There are so many odd things in this promotion.
How strange that one of the oldest scientology organizations on earth is incapable of achieving Ideal Org status without getting orgs in another country to help them do it? Tells you everything you need to know about the state of scientology in New Zealand. Dead. For decades.
Why aren’t the “ideal orgs” in Sydney and Melbourne getting Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Canberra to ideal? They’re at least in the same country and a lot closer.
And woohoo — Stev Green is going to join the long line of “upstat public” who will join staff and fail miserably. But not to worry, because he announced his plans to make New Zealand the first cleared country in the world. Not just Auckland mind you. The whole country. Yet they cannot even muster enough “energy” to get their own “ideal org” done (the building itself was purchased by the IAS I think when Tom Cruise was in New Zealand for some filming…)
And apart from anything else, I have to comment on my brother, looking resplendent in the penguin suit with some narwhal horn sticking out of his head. He apparently never learns. Maybe he should spend more time in the Melbourne and Sydney ideal orgs he spent so much time fundraising for and recognize this is a horrendously failed strategy. But this is something the bubble dwellers do not dare to do — they can never look back and see if the promises came true, they must ALWAYS look forward to the next “big thing” because if they look back they will have to confront how many times they have been lied to, how many times they have lied to others and how much time and effort they have wasted spinning in the hamster wheel of endless fundraising.
I went for a drive past the Auckland Ideal Org building about ten days ago and the place is still half covered in a plastic wrap with little sign of activity.
For any locals wanting progress reports on the building, here are two contacts / mobile phone numbers for Canam Construction Site Managers who are in charge of the refit:
Luke Walker 021 993 902 and Morne McLeod 021 1700 584.
These names and phone numbers are posted on the main entry gate.
So Mt. Everest is in New Zealand..?
Hi Johnny Tank(Forever Autumn), Am I getting old! I was blown out by the costumes(I cannot ever recall wearing any such outfits in Sea Org way back in mid 70s, only Div7 dressed up in costume for Halloween and sometimes when The Apollo crossed the Equator.But the glorious sight of cosers in their best made me block out Mt. Everest.Thank you for showing me the correct map! Love,Ann.
Sir Edmund Hillary (from N.Z.) was the first person to scale Mt. Everest
I am not sure anyone already commented on this but at the last census in NZ (2013) the number of scientologists was 357. Only slightly lower than Hare Krisna (372) but still pretty far behind satanism (1167) and rastafarianism (1383) :). That should tell you enough about the state of scientology in NZ :).
That is why the whole SE Asian region needs to pitch in.Maybe we can go through a Mount Everest sized pile of files and find one more and go up to 358.O what?That was 2013 and we are now down to 262.
That is why you need to pay now.We dwindled because the building was not big enough.Be a humanitarian donate now!Take your next step to obliv eh eternity.
Thanks for the data point on the NZ census; I had missed it. Interestingly, it’s rather close to proportional to the number of Scientologists in Australia adjusted for population, and tracks reasonably closely to the # of Scientologists in the UK as well. All of that data suggests the number of Scientologists worldwide is around 20,000 including about 5,000 staff and Sea Org, and that number is declining due to both defections and due to deaths of the increasingly aged membership base. This cult is a heap of FAIL and it’s getting steadily worse.
Mike, the last sentence of your post is SO SPOT ON! This is where LRH nailed it in 8-8008 when he talked about the ability to construct a universe. These people are part of a constructed universe … it has largely been built FOR them … they have agreed to it FULLY … and that includes every lie they have been told about every “suppressive”, even family members and long time friends … as well as every lie about all the fantastic progress they have made over the past thirty years, when the exact opposite has actually occurred in everyone else’s universe. Only a major shock to that universe (as happened to each one of us here) can cause it to crack for an individual and enable that person to be free to observe and evaluate EVERYTHING.
Hi Joe Pendleton, Thank you a fantastic post with pin-point insight.xo Ann.
Jeeeeezus, more bloody central files. What a fuckup!
The main problem with Scientology is that it started telling so many shore stories that it eventually got lost at sea.
Hi Sleepy, Your post, Sunday am coffee & laughter!! Thank you.Love,Ann.
