I have just uploaded am putting out a series of short YouTube videos on my channel to update why I have been somewhat invisible recently. For all the people who have sent me messages of support and concern, this will explain, plus a lot more.
This is the first of them — you can access the rest on my YouTube channel from this one.
I make reference to some things in these videos and am including them below:
Sociopathy Series
Sociopathy: What is a Sociopath?
Sociopathy Part 2: The Traits of a Sociopath
Sociopathy Part 3: The Creation of “Its”
Sociopathy Part 4: The Importance of Authority and Obedience
Sociopathy Part 5: The Covetous Sociopath
Sociopathy Part 6: The Tools of the Trade
Sociopathy Part 7: Gaslighting
Sociopathy Part 8: The Thirteen Rules for Dealing with Sociopaths
It’s Never a Bad Day for a Good Smear
My unsent letter to Bob Keenan
I just found out about the recent series of videos and wanted to say something. I have never met Mike Rinder but we have a few things in common, I think, Mike should feel free to correct me if I am mistaken.
We both spent a long time in Scientology, I was in for twenty five years (1989-2014). We both have rejected the organization itself, the doctrine and techniques and have come to see both Lafayette Ronald Hubbard and David Miscavige as less than worthy leaders.
We both have put significant effort into actions that include warning the public about Scientology and letting ex Scientologists know about the true history of Scientology and the many, many crimes of Scientology founder Ronald Hubbard and current leader David Miscavige.
I have spent hundreds of hours finding out about Scientology and written over six hundred posts on it and interacted with hundreds of ex Scientologists and family members of Scientology cult members, including surviving family members who lost their loved to Scientology in their own opinions.
Mike Rinder may have spent more time on his own efforts to expose Scientology and warn people.
I have had my own medical issues and a couple of times since leaving Scientology had surgery and there’s always a risk of not waking up when you’re put under anaesthesia.
I also at one point was not well and felt like I was getting worse and worse. It got to the point that I was getting more and more certain that I would go to sleep one day and simply not wake up and it was only a matter of when, not if.
The only person I shared this information with was my wife. I didn’t tell anyone else.
Then an odd thing happened, after several months of getting worse and worse very, very gradually I started to feel a little bit better and before I knew it I wasn’t sick anymore. I had tried to make peace with the fact that I was dying and had made some arrangements for the inevitable and it simply didn’t happen. I had spent months trying to get prepared and come to accept my fate, but fate didn’t cooperate.
I am no doctor and I don’t know the future or the mindset of Mike Rinder and I can’t diagnose him. I know what I went through but every person is different, every life is different.
But in my experience, getting used to the idea that you have weeks or months left and having it hanging over your head as a certainty (even if you are ultimately proven wrong) is a sobering and life changing experience, or at least it was for me.
Now, there are times that I have no interest in having conversations or arguments about things that ultimately really don’t matter.
I am a lot more selective about what topics I pursue, what activities I give my time and what people I interact with and how much I interact with them. I avoid the impulse to tell someone something if they are not interested or receptive or frankly it’s not my job, where in the past I would have offered information because I thought I knew the right way to do something. Now? They are free to do something however they like! I am not their boss or trainer.
My point was this kind of experience for some lets you see the futility of some things and the importance of others.
None of us are gonna get back the years lost to Scientology. None of us are gonna get back the opportunity to do better things that we didn’t do when we were in Scientology instead of the things that we did do.
I think Marc Headley said that everyone leaves Scientology years ago if I remember correctly. He said some people leave when they die.
I am grateful to be one of the lucky ones who got to leave before I died and further that I am lucky enough to have run into the work of people like Arnie Lerma and Jon Atack and Tony Ortega so that I could untangle from the web of lies Hubbard trapped us in and realize that I was subjected to a thought reform program (as described by Robert Jay Lifton in his eight criteria for thought reform) and be to a degree mentally free as well as physically before I die.
Lots of people who are not physically in Scientology, maybe thousands, never recover and decades after leaving or getting kicked out still wonder if they committed an overt if they have an accident or get sick and look for various things like engrams, missed witholds and so on for the rest of their lives and are haunted by the ghosts of their past until they die and trapped in Hubbard’s web of lies and prison of the mind.
