The next in a continuing series of “We are doing this for you COB” — lectures and seminars designed exactly for his particular weaknesses.
The first in the series is here.
For the man who came up with the “why” that “the blind are leading the blind” with a handling of doing rote drills that make every auditor a robot and now with Phase II everyone going DOWN the Bridge, and his brilliant “the orgs are trying to do too little” with a handling of buying them new expensive buildings and the entire Scientology org network flatlining, this seminar is just what the doctor ordered.
I know you may have missed it Dave. Sorry, I just had too many other good things to put up.
But being the Pope and all, I bet you could get Larry to do a special one on one seminar with you….
This is priceless! Yes, definitely ensure that COB is confirmed and reconfirmed for this one! Toooo funny!
That said, it surprised me that they have the kishkas to hold a seminar like this for the sheeple. Does He really want them being given Data Series references to learn how to analyze data for outpoints and pluspoints, compare Ideal Scenes to existing scenes, determine situations and find Real Whys which open doors to handlings? Isn’t that kind of dangerous for Him? I would think it would be dangerous for Him to have his obedient bots even able to recognize differences, similarities and identities. I’m surprised He’s allowing it, frankly.
I doubt that there will be much real info in the seminar. It’s probably just an opportunity for more crush selling with a new set of buttons.
From Data Series 2 “Logic:
The Data Series was created by Hubbard as a decoy and distraction to real logic. Hubbard created it and gave it to Scientologists so that Scientologists could not spot what Hubbard was actually doing to them.
It is totally safe for Miscavige to give Scientologists training in the Data Series. The Data Series can not be used to spot what Scientology really is, and what is actually being done.
What Hubbard discouraged and distracted Scientologists from, as in the quote above, was training in real logic.
That would be dangerous for Davey to give to Scientologists.
I know this is a suppressive question but it seems to be applicable to Dave, and that is: “Do you still beat your wife?”
Larry Gilbert, You in Big trouble now. David Miscavige WILL attend seminar.
Oh, come on, Mike. Sure Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is not going to be tricked into thinking that his staff agrees with you about anything. He knows he can trust them through and through. And that he can safely delegate the handling of one or two insignificant practical details (like the lawsuits against narCONon) to his devoted staff.
“To find the exact reason your life, work or your Bridge progress isn’t going right”.
So, it is already assumed you are not doing fine if you don’t move up the Bridge: this alone sets a condition of what you should DO and, based on that, it can be determined if you are doing fine or not.
Additionally, It doesn’t matter if you have done Scn for years (which supposes to make people more able), you still need to attend a seminar so someone else can show you how to handle the wrongness of your life or work.
Sounds familiar? Yes, Evaluation – Invalidation – Nullification. And this drill of finding a Why because you are not doing fine invites to….? Only to Introversion.
No wonder things inside the bubble are just collapsing.
If the Data-Series issues would be known, that would be the end of DM. Not one who understood and applied them would accept any of the nonsense. Data-Series 47 demands that one studies the entire Series in Sequence and not just random issues. What can happen when only a random issue – or much worse – only a small section of one is used is demonstrated by the “Ideal Org Program”.
“The Ideal Org” is a Data-Series Issue and so it should be studied in sequence with the other issues.
Alone, the word “Ideal” in it is a mis-understood, if one doesn’t knew the relating issues of the Data-Series about the”Ideal Scene”. It does not mean marble floors or golden faucets. It means that a thing, group etc. is fullfilling the purpose it is intended to perform.
The “Ideal Org Program” as ongoing is best decribed in the Section “Fixed Ideas” in Data-Series 8.
“If the Data-Series issues would be known, that would be the end of DM. No one who understood and applied them would accept any of the nonsense.”
I agree strongly with your quote above.
This got me thinking about David Miscavige’s Sea Org “study time.” A few days ago we saw photos of David Miscavige’s posh Library (looking very sterile and unused) with a comment that this was where he (supposedly) does his “2.5 hours a day” study time.
Assuming he actually does study time, who are his course supervisors, word clearers, examiners, etc.?
My bet is that:
1) He rarely, if ever, does study time.
2) When he does, he shuts the door and falls asleep more often than not.
3) When he does take enhancement time – being that he is so busy – it is a massage, tanning session, facial or hair service, fitting with the tailor, or stiff drink with a movie or private untrackable wireless access.
It used to be one could walk into Qual and get quick access to almost any policy or reference. I remember checking out tapes at an outer org to take home to listen to after hours (energy of youth)! I haven’t been in an org for a long time, but I suspect Qual Div staff would be more than suspicious if one went on a personal in depth study of the Data Series or any Ideal Org references and started asking too many questions.
