The latest news from another “ideal org” — this time in Auckland.
This is the ONLY scientology outpost in the entire country and is one of the oldest scientology organizations on earth.
What passes for “accomplishments” in these orgs is pretty remarkable.
Word on the street is that not only are the “ideal” orgs not paying their staff, they are also not able to pay their bills. Utilities. Copy machine. Paper supplies.
Here we see what this ideal org is so pumped about. They got one guy to complete a “lecture course” that consists of basic lectures on Dianetics. There isn’t much of anything you can “graduate” from in a scientology organization that is less than this. If this org was doing the minimum it should be doing, they would literally have hundreds of these course completions every week.
And the big auditing accomplishment? No Grade chart action. Word Clearing!!!
Oh boy. If this is something to do a promo piece about it means they don’t have ANY Grades completions at any level, let alone a single Clear.
The evidence is overwhelming. These “ideal” orgs are just small, shitty, failing orgs in fancy buildings.
So now, the new “why” is that their executives are not trained, so this is the latest fad. “Executive training.” It will keep the sheeple on the hook for a few more years while they wait for their “Flag trained executives” to complete their training program and return. Only to see NOTHING change and a “new why” will be needed to keep the hope alive.
I’m a bit confused. I don’t recall a “Hubbard Dianetic Auditor” course being offered in the mid to late 1970’s when I was in. Is that Book One, DMSMH auditing? Metered dianetic auditing with its ten or so questions and commands was the standard. Why go back to a style of auditing which had already flopped in the 1950’s?
Is the course the guy in the photo did just listening to additional lectures about dianetics and he is still doing metered auditing?
I guess scn now offers a Book One dianetic auditor course. Maybe they put it together so the NOI would have something they could do since most of them wouldn’t be able to afford C of S prices to train on metered auditing.
Auckland has a population of 1.6million in a country of nearly 5 million. A friend who worked in finance in Auckland for 3 years knew an ex Scilon. He said they claimed to have 350-400 members but doubted they would have 200 active. It is regarded as a joke there like most other countries.
Rottcher did OTI in 1999, so he may just be another old OTC member (re)doing low-level courses in order to try to keep stats up.
Wow, so could this be likened to a person completing a semester of medical school in 1999 and then taking Biology 101 in 2021?
Not many people in the ex community seem to know that there has been an Idle Org built in Austin, TX recently. They took the building they had located next to the University of Texas, and did a major remodel and reconstruction, inside and out. It was a three story building. One floor below ground and two above. Now it has an additional floor added to the top for a whopping four stories. Of course they didn’t even need the three floors they had. They didn’t even need two. The below ground floor was mostly central files, of course. Which was always in need of an “all hands” to straighten it up. The never-ending cluster fuck that is central files.
I’m pretty sure that there would’ve been a Grand Opening last year, but the pandemic put a damper on that obviously. So far I do not know of any set date this year for an Opening Ceremony. My bet is that it will not be this year either. So that 15 or so million dollar newer building is just sitting idly. Which is perfect since it is an Idle Org.
Where are the local clams going while they wait for Dear Leader to grace them with a Grand Opening? They’re located in a small space in an old, rather dilapidated strip center across the street from a large cemetery. If you go to the website and click on the google map and then select the satellite image you can then go to street level and see how pathetic it is. But in actuality, that location is really all they need, and all they will ever need. I know people who gave around one hundred grand and up……waaaaay up… the Idle Org project in Austin. Now they are across the street from a cemetery. It’s hard to do tone level spotting exercises and surveys there I bet. Orrrrrrr…….Maybe it makes it much easier. Lol….
Ha! Right now they are almost literally located in an Idle Morgue.
Good point that Austin obviously can operate out of just the few thousand square feet they’re in now. Though they’re left paying rent on that, while their renovated monstrosity of a buiding sits unused but nonetheless racking up at least some utilities and other expenses.
I’ve read that they applied for a permit, apparently for an opening ceremony, over a year and a half ago, but then somehow dropped the ball on it even before the pandemic hit — maybe CF still wasn’t ready, or something. Oh, and they also apparently paid for their first year of use of the temporary space (that they’re still in) while no work was going on at their original building, because they screwed up the construction scheduling by waiting until too late to get contractors in quickly.
