The tidal waves are coming. It’s GARGANTUAN.
And what is IT?
A million file folders for the newest newly renewed ASHO and AOLA. Is this the third or fourth time for the “new” ASHO and AO? And they have been “Ideal Org/SH Size Orgs” for as long as those concepts have been floating around the bubble. So how come their files are in disarray AGAIN?
But in all our excitement about the files, let’s not forget to get yourself confirmed for the events. We have NO IDEA when they will be, but make sure you sign up now, before Thursday at 2, to confirm your attendance for a date sometime in the future for some events that are GOING TO BE MONUMENTAL and the BEST EVER IN THE HISTORY OF ANYTHING for absolute sure.
Oh, and did I mention there are brand new file folders! OMG.
The only thing that excites a sheeple as much as a new donor status is a new file folder. Woohoo! Come and join the fun.
Wonder when they are EVER going to get around to using computers for Central Files. They send out thousands of stupid emails a day, you would think they would have gotten over their file folder obsession by now….
Did you hear about how we have a million file folders?
Interesting note: ASHO is supposed to have the CF of all orgs — and if both ASHOs and AOLA only have a million CF files, they are falling a bit short on people. Because believe me, there are more names who are NOT on lines or even Scientologists any longer in those CF files than there are real IAS supporting KoolAid drinkers by a factor of at least 10 to 1. Those CF files go back to the names originally imported from SH when AO and ASHO were first set up in late 60’s…. 50 years of everyone who has gone through an org and ended up in CF and it’s about 650,000 total (split 2/3rds ASHO and 1/3rd AO).
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013
From: CLO WUS <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: GET READY FOR THE TIDAL WAVES – THEY ARE COMING! HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! ARC, KIT FINN – EVENTS UNITHi Xxxxx. This email is going out to all Church members in the greater LA Field to:
#1.) Keep all briefed on all the gargantuan activities occurring.
#2.) Sign you all up to participate as we’ll have a greater impact with all that is occurring because of YOUR involvement!We’re counting on you to do the following:
#1.) Sign up to come in to help label the million plus brand new file folders for AO and ASHO to ready them for their move in to their upcoming new renovated spaces…Our own Ideal Sea Org Orgs on LRH Way.
The files volunteer space is located right here on the base and goes from 9:30 a.m. daily to 11:00 p.m. with the exception of Sundays. It starts at 1:30 p.m. on Sundays and goes until 11:00 p.m.. (However if you want to come Sunday mornings email back and if we get enough volunteers for Sunday morning, we will work it out.)
#2.) The big events are coming and we want all Ready to not only confirm yourselves, but to be ready to confirm everyone, I MEAN EVERYONE, YOU KNOW!!! We’ll need a lot of confirming happening from every Church member to make sure ALL Scientologists ATTEND each of these events! Please let me know you’re in.
Civilization works because it’s a team! We are the BEST TEAM and EVERYONE matters!
#3.) Let us know if you are going to Flag for the big events and/or who you know who will be going. THOSE LIVE EVENTS are going to set the pace for an unprecedented future for mankind!
PAC! SIGN UP TO ATTEND AND BRING OTHERS WITH YOU! (CCI, INGLEWOOD, VALLEY AND PASADENA WILL BE HAVING THEIR OWN BRIEFINGS FOR THE FIELD AS WELL, BUT ALL ARE STILL INVITED TO PAC’S GRADUATION, THE MEETING PLACE FOR ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS IN GREATER LA ON FRIDAY NIGHTS.)#5.) We want to know all Church members, their friends and family members are moving on their Basics Books and Lectures! Let me know in return you’re on them and/or if you need any help at all in relation to this.
Please write back and let me know you are ready with your communication regarding all 5 points above.
Thank you!
ARC, Kit Finn
I suspect Scientology suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Cleaning their central files (CF) archives has been their major obsession for years.
You know I think they just dont know what else to do…really.
he want to keep people busy on this…so they cant watch the news because all the fucking PR of the Church of Scientology is the fucking floor really
Tropical Storm Karen Forms in the Gulf of Mexico; Hurricane Watch in Effect From Fla. to La.
Or magic?
Yes, and also remember that “Hurricane Karen” has been making landfall at all SO bases simultaneously, raining down upon them with buckets of truth. The weather forecast is for more of the same.
I know the business of selling religion in this day and age takes some unusual marketing skills. But the “We need help” message is so constant my ears are beginning to ring. What other store sends out demands for help like this? “Come help us get our records together”?
I know why they are getting their records together, because for so long apparently they can’t keep records. I think they are trying to sort out who has been naughty or nice the same way they are trying to subpoena everyone’s email accounts.
“…trying to sort out who has been naughty or nice…” LOL! Yes, they’re making a list, checking it twice, CO$ is coming to town
Tony Dovolani. Auditor de luxe
Wow! She’s got the best attitude! So positive. She’d be great to hang out with. This is the most insight I’ve gotten yet into her as a person. Great vid.
Anonymous EP on craighslist
Test “Reply” to Peter. Glitch?
Off topic, but not really since you are talking about tidal waves heading towards the COS.
The way I read the following posting on Tony Ortega’s site, due to earlier rulings, if the US Supreme Court declines to hear this suit, then the COS might no longer be able to hold parishioners’ PC folders hostage if the person wanted to claim them. This would be helpful for people who wish to get audited in the Indie field.