I think that it’s worth recognizing that the work of Mike Rinder has helped people, helped people to leave Scientology, helped people to recover from Scientology, helped people to see that their experiences in Scientology are not unique or something they are making up because of their own overts and witholds, even if they were brainwashed into believing this on The Truth Rundown.
I think that there’s been a real benefit for many people from the work Mike Rinder has done.
I have never had the reach of Mike Rinder but think that some people have genuinely been helped by a lot of ex Scientologists and Scientology critics to various degrees. I am not so naive as to pretend that you erase bad things with good, the bad still happened and the damage done quite often simply can’t be undone.
You in my opinion have to accept that quite often a person has a life that has a combination of good and bad, but you have to accept that both are there, as messy as that is.
Some people treat ex Scientologists and ex cult members in general either too well, acting like we are practically saints and pure heroes when we are not. We should not be blindly trusted and made into gurus (cult leaders) by people and we also shouldn’t be treated like we are children of a lesser God, lower quality human beings who must be especially stupid, gullible, evil, and crazy to be in cults.
We are very real people who have flaws and make mistakes and sometimes do good things, like real human beings you know!
Mike it is heartbreaking to hear about your health struggles. It is also heartbreaking that you would waste your precious time left on this earth making hate videos. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember why you are fighting Scientology. Your series with Leah was priceless and so well done. Remember how you felt when you recorded this: https://archive.org/details/leahreminiscientologyandtheaftermath
Thank you Mike for your ceaseless work over the years. It has been monumental. I remember watching you in events as a kid, and so listened carefully when you spoke out (once I was brave enough to look). Wishing you lots of strength, healing, love and good times with your family and loved ones.
Mike, you are an inspiration. The world is very grateful for you, whether they know it or not. You have changed countless lives for the better, you have helped those who don’t even know they have been helped. My heart breaks for you and those like you who have lived lives of such testing, but you keep fighting the good fight. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you all the best. you deserve it all. I have watched you for the best part of a decade change the world for the better and I hope I sit here watching for many more. Much love from Ireland
Hi Mike, you don’t know me and I’ve never commented before but I just wanted to say I think you’re an incredible person. You’ve helped so many people leave and recover from abusive situations and showed it’s never too late to turn things around. Your work and your story have had a profound effect on me, a stranger you’ll never meet, and I know there’s a lot of people who can say the same. And that’s really special – there are very few people who are able to say they’ve brought so much good to so many. Thank you for that. You could have lived quietly and in peace from Scientology but decided to go out and do good things even when that was very hard. You’re an inspiration.
Regarding the abuse you and your friends and family have suffered from Aaron Smith Levin, I’m so sorry you’ve had to put up with that during this difficult time. You probably already know but there is a growing community online on Reddit committed to exposing Aaron’s abuse and exposing and repairing the damage he has done to the ex Scientology community. Currently 1400 strong. We’ll always fight for you, your family, and all the others Aaron has hurt. In the end, Aaron will not win, and all the toxicity he has put out in the world will blow away like a fart in the wind.
In the meantime, I sincerely wish you all the best. Thanks for everything
I have watched videos fully now, and there is a lot to unpack. So sad that things are where they are at on multiple fronts – and it pains me that it took until now for you to present your perspective on what happens – especially with the challenges you are facing at the moment!
If I was able to travel over from Northern Ireland and give support beyond a message I would, all I can do is send my support and best wishes to you and yours!
Please take care Mike and I hope the stress and drama will ease for you, and that letting this out helps you.
I’ve watched you and Leah fight this fight for so many years and knew nothing could bring you guys down and I’m more certain of that than ever! You’ve left a mark on this world that reaches further than Hubbard and his minions combined. You’ve truly helped so many and in the words of T Swift, “haters gonna hate”.
The world is a better place because of you, Mike Rinder!
Holy shit, mate ! You’re right in the thick of it and I feel for you and yours.
I’ve stayed away from the politics of the ex community since I watched the train wreck that ESMB descended into and it seems to have happened again to the Aftermath Foundation with ASL. I’ll still help peeps who are fighting the kult where I can but I’m more interested in my own retirement plans as 70yo is fast approaching.