Austin is also noteworthy in that it’s one of the few orgs still left located near a university campus, as many originally were. Recruiting of the once-important demographic of students dried up at least a generation ago if not two or more, so it’s not only not going to do them any good; but the adjacent buzzing hub of fifty thousand bright and inquiring young students, none of whom want anything to do with their aged space cult neighbor, is even something of an in-the-face reminder of Scientology’s failure and irrelevance — I think that points to one of the reasons most new facilities are now located far from centers of activity.
Yes, and the new “better” version of the Austin Org looks horrible. The other look actually had a cozier and more inviting feel to it. Not that it was working, but this new look will work…..well, not at all.
Mary Sue Hubbard is the one who played a large role in selecting this location on the “Drag” bordering UT’s west side. Or that’s the story anyway. I think it is probably accurate.
The only thing that attracted students to this building was the games arcade space that the cult leased to it. That was run out around 15 years ago, which is when the fundraising for the Idle Org started. They were optimistic that it would get done by 2010ish. Lol… Nope.
I really think that Slappy would looooooove to sell this property in Austin. It’s worth a Fortune right now. Someone would make it into a another condo tower for students. Of course that would ARC Break the field. Big time.
Great idea, Austin: storing all your masses of paper in the cool, dank basement. So SMART. Easy way to save on A/C costs, though it must be hell for those who have lungs.
In my org, we were money grubbing, but it wasn’t because we wanted to amass funds for ourselves or the overall Scientology cause. It was because we were constantly in danger of being evicted. Near the end of my tenure, for weeks we couldn’t pay the rent, then the CLO paid it for a few weeks. I don’t know what happened after that, as I got out.
I used to think that every other org was doing well, and we were scum. The only other orgs that I saw in my continent were bigger and more affluent, so I didn’t see the failing ones.
There’s a lot of talk about how Scientology amasses money, but in our case, we were fighting for survival every week, not building funds at all.
Imaberrated, Your org just wasn’t being allowed to pay the bills. all your receipts first went to the FBO and “uplines” to the real money-grubber, but almost none of it returned to your org to pay the bills OR the staff. THAT’s part of how an organization masquerading as a religion amasses Billions of dollars of assets.
That’s true. I had forgotten that mechanism.
We would go for weeks without making sales above perhaps a book. it was a constant present-time problem for all the staff. Management hated us, because it became their problem.
Would would have thought that the “real why” was that Scientology technology was unworkable?!
Funny when I was a true believer I made a bit of a stink about the HDA being dropped!
Think it was in the 90’s. It was a meaty course and not just ‘read Dianetics’.
I complained big time and had a meeting down at the CLO St Hill to be told to quieten down. I was complaining that by removing it we’d have no Dianetics auditors for Div 6 and therefore loose potential new public!
Will have to swing past the Auckland org and see how it’s doing from the outside.
Clive – I assume HDA stands for Hubbard Dianetic Auditor. Is that something different than the “standard” metered R3R dianetic auditing I did in the 1970’s?
Never mind – I think I get it. By listening to Elron blabber about dianetics in some lectures you become even more stellar in your auditing. Cream rises to the top – or something
In the 1970’s I did a Dianetic Internship at ASHO and they gave me a certificate so I guess I did good enough.
Yea that’s right!
As an aside, in the 1970’s there was a “demand for excellence” in the the scn organizations. As an auditor I was dealing with a person’s innermost thoughts and feelings and I took my job seriously. I was glad if I did something wrong in a session and got a ” cramming order” so I could correct my mistakes and be as professional as I could be. All the other people in other positions that I came across had the same attitude. We weren’t aware of the abuse and corruption at the core of scn.
Later and current scns probably felt and feel likewise.
Later and current scns probably felt and feel likewise.
O/T. VIDEO: Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam on Infowars with Alex Jones.
Youtube excerpt:
Full video on Bitchute:
The YT version was removed for violating YT’s terms of service.
Ho Hum.
Which is looniest? jones, scn, or NOI?
What happened to all the “Flag Trained” Executives that were supposed to open each Org? Were they sniped as Executives for the next Idle Org? Definitely a lack of trained Executives. Missing from every Org, including RTC.
A ‘trained’ executive has as much chance of expanding Scientology as a chihuahua does of planning an armed robbery.
Training in Scientology is a euphemism for brainwashing.