Am I reading this correctly?
At one point in time Jason Baghe was attempting to get his pc folders back. Anyone have any info on this? I would like to do the same, having been out for over three years now.
Hi Penny, The P.C. folders are nothing more than an auditors notes. Auditors don’t have a long life span in the Church. Chances are the people that kept notes while auditing you are long gone. This is why as much value the Church places on these folders, to hold over people’s heads, they are nothing more but scribbles from former employees. If used in a manner to harm others cause for legal remedy. These are notes staff make to one another and share between themselves for decisions about what to sell you next.
Oracle, you are right. And I found out that so many people in the SO have access to and can read your pc or ethics folder at any time, and do so right before an IAS reg cycle or a regging for auditing cycle or regging for a recruit to join the SO etc, to see what your hot buttons are. Then those private case concerns are given back to you and you are told that the auditing will handle that. That reminds me so much of the suppressive Nurse Rachet in the Jack Nicholson movie, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” where she keeps the patient in line by throwing up his charged item to him, his mother, whenever he starts to come uptone or show any semblance of Cause. And it works on him… he then crumples and goes back into apathy and psychotic mess. And this is what our church does with the Priest Penitent Privileged Files. Oh and one more thing they do with it: cull it for all your big fat juice overts and publish them in a DA pack if you get out of line and actually leave the church and talk about your experiences. This is what the pc folders are used for.
Whatever happened to using them by only a select few to CS and guide your case toward freedom and case gain? Alas, those days are gone and are replaced by Black Dianetics, Black Scientology and 1984 mind think thanks to our dear leader.
Outside, when you’ve completed a major action, if you want your folders, just ask. The admin in the lead folder is for C/Sing, so better not lose it.
The Co$ is an aberration of good Scientology.
“The insanity of the overwhelming affluence instead of a calm flow of gradual, managable expansion is one of the main contributors to the psychotic break of the organization as a whole. And I do believe that organization is smack in the middle of a third dynamic psychotic break, as their exalted leader gets ever closer to deposition.”
One swing. Perfect.
yeeeeehaw! Les, that just brings out the cowgirl in me. Hear that leather whip crack???
I feel like I should apologize, trying to be civil and all that, but a part of me still wants to see him reduced to the “pale pink pancake” sliding down the wall, or at the very least a melting blob of jello. I know full well how I clapped and bobbed my head in agreement for far too many years, riding the zeal and appeal that planetary freedom brings out in all us “white hats”. So, yes I did my part, looked the other way, justified that maybe it was too complex for “lil ole me” to comprehend. But then there is the other motion that damn straight contributed to my wasted decades: effing FRAUD on the part of DM and many who fell into his black shadow. I gave “til it hurt” of what I had and organized my working life to be able to give even more. Actually, that is still ok by me, to give to what I was told it was going to and to spend thousands of hours on volunteering over several decades. Problem is, the money DID NOT go where we were told and everyone was cheated and betrayed. However boring, this is a very old story that none of us have avoided in the past track. But here and now we CAN end cycle on a high note and stop this mutt from ruining the real data that we knew as Scientology. Hi O Silver….away! goofy Americanism!
This story about CF and “It’s coming, it’s coming!” reminds me of some long-lost civilization cut off from the rest of the world, frozen in time.
It’s sadder than anything else.
I got that, and it is sad. Don’t get stuck in the beautiful sadness. Just hook ’em up to an intravenous … I mean internet.
Mike.. I guess to cannibalize CF properly.. you need to build the CF. More for the IAS to prey on.
Posted By marthy Rathbun on Youtube, The Cirus is in Town.
Commenters on Ortega’s blog say they might be recycling pieces of this decor
kack…gagh…’gag me with a spoon’!
Really funny (funky??) having misk reading the translations from his teleprompter screens, head swinging from left to right, just like he actually understood a word of Spanish! ROFLMAO!!! What a dork!
“Civilization works because it is a team”.
So, Team Member In Civilization David Miscavige, how about YOU being civilized enough to furnish a DATE AND TIME for when WE are supposed to show up?
You ARE a member of the team, aren’t you?
What’s that? “You’re more than just a member, you are the LEADER of the team” – ?
Understood, Sir!
Then, Sir, how about calling the plays in such a way and in enough time so that they can be DONE?
What a concept, huh?
Try it.
I picked up this great book from Mace-Kingsley a few years back. LOTS of pictures so it was fairly easy for me……talked about plus points, out points, omissions, etc. Neat concepts, they even had an example of an invitation to a party that didn’t list the date, hmmm….I do believe that was an outpoint-at least according to that book. The Thinking Book and if I recall it was based on something Ron called the Data Series. Just saying…… SOURCE?????!!
Yes, that would be the Data Series, and the specific outpoint for an invitation to an important event sent out with no date given would be “Omitted Data” and the outpoint for the INTENTIONAL ACTIVITY of inviting people to an event for which a date had not yet been set would be “Altered Sequence”. LRH called these outpoints, “The illogics”.
Scientology teens actually being teens.
An unprecedented future for mankind ?
Let me say this, that you do not shovel darkness out of a room to let in light
you simply turn on a light. Once GAT 2 nose dives enough sheeple
will have utterly had it with D.M. That light will come on and Mankind will do just fine.
