Long term, prominent Clearwater scientologist Ray Cassano is pitching the sale of Emily’s restaurant.
It’s been there for decades. It has direct line of sight to the Ft Harrison and SP Building.
Obviously a smart move to promote this to scientologists. It’s desirable because of it’s location — even if it’s bought and sits empty for years like so many of the other scientology and scientologist owned properties. Remember, Miscavige wants a “moat” around the Mecca, a buffer zone to keep the “wogs” at a distance.
I predict it won’t be on the market for long….
And now the mayor wants to “work with Scientology to revitalize the downtown area”.
He hasn’t been paying attention.
Essentially my attitude about Scientology and Clearwater is, Who really gives a fuck? An alleged “World wide religion”, with maybe 25,000 actual current members, and declining numbers every year, with its PR in the West COMPLETELY in the toilet, takes over all the real estate in the downtown area of a small Florida city. Maybe pre-internet, this MAY have meant something. Now with its declining membership, it means nothing, except as a nice target for YouTube channel protesters.
I wonder if DM has a board game with all Clearwater properties on it. I’m guessing he might call it DMopoly, sort of like his very own monopoly game where he can buy up all the property and doesn’t even have to use his own money!! He gets the big donor idiots to pony up the cash.
Xenu window signs throws Scientologists’ brains into their Hubbard brainwashing “fear” of “case harm”.
Hubbard left Scientology such a crippled nasty partner to society.
Splinter Scientologists seem to be decent smarter, and don’t raise widespread family destruction that I’ve ever heard of.
You’d think someday official Scientology would take some lessons from splinter Scientology’s decision making which appears saner in terms of co-existence in society.
I think it’s all Hubbard’s fault, since the “ideal” Hubbard empire has deep flaws which take wholesale removal and ceasing.
For starters official Scientology ought to just cancel all past SPs who were ever declared, and never newly ever declare anyone SP, period.
Let families who are “estranged” at least be more normal in having at least brief communication between “opponents” of Scientology with regular official Scientologists. “Good roads fair weather” Program Handling is needed.
Official Scientology has been driven into extremism. Official Scientology cannot learn and reform to be as mild and a better partner to society as most splinter Scientologists have evolved to be.
It’s so unfortunate that another building may be going to waste because of Scientology.
There’s an argument for nuking Clearwater.
I am sure that OT9 will allow Clearwater to defend themselves should the forces of Xenu counterattack in a new version of the space opera.