One of our South African Special Correspondents sent us the latest news from Durban Org. It’s not looking good for scientology in Durban. Her comments follow, and then the item to which she refers.
This is Durban org’s OTC Newsletter for August. To all intents and purposes it looks like they’re sliding into total oblivion.
First pic shows something that happened in July – and at Joburg Org. 6 people – 2 of whom are Sea Org (on the left – they’re a married couple posted at Durban Org). The two chaps kneeling I THINK might also be staff. The other two are Nick & Marina Howarth – pretty much the sum total of the Durban OT Committee. Well attended??
Just love how they say “The Convention provided an opportunity to know exactly what the strategy is”. One would think after 17 years of ideal org strategy, they could chant it in their sleep…
Next pic refers to openings of DK and Miami. How or why the DURBAN OTC can claim this as “happening in their org” I have no idea – not even the same continent!
Last two pics of Michael Chan visit to Durban. 13 people in the first pic, 10 in the second pic. This is all they can muster up for a “Celebrity Speaker”??
And finally, this description: “Michael Chan brings amazing data and really helps put things into perspective regarding who we are, where we have come from and where we are going” – Sounds more like a talk on human evolution or some Nat Geo presentation.
It is so sad to see so many here stuck in the prison of their own convictions, the belief system that they slowly built on no real truth or foundation. Reasoning with minds still full of Scientology concepts which feels so normal to them. And all because they never questioned the tech or the results of that tech. Doubt is your friend not your enemy.
Old news perhaps. I was working for the Corps of Engineers in their mail room in the early ’80s. We got a couple of full bags of LRH book with the address of everyone in the building. I had to kind of laugh when I watched the show with Mike and Leah, and they had on the “X” propaganda person that was saying that they were selling the books like crazy (do you remember the TV ads). I think that there was something like about 200 free books given out just in my building. I wonder how many other places the books were give to for free.
Another item of ancient history. I live in Portland, Oregon. Back in 1980 something, I was at the Scientology place in downtown Portland. I was invited to “try out with the team” and join the cult. I was in a room with a lot of other people, and noticed that in an adjoining room there was some clown screaming at some lady over and over again about not doing something right. She looked terrified and beaten down. I asked the guy that I was talking to what was going on, and who was the bully in the next room. I personally would never treat a lady in that fashion. The guy who I was talking to said to never mind, as she is being I think he said “processed, and taking her lessons.” I told the guy that I thought that was B.S. and he told me that he did not think that I would be a very good person for Scientology. LOL. I left before I even got started. LOL.
They’re not doing too well in Toronto either .Sadly they asked for money pretending they would renovate a building which remains boarded up.
“Knowing your way to prosperity.” In Chan’s case it should read, “Knowing your way to pay for his prosperity.”
Mike – I have a friend who has been looking at getting out for about a year or so now, inching his way toward the door.
He saw the episode last night and was amazed by the stuff you exposed about DM, especially the Pat and Annie Broeker story. That was a big step toward the final door. He had never heard any of that story so thank you for telling it.
Like Ron said about Scientology, “Dianetics and Scientology are new” (though we now now how ancient some of it is), we have all gotten settled about these stories. “Of course that’s what happened”. But to those who haven’t been able to set foot on the internet and see for themselves, these shows being broadcast are giving people the opportunity to finally see what’s happening. It’s NEWS to them.
And it’s not traceable like looking something up on the internet. OSA can’t see what you’re viewing on TV without major effort.
So, to those of us who are steadfastly out, please encourage your almost-out friends and people who “don’t think Scientology is that bad” to watch Mike and Leah’s show every Tuesday for the truth.
I still like the Scientology teachings that I’ve experienced and I believe there is some value in it for people, but the world needs to know how Hitlerian DM is and how he’s taken the worst of LRH and shoved it down people’s throats.
Thanks a lot, Mike.
Love your post, Love You indie 8million ??
Indie8million, i hope more people will get out now after the last show. Waiting to see it as I’m on vacation …
It’s the best they have now. And, of course, it’s going to get worse for them.
