There are so many things wrong here it is hard to grasp them all.
This woman was in the SO — the LRH Host on the Freewinds. She had to leave “temporarily” to take care of her dying mother? If she is temporarily taking care of her dying mother then why isn’t the Sea Org helping her to stay alive? Hey, Sea Org, what about the quote she is using? “Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble” ….
Apparently the SO has completely deserted her. Dying Sea Org members are invariably seen as “out- exchange” distractions to the humanitarians of the Sea Org.
And let’s not forget, this is apparently an OT who is dying and cannot save herself by auditing away the BT’s “being blood disease” or whatever it is she has (wow, wonder if the BT’s have MU’s on the correct names of diseases what happens?)
Also, recall the crowing about Venezuela scientology was doing for YEARS. This was the country before Colombia that was saved by the WTH and LRH tech being used by the government
Hey — here’s a solution. Why doesn’t the IAS give her “Patron Meritorious” donation back — after all, it’s just sitting in their bank account. And they are supposedly humanitarians.
This is all very sad and a reflection of the relative importances of scientology and scientologists.
Final thought: If “the future of our planet depends on able scientologists like Dorys” when we are in very deep shit.
The true irony in this situation is that the money Dorys needs will probably, suddenly and mysteriously, appear.
Why? Not because of the generosity of Scientology, but because of this blog, run by the one of the world’s biggest SPs.
Mike, because you have exposed this, chances are Dorys will get the money she needs for her surgery. Because you have embarrassed Dave (not shamed – Dave is incapable of feeling shame).
Wow! SPs are more powerful than OTs! Who would have thunk it….
That’s sad how utterly greedy CoS is that they cannot help out someone who has given all to them. The sign of a true sociopathic leach …
“I have backoff”
(another side trip, sorry Mike—- I’m still using your blog as my shout-in-the-dark)
I used this term the other day…and then, gripped with uncertainty, asked the person, “is this a REAL WORD? is this a REAL TERM?”
We were discussing something about his son, and I suggested that “his cross country knee injury might “give him backoff on his further races” … and then I asked him IF THAT WAS A REAL WORD.
I realized ..when he seemed to not understand…… that maybe…maybe Real People don’t use the term, “backoff” in that way.
He is enlightened…I recently told him & his wife how I was basically …in a way…in a witness protection… under the radar, hiding from a cult, hiding from my spouse….. (I’ve known this family intimately for a decade, they are “wogs”) ….. (he didn’t know I had been IN)
..he freakin googled the term as we were speaking…
and now….
so have I….
and it’s cult talk.
Backoff is not used as a noun in this way. I secretly burned/recycled all my own Admin Dic stuff and all my OEC Vols, I don’t even have access to the cancelled definitions… but *sigh.
is apparently…cult speak….
sign me:
StiLL LeArNinG
Jada Pinkett Smith:
(off topic)
I was finally able to watch Leah on Jada’s show:
Jada totally threw scn under the bus, and it’s wonderful to see.
It’s SO FREAKIN FUNNY to watch this and HEAR her totally disavow scn (as far as they’re concerned) and know ……
that for the people at large………..
they have NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO idea of the magnitude of the “shade” she’s throwin on scn. When you listen “as if you were a Wog”, it all sounds just sooooo light and airy.
Jesus. H.
DM must have been having epic kitty fits.
It’s so much fun to watch this and see how it was just a Dance. These chicks knew what they were doin. Jada is all, “oh, I was never a scio, (and they were cool with that and never challenged me as I made my way up the bridge” … and Leah was all, “oh yah, I get it, they treated you differently because you were a celeb,..I understand, here’s the real deal….”
and yet…….
Jada OUTS herself in the way she speaks and several phrasings…she was IN and she wanted it to be secret, she got outed, she was pissed, she’s out now, and she knows the rules so she doesn’t come out and SAY IT. She’s protecting SOMETHING (career?) with her careful dance……
Thanks, Jada.
We, who were in, get it.
The rest? They know you’re “not in” and they’re buying whatever you’re selling to whatever degree they feel the urge to summon
It’s a pretty picture, and I’m glad, because any disavow or out talk is helpful, all truth is acceptable and helpful…..
But …I just want to lean close and whisper in Jada’s ear,……………’chicken SHIT!”
