This is sad. And all too common.
Committing financial suicide to hand over money to be spent on some extravagant building that will sit empty for years, and even if it does eventually get renovated into a marble floored palace with custom furniture and carpets it will remain as empty as it was when it was a shell.
The last thing Columbus “org” needs is a $10 million dollar building. It is like buying the Taj Mahal for a lemonade stand.
And he is so deluded he encourages others to jump off the same cliff he did.
Scientology is not teaching anyone to “think for themselves” but only to think like a lemming.
PS: Mike, Braveheart may be your favorite movie, but I seem to recall William Wallace met a rather gruesome end and ultimately the Scots were subjugated.
My son and I stopped at the current Columbus org back in October on our way to an OSU game. Wow, what an inhospitable place. It was kind of a non-descript building on the edge of the downtown area – maybe good for foot traffic on weekdays but this particular Saturday it was dead. The windows were tinted black and it was nearly impossible to see inside at all. We just got a fuzzy glimpse of some Hubbardy books and that was it. It was 11:30 and the doors were locked. Soon as we stopped to take some pics a staffer came outside to unlock the doors and gave us the stink eye. We didn’t stay long after that.
The ideal org is further up the road, outside the downtown area and only accessible by vehicle. That building was the old offices for Time-Warner cable. It’s a 60’s building and totally unattractive as is. That still doesn’t explain why it would take $10 million to refurbish it.
(It sounds like Howard Becker and some of the other IAS vultures had gotten to this guy first to soften him up, sort of like how meat tenderizer is used to soften up a steak. I’ve heard IAS reggaes use references to the Braveheart movie to get someone to do something insanely risky financially)
IAS and Idle Morgue regges just LOVE their victims, I mean prospects, to be in wheelchairs. It makes it kind of hard to out-run or outmaneuver a desperate reg trying to make their quota. The only thing better than a prospect in a wheelchair, is an unconscious prospect in a wheelchair with a signed, blank check in his hand. Nothing is beyond the pale for the “vulture culture”.
Let’s follow up in a year and give Mike a call to find out how Columbus Org is doing. My guess is that they will still be raising money for the marble floors.
I’ve got to the stage now, I’m probably wrong in this, where I’ve run out of patience with the Kookaiders. They see, they know but don’t walk. Yes, I know I’m wrong to have lost some of my compassion. Sigh… It’s like watching a friend being abused and staying for more.
Oluckyme, I hear you.
I had a woman friend back in the day who was verbally abused and disrespected continually by her long term boyfriend who refused to marry her yet wanted to continue living with her and generally using her. She always, always made excuses for him and turned things around like SHE was wrong. This used to upset me and I’d try to reason with her but she always kept it that whatever the problem was at any given time was her fault with his behavior the reaction she deserved. Her mother aided and abetted her in doing this because her mother didn’t want her to break up with the boyfriend. For decades she stayed with him yet cheated on him continually because it was an intolerable relationship for her and being with other men from time to time was the only way she could stay. She and her common law husband were, and are, a sick couple. After a while I lost my outrage at what he was doing to her and my compassion for her unhappy plight just dissipated. As soon as she got no more sympathy from me, as soon as her sad stories got only a shrug and a kind of “Oh, well”, from me, she lost interest in me as a friend and dropped me. My role was to be sympathetic and when I stopped feeling that she lost interest in me as a friend.
I’m using this story as an illustration of how compassion wears out with me after a while.
The Still Ins, if there are any, who are truly clueless, yes, I feel for them. As someone never on staff or in the SO, I was clueless for many years, and I do mean clueless. I have compassion for these people, because they deserve the benefit of the doubt, meaning that, if they knew, they would NOT be ok with it. So I have compassion for the clueless.
But for the ones who HAVE seen, who ARE trained, and who still look away and make excuses, give reasons why, who absolutely KNOW yet still make all this blatant out tech, off policy, out admin OK, all this colossal crap, OK for themselves, OK for others, for the enablers of David Miscavige’s abuses and lies, for all those who WILLFULLY turn a blind eye, for THESE people I have no more compassion. Let them be abused, lied to, fleeced for every dime they’ve got. Good for them. They deserve it.
I know that’s horrible, I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I do.
Wow, I didnt notice he was in a wheelchair… I apologize for calling him a jerk but after seeing this I realize Scientology is completely dead. They prey upon the disabled. Bastards. Bad Karma for them
The only thing I can say of this guy is that he is a jerk. Totally, utterly, completely stupid. If that is the VFP of Scientology, Cincinnati org should be closed down.
Idiots all, no hope,
If Scientology’s (true) goal is to ‘clear the planet’ services should be offered for free or for a minimal donation.
“I worked on it hard all week with the encouragement of some very theta Sea Org members”.
Worked hard on it all week? What exactly did Mr. Blake have to do? My guess is borrow money from people he knew or pull it out of his pension plan, IRA, savings, life insurance policy, etc. All the while having some “very theta” SO members shadow him. Just to make sure they “get the product.” How sad.
Those “very theta” SO members are just the opposite of “theta”. More like Predator. Vampire. Ghoul.
These SO members did this to a disabled man. There is no limit to how low can they go.