Gosh, does that mean that the Launceston, Tasmania Cavern of Silence…I mean Church of Scientology…will go Ideal? All I’ve ever seen in the dingy little shop (sign says Launceston Life Improvement Centre) is four people who appear to be in their 50’s sitting around literally pretending to be busy. Have a look at their facebook page – and you can see how they are “clearing” Launceston.
Not to rehash the bloody obvious, but what in the blue blazing fuck is Auckland going to do with 20 auditors, let alone 40? Are there even 40 active Scientologists in all of New Zealand? Me thinks Steve Green is going to have his hands full, of what remains to be seen…
Don’t worry about it. They won’t have even 2 auditors, much less 20 or 40. Like with stats, all targets are inflated 47x.
Exactly. Not for a moment do I believe they have more than a couple of trained auditors. And you KNOW to even mention twenty, they must be counting anyone in all of New Zealand who ever gave a touch assist (that’s auditing, right! … so you’re an auditor! Voila!)
Definition of a Scientologist: a false persona, buried under a mountain of uninspected beliefs and enforced dogma.
Definition of a Scientologist: Someone who does not understand what Scientology is.
Definition of a critic of Scientology: Someone who does
Let me get this straight: so you’re saying that New Zealand is “low energy?”
Target One: Ending disconnection
Target Two: Davey’s resignation
Target Three: Davey’s arrest on charges of assault, elder abuse, false imprisonment, and tax evasion.
A lot more charges than that, Wayne.
DM is one of the biggest and most dangerous criminals in the world.
And actually one of the most wanted criminals too.
But somewhat like the banks and companies who were to big to fail during the 2008 economic meltdown…..,
DM is so good at being a criminal, that the authorities,
do not know how to get him.
He is too much of a criminal to touch.
At least that is the way it is now.
But it won’t last forever.
His time is coming.
Not likely at all. Not enough PROSECUTABLE evidence. He’s not THAT stupid.
When I first glanced at the picture before reading the text, I thought the fella was wearing a tux with a dunce cap. I didn’t know that was your brother let alone a penguin suit with some narwhal horn sticking out of his head, thanks for the clarification.
I give you The Bee Gees, who achieved their first chart success in Australia. Seems prophetic re Scientology.
I started a joke, which started the whole world crying
But I didn’t see that the joke was on me, oh no
I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing
Oh, if I’d only seen that the joke was on me
I looked at the skies, running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed, hurting my head from things that I’d said
Til I finally died, which started the whole world living
Oh, if I’d only seen that the joke was on me
I looked at the skies, running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed, hurting my head from things that I’d said
‘Til I finally died, which started the whole world living
Oh, if I’d only seen that the joke was on me
I thought ‘Faith No More’ wrote that song. LOL
This and the last couple of posts demonstrate why disconnection is so vital for the survival of the church of miscavology.
If people with their blinders on were to openly communicate with those whose rose colored glasses have lost their tint, well, how long would david miscavige retain his exalted position as the pope of the Co$?
Yes, those costumes are utterly ridiculous (you knew it, but wore them anyway)
Yes, the so-called Ideal orgs are empty everywhere, not just in your town.
Yes, David does actually beat, humiliate, ridicule, torture, sleep-deprive and invalidate his staff.
Yes, there are more people leaving than joining.
Yes, GAT 1 and 2 are abject failures.
Yes, david miscavige lies to all of you at every event about HIS stats.
Yes, the Co$ PR is is a cesspool and a lot of it is the fault of miscavige’s overts on people.
etc. etc. etc.
It takes a tremendous amount of time, effort and money to cover up the withholds these days.
Wow! Good post. And he did it all with other people’s money and he not only altered everything even resembling workable, he made up a whole stack of shit and called it Hubbard. His masters & lawyers are pleased too, all that money in exchange for making unable people and wacko at the same time.They safe pointed themselves.
The Mofetts with the whale trophy ?? Now I know where the term “whale” comes from…lol
+1! Outstanding post, LDW, simply outstanding. You covered all the bases. I hope lurkers read your post.
Hear! Hear!
Marion Moffat is clutching that whale tail as if her life depended on it.
Clearing a country? Pffft! That’s nothing. I cleared an entire planet! Mars. You cannot find a single reactive mind there. See, truer than the crap El Con spewed all the time..