*(celebs may get special dispensations, but KSW is KSW and you don’t get far without toeing THAT line)
So, so typical of the Sea Org. What’s a sick Sea Org member worth that has no money and they can’t work? Answer: NOTHING. If possible a sick Sea Org member, like this woman, will be dropped on the door step of some relative. “Problem solved”. Money only flows in one direction.
Matt you are so right about what you say. I’ve seen it first hand when an old SO member can’t work and thus becomes a burden to the SO, they ship them off to any relative fast fast fast. Other churches such as the Mormon church, Catholics, Episcopalians and many others help their parishoners who need help and eve have welfare funds of money they can give out to the deserving/needy. As you said, In the C of S the money only flows one direction.
The GoFundMe page never mentions scientology. Just “her church.”
Someone will go to ethics for that (hiding the fact that one is a scientologist).
In her Go Fund Me plea for money she says, something like,
“As you know, when you flow on your dynamics, flows will open for you.” Really? I used to believe that line when I was in simply because it was the line that was fed to me and others. But what proof do we have it’s true? Do you know anyone that gave money to a charity person and had that much or more money come back to them? Or did wonderful opportunities fall into their lap as a result of giving money? I haven’t heard any stories like that.
(Sing-songy voice.) SOMEBODY’S (Paola) GOING TO BE IN TROUOUOU-BLE.
I can’t believe she had the audacity to say “Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen . . . lungs.”
It’s a well known fact (per LRH Scifi BS Paper #14 – you can look it up) that “blood is made up of 3 components. These are emulsified body sap, surfactant XB1 and folicular residue.”
“Just like the body has sweat glands, the body has blood glands where all of these component parts which the body generates are combined, packaged and shipped to the aortic vortex. Once the shipping packaging has been removed the combined elements are all that remain inside the vortex. These are thoroughly mixed as if in a centrifuge. (Have you ever jumped up and felt light-headed? This occurs when the aortic centrifuge is down for maintenance or short staffed.)”
Jumping ahead. “What the wog scientists call hemoglobin is actually a portion of the folicular residue and it’s only purpose is to give the blood a pleasant red color.”
Anyway, I hope the girl is going to be alright.
Google is your friend:” dorys khouri scientology ” got some interesting hits
at, IAS — some of the names, I found,” Dorys E. Khouri Labbad” under VENEZUELA, so there’s some indication she may be real or was at one point.
Scientology doesn’t help ANYbody ‘stay alive’ If you can’t keep the MEST in line and functioning, it’s YOUR responsibily, not theirs. What did you do to pull that condition in, anyway? Asking for money back would be, like, SO out exchange, like.
Wow, is that unfortunate lady in the wrong religion.
That’s a kind gesture on the part of her friends. Kind, supportive words.
That said, here what her “church” REALLY thinks about her troubles, her current condition.
Are you ready?
Yo Dorys –
“What’s “able” and “upstat” about a Scientologist with a life-threatening illness, crashed work stats and no money? Sounds pretty PTS and downstat to US. Don’t you understand that you’re 100% responsible for your condition? So you donated 20K to the IAS and in doing so depleted your savings, so what? Why didn’t you make that go right? So you worked hard and Venezuela’s economy crashed and the bottom fell out of your job, well, why are you living in Venezuela anyway? Nobody’s forcing you to live there. You can do real estate anywhere. What are your overts and witholds, Dorys? What have you DONE that has contributed to this low condition? How did you pull this in? Take a look, Dorys.
Much love,
The Church of Scientology
Make no mistake, conceptually, this IS what the cult has already told her.
In CO$’s eyes, she is OUT-ethics, SEVERELY PTS, and DOWNstat.
And ready to be kicked to the curb.
Aqua – you said it exactly like it is. And a never in would never believe this but make no mistake these are the exact words that would be said to her by the EO, the reg, the ED, her auditor, her sup, her so called friends and on and on. And unfortunately she will look “in” to try and spot the “why” just like I used to do and the rest of us. Oh, my the thought, it’s draining me. So lucky to be OUT!!!!!!!
Yes, lucky. So lucky. I hear you, Ms.P.
Yes all that and when making her wrong they’ll add, “and why did you let your insurance go and not keep up on the payments so that your insurance would pay?”
this is a “correct think”. You would never ever be “upbraided” for thinking such things.
As Terra wrote recently the R in ARC has become the single focus. Some years back their ARC scale inverted to the down side and the spirit has fallen lower than non existent to them. Their Reality has become solid matter, as evidenced by all of the real estate, and the demented one’s focus on massive empty buildings.
it is then no surprise that a life in trouble is of no interest to them; It’s a meat body after all. Drop it and come back as we commanded/implanted you to do. No humanity, no love, no church.