The Super Power Building will be a monument to mans stupidity.
Hindsight being 20/20 more books will be written but there is a correct path and
a Bridge to be traveled.
I see the same future that you do. Thank you for putting it into words.
Oh, and one more, just for fun:
#5.) We want to know all Church members, their friends and family members are moving on their Basics Books and Lectures! Let me know in return you’re on them and/or if you need any help at all in relation to this.
ALL Scientologists need to be on the Basics – because that’s ALL we are selling these days.
If you need help…? What help can a Scientologist possibly need to “move on their Basics”?
1. Doesn’t have thousands of dollars to spend on books and lectures they already have (no one in the org will help you with that)
2. Doesn’t have time to go on course (tell that to your friendly Registrar and the most likely “help” you are going to receive is a KR “on KSW”)
3. Doesn’t want to go near the org for fear of getting attacked by reg vultures (but then, how would your org help with that?)
4. Doesn’t want to progress “on the Bridge” in circles (you will be told that this was Command Intention, and if you are a real on-Source Scientologist, you will do as you told or else…)
5. Think that something stinks with the good news and straight up and vertical Golden Age (imagine the “help” you can get in your friendly local org with that one!)
And I’m sure they wonder why no one ever takes them up on their “offer to help”. They must not have received the email… well, let me go down and get his CF folder to make sure we have the right email address…
I’m still line charging, that was freaking funny.
Outpoints… ? Just a sampling:
1. Volunteer: they are not even asking. They are simply ordering you to work for them, and “counting on you”.
2. Yeah, as many of you already pointed out, 1 million PAPER FILES in 2013? WTF? It takes not only the folders, but furniture, storage space, wasted man hours finding, removing, using, returning folders, a TREMENDOUS cost and burden for a HUGE ROOM full of files that would fit on the average laptop these days if scanned – much cheaper than those costs. The only workable administrative system on the planet. Right.
3. Aside from the insanity to “let me know that you will be there at these unconfirmed events on unspecified dates – AND let me know who you are bringing with you”, these are AWESOME events that YOU definitely don’t want to miss (you WANT TO BE THERE on your own determinism, and you know it!). And, at the same time, we need a lot of confirming happening! I guess that’s necessary because people don’t receive the emails, phone calls, post cards, magazines, flyers and persons visits “every Scientologist on the planet” already received a few times. Not that it takes any effort to fill up such an unprecedented gargantuan events… if we could ONLY reach those people SOMEHOW, they sure would come! If event attendance is low, the why is “lack of adequate call-in”. Not that not one of those people in the paper file CF care about the Miscavige (TM) unprecedented best ever dog and pony show in town any more…
4. We have the PAC graduation. While these other orgs in the area will have their own graduations (at the same time), you are STILL invited to the PAC graduation. Note: if you don’t show up for the PAC graduation on Friday at 7pm, you will get a KR from PAC. If you don’t show up for the CC Int graduation on Friday at 7pm, you will get a KR from CC Int. If you are also in the paper CF of a Class V Org in the area and don’t attend their graduation on Friday at 7pm, you will get a KR from them. We are a TEAM!
So do not not come and not help duty you must eternity here everywhere OT unprecedented whole planet don’t SP we need all you team donate NOW basics and!
You are an awesome terrible being and we can you are commended and/or declared. We will notify you later, or not. But regardless, YOU MUST! HIghest ever!
That was hilarious!!!!!!
File folders! We pretty much have the entire bridge – (upper and lower,) LRH books including sets of volumes, seems like thousands of lectures, courses, checksheets, admin etc etc. and more, – all on a terabyte. Even the sessions are sent over the Internet to the C/S.
Oh, yeah. “Fully Briefed” is an oxymoron.
I am sooooo…glad they only have old earthlink email address in their CF 🙂
Sure I can understand why they’d want to update their CF and put it together on hard copy.
I mean you never know when an EMP might hit and put us all back in the stone age or whatever.
But why bother?
The morons who write to CF never bother to read the folder anyway.
Can’t even count the number of times I’ve gotten a letter asking me if I read DMSMH yet, long after I did the Briefing Course….
Then again since they put everybody back onto basic courses and the purif no matter what level they are at.
Again why bother?
I mean all they really need is addresso and some stupid form letter that they print out at Kinkos NKA FedEx Office telling everyone to come in and get their case, invalidated, screwed up and totally overrun.
Maybe not in those exact words.
The fact is these days they not only totally ignore, or are totally ignorant of what’s in the CF folder (if it does actually get in the folder) but also the case folder as well, unless it contains some criticism of mismanagement or some crime they can use for black mail or extortion.
This looks like some kinda make work project aimed at getting what’s left of their “field” which is about as muddy and ARCxn as it gets involved which as usual will By Pass more charge than it’ll handle.
You can understand that since they’ve either blown off all their highly trained auditors or got what is left of their tech staff selling books and real estate they really haven’t got a lot to work with to handle the scene.
Oh well…
Thanks for posting this Mike and the advanced warning.
Now I’ll know to screen my calls when I see anything with a 323 area code prefix.
Many years ago, I went to SH to do Power, the only place it was offered at that time. I had scheduled 3 weeks and completed in just a few days. (Brilliant auditing back then!) Thus I had a lot of free time since I couldn’t afford the cost of changing my flight back.