Personal opinion is that one never really leaves the kult (and kult thinking) unless one really takes an honest look at their own contribution to the atrocities committed and actually does something to try to undo that. And that one also has to do it for the sake of others, not the narcissistic Hubbardian grandstanding (force-fed into all of us as “what would Ron do” etc. etc.) that sadly gets the headlines of the interwebs. Sounds like these damaged beings you’re speaking about need to get out in the real world and help others for the sake of helping.
I hope that your health does improve. I think venting like you have in your very reasonable affable manner has got to be therapeutic for you – I certainly hope it is. Do what you believe is best for you and yours and best of luck with all of it. You’re a hero in my book – one of the good guys.
All the best and keep up your good work, even if that means you leave fighting the kult to others.
I finished listening to all these episodes today. Like so many things you have done, it took a lot of courage to do these videos.
I will always be most thankful to you for having my back and the support you gave to me in my darkest hour when there was no one else, no Aftermath Foundation, not anyone to help me navigate the horrors that were inflicted by the church of scientology. And you had no idea who I was. You are my personal hero. I am lucky to call you my good friend.
I hope you get out ALL of the toxicity weighing on you. I wish you the best of all worlds. I pray for your health and peace and happiness for you and yours, always.
Watched your videos, one right after another, in the middle of the night when they came out. I am gutted! I hate so so much that you are dealing with this while literally in the fight for your life and for your love of family (natural and chosen). I so hope by releasing it completely out of your mind and body that you have a sense of peace. Cancer is such a vile, violent, vicious thief and I hate this for you! I’m so so happy you have Christy by your side- she’s a powerhouse advocate for you and your health and I have no doubt she will leave no stone unturned! Please rest when you need to, soak up those boys, and the love and friendship of those around you!
I binge watched all 7 videos, like so many others. I already knew much of the story of ASL. I had prepared a letter calling for his ouster from the Board months before it actually happened. But I did not send the letter, not really knowing who to send it to, or who I might just make more defensive of Aaron upon reading a letter from a never-in stranger.
But I wasn’t getting my data and forming my opinion working from mere hearsay. I had good sources: videos from a Clearwater police interrogation, and Tampa Bay Times reports, and of course Aaron’s own videos describing his lack of proper behavior for five or more years, including attempts to make light of what certainly might have been felonious behavior that could have hit back at the Aftermath and driven it to cover.
I could not list all the events involving ASL that might have proved to be the downfall of the Aftermath Foundation. I know Scientology buried the Lisa McPherson case deep, and they broke the Cult Awareness Network into tiny pieces and bought up the residue. In LA, where Aaron got loud and obnoxious in the court hallway during a break, Aaron could have alone been responsible for a mistrial in the second Masterson trial, which may have meant no attempt at a third trial by LA County… Then there was the trail of crumbs he left behind as his libido went school-boy crazy once again, this time of course in LA, where he found a female with issues and was happy to sweep up this hurting person and use her for his pleasure, only it turned out she was more damaged than he had bargained for…
And that business with the conspiracy to obtain Scientology data by deceit and promote it far and wide to embarrass Miscavige could easily have sent Aaron, an Aftermath client, and perhaps others to prison for years, had Clearwater wanted to take up a complicated case that blew up before any data was stolen. The case for sure would have been made more difficult with nothing but the best Scientology-trained liars at its center, liars who would think nothing of committing perjury if it was in their own best interest.
You have my full support, Mike, and my best wishes for your family far and wide, connected or not. Your health is getting the care it needs, I hope, which may not be enough, but know you are loved even by never-in strangers. Your courage and honesty and heart-felt attempts to correct decades-old hurts as best you can are well known. You have been making a difference. Who could ask for more?
Hello Mike,
Sorry to hear you had to deal with all this shit. It hurts. Personnally, I have made a choice to walk away from all negativity. It doesn’t help, it’s a complete waste of time. I cherish my friends, I enjoy the small happy moments of my life, I take care of my garden, and I stay away from all darkness. Cut it off, go no contact. After a while you can find peace again, and peace of mind is so valuable when you walk into the twilight. We’ve been warriors, we’ve fought the fight, we sacrificed everything to build a better world, we’ve earned our place in this world, we’ve earned our own self-respect, and that’s all that matters.