Such a Loving. Caring. Compassionate. Cult.
The man in the photo is disabled, and his hands are contracted.
Scientology has no problem extracting every last dime out of him for a pipe dream.
Hi Frodis73,Thank you for your lovely post.The reason I left Ohio U was because my 1st love & I broke up after 5 yrs,I was there only 2 yrs went to a junior college in Mass before & from Boston Mass I wanted to get away from memories.Yes 10/31 was amazing in Athens of course I left 7/74 a long time ago.I’m a great example of how SO love grenades were done back in the day.XO Ann B.
Speaking of Scotland – my Mom’s cousins in the good old days:
Ok, I re read his write up. he does at least say he was WALKING down the sidewalk.
That’s something at least.
The bagpiper was walking down the sidewalk, not him. Can’t you duplicate?
Just please tell me that’s not a wheelchair this guy is sitting in:/
For some reason it looks like one.
Yes, it is sad. ๐ I feel sorry for him, he will certainly end up like others that have been written about here – old, broke, ill, with no concern from the “church”. I wish we could get word to him to read the stories of others who gave their all. He’s deluded. A “status” in the IAS has no worth.
Incredulous. As a 2nd generation born & bred SCN, I was horrified and embarrassed that it took me so long to wake up. That was 3 years ago. It blows my mind that there are people out there still buying into this BS.
Yeah, I want to wake up at 4:30 in the morning thinking about how I can get more money to raise my status in the church and help clear the planet with a shiny building. Makes perfect sense.
As the stomach turns …
What did this poor guy do? Surrender his retirement to the “church”? Give up some insurance settlement? Mortgage his home? Give up his family assets?
And to achieve what? A phony status; an indulgence entry fee to a fake heaven, an imaginary “theta” universe.
Judging from the photo, it looks like he gave up his compensation for being crippled in an accident.
I wonder if they told him he would walk again after his ‘treatment’?
More like give us the rest of your money or we’ll break the other leg! Of course the cult doesn’t threaten bodily these days after Dave’s hole was exposed. Modern mafia techniques call for ‘or you’ll never see your kids again’!
Bring it Dave!!!
The whales have too low an ethics level. Their havingness is way too high. They know they are loved and adored by their Church and fellow Church members by having all this havingness and by dribbling out some of it to keep their Church afloat, but they are not willing to make the full commitment. Mike Blake HAS made that full commitment. True, he is not a whale and therefore not entitled to the same amount of respect, but he HAS given EVERYTHING. He has gone ALL IN, just as LRH went ALL IN to give mankind a future, Mike Blake has gone ALL IN with whatever he has and could borrow, to help LRH give mankind that future. True, he is not a whale with mountains of money, but he is a whale of a thetan and has demonstrated a mountain of ethics. He has proved he is a Big Being and a Bigger Being than any of the whales alive today.
THIS is how 2015 will play out. The non-whales need to show that they are bigger and more powerful ethical Beings than the whales by going ALL IN and sacrificing everything they have and everything they could persuade some suckers to lend to them. And to do it laughing! To make themselves penniless by going ALL IN. And if they are left without a crumb to eat and with creditors banging on their doors, then laughingly DROP the body and join Ron on Target Two. They are Bigger Beings than the whales and these Bigger Beings need to demonstrate this in large numbers in 2015 by going ALL IN and ropping the body with a laugh until the whales are finally awakened to their ethical responsibility to go ALL IN for LRH in 2015 themselves and spark the long-awaited deluge of new public bursting into the Ideal Orgs, brandishing their check books.
He looks like he is at least somewhat paralyzed. How can these people sleep at night or look themselves in the eyes when they take a handicapped individual and bankrupt him to line a rich maniac’s pockets? Can the authorities be contacted over this? Can the fbi intervene? I mean, this is seriously abuse of a para or quadriplegic from the look of the picture. Does he have family that can stop this cult from helping this man destroy himself? This isn’t funny at all. This is criminal and those who have had this done to them by these thieves should have MORE compassion – at least you COULD get up and walk out the door. as mike says and I read every day…. Something can be done about it. If there are any attorneys on here, please, is there something we can do to report this extortion? This has me very upset.
The states and fed really protect senior citizens. If this guy, Mike, is 65 or older, you can make an anonymous (or not) tip on the Elder Abuse Hotline that there is serious financial abuse going on regarding him and an investigation will be done.
There is nothing special about a person with different abilities making financial decisions like this. Its still ok to call him a dumbass.
He’s bankrupted himself, Annette Chaffee. No one MADE him do it.
He’s just tell the FBI that he loves doing it!
I was a student at the Columbus Mission in 1975. There were at least 35 students on the HSDC more on other courses. The paying PC,s were at least 20. Alan Walters was the Mission Holder. This Mission Rocked. We were located in the Old Lt. Governors house.
This was a very upstat place.
In their wildest dreams will Columbus Org ever get close to these numbers. All paying publc too.
Of course Columbus Org will never get close to these “delivery” numbers. However, because the Co$ now takes money in exchange for nothing (IAS, building fund, etc..), they might have a higher income…. at least for awhile….