I asked if I could help anywhere and was eagerly accepted into the CF area and asked if I could dictate letters which others would type. (That was how they did it back then, dictating into a microphone onto funny little disks.) Since I talk fairly quickly yet clearly, I was able to make a huge dent in those files. I simply went into each very thick file and looked for the last time the person had written to SH.
In EVERY case, I discovered that at sometime in the past – most often years – the person had asked a question WHICH HAD NEVER BEEN ANSWERED. (Talk about out TRs!) I got or created the answers and dictated the letters. Their Letters Out stat went through the roof.
What I was told months later was that their Letters IN stat also went to an all time high simply because the person had been acked and had had his/her question answered. There was actually SOMEONE THERE and the comm line was reinstated.
Can you just imagine the current situation with probably hundreds of thousands of broken comm cycles sitting in those files??? ARCX to the MAX!
I rest my case.
Peter – as I slide down “Memory Lane” I recall things being exactly as you stated. I would receive letters that only mentioned the ‘Message du jour” and nothing about the question I had asked. And when someone actually did take the time to respond, a dialogue ensued. It felt wonderful to talk to someone, who was actually there!
Several questions I asked that did not get answered – questions which, at the time, I didn’t think were any big deal, which were avoided or oddly not-ised by certain terminals in the CO$, were the reasons I started searching on the Internet for answers.
I too had that empty, “nobody there” feeling to some degree. My few unanswered questions were not, to my mind, loaded or significant. but I observed an unwillingness to answer which was puzzling.
Believe it or not, no-one had ever told me to not do internet searches so I went onto the ‘Net with no clue that there was anything bad about Scientology on there. I was merely trying to fill a void. Wow, did I get a surprise! Luckily I found Marty’s blog right away. I wasn’t anti-Scientology! I just wanted my questions answered!
Such a contrast to today Peter. You got great service, good auditing quickly and then, wanted to help out, on your own determinism. Night and day comparison to today.
This response goes to the poster just prior to mine above. (This happens regularly, skipping the following poster and often not making sense since it’s a response to the incorrect post.) Re those 323 calls, many phone companies can block calls from any specific area codes with a recorded message which says “Your call can’t be completed at this time. Please try again later.” Good way to add to their burden.
Sorry for the comm lag Peter.
Personally I wouldn’t want to block all 323 calls just the ones from the Org. Actually not even those since they’re so easy to erase 🙂
“So how come their files are in disarray AGAIN?”
You might be asking this question rhetorically, but if not, I have some insights to offer.
FILES are a backlines operation. The public don’t see if the files are in order on a day-to-day basic. They DO see if the receptionist is missing, or the bookstore is in disarray, or if the demo kits are missing from the courserooms. So FILES don’t get the pressure from the executives to be kept in order.
Regardless of how antiquated you might think that keeping files in order in this day and age is, it’s still done. And it still takes people to do it. The major outpoint in most Scientology orgs is PEOPLE. If you have two posts, one on files and one to run and find pcs for the HGC, but you only have one new-hire, the post linked to public perception is going to be filled. So when the org drops below its mandated staffing level, “prioritization” of posting begins to occur, and FILES languish in a pool of inattention.
So the fact that the files are in disarray again is simply a giant glaring indicator that the orgs are failing to staff…and keep staffed…their orgs.
The humorous thing is that mind-numbed clerical work is something that can be purchased. Yet the files are in disarray again. So the orgs can’t afford to pay Scientology parishioners’ teenaged kids to keep the files in order. And since it’s teenagers, and it’s a religion, they wouldn’t even have to pay minimum wage.
So the fact that the files are in disarray again is simply a giant glaring indicator that the orgs aren’t even operating on a shoestring. They’re operating on a broken shoestring that has been knotted and re-knotted.
Remember that the emphasis in the age of Miscavology is “appearance over reality”. The day-to-day appearance must be maintained, and something has to suffer. What suffers is the backlines functions like FILES. Until a moronic order comes down from uplines that “Ideal means files in order”. Then, suddenly, we’ve got to get the files in order.
Here’s an idea, Davey. Starting in PT and moving backwards to 2001, ONLY FIX THOSE FILES THAT HAVE HAD ACTIVITY IN THAT TIME FRAME. The parishioner activity just can’t be that high in the past 13 years! So there can’t be that many files to “get up to date”. Certainly not “millions”.
After the most recent files are in order, ONLY GET THOSE FILES IN ORDER THAT HAVE ACTIVITY. For example, I got a set of pc folders to FES from the 1960s that had Routine 3GA Criss Cross lists in it. The file had to be gotten in order. If the person hadn’t resurfaced until 1988, there was no reason to get the file in order until 1988.
The dwindling number of active parishioners could easily determine the reduced demand on “keeping the files up to date”.
One other humorous point. In the novel “The Forever War”, at the very end, the last starship of soldiers returns from hyperspace to find that all their military records had been printed out and kept on paper, because continuing to maintain them electronically was too expensive.
And that’s what humorous. I still have 5.25″ floppies with source code on them. But it’s been 15 years since I had a computer with a 5.25″ disk drive! It’s the same paradoxical conundrum with Kindle books. Do I buy a real, paper book, that lasts for generations and will never require batteries? Or do I get the Kindle book that’s cheaper but can be lost in a cloud crash? Or be useless when Kindles outlive their usefulness?
