Last week I posed a question — why doesn’t scientology use some of its billions to incentivize becoming an auditor in pursuit of clearing the planet .
One of our eagle-eyed readers was prompted to pose the question — how about making the books and lectures cheaper and more accessible? Hubbard tells his followers that for every 35 books in the hands of the public it will make one scientologist.
In today’s world — ALL his books and all the lectures could be put on digital media for a few dollars.
They are willing to do it with Hubbards fiction as you can see below.
The technology existed years ago. Instead Miscavige spent tens of millions of dollars on CD production facilities and enormous printing presses to print books. He proudly presented this to the sheeple as a magnificent accomplishment that would bust open the doors of planetary dissemination (until it didn’t and the KCET studios would be required for that, but now that has accomplished absolutely nothing no doubt the LRH Hall will be required along with a horse and buggy stable for door to door delivery of mailings).
All the books, charts, illustrations, past and present would fit on a single $5 USB drive. All the lectures may need 3 USB drives. Everything for $20 for all the people’s of earth to study and apply the technology of salvaging mankind…
That’s a fast way to get the tech out to everyone.
What is the reason this has not been done?
That’s easy — there is no profit to be made…
It was never about “getting out the tech out” as much as it was about money; that’s been true from the beginning. I remember well some staff getting into big trouble selling reel-to-reel tapes in the early 80s for huge sums of money (at a time when cassettes had been around for years) so they could get their 15% commission. There was a guy called Martin Caruana at St Hill who regularly used to call old Scientologists in Australia (from the UK) after hours to get them to use money on account for books. He got his 15% but the Org soon realized it was a bad deal as the money was transferred from the CGI.
On the Marty matter – I have taken a sort of ghoulish fascination in his recent blog assertions since I stumbled across it recently. It now seems the few commenters that are allowed to post there are VERY carefully vetted and the sound of most are rather corporate church-ish. Grasshopper reported that his comment had been replaced with a piece of anti-Ortega propaganda inserted in its place (it seems to have been removed now but I saw it with my own eyes). Marty’s videos are now linked from an OSA hate site. Again, I’m not about to speculate as to his motives, but here is a conclusive fact: Marty, for whatever reason, is actively supporting David Miscavige and his organisation. That’s now indisputable. Miscavige, the same guy who Marty wrote and reported on, times too numerous to count, who had been in Marty’s words a violent sociopath, a sexist, homophobic, foul-mouthed bully. It’s all on his blog in his own words. And Marty is supporting him. I’ll just leave it there. I’ll always remember the day in December 2009 when I first met you and Marty together to bring him my E-meter for the Panorama show. I had to buy a charger from St Hill to get it working properly. Marty was tickled by that. Good times. So sad to see him now.
But, but look at the deal. . .you get the audio book AND the t-shirt for $35. You’d only get the audio book from Audible and you’d pay $47. It’
and that’s a fugly shirt.
I do believe, all the same, that Miscavige is a full on believer: Where else could he acquire that fixed, mechanical, inhuman glare, like he’s intoxicated by the certainty that he’s right period and that humanity’s eternity rests on his shoulders.
My opinion is: it is a very good thing that all the books, lectures, tapes etc. are sell at great price; in this way only few peoples have the “chance” to be brainwashed with LRH lies and false science.
Well they aren’t benevolent. They’ve got something to sell and they aren’t going to give it away for free. I mean if everyone had the tech why would people come in and spend thousands on audits or given thousands for new Orgs so they could get shiny medals? I mean they won’t even help the homeless or feed the hungry so why would they give the goods away?
Stop enabling my weird LRH collection fetish! I already have two editions of Ron: Photographs of a Lifetime including the one with the picture of him with his finger up his nose on the cover.
Gosh, wow, gee whiz, huzzah and other exclamations of joy, they got got an Audie award for “EXCELLENCE IN MARKETING” for Cattlecar Mirth. Oh, the thrill, etc…
Then I saw this bit of, no doubt paid for, bit of bullshit –
“…and still remain among the all-time classic works of modern speculative fiction.” I nearly choked on my coffee when I read this hilarious fantasy sentence.
