This one is another perfect seminar designed for Dear Leader.
And it’s not just any old seminar, it’s good old Arte Maren of Guardian’s Office infamy and he is delivering it at the “Community Learning Center”? I really dont think the community needs a center to train people on how to take someone’s money under the guise of helping them succeed.
I note there is another upcoming special Miscavige seminar too — the Do’s And Don’ts Of Social Media. I wonder is that includes tips about keeping your convicted child sex offender felons off your facebook pages?
From: Holly Haggerty <[email protected]>
Subject: Arte Maren seminar THIS SATURDAY -please watch video!
Date: July 7, 2014 at 4:41:21 PM EDT
Reply-To: [email protected]

In the ad it mentions all races, color, nationality or ethnic origin accepted, but it doesn’t say anything about homeless – lol!! They should just say “middle class” or higher are welcome and leave it at that.
I would NEVER want to learn about Social Media from anyone in the cult. They don’t know a thing about it.
“and learn why money is NOT the key to production or motivation”
If you pay good money to your employees more loyal and productive they’ll be !
“NONSENSE” but the COS demonstrate this rule. Motivate them with the promise of “Big money in the future” and they’ll work for free and even give you all their money.
If I would work this style I would be gone in an instant, but Scientogists believe any nonsense..
Darned right, Dan. If anyone needs to learn the subject of Management by Statistics, it is David Miscavige. Even if one decided that expensive buildings made an org ideal, and decided to implement such a program, one could still later correct the situation if it did not make stats go up.
If one knew only the definition of Management by Statistics and nothing else and had any ability to observe the physical universe they could see the result of their actions and make a correction.
Of course since a psycho always “has to be right” he is incapable of observing his own errors and incapable of correction and so must lie about the resulting statistics. Unfortunately for DM, there are a lot of Scientologists who can observe and who do understand Management by Statistics and who care about the subject of Scientology.
Again, the biggest losers in the universe are selling us tips to succeed. Would be easier to swallow if the bastion of LRH tech wasn’t a such an abysmal failure at its own mission of disseminating scientology. Sounds like more over simplified statistical analysis. The real secret of success is to harass people for donations night and day.
That said, $75 is pretty reasonable. Even for a bullshit course. My advice: take an art course.
God forbid that guys like Arte Maren would need to go out into the world and actually produce a product in order to earn their livings. Could also be that being ex-GO with lots of knowledge of what really happened back in the day that he’s on DM’s payroll – you know, just to keep his mouth shut. Far-fetched, possibly, and I don’t know him but I know other still ins who were ex-GO, now many years public, who have had lots of various intermittent businesses which don’t last or else simply flop, yet still have money to live comfortably.
There is nothing Artie knew or knows from those days that would put him on DM’s or anyone’s payroll. Regardless of the fact Arte was named an unindicted co-conspirator, he was Deputy Guardian Public Relations US – as Kathy Nather pointed out – and only involved when stuff hit the press. He would have been briefed only to the extent necessary for him to try to handle things (spin a bad story, if you will). First an intelligence failure, then a PR failure, then a legal failure…what a mess. It all was so stupid, didn’t have to happen, and was a kick in the groin.
There is no locker of secrets to be opened from those days. Pretty much everything came out in the press. Some stuff was even invented or dressed out to be more than it was to suit various peoples’ personal agendas.
I think I can easily guess what the top 3 DON’Ts of social media are going to be:
3: Do not create a public profile if you’re found guilty of one of those pesky wog offenses like child sex crimes.
2. Do not visit or post anything on the comment boards of suppressive websites (i.e Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega, etc, etc.) And most importantly…
1. Do not Photoshop COB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve heard that like all their orgs and off-shoot programs the learning center is struggling to pay the rent. And os they get people like Artie to come do seminars and donate the money to keep the lights on. They can’t have too much overhead though. I don’t think they will raise more than $300 from people happy to hear Artie tell them what they could just read themselves in a $3 booklet from the handbook. That $300 max, along with donations from all the staff, will have to last them a month or so until they try the same gag again. THey should just rent the place out to all the homeless people around – at $1 per person per night they would triple their income. Now that would be stat management!!
I remember Minshull’s books – they probably brought more people in than any of LRH’s stuff. She communicated better than he did!
“and learn why money is NOT the key to production or motivation”, because if you pay your people to produce, it won’t be in your pocket. Artie is just another ‘management consultant’, good for nothing but another line on the expense report and therefore, less taxes. Mentioning Tom Snyder just shows Arties age and relevance, if you’re still in the 70’s.