I would have loved to have an entire set of Tech Vols on a thumb drive. But now that the church is shrinking so fast, it’s probably best that the church never issued that.
Questions, questions.
I think you should be in charge! well, your attitude, any way. As a never-in, I have been glued to Mike, Marty and Tony’s blogs for the past 6 weeks.
I have so much admiration for all you ex-CoS members and wish the ‘Church’ was free of the detritus it has accumulated to date, and you all could share the wealth of information you so clearly have gained.
There is no way that I can see that LRH himself can be evaluated on a 2 or even 3 or 4 dimensional value system…and that does not really interest me as much as what did he know and transmit accurately? he certainly seems to have come in contact with a source of esoteric teachings; as did other individuals in the early to mid-20th century.
It just seems hooey to me, at this point, to spend so much energy trying to keep secret an inner technology in which the world is of desperate need.
But all you who were of the first and second generation of pupils of LRH are responsible for DM and, what I can only call, his travesties.
With what has happened in the last 48 hours, as per the Bunker, let us hope that the walls are going to be coming down.
There is great goodwill towards all you ex-Scis; my wish for us all is that you utilize it with respect, humility and courage.
ps My wish also is that Mike and Marty migrate to a more mature comment system!
Scientology is supposed to be useful in life. The Co$ today is about the Co$. The connection between that church and useful philosophy has been weakening for decades. And it shows in the declining rationality.
The “promo” from updated CF is a nice flyer and letter to every disconnected “SP” stating, in essence, “Dear Not-Qualified-to-Be in the Co$ … we wanted to let you know how important what we do is, and we have no product to offer you! Isn’t that wonderful?! I knew you’d agree! So when can you come in and see us so we can tell you in person we exclude you?”
What public and observers are thinking is, “Philosophy, my donkey! With philosophers like that, who needs chaos?”
“The more things change ,the more they stay the same”
The ramping up hype is absolutely fantabulous ( Yogi Berra did not say that)
What is going to happen when the Big Guns don’t have any effect on the
Zombie Hoards ? Clue: watch “Night of the Living Dead Part 2”
Spoiler alert: you electrify the Bridge.
Add this to the list of just plain stupid actions that the group formerly known as Scn is doing. Imagine if every person, who was confirming, to confirm the confirmations, or, was dicking around with these file folders, actually took the time to clear a word on someone, or god forbid……….fly a rudiment! The world might actually improve a little. The valuable final product of RCS is now………what? # of useless events with forced attendance? # of wacky illiterate emails? # of trees felled for file folders? NO….I’ve got it! # of wasted hours and lives that result in $$$. That’s it.
You DO have it. Furthermore, even if no actual money is received, the dev-t created that keeps anyone from making any case gain is more likely DM’s personal stat: number of hours that beings were kept off purpose!! PIG! Do I smell bacon cooking? There really IS nothing quite like a good BLT!
“gargantuan activities” – LOL. “big events” – LOL. “An unprecendented future for mankind.” LMFAO.- Yes the world will be buried in CF folders.
You should ask Derek what he thinks of the file folders. He wasted months on scanning the AO ones into a computor.
Four words of advice.
And what’s with the million folders? What fun to be dragged in to do some fucking FILING. Unbelievable!
Church of Scientology, you organizational numbskulls, move into the 21st century. Touchscreen e-readers. Wifi. Cloud storage. All documents available anywhere, and all the time. It’s not even that expensive. I’m sure you could bulk buy and save loads of cash. And considering there are probably only about 5000 members not in “treason,” doing amends, or on the RPF, the whole set-up would only set you back $500,000 US tops, and that’s with some minor programming and for the cloud storage.
Jesus Christ. The Church of Scientology is literally the stoopid leading the dumb.
Keep it up!
Just imagine your confessional folders available in the cloud. To everyone, all the time.
“Those CF files go back to the names originally imported from SH when AO and ASHO were first set up in late 60′s…. 50 years of everyone who has gone through an org and ended up in CF and it’s about 650,000 total (split 2/3rds ASHO and 1/3rd AO).”
Some data: 1: Yes, the ID’s DO include people from that long ago time. 2: AO’s CF, via NNCF, contains ALL the ASHO ID’s. So, MUCH duplication. 😉
I would expect that those files would also include all the files from the old defunct mission system, as well. They, however, were probably much better organized and collated.
You guys are so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I do like about Co$ advertising is, if you take it to mean they are talking about themselves, it all makes so much sense.
Boy, he is in a storm of confusion…this e mail contains many messages at once and all are disjointed…
Of course the files are backlogged, the staff has been used just to reg IAS donations or sell Basics while the rest of the Org functions go to pieces…
What follows? A tsunami, and is very close.
Hello Mike, A “Reply” to a specific post is actually being posted at the end of your blog scroll.
But if somebody nowdays sends an email to the org, what do they do? They print it in order to file it in the cf file of the person?
My replies are posted to the comment BELOW the one I clicked on and intended.
I remember a local reporter in DC did a story about the old org on S Street, around 1980 or so. She got a tour and a personality test, giving her name as Noral H. Drubb, an anagram of L. Ron Hubbard. Her article didn’t run until a couple of months later, I think, and by that time she’d already received many mailers and a couple of personal notes. “Dear Noral…”
I thought this was pretty funny at the time, because I had been getting the same stuff, under my real name, but had finally shaken loose after a couple of changes-of-address. Even then I was pretty awed by the scale of effort and expense involved, most of it probably wasted.
