OK, this appears to be a new scientology tactic: give an “award” to everyone you know in the hope it will persuade them to show up.
Are they seriously giving “awards” to 21 people? That is more people getting awards than Buffalo Org has on staff. It’s more winners than the Academy Awards…
And I wonder how many of these people know who it is they are being awarded by? They probably think “United For Human Rights Buffalo” is a legitimate organization. It is intended to create that impression. They might even think the “Human Rights” organization is just using the building for their event.
I would be certain a good percentage of them have no idea they are going to be used to promote “scientology’s good works” at the next scientology event.
There are a couple of elected officials and some law enforcement people named here. Perhaps they need some help with their due diligence about this event. They should know it’s like showing up to an “Equality For All” event that is in fact just a front for the KKK.
There’s only a few days to clue them in.
Looks like they had a day in September 2017 where many of them were present:
Because of the comment mentioning Pastor Giles possibly being on the payroll/connected to COS, I am wondering how safe it is to contact these people. I wrote the first senator but was required to give my personal info. I then went to the Women Warrior site and found the same thing. I don’t want them to have my info and pass it on to COS. I do want to help but not want to get caught in the crossfire. Anyone know anything about the Women Warrior site other than the info on the FB page or website? Don’t want to write another front group. Thanks in advance.
Nothing like playing to peoples ego ! lets give them all Ahole awards !
Peace; in the Sea Salt extremist group meaning Peace of ass, piece out or, pieces of 8? Nothing about that word means anything in the normal English dictionary.
Mike……I grew up in New York. Not in Buffalo….but in a city about 2 hrs east of there. I will be informing Senator Kennedy and the Legislator, Ms. Grant…about who is giving them an award.
I wonder if The org sent them this in their invitations? It says right on it …. Church of Scientology.
I am on it. This hits too close to my childhood home.
Thank you all for posting the links Excellent!!!
This tactic is mentioned in the PR series, so it should not seem that surprising. I think Ron’s intention was to connect the award to Scientology. Clearly that can’t be done here.
Sick bastards
I like the award-winner identified only as “Officer Sharpe”. They don’t even know his first name!
I saw that and thought the exact same thing.
Maybe his first name’s Willy and they’re just embarrassed.
I hope many people are paying attention and watching Leah Remini. It’s not just heresay, it’s fact. Just like all the sexual harassment and assault stories are coming out, so are the atrocities and abuses Inside this faux “religion” that completely separates mothers from her children, husbands from wives, forces couples to abort babies against their own will ( fact ) , keeps deep secrets and stalks Any member who is heard saying anything negative or questioning the actions of the higher ups!! People have been beaten up by The so called leader , people have been locked up and held inside buildings with NO ELECTRICITY NO AIR CONDITIONING IN SUMMER OR HEAT IN WINTER, surrounded by razor wire for just disagreeing or questioning something that is blatantly WRONG.
This is not a “well we should just mind our own business” thing this is human rights abuse, child abuse, theft as they milk thousands out of people for courses that aren’t even courses. Money people do not have and go into deep debt to get it, only to be told later the course is now updated so they have to take it again! More money! They make people hold the meter , like two coke cans on string and then say the meter says they have been untruthful and get punished. THIS IS NOT A RELIGION, there is no love, they do everything they can to wipe out any kind of feeling in people, no compassion allowed, no bonding with your babies, and if you leave, your family members will disconnect from you. All I can say is that people have a brain for a reason , to THINK!! Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley…… you’d think they would have gotten it by now! The only reason they treat them like royalty is $$$$$ . Nothing more and their BRAINS obviously don’t work correctly. So many victims have come forth with stories of horrific abuse and mistreatment. My hats off to Leah Remini!!! SHE HAS SOME BA//$, I mean GUTS and I hope that weasel Miscaviage is shaking at the thought of his sick twisted empire crumbling all because of a moronic fool psycho who made up some junk, called it a religion and people fell for it.
Thank you for your caring comment, Tess, in particular, “…people have a brain for a reason, to THINK!”.
Essentially, ex-Scientologists were offered the following choice: To THINK and use their brain, OR, to choose at all times to remain in good standing with their “church”.
Those who chose their integrity to themselves, who chose not to lie to themselves, to observe what they observed and to call it as they saw it, so to speak, were more often than not, severely punished via the cult’s Disconnection and Fair Game policies.
Unless one could call good friends, “loved ones” I personally did not suffer this way when I left, mostly because everyone I dearly loved died before I joined up.