Do well and beat the darkness.
Well, first thank you Mike for addressing the Aaron situation. I did watch his video right after the Foundation made the announcement. I wanted to hear what he had to say if he felt the need to do so.
Just my opinion – He could have done himself a favor by keeping it simple without the annoying tongue clicking and the repeated rubbing his hands together like he was getting ready to dive into a steak dinner. I did make it all the way through through. At times the effort to try to prove you are the smartest person in the room is a fail.
He used his family, his friends, his position, as accessories, something to pull out to display, just tools to try to add to his credibility. Maybe scientology taught him well?
I feel for his wife. I wish her well.
I have shared a lot of your posts about Sociopathy with a few other people and they were really grateful. It helped them to put a name to and recognize just what and who they were dealing with.
You are humble Mike. You are the real deal.
Hi again Mike
Yesterday I told my older mother, your story, in a way, she would get it. This was during a long walk.
I told her about your childhood, and how you adored your parents, who were scientologists. Then you got on the Apollo, 18 years old, started as a deckhand, and you worked your way up, slowly. You became one of the leaders, in scientology, but then Miscavage, started attacking you, and other people.
You got sent to the hole, like other high ranking people. Miscavage sometimes took you out of the hole, to represent the church, as a spokesperson. You were told by Miscavage, whilst in London that you were to go to saint hill, or another far away place. You took a usb stick, and got out, walked around in London, and got a ticket, to fly to R and Bs place, you had no money.
Then you started helping people, who called you, to get out of Scio. You made a tv show, with Leah, and a podcast with her. You helped people born into Scio. So you gave the FBI all your info, you helped other people get out of Scientology, you were harassed by the church.
Then something strange happened, the people you and Leah helped, started showing hatred, towards you, not their parents, or Miscavage.
My older mother asked me; Why do these younger people, who were helped, by you, hate you?
I answered, I don’t know mom, I just don’t know.
None of us, could really understand, why people you helped, including Sergedelmar, hate you.
We walked the rest of the way, home, thinking why?
(I know jealousy, clicks, and money, have a role, inspired by ASL, but to be that evil, I don’t understand, for real)
I admire you and your family so much. Deep respect man.
Kind regards
Dear Mike and Christie,
I watched all 7 videos the morning they arrived online. It’s taken me a few days to process all of this and the heartbreak of what you are physically going through as well as the terrible emotional abuse.
Dave Richards (RIP) was a dear friend who would be devastated to know what you, Christie and the boys are going through.
I’ve been a practicing buddhist for 24 years now and along with one of your other commenters, Rochelle Perry and others – I’ll be praying for you, in my buddhist fashion.
Please feel free to reach out privately to me if you feel I might be of help in some way.
Mike I find it so painful to hear what you are going through both physically and emotionally. I heard you say you were seeking treatment outside the medical norm. You also said you have not replaced your religion. Would you consider prayer? There is a prayer team at orbisprayer (dot) org who is highly trained and skilled at healing prayer and it is free of charge to set up a prayer appointment. These are not far-out whack jobs, some have phDs. I have known the proprietor for 45 years (i am 62- we met at a Christian youth group)). The leader is a medical doctor (though sadly I found out today,he is stepping down to go back to his medical practice). You have nothing to lose. I admire and respect the work you have accomplished. You have helped so many and I am glad you are helping yourself. God bless. I wiil pray for you and for those who persecute you. Psalm 91
Oh well as long as they are not whack jobs….
I’m not a Scientologist (and never have been), but like many I find it interesting/intriguing although I know to stay far away from it. I also still need to catch up on a lot of your stuff (including watching this video and others), but wanted to let you know that I’ve admired and respected you ever since I saw you in the second BBC documentary you did with John Sweeney.
I’m sorry to learn you’re dealing with the “the big C”. I have stage IV breast cancer myself, granted it’s been inactive for over a decade now. I haven’t done anything special to achieve this or I’d share how, but I pray that the same becomes true for you. All the best.
Dear Mike and Christie,
Thanks for all that you have done for our world is a better place because of your efforts. You are loved and cherished by many who wish nothing but happy memories for you, your family and friends going forward.
My thoughts, well wishes and prayers will always have you in them.