My favorite quote: “However if you want to come Sunday mornings email back and if we get enough volunteers for Sunday morning, we will work it out.” Yes, that’s optimism: there will be so many people wanting to help with the files project that they’ll have to let people come in on Sunday morning because they can’t fit them all in at any other times. Yeah, how many people are going to come in early Sunday morning during football season to help with files?
More seriously, I recall reading from other postings about the endless files cleanup projects that they resist putting them on computer because that way, you could see all the duplicate files that have been created by people hoping to pad their stats of “new folders in Central Files” over the years (I forget the exact name of the stat, but I know there is one like that).
I seem to recall hearing people say that there are 15-20 folders for some people. But if they computerized them, it would be hard to pretend that a dozen files labeled “Hubert Leroy Bronkowitz, Jr.” refer to different people. And then the orgs would be severely downstat when the total number of files went from a million folders to, say, 150,000. And you-know-who would do you-know-what when the stats crashed like that.
Ever heard of occupational therapy? This is it.
That file folder thing sounds like the only “event” going on. Reminiscent of the Alaskan “Bridge to Nowhere” and all the dead social security and food stamp recipients who still vote in every election and spend all the checks on … um … Kool Aid.
There isn’t time for training with co-audits, but there is time for file folders? If you allocated that 90 hours a week rationally, assuming an average individual can complete ONE Level – AND do a co-audit – in 270 hours time, you could have each individual on staff a Class IV auditor and probably the entire staff above Grade IV, within four years.
If that was done the way it was intended many would put the puzzle together and leave. Best to keep them in thinkology.
Or like a previous poster said, grounding themselves with copper rods. Or taking Superpower that puts your attention where they think it belongs: inside looking at the multitudes of holes in your head. I’d rather jump off the Courtney Campbell than do any of this “new” tech.
Get ready for the tidal waves…get ready for the tidal waves?
I guess they have had a bit of success getting bodies in the shop using Craigs list as a comm line. They are hoping that with the miraculous second coming of GAT and the oiiness table just moments away from launching, all staff will suddenly acquire the ability to actually DO SOMETHING for the PC and the world will be in awe of the brilliance of Dave and the magic will be showered over the splendid ideal orgs and they will finally be RIGHT.
My concern for these guys is they fail to recognize that Tidal Waves are disasterous and wreak havoc on everything in their wake.
The insanity of the overwhelming affluence instead of a calm flow of gradual, managable expansion is one of the main contributors to the psychotic break of the organization as a whole. And I do believe that organization is smack in the middle of a thrid dynamic psychotic break, as their exalted leader gets ever closer to deposition.
Davie is holding back the psychotic break (and all other CI) by channeling it with his copper grounding rods, thus making everything go right, er, straight and vertical.
Way to go Davie! You da man!
Several years back I went in to my local org and helped out with the CF project (which is still going on!) I was amazed at how many of the particles and letters were from the 1970’s. Just ancient stuff and completely out of date.
I was amazed at how many of the particles and letters were from the 1970′s. Just ancient stuff…
Hey, I resemble that remark! LOL
LOL, me too buddy!
My kids don’t even know what file folders are. I actually didn’t even buy them paper for school this year. They didn’t need any binders, not even for math or writing. Literally all of their work is done online, and even though they still go to school, their work inside the classroom is all online. My doctor doesn’t have file folders, it is all online. Many of the Scientology staff do not even have email. One of my PCs before they were in the Indie field tried to contact the CJC EUS by email, and the CJC could recieve the email only through a 3rd party, but she did not have an email to respond back with. Imagine an exec in the world today without evn an email address or the more advanced tech. The church is stuck.
Good and stuck, and their paranoia will keep them there.
So true!
“The only thing that excites a sheeple as much as a new donor status is a new file folder.”
Ditto as a response!
OK, Mike I stand corrected. We were chatting yesterday about the fact that they were running out of projects that looked impressive but took very little management skill to implement. It takes no management skill to build a pretty building with other peoples money using a proven non scio contractor. Little management skill involved in revising and selling books, using a printing system designed by outside non scio professionals. Speculating that the current turmoil was coming from management inability to get results on complex project and technical execution, such as hiring and training a thousand people to get consistent results on super power, or trying to reverse the disastrous Golden Age of Tech …
Re, re re re filing and labeling over 1,000,000 files tat aren’t of any real value, everyone else would scan them, is about as nuts as it gets. No management skill, no staff to do it, just call in volunteers … so sad.
Just proves there is an impossible amount of busy work that can be created to make sheeple feel like they are doing something important.
Just for numbers, you can purchase a 2 terabyte drive for about $100 today. this will hold about if you were to OCR (optical character reader) in all the typed letters, 2 terabytes is enough for 440 million pages of text. Less if you just scanned.
Office depot sells color file folders (every “ideal CF I saw had reinforced color coded file folders), $23.29/100. a million file folders would be 10,000 boxes, totaling $232,900.00 plus shipping, handling, disposal of old folders, labeling, etc. This is a multi million dollar project.
