Bryan Seymour did a piece on the nightly 7 news in Australia about the church misappropriating the term ANZAC.
Some alert readers had picked up on my comments about it yesterday and made it known that there is a law in Australia that forbids the use of this term.
Bryan contacted the Australian Government, who have now apparently launched an inquiry, and the head of the Retired Serviceman’s League (RSL) who was outraged, as well as interviewing some people on the street. It confirmed what I had felt when I saw the promo piece originally, even though I haven’t lived in Australia for 40 years and was unaware of the law. It also confirms how completely out of touch with the world those inside the bubble are.
You can see Bryan’s story here.
Ironically, while the church was issuing a lame apology (after hanging up and refusing to respond BEFORE the story aired — typical excellent media handling), I just received this new ANZAC promotional piece….
Gus Cox says
Yeah, probably not, after all. His Highness is probably too busy worrying about lawsuits halfway across the country to be bothered with anything halfway ’round the world.
Shannon says
The cult can’t plead ignorance on this one. Nor can they call using ANZAC a mistake. The fact that they quoted an “official war historian” in their own promo shows some research went into this. They knew exactly what they were doing. Very degrading to take such a noble name and use it to fund a cult. Their greed knows no bounds, does it.
MJ says
Pledge of a true cult member: “I promise to collect funds by whatever means without reservation or limit as long as I may live so help me Dave.”
Foolproof says
Re the use of ANZAC: Ok. I take your points and I will shut up about this.
Mat Pesch says
Every city in the world needs an “L. Ron Hubbard Fund Raising Hall” where Scientologists can experience the Spirit of ANZAC!!!! Bets news yet, it’s ONLY $10,000. Write a check for $50,000 and 5X the thrill.
unclepepin says
‘I mean, let’s criticize what is really deserving of criticism, and not the assumption (only by people commenting here) that some old soldiers may have got ARCXen about the juxtaposing of a simple word.’
Foolproof, I’m not sure how could you come to this opinion after checking out the links (news clip and the legal references) and previous posts.
CoS is trying to raise $10M+ by using a symbol that is off limits both by law and custom for reasons well detailed above by Aussiesheila and I yawnalot.
It deserved all the criticism it got.
Chuck Beatty says
” spew…” is right!
One citizen said their relatives would “..spew…” if they heard of Scientology’s misuse of ANZAC.
Bryan Seymour is good with describing Scientology and quoting citizens!
Scientology is a spewing matter!
Alanzo says
It makes ya spit the dummy.
‘swhat it does.
Foolproof says
Are we not getting all a little carried away here? I am sure most old soldiers don’t give a hoot if the Church has purloined and changed the word ANZAC to suit themselves. After all they braved machine guns and shells so I don’t think these guys are going to get all ARCXen at the Church’s misuse of their term. But to start launching into a great big hullabaloo about it is IMO a bit OTT. I mean, let’s criticize what is really deserving of criticism, and not the assumption (only by people commenting here) that some old soldiers may have got ARCXen about the juxtaposing of a simple word.
Now, “fundraising halls” is another matter. THAT deserves a very big spotlight. That is really sick.
Mike Rinder says
Clearly you are not Australian. Believe me this is offensive as hell to Aussies and Kiwis.
aussiesheila1 says
Foolproof: You just don’t get it. The fighting and slaughter at Gallipoli represents all the finest qualities of those in Australia and New Zealand – their strength, loyalty, determination and the incredible hardships endured to survive through it all. No symbol or day is more honoured and respected here than ANZAC.. They are very offended. I work with the vets and their widows and widowers in Australia for a living. ANZAC Day and all it represents from the slaughtering of those brave soldiers at Gallipoli is a matter of national dignity, pride and defines the Australian character. ANZAC is part of Australia’s heart – and the Church of Scientology just tried to rip it out for its self-centered greed. It’s not offensive, it’s creepy, appalling, shocking and utterly disgusting. They’ve whored something the entire nation dearly cherishes. That’s not done here. Period.
Pepper says
Thank you auusiesheila1 for your work with vets and their families.
May I also add to Foolproof that the use of ANZAC was illegal. That is a big deal and worthy of criticism.
Your glossing over of the service of veterans and what they may “think” of their time spent in war shows a lack of understanding and compassion. I grew up with a Vietnam veteran, and a WWII vet who spent two years as a POW in a German concentration camp. Trust me, those “old soldiers” think plenty and they do “give a hoot.”
Swampland4Sale says
Foolproof, those men are STILL highly respected by those in the US military as well. (USMC & Navy) And those of us who know 20th century history. They also blazed the trail for all future amphibious operations by allied forces in the next war. Their experiences, as bloody as they were was necessary in the learning process. These were NOT men who would give up. A real yardstick for future planning on what was and what was not possible.