This is totally off topic but this is the first time I have gone to Google and gone to your blog with it being the top search. The smear sites (usually 2) have been the top results.
Perhaps they are “revamping” their ill shit info on you Mike ?
Anyway, I read this blog daily; admire all the good work you are doing.
Didn’t they excommunicate a big slice of the S.A. Sci-pie a few years ago? That was a good move. Pared things down to the ideal minimum.
Great comments in today’s blog! I’d like to add to Mick and gato rojo’s and others’ messages to the UTR’s (under the radar – took me a moment to figure that out). Please, if you are on staff or in the SO, consider your golden years’ financial future and your health. You KNOW if you become unwell enough to contribute your time, you will be tossed to the curb! If you don’t know this, ask (without sounding as if you have doubt) what happens when you are too old or too unhealthy to work. And, how much could you have contributed towards your social security (in the US. at least as I don’t know how other countries financially help care for their retired citizens)? Are you allowed to speak to any family outside the CoS? Would they be able to help you? PLEASE seriously consider your future! May peace be with you. And, KAW – Keep Aftermath Working!
I’m not surprised as to how scandalous these LRH Sea members are, If it wasn’t for the detective I paid in the proccess of divorcing a Sea son, I would have never known his lawyer goes back to the days of LRH, elect, extremists testing waves on helpless animals for kicks. I thank God for that information, my children stayed out of the market. I am still piecing together my new life one in which i curse rhe grounds he’s burried in. These members have no concience. Again, Thanks for everything you do for us Mike.
I couldn’t help myself. Sorry I’m just couldn’t. According to the sc$ web site the Atlanta org was holding a Personal Efficiency Course.
I called. I got a guy and asked about the course scheduled for today.
I asked exactly what courses were to be held. I got the beginning of the sales pitch.
I told him to stop right there. I asked how they could be holding anything in a derelict building, which the city of Sandy Spring had to site for disrepair.
I asked if I needed to call Channel 2 to get them back out to find the two people that they had brought in today.
I’ll be damned, he hung up on me.
Maybe I should call him back…….It
really was kinda fun.
Sorry I forgot one point. I asked how much this would cost me. I was told that the first course was free. I sadi that is cool, but what will it cost me to reach free and OT 8. THAT is when he hung up o me.
Jill, thanks for making the effort to gather a bit of information and report about it.
That Atlanta org building in Sandy Springs was cited back around 2012 before it was renovated and occupied last year – though I see that the AJC has an old story about that on their website, without any obvious date on it. Are you certain there are new issues with the building, and do you have an references for information about that?
The latest *dated* story was 2016. I may just have to take a drive over to Sandy Springs and check it out for myself.
Michael Chan, not that guy again.
He is dragged out and dusted off for everything. I wonder if his voice is louder than the crickets chirping in these scientology events.
And the tumbleweeds rolling through the venue. They go well with crickets.
I think the crickets would be vewwy vewwy quiet because the regges would try and get them to open their little wallets and donate aphids.
“13 people in the first pic. 10 people in the second pic.” Even with Michael Chan they can’t muster up more people than that? They might as well shut Durban down. But, this is happening at every single Idle Morgue.
*grinning* come on Dude, they can’t even find one person to nail on falling shutters in Atlanta.
Derelict buildings are not a great promo are they?
The claim about holding “Ideal Org events,” apparently when they show video of other orgs’ openings, exposes the sort of misleading and deceptive languaging that is typical of their PR and propaganda these days. To begin with, it appears to me that “attendance” counts claimed for the actual “ideal” org openings and other events, are inflated by including people who watch them over video feeds. Then, as here, the playing of videos are claimed as “events.” Local scientologists are lead to make a vicarious association with success portratyed elsewhere – even though that is an illusion, and the orgs newly made “ideal” are in reality little if any better off than their own small and struggling group (though few are as bad off as Durban, in particular).