Thanks for everything,
Mike: words cannot express fully what a difference I know you have made in this world, for being willing to expose lies and seek truth, even at great personal cost.
I, and so many others like me whom you have never even met, stand with you. Your tenacity and willingness say a whole lot about your character. That example gives all of us hope.
I will continue to send you light, love, and prayer in this time. If there is anything any of us can do–all you need do is ask.
You don’t know me but you have been an incredibly powerful source of inspiration for me. I wrote to you a while ago and you wrote back to me wishing me luck. I will never forget that. It was such a small act of kindness but I was at a really messed up time in my life and it meant so much to me.
I just also want to say that you don’t owe anyone shit. Nobody. What you have done and continue to do is amazing. The same can be said for Christie. I am so happy you two found each other and were able to have the beautiful family that you do. Your story will be a source of strength for me for the rest of my life and I can’t thank you enough. I wish you all the best. Seriously though, you don’t owe anyone shit.
Mike, thank you for everything you’ve done. I’m so sorry you have been treated this way – you don’t deserve it and never have. I know you have worked tirelessly to make a change, to help people, and spread awareness and support. You are a wonderful person and we are lucky to have you. Sending you and your beautiful family so much love, and I hope for your restored health. Thank you Mike.
Thank you. I just sent you an email!!
Oh, thank you! It hasn’t come through yet, hopefully soon
Sorry sent to wrong email. Resent
Thank you for fighting the fight, Mike. I’ve followed your programs, and learned so much about cults, narcissists, and sociopaths. You have an incredible heart, and with Leah, have consistently helped uncover and tell the truth. I wish there were more warriors and truth tellers out there. You are one of those lights in the dark, and all the work you have done will not be forgotten. Stay strong, and lots of love to you.
Thank you for your series of videos. Done with grace and courage. It will only help our movement grow and heal and expand our efforts to expose the cult of scn for what it is. We all have unique perspective. I’m glad you have told the stories you did in each video. It will help expose the lies from Aaron and others. An addict needs to hit bottom before he asks for help. Lets all hope there is grace and humility on his part.
I will continue my work in the healing of damaged people and spread the news that there is hope after cult life. Reading the great comments here really shows the power of the community whether we are “out” or still under the radar to try to maintain relations with still-ins. Luv ya man.
Mike, your resilience and determination to stop abuse in all its forms is something that you should be more than proud of. You laid the groundwork for so many to not only leave Scientology, but to find the courage to speak out publicly and in doing so, you’ve inspired a new generation of activists. Regardless of what anyone says, your work over the years has delivered an ‘effective blow’ by shifting the narrative and directing the attention of international media organisations onto Scientology’s abusive practices… and for that, we all owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude. I am grateful for the support, advice and guidance you have continued to provide me over the last year and I truly consider it a privilege to now call you a friend.
Now hurry up and get better so you can fly out to join us at the next IAS protest!
Thank you Alex, for always respecting Mikes work, and doing the actual factual work yourself. I always check your channel, your blog, and the truth, about COS, in Great Britain.
You can be so proud of your contribution, to the fight. It must be hard to disregard the negativity, coming from Scientology, and their enablers.
The enablers, are sometimes worse than Scientology.
Your work, last year, with Jeff, were in a major danish newspaper, the picture, from last years IAS event. Not bad. Respect
Thanks for all the work, you do, and have been doing.
Kind regards
Mike. The strength you have has always inspired me. I never believed what ASL or his flying monkeys said about you. They always seemed unhinged. When more started come out about them I was horrified. But I became livid when I watched these videos. What they have done is so vile. They should be ashamed of what they have done. But if I’m being honest I don’t know if they can feel shame. But anyways… Mike, I am keeping you Christie and the boys in my thoughts and in my heart. Wishing all the wellness to you.Spend time with those you love and those who love you.
I really care for you. I know that must sound creepy. lol. I’ve been aware of your presence and your work to educate us on the perils of Scientology, well before the aftermath show.
I loved your book, I love the affection you have for your friends and family. I’m truly upset that life has thrown an undeserved amount of shit at you. You deserve love, and light, and a long life. You’re loved by many. We should have been louder than the haters. I’m sorry about that. We’re here. Much love to you and your family.