Went into a bookshop, that I didn’t know existed, a few days ago and wound up annoying the three people working there. In the SF/Fantasy/Collected Comics section the STAFF PICK was Cattlecar Mirth. This ticked me off a bit so I mentioned the book when I went back to counter to ask about Preacher, Volume 5 collected edition. They all said it was a terrific and great book and I really should read it. They looked at me in horror when I told them (wholly unintentionally mind you) what I thought of the book and what happened when it met an open window.
Addendum: “Upon its release last year, the Battlefield Earth audiobook hit the #1 spot for audiobooks in US, received an Earphones Award and was included in AudioFile Magazine’s Best Audiobooks of 2016 for science fiction.”
I spent half an hour plus trying to find any evidence to back up the fantastical claims made in the sentence above, and guess what I found? Absolutely effing nothing anywhere (apart from the award (snort,snigger) mentioned in the piece above) except paid for PR and the obligatory $camology sites. “AudioFile Magazine’s Best Audiobooks, 2016”, what a joke! It got a mention…oohh, exciting.
On a much lighter note – this weekend is big on both sides of the border.
May I wish a safe & happy July 1st to my fellow Canadians and a safe & happy July 4th to my American neighbours.
And to any of you not from either country I wish you a great weekend also (and of course … be safe).
Let’s celebrate freedom!
If it’s not about excessive and unreleting over the top control and constant outright bald faced lies, it isn’t Scientology. If it’s not about maximum profits and vicious attacks on any potential threat to profits, it isn’t Scientology. If it isn’t about withholding every single avenue of help for the sake of money, it isn’t Scientology. Withholding effective help to those who most need it and can’t afford their INSANE pricing, THAT is Scientology. Of course they’ll never go digital, it’s not in their business model to make their product easier to disseminate. Liars every single one.
Well at least the tee shirt is cool looking
I want one…
You already CAN get all the materials for a few bucks! Lots & lots on eBay, being offered by former public for less-than-pennies on the dollar. Lectures (unopened even) for $5 that the bookstore lists at $250. Some stuff (e.g. Congresses) you can’t even give away though… poor suckers (like me) got strong armed by a team of regges and bought this stuff in the afterglow of an auditing “win” but later caught on to the con , so the market is flooded with nearly free materials. Nobody should ever need to pay full price again! (Of course, you’d be sent to ethics for looking at the internet)
You can ask Jeff Hawkins to find out for sure, but I’d bet that on the first day of Marketing 101, the lecture is about big dumb words not to use in ad copy, and the word “superlative” is top of list.
Maybe they can sell it on their tv channel!!!!!
What a BRILLIANT idea!!!! The $cientology Shopping Network!!!! There’s AppleBoxBoy’s first show: no taste or class – just like him – should go into pre-production any day now!
Battlefield Earth Tee Shirt…..golly gee….is there a picture of Xenu on that back…….????
Battlefield Earth is laughable.
Can’t stand what LRH did in regard to dianetics and Scientology, or what Shrimpy’s done since, but I actually kind of liked the Battlefield Earth novel. Than again, I got it at a Goodwill when I was in 7th grade before I started protesting when they killed Lisa and pulp sci-fi is a guilty pleasure.
It’s all to do with the perspective and acceptance of honestly interpreting the lies generated by the Cof$. I’m not saying if any tech works or not here (it doesn’t in the Cof$ anyway) but all the money generated by marketing Scientology or the demands for and the acceptance of donations for their stated causes does not go to the members falsely calling themselves Scientologists. By even the most simple logic presented by reading what defines a Scientologist with their own publications and texts soon shows that there are no Scientologists in the Church of Scientology. Maybe a few enthused shadows thinking they are Scientologists but there are none & especially none in management, they were thrown out years ago. Not even Hubbard applied his own policy to himself, so what chance has anyone else in that organisation of greed and power have? ZIP! It’s all a scam, every tiny bit of organised Scientology is based on being a criminal enterprise. (Anyone got any non-activated credit cards? Scientology can help you with that!)
All of the tech is currently available on line for D/L for free. Still, many do not avail themselves of this great treasure being GIVEN to them. DM of course is still attempting to sell the altered version of it. Even LRH said that most people won’t make it. I had great difficulty with that sentiment when I first read it, in “The World Out of Comm Eval”. It was a hard nut to swallow but as I have digested that and started looking instead of wishing I see the truth in that unfortunate statement. Many people are content to bicker and make comments on social media sights denigrating Scientology or its practice in some fashion and wont bother with actually reading a book, even when free.