In any case, they are not exempt from the laws of exchange. Even if they are not criminal staff in the first place, when they take money in exchange for nothing it MAKES them criminal…. this is the story of Co$… easy “free money” was the lure…and Miscavige was the parasite that was willing to suck it up… too bad. The last people to survive this organization will be wearing orange jump suits.
Jeez, that was like reading a very bad pulp writer trying to show that he can write overblown tripe while keeping a straight face.
Everyone please send $100 (each) to my PayPal account so I can import some fine Scotch for this month.
“crossed swords with my brother in arms”– does this have some real meaning? Are there swords at the event?
Oh well — yet again – typing in haste —
in the name of religion were done without equal — or whatever the proper expression is …
geesch — I stayed in the cult too long — has made me stoopid ๐
Oh that’s it, The missions didn’t bring freedom, an org didn’t bring freedom. What will bring freedom is a new, tricked out, bigger building Cuz replacing linoleum with marble helps people be freeeeeeeeeeee
Really, Cia? Gosh, if that’s true, I’m ripping out all of my hardwood floors and putting in marbles! Although it might be tough to walk on marbles, I’ll certainly give it a try. I sure hope I don’t slip and fall because of the marbles. Wait…what? Oh! You mean marble. My bad!
“What the hell?! This is what passes for โreligionโ? These abuses were built into this .. ”
The atrocities done in the name of religion are without peril since well before the times of buddha or Christ.
The Hindu faith was built on a cast system for example. Did some good come out of that faith — sure … but perhaps more harm.
UNLESS one becomes well versed in history — going way back — one is likely to be fooled by “religion” as well as movies ๐
WE were all part of scientology and some were in the Sea Org. Many went up both “sides” of the bridge. Many gave the “best” years of their life.
Unwrapping from this cult and coming back to a firm footing is not easy. Isn’t NOT just, IMHO, saying — I’m left.
It’s examining every single DEEPLY held belief. Like … someone pulled it in. Or illness = PTS. Or DBs =
handicapped/poverty/mentally ill …
I spoke not long ago to someone who was in the SO for well over 20 years. Held a middle management position (IE – Not at Int or not at FLAG in the days management was there). This person had a different way of speaking than he/she must have had HOWEVER the cadence was the same. The aggressive passion was the same and the lack of FEELING was the same.
Stay in the cult of scientology for any length of time and your emotions become FROZEN. So much so that you have NO IDEA. And I’m not taking about the emotion of ANGER I WILL EXPOSE THE CULT.
I recommend a solitary long walk safely through a forest or skirting a desert … for a few months.
THEN maybe that icy veneer will have had a chance to melt a bit.
Without truly EXAMINING ourselves … the habitual habits/patterns you had PRIOR to Scientology, Shored up WITH Scientology and once one leaves — these habitual habits/patterns will reemerge … but you’ll have a new “modern” vocabulary to explain them.
Ultimately always pointing TO someone/something (i.e. SO or Scientology or dm or LRH ETC)
Instead of quietly looking at your own mind, as a starting point.
For anyone going to Maui, I recommend you go and hike Iao Valley right above Historic Wailuku. THE most spiritual place I’ve ever been! I’ve been hiking this incredible valley, which has coffee and strawberry mangoes going wild, for many decades. There’s a back story to this valley that’s equally fascinating, but, I’ll have to leave that for another day.
OSD, Maybe we should start saving our money so that when the cult goes down officially, we can meet you in Hawaii for the party and you can be our hiking guide to this wonderful spiritual place. Works for me.
Hi OSD, Listening to your stories would be Paradise. Always Ann B.
I think Mike Blake is probably a pretty cool and well intentioned guy, but he fails to mention how another empty Ideal Org in Columbus is going to, in his words, “bring freedom to Ohio”.
It makes me absolutely ill to know that well meaning people are bullied into giving hundreds, thousands, and more, for NEW! BIGGER! BETTER! (underutilized, empty) buildings all the while this ‘church’ employs virtual slaves who live, crammed by the dozens, into dormitories with inadequate toilet/shower facilities, working themselves to exhaustion for virtually no pay, and few, if any, benefits. The draconian rules & punishments, the use of family as tools to manipulate and enslave are disgusting, not to mention the prison camp!! (RPF) located on the same grounds as luxury facilities. Surrounded by double bladed fencing. Of course.
What the hell?! This is what passes for ‘religion’? These abuses were built into this .. this.. movement, from the get-go. With time it has gotten worse, as all absolute, unaccountable dictatorships do. I have come to have little use for religion as a whole for this very reason, history has a way of repeating itself, but this organization is truly horrific.
And then by magic he woke up at 4:30 in the morning with a bright idea. I wake up at 4:30 in the morning with a bright idea all the time — to get up and take a leak so that I can get back to sleep.
hgc10, I’ll fill in what really happened.
Around 4:30 a.m. while the “helpful” S.O. members were regging him he dozed off. One of the S.O. members then slapped him hard across the face and told him that his confront was SO low that he was going unconscious. That was when he thought up the story he was going to tell Grandma in order to get her life savings…
spitting out coffee!!!
Ah, yes, JL, there’s just nothing like being woken up and slapped to induce cognitions and workable ideas.
