In the era of massive, straight up and vertical, 47X expansion in the wake of GAGII one could be forgiven for assuming that this would be most evident in the LA area — “home to the largest population of scientologists on earth” according to the infallible pronouncements of Dear Leader.
One might also assume that the boom is happening at the bottom of the Bridge with the massive international dissemination campaigns “sponsored by the IAS” and the enormous international dissemination center right there in LA, alongside the largest digital printing plant on earth at Bridge Publications and the state-of-the-art Audio Visual production facility in Riverside County so amazing it needs to be protected by 24/7 security guards, cameras, motion sensors and infrared cameras. And we haven’t even mentioned the astonishing reach of scientology on the internet, or the new TV studio just purchased, or the 7 ideal orgs in the area, plus CC Int. And international management and the Flag Command Bureau. And Author Services and the IAS. The largest number of Sea Org members anywhere. It is a veritable cornucopia of amazing scientology pluspoints in the LA area — if anywhere should be experiencing the bursting at the seams expansion, it would be LA.
You would expect the Mission scene to be booming. Weekly announcements of new Missions opening in the area (after all, there are supposed to 20 Missions around each Class V org — that would be 120 just in LA) and the Ideal Orgs are supposed to be creating new missions and field groups like mushrooms popping up after a spring shower.
I seem to have missed the announcements of the new missions that have sprung up around Pasadena, LA Org, Inglewood and Orange County???
In fact, if you look at the website they list a total of 34 missions in CALIFORNIA.
California include the following “ideal” Class V orgs:
And the following Not So Ideal Orgs:
That is 13 Class V orgs (not counting Day and Fdn spearate). That SHOULD be 160 Missions in California at a minimum, and the big ones should be turning into orgs (remember the Miscavige golden arrows spurting out of his ideal orgs to create new missions that then turned into orgs “and so the pattern repeats”)?
But 10 years on from the first “ideal orgs” and not a single new org in California, not even a new Mission?
But I digress slightly. Back to the 47X expansion in LA.
Here is the latest evidence of what a crock of shit that is. And according to a local Special Correspondent, this mission was unable to pay their rent or utilities bills for months and “OT’s” were pitching in to keep it afloat, but even they apparently gave up on this lost cause:
From: Sunland Mission <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 9:32 AM
Subject: Sunland Mission Status Update
To: [email protected]
Dear Sunland Mission Parishioner,
In order to re-group so that we can offer the full array GAT II services, the current Mission location has been closed. The new Mission location will be announced sometime in the future.
If you have been on service at the Mission, you may contact Stacy Kitchens or Lynn Simington to make arraignments to continue service at the Mission of the Foothills.
If you had course packs in the Mission, they will be taken to the Foothills Mission.
The Mission of the Foothills address is:
2254 Honolulu Ave.
Montrose, CA 91020
The entrance is in the back of the building facing the parking lot.
Tel: Tel: (818) 957-1500
Execs and Staff
Sunland Mission
Now THIS is 47X expansion in the real world as opposed to the woodchip word salad that gushes forth from Dear Leader and is then repeated by the Minions enough times to make it “true for you.”
Here’s my thought’s on DM !!!
GAT2=No certs, No certs=No auditors, No auditors=No PCs, No PCs=No expansion. Combine that with the fact that there is no real public interest in Dianetics or Scientology like there was in the 70s and you have the reality that is the CO$. You can only run so far with bullets in both feet. Anyone can learn to audit, the CO$ seems to have abandoned that idea many years ago. Find the exit door in any org, and there is your bridge to total freedom. Nothing holds a candle to being able to think, do, or believe whatever you darn well choose to. Life is too short to live off baloney and Kool-Aid.
Laughter. Bye-bye.
Here is a Californian govt website with the list of missions, it looks like they date back to the 70s’. . Press the button on “Corporation Name” and type in the box “Entitiy name or number” “church of scientology”. From that you can check out the status of missions in California. Most are suspended or dissolved, but even where it says the mission is “active” that only means is it authorized to carry out its business, not that it is carrying out its business.