Gus Cox says
For all the smart lawyers Miscavige hires, I’d think He could have come up with a much, much better statement. In fact, I’ll bet they did, but He nixed it because He can’t be wrong. Something more like this may have gone a long way:
To all Australians and New Zealanders:
We apologize for our offensive use of the word Anzac in two of our recent fundraising letters. We assure you that we did not intend to use the word maliciously. It was an ignorant mistake on our part, and we deeply regret the offense we caused.
Once our error was pointed out to us, we immediately ceased use of the word Anzac, and we are actively recalling all printed materials containing it. We sincerely apologize for our transgression and we assure you it will not happen again.
As a small and humble gesture of appreciation for, and amends to, our honorable war heroes, without whom we would not be free to exist, we have donated all funds we received from these letters, amounting to ($x0,000.00), to the following veteran’s aid organizations: (list, at $10,000.00 apiece). (and if little or nothing was collected, make it at least 5 organizations for $50K).
Once again, we sincerely apologize for our mistake and for the offense we caused.
There. I whipped that up in five minutes, and I’m not even in the crisis management business. But…
They. Can. Not. Do. It.
The Sea Org is the Most Arrogant Group on Earth, and they are never wrong. They can’t simply admit a fuckup, apologize for it, and make amends. Hmmm. Sounds a bit familiar… maybe something like a Liability formula, eh? But even their own tech doesn’t apply to them. And it is their downfall.
Whatever is wrong with my quick-and-dirty response above, their responses just made it worse.
Gus Cox says
Something more on the level of this ANZAC debacle here in the States might be awarding some soft, flabby, OT VIII L-12 Whale a “Congressional Medal of Honor.” From the, ahem, “Congress” of Scientology.
This fuckup Down Under is just that stupid. It’s every bit as offensive. It’s appalling.
Gus Cox says
And I’m sure it was Miscavige’s idea, too. That asshole may be sharp, like a west Philly 3-card Monte dealer, but He is fucking STUPID.
It’s the only way this could have happened. I have to think that who actually lives down there couldn’t be ignorant enough to appropriate the term ANZAC – it would be something akin to awarding U.S. whales something called a Congressional Medal of Honor.
No, it was probably dumb-shit Miscavige’s brilliant idea, and of course nobody would dare be “CI to Command Intention.” But Shrimp-Dick Dave WILL blame it somebody else and throw the poor bastard into the hole. In fact He’ll probably blame the guy who suggested that perhaps using ANZAC was not such a good idea. Miscavige is just that much of a stupid prick.
Mike Rinder says
I don’t think this was Miscavige’s idea. He has no clue what ANZAC is. If it doesn’t happen in the US it doesn’t happen in his insular world.
David Cooke says
Thanks for this story – I’ll be writing to Xenophon (who’s one of our South Australian senators), and also to my local Liberal member of parliament.
Zonkos says
Afer all the consistent attacks of others for daring to apply the terms “Scientologist”, “auditing” etc., to themselves and what they do, I wonder if they’ll roll belly up on this and see the hypocricy of their ways. Nah! Slimy retraction will have to do. Fines? Yeah, they’ll pay and someone will be declared, or RPF’d or, or . . .
nomnom says
Reminds me of a promo piece they once did with pictures of the US Air Force Thunderbirds where they photo shopped the Sea Org logo onto the jets. The Air Force was not happy.
MJ says
Once a worried junior sat inside an idle org
Under the glare of a senior not pleased
And he took all the blame for ANZO’s latest PR flap
You’ll come a-Waltzing to ethics with me
Waltzing to ethics, Waltzing to ethics
You’ll come a-Waltzing to ethics with me
And reports went to Dave, to prove they weren’t all scumbags
You’ll come a-Waltzing to ethics with me
Down came the MAA brandishing his goldenrod
Up came the brand new RPF I/C
Where’s the f***ing downstat to mop the grease traps with a rag?
You’ll come a-Waltzing Matilda to ethics with me
Waltzing to ethics, Waltzing to ethics
You’ll come a-Waltzing to ethics with me
And reports went to Dave, to prove they weren’t all scumbags
You’ll come a-Waltzing to ethics with me
Up leapt the junior and jumped into the city streets
You’ll never catch me alive said he
And his blogs will be read as you browse around the Internet
No more a-Waltzing to ethics for me!
unclepepin says
The promo guys must not have access to the net otherwise this would have jumped into their faces when googling ‘ANZAC Award’:
that could have set the red flag on it.
Or maybe they didn’t care googling, but that’s even dumber.
‘Internal use’ shows that they don’t think they should consult a lawyer, ‘PR’ tech will get them out of a legal pickle. Dumb to the power of 47.
Alanzo says
One of my favorite directors, Peter Weir, made this film called “Gallipoli”:
He also made “Witness” and “The Truman Show” – which many have remarked that Scientology itself resembles.