I’m a never in, but isn’t “Word Clearing” just looking stuff up in a dictionary? How is that a course that needs to be taught? This guy PAID to learn that? Wow. Justifying that would take some mental gymnastics.
Hi Maria!
It’s much more than just looking stuff up in a dictionary.
Here: , see “Method 1 Word Clearing”
Additionally it is used as mind-control. When you don’t get what Hubbard said, also when it doesn’t make sense or is contradicting other things he said, you are made to find your “MUs” (misunderstood words). Hubbard (who is “Source”) is/was always right.
TubTubbyy was always right, and we had to re-read and look up all the words until we could twist the word salad into something which made SOME sense. A real headache-producing activity, to be sure.
I always thought that “Word Clearing” meant removing all words from your vocabulary and emptying your brain except for:
CoB is god.
I will hand over money.
Hubbard is great.
CoB is God.
I will hand over even more money.
Hubbard is great.
CoB is GOD.
Here are all my bank accounts and new credit card applications.
CoB is…
CoB is a dog.
I will hand over no money.
Hubbard is a fake.
CoB is a dog.
I will hand over no more money.
Hubbard is a fake.
CoB is a DOG.
ALL my bank accounts and new credit card applications stay with me.
CoB is…
My apologies to canines everywhere for demeaning them so.
CoB is a tiny whining, yappy dog, Scribe. Waste no time or money on his con.
An early picture of COB before he became the man that he is today.
Maria – In the 1970’s I did a course call the “Primary Rundown” where every word in the course was listed in alphabetical order from a to z and looked up in a dictionary the first time it appeared. I don’t recall the exact number of words but it was in the thousands. To me it was educational and well worth the time spent. To this day a misunderstood word rarely escapes my notice. In casual reading if I see a misundertood word I don’t want to take the time to look up I just identify it as such and continue reading without “doping off”, feeling blank or groggy. Obviously people are able to do likewise without having done any scn course but that one worked for me.
I checked the reference Pluvo mentioned above and the Method 1 is different.
I did the Primary run-down in the ’70s, too, and have spent the time since regaining the ability to read comfortably by TRASHING all that garbage. It was a total waste of time
There were four or five tapes on the supposed three barriers to study, the misunderstood word or symbol, absence of mass and too steep a gradient. This was developed by people on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and Hubbard took credit for it. He may have done some work on it in describing supposed physiological occurrences with each barrier. All the words in the tapes were looked up as I described. I don’t why it messed you up.
As often explained word clearing was used as a method of control.
Reply to Maria de Jesus Gutierrez: My experience with the metered action called Method One Word Clearing was very positive and, in my experience, was not much of anything about Scientology. In this metered action, emotional “charge” targets are not sought, so much as “charge” connected to understanding. It is about any “charge” that shows up you might have connected to your schooling and education.
The auditor starts by checking for any reads (charge on the meter) for each regular subject a person may have studied—math, science, etc. If a subject reads, then you and your auditor chase down what is the word in that subject you encountered that you did not fully understand. Or it could be a symbol like a dollar sign. The more the auditor sees the meter reading, the more they realize the two of you have hit pay dirt.
The “handling” when you find a word is, together, you look up that word in a dictionary and you “clear” each definition of that word to full understanding. Then you “clear” the word’s derivation and any unique phrase (idiom), if that is there, or a note that is applicable to how you use that word. (For instance, if there is a specialized definition connected to astronomy, but you are not an astronomist, you can skip that.)
A lot of that “word clearing” step is using the word (each definition) in sentences of your own devising until you feel like you really get it, you really understand the meaning of that word. It is a bit tedious, but I never felt any harm was coming to me by fully understanding each definition of the word “theater” for instance or “mitochondria.”
You keep going like that, scanning through subjects you have studied, until your entire list (the standard list plus any subjects added based on additional subjects you have studied, such as if you attended culinary school) is no longer showing any reads. Not only are subjects no longer “reading” on the meter, but also your entire list, as the auditor reads through, is producing a meter phenomenon called “a floating needle.”
My experience was no invalidation, threats, or pressure at all. I had a good auditor; she was very efficient.
My Method One did not take long (maybe ten hours total of metered auditing) and I did not have a sense anyone was trying to control or manipulate me into anything. Not to say that is characteristic of all C of S activities. If you are reading this blog, then you know what I describe here (an action is offered, sold, and delivered WITHOUT trying to overly command or control you into the group’s complete dominance over your life) is a less common experience.