Not for sea org members. Let’s see how that works when it’s Davey’s turn
Right! I’m sure if Davey gets a hangnail he’d get it medically checked and his manicurist RPF’d 🙂
Let’s see how that plays out!
2021: Miscavige dies.
2041: At a baby shower, some woman looks into the bassinet to admire the new baby. No sooner does she utter “cootchy cootchy coo” than the infant leaps out of the bassinet and beats the shit out of her.
Yep. He’s back!
Revenimus? Unfortunately.
Alco, this would make a great horror film. Rosemary’s Baby, move over!
How’s this for the preview?:
It’s not just a baby……………..
(blood curdling scream)
Rated R
Now showing at select theaters.
OK, I’m tracking with you. The baby in his bassinet will have a blond pompadour and blue eyes. And little claws.
Dave has access to $billions. Like he could give a shit about anybody else.
My Fitness Board originally said for me to “Return to Duty as soon as possible next lifetime”. The ship paid for my room and board after I left for some time and gave free cruises to the chiropractor they sent me to. Sounds nice of them.
If they had only tossed my ass on the beach when they found out that I had tested positive for HIV I would have gotten medical treatment much faster and would not have goten dementia and come close to death.
Just as they paid for the HIV virus (via their insurance), they paid for my continued loyalty (not that that was needed.) By paying for my room and board, I also had to follow the directions of the chiro they sent me to who told me in no uncertain terms that the meds the doctors would give me were worse than HIV. Because the chiro actually cared while the Freewinds had clearly written me off as dead, I followed his advice as long as possible. Once I had dementia and no longer knew what year it was or what country
i was in it was left to my wife (who had recently been released after being held against her will for 6 months). to determine my medical treatment. They had told her to put me in a hospice to die.
The only reason they are not Guilty of murder in my case is they failed to finish their cycle of action. But they came damn close enough. There were many actions that each alone should have finished me off. I must be incredibly lucky.
This Goddamn blog is almost like an auditing session (Good). After I post something (Itsa) I often get a.cognition.
Now I have to write down what I have learned.
The net result of how my cycle was handled was (under the pretense of getting me help) to get me to reject all effective medical help. Since I already had advanced AIDS from a blood transfusion that they paid for and supervised, my death was imminent. The only thing that could reverse that was to receive proper medical care. So first they held my wife against her will giving me a Present Time Problem far greater than having AIDS. While my attention was tied up on that, that allowed the HIV to progress unchecked. What better way to ensure that a person would get no proper medical care than to body-route him to someone to handle it who had no clue but also had much false data about it. I should not have charge on it; it was a brilliant strategy to cause my death that I would have never suspected until years after I was actually dead.
This is partly how the Church gets away with all of what they do. Their compassion, their desire to help their comrades are as effective as a bullet in the brain. That is why they are so dangerous while appearing to be so benign. I sometimes actually feel a little remorse at fouling up their plan.
But I feel a little better knowing that I have earned my SP Declare by this post alone.
Dead Men – “I must be incredibly lucky.” I believe you are incredibly strong! I think WOW every time I read your comments. Hugs to you.
Patron Meritorious? Isn’t that a million dollars??
Might be; I’m too lazy to try to look it up. WhatEVER “Patron Meritorious” means, I’m sure it’s more than the $4,000 the poster was asking for, but once it’s been given to the org, it’s GONE, no way to find it again; no way to appeal the decision. Heck, it’s ‘just’ a body, right? Dump it and get a better one next time.
Heck, it’s ‘just’ a body, right? Dump it and get a better one next time.
Once again proof for the statement “Scientology, it’s always worse than you think”
It just amazes me how inhumane Scioland really is!
There once was a pirate named Dave
Whose methods were cruel and depraved
He burned all his members
As souls turned to embers
Not knowing he’d dug his own grave
What are your crimes? She will have to to a PTS handling + auditing. This will cost her the last breath.
Sad, victim becomes perpetrator, becomes victim, becomes perpetrator, and victim again.
I hope she recovers, but I also hope she leaves the cult right away.
They don’t want any deaths at their AO’s Orgs, Ships etc. Lisa McPherson was enough. So if you are gravely ill, they won’t even let you on base to see the MAA. They tell you to handle it from afar and come back for ethics handling after you’re OK (so that you don’t die on the base.)