If any proof was needed that daves 47x was a crock of shit, this site gives it!
Another bench mark of a true sociopath 47X uuh expansion?
I agree with you Jose Chung as re the benchmark of a sociopath being blatantly false PR about expansion and up statistics. That’s what Enron did; per their PR their stock was highest ever right before it collapsed – all lies and false PR of course.
Now, here’s a theory for you: Co$ has ramped up their lies – about their expansion, and in general, their gulling about Scientology’s tremendous impact on the wog world – outrageously , in the past 2 years. This “stat appears to be “highest ever”. Ergo, if you use what I’ll call their False PR stat as an index of rate at which they are collapsing, with the False PR stat in steep affluence one could say that the fact of their collapse is known to them, expected by them and not far off.
Missions are doomed to fail. Nobody continues with anything these days without googling it. So they might suck somebody new in once in a while, but as soon as that person gets home and searches “Scientology” they never go back.
Same with the orgs. IMHO, the Church of Scientology is dead. It keeps walking, but it’s just feeding on itself now.
Right you are, Gus! The internet is their Waterloo. There’s nowhere to hide now. All of their crimes are out in the open. All the OT levels are out in the open. Failure will appear soon…
Bingo OSD!
“If you have been on service at the Mission, you may contact Stacy Kitchens or Lynn Simington to make arraignments to continue service at the Mission of the Foothills.”
What are their crimes then, Stacy and Lynn? Making Freudian slips?
I missed that one, arraignments !
The rap sheet is a mile long but I’m sure the map of where the bodies
are buried will surface on the D.A.s Desk.
Resort hide away Villas n Bolivia cost money so look
for a BIG PUSH to increase IAS status special for the COB
on a secret project ( or phony one that will be a diversion)
Gold Foil embossed certs and super sized fancy lettering
guaranteeing your seat on OT 15 on the Freewind’s, or some
to good to be true lie. Hurry, now,now, now,mortgage everything,
hock your jewelry, ( if not already ) the COB needs your money !!!!!!
This is going to continue.
Think of management so BAD that they can’t possibly deliver and you have D.M.
Try General Motors closing forever to build a “better automobile” and sending everyone to Ford. (Top management would be fired) In this case of D.M. you are screwed until the entire network crashes. Int. Base is shopping for a resort villa in Bolivia.
Destroying the Missions never made any sense to me. Even if you’re an SP, don’t you want an influx of new people to suppress?
Mike, just a silly question.
Is that door addressed at 210 South Fort Harrison?
COB has his very own mission impossible franchise.
How can we grow when instead of spring rain all we get is Davey Boy pissing on the field?
Senior Hongo,
In 86 When DM took over he COULD have been honest and told the ENTIRE truth about LRH and SCN. The “Church” would have folded post haste. Now, he could have also played along but not AS suppressive. The Church would have lasted longer than it is lasting but, it would have still folded. But as he is a psycho he chose to take it down while hurting more people.
Don’t operate under the delusion that the church would have lasted more than 40-45 years after LRH died though. It wouldn’t have. No Clear, No OT, no promised immortality, et al. This is also why it isn’t even being resurrected in the field under a different name. It was a cult of ONE personality. It has nothing going for it (no more than any other made up religion) that will give it longevity.
You keep saying this ‘no clear’. I don’t know what your training or auditing level is but you are spreading false/incorrect data. The state of Clear as per the 1978 definition, when honestly attained, is valuable and can be gained on Dianetics, NED and the Clearing Course.
It HAS been messed with by incorrectly attesting people who did NOT make it and NOT allowing others to attest who DID achieve it. Those are suppressive actions.
Yes, Zephyr, I think the State of Clear can be achieved and that it was achieved by many “back in the day”. I really never got very far in Scientology but I do remember that my NED Drug Rundown auditing back in 1979 at the Omaha Mission was very powerful. My wins were incredible, so yes, I think the state of clear can be achieved and that it can be very valuable.