You may be wondering: “All right, but why do this?” The desired (and stated) goal is that you do not any longer have “stuck” attention, concerning learning and your own education, on past moments of non-comprehension. The stated aim is that you are now, in the present, a more nimble, able learner on ANY subject. If you wanted to take up fly fishing, the idea is that you would be more able to rapidly grasp fly fishing and go out and enjoy it and be competent, vs. if you still were unwittingly lugging around (mentally) all your prior confusions and miscomprehensions about water, boats, rivers, marinas, hooks, bait, microbiology, the outdoors, etc.
Hope this is useful. We have some Never-Ins reading and participating in this blog who will ask, “How could you be so ridiculous and foolish to stay in this group?” Well, I have provided one good example here. Along the way, a C of S member does have some sane, smooth, and positive experiences. You acquire something that seems genuinely smart and useful. You then muster yourself to STAY WITH IT, thinking you can use some bit of alchemy to transform the other crud you are encountering into that level of “gold.” It’s the harsh lesson of learning: You are not an alchemist and turning this scene into gold is just not possible.
Hey Peridot – Thanks for the write up on M1 and comment. Your comment wasn’t posted when I made my comment above yours.
On almost every topic a passerby mentions “How can scientologists be so stoopid!” Since I was once a scientologist this hurts my poor ego and I feel the necessity to respond by mentioning something I got out of it which makes me feel better.
(just being facetious)
Richard—I track with all. There are some big “triumphant” wins a person has, which feel spectacular, like the dawning of a new day. You almost don’t notice that is when the registrars and fundraisers come around and “nab you” for a new ridiculous set of unrealistic donations, then you are back in the grind again.
I did enjoy Method One and I do not in any way see any harmful effects.
I also enjoyed studying The Data Series and all the Levels from 0 to IV.
I got some good, for which I am grateful. Was it worth the price? No, not unless I unexpectedly become a millionaire. Scientology is ludicrously priced.
Part of the “mystique,” I think, how they nab a regular middle-class person (which I am) is to pump you up into a thoroughly unrealistic image of yourself—I suppose much like a well-oiled casino operation. They pump you into seeing yourself as someone dripping with wealth (which you are not), so you make financial decisions FROM THERE, rather than based on your true resources.
It’s a very bad game, though now (thank God) well-exposed.
“It is about any “charge” that shows up you might have connected to your schooling and education.”
Peridot, a Wheatstone bridge doesn’t measure charge of any kind. Please “clear” the term “Wheatstone bridge”.
Correct WHY = Scientology is a money making scam, run by a criminal organization and the world has gotten wise to it.
HANDLING: Continue to fake it, while you don’t make it, while strong arming as much cash as possible, as the organization continues to shrink and fade into history.
P.S. Free Shelly Miscavige and lock up “Little Boy” Davey.
CORRECT WHY: Scientology attempting to expand by forcing a round peg into a square hole, i.e. accepting Hubbard’s unverified and undocumented theories of life and draconian policies.
HANDLING: None, as the whole subject is based on false assumptions.
HANDLING: Step back and watch. Let “the Kid” Davey have his way. He’ll implode eventually, taking what he’s left of scientology down to Davey’s locker.
Word Clearing and guy who listened to too many Lron ‘lectures’. What do you want to bet that both are close relatives of staff members? If this is the best that Auckland can do, stick a fork in, the meat is done.
“The evidence is overwhelming. These ‘ideal’ orgs are just small, shitty, failing orgs in fancy buildings.” Gosh, what a surprise.
O/T. Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa says that Mayor of New York Bill “de Blasio and all the other covid power grabbers need to be arrested.”
Memorialized with a screenshot on Instagram and ESMBR at:
Villa has no clue about reality. She’s even more of a talentless idiot than fat OLD Krusty Alley; hasn’t contributed anything of value to the human race, yet demands to be treated as an entitled celebrity.