It IS the route for ones eternity. AS LRH stated, paraphrased, I can not make you travel the path. I have done what I can to make it easier for you but you must travel the route.
Travel well.
“AS LRH stated, paraphrased, I can not make you travel the path. I have done what I can to make it easier for you but you must travel the route. ”
Do you recall if he said that before or after he asked Sarge Pfauth to help him rig up an e-meter in order to kill himself with.
Tech lovers always want to, somehow, take the abusive, lying, racist, mysogynist, bigamist, valor thieving, child abandoning fraud that the objectively verifiable facts so clearly show him to have been and put them completely to the side – as if who he actually was didn’t completely permeate and suffuse the tech. butthat’s just not possible because he’s the one and only source of any credibility that $cn might have.
No one else has objectively validated it through standard empirical research means. Indeed, Elron made it a $cn high crime to ever even question his authority, much less to subject his claims to any kind of independent scrutiny.
Time to wake up, sir, and quit trying to exorcise the imaginary space alien spirits that Elron duped you into believing in, before you become as crazy as he was in his final years!
Oh boy – the suicide thing again. From “Going Clear” caps mine
Gibney narrating; “Hubbard believed that A powerful thetan was infecting his body.”
. . . . . .
Sarge; “He was having a PROBLEM getting rid of A BT so he wanted me to build a machine to BASICALLY blow the thetan away, just to get him out of there and also kill the body.”
Wright; “It was a suicide mission?” (leading question)
Sarge; “BASICALLY, yeah”
Not sure what you don’t get?
Why would Hubbard bother attempting to “blow the thetan away” if he just wanted to commit suicide?
Well, that’s a good question that we will never know the answer to.
Perhaps he was convinced that he could separate from this “body” thetan if he had no body? I don’t know. It’s crazy no matter what answer you have for that question.
Good answer. Yes, it’s puzzling. I guess there’s no sense going crazy trying to figure out crazy. 🙂
I have read most of Hubbard’s books and hcobs. I participated for over a decade. I suggest availing yourself of some of the other books that have been written about Hubbard and Scientology to get another perspective. I believe his military discharge papers referred to him as a paranoid schizophrenic. I got therapy after I got out and it took a fraction of the time to get the results I had hoped to get out of the ramblings of L Ron Hubbard. And at a very small fraction of the cost.
But… You must believe you have a reactive bank (or at least untill you are clear and have the Clear cog “I mocked it all up and have stopped doing it”) and you must believe in BTs. The ruds pre session sometimes had wins that lasted a while…. PS. And I have read the books.
I guess it depends on what one considers eternity.
It’s OK to stop believing.
It’s OK to recognize that it IS a belief, not “knowing” as we so often proclaimed.
It’s OK to just stop.
You can survive it. There are rough bits, but it’s so worth it.
It’s OK to walk away.
Tim-S (and IY), if Hubbard’s work really had anything to give to people, if not the CofS then at least one of the many independent efforts in the last 60 or so years would have yielded something truly compelling – including real results. Virtually all of the bright lights of the “tech” went off and tried things on their own, such as Jack Horner and David Mayo, and the ideal has never worked out in reality.
I think that a small number of individuals may find that Scientology really works for them better than anything else – as is the case with many odd practices that a few people will swear were similarly transformational. Many more are probably left thinking that Scientology did something for them, due merely to mis-perceptions such as the placebo effect and biases of confirmation.
The marketplace of ideas – and the reality-check – have already given the thumbs-down on Scientology, and it is headed for the dustbin of history. But it’s great if you really were one of the very few to actually take something valuable away from it.
I don’t believe the queue for the Kool-Aid begins on this particular blog.
Safe “travels”.
Wonder if they got permission to use the Frazetta art and name.
At this point, the brand name of Scientology is so completely and utterly trashed that giving away every single book, video, lecture, etc. on a thumb drive for $1.00 will not bring even a few hundred new members into Scientology. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that if you also charged $1.00 for all those low-level courses like “Student Hat,” you still wouldn’t get anybody to show up.
You would have more luck selling kiddie porn magazines for $1.00 on street corners because the small number of perverts that can’t help doing something they know is wrong is greater than the number of people who think Scientology has anything of value to contribute to their lives.
