reality until it is “acceptable” – i.e. that enough others have decided that this is reality so it is OK to go along. They can’t “think for themselves” and observe what they see. But that is what Scientology teaches you. And if all you can do is think according to the dictates of others, you are not truly free. I hope you can look and not brush off the outpoints you observe. And start to think for yourselves. Don’t wait until it has become “fashionable” – that is not the manner of a real Scientologist.
I wish you all happiness. I know how hard it is to find inside the cocoon. It is inevitable DM’s house of cards built on a quicksand of lies will fall. It’s only a matter of time and how much more destruction occurs before his reign comes to an end.
Mike Rinder
Mike….this is none of my business. I just feel compelled to let you know of my non Scientology disconnection from my father.
I became consumed with anger and bitterness against my father for what I feel are some of the same underlying reasons Taryn doesn’t speak to you. I lashed out continually but the core feeling was hurt more than hate. I realize than NOW.
For 20 years he never returned my hate or anger. He never bashed me even when I deserved it. He was never defensive. He just continued to call me leaving voicemails. Emails. Texts. All reminding me that he still loved me. No matter how much I tried to keep my contact information away from him he’d find a way.
Unfortunately in my case it didn’t work until it was too late. I was however able to be with him the week as he died in hospice care.
I’d encourage you to just keep trying. Even though I waited until it was too late what turned things around for me was that he never stopped trying. Even when I was too mad to return the calls it felt good to know he hadn’t forgotten about me…that he still loved me….that he still thought of me.
Best of luck. You and your daughter are in my thoughts.
I have watched both going clear and the Aftermath which has opened my eyes to the so-called religion Scientology. I experienced a disconnection from my own family over 5 years ago when I was in an abusive relationship with my partner, so I understand from the point of view how cruel and vindictive it is & what it does to your mindset.
My heart goes out to everyone who was in Scientology & how they have to rebuild their life all over again, I pray that one day the IRS takes away their status as a charity and you have the success of getting shelly Miscavge away from the life she is in.
I just don’t understand how CPS
( child protective service or the like) Cannot get involved !?? This is clearly child abuse? Forget about the adults! The children are being , forced , abused mentally and physical , they are denied medical care , love , attention , emotional and psychological support and this is allowed to go on and over looked ??? How is that ? How can these children be neglected ? States come in and take kids from unfit parents everyday , every hour of every day but not in this situation ? Why ? How?
They’re scared of taking on “religions” and especially litigious ones.
Your inner strength is comparable to that of the nuclear fission reactions that go on in the core of stars. The gravity of having to leave your family knowing that you would probably never have a relationship or even genuine communication with them again would force most men to ”collapse” in on themselves and live the life of a black hole, in a state of darkness. But just like a massive star your inner strength resists the collapse and you fight for what you know is right with pride, you shine a light on the criminally abusive organization that you escaped from.
I’m not sure you if you know this or not but David Miscavige is what is known as a malignant narcissist, I would highly recommend researching the subject of malignant narcissism or even just narcissism in general(The mental disorder). It’s one of those things that once you see it, you can’t ever unsee it. Most people think its just being overly in love with yourself but, it’s way deeper than just that. The insights gained from becoming a semi expert in narcissistic personality disorder might aid you in your quest to get David Miscavige arrested and thrown in jail. The only way to stop someone who doesn’t have the capacity for remorse, totally lacks empathy and doesn’t have any qualms lying or hurting others for their own pleasure or personal gain is by understanding the extremely stereotypical psychology those types have, (they aren’t unique or special at all) and using that knowledge to trick them into getting caught. You have to almost become heartless to achieve this, buts it’s easy once you realize that the so called person that you are trying to get thrown in jail is actually a monster that lacks the things we associate with being human, and anything that resembles empathy or emotional vulnerability is feigned and %100 a performance done strictly to manage other peoples perceptions for appearances purposes or as form of manipulation.
Good luck!
P.S. I think if DM goes to jail and is exposed as the monster he is, your family and friends will slowly start coming back into your life. You have the strength and determination to get it done! i believe in you!
Thanks. One of the books that changed my life was The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout. Malignant narcissists and sociopaths are very similar.
Don’t know if you’ve come across Jon Ronson’s excellent book “The Psycopath Test”. This too might be an interesting read pertaining to DM
Wish it could be that easy ! But you offer so much to look into !!