Aqua, maybe we should start a cult centered around Slap therapy? Get rich, etc., etc. ๐
Hi John Locke, Did you & Aquamarine give me a laugh.Still get those GOI slap fest nightmares but with you two my side what can I do but smile.XXOO Ann B.
Ever hear of the phrase “run up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes”?
I think poor Mr. Blake might have an MU on what it means to “cross swords” with another dude. Well, maybe it will help if he clay demos it.
Wauv how low can they go
I guess his “bucket” isn’t pronounced bouquet? ๐
Is that photo taken in a hospital? Did he get his funds via selling a kidney and he’s recovering?
Hi Roger, Love this post.May more Light seep into their brains somehow!XO Always Ann B.
Poor old Mike Blake reminds me of a clinical imbecile who has been trained to perform debasing tricks for the getting of a few coins. But he’s not an imbecile is he? He’s an otherwise intelligent adult whose higher brain functions have been rendered non-functioning. God, nature, life, karma or what you will, has a medicine for that. It’s called suffering. Most people on this blog have been cured by that medicine as it has a fairly high success rate! I’m sure we are all rooting for Mike that he’ll be cured because he and all the other late-stage Kool-Aid drinkers are almost certainly going to be given an especially big dose of that medicine.
It’s funny how he mixes up Braveheart with the king Arthur mythology like one nonsensical word salad. All that’s missing is a reference to the Matrix, and we’d have a fundraiser bingo.
Or Harry Potter. I was wondering if Fearless Leader from Edinburgh was visitingโbut they’d never spring for his plane ticket.
Columbus has had a rotting building for at least seven years.
Variance clears way for scientology church on Dublin Road April 22, 2008, Gary Seman jr, ThisWeek Community Newspapers
Bucket – I’m ALL IN !!!!
I want to read more about this in 2015. More and more of the Big Beings proving they are Big Beings by going ALL IN. Everything they have got and can borrow. All in – the lot! Cast aside all doubt and do the ethical thing. You can’t go wrong if you do the ethical thing and flow Power to Source. This guy has done it and shown the way to all the others out there, especially the whales. In fact, he has proved himself to be more ethical than all the whales put together who still still hoard money for their own selfish purposes. And he has done it laughing and now holds a smile on his face. He is maybe wondering why he didn’t think of doing it before – he feels that good about it. If the whales want happiness and contentment then they should do what Mike has done and do it soon so they are liberated as Beings and can join the ranks of the true Big beings.
All the whales need to go ALL IN this year and soon – and then the huge expansion will start and gather momentum and new public will be flocking into the Ideal Orgs and these places will be bursting with people getting incredible wins from GAT 2. Do it clams – do it. Go ALL IN and laugh all the while.
Oh, (word that rhymes with “bucket”)! I’m ALL IN too everybody!!! Considerations rank higher than mechanics, everybody knows that, so I’m showing the people whose approval I desire as much as a junkie desires his heroin, that I’m up there with THEM! The legendary ones, the GREAT ones! My self-esteem was pure (word that sounds like “ship”) but now that I’m ALL IN I’m distinguishing myself as a person who will not be reasonable about saving the 4th dynamic! I’m going to have to not-is those annoying debt-collection notices, however, because they are a real (word worse than “motherfucker”)!
Future Darwin Award winners.
But Ron will smile down upon them from Target Two and guide them past the implant stations so their thetans will be guided to Ron’s planet, incarnate into a little Sea Org baby (if they are allowed there) and then they can help Ron Clear his new target. I would suggest something like a Steve Brackett drop where there is no danger of falling on a wog and killing it (not that it matters) and if their splattered body makes a mess then nobody has to clear it up – just let the rats take care of it.
Hi Roland,+1 billion! XO Ann B.
“There is Magic in the Air!”
Presto! All of your wallets have vanished!
Go bankrupt. It’s magic.
Yep! That’s where the magic is! I wonderful if there’s a special status for proving you’ve gone bankrupt? Of course, after that, you’re useless to the cult…
OSD, you just gave me an idea: perhaps that’s what the cult wants.
After all, Miscavige knows its just a matter of time before the truth dawns on any given individual Still In.
So, bankrupt him quickly, give him huge PTPs, turn him over to Ethics who will drive home that its all his fault. Then when he’s gotten no help and been made wrong, kick him to the curb and be done with him.
Better sooner than later. Better to kick them to the curb when they’re broke. Xenu forbid someone cognites while he still has money!
Its a race against time, a race of lies against the truth, and Miscavige knows he can’t win, so reg them now, reg them hard and fast now, get everything out of them in any way possible now now now now, ARC Breaks and Disaffection Be Damned, and the Divvil Take The Hindermost, just kick’ em to the curb, and “Thank you, next!”
Looking from the viewpoint of David Miscavige, given what he’s actually up against, this insane strategem makes perfect sense!
I think you spotted DM’s strategy to a T, Aqua. Well said.