Not to cavil with you, but ALL religions are “made up”, unless you hold the belief that one or some come directly from God or a Supreme Being or such. But even if that were true, they would still have to come via a person, a human who could talk to the rest of us, who could tell us all about what “God” said, what he wants/needs etc. from us. Indeed that is how every religion has ever begun: someone communicates a philosophy which is propounded to be divine, or the only way, or straight from God a bunch of Gods or whatever, and this philosphy proceeds to crystalize into a set of beliefs and practices, which, if adhered to, ensures you some version of salvation/eternal life etc. or if not adhered to, puts you at risk for some horrible, future or some type of unspeakably awful eternal fate. This is why I’ve always loathed and distrusted religion (for myself, not for others who are benefitted by it) and why I was so attracted years agoto what appeared to me at that time to be the pure philosophy of Scientology which left it up to me to accept, apply, use or reject the various aspects as I saw fit. But then Scientology too crystalized into a religion with its must-be’s, must-dos, must-haves, with its rewards for obedience and blind faith and its dire warnings and punishments for lack of obedience and for questioning anything, so I when I really got that I was now expected to behave like some empty-headed, obedient churchie in order to “safeguard my eternity” or some such rubbish, I up and said, “Seeya”. Today, I’m happy to have the freedom to read and study and apply and do what works for me and to reject what does not. If it works, I don’t care if someone “made it up”, invented it. I could care less about a the creator, or the founder, or if its divine, or from God, Jesus, Moses, the Prophets, Vishnu, Buddha or L. Ron Hubbard. If its workable, I’m interested, I want it. End of rant.
Zephyr, the STATE of Clear (with OBJECTIVE abilities gained as described by LRH) does NOT exist. That data is empirical FACT. If you’d like you would like to claim otherwise, YOU must supply the EXTRAORDINARY evidence. LRH lied. He was a scam artist by definition.
Aqua, no problem at all. Great write up. You missed my point though. 😉 LRH claimed that SCN was NOT like all past religions. Do you remember what he said set SCN apart from ALL past/current religions? (hint, it was THE main point of doing the bridge to OT)
The old C.O.S.MOD. Mission network in California could have run circles around these new ‘ Ideal Orgs’ in terms of mission expansion. But then they actually intended to expand by bringing new people into the missions each day. They didn’t need the I.A.S. to do it either.
+1. Right on the money!
COSMOD ran Delphian Academy in Oregon when I attended. Interesting how all that works.
Ah, you must have attended prior to 1982. I don’t think COSMOD _ran_ the school, but their staff were around, kind of lurking off to the side of everything and late at night. It was a bit strange seeing the ersatz navy uniforms.
There was a “Mission of Sheridan” on the 2nd floor by the center stairwell, that I think the COSMOD staff were there to run. That “mission” (I put it in quotes b/c it was just known as the Staff Courseroom) was for the Delphi staff to do their Scientology stuff.
There was MidRats for the COSMOD people in the dining room (MIDnight RATions) (very military as is typical for the cult) where they had choice food prepared for them. The food for the Delphi staff and kids wasn’t so good…
After they screwed Martin Samuels, the “Mission of Sheridan” was forced to move out of the building and into the town, because apparently missions had to open and available to the public. The one in the school building was not; it was only for staff.
The Mission of Sheridan in town – it was on the corner by the bridge – closed eventually, and now staff and faculty take shuttles in to the Portland Org.
I hear the food there is 47X better, now.
Amy says
“We are closing for expansion.”
that’s funny:)
That is the benchmark of a true sociopath.
Things are soooo good, business sooooo great, is why were closed forever.
I know I’m slow, but I FINALLY understood where the 47X comes from! It’s the amount of alcohol in Jefferson’s 10 Rye whisky.
“We are closing for expansion.”
“We are closing for expansion.” Nice, Amy! Once again, this is why the book, “Alice in Wonderland.” is so vital to this cult. It’s all make believe…
Right. In order to save the mission, we had to close it.
Oh yeah, and the Department of Peace will prepare the next war….(1984)
Perfect, Amy, that says it all. That will be on the c of s tombstone.