Yo! Don’t keep pointing out the tiny one’s mistakes. He might accidently see the logic of your comment and Correctly do it once and actually improve $cientology’s health for a few days (until Thurs @ 2PM, which would boost real, meaningful, stats (and give the poor little SP a coronary…. Still, if it’s his time, it’s his time, don’cha know)
Giving new meaning to his moniker, Dave “Let Him Die” Miscavige.
I’m not intending that to happen to him but karma is a persistent Biatch. Just like the ocean receded in the hurricane and then came back in, even more deadly, such is Dave’s “Karmic Tsunami of Life”.
The tide is coming in Dave, can you hear it? It’s not a nightmare but an impending, inescapable reality.
Tick tock, tick tock.
I would have to disagree with “let him die”. Miscavige is a gift to those of us who wish to see an end to both the church and the technology. How much more difficult would it be to expose the damage caused by Scientology were Miscavige more representative of a humanitarian than a psychopath.
The pernicious nature of the technology is clear to be seen in the uniform corruption of what were originally good hearted people mostly, but hijacked by the slick sales and the apparent gains made early on with such conditioning as the TRs and early experiences of auditing. No one ever listened to us like that before. They let you say as much as you need to about your personal problems and upsets, you feel relief as you unburden your ‘self’. But what I found to be true is that all Scientology does in reality is boost the ego,hence the love of ‘certainty. A term or concept such as ego you will never find in Scientology.
Despite the perceived benefit of doing something like TR drills, the reality is that it conditions one away from being human, to not feel empathy when confronted by the emotional distress of others, because you keep your ‘TRs’ in. And through one small step at a time a person is tricked into submission of their decency, their humanity because they are transformed by the lure of immortal being, the ‘thetan’ and for the sense of personal enhancement and spiritual progression to the ultimate elite state of being i.e. OT.
No despite the direct suffering caused by Miscavige which I would not wish upon anyone, his very presence makes it so much more likely that the end of this destructive cult will come sooner than later.
I would just like to add that back in the early 70s as a Sea Org member it took me only 3 years to see through the destructive and malicious nature of the organisation and Execs of Scientology, but it took me another 30 years to discover the same with the tech.
Attended a simular program in Durban 30 years ago.Attendence about 100..
Totally and completely underwhelming. Like… my fly fishing club boasts at least 5x more members than that at its last meeting, and that’s in winter when the season is closed!
Michael Chan, oh how I love that guy! So on sauce and all. He reminds me of the old medical days when they used leeches.
Michael Chan is on the sauce? What’s his poison, whiskey?
Cough syrup would be my guess.
Wow! Michael Chan drinks the same thing I do!
“Michael Chan…. really helps put things into perspective regarding who we are”. Probably by means of a Severe Reality Adjustment? Travelling all that way at his own expense to find about twelve people to earn commissions off. He can’t have been pleased.
Show me a pleased cult member and I’ll show you a live mummy.
No worries. Just BROADLY publish L.Fraud’s words on what he thought of the native S.A. population and the org will fill up fast. With rioters….
You mean putting them in slums and shooting them along with no rights?
Yep, fatso never did like black people.
Exactamundo OSD.
An off topic….. not too off:-)
With the Emmy win, Hollywood has just become an enemy SP.
The days of Scientology using Hollywood for PR are officially over.
Very fitting karma.
Thank you Xenu (in lieu of Jesus)
Scientology…….stick a fork in it!
And take a mouth full of your own medicine.
David Miscavige, start looking for your Blue Bird motor home on some hidden street. What you have done, and who you have become, and the suffering you have caused, by emulating the sick twisted doctrines ala Bolivar and the GE is a family man……………
You can thank Ron, his doctrines and philosophy, for what is about to unfold.
In Leah, you have fucked with the wrong person.
“The truth, in the end, will always prevail.”
I imagine Jenna Elfman is thrilled ………….. but maybe not so much as seeing her horse show up!