That’s nothing, Mike! I cleared, not only Venus, but Target 2 also. So there….
Venus! Wow, I mean with all those railroads there that must have been something. Target 2 too? You DEFINITELY deserve to hit the waves OSD.
Yep! Lots of railroads on Venus. Why, just the other day I almost got hit by a freight train. But, Mikey, the Venusian babes are flat out incredible! You remember them, right? The babes with 3 breasts? Surly you’ve not forgotten, right? Last time I saw you there, you had 4 Venusian babes hanging on your every word! YOU STUED!
Mike, is it me, or, did your brother gain some weight?
Mike W and OSD – Miscavige cleared Uranus.
(OK that’s disgusting but I couldn’t resist.)
He expanded The Hole.
Oh no!! No! No no! Always take a shot! Always! When I was doing stand-up, I pushed the envelope as far as I could. That’s what comedy is all about. No Aqua, you did the right thing! And, the joke was very clever! However, I can’t get over this feeling that something was tickling my butt. Must have been my underwear birds.
LMBO Aqua (pun intended) 😉
Nice one Aqua!
Hi Mike, Thank you for another illuminating post for me.How cos plans to clear the entire country of New Zealand is way beyond me.In their nightmares.
Incidentally I thought your brother would nave far more fun games and laughter wearing that resplendent suit with the narwhal headpiece on the outside of the bubble! One can but dream! Love to you 2,Ann.
I live in Auckland.
The building is in Grafton which is a busy crossroads between the CBD and the central suburbs Newmarket (shopping,) Mount Eden (affluent residential) and at a stretch Ponsonby (nightlife.)
The building is right on the corner of the intersection. There’s a bike barn opposite, a few second hand stores, cheap food joints, tattoo parlours and the like, mostly on the other side of a five lane road. Next door is a disused tower block/mall, which Scientology currently operates from and I suspect are the only occupant of.
Grafton is a place one drives through on the way to somewhere else, there is very little foot traffic. As a destination the only attraction I can think of is the French Cafe, one of Auckland’s finest restaurants.
Put a big “Scientology” sign on that building a lot of people will see it, and I suspect it will be contentious.
… wait, I think you’re confused here. You seem to be describing the org at the corner of Khyber Pass Road, not the new “ideal” building on Carlton Gore Road. And didn’t the existing Org move to Dominion Road, anyway?
Yes, it’s currently in Dominion Rd. They’ve vacated the premises on Kyber Pass completely now.
Looks like a sheep in the first slide. He should feel right at home with his ilk. Also, notice the obscured head – most appropriate, don’t you think?
30 million sheep in NZ and the managed to dupe one of them. About the same success rate they have getting new bodies in shop.
Can you say ‘laughing stock’?
Of course anyone dressed as a penguin should take care.
I was in NZ for three weeks in February, mostly in Auckland. How many times did I see something related to Scientology or even hear the word mentioned. ZERO. I did notice christian missions and various religious organizations dotted here and there, but absolutely no trace of Scientology dots the landscape in Auckland. Hmm…it’s as if it doesn’t even exist. I live in the USA, and I can tell you the ONLY time I hear or see anything about the cult is when I seek it out online. They are legends in their own mind and non-existent (except for bad news stories and nutty celebrities) to 99.9999999% of the world.
Would Auckland be the capital of New Zealand? And if it is, how large of a city is it? Interesting that you found no ‘dots’ of them. I have a feeling this is happening all over the world! But, of course, are never spoken of. I’ll bet that’s the case. I’m almost sure of it.
Auckland isnt the capital (Wellington is) btu it is the largest city
It’s sad, isn’t it? Scientology: good people gone wrong.
Good people who have been abused and brainwashed.
Dave’s take on flourishing and prospering is fleecing and posturing.
+1! Sleepy, you do have a way with words!
Thanks OSD. It’s one of the precepts from The Way To Slappiness.
I’m already a third tier Slapic! My Way to Slappiness booklet has been my salvation! Imagine being able to slap the shit out of anyone you want because it’s part of your religion! I mean, how bitchin’ is that?! ‘Slappness.’ It’s not just a precept, it’s a way of life…
It’s Dave’s version of a touch assist.