Mike, thank you for speaking the truth in these videos. Most of us who support the Aftermath Foundation and you have known what you conveyed in your video series for over a year now, but it was good to see you have the opportunity to get it off your chest.
My thoughts and healing vibes to you and your family.
I read your book, watched the show with Leah and listened to your podcasts. What so impresses me is your tenacity and deep work to help people and give back. As a cancer survivor myself who knows the terror and harshness of treatments, no one, let alone someone like you, ever deserves to be attacked like what has happened. Breaks my heart. I never believed any of it. Anyone who would be this unkind to someone facing cancer is not healthy. I admire you and send all my well wishes to you. I hope you can savior your life, family and friends and take heart that we know you did right by so many. You are believed and you did so much good.
Hi Mike,
We listened to your podcast series last night. Thank you for taking the time to provide the truthful detail about the current situation. I have not followed the various goings on over the recent past couple of years and it does rekindle all the reasons I walked away from the insanity of the cult.
I’m truly sorry you have to deal with this on one hand and I also applaud your efforts to cleanse the soul! Your willingness to speak up despite all the many reasons you could have chosen to be silent is very telling about your integrity and commitment to help others. Thank you and thank you again for making the world a better place. You and Leah have made a BIG difference for the better in how things have turned out.
Our offer still stands and the wilderness landscape out our back door is filled with Fall color these days.
Our love to you and your family!
Thank you Coop. Means a lot. Love to you both.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your courage and for speaking the truth. “A Billion Years” was the first book I read that told the truth about scientology. It confirmed my worst suspicions and really opened the floodgates for me.
Best of Wishes,
If these were your dying words, they we’re powerful. They left me in tears. I, however, believe in the power of healing and how with everything I have that these videos are your turning point and you’ve had your say and can now heal. Sending you and yours all the love and hope possible. You have made a remarkable impact on numerous lives. You are loved.
I never felt you had to do anything in response to Aaron’s drama. Your honesty and courage speaks for itself. I am sorry you have had to deal with this. I wish I could do more — without knowing you personally or ever being a Scientologist I still think of you as a friend and inspiration on so many levels.
You are a good person who deserved better than having to deal with this in addition to your health.issues.
I’ve seen people wonder why you chose this as a topic for a long-run explanation. I would have liked for you to talk about previous OSA operations, but this topic is current and potentially harmful to the cause NOW. For that reason it makes sense to cover this topic first. Thank you.
When you are fighting for your life, it makes sense, also, to address topics which could be potentially harmful to your health.
I’ve been an avid supporter of yours since first seeing you in the John Sweeney documentary in 2010. I have viewed/listened to everything you’ve done. You are an incredable individual who I greatly respect and admire. Bless you for your unwavering dedication.
Don’t let the b@stards grind your down!
Lots of love to you and the family from Edinbugh, Scotland xx
Here’s a fun fact – NONE of those who are whinging ever worked with you in OSA or the SO and even since you have left in 2007, around 17 years later, no one has come forward to complain about you. (am not counting the obviously biased Freedom videos).
Hmm, I wonder why that is?
You have way more support than you know from kind hearted people, and such a shame that ASL, who you trusted and called a personal friend turned out to be so evil.
Seems like a good time to focus on Chelsea and cricket, get better and visit me!
Thank you so very much Sara. You did work with me! I’ll try to get over to see you soon.
I feel… angry and upset that this self-centered individual has taken over the movement.
Mike… YOU were the one who helped me escape from this terrible cult. I owe you my deepest respect.
I’m sending you love, respect, and my heartfelt wishes for a full recovery.
We need you… May the grace of God support you in your healing journey.
Sending all the best, strength, support, and peace to you and your family, Mike.
Wishing you the best Mike and hoping you have a full recovery.
Mike I’m rooting for you and your family. I appreciate all you have done in speaking out against scientology. Good thoughts to you and your family, leave these toxic assholes in your past.
Thank you everything you do. God bless your family and you.
Mike, I am so sorry you have had to deal with all the negativity and lies. Stress you didn’t need, It robbed you of the strength and time you need for your current battle.
You have proven time and again that your focus was on helping people and not the BS others were saying. You have helped so many people with all your activism over the past years please don’t ever forget that you are amazing and strong and the last person in the world that should have to go through this.