Respectfully disagree, Brian. Unfortunately (only because she’s a devoted Still In) Elizabeth Moss is a shoo in to win Best Actress for Handmade’s Tale. The cult will take credit for that and she may even give credit to the cult in return. I hope I’m wrong about her publicly giving credit or otherwise sticking up for Scientology but we can’t count that out at this point. She is an gifted and skilled actress. She deserves an Emmy for her work in that film. I’m sorry if I’m annoying anyone here by expressing this opinion. I’m looking at it from the viewpoint of someone not knowing a thing about her religion. She’s just an excellent actress, that’s all, Scientology or no Scientology. On the other hand, I’ve never thought much of Tom Cruise’s acting, if you could call it that. And I always thought Kirstie Alley over rated except when she was somewhat amusing on Cheers. But I don’t dislike their acting work because they are Scientologists. I do like how Kirstie Alley cares a lot about the fate of circus animals and other abused wildlife and pets. Another example, going way back: I never approved of Jane Fonda going so public against our guys in Vietnam. Yes, she was a liberal and totally against the Vietnam war. That was fine. Many people were, including political moderates like me, but I thought she was dead wrong to do what she did, making our troops wrong. But that had nothing to do with her acting work. She’s a really good actress. I’ve seen all her films and think highly of her, even in some forgettable films. Her politics IMO had nothing to do with her innate talent and acting ability. She has the right to her opinions as do I, as do we all in this great USA.
God almighty, another rant. My local coffee shop must have slipped me some caf instead of my usual decaf this morning 🙂
I got you, Aquamarine.
I enjoyed Moss’ work on Mad Men before I knew she was a scientologist, and my love for Margaret Atwood made The Handmaids Tale a no-brainer for me to watch. I watched the first season of Top of the Lake and thought that was an interesting show too. She’s had some great roles — it just really, really sucks that she’s still in.
Yes, it totally sucks. But she was born into it, I believe. Steeped in it from infancy, so its all she knows. I have to believe that she’ll have her aha moment at some point. I could be kidding myself because she is just so good at what she does. But then, who knows the components of such a gift? Perhaps we imbue these people with qualities they really don’t have.
I’d like to believe she’ll have an aha! moment too. But then again, maybe being married to Fred Armisen for about 2.2 seconds pushed her further into the bubble…
Accepting an award for personal excellence is one thing. Some people are gifted actors. But with the way the wind is blowing right now, crediting co$ would be shooting herself in the foot. Maybe it would be OK, she and TC can hang out with their feeties elevated while they heal.
you can fool some of the people………….
Congratulations on the Emmy win Mike, Leah, and A &E. Even more congratulations on having the courage to come forward and let the World know what is going on with this cult (Not a church). Why can’t the American senate not tax these people like they did in Australia. I never miss a program on Tuesdays. Keep up the good work.
Their photoshop on the pic for the Miami org need work. Some how I think portions of the crowd could be found on istockphoto, shutterstock, etc. and the shadows don’t seem to match.
It just doesn’t look right, especially on the left side.
The guy in the red shirt next to the podium is also in the picture on the left.
So they photoshopping! Sad…
It looks like the entire canopy section is reproduced further back to the left, with the top of the blue marquee cut off to show the palm fronds.
Nevermind, that canopy section is being reflected in a big screen tv.
Isn’t scraping Shutterstock images part of COS unethic-ness?
Miami is photoshopped—
no doubt. That crowd scene is so fake.
This is so great that the photos shown regarding the Durban Org actually trumpet the fact that there is not a huge crowd clamoring to receive services & advice from Michael Chan & any other Org person desperate to get some news Any News for their newsletter. Scientology is circling the drain! Thank you Mike & the South African Special Correspondents.?
I don’t usually like doing this, because it seems pointless, but here’s a message I’d like to give to any UTR’s who read this blog.
Listen, I get it. You are hoping with all of your heart that things are going to turn around. You have put so much time, effort, and money into making the Ideal Org in your area and global expansion of Scientology a reality. You are hoping that this whole “Hurricane Leah” phenomenon is going to pass and that your organization can get back to work trying to build your church up. You have this never-give-up, refuse-to-quit attitude, that on many levels, is actually quite admirable.