Goodness me… this rips your guts out!
Hubbard wrote in KSW 1, “Scientology is a deadly serious activity.” He wasn’t f..king kidding was he?!
I said the other day, Miscavige has blood on his hands, I meant it! Hubbard led the way with putting in the organizational foundations for the abusive neglect of its members in policy coupled with the formation of the militaristic Sea Org and its top heavy & brutal chain of command. The way Hubbard treated his own shipmates is indicative of the low life officer scum he actually was. What further evidence is required that the organization of Scientology indulges in tax exempt and legally endorsed destruction of their own members. Money before people and personal sacrifice for the cause are their operational orders! (I was going to use the word murder in here but it doesn’t fit, at times it’s close though). However, you can actually see with this sort of thing just how dangerous it is to trust Scientology with your loyalty & well being. I need to add here that this Solo auditing crap to handle body conditions is just that – dangerous crap if you believe it works!
What an incredibly culpable & toxic thing the Scientology organization is, that poor girl. I sure hope she gets the help she needs.
In writing this lots of memories of staff going to the staff section officer in Qual for body problems came flooding back and now I realize how gross & incompetently dangerous it all was – sick/injured people require medical assessment/assistance when its needed, not faux religious quackery. I know from military experience that a doctor outranks all others in their organization where a person’s health and their physical activities are concerned.
“Hubbard wrote in KSW 1, “Scientology is a deadly serious activity.” He wasn’t f..king kidding was he?!”
In truth, the correct statement is “Scientology is a deadly actvity.” Every day we were in, we died a little more.
Yes, everyday you are ‘in’, you die a little that day. Makes sense unfortunately.
But shit happens, and if you’re wishing to reengage life, grab a few smiles & move on to the next pile.
Scientology sure was the worst mistake I’ve ever made & boy, I’ve made a few doozies.
Luck to you bro.
Is anybody able to confirm that Dorys is an actual person? The post reads like a con, promulgated to get people to reach into their pockets – for the benefit of the organisation, rather than an individual.
I don’t have much sympathy for any Scientologist looking for money.
First of all, they are scam artists.
Second of all, Dory should have gone clear and realized she was mocking the whole thing up. Scientology is not a church that helps anyone.
Surely Dory has obnosed that for herself.
Scientology kicks people when they are down and discards them without sorrow. They have to pay Scientology for any help and the help is delivered by volunteers after extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars for the so-called help that is only mind control tactics and thought stopping proooocesses.
Unfortunately, Dory has probably contributed to discarding people without sorrow – it is SOP in Scientology.
Eventually karma comes back to bite you.
Dory should ask Scientology for that money back to save her life and Scientology should give it to her.
However, L Ron Hubbard made it a high crime to ask for a refund regardless of the reason.
Scientology – the science of criminal extortion and fraud since 1950.
I actually thought the same thing: get the public to reach into the pocket. I was just starting reading the post & my reaction went oh no, not another fund raising. It is really sickening. They are just begging for money for everything. Bums. What’s the different between them and the one on the street? Both beggingst money for nothing!
On the plus side, it looks like she reached her goal. I hope she got the surgery.
I don’t get it. She was SO in the USA. She has Obama care. She could go back to flag and get it for free.
She was on the Freewinds, not at Flag.
She could transfer to Flag because of her illness and get the surgery. Just a thought. Not that practical, I guess she went to be with her mom and got it abroad.
She’d have to be a US citizen to get any public assistance in the states. Sounds like she wasn’t a US citizen.
That’s true. You right. She don’t need to be a US citizen to work on the drifter.
My heart breaks for this girl and the belief system that got here there. The problem is that even if she receives the money she needs,
This may sound callous, but I can’t donate to causes like this because even if she receives the money, I would wonder if it would be used to fix her or if all of a sudden she will be surrounded by people who are willing to give her touch assists and other non-medical solutions while taking her money as donations to raise her status.
She can’t be audited well, yet there will be someone waiting in the wings to convince her she can if she has a penny in her hands. I hope she finds a way to fix her problem and it opens her eyes.
One can only hope she sees the betrayal she was subjected to and gets her life in order by waking up to the scam she was not only part of but heavily contributed to. That’s a tough pill to swallow for some, and I know from personal experience I have aided in the scam of Scientology but common decency and human attributes eventually kicked in, after that the evidence of the criminality of the Cof$ became obvious. But that’s life, take your mistakes on the chin and get back to the real business of living. Everyone has someone or maybe many others counting on you doing the right thing, even if you don’t know it.