Hoping and praying DM goes down
Mr. Rinder,
Thank you for the work you are doing to educate the public. I knew absolutely nothing about Scientology before watching your show with Leah Remini. It is ridiculous that more people don’t know about this. Real change won’t happen until more people become educated. Keep fighting this fight, and thank you for your show and podcast!
Hi Mike,
I want to start of by saying that I’m so sorry your family cannot see the amazing person and leader you have become. I as many of the people in these comments have wept for you because I can relate to rejection from my father. My father became a Jehova’s Witness and has cut contact with me completely. I long for my father and my half siblings, in hopes that someday they can come to a realization. And my heart feels for you as a daughter who longs for her father because I know you want to see your children. They’re old yes, and maybe you were never attached. That doesn’t take away from the fact that you have the same blood running through each other’s veins. I long for my dad, as I know you long for your children to someday see the light. I’m really praying. Know your story has moved me, and if you were able to leave Scientology I know my dad will someday hopefully leave Jehovas witnesses…. I’m praying for you and Leah and hoping that your story continues to spread like wildfire.

I’ve seen the ads run by your daughter, describing how you deserted your family, and hit your wife, her mother. I didn’t watch to the end, because I know she’s lying. I’ve watched all the episodes with Leah and how the church tears families apart. Just want to lend my support. I wish YouTube would take the ad down.
This is why I do not believe in organized churches/religious organizations. One never knows the heart of ones leaders. I am an ex-Mormon, and love the freedom of my personal religion and spiritualism. I’m the leader in church of one.
I had a very strange and scary experience in a Scientology church several years ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it- so of course I was drawn to watch your show. I have been praying for you and Leah- especially you as you share the truth about this dangerous cult. Thanks for all you are doing. God bless you.
Mike, I love the show. I am not a Scientologist but as a human being, I am appalled and intrigued by what had happened/will continue to happen without awareness. Thank you and Leah for bringing so much attention to this dangerous and sly mind control.
I wonder if you have watched the new Son of Sam documentary on Netflix? I’m on episode 3 and lo and behold, Scientology comes up with a couple who left the church and formed the Process. Do you have any knowledge of this church or the founders?
Keep up the great work and love the accent! PS you are right, it’s pronounced cha-ROD
Andrea Vien
Sons of Sam Episode 3 is the EXACT reason I came to this blog just now. I watched Scientology: The Aftermath months ago and now listen to the podcast. I’d love to hear them address this on a future episode.
I’m addicted to your show. It is sick what they do to the people and their families. One day hopefully it catches up to them and it will all come crashing down. I myself have been and still going through these kind of attacks. It’s hard not to be angry and non violent when you are attacked for years. Keep fighting the good fight as I will continue to do.
I have been watching Scientology and the Aftermath and I am not ashamed to admit that I have wept openly for you, Leah, and those you interview in nearly every episode. As a father, and now recent grandfather, my heart goes out to you and your family. Every time I get a glimpse of the pain that you are experiencing I am torn up. I see Leah repeat it over and over when speaking to those being harmed by this organization to “recognize that you were a victim” and undoubtedly her reminder goes for you as well. It’s a miracle that anyone raised from childhood in a culture that exerts such absolute control and dominance over thought and personal will can escape.
As a complete stranger I have a strange personal sense of pride in you and a brotherhood in being allowed to share your journey. Thank you for bringing this situation to light and for the work you, Leah, and others are doing to pull back the curtain of abuse and tragedy. Keep fighting the fight and please don’t ever lose hope for reuniting your family. I know that family bonds are more powerful than any other human force and that the prayers of a loving father for his children have power that stretches beyond our current sight and into eternity.
Thanks so much Walt
What a beautiful message Walt…
Wow. And I thought I had it crazy. Been disconnected from my family over 30 years now. Lot’s of back and forth, communication for over 20 years thinking “reason” would see things to a reasonable end. After my Grandparents death, my mother never seeing either of them before or after their passing, I gave up. Let’s see, I have a password I use that marks the day, part of it is “bob42”, which means it has now been 18 years since I last spoke or wrote to my siblings or parents. Reading, skipping through the internet listening, watching correspondence between Mike and his family, wow, I can’t help to think that my continued attempts would appear as ugly, as fruitless. It is all so sad.