Tombstone reading: “RIP Beloved Church of Scientology – DM’s Release of GAG producing expected results: Straight Down and Horizontal”
WWAW, Like the “straight down and horizontal reference.” 🙂
Bingo. And no BC is being delivered at ASHO – which pretty much says it all.
“In order to re-group so that we can offer the full array GAT II services, the current Mission location has been closed. The new Mission location will be announced sometime in the future.”
In order to not have to pay September rent in an unused building because auditing is shut down due to GAT II requirements, the current Mission location has been closed. The new Mission location will be announced sometime in the future.
I can’t imagine what it feels like to these guys to live this. I find it hard to confront on the 3rd flow. Sad but as Chris tells us, it is in the DNA and is inevitable. Chris put his heart and soul into research and put the truth there for our understanding.
About some weeks ago I happened to be with two friends around the Foothill Mission at the address noted on Stacey’s e mail. First, you would not even know is there unless you happened to park in the back parking lot. Second, we went into the Mission itself and guess what? Yes, it was empty, nobody at Reception and definitely no public to be seen. Ah, and this was on a Saturday afternoon.
So we can assume that this little, hidden, unannounced and empty Foot Hill Mission will eventually follow the path of the Sunland one – evaporate and disappear as well. Many other are following the same ‘strategy’, keep it on Miscavige, you are loosing big time.
At least their parking lot is full… because of the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf store (and numerous other businesses) they share it with!
Silvia, you are so right. The Foothill mission looks like it is hanging on by it’s fingernails. This is a good example of the “no growth” of Scientology at the mission level since DM wiped-out the mission network in early 80s.
See Foothills website:
Foothills was founded about 1986, just a few years after the “wipe-out” and today it is not open every day. It is closed on Fridays and only open from 3 PM during the rest of the week…You found them on their busy day, Saturday…. apparently not busy enough for anyone to be there…
A KA drinking under the radar ex-friend of mine (she disconnected), a few years ago told me, “Do not go into any org. Do not go to AO, ASHO, or LA Org to do your courses. Just go to the Foothills Mission (the one we’re talking about) to do your courses because you don’t get pounced on by reges and IAS, and they let you be more lax with scheduling. And when I did my course there, it was full of OT’s who refused to go into the PAC area to do their courses. No new blood was there, but there were OT’s doing courses there so as to avoid the Orgs.
“since DM wiped-out the mission network in early 80s.” In the early 80’s LRH was still around. LRH authorized the actions to disempower the missions. The missions that flowed power to the whole organization. Simon Bolivar-NOT. OT-NOT. Greedy-YUP
Maybe the ghost of Casey Kasem can start the countdown to ZERO! Scientology is dead. Stick a pitchfork in it.
“Pitchfork!” Nice! Maybe add a stake in the heart too. Exposing them to the light of day is useful too. They just turn into ashes…
Might Garlic be helpful?
I think Casey recently passed. May he rest in peace.
I started listening to him in the mid 70s when I was tending bar in Honolulu. Every Sunday I looked forward to hearing the count down. He has a daughter that’s still in.
May he travel well…
Short Translation:
Dear Sunland Mission Ex-Parishioner,
With the release of GAT II, all Sunland Mission Auditors and supervisors have had their GAT I certs cancelled and have been started on a full ” bottom-up” retrain. And yes,at means bottom fully up. The GAT One retain took several years and the GAT II retrain is expected to take at least that long, probably much longer given that the auditors and supervisors are suffering from a fair amount of “retrain fatgiue”, not to mention financial stress.
So since we are no longer able to deliver any Scientology services at all, we are closing the doors on one of the oldest Scientology missions in California. And frankly, we are just not that upset about it. The Foothills Mission is limping along and the entrance can be found just to the left of the large green dumpster in the parking lot. If you are really that desperate to continue your re-re-train, go there.
ARC, KRC and Hasta La Vista,
The Ex-Staff and Ex-Execs of the Ex-Sunland Mission
Thanks for that translation, Roy 🙂
Thanks Roy,
That’s at least the straight dough!
An ideal mission is a closed mission!