Ms.P says
Alanzo – one of the greatest movies ever made “Gallipoli”. Mel Gibson at his best before “making it” in Hollyweird.
For those that have never seen it, it’s a must.
Aquamarine says
Edit: …while all they were doing was punching around, trying to find something, anything that would resonate effectively.
Aquamarine says
It looks to me like the people whose job it is to come up with this promo continually rack their brains for some great marketing button with which to position their fundraising “product”, and anything, anywhere that communicates the correct, surveyed concept will serve. The language varies, and what they hold up for the positioning is always different but essential button is always the same, i.e, Scientologists who donate big are intrepid heros against all odds triumphing in their intention to forge a new civilization, etc. etc., “dauntless, defiant and resolute” must feel good to the daunted, obedient men and women who are now in their heart of hearts wondering if they did the right thing.
Makemerich will probably punish whoever is responsible for this big flap while all they were puching around trying to do was to find something that would resonate effectively. They didn’t think, they didn’t consider and it was a very big mistake. I hope they blow now.
Old Surfer Dude says
Mike, this is way off topic, but, now that you’re out with your new wonderful family, have you noticed how fast the years are going by now? I’m in my 60s and I was just 50 a couple of years ago!
Thanks, Mike, for all you do. What a fantastic community of posters we have here because of you. This blog is not only incredibly informative, it’s so much fun too! And look at all the new friends we have!
Keep in mind, my home is ready to host a meeting of the posters anytime! It would be an honor…
Bruce says
Sorry I may have missed it, but WHY is ANZAC forbidden to be used by law?
Something about protecting the term for use by Aussie servicemen?
I Yawnalot says
Since 1921 they have issued no more 200 allowances to use the term ANZAC in promo etc. After the end of hostilities in WW1 many marketing slogans were using ANZAC, for things like beer coasters, hair products you name it until it was legislated against such use in 1921 – it belittled the memory and the sadness of that military action. The military disaster from which the term ANZAC originated is forever emblazoned on the national psyche of Australia & New Zealand (let’s not forget the British, Indian and Turkish soldiers who never went home either) – a lot of soldiers gave their lives in that failed campaign. W. Churchill dreamed it up and was removed from his post in Admiralty because of it. (How Churchill got his post back later is a study itself of determination and brilliance).
So, it’s a touchy subject but represents national pride of service and sacrifice as a nation. Google it – it’s easy to learn about it.
eg Look up the story of the AE2 – Australia’s submarine and it’s mission at the time – talks about sheer guts!
The Gallipoli campaign is a good study of young nations enthusiastically entering into war and the craziness of what war actually is and does. “Lest we forget”
The Dark Avenger says
Pretty much to make sure that it isn’t exploited for commercial purposes, I would think.
That’s what I found at the following link which quotes from an official Australian publication that covered the subject and the acceptable uses for the word that don’t need governmental approval:
The government of the day wished to prevent possible exploitation of the word which had become synonymous with the bravery of the men of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who fought at Gallipoli.
Aurora says
‘fund raising halls’ = Ideal Org buildings
(I first typoed that as ‘hells’…could be that, too!)
I Yawnalot says
“A promo piece (2) too far”
The good thing about this is the true resilience of ANZAC,
A slimy little criminal jumping on the bandwagon of human emotion and sympathy for profit is just that – a slimly little criminal. Any ANZAC worthy of the name isn’t troubled by that – he just punches his lights out. But since we can’t do that in this day and age, he sets the govt lawyers onto him. They had the same trouble back in 1927 and beat the crap out of people like miscavige with legislation.
I hope the full extent of the law comes to bear on this – warm and fuzzy feeling isn’t it?
Pepper says
So the Masters of the Universe who “are involved in all humankind” are about to be checked by the Aussie government.
In the bloodlust quest for money and more money, mistakes are being made. The chickens are coming home to roost.
hgc10 says
They’re always using some sort of local flavor in their promotions, but the problem is it’s like it’s for tourists. It’s like that stupid newsletter every month from Scotland where it’s all “Scots” this and “Scotland” that. I mean, Scots already live, work, eat, drink and sleep in Scotland — they don’t need the local flavor crammed down their throat every minute of the day. This must be due to some dumbass diktat from LRH and his “Admin tech” or DM and his autistic understanding of symbology, because it pervades all manner of Scilon marketing materials.
Jose Chung says
Going back a few years I read a comment about David Miscavige
“If there is a way to screw something up,he will find it”
This time the lad has struck a Gold Mine of Fuck Up’s.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’m just waiting for the big one, Jose! The ultimate fuck-up! The fuck-up of all fuck-ups! The granddaddy of fuck-ups. A global fuck-up. The Galactic Federation of fuck-ups.
Jose Chung says
Dear OSD,
Maybe I’ve been working to hard, but am I to understand
If you donate enough you get the Purple Heart from David Miscavige?.