I don’t get why the org didn’t go forward for her? $40,000 is nothing for them to exchange with valuable SO member. But no. They play victims to reach to the public pockets. Throwing this beautiful girl to the dogs. Criminals. Sum it all.
You are beautiful soul Valerie. Let’s ho toward with your assumption and say that she got the money and all of a sudden she got the vampires from the org suck the money out of her and give her assist. Hold in there is a deadline tight here…. she is going to get nothing! First they will get the money, then they will declare her illegal PC and chuck her out to the dogs. I need to remind you, you can not win with them when the money is top command intention.
From the point of view of scientology (only), this Paola Sanz made a big slip in mentioning that Dorys had donated $20,000 to the accursed cherch. A reasonable person would suggest, as Mike did, why not give her her 20K back to save her life? Are these deluded slaves so bereft of compassion and common decency they don’t see that? I guess I know the answer to my own question by now. The clams will just read this fund-raising email and think: well, time for her to drop the body. Oh, they might make some miniscule donations for show and to ward off their individual “handlers” just in case.
This s absolutely disgusting. My hope and prayer is that Dorys survives. has an awakening, and joins the battle against evil. Certainly she must be thinking: All the money I gave; where are my fellow scibots when I need them? But if she’s a die hard believer, she’s likely forcing thoughts like this out of her mind.
Hey, Paola, why not just write to “Mr. Miscavige” and ask him to help out?
You writing your post here as if you intending what you say seriously. Lol. Money goes one way flow. What fricking help you get? Maybe assists. Did you already forgot how deadly activity is this? Nobody never ever in the church will pop up and help with money. There is never what IF. Read the KSW while visualizing the thought of “the church sucking money or any variation of this” and you could see how every word in the KSW will fall all of a sudden beautifully in place. For the first time the KSW would make total sense.
This indeed demonstrates how Hubbard’s various precepts and prescriptions, like “Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble,” are really just qualified and one-way, always to the benefit of Scientology and its leader – loyalty is only ever required to flow up towards those powers, and responsibility (including taking blame) is always something imposed downwards. That’s of course the embodiment of how a narcissist operates.
Not only has the Scientology organization she worked for deserted her, but apparently the Sea Org comrades she worked with have as well, with an appeal having to go out on social media. It’s real sad to see how many scientologists have to resort to cap-in-hand through venues like GoFundMe for medical care, sometimes even what’s literally needed to save their lives.
I get the creeps when they talk about flow. Hook up a vein and drain them dry.
Harriet is trying, but her prejudice is showing. “She lives in Venezuela and as if that weren’t enough, now she needs surgery.” Venezuela is not my idea of a vacation spot, but I don’t think living there is worse than needing surgery.
Maybe Harriet considers Venezuela a “shithole country”.
Harriet would indeed be shocked if she realized what her ‘church’ was really up to.
Oh, she knows, Jim. She knows that her “church” only exists to RECEIVE help and that its every parishioner’s DUTY to keep himself or herself in good physical, mental, emotional and financial shape so as to be ABLE to help the “church”. Harriet definitely knows this.
Not only will they not give back her IAS dono that can save her life but they are presently circling her death bed to check if she has life insurance and making sure they are the beneficiaries. Oh, yeah and stripping her of any jewelry, cash, real estate, etc.
Absolutely right. Like buzzards circling above a wounded, dying animal.
Wow. She would have much better luck appealing to regular everyday people, like through a Go Fund Me.
This really does show Scientology in a very bad light. Very sad, to give so much money to the cause nearest to her heart, and have no help or charity in return. Most religions try very hard to take care of their own. I can’t believe I ever thought highly of this organization.
Poor girl (double meaning) she went PTS to Scientology like most of us. $$camology is suppressive activity. At least that’s how it represented.
I wonder, if a bunch of SPs offered to donate the money needed to save her life, if they would accept it? Or would they not want to be in comm with supressives in order to make the arrangements?
Cherch “policy” – not written but practiced all the time is that money is money and its all green. Sure they’d take it!
Their twisted mind depends only on getting a commendation, a picture with a trophy and a hand shake from the sociopath leader after your donation…, the rest, well, is like you said Mike, does not provide exchange.