This is one of the reasons for the decline of Scientology. Arte Maren is simply full of shit. Remember, folks ….. he’s “IN BIDNESS” … he makes his money off of his association with Scientologists. No matter he is about 70 years old now. He’s completely empty of ANY integrity or honesty (or maybe he’s just senile and can’t observe anymore). How do I know this? Easy. Management by Stats? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Arte did his BC in the 60s and was an original Class8 as I recall. He knows damn well the stats have been declining for over 35 years now, especially since the destruction of the big missions. But he plays along with the destruction of Scientology because he is essentially money motivated. He gave up his honesty and integrity and his observation many many years ago.
Nicely put Joe,
Or rudely stated, “He’s sucking Davies d**k”
Pardon my French, but if he had some courage he could do something about the current Co$, and yes they would try to bury him. So what?
The church of mcscabicht isn’t all that powerful, they leech off others. That is all they are able to do.
Seems like most who are openly in and drinking the KA are financially dependent upon other KA drinkers. Like they’re all feeding on each other, while DM feeds on them. Eww. Now I need to rid myself of this picture so that I can sleep tonite.
Yep it is one big feeding frenzie! But when all are sucked dry, then what? No more blood to be had. Then the implosion will occur and it won’t be a pretty sight. I hope soon. And I Hope some leave before it gets to that.
The biggest outpoint for me in all this is also Arte’s hypocrisy. You are right that he has loads of training and hatting and experience – been around since 1960s or so. He has turned a blind eye to Scientology’s own collapsed and fake statistics probably just to keep meals on his table – what else can he do at this point in his life? On one hand I feel sad for these guys. On the other hand, if guys like Arte and other long-timers who were to some degree “OLs” would quit making like everything is just hunky dorey and start calling for accountability, there might be a quicker, more positive outcome for all. So many people I once admired, now I realize were not so “OT” after all.
Now,maybe we could look at this from the positive side. With Arte’s punching up the importance of statistics, maybe a few more people will look around and start noticing the outpoints.
“So many people I once admired, now I realize were not so “OT” after all.”
Exactly. All their placques, pins, commendations and certs mean nothing because at the end of the day their training merely functions to remind them of their own non-confront. No-one can go OT or be OT who is not ready, willing and able to look at an obvious isness.
I can think of some better seminars more suited to Miscavige, such as: “Bullying Your Way to Success: The fine arts of browbeating, intimidation and physical abuse.” Or, “How to Squirrel Everything, Get Away With it, and Profit in the Bargain.” Or, “New PR Tech Breakthrough: Use of Lying in PR.”
🙂 Brilliant!! How about “How to fool the public into thinking you are a nice guy, while intimidating all your staff.” or “How a midget became a giant (monster)”
What isn’t mentioned in the Arte Maren bio and really should be is the fact that he was one of the singers on the original top 40 hit of Barbara Ann.
“Use VITAL statistics that actually measure real production, real action and, when put into place, WILL raise statistics and with reduced stress.”
These words may get Arte Maren into trouble with management; the important stats are “number of paper clips used”; square footage of unstained carpet on premises; number of pleasant pictures in the waiting room;
…and what’s about “Number of exclamation marks used” ????? 😉
The facial hair says it all. Arte is absolutely senseless.
I wonder if there’s anyone out there who hasn’t already figured out that they don’t have to track statistics on paper.
At least he got a perm to spruce things up a tad!
I knew Arte.
On a completely unrelated topic. One night Anna Nicole Smith appeared on Letterman. He asked her if she had sex with J. Howard Marshall. She said “yes of course.” He said, ladies and gentlemen, I think I speak for the entire world when I say (and he shuddered) “bleeech”.
Oh wait, maybe it is related. . . .
This would be a really good seminar for David and friends to attend. Arte promises to show everyone how to “Use VITAL statistics that actually measure real production, real action…”.
So, if David shows up then maybe we’ll start hearing about paid comps, well done auditing hours and public reg paid starts again at events?
Or will all Scientologists in attendance be convinced by Arte that they have been missing the point? Will he explain that the reason their businesses have been in trouble has nothing to do with the products that they are creating? Will he enlighten all in attendance that they need to instead focus on the stats of “square footage” and “number of fundraising events held”?
Will there soon be an “Ideal WISE Business” status where the winners will not have to dirty their hands with any real delivery of service, but will instead have huge buildings, full of chrome bannisters and inlaid mahogany, rows of flat-screen TVs on the walls and glass cabinets full of LRH memorabilia?