If there any truth to that, Christmas has come early for the both of us.
D.M. is total toast.
MJ says
Must have meant the purple prose.
Jose Chung says
Dear OSD,
It’s a gross criminal act to wear the Purple heart if you did not earn it as prescribed by congress. See stolen valor laws,if convicted you are fined
and go to prison, Federal prison I believe, which is not a fun place.
This is serious deep shit for Miscavige. I would suggest his lawyers get him
into the Alcatraz of the Rockies because any other Federal Pokey,
he’s dead meat .,he won’t last more than a couple weeks and nobody will lift a finger to find out who did it. David Miscavige has signed his own death warrant for what ? This is gallows humor at it’s best. giggle, giggle, snort.
statpush says
Boy, they just don’t get it. After having suffered a public admonishment what do you do? Any sensible, social individual would do a little bit of research and review their actions, see the errors of their ways. But no, the Scnist goes back to the drawing board and re-jigs the promo piece, and continues to position their moneymaking scheme with that of ANZAC. Good Gawd man.
Anyone who knows or has spent time with Kiwis or Aussies will soon discover the significance of the 25th of April. ANZAC, deservedly, holds a special place in their hearts and minds.
Would Americans find it acceptable for someone to commercialize 9-11 or hijack Veteran’s Day for personal profit or gain? To even position one’s group with such an event goes beyond tasteless.
In all fairness, I don’t think you can lay this one on DM’s doorstep. But, what you can hold him responsible for is the batshit-crazy culture he’s fostered over the past decade that does stupid, thoughtless stuff like this.
Espiando says
Oh, they did their best with 9-11 with the Vulture Ministers and the fraudulent, faith-healing Touch Assists and the more-harm-than-good Purif, and they’re still reaping dividends from that. If they had more of a presence in Japan, you know damn well that someone, somewhere would have put out a newsletter saying that the only reason Fukushima didn’t melt down was that a group of OTs postulated that it wouldn’t.
They have no shame, simple as that. The fact that someone thought this was a good idea and put out multiple newsletters based on this bit of greed is indictment enough.
Since they’re into WWI centenary fever, expect future promotion based on the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Tannenberg, the Armenian Genocide, and the Battle of Isonzo (since there were eleven of them, it should be great for long-term regging).
Peter Bonyai says
I think this whole ANZAC idea originally conceived as a part of the “themed” fundraising. I recall seeing some sort of CofS plan on the blogs, which called for using certain historical events. E.g. in Hungary there will be a 19th century Hungarian highwaymen (called “betyárs” – see Wikipedia if you are interested) -themed Church fundraising event soon.
The problem is, they are increasingly getting out of comm with the world, which results in flaps like this. And they are also too arrogant to admit to the “wogs” that they made a mistake. If this kind of fundraising goes on (and I think it will), then similar PR flaps will occur in other countries, too.
Pepper says
Right, Peter. Themed fundraising accociated with historical events makes sense as a new phase. The chicken suits, Batman costumes, etc make people look ridiculous and degrades the fundraising too. It may have been cute for a while but is no longer and there is too much J&D ridicule on the Internet. The money vultures have taken notice and realized they needed to come up with a new game plan to keep people donating and keep the fundraising appearing legitimate.
Pepper says
associated not accociated. I can’t see my freaking phone!
The Dark Avenger says
Peter, they remind me of the Californian bandit Joaquin Murrietta or his more famous American counterpart, Jesse James. Interesting.
unclepepin says
What a delusion it would be – betyars have a more recent connotation (the country image of the 70’s socialism that people learned to hate to be associated with) that doesn’t really read on the national identity ‘button’. The upside for them is that they’ll only have to fend off copyright infringement charges for the images pirated 🙂
gato rojo says
Inside the bubble they are so out of touch, yet think they are the center of the universe. WRAM. This ANZAC thing is a grossly flawed attempt at applying the “positioning tech.”
I’m sure there was no survey, but a designer’s idea of the positioning that should be used and off they went. Little bit short in the research department.
There was sea org promo from years ago that stole the entire design concept from our armed services promo. And all the fundraising commotion using super heros and big powerful characters to position the projects with. Wow—just thinking about it, that bubble has a really thick skin….hard to break through!
You guys are the best of the best SIR!
Fredric L. Rice says
“If we offended anyone…”
ASSHOLE CROOKS! As if it’s people’s fault that they were offended, not these asshole criminals who did something wrong.
MJ says
Quick, bring on The Jive Aces to handle the PR flap!
Old Surfer Dude says
Yep! That would sure make it worse!
DollarMorgue says
Back in 2007 there was a huge event. Something about the blind leading the blind. I guess they still are…
John P. Capitalist says
I think there’s a great way to distract from the shameful idiocy of claiming the revered mantle of ANZAC for this failing and tawdry organization: DM should start a fund-raising campaign to talk about the naked grab for cash in the wake of 9/11, starting a new fundraising drive with some sort of “we shall never forget” slogan over a (stolen) photo of the rubble of the twin towers. That will certainly cause people to forget all about this utterly preventable disaster.
Apparently, Miscavige is squirreling Hubbard’s “PR Tech” from the green volumes. DM’s contribution to the field is “the best way to get people to forget all about some disastrous flap is to have an even bigger one!”
Kronomex says
I wonder what would happen if Scamology started a new money making scheme in the US using the Congressional Medal of Honour as the hook? I don’t think the government, military and public would take too kindly to the “church”. Using the term ANZAC here shows they’re just scum.
theholedoesnotexist says
“This term was not used for trade purposes, but for internal use only.”
I wonder if the scientology spokeshole who issued that statement realizes that he or she just confirmed that internally, scientology just doesn’t give a damn about honor, truth, or respect.
Mike Rinder says
Good point.
The whole lame apology just highlights the unsolvable problem they have. They can only make these ridiculous statements as long as they are in the bubble and don’t realize how moronic they sound. But if they dared venture outside the bubble, they would never willingly jump back into it.
Of course, in the world of scientology it is NOT disrespectful to steal the term ANZAC and of course, “wog” law does not apply.
And the arrogance of “If we offended anyone…” — the implication being that this would NOT be offensive to anyone other than some merchant of chaos trying to stir up trouble. Believe me, there isn’t anyone outside the bubble that sees this that is NOT offended.
Their statement should have read “To all those we offended…”
They don’t get it. They never will. Because to get it is to leave the cult mindset behind.
McCarran says
Cooper Kessel says
Very well said Mike!
Pepper says
Zephyr says
You completely nailed it!
So they still know their survey tech, find the right button but then completely disregard the laws of the land and any cultural values and f… that! in their arrogance.
How out of valence can they get?
Alanzo says
This was a use of Hubbard’s manipulative Public Relations technology where you find the “buttons” of the society and use those “buttons” on people to get them to agree with you.
He also did it with the button “FREEDOM” as in “The Bridge to Total FREEDOM”, etc etc.
As you can see from Rinder’s deft handling of this situation, it can also be used in the opposite direction. All you have to do is expose their lie.
Way to go, Rinder.
Things are in very good hands with you around.
tetloj says
Wonder if Kate Ceberano has shelled out for ANZAC status?
Swampland4Sale says
Too f’ing funny. The incompetent being lead by the criminal. Now, there’s a “why”!
Good old boy says
Right on Swampland, your why indicates whereas “The blind leading the blind leads to nowhere.
Great article Mike! Will someone get me a vega-mite sandwich stat!! I’m hungry.
flyonthewall says
This type of ignorance is nothing new for CoS. – Nuf’ said
Zephyr says
Great link – this marketing scam of taking a well-thought-of figure-head and using it to promote Scn might
even have started earlier. Just a few days ago I learned from Swiss ex-Scientologist who worked in a Swiss mission that he was the one who ORIGINATED the ‘Einstein’-ad. The Co$ did NOT like that at the time but then later on used it themselves. Guess we’re talking about the 70s.
I wonder why Einstein did not turn around in his grave….
MJ says
After completing his work on the theory of relativity, Albert came to the conclusion he was relatively not interested.
Communicator IC says
And now the story is on YouTube.
Old Surfer Dude says
Bitchin’! I hope those scumbags get nailed for this. Their arrogance is astounding!
1984 says
Perhaps it would be more appropriate if the CofS was pushed to make amends by giving a major donation to a real Anzac related charity………
(now that would drive davie nuts.)
Mike Rinder says
You can expect this to happen around the same time Porky Pig takes off from JFK to make the first solo bacon powered Atlantic crossing….
MJ says
Darth Miscavader: “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
MJ says
To quote Robocop, “We can’t have that!”
Cooper Kessel says
Wow! That should be enough to redefine a ‘footbullet’ on wiki. Looks like Davey is going to need to pull in Tom, John and Krusty to run some damage control. Good luck with that one!
Damn, what a great Friday this is turning out to be!
Old Surfer Dude says
One of THE best in a long time, Coop! Big smile on my face! Footbullet City! I doesn’t get better than this!
Pericles says
Whoever thought that one up should place his head firmly between his knees and kiss his ass goodby before Miscarriage gets to it.
MJ says
They’ll all become cob-blestones as Davey boy continues to rock their world. He and the cruise missile should start a comic book where the two fight the forces of suppression which are expanding exponentially due to the their bungling attempts at planetary control. Hell, I’d buy a copy!
Cooper Kessel says
I’m in. The Dave and Tom Footbullet Comic Strip. First edition by ‘Who’s on Top?’.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’m in too! Would love to see that!
Rick Mycroft says
And behind those forces of suppression is their arch nemesis, the dark power that every CoSausage truly fears and always returns: The dreaded Thursday.
Ms.P says
Cooper – the question is “who’s on first”?
SadStateofAffairs says
Makes me wonder what the authorization line for all this stupid Ideal Org promo is, if any at all. All the bizarre emanations certainly do not go through Miscavige for OK, he’s too lazy for that. I doubt any real AVC exists at all. Promo is supposed to get legal side check but that appears to be out the window too. Seems like there is a promo free-for-all allowing any and all babble out into the world.
Rick Mycroft says
It’s their long-standing Ideal campaign: Take generic campaign, insert most cherished local symbol of courage and sacrifice, cut and paste, bake!
Leave Churchill out of Scientology, says family November 29, 2009, Guy Adams, The Independent
anyoldname1 says
This is horrible! As an American, I am outraged that anyone would use the term ANZAC or try to bank on the sacrifices made by the heroes for anything other than paying their respects to those veterans who fought and died in service to their country.
Digger says
The scientology bubble world should be called the “Iron Bubble” because so little can penetrate.
This is an incredible insult to the memories of many brave men and to all of Australia and New Zealand. The spirit of ANZAC was immortalized by CEW Bean in his book about the action. The scientologists actually take a large section of CEW Bean’s famous narrative and stick “fundraising halls” into the middle of it.
“But the Spirit of ANZAC is not confined to the battlefield. It lives in the schools, on the sports fields, in fact all over these great countries of Australia and New Zealand. ”
Perhaps this is the leading edge of a new promo campaign- I can see it now, the next promo piece from the scien-dollar-gists will be: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of ideal org fundraising!!!!
tetloj says
Thank you Digger. I could only find the first paragraph attributed to Charles Bean, but found a similar second paragraph in a speech by Quentin Bryce, so this probably was from Bean as well ( a remarkable man in his own right).
Rick Mycroft says
No one is more honoured in Scientology than those who bravely chose to lay down their money in defence of Miscavige’s cherished inurement funds. Their memory will live on forever (next Thursday, or when they’re declared).
Battlefield Teegeeack says
threefeetback says
You are being upbraided by your own recklessness; from your inner circle, all the way out to the outer fringes of the internet.
Potpie says
Wars are not good.
But to belittle those
who fought in those
wars is beyond disgusting.
To position their courage and
valor with Scientology is just
not okay. There is absolutely
no comparison.
If I were a war veteran who knew the
actual ravages of war and a Scientologist
I would be embarrassed and humiliated.
Espiando says
One promo might have been explained as an accident. Two promos means malice aforethought, and hopefully a second story from Brian Seymour.
Now is the time for Senator Xenophon to strike. The Abbott government doesn’t seem like the type to let desecration of a beloved national symbol get ignored, and they’d probably support any action that Nick puts forward. How about going for the big one, removal of their status as a religion and a ban? That would also have the nice effect of putting them in deep shit in Britain, since all of the British orgs are technically subsidiaries of the Australian ones.
Pride goeth before destruction, and we’re about to see the second one happen. All because someone thought it was fine to piss on Australian pride.
petlover1948 says
revolting use of a Nation’s reward for valor…how dare they?? Oh, yes, i almost forgot. Of course they dare, for Money is everything!!! Everything!!! At all times, and every which way possible. TAKE!
DollarMorgue says
Fundraising Halls, def. 1: any low cost public venue with few and controllable escape routes, to whence scientology members may be enticed to have money coerced, pressured and badgered out of them until the wee hours of the morning. They leave lightened by cash, but always laden with guilt.
Synonyms: not enough, lack, abuse, fear
Pepper says
Battlefield Teegeeack says
I am sure members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps would want their name used to solicit donations for a human-rights abusing cult. They were fighting for freedom, not slavery. Shame on Miscavige.
Out of control from the so called Leader. He has gotten rid of so many good individuals and can’t – and never will – handle all the aspects of the insidious Church’s fundraising. No matter how much he pretends to micro-manage, his own abuses are catching up with him.
Glad the media and public are standing up and exposing the abuses of historical logos, its principles and they are right, this ANZAC has nothing to do with the criminal activities of the church and its leader.
The flap stat is straight up and vertical, he can use the minutes/press lines of bad press for his next event- it has 47X.
Alex de Valera says
Totally revolting, what an insult to people who risk their lives in combat instead of buying worthless distinctions. Medals and honours are won in the battlefield, not in “fund raising halls” what ever that is.
Old Surfer Dude says
Thank you for that, Alex. Since we’re from Hawai’i, my dad saw Pearl Harbor get bombed. He shipped out two weeks later and fought his way across the Pacific. He, like all the other American soldiers, NEVER considered themselves hero’s. Quite the opposite. It was a job that they were called to do. It’s sickening that Hubbard claimed all this false glory for himself.
Communicator IC says
It appears Scientology also broke New Zealand Law when it used the term ANZAC without permission.
See Section 17 of the New Zealand Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981, reprint as of 23 April 2014:
See also The New Zealand Ministry of Culture and Heritage explanation of the rules:
McCarran says
…and the hits just keep on coming. :o)
Old Surfer Dude says
They just can’t help but to shoot themselves in both feet time & time again. They’re like evil clowns…
Cooper Kessel says
They aren’t ‘like’ them, they are them! Sorry for being so picky!
GTBO says
This is probably taken from “Shermanspeak” himself who has no regards for the truth or history.
Check out the BS he has written about every org in any country for the Int Events. (So stereotyped and Shermanhyped it makes me puke) I have been waiting for someone or some organization to take them to task……No Wukkas, they’ll get them,
MJ says
Perhaps they can use the term ANTHRAX instead.
Morris Adams says
WhatWhenAllWho says
I don’t think the band would like it – definitely not Scott Ian – dude’s too sane for the little man’s version of Scientology
Espiando says
Scott Ian would probably sue them at the drop of a hat for disparagement.
Old Surfer Dude says
Oh, perfect! That fits the cult to a ‘T!’
Battlefield Teegeeack says
“Perhaps they can use the term ANTHRAX instead.”
I was thinking “PROZAC”. That of course would be for all the devastating damage they have done to the field of psychiatry.
“The Spirit of PROZAC is a New Status!” has a nice ring to it.
Cooper Kessel says
They will need to dust down the Prisonwinds with some of that powder just to sanitize the place. It’s that or a good douching with some phosphoric acid. Let Dave pick.
Old Surfer Dude says
Coop, they could NEVER get rid of the stench that is the Prisonwinds. It’s part and parcel of that wretched ship. They ONLY way to get rid of the floating reg cycle is when the tear it down for scrap metal. The entire ship is diseased…
Cooper J Kessel says
Let’s see if we can find a volcano to stuff it into!
Benjamin says
Great work by this blog, the Underground Bunker, journalist Seymour and the tipsters everywhere. The world can be a small place as everyone works together to take out Miscavige and his goons.
McCarran says
McCarran says
Wow! That newsclip is hard hitting!
Love the statement, “The fact is that the word ANZAC was created by mere mortals.”
And also in response to what his deceased relatives who fought for it would think of it, “They would spew.”
Katniss Everdeen says
And it seems that the Australian government wants to make an example of the cult’s use of ANZAC. And I don’t think a Prime Minister kicking Nancy Cartwright in the ass with a giant boot will satisfy the bloodlust this time…..
zemooo says
+ 10 for the Simpson’s reference.
Cooper Kessel says
here’s another +10! NC is such an emotional whore, Bart will need to issue an apology before this is over.
Old Surfer Dude says
They would spew big time, McCarran. But keep in mind that scientologists are not mere mortals! They are Homo Novis! Super beings! Able to con more money out of people than Fort Knox has gold.
Question: Since they are “Homo Novis,” how come so many die of cancer? Flaw in the tech? Bad auditing? Bad C/Sing? Please, somebody set me straight!
Cooper J Kessel says
Ole Dave the Dildo steps in it yet again!
How were those stats looking yesterday? You are going to have to do some work in your PR dept. to make up for the gaff you made in Australia and New Zealand yesterday. Can’t wait to see your brilliant handling.
Do we need to call a medical doctor for anyone in your reach?
hgc10 says
“It lives in the schools, on the sports fields, in the fundraising halls, in fact all over these great countries…”
What in Great Goobly-oobly are FUNDRAISING HALLS? Why are these fictional places being equated with schools and sports fields? Are they structures built especially for fundraising? Is that it? Oh yeah, they’re also sometimes called Scientology orgs.
Cooper J Kessel says
Assembly rooms with locks on the doors and Scientology staffers guarding the doors. Not to be confused with Holes which some added features.
Old Surfer Dude says
And…you’re not allowed out until you’ve handed over every dollar you have and have taken out a second mortgage on your home. Soon to be followed by a third…
MJ says
How about ‘The Purple Heart’ in the U. S. A. for extremely large donations? Make it the new highest status. I mean why not see how many Americans can be offended as well.
Pepper says
Probably haven’t gotten to ‘The Purple Heart’ yet but I’m sure it was in the pipeline of idiocy.
EnthralledObserver says
The absolute gall of these criminals!
Science Doc says
Not Scientology’s Waterloo, but possibly their Gallipoli.
Mike Rinder says
doloras says
My great-grandfather caught a load of shrapnel in the back at Gallipolli, though he lived to tell the tale; I can only hope that the Poison Dwarf catches a huge load of… SOMETHING in the back.
Ms. B. Haven says
“But the Spirit of ANZAC is not confined to the battlefield. It lives in the schools, on the sports fields, in the fundraising halls, in fact all over these great countries of Australia and New Zealand…”
Fundraising halls? WTF? I’m an ignorant, degraded, Yank SP lacking in knowledge of many worldly things, but fundraising hall? Can ANYONE on this dirt clod of a planet show me a building that was constructed for the purposes of fundraising (outside the confines of the ‘church’ of scientology, and scammy telemarketer boiler rooms). It gets no more blatant than this.
tetloj says
I didn’t notice the fundraising hall bit. The first paragraph is from C.E.W. Bean, but the rest appears to be fabricated. Hideous.
Old Surfer Dude says
You know, Ms ‘B,’ I posted on the previous page that I didn’t think scientology couldn’t get any lower. I then said, maybe they will do something even more f@#ked up. I had no idea it would be this quick.
Truly the word scumbags relating to scientology, is an insult to all scumbags everywhere. Clueless doesn’t even come close. I am astonished!
Espiando says
This is also the same organization that gave L. Ron nearly two dozen medals that he never earned, and used Winston Churchill and a Spitfire, among other things, in a “Battle of Britain” promo. It’s no surprise they tried to do the same. But they forgot, or just didn’t care, that Australia has laws about this sort of thing. Even if they remembered or knew, they almost certainly didn’t care, because wog law means nothing to them.
Arrogance is proving to be their downfall everywhere. This situation, the Narconon suits, the Garcia suit, all examples of Scientology’s Shit Don’t Stink attitude.
Cooper Kessel says
” Truly the word scumbags relating to scientology, is an insult to all scumbags everywhere. Clueless doesn’t even come close. ”
I wish you wouldn’t sugarcoat the cult so much OSD, otherwise your comment is SPOT ON!
The brazen assholes known as Scientology Sea Org Members would steal a rattle from a baby if they thought they could hawk it for a dime at the local pawn shop. Fortunately, pawn shop owners can smell an approaching cult member long before they enter the door and would likely stuff the rattle up their collective assholes.
Nothing but a seething mass of lying, cheating, stealing, bigoted CSMFAH that SCOHB. Need I go on?
OK….rant over, smile on my face, great day to all! When will the party begin OSD?
Old Surfer Dude says
Espiendo, you’re right on the money. It’s a HUGE insult to all soldiers who did actually fight in WW 2. He NEVER saw combat! He NEVER fought in all 5 theaters of war. He NEVER commanded a squadron of corvettes in the Atlantic. He NEVER was the first causality of the Pacific conflict! He was NEVER flown home on the Sec. of the Navy’s private jet. IT’S ALL MADE UP! AND IT’S A SLAP IN THE FACE TO ALL OF OUR VETERANS!
Shameful beyond words…
Battlefield Teegeeack says
“Can ANYONE on this dirt clod of a planet show me a building that was constructed for the purposes of fundraising (outside the confines of the ‘church’ of scientology”
I agree Miss B, I’m surprised they didn’t say “Scientology Fundraising Halls”. Miscavige is probably pissed-off over that omission.
Cooper Kessel says
+1 ….. LOL!!
Old Surfer Dude says
+ me too! “It lives in schools and sport fields and FUNDRAISING HALLS! You put FUNDRAISING HALLS in the same sentence as schools and sports fields???
They keep hitting new lows.
peggy2176il says
I noticed the Fund Raising comment as well. Are the two countries tripping over all their HALLS? Scientology, as religion by COB, my A____! It should be called moneygrabbingology, please buy the latest and greatest BASICS that COB has verified as the TRUE AND RIGHT BASICS. “”So come on all you people going up the BRIDGE, open your pockets and learn the new TECH”!
tetloj says
I feel ill.
tetloj says
Those are the words of war historian C.E.W. Bean
i-Betty says
clergyman says
As appropriated by H.A.S Been, soon to be on a diet of bean.
David J Mudkips says
Paging Brian Seymour, Brian Seymour to this blog entry, please…
zemooo says
Brian has already seen it and I expect he visits here and other anti-scieno sites often. This really is on par with Lrons claims of Purple Hearts and sinking many enemy submarines in the Atlantic and Pacific. The Aussies and Kiwi’s are going to be mad, very mad about this. And it pisses me off too.
And Davy will be sending a Sea Org ‘mission’ to find who leaked the ads. Someone is going pay, it is never Daves fault. DM probably didn’t know (or care) about the ads, but he will now. Good Job of J & D everyone, Mike and Brian, take a free beer out of petty cash.
Battlefield Teegeeack says
I would like to know how many people Miscavige will punch in the face for this one.
McCarran says
CICS! Does Dave have to do everything himself!
Declares all around!
Rick Mycroft says
Inside the joke of RCS, “punchline” has a different meaning.
zemooo says
Given that a new ‘status’ was created, all the Aussie and New Zealand $cieno management were involved. The face slapping is going to be of Three Stooges proportions.