Hi Mr. Mike,
When I watched Scientology and the aftermath I remember someone said they once nicknamed you
Mr scary. That really shocked me because I think of you as a teddy bear. If you were Mr scary it’s only because you were brainwashed by Scientology but I’m sure that was never who you really were. DON’T BLAME YOURSELF FOR AAAAAAANYTHING. I agree with Kevin that God is using you to make a huge difference in this world. Everyone has a choice and you’re doing all you can open your kid’s eyes now. If they want to they’ll take the next step but never stop fighting for them.
Lots of love!
Didn’t know where to post,but felt compelled to write something in hopes you, Mike, will read this. I see your pain on the aftermath show.
In Christianity, God teaches us you are loved, no matter what you have done or what has been done to you. Also, a crazy persecutor and killer of early Christians was Saul. God sent an angel to him, showed him the error of his ways, and transformed into Paul, one of the greatest champions for spreading the word of Jesus.
You may have been a bad guy champion for Scientology, but God is now using you as the champion for its victims. Take solace in that.
After watching Going Clear and Leah’s show Aftermath I feel so shocked! Every story was just gut wrenching. I am beyond inspired to help. What can I do in my podunk little town in Indiana?
I’ve read Going Clear and have watched Leah speak on JRE’s podcast. Now I am watching Leah’s Netflix docuseries and I’m shocked even moreso now than when I first researched Scientology; something I didn’t think was possible. Thank you for sacrificing so much so that others could understand the dark underbelly of this organization. Truly, those who are the most oblivious and trusting have the most to lose. I wish the best for you, Leah, Marty, and others who have been harmed and I hope your light continues to shine through all of the dark things you mustered through.
I am currently watching the series on Netflix and it is so sickening and heartbreaking the things that they put you all through. Season 1 Episode 3 really broke me when you broke down crying. I felt the pain in your cries. I am so proud of Leah and you for standing up for what is right. I hate that your kids are missing out on what an awesome dad/person you are. Let’s get this cult shut down!!
Hey Mark,
Watching on Netflix and this is awful. I can not believe this massive organization is happening all over the world. You are incredibly courageous and well as Leah, A&E, and all those speaking their truths.
Mike, presently watching you and Leah’s show on Netflix. Almost done with the 3rd season and glad I found it.
You both seem really cool and I must say not only is Leah beautiful outside and inside, so are you. I know you’re married and prefer the ladies, but I must say you’re one handsome man
. What a cute nose and smile you have.
God bless, happiness to and your family, and continue your path always.
I know this is an old post, but you should look into Traditional Catholicism. I’ve been where you are and understand what you’re going through. We can find the truth- it’s possible, and it’s NOT with the church of scientology or LRH. Good luck!
God bless you and Leah, Mike. I’m so happy y’all escaped.
How hard it must’ve been for you to write this letter.
It is so sad to see a group that claims to help people encourage their members to cut off family who have different beliefs or feelings. It seems like an abusive spouse, isolating their victim from family and friends so that the only person the victim has left to turn to is the abuser.
My husband and I live in SoCal and have wondered how to help those still trapped in Scientology, so thank you for providing resources to do that.
Good luck to you and we hope that you will be reunited with your family soon.
Fantastic Letter, Mike. I hope the ex-family still “in” gets to enjoy its power and sincerity.
In the 90′ I was in the Sea Org for 3 months and immediately detected what Scientology was all about and left.
Unfortunately, a member of my family was caught into their net and, of course, “disconnection” was initiated.
A bad cult that destroys people and their families.
I hope one day cults like them will be revealed to be the evil organizations just aimed to greed and control!
I happened upon the A & E Aftermath episodes, and am glad I did although it brought up memories of my past. In the 80’s I was a rebellious teenager looking for a means to find myself. A friend of mine and I were walking down a metropolitan street and we came across a couple of girls in their 20’s, and one girl stood in front of me and said, “do you have a few minutes to talk, I would like a chance to tell you how you can open your mind.” My friend grabbed my arm and pulled me away while telling the girl, “she doesn’t have a mind.”