Scn cult minds help to receive something back, not just for the sake of humanity.
Criminal and degraded state of affairs to say the least.
My mom died before places like “Go Fund Me” existed…I wonder if she would have had help on her dying days battling cancer?
Not much help showed up at our door despite LIVING and BREATHING the awful stench of scientology from 1976 until 2009. They did want to make her buy auditing though and I remember a few people squeezed in an assist or two.
No one helped us.
She died a week before Mother’s Day.
AOLA charged me to use their Atrium for a “service” while the vulture regges stood in the outer edges on the phone (do you know how that atrium is set up) working during this time of dev-t on their lines. They brought in a few cookies on a table in the back. So so so so disgusting.
Something to never forget and inspire me to get the truth out there about this awful group.
I am so, so sorry that happened to you. They will reap what they have sown, never fear.
Sarita, I’m sorry for your loss. But look at how hypocritical and out tech the current church is: In early references, such as the A to J Check etc, it is made clear that they will not allow you to have auditing if you are dying or have a terminal illness. Yet now you say they regged your mom to buy auditing when she was dying of cancer. They break their own rules just to get the money.
” … then why isn’t the Sea Org helping her to stay alive?”
Because the ‘humanitarians’ have no problem with treating their own like throw-away people!
Surely they have enough justifications for it, e.g. down-stat, PTS, not qualified anymore, resposible for own condition and so on. The main thing is Dear Leader is comfy with enough $ for his luxurious lifestyle, for all his needs, his health and protection from all possible ills and for his lawyers.
Paola Sanz means well but most likely will be called in for interrogations now because of out-PR.
It isn’t only that Scientology will not help her while she is on leave from the SO.
Even if she had still been on post, there is a high probability that she would have been “Fitness Boarded” out and left to deal with this on her own .
If you are on staff, any illness is considered dev-t (a waste of everyone’s time.)
It is an absolute disgrace that Scientology in general (and the Sea Org in particular) does not look after their own people.
Absolutely right. Nothing complicated about it. Nothing could be simpler, really. You’re of no further use, so…OUT! Thank you, next!
Greedy Cult of $cientology wouldn’t dream of doing a humanitarian act if their lives depended on it, or someone else’s. Not unless it gains them something financially (forget spiritually or morally). Not in LRH policy DNA. I do believe LRon was one of the first Pod People in matters of empathy.
Why do $cientologists have blinders on seeing fellow $cientologists dying just as frequently as wogs? The hubris that makes you think you’re something special or “homo novis” (aka homo numbskull) is the kind of thinking that in reality brings your downstatted downfall.
Scientologists don’t die AS frequently as wogs, they die MORE frequently than wogs in the same situations. I have 3 close friends who beat cancer since I left Flog. While in —in only 5 years— a couple of my co-worker friends died from treatable conditions; NO one in scn takes medical conditions seriously; And I half expect Dorys would be ashamed to know she had someone trying to help her that way, though she might enjoy being surprised to have a friend who cares enough to try to save her from dying unnecessarily at this time. Yes, all bodies die eventually, but there’s no reason to hasten the event. Enjoy life while it lasts. We don’t get do-overs on any of our yesterdays.(darn it!)
Of course. So being a $cientologist can and probably will be hazardous to your health. Especially the Sea Org variety where stress levels might also be higher than in the general population. I wonder where the aging Sea Org members go when they get too old to be useful anymore? Joining the Sea Org doesn’t seem the best way to look forward to an easy retirement.
They go anywhere they can. To their families, or if that’s not possible and/or if they’re broke and/or old and sick enough to a medicaid funded nursing home. By that time they’re probably so beaten down they think its all they deserve. The Sea Org chews ’em up and spits ’em out.
Mike, Is there a way to find the link to Dorys’ GoFundMe page so those of us that can and wish to can make a donation for her surgery & care? I can’t seem to locate it. Setting aside the fact she is a Scientologist, ~she is a human being and irregardless that CoS doesn’t care to help her, we can do so bc it seems very wrong to allow her to die just bc she can’t afford the surgery that will save her life.
FreeEX2, You are restoring my faith in humanity. Bless your beautiful soul.
I agree with you it is wrong to allow her to die due to inability to afford treatment, especially because of the economic disaster in Venezuela. It would be highly ironic if Scientology critics and -exes were to be the ones to provide her the funding.