We will soon see! I hope David attends and has his “aha!” moment!
AND, If you want to purchase real estate without being found out, Arte is your Go To Guy !!!!!!!!
This flyer’s not only designed to massage DM’s already hugely swollen ego, but also (as was pointed out by ‘RMycroft’ at the Underground Bunker on Tuesday) to flog the cult’s lousy Mastertech ‘Management by Statistics’ computer software, so that even more people can live in fear of “Stats Day”:
And if Maren thinks that weirdy-beardy look makes him seem more macho and commanding, he’s got another think coming:
CLC is a Scientology school. Its staff is 100% on course according to one of your previous posts.
learn why money is NOT the key to production or motivation”
hmmm, not sure about YOUR motivations arte. At $75 a head, that’s not bad.
Tom Snyder? Really, Arte? That reference would have been dated 20 years ago. It’s 2014, kiddo. It’s time to at least get into the mid 1990’s.
“Community Learning Center admits students of any race, color, nationality or ethnic origin and is licensed to use Applied ScholasticsTM educational services and materials. ”
How about admitting bitter defrocked apostates, suppressive persons or simply someone reading the fringes of the internet?
Nope. Not welcome….
How would they know if I showed up? Do I need to present my International Association of Shitheads card for screening or do they just slam you in a cubicle for a down and dirty sec check?
Cooper, you can borrow my son’s IAS lifetime membership card…the membership was a “gift” given to him by his father when he was 10 and we were forced to do the Purif,. That was a mere 22 years ago, but “lifetime” is lifetime, right?
It would appear it is now firm unalterable POLICY not just for the “Church” but also Scientology-run businesses to disconnect / discriminate against ex-Church members, according to some recent events in the UK. Does anyone have similar experience of this as I am compiling a dossier of evidence? mail [email protected]
Delilah – that’s a delightful, if whimsical notion, that The Church would honour its “lifetime” commitment. See what happens here when as a Founding IAS member I try to go to an IAS event…(from 2.30 in the clip)
I bet the seminar of Dos and Don’ts for social medial will have about a 100 DON’Ts and, if at all, a couple of DOs- the usual stop, stop, stop trait of a psychotic sociopath as DM. But a little bit late as most of his crimes have been and will keep being exposed on the fringes of internet and more.
Didn’t they used to give these kinds of seminars for free? Just to get people in the door? I have noticed that they are starting to charge for these things. Isn’t that new? Is it another way to scam money?
It’s a way to make them appear valuable.
I’ve known Arte since the mid 70’s. He’s never done “free” to the best of my knowledge.
So Ruth Minchell’s books weren’t acceptable because they weren’t LRH and thus were an alteration of the tech, but Arte Maren’s book is okay? Someone owes Ruth an apology and compensation for all her lost income. I loved her books: wouldn’t even crack Arte’s open.
Yes, good point…. I now see that Patrick Valtin is the “keynote speaker” at a week long “seminar” being put on BY THE FREEWINDS ON THE FREEWINDS.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen…
Excellent article Mike. Yes, when they cover social media will they include how not to have a convicted Child Molester sex predator show up on your FB friends list? And I also loved all the Ruth Minshull books. They would use Arte Maren’s books but not hers? What hypocrisy. They DO owe her lost royalties from her books.
Ruth’s books were about being more theta. Arte’s are about making more money for the cult.
Miscavige has his priorities.
Robin, I loved her books too! But, when you position yourself as the ONLY source, no one else can contribute. Ruth was great!
All that information and legalese regarding Applied Scholastics manages to keep secretive their firm ownership by scientology. If they were truly proud of their “source”, wouldn’t they make it well known to their public? As with Narconon, they know how to cover their tracks. They fail to cover, too, Arte’s rather scandalous background and record involving the Snow White caper. Some “expert”.
Arte had very little to do with Snow White as he was DGPRUS and SW was run by the Information Bureau, not PR.
From Tony Ortega´s Blog:
¨Back in the late 1970s, Arte was named by the government as one of the unindicted co-conspirators in Scientology’s audacious infiltration of federal offices from 1974 to 1977. L. Ron Hubbard dreamed up the Snow White Program in 1973, and the next year members of his “Guardian Office” began breaking into federal offices in earnest. The FBI eventually got wind of what was going on when a GO agent turned witness, and then raided Scientology 37 years ago today, on July 8, 1977.
Eventually, eleven top Scientology and GO executives went to prison, including Hubbard’s wife, Mary Sue. And more than 30 lower-level GO operatives were named as unindicted co-conspirators, including Arte. ¨