FWIW, Freedum Medal winner Rohn Walker has owned the Stockton Mission for many years. It was run by an OT VIII but I forget her name. Anyway, rumor has it that they closed up the rented storefront space and moved it to a house.
Rohns wife Vicky works at the Sac Org and Rohn jets back and forth from his mission in Thailand to Stockton and Reno Nevada to keep the stats up. I have not heard how the Reno Mission is doing. Probably 47x and is pulling marks out of the casinos to keep the course room bursting at the seams.
Gosh, Coop, not being the sharpest knife in the chandelier, I kept thinking that 47x actually meant 47x more people leaving the cult…per hour!
Hey Coop, I was ED Sac-Arden Msn mid 70’s, and helped Marvin and Daralyn Price get Stockton started. Any idea what happened to them? I concur 1000% on the good times of those bygone days, BTW.
Hi Jim,
Marvin Price lives in Pioneer (Hwy 88) or did last I heard a couple years ago. You might remember Chuck Cree who was a reg there in the mid 70. I see Chuck pretty regularly and we cough up a few hair balls occasionally reminiscing about the good old days. He found his original Dianetics Book which was signed by LRH a few weeks ago and wants to sell it.
I told him good luck with that!
Do you know about Shirley (Alex) and Mike Clark. They are Stockton folks and I was on the BC with her back in the day. She paid me a visit after she finished OT VIII in the early 90s. I think they have exited the kool aide stand but have not heard anything from them.
If you have any info on these folks would you please send me a memo. You can use this site as long as you clear it with Mike first! Oh yea, if you want that signed book let me know and get me a mailing address. I’ll see if Chuck wants to donate it to your sociopathetic group… what is it again ….International Assoc. of Sociopaths?
There is an OSA front group that buy up books like
that on Ebay. Put it on for $5000 and see if they bite.
Thanks for the response, Coop. They must be laying pretty low, though- even after all this time, ‘cuz I can’t find any internet trails for them. Oh well, just wanted to say Hi! No, I don’t recall any of the other folks you mentioned. I was only around for the very first few months- for a couple evenings per week- after they opened up. Then I turned Sac over and headed to Ohio to open a couple Msns there.
I don’t know what is was about reading this and maybe it’s a compilation of recent facts and statistics about the Church of Scientology, but today, I just feel bad for those of us who joined this group because we wanted to better ourselves and our lives and maybe even help others better their lives. This post reminded me of that little mission in Richardson, Texas, where I met good people of like mind and we laughed and goofed around on course and in the waiting room, where we would get together in clubs and listen to the music of the 70’s. Then when I wasn’t paying attention, it got very serious. Those days of fun and innocence in the Church and what I thought was goodwill are gone.
Today, I wish I could take the Church of Scientology and singlehandedly clean it up. But I can’t.
That’s today, I’m in a mood and I’m sad about the whole thing and the good people who care(d).
I share your views on the “good ole days” mission wise.
I started in a mission in Anderson, Indiana. Same deal,
fun people, new friends, wanting to learn to help better
ourselves and others.
The Blankenship family was there helping run the mission.
I remember doing TR’s with a sweet little girl named Angie.
My how things changed!
It truly is sad to see it all as nothing more than a memory.
Good memories none the less.
My wife was the mission holder of Richardson Mission until the early ’80’s when it became a crime to be a mission holder. She took over from Betty Filisky, who left to do NOTS.
Anyway, Richardson was smashed and their bank accounts wiped out by some sea org member who showed up one day in 1982.
I was PES Austin FDN at the time. The missions around Austin org then were Midland, San Antonio, Houston, Mission of the Southwest (Dallas), Richardson, Baton Rouge, El Paso, and a group near Oklahoma City. I used to do tours as PES to these places. Thank goodness for cheap tickets on Southwest airlines!
Austin got a lot of business from these places and so did Flag. Getting business for Austin org then didn’t take crush sell-just plain old arc and enlightenment. And it was fun. When the fun left so did the public.
Interesting, Dan. Maybe we crossed paths. I went to Austin Org regularly but was out of Texas by 1981. So maybe not.