Just for fun, if you opened up a million file folders, end to end, you would have 18,000,000 inches or 1,500,000 feet or 284 miles of cardboard, 12 inches wide, that must be thrown away and trees must be cut down to use.
All of this could fit on a $100.00 hard drive, and would never have to be re-done. With no massive file rooms, AC, power, cabinets, file cabinets, etc. etc.
The US EPA has documents and instructions and planning help to stop people building up massive files like this as a huge waste of resources, shows how out of reality they are.
What they will do to make people feel like they are doing something important!
A very nice John P. style number crunching analysis. Of course, they’d sure be downstat on “number of new folders in Central Files” once they computerized the records and discovered that there are 20 folders for some people, which were set up so somebody could make their stats that week, and the number of folders goes from 1,000,000 to 150,000.
OK, John P, no idea who you are, but I like the way you play business, so lets create a model CF program:
All letters, in and out, OCRed into a computer with a software package designed that can cross reference and sort in date order.
A computer generated list for calls and letters of people not responding in a certain time, cross checks against public data bases to get current addresses, fields for public who love or best respond to certain people or certain topics.
Staff punished by worthless letter writing sit down at a computer, enter their code, and any people they need to write to come up as a priority. Letter pops up with addresses and footers, they just type in the body and list promotional fliers to attach, coded by number. Print and stuff.
Staff that have exceptional skill with any area, such as new public, recoveries, disafecteds, supporting people through illness, whatever get these names qued up. All background letters are available as either PDFs or text, available with a click of a mouse.
Some sort of rudimentary real life events program summary program to the news … such as writing people in Jersey … wishing them well through the hurricane recovery and asking if there is any help they need or anyone that they know needing support, or sharing good news or recovery tips, etc. As staff see no TV, Internet or news, they are writing into a vacuum …
Just a rough outline … what am I missing?
Oh nearly forgot; dragon vocal transcription software for all staff who can’t type properly, and spell check …
20 years ago letter writing was a punishment and engramic, must be worse now.
I remember when i was on staff, there were loads of duplicate folders and that was over 20 years ago.
Mike, I write a lot about Scientology over at Tony Ortega’s. I’m a stock picker at a hedge fund on Wall Street, so I do detailed analysis and try to pierce through all the BS out there for a living. The folks over on Tony’s blog are used to my debunking of various bogus cult numbers in gory detail. They talk about doing a “John P. number crunching exercise” on the latest nonsense from Miscavige. I’ve done a few here but have been too busy lately to do more than skim the stories on Mike’s blog.
As far as your outline for a tech revamp at RCS, that is a pretty good idea. But I’d see that and go you one more: through a combination of to manage the “customer” database and through a direct mail solicitation service like Constant Contact, the RCS could easily improve their mail solicitation offerings and could easily do what you describe. That solution costs only a few dollars per month per user.
But of course they’ll never do it because somebody would have to go “downstat” because of all the crap that would disappear when they cleaned out the files. And then it’s off to the RPF for whoever got stuck holding the bag when that happened, probably a couple of people in each org. It’s like some of the newspaper unions a hundred years ago who fought bitterly to move from hand-set type to Linotype machines, which made each typesetter 20x as productive as before, which meant 95% of them would lose their jobs. They were able to delay introduction of new technology for a generation but were eventually overwhelmed by it. The fate of the people who drove automation and administrative sanity into the RCS would be just as painful and just as permanent as those typesetters of long ago. And it’s all because Hubbard laid out a stat fifty years ago of “New folders to central files” as one that had to keep going up every week or you got sent off to Ethics.
Can you imagine what DM would say when the stats for Central Files suddenly dropped by 85% when the files were cleaned up? Can you imagine what he would do???
It’s just complete and utter insanity that they can operate like this… No business in the real world would survive these days doing what RCS is doing.
Well maybe these figures “if you opened up a million file folders, end to end, you would have 18,000,000 inches or 1,500,000 feet or 284 miles of cardboard, 12 inches wide” could be used by the Devil Moron on his next event as a ‘straight up and vertical’ stat (that if he ever manages to decide when the event will happen).
Guys, we need to maintain a more sophisticated standard here.
You cannot simply buy a $100 hard drive! What would you do if that hard drive stoped working or was stolen?
You need a lot of technology to make such work in practice. Network, abuse, backups, loss of data due to scanning problems, power failure …
Add 4 zeros and you come closer to the real project costs.
Coming back to KSW 1 the question is: Why should you risk a change? It can only get worse. It is working already. (according to the policies/bulletins)
On the other side I personally would also prefer scans. You need to squirrel a bit. But isn’t this exactly what is being criticised right now?
DM cannot make it right. KSW or evolution – both are wrong. So give this SP a little bit more credit this time. Our standard needs to be higher – crotch to head – LOL.
He is pulling in so much sh.. . There is enough left for us 😉
And imagine someone hacks into the file system. Your folders could end up on the internet! OMG!
My conclusion is that there is no right or wrong this time … besides this one: The waste of money is wrong!