A fitting tribute to Hubbard – emptiness. There is no positive experience to be gained from Scientology, never has been except leaving it. All they deal in is trying to understanding something that doesn’t work. Hubbard wrote or uttered 25 million words on the subject, and even he ended up in a pile of deluded confusion, in a motor-home on the run from the law. If it worked so great, why did he leave it in the first place? His personal application of Scientology to himself says it all. He did do well money wise out of the immortality business though. It never made sense to me why he created a militant organisation to get ethics in on us mortals and gave it a billion years to do it. If it worked so damn well, it’d do it without the big stick. He sure got away with diverting attention for a long time.
Aw well, I guess that’s what you get copyrighting something that truly ended up as a no interest item.
Right, Yawn! IF it worked even a fraction of the time — REALLY worked, there wouldn’t be more “bitter, defrocked apostates” than current members
*I* would still be in there, kicking that needle around and taking copious notes if all the promises hadn’t proved to be hollow and empty
The reptile called Scientology is dead, but the message takes awhile to reach the brain from the tail.
The photo of the eerie Aukland Org corridor reminds me of a bad dream I used to have: going down a corridor like this, trying to get out, but every corridor turns into another corridor or staircase. I’m trapped; I can’t get out. Kind of like scientology, which is why I’m mentioning it.
I love these field reports, showing what’s really happening with the cherch behind all the phony smiles and costume parties.
“Go free now!” Does that mean they’re giving stuff away, like a Les Schwab free vehicle inspection and tire rotation? Something tells me I’m interpreting this wrong.
The word “Freedom” was surveyed by Hubbard’s staff to be the most wanted. That word in one form or another shows up in Every Scientology publication which has a general audience. I see it now being associated with mental (OT) powers as well.
Reminds me of one of the slogans in 1984:
“Freedom is Slavery.”
Reminds me of a t-shirt I saw online: “1984 wasn’t supposed to be an INSTRUCTION MANUAL” Fits well with: “THINK, it’s not illegal yet.”
This is not a photo of the Auckland Idle Morgue.
The building they bought/renovated was built in 1844 and is heritage listed so they would have been unable to change the multi-paned windows to those seen in the photo above.
But empty? Definitely.
Is the photo a section that was added? I know that Scientology does what it wants and asks for forgiveness much later as a normal operation. Are there any other photos of the exterior?
What would scientology care about ‘heritage’? they have none that they would care to live down and delight in breaking any wog rules they encounter.
Don’t waste this brief breath in Scientology.
Scribe scribbled:”Don’t waste this brief breath in Scientology.”
Final gasp, more like it; a death rattle.
scientology —as we knew it— is dead.
What Dave carved out of Ron’s creation has never been viable
The body is dead and decaying but the brain hasn’t cottoned onto that fact yet.
Atlanta org is in the same boat. The building is empty and there is constantly a street construction issue, so it even looks less inviting. I can only imagine what a staff muster looks like with three people present. Oh wait, I can imagine that since I was on staff years ago and in fact, many times there were less than five staff present for muster. Didn’t seem odd to me at the time.
In fact, there are more public moving to CW than I have seen in a long while. Is this the same for other orgs? We were having a conversation last night, and someone noted that so many people were moving to CW, is it more than coincidence?
Would DM go so far as to try to recruit votes in any CW elections by having scn public move there?
He would, certainly. Does anyone else notice this?
I think there is a push to get scientologists to move to Florida. I believe dave wants to corral the troops in the Clearwater area since it appears he and his sycophant and best friend Tom are making that their home base. I know of several from California who have moved here to Clearwater.
(But maybe that’s cuz California seems to be emptying its residents into other more affordable and less taxing states.)
Wasn’t LRH a tax evader?
I think two things are at play. The first is as the Scientology pools of water continue to dry up, the remaining Scientology fish seek out Clearwater, which still holds a few inches of slowly draining toxic water. The second is that the political and financial scene in Florida is drawing almost 1,000 new residents to the state per DAY. I tried to return a U Haul truck last week (here in Florida) and rental lot, after rental lot, refused to accept the truck as they had no more space to park it. You can probably get a U Haul truck for free if you are willing to bring it to places like NY, NJ, CA, Seattle.
First, Atlanta’s streets are always under construction. I have never been there when it wasn’t.