“When the fun left, so did the public”. Funny how that’s true.
Yes, Mary. Remember when Sunday Service at Richardson was 10 mins of LRH Creed and such and then for the next hour all the musicians there would play for an hour. We had all those pro musicians there on course who loved to play on Sundays. There was zero regging. Just fun.
McCarran, I could have written your post. Almost word for word. As you probably already know, it WAS actually fun from the 70s until 1982 when…things changed. Actually, scientology died in 1982, in my humble opinion. You’ve got a good heart…
Thanks. OSD. Would like to meet you some day. Maybe when you have that party.
McCarran – my thoughts entirely. But you are not alone. There are probably over 100,000 people like thee (and me) – waiting in the wings for when it all comes crashing down. What we will do then is another matter. We will have to wait and see. Hopefully in our current lifetimes.Flourish and prosper as someone once said.
Yea, Foolproof. I’m workin on the Flourish and Prosper thing. 🙂
We’re still here McCarran. Just 5 minutes ago someone texted me that they were on OT2 as an indie and feeling fantastic. She had a kind, competent auditor and supervisor that got her to clear and through solo. She stayed with me and now calls me her big sister. LRH said the tech was free and I plan on doing what I damn well please, finish what I want to and helping whoever I can.
Way to go, Hallie. When OSD has his party, I hope to meet you also.
Your comment just made my day, Hallie Jane.
Giggle, giggle……..
I wish some insiders with info from “upper middle management” building in Hollywood would leak you news of how Scientology Missions International is doing, obviously it must be a wasteland with no one doing anything but struggling to collect the dues weekly and report the Missions’ routine no reporting on even their statistics, there not being anyone to even report ZERO stats each week from these non-existent “real” missions with someone who answers the phone! Not the really really missing missions, but the “real” missions’ stats are ZEROS so badly from most of the missions.
And SMI Int, Scientology Missions International, at the “upper middle management” building, the HGB, in Hollywood, must be such a ghost town of empty desks, that even CMO IXU has given up on getting SMI Int manned and functioning!
Wish a recent CMO IXU defector would become bold enough to contact you Mike so you could share an HGB “upper middle management” view of the empty desks and status quo of that building’s status!
They would probably make more money
selling off all the unused office equipment.
Potpie if you have an in, I want to out in a bid for a couple ot their ultra modern communication devices – their telex and Gestetner tech machines.
Hey don’t you be hogging all the good stuff! Let a girl at least make an offer……
and the furniture .,,,, can be donated to another mission … one of the homeless missions in downtown LA. With a tax deduction of 47X times value. Calculated, that would be 47 cents.
What a prosperous day in the neighborhood.
My daughter Haley used to be deputy CO/CMO-IXU …….. before her deadbeat Dad started getting mouthy on the net. Then she went to work with lurch, sorry, I mean Julian Schwartz to get my ethics in. They decided to take the advice of the most ethical $cientologist on the planet, one Mr. Tom Cruise …SIR….and ruthlessly slam in my ethics which actually worked out rather well.
I am now of course out, have been declared, which by the way is a very key point because you would not want to say that the current cult had anything even rmotely good to say about you if you were free to roam about the surface of Their Planet with the other free beings.
But I digress. I’ll see if I can find out any information from the HGB as I still have a couple folks I know who are slaves there. Perhaps a leak may spring eternal one fine day this Fall.
Didn’t realize you still had a daughter in, Coop. Let’s hope for a complete collapse soon. And, your still my favorite SP! Get that information!
Facttoid and long answer:
I did most of my bridge from 75 to 78, completing through Cl VI and OT III. I married in 1980 and my wife who had done a comm course then got involved. We had two kids who are now both In. Haley joined the SO at age 16 and is now 32. Phil is 27, recently married into the Ashley Ally family (Sacramento Ideal Org Whales) and works at Sac Org. Sheri is still public and on lines at ‘The Julian Schwartz Field Group’ I suspect.