Fortunately, they’ve raised $5,198 of the $4,500 goal so far, no thanks to $cientology or the Sea Org:
This is the Go Fund Me link:
FredX, I don’t know what your religion is but I know a few people who call themselves Christian who should read use a page from whatever your book is.
I can’t help but sound cruel when using scn words I’ve heard so many times:
“Just make it go right, Dorys”.
And that is the current situation for our favorite CULT. It is a down statistic and Dave validates the loser stats daily.
Yo Dave,
I have had the opportunity to visit with yet another of yer ‘in good standing members’ this weekend. Not to worry ’bout those stats Dave ……….. this member will never do another course, will never ‘pick up the cans’ and will never donate to anything you are involved with … ever again. Take a win good buddy because this individual is counted as a ‘member in good standing”!
Thanx Newcomer for the best news of the day! ☺
Newcomer works and he helps people. 🙂
“If she dies, she dies.”
That’s worthy of a commendation Newcomer – considered yourself commended for a job well done!
If you’re reading this Dave – we love you too. The speed at which you’re destroying Scientology is commendable as well. There’s an extra couple of stars in it for you if you’d hurry up though – give it a thought hey? Power is defined as the speed of particle flow, therefore running at full pelt off a pier while wearing your diver’s belt will get there, go on… give it a go – Get powerful, (as well as giving a whole bunch of crabs a whisky flavored lunch).
Just guessing, but can’t imaging Missavage can do any running. His lungs are toast from the cigarette diet he lives on.
I’m pretty far removed from Scientology now and am not aware MIscavige is addicted to nicotine via cigarettes. Is that right?
Yes, that’s my understanding. DM smokes unless he quit and I don’t know. I thought Kay Rowe had told me that he quit in 2005 and ordered all the PAC IAS Unit to quit but I asked her about that in 2015 and she didnt recall.
Great news and commendation in order for Newcomer!
So Scientologists can’t expect to appeal for or get assistance unless they first state their in-house qualifications, positions, or at least assure other members that they are “able, upstat, and in good standing”? Seems to me that they have to prove their worth before Scientology’s “humanitarianism” kicks in (if ever). Disgusting!! Whatever happened to helping others because a) they are a human being, and b) it’s the morally good thing to do? Oh right…Scientology auditing strips away all natural emotional instincts and compassion over time. Empathy, grace, mercy, love…totally non-existent in the Scientology world. Not only is Dorys sick and stuck in a country with a crummy economy/government, she’s been abandoned by a group that gave her quack treatment that didn’t work (time to rely on that wog science called “medicine” again!). After giving up her time, money, energy, and loyalty to Scientology for so many years, this is the kind of “thanks” she gets back? Scientology is unspeakably vile to its core.
madame d, allow me to enlighten you.
No matter how “upstat, able and in good standing” a Scientologist has BEEN, getting sick and/or going broke or becoming disabled in any way means this Scientologist has CEASED to be “upstat and able”, is now PTS and DOWNSTAT
Cherch policy forbids “rewarding a downstat”. Furthermore if this person doesn’t HANDLE his or her condition PRONTO via Scientogoy Ethics, he or she won’t be in good standing for much longer EITHER.
Being sick and broke makes this person OF NO USE to the cherch.
Now, a Scientologist can be sick and have MONEY that is given to the Cherch.
And he or she can be BROKE and still willing to WORK for the Cherch.
But the combination of SICK AND BROKE – uh uh! Thank you, next!
Geeze, it’s sad that her fellow SO comrades don’t have the resources to pull together just $4,000. That sure doesn’t say much how well they are compensated for their dedication to this cult.
Couldn’t agree more Mike! All the promoting this group does to portray itself as caring humanitarians is at a 180 degree vector to what is practiced. I suppose the unofficial motto of registrars could be: “Book ’em and Burn ’em!”
I hope Dorys survives, and then leaves Scientology. I suppose it wouldn’t work to simply “Not Is” her condition.
Right, that is so sad and beyond words.
David Miscavige, true to his rigid adherence to KSW and all things Ron, had this to say on hearing of this woman’s situation:
“When you validate down statistics, you get down statistics.”
DM only adheres to KSW and Tubby only insofar as it suits his mood at that moment. He has no problem altering tubby’s techniques and admin at a whim.
Methinks Tubby’s techniques and admin are both worthless. Dave is doing a bang up job. Literally! He’s most adept at creating enemies to give a false sense of emergency in order to extort money from gullible parishioners and thereby keep the scam going.