You’re right on the money, Ann B. That’s exactly what they will do to that poor man. But, what can you expect when you facing actual evil…
I’ve been a long time reader of this blog, although this is my first post here. I was coerced into joining staff at this same org in 1996 (as a 17 year old), even though I left within two weeks to return home and never to return to this organization. And I have to say that even at that time, the amount of public coming in was virtually non-existent if my memories serve correctly. To see this poor sap admitting (if you read between the lines) that he has essentially bankrupted himself to “make it go right” is just sad. I don’t blame this guy, and I’m sure none of you do either. But if I can point the readers of this blog to a video on YouTube by the famous mentalist Jamy Ian Swiss entitled “Credit the Con Man” I think many of you would find it very interesting. Too often people blame the victims of being scammed instead of “crediting” the con men who have perfected their craft. I’m not suggesting that any of us, including Mr. Rinder, are blaming this victim. I’m simply pre-empting any small desire you may feel to fault Mr. Blake and to also take this opportunity to thank all of you that post here daily. Take care, and thank you Mike for creating this blog.
Well, Andrew, you’re gonna have to count me as one who IS “blaming the victim” if that’s how one characterizes what we USED to call “responsibility” (election of oneself as cause) in Scientology, which Ron said was the key to all cases. This “mark” is not being scammed for the first time. It is COMPLETELY on him if he decides to bankrupt himself because of whatever mental deficiencies he is currenly suffering from. It is people like him and veteran Scientologists around the world who are the ones who keep this horrible scam going. Yes, I blame this moron, and frankly, I delight now in being amused at how easily the CoS scams him and others out of hundreds of thousands of dollars (which after all, he must have SOME access to. No one with NO assets can just decide to give 200 G’s to his church). Kinda makes me feel richer (I got out with my moolah in the bank by the way)
One does NOT have to decide to fall prey to this scam. On an ethics cycle eight years ago, I had first 5 G’s in cash extorted from me and then 5 G’s more off account for books to “handle” my out ethics. This was the first time in 35 years in scientology I was told that I had to pay to handle an ethics cycle. Yes, I did it. THEN, 31 G’s more was demanded from me. When I kept saying no, I was then put in a small room and screamed at and ALL my money was demanded from me to keep from being expelled from the church.
And you know what happened at almost that EXACT second? I decided to walk out the ASHO door and be done with the church of scientology. A person does not have to KEEP on being stupid and scammed. It is ONLY people like this guy Mike who keep the scam going (and their involement in the evils of mind control and disconnection) by their moronic involvement and financial support. He IS responsible. Hope he is now crushed for the next “status.” What turns it on will turn it off (sometimes anyway).
And this absolute doofus (the perfect mark by the way) finds the “magic” of walking down the street with a bagpiper in full Scottish uniform (!) and the sap who is craving group acceptance thinks he is somehow back in Braveheart, his favorite movie, fighing the good fight. Stunning idiocy, but that’s the guy scientology LOVES to have as a reggee. I’ve worked in Scotland, so got to know a number of Scots and a bit about the culture. Let me just say that Scots will not be so easily separated from their money over a stinkin’ movie as this loser was.
Hear! Hear! Joe Pendleton.
Thanks for the Jamy Ian Swiss tip. I watched the video and it was very good. It’s good to have more information on the mechanisms of a con.
Oh Boy!!!
Dear Mr. Blake,
I sincerely hope that these ‘very theta Sea Org members’ were able to help
you find a way to increase your money inflow so that by donating a sensible
percentage of that you would be able to achieve the next treasured status level without
diminishing your present standard of living.
A not so very theta person would resort to tricking you into selling off some of your excess MEST
or maxing out your credit cards or borrowing more money than you can afford to pay back.
You’ve probably already handed over the money so I would like to make a recommendation before you decide to move up to your next status level.
Yes. They will come back to you to ask you to do that.
Go to the Scientology web site and see where some of the Ideal Orgs are located. Purchase as many plane or train tickets you can afford with that money and actually visit some of these Ideal Orgs. (please don’t let them know you’re coming so you can be certain no one is setting a staged scene for you)
Once there, ask for a tour. As a scientologist in good standing, there should be no reason why that should
be a problem.
Make sure you bring along a list of all the things you were told would happen at your org once it became ideal
and compare that list to what you are actually observing at the Ideal Org you are visiting.
Feel free to get in comm with the friendly public there but be sure to ask just how long they have
actually been in scientology.
Ideal orgs are a magnet for new public. A really good indicator would be those people that have been in for more than 6 months but less than the time that ideal org has existed.
Make it a game, sort of like buying into a time-share property. Don’t invest in a pretty brochure photo.
Get out there and take a look at what you are putting your money into.
After you’ve completed your investigation use your conclusions as a set value to gauge
the worth of all the other promises (stated or implied) the church has made to you.
Look, don’t listen.
Excellent advice Regraded! +100
Holy Moly, Regraded, if everyone did this it would be Apocalypse Cult.
Nice touch from the Columbus IAS reps (con-artists) hiring a bagpiper to walk by the org at the right moment.
Gorillas needed safe passage, y’know…
Exactly what I thought. They knew the Braveheart thing was a button of his.
Ack! I hope he wasn’t Scottish!
This is so scary Stephen King is hiding under his bed.
What Planet did these characters fall from ?
I don’t know…Target Two?
Is Mike Blake in a wheelchair? I can only imagine what his future will be when he is in need of help and has burned all his financial bridges. So very sad.