As with so many things, the Data Series is just “old and something we don’t use anymore.”
Thank you, Worsel! Spot on that “Ideal Scene” does not mean “marble floors or golden faucets. It means that thing, group, etc. is fullfilling the purpose it is intended to perform”.
Marble floors and golden faucets would be an Altered Importance, one of the outpoints.
This is the concept I attempted to convey several years ago. A lot of good it did me.
Worsel, you are incorrect. The Data Series was/is known by all the major hitters in Int Management. They put up with DM. They were also HIGHLY trained in the PTS/SP tech. Even LRH put up with DM’s 1.1 acts and suppression.
Time to find a new “tech” that works…
It’s funny how preposterous the idea of DM actually trying to make any kind of personal gain is. He already knows everything… just ask his subordinates!
He’ll blame it on Larry Gilbert that his Ideal Org project doesn’t have any people in it.
I think Davey DID attend this seminar. I saw a guy in the back with a paper bag over his head furiously taking notes. I think it was Dave because he was muttering to himself in a sing-songy rythym and he kept saying the word “factually.” Also he had a Tom Cruise Top Gun lunch box.
The truth is no one can help David Miscavige – he is too far gone. It will all have to play out – like all dictator’s – they go out kicking and screaming!
Some went out hanging upside down and full of holes.:)
Much of the actual Data Series parallels good logic, no need mess with it Larry. Just compare it to your own good sense.
The Church of Scientology operates on the Data Series.
And we are seeing their failures right and left.
The reasoning and logic they employ to handle their situations produces one foot-bullet after another.
Could it be that thinking with the Data Series is one of the “whys” for the incompetence of the Church of Scientology?
I think so.
And the quote from LRH that is highlighted in that promo piece is a great example.
Let’s examine this reasoning:
“There can be an infinity of wrongnesses around just one rightness.
Thus there can be an infinity of wrong Whys possible with just one real Why that will open the door.”
Is this suggesting that there can only be one right why that opens the door to a handling for any situation?
Because real life shows that most often there are MANY Whys to any given situation – which open the door to many different handlings. It’s the Data Series which causes a person to look for only one why as the cause for a situation. And in doing so, creates unworkable handlings like we see with the Church.
“The Blind Leading the Blind” is a great example of the idiocy that one can come up with when one uses the logic of the Data Series to handle large and complex problems. As we have seen, it is completely unworkable, and has been disastrous for the survival of the Church of Scientology to use this “why” for what they faced in the 90’s, leading to GAT 1.
Sometimes, there is only one right why.
But that is a very rare scenario.
Thinking that you are looking for just one right why is simplistic and just dead wrong in most cases.
So threefeetback, I have to disagree with you when you say “Much of the actual Data Series parallels good logic, no need mess with it Larry. Just compare it to your own good sense.”
Alanzo, I respectfully disagree with your first sentence. The Church of Scientology is not operating on the Data Series. I did that course and I know those PLs well because I keep reading and re-reading them, and I can’t think of a single one that the church is following. Possibly in the past before my time or before I was paying attention, but not now, no way.
And that non-adherence to the Data Series would include Miscavige’s “Why” for the lack of trained auditors back in the ’90s which spawned the first GAT as “The Blind Have Been Leading The Blind”, God only knows what convoluted logic He used to come up with something like this, but it certainly wasn’t based on former statistics.
1.1 as usual.
The Data series is one of the best things I have ever read and applied.
My favourite is “Never use lies in PR” LRH
The C of S uses lies in their PR. They should not be confused with LRH’s Tech as they seem to no longer be applying it.
This is probably due to their lack of applying other LRH Tech such as the W/C Series.
LRH had to develop an entire Technology of Study so people could actually understand Dianetics and Scientology.
I think that’s an incredible achievment for any man. So the dwarf has dispensed with all this and we know the results don’t we. He goes off on other paths and other ideas etc etc.
Sounds like a lot of people think its a good idea to go off and spend their life trying to find out if lRH was right or not.
Good luck to them, I think its simply more fun to make TA on a daily basis using standard tech and feeling good about it, and having the quality of good C/S ing from well trained people.
But then again perhaps I should go off into the deserts of Montana and try and find some ancient native american who caould say he never met LRH so it was all lies and I should give up my Solo Auditing.
Hahaha!! I read your intro, then saw the headline of the seminar, and laughed….a lot!
Thank you for that, Mike. It’s been a tough week and I needed that laugh!
Now isn’t that special.