However, there comes a time in ALL of our lives, when we have to simply face reality. Even though may be heavily invested in something, we must look at the current state of affairs honestly. And if that honest assessment is that our current path is nothing more than a dead-end, we have to simply cut our losses. We’ve all been through this with certain things in our lives. Admitting that is nothing to be ashamed of, because it happens to literally every single one of us at many times in our life. It’s not a personal failure on your part, it was just an impossible dream that you truly hoped would come to pass.
I get that you don’t want to look back and see that everything you invested in something was “all for nothing”. However, we cannot change the past. What’s done is done. However, to continue along the same path to nowhere means that from this moment forward, every second you spend trying to stay on that path is wasted time, wasted money, wasted opportunity.
Your life belongs to and to you alone. No one else. You have the ability to change directions, especially when you finally get the realization that your most fervent wish is simply never going to come true. It might be difficult to accept, and you might be in a precarious situation with the fear of losing family, friends, jobs, etc. However, you can start thinking about planning your way out of it, and hopefully bringing others (especially loved ones) out with you. Then you can begin to live your life as YOU see fit, not based on the demands of someone else or some other organization or some person’s writings over 30+ years ago. Then you can experience true freedom.
Time to cut your losses and accept the very difficult yet undeniable fact that this is a lost cause, my friend. You still have plenty of time to enjoy the rest of your life. Please take this opportunity at the earliest possible convenience. Only you can truly control your own destiny. Don’t give up that control and don’t continue to give that power to others. Take back that power for yourself, and live your own life.
Perfectly stated!
Outstanding post, Mick! Very well said.
Mick Roberts, I don’t think you do get it.
UTRs I doubt are wishing and hoping, to the contrary. They’re waiting for a close member (really close!) of the cherch to see the light; and are currently powerless to assist with this because they’re on a different continent.
I know you mean well…
I agree, Mick.
“Admitting that is nothing to be ashamed of,…..”. Admitting it is something to be proud of!
Bravo, excellent post Mick Roberts.
Tsk tsk tsk Mick….you’re probably now on Kirstie Alley’s shit list…….
Hey! That’s an honor to be on her shit list!
Beautiful, Mick!
Yeah. She already blocked me on Twitter. One day I replied to one of her Tweets and I said something like “If someone alleges they’re a victim of abuse, don’t we owe it to them to at least hear them out and not just immediately ignore/disparage/attack them?” or something to that effect. I wasn’t “trolling” or anything, just an honest question that apparently was a bridge too far for her.
You should have disguised the truth in a twinkie. Or maybe a ho-ho…….
Ha ha! Mick, asking a sincere question in a calm and sensible manner to a person whose mind is already closed to any possibilities aside from what he or she already “knows” is a terrible thing to do! Its very upsetting. Such a person protect himself by closing off communication. One of my father’s favorites sarcasms concerning such people was: “Don’t confuse me with the facts. My mind is made up!” Its like talking to a wall. There’s only the apparency of a person in front of you. He or she is not really there.
But if you can’t do it for yourselves, then do it for your children, and for all of the kids who deserve to have a childhood, receive a normal education and choose for themselves which life path they wish to follow, after they’ve been equipped with the critical thinking skills and the knowledge base with which they can pursue it in a truly self-determined manner.
My sentiments exactly.
Once again, no snark intended, but when a child gets out, as I understand it, they couldn’t pass a GED test. One person said they couldn’t even understand what other people were saying. SO not only are they cast adrift (sorry but that word works best) they can’t get a GED, they can’t interact with society in general and they have no way to deal with the PTSD that is the result of years in a cult.
How do they even begin to rebuild their life in *the real world*?
Those who have managed this have my highest respect. Courage like that is just a beautiful thing to see.
Yes they have scars that might never heal, but they have the steel backbone to get it right. I never forget what it must cost.
Bingo Harpoona!
Perfectly communicated.
Excellent Mick what a great and thoughtful posting!
So your basically saying they need to do an admin scale on the PT scene, honestly and without sugar coating it.