Nevertheless I stand with these people, these very brave people, who had the courage to choose integrity over lies, who made their decision to leave the Church of Scientology out of the awareness that no relationship, no matter how dear and precious, no matter how close, is ANY good if telling the truth about fundamental, important issues is not possible in that relationship, and that, if one’s nature is essentially honest, being forced to live a lie with a loved one is a great burden, and pretty much cancels out any other benefits from that relationship.
very well said, thank you
Wow how brave you are. I think first the word CHURCH must go. Satanic cults don’t even call themselves a church. This so called religion is as much satanic as any cult . Bless you all for helping Leah’s ( and Mikes) cause. I have no connection to this but I grew up near Clearwater and am appalled at what those lunatics have done there. My husband and I wait weekly for Leah’s show
Thanks Mike for exposing the hypocrisy. Never have I seen such disingenuous efforts to make Scientology look like a benificent organization. When I think of the deaths, broken families and mentally scarred individuals who came for help and got nothing but betrayal it makes we weep.
You and Leah have taken your mission seriously and you are making positive changes.
Thank you again for what you do and have done.
Scientology couldn’t even get the ACTUAL police to participate. The Buffalo Special Police is a VOLUNTEER group and I’m sure its members are probably looking for any good publicity. As mentioned elsewhere in the comments, Scientology gave an award to one of the “officers.”
The ones that will show up are Kirsty, John and all smiles Tom (who loves attention) did you see him in that seminar! Holding his hands up and thinking he was God’s gift to?
If Sharon Tell would only know. She also has a facebook page. I have known her for years. she is a very religious (Christian) woman and will probably have a fit. She is also friends with Byron Brown the mayor of Buffalo and Darius Pridgin community activist. I will drop her a line on facebook.
Thanks for reaching out so she knows! Looks like it’s time to fire up the Google & the gmail to make sure everyone here knows what they’re getting into!…
Thanks for reaching out to her to tell her. If LRH’s words about Christianity aren’t known to her, someone should inform her.
Umm it says Scientology right on the very bottom of the poster. So I’m sure the word will get out there soon that they are being awarded by Scientology.
After being forewarned that this is part of the cult, I wonder how many of the people named will show up.
Seems like they should get some kind of edumacational letter informing them of exactly who it is that is pandering to them for legitimacy, and a list of the human rights violations that this organization is a front for is accused of perpetrating. I would think that the location of the ceremony would be a big tip-off, but who knows? These people are just so sleaze-a-liciously devious!
The award recipients have not necessarily seen the poster either. The cherch could have used any number of media to interact with them.
The hypocrisy of scientology is staggering.
A perpetrator of human rights violations pretending to be a protector of human rights… what a laugh.
David Miscavige, in case you have forgotten…
Great points! Why this is allowed to go on Is a huge question!! When will it be seen as the horrid cult that it is!
Very disgusting and sad. Its beyond me how this organization is allowed to continue. .!! I mean in this day and age ?
Here’s a good start. I will get some more when I get home later tonight.
Timothy Kennedy’s contact Information: https://www.nysenate.gov/senators/timothy-m-kennedy/contact
Betty Jean Grant’s contact information: https://www.nysenate.gov/senators/timothy-m-kennedy/contact
We Are Women Warriors contact information: https://www.womenwarriorswork.org/contact/
Pastor James E. Giles contact information: http://www.backtobasicsoutreach.com/about-us-and-contact.html
Captain Nichols, Officer Sharpe, Bobby Lee, Sgt. Leigher ALL BUFFALO PD (Hmm, they should talk to LAPD about how that’s working for them – or maybe just call mayor Byron Brown) contact information: http://www.bpdny.org/Home/About
Sharon Tell A Team of Hope contact information: @phecbuffalo
Lifesavers, and Shantella Woods are part of “Truth About Drug Foundation” and Scientology: https://www.newswire.com/news/buffalo-mayor-commends-truth-about-drugs-volunteers-19761773
This is so awesome of you Valerie.
Pastor Giles’s son who seems to run some of his stuff blocked me on Twitter after I pointed it out to him. Could they be on the payroll? https://twitter.com/Innovation_101
Thank you! You rock like Pop Rocks!
Thankyou for this info. As an Aussie never-in, I feel kinda useless just standing by and not being able to meaningfully help. This will make a difference. I will look at the information now.