This sounds like an attempt to trick the sheeple and the media into believing that the “straight up and vertical expansion” is a reality. A million+ NEW files? Jeez,this guys are really booming and all of us out here are a bunch of envious and ignorant nincompoos just out to get the Greatest Leader on the face of this Earth. I think I should report to the Chief OSA and confess my crimes. Ah, but wait,because they are all Regges, they wouldn’t be interested in my confession but only in my money..or is this another one of my misinterpretations and they are really a nice caring bunch who want to see you happy and make the world better? Must work on my Doubt Formula…:))
Nowhere in that email does it say that any of those new files belong to new people. I read into it that they are just putting old pieces of paper into shiny new folders.
Meanwhile, I spend any spare time I have here taking old pieces of paper out of old files, scanning them into the Document Retention System with dozens of redundant backup systems verifying their accuracy in the system, and shredding the pieces of paper from the file, so we will eventually be paperless.
Rather than having to search through hundreds of sheets of paper, It now takes a microsecond to access any document for a client within the last 10 years, we hope by the end of the year to have that 15 years back.
Of course here we have to pay our staff working wages so we can’t afford dozens of people to push papers around here, and have to “make do” with reality.
When you see where some of these folders are housed you would think
twice about helping out. They are in old beat up, covered with pigeon
droppings and LA smog fallout cabinets. Use face masks and surgeon
gloves plus some throwaway clothes.
Hey Dave, The Calendar is filling up. October 18th is already reserved for a BIG event in the BIG state of Texas. However that date may be pushed out closer to the 9th of November. Wouldn’t that be sweet. You are being UPSTAGED.
“#2.) The big events are coming and we want all Ready to not only confirm yourselves, but to be ready to confirm everyone, I MEAN EVERYONE, YOU KNOW!!! We’ll need a lot of confirming happening from every Church member to make sure ALL Scientologists ATTEND each of these events! Please let me know you’re in.”
Is it just me or doe this not leave open the possibility of a major flap!?! Ie if EVERYONE does attend we get confirmation of the small numbers currently left in CO$. Or if there’s such a small number that they claim a lot of people didn’t go does that the not say that a substantial amount have totally lost interest/faith in any of the big events & the little man hosting them?
It does. It’s not just you. The business of the day is to call in the sheeple in a frantic way with lots of caps locked messages. Next, when no one shows up to these important events photoshop in lots attendees and the drones will have something to flood the media and internet. Final step is the stoopid ones believing it and donating money. I’m looking at you whales and celebrities.
Dear Mike when I was in staff at a Class V org, on asking why sending mail to people no longer on lines, my senior told: If the person is not there, someone may benefit from the mailing. So at home we keep receiving a LOT of mail, some addressed to made up names
Cmon Ed – it’s magic! Outflow = Inflow.
Any ol’ piece of something (pieces of string, tree bark, nail clippings, etc) outflowed to anyone (real or imagined) will result in an inflow (wads of cash, gold, bonds, etc).
Aint’ Scn great!
Yeah, and DO NOT remove any NNCF (New Name to Central Files) ever!
I pray to god that one day, the mail service will install a spam filter.
Oh, ho, ho, it’s magic, you know
Never believe it’s not so
It’s magic, you know
Never believe it’s not so
I love a sunny day
Dream of far away
Dreaming on my pillow in the morning
Never been awake
Never seen a day break
Leaning on my pillow in the morning light
The church is the biggest killer of trees on the planet with their stupid paper mailings going out all the time. I get more junk mail from the C of S than from 100 companies combined. They should thin their CF to the people who are actually alive and on lines and actually interested in receiving that junk. Then the trees will be saved.
One of the BEST things about being a declared SP is the absence of crap in the mailbox! Oh yeah, and also no more phone calls, no more IAS freaks or regges showing up at the front door.
Yep. The tide stopped when I was declared. It was like doing an intensive. Such a win
I hear you Emilie! What a nice side effect from breaking away.
But that would reduce their stats. Never happen.
Laughter! Ruthless tree killers! They got fined by the city of Clearwater for tree killing! David arrives and even the Oak Trees get unmocked! So HE can make a speech! How is that for self absorbed?
File Folders? You mean like…paper? While they’re at it, why not resurrect The AddressoGraph machine? One million tin plates! Only then will I be convinced they are truly ON-SOURCE.
These guys are STUCK on the time track, circa 1960.
Remember the telex machines long after anyone, anywhere was using them? lol
I prefer wax tablets myself.
I scorned these invitations to help with filing until recently, I suddenly remembered something.
A few years ago, I was helping sort out the eternally backlogged CF of my local org, filled with the happy warm glow of knowing I was actually doing something to help the org staff reach out and contact/recover/enlighten people and help them onto the Bridge and go free. I thought I was really helping.
Now, with a little more knowledge about how these operations work, I realise involving the whole field in CF filing activities is simply a method of recovering and keeping people in the fold. And they will sit there having fun and feeling like I did, like they are doing something that really matters. Even though many of the communications sorted are upsetting and grossly out PR, and many of the actual people are deceased, dead filed, have moved away, gone to another org, are off lines and so on.
I’d be interested in these GAT 2.0 “briefings”. They’ve been having them here, too.
COB told the staff that the Central Files are the MIND of the Org’s – and they have always been a mess! Constant cleaning up of their “minds” has been a futile attempt. The condition formula for confusion is not to “pretend” you are doing something valuable whilst destroying your own team members in the name of ? The condition for confusion is ….
Total failure! The masses are in such confusion they will never be able to sort themselves out while connected to this very evil, suppressive group called Scientology!