Come to find out it was a new “church” called Scientology. I was approached a few times after that, but I was always with someone who would pull me along (I was very curious and unwise back then). I know if they would have gotten me alone I would have signed that billion year contract and been gone. I am so grateful to my friends, and very happy that as years went on they left our area. I hear there is a building in the city now (Detroit), but I don’t know of anyone practicing Scientology.
I love my family, and I can’t imagine not having them in my life. A passion for rebellion and being curious about Scientology could have taken me away from my family. I am truly blessed it never happened.
Thank you for all you are doing, don’t give up, you are making a difference!
You are a hero- keep fighting! My heart goes out to you, Leah and so many others!
What we can do as “ordinary people” to support you, Leah and others is the following:
Stop watching ANY movies associated with Scientology!!! (Yes Top Gun too!!)
We all know who these “crazies” are…. stop giving them money- Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV…. etc!
Talk to your children, neighbors and friends to do the same!!!
Mike- I have adored Leah for years and her activism as well as yours is making a difference!!
Keep fighting- Keep strong and know there are so many who support you in prayer, their “chosen” faith and most importantly, human kindness!!
Take care!!
April K. M
You and Leah R and so, so many others are courageous heroes in my eyes. I’m so sorry for all you’ve had to go through (and still do) and that your family remains brainwashed and toxic. I can’t imagine that pain.
Please know that you are an inspiration to humanists like me. Please take some comfort in knowing what an amazingly positive role model you are, sir.
With overflowing admiration/respect…
Hi Mike,
I hope you and your family are reconnected one day – hopefully love will overcome all of these awful issues. Regarding your comments about LRH though, I am reading through Russell Miller’s ‘Bare-Faced Messiah and it appears that LRH very much abused his position in all sorts of ways. He didn’t beat people but he screamed abuse at them and was very wealthy while his Apollo crew lived in dire straits. He may have been a genius in some ways and had hopes of bettering mankind but he comes across as a madman too. The whole thing seems crazy to me – thank God I have never been enticed into Scientology. Wishing you love, luck and a normal life
Thanks. Brilliant book. Anyone with even a passing interest or fascination with scientology should have it at the top of their reading list
Agreed. I find it all absolutely fascinating but would not touch it with a bargepole. Loved Leah’s, book, Jenna Hill and Miller’s book. Will be reading yours next. Wishing you the best and well done on managing to escape such a damaging ‘religion’.
Whether it is positive wishes or prayers, if you like, mine are on their way to you and your new family in hopes that you can reconnect with those of your former one.
I am a huge fan of you and Leah and I hope that maniac can be stopped. I have been disgusted by this church since I saw the bbc show in 2007 and you can tell by your face that you’ve been through a hellish ordeal. I hope that one day your family have the same “wake up” moment that you and all the other survivors did. The church is so insidious and all of their policies make it so that they win no matter what. When ever I saw any of the shows I kept thinking how can the church have any right to monitor every single thing you do, they are not the police and the way they label you a SP just because you are questioning them and then force families to disconnect because of this is insane. I hope that one day David Miscavige is finally stopped and charged because all of the abusive practices be it financial, emotional or physical is criminal and the government should be doing something about it.
“Maniac” is the perfect name for him. I have been calling him the “Dwarfenfuhrer”, the “Rat” and any number of other descriptive names. But from now on I will call him the “Maniac”. Thank you so much for letting me see that.
He is filled with the evil one. He opened himself up and is like an evil horrible puppet.
Keep up the great work. I moved here in 75 when they first started coming. Gabe Cazares , our mayor fought LONG and HARD. All of Clw did. They scare people from coming to that area.
Sad that they are so powerful. I remember all about Lisa McPherson. They persecuted Dr Wood , the ME , until she changed manner of death and she left. I knew then , the fight was over.
You seem ok, from my understanding outside and with no experience: the people that controlled the information kept LRH dead in secret (on ice and for up to 5 years) . When humanity goes out the window, then the window looks good to me too.
It breaks my heart to pieces that Mike did not sign his letter as Dad. It broke my and my daughter’s heart every time Mike lost his composure and cried on the show about his children, too. Those few short jagged breaths and sobs held more pain and anguish than we could bear to hear or consider.
Scientology tears families apart.
Oh, and David Miscavige is the angriest short man I have ever seen.
why haven’t hemet , california police ever raided the ” hole” where scientologists are held against their will ?