Scientology passed the “event horizon” in being able to recruit new members many years ago. I have to believe Dave knows it’s hopeless, and they only have body routers at a couple intersections in Hollywood and at Flag to show the older members that they’re still driving “straight up and vertical expansion.”
Battlefield Earth: I remembered it as one of the worst books ever. Recently reread it, I was right the first time. Also watched the movie, it outdoes the book for Epic Fail.
No young person would wear the Tee Shirt, not even ironically.
Is there even an old person who would?
Very few will buy it even for $5….I mean I can go over to Wikileaks and download ot1-8 for free in less than 10 seconds. The word is out and Scientology is now something most Americans wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. A large portion of us wouldn’t study Scientology if we were paid too. LRH quite simply capitalized on the era he was born into. If he was born today he would be nothing but an overweight lunatic ranting on YouTube and being made into tosh.o videos and internet memes. His science is garbage and his tech is quite frankly just something he made up as it sounded good in his mind. Cancer drugs, fiber optic internet service, and driverless cars are technology; auditing dead alien souls off of your body is just make believe.
Tosh.0 could then do a web redemption with LRH! I’d love it! 🙂
Tosh.O has already declared himself the New Head of CoS !
Nothing unusual here. Suppressives recommend ineffective dissemination. Dave is the poster boy for anti-social attributes. He’s also a perfect case study of the Sociopath.
You’re right, of course. It’s all about the money, more money and much much more money.
Worth about 35¢ — if you deleted Hubbard’s rubbish from the USB drive and put something entertaining on there instead, while the T-shirt might come in useful as a duster…
I wouldn’t put a USB drive that the cult produces into my computer, EVER. I would be too worried that they would include a bonus virus along with the stupid, bonus tee-shirt.
I used to belong to a Buddhist meditation group (still do, though I don’t go often) that offers books and CDs on a donation basis. Free, actually; you didn’t have to pay anything for these materials if you didn’t want to and no one was standing there to see if you donated or not. Many of the books were of high quality, printed on good stock with well done graphics. The point was that the Buddha’s teaching should be freely given and not sold.
Now, as for the Battleship Earth offer: I wouldn’t even take it if they paid ME $35, and of course it would be a very cold day in hell before that ever happened. Now, when I was 9 years old and watching Tom Corbett, Space Cadet and Captain Video in glorious black and white before most of you were born, I would have swooned for a swell Battleship Earth tee shirt like that, but to quote from a book I occasionally open: “When I became a man I put away childish things” (well, I put away one or two, anyway). I wouldn’t dare embarrass myself by wearing something that juvenile today. C’mon, scientology; seriously? Dumb question; when are the $cions ever NOT serious?
Oops, one ‘now’ too many in my second paragraph.
bixntram, that’s an interesting point.
The Buddhist concept of dana, being personally responsible for contributing without being required to, is an interesting comparison. I also know that events like retreats are often sliding scale, and typically offer some scholarships.
I appreciate that there is some element of justification in Scientology’s doctrine of “exchange” – that people don’t value things, unless they pay or work for them – though it is really exploited by the CofS. In my experience the Buddhist model works very well for cultivating responsibility and appreciation of teachings received, and I can’t recall every noticing anyone who seemed like they might be “freeloading.”
Regarding the ‘Why’ as to the reason that these planet salvaging materials by Hubbard are not made widely available, Mike asks:
“What is the reason this has not been done?
That’s easy — there is no profit to be made…”
I would submit that it’s worst than that. If there are books, pamphlets, and tapes a small steady profit can be made. Small because of the small number of people buying these materials. But, most of the people who are willing to buy this crap have, or will eventually sign up for at least some services such as course work or auditing. There’s the real money once the mark is hooked.
If this stuff was on a USB drive and made widely available, this would rarely happen. People would see and experience right away the unworkability of the ‘tech’ and never sign on for anything further. Making Hubbard’s materials widely available would insure that VERY few people would be available as new marks. Scientology would become an even more toxic subject than it already is in the eyes of the public. They don’t make the material widely available for fear of exposing themselves as the complete idiots and fools that they are. Of course there will always be someone that is going to take the bait. That’s just human nature. There are people out there who believe in all sorts of conspiracies too; birthers, anti-vaxers, trickle downers, holocaust deniers, flat earthers, etc. Not much you’re going to do about any of them either except pity their ignorance. For evidence look no further than yesterday’s post here at this fine blog on the fringes of the internet.