I wish you nothing but health, love, and healing. You and your family are in my prayers.
Take care of yourself, we will be here when you are ready, to fight with you.
Hi Mike. All the information, and not just part of it, for each case, you Lay out, in the videos, helps people understand, just what has been going on, in the ex scio community. I always believed in your facts, because the crazyness never made sense. I hope that your Health gets better. Many will continue, without reflecting, about the truth. My gut always truster you. Thx for the videos.
Hang in there Mike!
Thank you Mike- I appreciate you having the strength to share the truth, which will undoubtedly help those who believed the lies over the past year (& before), and will be a significant part of others being pre-warned.
Thank you and much love & peace to you and your family
Brit Hume became my absolute favorite journalist a few years ago when he wrote something, that has stayed with me, and that I find myself reflecting on pretty much a daily basis.
He wrote:
“Everyone you know, is fighting a battle you know absolutely nothing about. Be kind, always.”
For better or worse, I have very deliberately absented myself from the sturm and drang that has consumed this fractious community in recent years. The events of October 7th have consumed much of my life and time, as I suspect you know. But lest my silence be misconstrued, I very much want you to know that I have had, and will always have, great respect for your courage and honesty in helping the many thousands of people escape and avoid the trap of Scientology, which today is near-universally viewed as a truly evil cult, thanks in no small part to your, and Leah’s efforts. Yours is a legacy to be greatly admired.
I pray for your peace and health, and for your wonderful family.
“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light!”
Fight, fight, fight, my friend.
Be well, and everything good to you and your family!
Thank you for the updates and for continuing to speaking out. It’s a testament to your courage and tenacity that so much of your recent updates are *positive* messages in support of those doing so much good (Leah, the Headleys, etc.). And so much respect to you for having the resilience to continue to expose toxicity and unscrupulous actors in light of your own battle. You are amazing and we support you, Mike! Prayers, good vibes, and much love to you and your family!
Mike, I have been reading your posts and learning from you for well over 10 years now. I wanted to say thank you for the knowledge you have shared, and the good that you have done. It takes great courage to confront one’s conditioning and to hold oneself accountable for how one’s own actions contributed to harming others. I admire the way you’ve dedicated your time and energy to telling the truth and righting the wrongs. You’ve touched a lot of hearts, and set an example for others to fight injustice, even if they’ve been formerly complicit. Wishing you and your family peace and moments of joy. I lost my father to cancer in 2013, and I am sorry that you’ve been dealing with unnecessary/unfounded attacks in the midst of everything.
Complete water fasting has been very effective in getting rid of cancer, in a nutshell:
When the body fasts it still needs nutrition. It uses the least important tissues and reserves first.
It’s call autolysis. Much more to it, but that’s a big part.
There is a place called “True North health Centers” that have real doctors who do supervised water fasting. I wrote you an email about this probably over a year ago now.
Just check them out. Look at what they do and their stats.
Here’s a link: https://www.healthpromoting.com/
Mike, you’re in my thoughts often, and please know that if there’s anything you ever need, I’m here. I know you have an amazing, loving support system around you, and that can make all the difference when you’re going through a battle like this. Thank you for making the videos to share what really went on. I have no doubt of the truth of this, as I know your heart.
I remember early on after escaping, I saw you in Tampa at a reading for Janet Reitman’s book. I was so afraid to go up and talk to you, because the only Mike Rinder I knew was the one I’d dealt with on the Int Base. But I did walk up, and you smiled, wrapped your arms around me, and said how happy you were to see me. I knew right then who you really were: a kind, loving, gentle soul. And I’ve never wavered in that knowledge.
Sending you so much love and healing energy as you continue on this journey. ♥️
– Anne
Thank you so much Anne
I came on here just to say I’m sorry that you’ve had to deal with all that stuff when you’ve been battling the big C. My husband is very unwell with it currently and I can’t imagine having all that stress on top of it. Thank you for your honesty and as always exposing those who deserve it. Heal well friend.
For people like me who are not too Net savvy here is the link to Mike’s YouTube channel – Part 1:
Thank you for having the strength to share the truth Mike. I really appreciate it. John and I wish you the best in health and happiness.