Where is Shellly Miscavage?? Is she dead? Has she been in the. hole for 10 years?
Mike- I have never commented on a blog in my life. But your story is so very important.. and you are doing great work!!
I have been a fan of Leah’s for years.. and have watched EVERY episode of your documentary. You are a hero and keep fighting!!
My heart goes out to you and I wish you all the best!!!
God bless you and Leah and all the survivors who are speaking out! This is such an important issue! I hope you and Leah realize that you are FINALLY and TRULY saving the planet! Much love to both of you!
The planet can only be saved by God through Jesus. All elae will fade away
I support you & Leah with all my heart & soul. I speak about this cult called scientology often & urge people to read up on it & learn for themselves of its harm. I am with you & will always support you. God Bless
Simply watching Scientology sending the Clearwater police, at the expense of actual tax payers, to prevent you from sitting on a public park bench was infuriating enough to make anyone take pause and consider the reason a group with such lofty goals as ‘clearing the planet’ for the ‘benefit of mankind’ may be so hyper focused on a few folks having a chat in a park. Even if the topic is critical of Scientology.
The story of Lori McPhearson broke my heart.
Please continue to expose this group until they are made to resume supporting their own financial endeavors, at very least.
All the best to you.
Thank you Mike. We are watching every season of the show and support you and Leah 100%
Yup have a strong case… i live in the Netherlands.. and am just watching the first episodes… and can only say be strong and keep going with what you and Leah are doing..
Veel belangstelling uit Nederland vandaag.
(Lots of interest from the Netherlands today.)
What a great letter to your family. I started watching Leah Remini’s “Scientology and the Aftermath”. I just finished episode 2 of season 1 and was so inspired by your story, and equally heartbroken by your experience with the Church and your family. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to disconnect from my family. You are full of so much courage. Thank you for shining light on the horrors that goes on in this cult.
A great letter.
I have become a big fan of you over the years and it’s good to see you rebound Mike, I have always had a strange attraction/ fascination to scientology and first saw you on panorama in which I thought you was nuts and probably that show alone saved me from signing up, with what’s come out since my views have changed a little and I now just regard myself as a watcher.
I see a big collapse coming and it will be interesting to see these A list stars deny turning a blind eye or being involved in all the abuses but all of them and the people who alow these things to happen really need to be held to account.
Keep up the great work Mike, stay strong with your new family and maybe one day your other kids will see the light and you will be reunited.
[Man is an immortal spiritual being.
His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.
His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized.]
I don’t think most people join the church thinking they are going to ruin lives, or have “battle eyes” (Leah might be scary but geez) and look to destroy others, I know why you liked Scientology. It is SO difficult to find a religious group that preaches the truth of their doctrine, and I noticed that Scientology has dogma of similar nature to Philosophy itself. I myself am SO deeply entrenched with Dogma, even though I don’t subscribe to any organization. I do not believe this existence is physical, that is a commonly held belief around the world. I think it’s beautiful in any context, even if that knowledge is abused by a church like Scientology. If Scientologists could eliminate the “Messiah Complex” from their policy, and every bit of manipulative policy, they wouldn’t be “bad people” and families could be together.
THIS IS SO EVIDENT, when I see you begging your family to understand what kind of psychology is being used against them, I really feel it. An organization is taking advantage of Spirit and Soul to accrue business. Who could have thought that in depth philosophy could be so destructive?? It’s actually history repeating itself over and over, everything Scientologists claim is ripped off some really marvelous as well as destructive individuals. I hope your family is open to listening to older, more succinct philosophers in the future. It’s crazy how smart you are dude, Scientology could be a positive light if David Mis”manage” would step down and let someone else bring it in.
Don’t let the church tell you your newest son is evil and a sin…. He is ADORABLE. OHMYGOSH, what a cute little savior of mankind. <3
What a good letter. You went point by point in as gentle a way as someone who has been harmed could. I really hope that somehow you and your family, especially your children, will be able to sit around the kitchen table some day and just enjoy each others company.
Sorry for the sad situation and go on fighting for disconnection. But your kids are in the cult because you wanted so in the past?
Anyway good luck and help to restore your life and other people lives.
I hope you overcome the big task.
Would you still be in Scientology if LRH were still alive, well and in charge? Or is DM the reason for you leaving.