“…honestly and without sugar coating it.” That is SO out tech. I don’t think they can honest at all. At the Pasadena Idle Morgue, a young man standing out side said to me, “We have 200 people on course right now.” I was with a buddy of mine and we waited for the 200 people to come out for their break. Sadly…we’ll, you know.
Dave’s Information Center on Hollywood Boulevard has switched from having hotties pass out his propaganda to male security types with dark sunglasses.
LOL! I’m so not surprised.
Excellent post, hopefully this message will reach and help some that can no longer ignore that voice in their heads that continually is screaming something is not right in Scientology!!!!
For you who is UTR:
“We of the Church believe…. That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”
Can you do that??
Be brave……
You brought up a good point. “We of the church believe…”. After this part it’s all bullshit.
Hey, Cherch, you may believe this wonderful sounding theta stuff but you sure as hell don’t practice it, now, do ‘ya, punks? (Channeling Dirty Harry.)
Clint, oh, Clint, could you please breathe some life back into Dirty Harry, give Harry a son or something, carrying where his dead father left off, say, mid a case wherein his father had been hot on the tail of the leader of ruthless cult. Now his son, all grown up and having just graduated from Harvard or something, has a huge cognition that he needs to avenge his father’s murder and take up this cold case against a heartless greedy cult leader who probably had his father murdered…you could have your own son play the lead…please, Clint…do this for us.
Yes, a cold case against a vengeful cult which disconnects families. This film could have EVERYTHING necessary for a smash hit, and its ALL THERE, it would ALL be based on truth! Its Oscar material. Clint, you have to do this!
Definitely caffeine. Please, somebody, something, stop me.
Very good, logical reasoning. I put myself back there, as if I was still working at the int base and someone was telling me this, from their heart, not trying to yell at me, just trying to be honest and get me to “see.” If I were to verbally answer this person right after these statements, I would’ve blurted out “But we need to Clear the PLANET! How else is this planet going to get SANE?”
Well, if any of you folks under the radar had a similar reaction, here’s one of the answers to that: Think back at your experiences in the church, on staff, in the Sea Org, or just as a public person. Haven’t you felt some injustice, or knew someone who took a big chance and admitted something to you that upset them that the org did? Or maybe more than just one or two situations, depending on your length of being in Scientology? Things that had you crying in a hopefully private place where no one would hear you, or wishing you could just punch the nearest wall but you don’t dare because someone will hear it and want to nail you for it? Has someone you know been declared an SP and you didn’t see why, because you always knew them to be a good person? When you go into the org don’t you feel some fear and uneasiness, anything from just some uncertainty to “I need to get out of here the minute I’m done?”
Now think through all the references you’ve read in OEC Vol. 0 (and lots of other issues) about how an org is supposed to treat its public and the things each staff member is supposed to receive in exchange for all their hard work and dedication. Nice, right? The haven of sanity, training and processing for staff, etc.
Now realize that even though LRH wrote those policies, he also wrote the policies and directives that enforce the sort of treatment I described above. You have read them too, but didn’t notice the contradictions. Or if you did notice something, you’d never dare bring it up that you thought something didn’t make sense.
THIS is why this organization is not going to be able to Clear the planet. Think it through for a minute. You don’t need to tell anyone, just mull it over in your own mind. When you saw one of those contradictions you were correct. When you had a win or really liked something about Scientology on a personal level you were right. You really did have that win. How does that win feel when you’re back in the org’s environment? It feels squashed, right? You feel pressured and even forget sometimes that you had the wins. You can even feel the mental mass coming back in from….somewhere. Kind of a darkness, gray, dreary, all of a sudden things are very efforty. You tell yourself it will be fine in a minute. Depending on how trained you are you’ve read about this phenomena too.
Separate out the wins and the good from the contradictions. There is good in it and if that’s all there was yes, the planet would be a lot better than it is now. Scientology has been in existence for almost 70 years and look at the condition of the world. It’s not really happening.