I also got Sheri’s sister Lori and her Husband Rod involved in about 1982. They had two kids who are still in. Rod and Lori Daniells joined the SO twice. They are out of the SO now but in LA at the kool aide stand. Their son Adam joined the SO at 15 and recently routed out with his wife Mira to have some kids and make a lot of money. Their son Ken also lives in LA and was married to Brook Daniells. Brook left the marriage and is now with Katherine Bell in LA. All seem to be bellied up to the kool aide stand and making it go right for dear leader.
So I have only myself to look to as regards all of my family and now ex-relatives who are lapping down the kool aide and are in good standing with the Cult with No Name. I made a mistake suggesting they might benefit by joining a cult. Next time I hopefully will be more aware.
Short answer: There ain’t gonna be any fucking next time! Have a great holiday!
Cooper, multiple members of the scilon Ally Idle Org whale family are about to be criminally charged for illegal building practices in California. Google ‘cslb check a license’ click on ‘business name’ then type in ‘Alley’ and you will see the revoked licenses. Click on that, then ‘other licenses’ then click on that business name (they are currently using) then ‘complaint disclosure’ at the bottom. They have 6 complaints that say “Referred to Legal Action”. There’s three of them, including the HAS of the Sacramento Idle Org that will soon become illegal PCs…and ex whales. 🙂
Thanks Sammy,
I checked it out and assume the three members would be the Dad and two kids Gabe and Ashley. I think Ashley is the HAS at the org. My son Phil was/is the Tech Sec at Sac Org and he recently married Ashley.
Well here is a little snapshot of SMI Int from a few years ago, when the Basics strategy was shoved down everyone’s throats at ILO. Virtually the whole of the staff in that building were press ganged into 24/7 Basics sales with hallucinatory targets and ruthless enforcement. SMI Int was one of the units at ILO that would regularly report sales of 10 Basics packages at a shot. Then it was learned that they were taking the $30,000 starter packages they had sold but which lying around without having been used and “converting” them into sets of 10 Basics packages. No real sale at all, just a paperwork mirage, and pretty much all they were doing.
Coop, there was no “reply” button on your posting, but I had a question for you. Did your ex, Sherri, get pulled back in the church? You had said she was leaving the church at one time and now she is public and in. How did they coax her back in? And if she’s on Julian Schwartz’ lines, too bad for her.
Sheri never left the church. I had hoped she would leave but alas, the kool aide is strong. If she changes her mind then that is good.
She has always been on Julians lines since Flag dumped her in 2010. When I found out the IAS regges were supporting her to continually donate and keep it a secret from me, I wrote an e-mail to Flag saying I was DONE, DONE and if there is a any doubt ….DONE! I would not support lying, cheating and stealing and since that is part of that groups moral code they needed to color me GONE. They used that in my SP declare. Good for them.
We are now divorced and Sheri continues to donate. I think her last one was to a gal in San Diego who borrowed money from Sheri and gave it to the Idle San Diego Morgue. Since the funds were part of our settlement she was going to try and get the loan repaid by working something out with Julian. IMHO that will never happen. Show me an ethics officer in the cult that supports one member paying back another member when the funds went to their own morgue! If Julian did that, the Miscarriage would kick his ass all the way into Mexico! DM owns Julian and Julian owns the sheeple.
My bet is that Julian will declare Sheri an SP because she is trying to get our personal divorce finances worked out. Stay tuned for more juicy tidbits as the world of $cientology rots!
I like the part about the entrance is in back
facing the parking lot. I wonder what the front
view is? None the less, that email does not
sound like the Sunland folks are out feverishly
trying to locate a new space….why would they?
New space, same stats.
Foist all their problems onto the Foothills Mission,
a much easier out…..and who really gives a crap
about the Foothills Mission anyway?
For a long time the Sunland Msn didn’t even have an auditor or CS. Jay Clitheroe was training up to be their auditor and joined staff etc. But when he comped the BC, he never arrived on staff to audit for them. They got some other auditor. So now the question is: did the church tell their auditor and CS that they could no longer audit pcs until each of them trained up from the bottom up on GAG II.