Exactly my thoughts.
From his posture I would guess he’s a partial quadriplegic of some sort. The clenching of the hands suggests neuromuscular spactisity. Note the slumping in the chair. If so this person requires a lot of care, maybe a part time home care nurse and otherwise an attentive and compassionate family member. Guessing his age he has another 25 years in his life span, and his medical costs could only go up. Other possibilities would include degenerative neurological diseases or even cerebral palsey. The only thing that looks good is that he can hold his head up and smile. Taking his money is an f-ing crime.
Gail, not only is Mike Blake in a wheelchair, but, he doesn’t look that good physically. As you said, this is very sad. I wonder how long he was regged before handing over his money. What, does he think scientology will make him whole again? I remember a young man at the Hawai’i org, back in the mid 70s, who had a stiff leg, Could not bend it at all. They told him auditing would cure him. I was on staff at the mission at that time so I don’t know what eventually happened to him. But I hope he woke up at some point. Remember, Hubbard once said that with the tech, you could raise the dead…
Hawaii mission/org = trip down memory lane
Hi OSD,I remember that quote.Gives me shivers! XO Always Ann B.
I thought the same thing.
Yes, it looks like a wheelchair… Today’s Scientology preys upon it’s members that are hopeless, helpless or hapless. That’s because new members are as rare as hen’s teeth.
This organization was built by getting new members with bait and switch tactics and then keeping secretes from these new members.
Because of the internet, there are literally no “uninformed” new members. None. There are only old members that are slowly expiring and then kicked to death until they give up their grandmother’s house….
You are 100% correct, Robert. That’s EXACTLY what they do. Thank goodness for the internet. They can’t hide anything now. All the OT levels are all over the world on the net. And they’re not going any where…
Agreed, Robert, and the other part of the story is the generational differences, we wide-eyed baby boomers were always seeking new experiences, open to just walking into a CoS event and then getting sucked in. The young kids now are completely different, so wired into the online world, they know the truth from internet research, they’ll never walk through that door! No “church” can survive if it can’t attract a new generation of members. CoS is dead, it’s only a matter of time…
Hi Mike, A comment for the legend Mr Blake. There must be a lot of Excaliburs in Stone floating around the planet in 2015. First Arthur pulled it from the stone.Then Ron was walking around the magic lake tending to those. tomato plants when the Lady in the lake handed it to him.He then put it port & starboard on the bow of the Excalibur.Miss Ann then had the distinct pleasure of cleaning it a lot from the seat of a bosun’ chair circa 1948 with frayed ropes that would make one cringe. No safety harness I was SO so make it go right! & don’t get me started on the dreaded paint locker, nearly passed out from the fumes down there.Seriously they are charging the battlefield laying waste to all in their path! Those swords they carry are soaked in Kool Aid triple strength!Sad but educational to see how far they fall.XXOO Always Always Ann B.
None are more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free โ Goethe
oneone2014, that is an amazing quote.
He probably talked his elderly mother into doing a refi on her house.
I couldn’t help but notice the glaring absence of any (of the sordid) details of this financial “wizardry.” Doubtless, the long-term financial ruin that awaits him down the road will lack the transitory “glory” of this moment.
He is one, soon to be, poor sap.
Borrow from moms retirement (again). Refi all the equity out of your own house. Use your children’s college money. Cash in your retirement account. Get a loan with your house as collateral to pay off your 15 credit cards and then max them out again. Use payroll, tax set-asides and money paid for undelivered services (if you own a business). Rob Peter to pay Paul. Rob a liquor store.
it doesn’t really matter what you have to do. You are OT and a humanitarian. You will look back at this moment and know that you did all you could to put an Ideal org here and salvage the planet.
Hi Chris, that is why I flunked Big League Sales numerous times in The SO & word cleared the whole book for a week while being yelled @ Everyntime I was told by my dept head to do the above I went to Qual & originated I could not do that because I thought Scientology should be free to all to go up the Bridge with I was 22 it was 74 & I was guzzling that Kool Aid.Did I get in a heap of trouble.Had to stuff letters for a few weeke outside in all weather ! Take Care Ann B.
what’s that, a double humanitarian that even all his capacities as a scientologist, can’t help himself to stop accumulating BTs in his body?
Not that I try to ridicule him, I’m only designing another evident total failure of the crime cult.
And at the end of the day what is the warrior to do but bury his fallen comrades. They are all there, lying in a heap. Now you know that you helped them get there, just like they did you. Wake up Mike!!!
$cientology is the greater ship of fools. Now it’s on the rocks. Let’s bring the tsunami and finish off the agonizing mess.
Yo Dave,
Howz Valley? What year was it going to be finished? And what is dear Quinn doing out is the desert wandering around?
I think Quinn the Eskimo is in New Mexico because it beats being sent the “Hole The Does Not Exist” or the RPF.
What’s up with Mr. Kundert, OT Hatting Lecturer? Has Gavin been relegated to the dung heap of the PAC Base — lecturing to an audience of zero, in the chapel of LA Org?
“$cientology is the greater ship of fools. Now itโs on the rocks. Letโs bring the tsunami and finish off the agonizing mess.” YES!!!