Second, there might be two reasons for the movement to Clearwater (this give me a chance to expand this into outline form (yay).
a. see? My original idea was that Davey had let on to some of the more wealthy of his sheep that he is going to move the whole kit and caboodle to Clearwater in an effort to centralize the religion (and cut the dead weight of having the orgs open). He would say this was the fastest way to make the country Ideal.
b. You could very well be right. He has a fight on his cowardly feathers in Clearwater. They don’t like the scam’s being there. He could be planning to take over Rhodesia style
c. It could be a combination of both bad ideas.
There might be a circling of the wagons coming in the future. It seems to happen with small-ish cults and fundamentalist religions. Constant hostility or at least disapproval from the public causes them to move to an area where they can just associate with their own. Historically it happened with the Mormons when they moved west to Utah. A current example might be the Amish who have a large contingent in Lancaster, Pa.
In scn the whales are wealthy enough that they can live where they want and disregard any disapproval, but the less wealthy might want to congregate. In Lancaster there is a thriving tourist industry with people coming from all over to see how the Amish live and work and buy souvenirs and Amish style food. There are tour buses, movie presentations and even a mock Amish village where a tour guide shows you around and explains some of the Amish beliefs and practices. It’s a peaceful co-existence. Maybe Clearwater will get lucky and some day have a thriving tourist attraction.
AG, we’ve also had reports of members from St. Louis moving to Flag, giving up on local staff as infested with SPs. Though come to think of it that might actually be an apt description of some of the sort of dead enders left running fundraising and thought reform scams on local “fields”; but it’s actually the outcome of how Scientology is run, and of course there’s only more of that to be found in Clearwater around the Sea Org run “mecca.”
I’m hoping we’ll get a few more such reports, to get a better picture of what is going on. Dotey OT has reported the same, along with some additional current details.
Come to think of it, ‘field’ is another way in which Scientology objectifies people. They go from being “raw meat,” to vegetables to be harvested.
p.s. Thanks to you and everyone else who shares insider experience and knowledge
Atlanta Guy queried: ” Would DM go so far as to try to recruit votes in any CW elections by having scn public move there?”
Of COURSE he would! They tried something like that early in scn’s attempted takeover of Clearwater, in perhaps 1977 or 1978. ‘Our’ candidate lost— as has been the case whenever scientology tried to throw what it imagined as its weight around.
When I took a course in Atlanta many years ago there was a reg, his first name was Doug but I don’t recall his last name. This guy would not take no for an answer. He was trying to sell me some extension course so he could get some points or something like that, I wasn’t interested but he would not give up and I finally gave in. And then I never received the extension course. And the E D was a guy named Skip Yarian, I got scolded by him for talking in the course room. I remember him giving a very eerie speech about how Scientology was the only group that could save mankind, the purpose to convince everybody to get on the key to life course.
Did you know either of them?
Just curious
I think that Skip Yarian was ED in the early 90’s. His wife Nancy eventually ended up as CO CLO EUS. Skip was declared but I saw a conversation he had not too many years back when he spoke of his experience, on the old ESMB I think.
I can’t at the moment recall a reg named Doug.
I bet you mean Dan Austin. Does that sound right? He had a wife at the time Linda Austin. After Skip left and was declared I want to think that she was then ED until guys came back from ITO for OEC FEBC training.
If it was Dan Austin, well you should check this out:
EVERY post in what claims to be scientology these days is “held from above” — by CoB, to hear him talk. I believe it, since that high school dropout hasn’t shown any competence in any field other than Machiavellian machinations and possibly binge drinking.
Well the Justice systems in so many countries (if not all) might be fucked but at least “The People” see the church of scientology for what it is – a vile, vindictive, vacuous cult with a voracious appetite for money.
Ron’s problem with ‘wog justice’ was that the accused had SOME chance of being found innocent. Thus was scientology ‘ethics’ created.
No wonder “Through the Lookling glass” was Ron’s favorite book. We had to memorize vast sections of it over the years and make those passages “ours”.
TBT, after a bit, “Alice” seemed to be a fun place to visit
The doctrine of Scientology claims that the entire body of laws made by men, thousands of years of effort by mankind to create a just society, thousands of years of effort by of good men, who wrote legal charters and laws, including our original Constitution and our Bill Of Rights, are simply nullified by the word of L. Ron Hubbard. On what grounds can those who deny The Rights of Man can claim protection the under those very same rights? None whatsoever.
AND a thousand years of scientific investigation and discoveries were nullified by that same alcohol-sopped drug addict excuse for a man.