The advertisement for the audio book “battle field earth” claims it is “one of the best selling science fiction novels of all time” “with over 1,700 5-star reviews”.
I think the over 1,700 5-star reviews is “telling”. Scientology claims “millions” of members & yet LHR’s battlefield earth can only garner over 1,700 5-star reviews. Based on their membership alone, should there be millions of 5-star reviews?
Thank goodness you know how to put credit on my credit card, well maybe you did at one point,(just playing with you) now I can get the shirt. I m unemployed at the moment. But we’re all good.
Many folks have had all of the OT materials on dvd for the last 12 years. Lol
And they still didn’t get Oat Tee powers. However, I’m sure Oat Tee 9 & 10 will be the REAL Oat Tee powers. Right? Um…..right?
Whenever I see the term “Oat Tee,” I can’t help but picture horses playing golf. I suppose that has some magical imaginative power about it but is immensely more believable than what the Cof$ claims it can do with the tek!
Will that be 9 or 18 holes today?
the minute I stopped believing was the minute the tek stopped working for me.
That was magical. All of my scn gains were my own imagination.
Imagine that!
Wog Tech Update:
Be sure to wave and smile when the 4K drone adds your Hollywood rooftop deck to the online video library.
Have your bots been given a heads up on the intercept and posting of a new audio library of your conference calls to Int and Flog?
Self driving cars are expected to begin reducing auto fatalities in the US from the current range of about 40,000 per year. With your worldwide bot cult of about 20,000, how about a race to the bottom? Zero auto fatalities in the US and zero bots in your cult.
Hey Dave!
I’ve seen this one before. Great video! I encourage everyone to take a look at this video. You’ll recognize Scientology in it.
This video is hilarious! Definitely CoS ppl….LOL
People won’t buy it via mail order thumb drive. If it is screwed up it would be a hassle to get a refund/replacement. They STILL need to come into the 20th century and sell as an .mp3 DOWNLOAD.
Stupid morons.
Man, I’d give anything to have a cult T-shirt with an alien on the front.
I’m emailing you my picture right now osd. You can have it silk-screened onto a nice cotton t-shirt in the color of your choice. That’ll be 129, 000.00 USD. Please deposit that into my off-shore account. That’s the one next david miscavige’s.
Me too!
47 1/2 hours of deleted scenes.
IRS are you listening? A profit organization feeding off the money and Goodwill of the American tax payer? Seems unfair to me.
Author Services Inc ‘owns’ and runs all of the for profit Lron books and movie rights. Little Davy Miscavage is not only Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center, but also the head of ASI. ASI pays taxes and its employees get at worst minimum wage.
All the rest of Lron’s writings are ‘religious’ in nature and not subject to taxes.
Battlefield Earth is such a poor excuse for literature that it can never sell beyond the games $cienos played with the best seller list when it came out.
zemooo mentions:
“the games $cienos played with the best seller list when it came out.”
The game was regging scientologists to buy many copies of BE, not just one like a real person would do.. Why? With big sales volume at the get-go, bookstores would think there was huge demand and buy lots of books to stock their shelves. In scio-speak this is what is known as a stat push. Artificially manipulating actual demand to create an illusion to get more sales. Who cares if the sales graph plunges because there is in fact NO demand. This has been going on since stats were first introduced. Admin tech in action.
Thank you!! You said it exactly what I was thinking!!!
IF the technology worked, it would drive millions to $cn, produced endless new prospects, and make the coffers overflow with coins. But as it does not, the only purpose for any of the $cn studies and donations are to produce income and profits. And to what gain do the profits serve? Lawyers, some high level execs, and most important Miscavidge’s luxuries. I am sure funds are going overseas also. No 401k needed!
Scn is like communism. Sounds great on paper. Try to actually apply it and people and families crash. LRH didn’t figure in the different personalities factor when he developed Scn, or the power mad members or the violent members. And lets not forget the regular “controlling” members.
I’m not sure if the digitization … is that the correct word … is avoided only because there is not enough money to be earned, which is true, but also DM doesn’t want the world to have anything to do with LRH tech, typical SP characteristic.