Thank you for the information. Keep up the good work! Your contributions are invaluable.
It’s not even like 21 completely separate people. At least 2 of the people on the list work for the same ministry. http://www.backtobasicsoutreach.com/about-us-and-contact.html
I sent some of the people on the list tweets. Is that Debbie Allen as in THE Debbie Allen? She doesn’t seem foolish enough to show up for something like this.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this information. I’m actually SURPRISED the INVITE DOES include “Church of Scientology”. I would HOPE that gives potential award recipients a RED FLAG.
As far as reaching out to these recipients — can anyone else offer a LITTLE more guidance. I realize no one wants to “put words in our mouths” .. but for those of us NOT used to writing or contacting individuals in cases like this … my questions:
(1) Do we write letters to them — send to THEIR OWN organizations or addresses? Twitter / Facebook etc seems limited.
(2) Any ideas on how to START the conversation? Do we approach them with a thoughtful warning of who is involved?
(3) It would HELP SO MUCH for them to see information from the A&E program — but realize that could appear a slippery slope. I don’t want to make it appear I’m simply promoting the program — but HOW ELSE do we educate them in such a brief contact?
(4) If you feel uncomfortable answering these questions or giving ideas — PERHAPS SOMEONE ELSE READING THIS MAY HAVE IDEAS TO SHARE!
Youth for Human Rights seems to be the link for the We Are Woman Warriors
Isabelle Vladoiu posted the event there. It looks like she is part of the Youth For Human Rights movement. That is a scientology front group.
I wonder, if this group Youth For Human Rights and Isabelle were around when I was trapped at the international base wanting to leave but not being allowed to (or even call my mom or a family member to come get me) if she would have rescued me. I was 15.
just called the rev at the church, he knew nothing of it.
Not a big surprise!
Left a message for Mr. Kennedy (it’s after 5pm in New York).
Betty Jean Grant’s Contact info:
It takes a few minutes to call and leave a message. Just tell the truth. Don’t sugar coat, don’t be dramatic…no need. The truth and be sure you give your contact info so they can reach back if they want to. No hidden agenda – just trying to give them some personal facts of my own experience.
Scientology and Human Rights just don’t go together. They are getting desperate so they have whip out a load of horse shit about how they advocate for human rights
Timothy M Kennedy’s Contact info:
I will definitely try to contacting these people. This worked out when I saw the FBI agents were going to participate in an event at Scientology on the same topic. That resulted in two FBI calls interviewing me on what happened to me when I was a CHILD in the ranks of the scientology management group Sea Organization.
Just picked a random name on the list to search for contact info…
Asst Chief Bobby Lee, Buffalo Special Police
Looks like they already gave this award: http://www.scientologynews.org/press-releases/church-of-scientology-honors-buffalo-special-police-on-world-humanitarian-day.html
Also, the Buffalo Special Police need MONEY to support their cause, not awards. Seems like something Scientology has bucks for?
I haven’t found a way to contact him yet. If I do I will share the info. Then everyone can write.
CA has several wild fires going which are threatening life and home as well as nature. Where are the yellow shirts? Where are the Scn Volunteer Ministers? California has the largest concentration of Scns on the earth, so I ask again, where are the Scn Volunteer Ministers helping out in time of crisis?
Well, in fairness, not sure what they would do unless they have a fire truck. I am sure the real firefighters are not upset that they are not underfoot.
They could drop WTF pamphlets around, to, you know, calm everything down.
Good points Mike and Aquamarine. I was being sarcastic and didn’t really want the VM’s to help with the CA fires. To hear the church and Davey tell it, the Scn Volunteer Minister yellow shirts were the “only group let behind the police tape at Ground Zero in the 911 NY bombings.” So I guess the volunteers can do the same thing in CA that they did to help at Ground Zero. (That is said tongue in cheek.)
Yea the fires in Napa and Sonoma were worse
I sure don’t remember seeing any one wearing yellow shirts…hmmm
“There are a couple of elected officials and some law enforcement people named here. Perhaps they need some help with their due diligence about this event. They should know it’s like showing up to an “Equality For All” event that is in fact just a front for the KKK.” Priceless. Love your writing, Mike.
Well, it seems that “We are women warriors” facebook page hasn’t posted anything since 2014.
Incorrect, l can see 9 posts in the last 24hrs alone and lm not a member of their group.
I’m not sure what you are looking at – but this is their most current post… as of right now 🙂
Insert an ‘oopsy’ gif here…