One last thing–you may be remembering the events you’ve gone to that promote lots of great success all around the world in all areas of Scientology application. I should also tell you that as a part of the hundreds of staff who work on all those huge international events, we falsify the stats, bring people into videos who are just walking by, put T-shirts on them and books in their hands and tell them to smile because they’re going to be in a movie, write speeches that tell about activities that don’t exist and many more very creative falsehoods to convince parishioners and staff like you that we are winning to the Nth degree. We are not. Those are all lies that are presented to you many times a year to make you not want to believe your own eyes, and justify in your own mind the things that you experienced which were not OK with you. (And also is the biggest reason I left—having to support lies like this all the time.)
So again, be true to yourself. If you experienced it you experienced it. If you are being told something that you didn’t see and experience first hand (like the 600% increase in staff in a mission in Thailand) then realize it may not all be the truth. Weigh all the policies pro and con, and all your true experiences, and see what you come up with.
OMGosh……this is such a compassionate validation of how they must feel when faced with so many contradictions.
I was reading the Ways to Happiness precepts last night. Not to find answers but to identify inconsistencies in what the cult professes to teach (on a PR scale) versus their own violations of these basic concepts as they wage campaigns to undermine (lie) other’s truths. Someone does not need to go very far to find the betrayals of their own doctrine.
Thank you gato. It’s great to get the perspective of former members who have much more knowledge and experience on what could possibly be said to hopefully get more of them to “wake up” from this.
Good post. I’m quoting L Ron Hubbard to make my point. And that point is I do not have much hope for Scientologists because according to Hubbard they are practicing “not-isness”. It’s a wonder to me that people get any wins getting auditing inside the church at all. And no small wonder that David Miscavige would be a “black case” using the reasoning below.
Axiom 38
1. Stupidity is the unknownness of consideration.
2. Mechanical definition: Stupidity is the unknownness of time, place, form and event.
1. Truth is the exact consideration.
2. Truth is the exact time, place, form and event.
Thus we see that failure to discover truth brings about stupidity.
Thus we see that the discovery of truth would bring about an as-isness by actual experiment.
Thus we see that an ultimate truth would have no time, place, form or event.
Thus, then, we perceive that we can achieve a persistence only when we mask a truth.
Lying is an alteration of time, place, event or form.
Lying becomes alter-isness, becomes stupidity.
(The blackness of cases is an accumulation of the case’s own or another’s lies.)
Anything which persists must avoid as-isness. Thus, anything, to persist, must contain a lie.
I think that the phrase UTR means different things to different people.
For me, it just means that for the last dozen years I have not given any material support to Miscavige and his Merry Men.
By that I mean that I have not given any donations, taken any services or attended any events in well over a decade.
I have never given a cent to Ideal Orgs, was once persuaded to donate $25 to the Super Power Building and achieved the lofty status of Sponsor in the IAS.
I never bought into the idea of donations for nothing, even back in the day.
So, you may ask why not go the whole hog and publicly resign. Well, I have one family member who would be upset and so it’s not worth it for me, and I don’t really have a horror story to tell.
Thanks Cavalier for the clarification. As a never-in, I suppose I was under the false impression that UTR’s were anyone who did things considered “bad” (or entheta) by this so-called “church”, such as reading critical sites like Mike’s, without the church’s knowledge (hence “under the radar”). I suppose I should have said this mesage was for those still-in public members who surreptitiously look at these sites (I wish it could get to SO members too, but from my understanding, they aren’t allowed access to the net except for maybe OSA).
Understood on all, Cavalier. I agree with you that UTR does mean different things to different people. In particular, good on you for never having given a cent to Ideal Orgs! Thank you for sharing your story and your reason for remaining UTR in the cult with us.
Cavalier, your situation is basically what I assumed the “average” UTR’s would be — obviously, there would be some continuum of involvement among individuals.
Thanks for the clarification — I always learn something from the comments here!
So well written! This appeal breaks my heart….to know there are individuals struggling to make a decision that will drastically change the direction of their lives as you all did whom post here, has to be the most difficult decision they will ever face. Yet, the freedom you felt as you have all articulated and the overwhelming sense of joy when you did finally blow, is a confirmation and validation for UTR’s.