Poor mike needs to word clear “mixed metaphor”. His postulates have pustulated.
I did something similar (not donations, I’m not that dumb but I hocked myself to the eyeballs for OT7 and SOME donations for our fucked up local org). I used to give public speeches about how easy it was to raise the money, and it WAS easy. But it wasn’t quite so easy when a couple of years later I’d used all the money I’d raised for my six-month checks and reserves to repay all the bank loans, which was how I’d so easily raised the money. I’d wisely kept some money to bridge the time till the wins from 7 kicked in and I’d have super powers, at which time I’d be able to tell the banks to go shaft themselves.
Well, the wins never came, the cost was far more than I’d anticipated and my so-called wisdom just looked like any other sucker. I had the same level of ability as before but now had far more debt than I could comfortably handle. Frankly I got more wins and life ability doing the grades, but of course you’re not allowed to say that. Years later I found the reason why I didn’t have wins – I hadn’t done the GAT2 purif and SRD. It all makes sense now – I just need to raise a little more money for that, and the 3,520 intensives I’n need to do for posting here.
This all has a happy ending – once I’d gotten off the level and out the CoS door, I slowly got myself out of hock.
Hi dr mac. Wonderful post.$$ for ever will reign supreme throughout all of Scientology.So very happy for your happy ending.Makes me smile! Take Care Ann B.
It’s okay to say you had wins on the grades dr mac. Heck I did too. Many more than the upper levels I did.
Scary thought……Miscavige “discovers” that the why on people not getting through OT VII faster is that BT
s need to be run on the grades. All people who have done or are doing OT III or above are the blind leading the blind. To wake up those pesky BT’s, each one will have to be run on quad grades. Flag only of course. Gotta maximize the money with flag rates only.
Good for you, dr mac! I do have a question though: Since I got out in ’82 (in for 7 years), I never heard about “sec checking.” When was this made a requirement? And, how much do they charge for it? Also, what’s the REAL reason they have them? Another income stream? Just wondering…
Hi OSD, Walter loved your post on the Scots. Took his OJ in one gulp after I read it to him. Interesting what happened to you re sec checking. No charge in The SO for it when I was in but they sure make up for that.The 2nd day I was @ SO ASHO F I was sent to the Manor now CC for a series of Security Checks. Not fun. Then as a few yrs passed the sec checks were really ramped up. Not my auditors not my c/s’s but GOI just pounced & took all that over.I can’t say how it was done for public but in my case boy what a form of KRC.with the emphasis on Control of me. Hope someone who knows more in this area can help us out with the answer to your questions.XO Always Ann B.
Gosh, Ann B, what church has SECURITY CHECKS, for God’s sake! Only a vicious, evil, toxic, militant cult. So very glad you got out!
Cambridge org had a fundraiser for the Toronto org on Saturday.
Same BS applies.
A good lemonade stand does more good than a scn org.
At least lemonade stands provide a good service have a good reputation, and serve a good purpose.
Lemonade stands are usually a child’s first stab at business.
If they win there, it can set the stage for a life of more wins.
Mine was a Kool-Ade stand. I sold a cup of Kool-Ade for a nickle.
Well, William Wallace did meet a grisly end, but the Scots weren’t subjugated. Bannockburn settled that issue for a while. I’m sure that Surfer’s in a foamy wrath right now over the mere suggestion that his peeps were subjugated, so I’ll let him handle that.
(I hesitate in commenting about this issue ever since my DNA results came back from and listed me as 53% British, but didn’t go into details about where in Britain the 53% came from. I could be backing the wrong side here and not know it. Adoption sucks, folks.)
So what is Columbus going to do? We already have the results from the Model College Town/State Capital Org in Austin, and they’re not very encouraging. People at The Ohio State University are worthy of a joke, but they’re not stupid enough to fall into this trap. And the majority of elected Ohio state representatives are massive Christians, or pretend to be in order to be like their constituents. They wouldn’t touch Scientology with a twenty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole.
Then again, why am I rationalizing this? It’s an Ideal Org. It should be assumed at this point that epic fail is just around the corner and that money going into them is being flushed down the crapper.
Hi Espiando,Great post.My husband choked on his OJ about the Scots,but OSD will gladly fill you & I in as to why! Years ago I went to Ohio U & in the Athens bookstore Dianetics was always behind the counter.!
Still I in my 22 yr old innocence & wonder asked for it read it & off to the SO I flew! So glad all of it turned out the way it did & I am still here! XO Ann B.
Ann-I am absolutely still in love with both Ohio U. and Athens 20 yrs later. I went to Kent State, but made the trek down to visit many times; especially for Halloween shenanigans.
I cannot believe you left that gorgeous, quaint town for the SO! I’m shocked but happy to hear it all worked out for you in the end.
Aye, laddie! Tis true that we weren’t, in fact subjugated! The Romans built Hadrian’s Wall to keep us from invading the south. Ya dunna want to mess with the Scots! I’m from Clan Campbell. And if we weren’t beatin’ up on the English, we were beating up on the other clans. Hey, fighting is just in our blood! Tis good to be a Celt!