If it’s true that the Msn can no longer audit pcs until the auditor and CS train up from bottom up on GAG II, then the one money maker left to a Msn is taken away from them. You don’t make money on those little inexpensive Div 6 courses. So to take away the ability to audit your field is cutting the Msn’s throat and letting it bleed out until the inevitable: a closing. it is indeed a very effective way to throw in the towel. I feel bad for some of the dedicated staff there who thought they were really making a difference and clearing the planet. But at the same time, I think deep down, they are actually relieved to have it over with.
There is no front view. It is kind of the basement of the building. It opens on a public parking that is always quite busy.
Overall it is a nice place.
This is the Google Maps view of the place; see the red lettering on the side of the white warehouse? that says Dianetics Center.,-118.226809,3a,75y,278.9h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sjPKb58gEw7keEhdN9jZMiw!2e0
ps if the link doesn’t work for you, I found it by entering the address in the message into Google.
The link worked. OMG, they face the ALLEY. There are trash cans and dumpsters 20 feet from their door. What on earth drove them to get this space. (Duh….) I do feel really sorry for these staff. Their heads must be spinning yet they think they are doing great in their imagined happiness bubble.
I am so happy for Sunland.
That’s what I was thinking too, Steph! Maybe we should all drive out there and help the citizens celebrate their release from the occupation.
I live right by there, I’ll fire up the barbie. 🙂
We’re gonna need a lot of beer to offset the years of kool aide!
nice. and this establishment didn’t even have the pressures of raising money to go ideal.
Now they are ideal!
There’s no business like a closed business when it comes to perfecting the ideal scene for Dr. Dave and his band of Dildos. The new upstart legal firm of Slam-em, Lock-em and Leave-em will be representing the Cult from now on.
Yo Dave,
Can you puleeeze up the ante a bit out here in Bitter Defrocked Apostate Land? We are having way too much fun these days.
Golden arrows…hehehe. They really loved them arrows. Unfortunately, none of it was based in reality. This was part of DM’s core strategy to take the world by storm. He presented it as if were a naturally occurring phenomena. Orgs just spawn Missions, Missions spawn Groups, just like that. The islands become the sea, or was it the sea becomes islands? Whatever…
If this were true, Clearwater would be littered with groups and missions, like Starbucks or 7-11s.
Scn Missions died in 1981. Not just the body, but the soul.
GAT II is designed as a “throw in the towel” program intended to get rid of anyone trying to deliver Scientology. They are supposed to do the “right thing” and get some money for the IAS.
Excellent post, Robert! Right on the money! Delivering scientology stands IN THE WAY of true progress: Fleecing the flock of every dollar they have.
Sunland is such a pit.
I know a lot of great people in Sunland. There is a very small drug and criminal element there that we COULD focus on, if we wanted to scare some parishioners into buying TWTH booklets, but it is generally full of great people. I lived there for some years. Not only lots of people who have fallen off the bridge, but lots and lots of people in the film industry, horse people and just ordinary good guys.
This used to be fruit grove country, and there are still huge areas with big lots of trees on them, no sidewalks, the Angeles Crest National Forest nearby and the new golf course. Take back that mean statement, Doc!
So next I guess we’re going to see The Greatest Expansion of Ex-Staff in the History of Scientology!
Watching the fantasy bump into the real world is awesome!
“The entrance is in the back of the building facing the parking lot”.
How sad is that. lol
Go around the corner and look under the rock where the trolls hang out. Just follow the trail of discarded TWTH booklets!
I guess this proves that even while you are backpedaling you can still ask for money.
YO, Davie,
Tick Tock
What’s up with your flock?
“Dear Sunland Mission Parishioner”
very ironic greeting.
Maybe it’s 47X amount of orgs, missions and groups closed, or 47X lies told, or even 47X public disaffected and enlightened?
No DM it’s 47% more space in the parking lot.
Sorry,my arithmetical skills are low today – 47x is 4700% more parking space in the lot. Wow.
Dave, Save this post for your next event.
for a second i thought mike reffered to miscavige as Darth Leader 😉