For UTR’s, I hope there is a comfort in knowing that many others have traveled this road before them…so it is good, solidly compacted road that is plenty wide to walk side by side your loved ones.
Safe journey…….your friends are just on the other side of the rise ahead.
Clearly a case of “Dead Man Walking.”
Clearly a case of Dead Orgs Walking (away from Scientology).
Lol – love that OSD
Dead Orgs Walking
Well soon enough we will see how many people showed up this year to see auditor day movie.
So do Michael Chan and Gavin Potter do nothing but go from place to place regging folks? I can’t even imagine how scared they are — relatively young, probably with zero job skills, and seeing firsthand how they make a living is collapsing.
Gavin and Michael will continue to make tons of money as used car salesmen when the dust settles.
Or they could be Amway salesmen and be successful at that too.
It’s good to know they have a backup plan…
No more snorting magic unicorn horn powder for these two BIG Beings, who’ve been making it go right to live on cult sales commissions for years and doing something about all that unregged wealth the whales have been hiding away. It’s just too expensive and doesn’t seem to be anymore effective than the cult’s space alien spirit exorcism rituals either.
Flying half way around the world to pressure reg the last few over-milked South African whales sounds like a desperation move to me, but going on hoping is what these poor duped and deluded Ronbots do best.
Like canaries in the cult coal mine, when these long-time independent sales reps for the cult start disappearing from the cult scene, it will be a sure sign that the cult’s End Times are drawing nigh?
To every Hungry Ghost cult con artist, like Michael Chan, I’d just like to ask: How can we miss you if you won’t go away?
It’s wonderful to see the cult shrivel although it is somewhat akin to watching paint dry …… or a garden grow. You don’t see it all at once but when you come back, it has changed a lot.
Yo Dave,
When El Con comes back, things will have changed a lot. BTW Dave, have there been any sightings? How about any of those new upcoming crew from Your cadet org Dave. You know if He is one of them He is going to be pissed. Really pissed!
Ya know Dave, If the Con took a ten year hiatus and then started looking for a body that would put Him going on 21 about now. Yer cherch is long for a second coming Dave, at least some fresh leadership. Someone who can stand up and communicate to the world how wonnerful all things culty really are. Do It Dave, it’s your time to shine!
ROTFLMFAO! Now that’s some funny shit!
Reply to “Newcomer”
No no. The Cadet Org is no longer. DM hates kids because they interfere with production (not to mention potential law suits).
And, it just occurred to me that, if the Cadet Org was still in place, Ron MIGHT actually find his way back to the SO. Little Davie doesn’t want THAT.
“No! No! You CAN’T be LRH!! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s MINE and you can’t have it back!! Declare this kid for saying he’s LRH!! How suppressive!! yeah, yeah… Get Ron, I mean, this KID outta here!”
Clearly Michael Chan is not up to the task of reversing the extinction of the Durban org. Miscavige himself should go to Durban and put in ethics. I like South Africans..they have such cute accents.
Should we say last rights?
LRH saying are ridiculous..if the place blows up there is nothing…if we keep it from doing so there is a place. Like I think therefore I am…
Or if the sun rises it also sets…they remind me of old Sat. Night Live skit…Jack Handy…LRH is a trip down silly lane.
Very much like ice berg watches in the tropics – see what such a great job they are doing, zero ships sunk by ice bergs off the coast of Hawaii last year!
Looks like “Durban Ain’t Happening.”
And never will.
6 people is an ideal org, sure it could be less but 6 is a good number. ideally.
Greater than 6? lesser than 6? Is it 6? F – it’s 6!
Whew! Glad you figured that one out, I Yawn. I’ll rest easy tonight.
Have a standard sleep Dude. Night-t-nite…zzzzzzzzzzz
Hey, I Yawn! Wake up! We’re not done here! Do you hear me? Hey, someone throw some cold water on I Yawn.
Someone should show them the way to that org! How embarrassing! Where are these things posted originally? On the Cos site?