“But…but we shook hands! You said an Englishman’s word is his bond!”
“Aye. But I’m na English!”
A favorite bit of dialog from the BBC’s Private Schultz
Hey OSD, maybe David “let him die” Miscavige has Scotts blood in him after all. I mean he likes to fight and beat up and seems it is in hid blood! On second thought, let’s hope he isn’t part Scott becaue that is an insult to all Scottish!
Cindy: violent drunkenness has also been cited as a salient feature of the Poles, and we know that DM is Polish…
…the great thing about the spit test was the decrease in percentage of Polish blood in me. Now I don’t have to say that the Toxic Dwarf is “one of us”.
Hey Cindy! I canna believe he be Scottish! He’s way too much of a coward! And, he’s way, way too small. He’s a girly man at best. And…you are right, dear, it would be an insult to all Scots if he be one of us…which he isn’t! Arrrrggggg…
Aye, Old Surfer Dude, ye spake sooth. DM’s a girly girl at best and is way too small… in every way. I didna mean to insult the honorable Scots.
There is no frickin way the Dildo has so much as an ounce of Scottish blood in Him. He is a cowardly son of a bitch. End of story! The only thing in his veins is the blood of a Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker and even that He had to steal!
Aye, that he is. But, I’m afraid that that’s an insult to all Yellow Bellied Sap Suckers everywhere!
As far as Scot blood goes, he has nary a drop! He should put in a little red dress and high heels and dance for us.
Perform? Of course, but keep in mind that its in his performance contract that he has to wear a blue tie which matches the backdrop. Right now our favorite Ecclesiastical Metrosexual is preparing for the camera by putting those bright blue contacts in, to make his eyes really pop, and getting his hair fluffed, and his make-up refreshed. Patience.
Who cares who’s Scottish or who’s not or what William Wallace did 700 years ago. What difference does it make?
OSD, I know what you mean about Clan Campbell. That is my hubby’s ancestry by way of Jamaica. He’s generally a good-natured guy, but when he’s riled up — Clan Campbell + Jamaica = something you dunna want to mess with, Mon. ๐
Listen dudes, you’re living in a dream world. The Irish now, FOUGHT and I might add won their independence with blood, sweat and tears (mostly English ones). The Scotch couldn’t even VOTE for their independence. I’m sorry, I lost all respect for them and I think its time the Scotch (I won’t even dignify them with the name Scots) stopped calling themselves Celtic and admit they’re Anglo-Saxons with their brains kicked out. Boo hoo.
Yup,I’m a proud scott,and I care! If you don’t like this conversation Tom why add to it,I’ll guess you wish you were as cool as as us Scotch,but your not. Lol…cheerio hen! “”<3 Stevenson/Dundee represent! That fact about hadrians wall is always my favorite point,the greatest empire ever couldn't subdue the Scott's so they built a fucking stone wall across the entire landmass of England! That's bad! Being Scottish holds a fierce pride,my granda and nana always reminded me every time what I was,and had to find the highlander picture every visit! Like every st. Party's day parade Im yelling to let ALL know that song on the pipes,it's SCOTLAND the Brave! Not Ireland ok!!! Lol,don't mess with a Scottie we just may throw cabers at Ya!
Espi, in my case, I know the name and nationality of my biological grandfather, who is almost certainly dead by now, and little else, so ask yourself if you’d trade places with anyone. It’s not where you came from, it’s what you do with what you’ve got right now.
Just an FYI…
Ancestry dot com is an ultimately an arm of the LDS (Mormon) church (I don’t know if the church owns it outright or it is merely owned by parishioners), but in either case, we didn’t use them for ancestral research as I am phenomenally opposed to the LDS’s baptizing of the dead without their or their family’s consent.
That said, you an get a very deep background anonymous genetic search (i.e., including when and where your family exited Africa in that prehistoric diaspora!) via National Geographic’s genomics project
Also there is an Indie who has a business doing ancestery research and helping people with it. Her name is Lisa Hamilton, ex-head honcho HCO exec and wife of former BC Sup, Mark Hamilton.
Yeah, I know about and the Mormons. However, I’ve got nothing personal against Mormon beliefs (they don’t mind us gay folk too much, unlike the cult, who want us dead), and thanks to that belief of baptizing the dead, they keep the best ancestral records around and provide an easy-to-use interface on Ancestry for searches. As for the Genographic project, Ancestry’s kit was $120 cheaper, and it’s more likely to provide the answers to the questions I want answered, top of the list being “Who’s my father?”
Disgusting! So sad to see the delusion still being perpetrated. Wake up! I hope Mike the legend has a good retirement plan left! Ha!
There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn’t want to see… And his romantic analogy on the “battlefield” is simply retarded…..
God I can’t wait for this cult to go broke somehow….
The Church of Scientology is a bad idea in general, but also examine the tone levels of some of these church members. It boils down to “I am a better person and Grade IV Release than you because I went up in status”. Do you remember the story of the OT VIII that jumped off a bridge and killed himself because he was skyrocketing in status? In the end the church uses their “status money” to pay attorney’s to try and cover up all the church’s O/W’s. Scientology is always worse than you imagined and it alone is the reason why Clear and OT are not household words. ๐