This a mystery wrapped in a puzzle.
It’s like one of those “how many things are wrong with this picture” games.
Let’s start with the letterhead. United States Raiders Search and Rescue Special Operations sounds like some official organization.
Here is what comes up in a Google search of the term:
I don’t think there is any doubt that this intentionally sounds so similar to the elite Marine Corps Special Forces — and it is not that. The logo they use with eagle symbol evokes “US military” or “US government” — though the 2023 is a bit of a giveaway. Apparently this organization was founded last year?
If you just search United States Raiders Search and Rescue, it looks like this. Still the Marines at the top, but then there is a second hit that looks more promising.
Click on “The Freedom People” link and this is what comes up:
There is no actual website for this organization, the description in this entry about brotherhood and community support and being “under the United Nations charter” is fluff. Their “location” is City Hall!
Search this title for news, and nothing shows up.
This organization is a piece of letterhead. Anyone can print this sort of thing these days.
So, what about “Sir Maliki Stone Retired NYPD.”
Is Sir his first name? Is he just pretending to be a knighted member of the Commonwealth?
Google this name and it comes up with one entry from LinkedIn:
Seems to be the same guy — though he is a “police detective” who works for “Adoni Security International Group Inc.” No mention of NYPD. Other than calling himself a police detective located in NY.
Trying to find this organization comes up with a single hit on Google which shows it is dissolved:
In sum: another worthless “recognition” for Hubbard from someone who may have scammed the scientologists as much as they scammed him!
They just can’t help themselves — they’re so desperate they grasp onto ANYTHING they think might lend Hubbard some credibility. And in their scrambling they reveal just how dismal his reputation is .
I’m still waiting for my official Large Rotund Heavingmass Recognition Award for recognising him in a photograph.
Has anyone ever seen Sir Maliki Stone and Grant Cardone in the same room at the same time? … Hmmm … Just askin?
If it was Grunt the name would be Melicking Gold.
A minor but perhaps telling detail: in one of the documents, the group refers to itself as “United States Raiders Search and Rescue Group PMA” in one of the documents you presented.
The “PMA” probably stands for “Private Membership Association,” which is sometimes used in Sovereign Citizen documents. A number of SovCits believe that getting people together and calling themselves a PMA somehow magically allows them to ignore any laws that they find inconvenient in their activities.
So the person posting this, whatever his real name is, is probably some sort of Sovereign Citizen kook. I can’t imagine why he would write this note about Hubbard unless he was also a Scientologist.
I know there are several Scientologists who have used Sovereign Citizen-style nonsense in court hearings including the late, unlamented Hanan Islam, but it’s not clear to me that the average Sovereign Citizen is going to embrace Scientology beliefs.
Seems legit to me.***
*** This comment has been awarded the 2024 Maximus Awardus by the International Blog Sharps (IBS) which I did not just make up even if I-B-S might seem a little suspect.
This would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic. The COS cattle are so hungry for relevance that they’ll swallow any morsel of PR that’s waved in front of their noses. And make no mistake, they’re grateful to get it. Then Just like some herd of mindless livestock, they’ll eagerly wait for their next bucket of PR swill.
Police everywhere need to be informed that Sea Org Scientologist staff have a difficult time calling 911.
All police and retired police I hope take note of this fact.
Sea Org Scientologists have hindrances that average citizens don’t have, for calling 911.
Also, Scientologists themselves, are brainwashed, literally, to not call 911, due to their Scientology brainwashing.
The “higher up” Scientologists get indoctrinated in L. Ron Hubbard’s regulations and prejudices, the more likely those Scientologists are to refer to to the Scientology “Office of Special Affairs” unit.
This has happened over and over, in history, that when police matters actually happened, the “upper” Scientologists went to their in house “Office of Special Affairs” personnel rather than trust and go to police first and foremost.
Scientologists are averse to calling 911, and Sea Org Scientologist staffers have hindrances to being able to call 911.
Police in USA take note!
“they grasp onto ANYTHING they think might lend Hubbard some credibility.
So true. I just love this one which was exposed by Stefani:
“From the State of Washington, a proclamation and flag flown over the capitol building commemorating 100 years since Mr. Hubbard launched his Boy Scout career in Tacoma.”
It was bought for $40.30.
Perhaps I should jump on the bandwagon by selling them a bridge in Brooklyn, e.g. the “L. Ron Hubbard Bridge” – the one and only that leads to all their new idle morgues.
This guy does not exist. Period.
Who would be careless enough to create a Linkedin profile and fail to capitalize their own last name? This goes even more so for someone in a public-facing business such as (apparently) security consulting. No client would want to entrust their security to an operator this sloppy. If security is about anything at all, it’s attention to detail and leaving nothing to chance.
To make matters worse, the profile fails to state how long “sir” M has been in the business, let alone what he has accomplished in it (other than letting his license lapse). Since his chief asset appears to be that he’s a “Police Detective”, a legitimate operator would at the very least state his tenure in a police force. Claiming a title of “Police Detective” in a private security organization is unethical at best, illegal at worst.
As Mike already hinted, a title of “Sir” is entirely meaningless outside of the British empire, present or past. But one thing the cult, Sir M, and Nigerian princes have in common is that no one is simply David M. No, you’re MISTER M. Or Ambassador, Dr, Rev or Esq. Hubbard loved his phone titles. So do grifter to this day.
This profile is as fake as the commendation. Embarrassingly bad fakes at that! Especially if one considers all the free labor that Mr. M has at his disposal 24/7.
They really do just make things up don’t they? Thinking nobody will notice. Once again Scientology showing its true colors
For each paragraph written by this gentleman, several comments could be made.
The only thing I’ll say is that it would be perfect as a highlight for the Thursday Funnies.
I wonder how much “Sir” Malarkey sorry Maliki usually charges per fake endorsement? I bet he upped his fees when he saw Scientology coming.
This proves that Scientologists will do anything to make their beloved founder look good.
I have recently noticed this in the SPTV community where everyone is trying to make ASL look good.
I think that the police detective is a very sensitive man, with the profile picture of the three wolves howling at the moon.
Maybe he wanted to found a self-help group in 2023, which then sank miserably like a ship in 2024.
Thanks for salvaging the remains.
True. Three wolves howling at the moon give the idea of the pack. A photo like that is a deliberate message. Perhaps it’s what happens unconsciously in his head, things that howl.
They are trying to make LRH look like a good man. But they are just failing at that. They are making him look worse than he already does.
Is that still even possible??
Absolutely not. No matter what they say to make him look good it never will.
I too have spent considerable time documenting the stuff they “make up out of thin air.” Check out my post here: