OK, this is an interesting piece that gives the relative activity in the “continent.”
Scientology calls this “ANZO” which stands for Australia, New Zealand and Oceania.
In Australia there are “ideal” orgs at the AO, and in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. In New Zealand there is an “ideal” org in Auckland. There is nothing in “Oceania”. There are two other orgs in the “continental area”: Taiwan and Japan. That is it for the entirety of Asia and the Indian SubContinent.
Note how many Taiwanese and Japanese flags and names are on this list compared to Australia and New Zealand. There are about as many from Taiwan as all the other orgs combined.
And this is while they try to generate hype for the importance to the planet of studying some books at home…
Meanwhile, here is the latest “Success Story” the “ideal” org in Sydney is promoting.
Someone who got through 40 pages of a book… Wow, they don’t even have someone who completed a whole book!
“ANZO is Booming” Really? The only “Booming” I hear in the Church of Scientology Mission of Launceston is the boom…oom…oom…echoes that have bouncing around the walls of the never been open for as long as I’ve lived here (almost seven years now) tiny shop.
Is there anyway to stop the books of cults being promoted on sites like Goodreads? I actually had an LRH book in my Goodreads feed suggested to me! Of course I clicked “I don’t want to see this book” but Scientology loves their books. I think they should be removed from places like Goodreads, Amazon.. I hate to say that as a bookish person but this is one way they get in people’s heads.
I count about 300 names in the article who are studying Scientology in ANZO. The population of Australia is 25 million; NZ = 4.8 million; Taiwan = 23.6 million. What condition is that?
Big deal is being made out of these extension (extinction?) courses.
All public have been forced to do it or “strongly invited” to partecipate.
I am always surprised how the cult moves spontaneously and grows naturally.
Like having a garden made of plastic flowers.
The ethics tech is the glue that sticks the people to the cult. They become trapped by what they believe and also by what they are coerced into believing. Very cunning.
Hmm, IF the “ethics conditions Hubtard invent WORKED, Scamology would not being currently going through the U-bend under the toilet. Would it?
Wynski. They have always the correct tech and if doesn’t work isn’t the tech itself but someone to make guilty. Always. Every time I got out of a ‘condition’ weren’t the steps to work it was my decision to get out of that stuck Ness.
Meanwhile they are under the toilet and we are ready to flush them down.
Cult HQ in AU has been surviving on its asian connection for well over a decade now.
Really good video on the Grant Cardone scam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWzbp6PJbIk
I’m an ANZO ex-Scientologist. ANZO was never a world-beater.
Decades ago, someone in Sydney org tapped into a market of Taiwanese that found it appealing, and Sydney org boomed with Taiwanese imports. The org wasn’t servicing its immediate area, which is what they were supposed to be doing. After I was out, Taiwan got an org. I’m assuming that Sydney’s stats crashed, because Taiwanese wouldn’t have to go to Australia for service, but I don’t know for sure.
I can safely bet Hubbard has violated all of his so called conditions formulas. DM follows suit
I had a suit once. But, DM (or was that BM) didn’t want me to have one.
I’ve just recalled a real example of how insane the use of ethics was. While on the ship we were given a mathematically impossible target to get a Number of OT8s done within the end of the year. If you did not make the quota you were considered CI= Counter Intention to Miscavige. How convenient!
Wooo first 44 pages of intro to S.ethics? Not the whole thing even? Geez that alone qualifies the guy to get familiar with ethics on a more intimate level!
Great book, great quotes. You already seen this one:
“Lies are told because one is afraid of the consequences should one tell the truth. Destructive acts are usually done out of fear. Thus, the liar is inevitably a coward and the coward inevitably a liar.”
The best part is still waiting for you. This one has my fav quote from all of Scientology:
“Who ever heard of a tame Ethics Officer? The sanity of the planet is all that is at stake.”
Does that make a huge number of Scientologist, and especially reggies and those involved in sales cowards then as don’t they continually lie to get people signed up and give over their money? Just saying
I’m not sure that this isn’t scientology circling the bowl on the way out, or that this how it looks before that time. It’s an effort to try to show the hangers on that “something is still being done about it.”
Ok this would have to be the definitive list of all the peeps left in Sydney who are still “in.” And maybe even some are from other cities as well. Is this from AOSH ANZO, Mike?
More than a few of the non-Taiwanese are 60s or older. Most have made no Bridge “progress” in years. Decades for many. This is sad to read as many of these peeps are good folk that I’d worked with since my time “in” (and I’ve been out for nearly 12 years.)
Sadly deluded bunch. Wasting what little they have left of their lives.
“Ok this would have to be the definitive list of all the peeps left in Sydney who are still in.”
I agree with you 100%, it seems to me that they have gathered every name possible under the sun, moon and stars in order to beef up the numbers “To show the minions look, we have 100’s on course, we’re not dieing”.
There is 288 names on those lists and only 32 that are fair dinkum. 256 are going through the motions to keep up appearences.
Knowing what we know about the operations of the church, it must of taken a mountain of work 100’s of hours of calling to get that many on course and in reality it was probably only that successful (if you can call it that) because the public knew they wouldn’t have to go into the org to do it.
There are lots of people on the rookies list that haven’t been heard of for years, this is how i know they have done some massive hours on this.
I think we are looking at close to the total number of active Scios on the ANZO cont right at this time, 288, it’s not a lot in the scheme of things is it? I also think that number is probably higher than normal because the majority or rather all of it is extension course’s which are relatively cheeap compared to Training and Auditing.
Church Maxim : When small pretend to bet big.
I never understood scn ethics book because I never saw most of it applied. Ethics gradients? Nope. All the steps before comm Ev or expulsions? That depended on whose decision it was that day! Those conditions formulas?? Find out who you are? Yeah that’s easy you have one hour to do that! Find out that you are??? Hmmm. One hour for that too. So you just follow verbal orders and do whatever someone says that day! Ugh
After all the years and millions spent, an OTVIII is still only ready to find out who he is.
Scientology is but a setup for the Enemy formula.
Mary you are so right, at the end ethics has been mostly a way for some people to dramatize their own ‘case’ on others.
In the SO I held several comm evs as a member or as a chairman. 20 time to 1 all was decided by Hco before the meeting. You were told before what was expected to happen.
Just pure fascist crap.
Scientology and Cell Phones…
Being tracked by Scientology on your cell phone? How do they do it? This was a personal project of mine. First of all, they get insider help from the phone companies. They can monitor your contact list, and know who you call, and who calls you. I did an experiment. I went out and got a Tracfone. For 2 months, I didn’t call anyone on it, but left it turned on. Nothing happened. Then, I called a friend of mine, and a few days later, got a message that thought I was in a certain city, which I wasn’t, but my friend was.They were offering cash to me to complete a survey. I didn’t do it. With all the BS going on , it is not smart to even have voicemail. The scammers will leave threatening messages hoping to make a quick buck. I lump Scientology with common scammers, there is no difference…
However, what does not change is always the same way of keeping the public “pumped” with roaring news and success stories that rain down like never before.
Some really make people laugh at how they are embroidered on purpose. And what about cognition?
But in the end if one takes a step back what he sees is a circus and ‘trained’ people. Nothing is natural. Everything follows a well-proven direction. They all know it. Sad
I find it impressive though someone made it through 40 pages of that book. Anyone that can do that really is cause over MEST.
I made it through 7 pages. I thought I would puke.
There is some honesty in the book’s title: “Scientology Ethics. It’s not Individual Ethics. Nor, Society Ethics. Nor, Human Ethics. Nor Life Ethics. It is an organizational manual for control and stat push (money).
It did help me in designing my own set of steps to take as my life conditions changed. I knew I was on the right track when applying my own set of rules put me at greater and greater distance from the orgs.
He says to be on page 44 of the ethics book and have fall in love with it.
I would like to be there when he will apply it and do conditions and how much he would still “love it” after.
I was thinking something similar too…either he’s a newbie and having to do the Basics for the first time or he’s in ethics trouble and trying to work through conditions. Either way he won’t be ‘loving’ that ethics book for long…
Linear. Laughing. Sure. He will change his feelings about it.
I am ready to bet my oldest edition (3 versions ago) of the ethics book
I especially like the Doubt Formula in the Ethics book, where you ‘Decide who one’s friends are’. If you take a cold, hard look at that you see the constant pressure to give the org money, to give IAS ‘status’ money, to get on lines on their schedule, to write KRs on family and friends, to disconnect, to buy more basics book packages, etc. etc. – you quickly discover scientology is not your friend…you are simply a host to a parasite.
Absolutely Zola.
It was quite a leap to consider that the persons who held my wife against her will for 6 months while they waited for me to die needlessly of AIDS with no medical treatment
while being advised falsely by the chiropractor they sent me to that the meds the doctors would give me were worse than HIV that they were still my friends.
However, the Security Clearance In -Charge OSA WUS informed me that Ex Sea Org Members do not have any friends anywhere. So they; per the Ethics Condition Formulas, must be enemies and should be attacked.
Why no apparently Korean names? Is there any $cieno presence in South Korea?
Hey, maybe some VMs can give Kim Jong Um a ‘locational’ and some of that touchy feely first aid and actually save the planet!
No, none in S. Korea. Or China (outside Taiwan) or Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia etc etc
I have trouble getting through 4 sentences of Tubbo’s writing – the confusion, wordiness and general mental miasma are too much to take! Getting through 40 PAGES should be a level in itself – though I can’t imagine what that would do to your brain.
Oh, wait – yes I can. It does “Scientology” to your poor brain!
Keeping Ethics “IN” is a beneficial. No doubt about it.
However, once you know the truth about Scientology, it is ethical and moral to expose it for what it is. It is not okay to do nothing about it.
Once you know Scientology is a SCAM, is evil, is a cult that destroys lives, shatters families and causes financial ruin, the only ethical thing to do is expose Scientology’s crimes daily until it is shut down.
Also, try to get others out. Be creative.
Ethics Are In. Absolutely right. If ethics is personal then I decide what is right, not a fascist cult in my place. And if I see what I see then I say it I don’t turn my head.