The first Twitter commenter shown in my recent post Scientology Haters Gonna Hate “quentin”, turns out to be someone I know.
This “quentin” is QC Strom. He was posted for many years at Gold and then sent to SMP. When he was at Gold he was the clapper boy and then worked in SFX (Special Effects — should really be named VFX for Video Effects) for super asshole, Miscavige pet, Henning Benndorf.
QC is the son of OSA Flag hatchet-woman Kathy True and Don Strom, a former INCOMM SO member who left the SO to work in a scientology computer company.
Of course, it’s always been clear that the handful of posters who support the “STAND League” and “Expose Network” and “Freedom Media Ethics” are accounts controlled by OSA. They are a specific type of “Twitter bot” — in this case human “robots” that are controlled by the organization and only post, retweet and comment when told to do so. Usually, these are anonymous (except for old Fast Eddie Parkin who is now scrubbing dumpsters with a toothbrush somewhere) so it’s somewhat satisfying to have a positive ID.
I wonder if QC actually works in OSA now? It is not common for SO members to have these accounts unless they are under the direct control of OSA. Maybe the SuMP has so little to do they have co-opted some of them for their social media hate campaigns?
Is Kathy True related to Jason True the pac base security guy who avoids me like the plague when I am there?
QC works in SMP in the internet unit. They handle all social media. I think OSA just does media monitoring now and SMP does all of the speaking.
Oh, that’s interesting…
He’s also been one of the “Int Management” speakers at several of the Maiden Voyage events.
Does anyone know what happened to Bill Yaude? Is he still posting on the Net covertly for OSA? Just curious. 🌹
“…does all of the speaking.”
Change the last word to “unhinged raving”. It sounds so much more satisfying.
Is “Super Asshole” on “The Bridge to Total Freedom”? Is it in anyway related to Super Power?
Kidding aside, I could have attested to being a “Super Asshole” during my 37 year tenure in scientology. I suppose one could say that L. Ron Hubbard himself groomed an entire fleet of Super Assholes. The only true Super Assholes I have had the displeasure of meeting are “old Fast Eddie Parkin” (who is truly an awful person) and the Los Angeles Org staff member who lied to a judge in order to get a Temporary Restraining Order against me (which curtailed my protests in Southern California against that Super Asshole Cult).
The good old days, eh Fred. We’re all out and doing fine while they are still trapped in an abusive cult.
Yes, memories we will share forever. Kodak memories. Not.
By some miracle, we walked away from that abusive cult. May our good fortune be passed onto those still in that trap.
My regards to Willie.
Stockholm syndrome, the awareness of it may bring lots of innocent people to life.
I am the receptionist in the Department of getting fake TROs thrown at me! FOUR is too many!
Somebody PLEASE give the Angry Gay Pope an award! He has survived four, count ’em, four fake TROs!
Good thing I don’t have a Twitter account.
Agreed. I suggest anyone devote their daily minutes in life to your favorite hobbies. If Twitter makes you happy, fine. If another hobby in life you find makes you happier, I’d switch to it.
I was into role playing games like D&D and Traveller. I once ran a D&D adventure based on Monty Python And The Holy Grail.
Life’s too short to give the super asshats any power over your enjoyment of LIFE. If they appear, give them a blink and they’ll puff away in a cloud of smoke — danged smokers.