“It’s sad, isn’t it? Scientology: good people gone wrong.” Maybe for a proportion of the bubble dwellers Dave. If this was anything but a religion, Andrew Rinder would be charged with committing fraud, if he was benefiting from the crime itself in the form of commissions. If he defrauded people gratis, he would be charged as an accessory. Either way you look at it, some of these people deserve to be in jail!
The egregore and group think, with embedded evil postulates is extremely powerful.
When you are in it, it is extremely difficult to think different.
Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a “thoughtform” or “collective group mind”, an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.
Hi Dio, Thank you.I learned something new today from your post.Always,Ann.
You are welcome, Ann.
Black Magic does not get better than that.
And egregore is a curse on steroids:
I think it is safe to assume that that was Allister Crowley’s contribution to scn.
1 a. An appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall someone or something.
b. Evil or misfortune that comes as if in response to such an appeal: bewailed the curse of ill health.
2. A source or cause of evil; a scourge: “Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race” (William Ewart Gladstone).
3. A profane word or phrase; a swearword.
4. Ecclesiastical A censure, ban, or anathema.
5. Often Offensive Menstruation. Used with the.
v. cursed or curst (kûrst), curs·ing, curs·es
1. To invoke evil or misfortune upon; damn.
2. To swear at: cursed the car because it wouldn’t start.
3. To bring evil upon; afflict: was cursed with crippling arthritis.
4. Ecclesiastical To put under a ban or anathema; excommunicate.
1. a profane or obscene expression of anger, disgust, surprise, etc; oath
2. an appeal to a supernatural power for harm to come to a specific person, group, etc
3. harm resulting from an appeal to a supernatural power: to be under a curse.
4. something that brings or causes great trouble or harm
5. a saying, charm, effigy, etc, used to invoke a curse
6. (Ecclesiastical Terms) an ecclesiastical censure of excommunication
7. (Physiology) the curse informal menstruation or a menstrual period
vb, curses, cursing, cursed or archaic curst
8. (intr) to utter obscenities or oaths
9. (tr) to abuse (someone) with obscenities or oaths
10. (tr) to invoke supernatural powers to bring harm to (someone or something)
11. (tr) to bring harm upon
12. (Roman Catholic Church) (tr) another word for excommunicate
n., v. cursed, curs•ing. n.
1. the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc., befall someone.
2. a formula or charm intended to cause such misfortune to another.
3. the act of reciting such a formula.
4. a profane or obscene word, esp. as used in anger or for emphasis; swearword.
5. an evil or misfortune that has been invoked upon one.
6. the cause of evil, misfortune, or trouble.
7. something accursed.
8. Slang. the menstrual period (usu. prec. by the).
9. an ecclesiastical censure or anathema.
10. to wish or invoke evil, calamity, injury, or destruction upon.
11. to swear at.
12. to blaspheme.
13. to afflict with great evil.
14. to excommunicate.
15. to utter curses; swear profanely.
David Miscavige makes Aleister Crowley look like a benign Sunday School teacher.
Hi Sleepy, Yes your post is so true.However I think that bad AC would be leading the Black Mass version of Sunday School.Love,Ann.
Who’s 82 and still teaching Sunday school.
Another diabolical characteristic of the egregor is that it is programed into any and every part of the tech, to follow the tech and deceive, entrap and takeover the user, where ever it goes. And prevent the user from seeing the truth. It even prevents the user from even doing any honest thinking and honest looking.
So unbeknownst to likely everyone in the fz, is that egregor is in the fz too. It is an extremely diabolical, thoroughly and craftily programed and insidious egregor. constructed by the world’s greatest charlatan.
1. Of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic.
2. Appropriate to a devil, especially in degree of wickedness or cruelty.
3. extremely evil, cunning, atrocious,
1. intended to entrap or beguile:
an insidious plan.
2. stealthily treacherous or deceitful:
an insidious enemy.
3. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect:
an insidious disease.
a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than he or she possesses; quack.
Hi Dio, I have archived both your posts on the egregor because I want to think about them.With all I went through and believe me others went through much more,what you commented on really hit me.Especially with Go/Intel @ Asho I see now the very diabolical black thread woven into the tech.That is one of the reasons I stayed in SO and got beat up in so many ways,because that thread bound me to Ron until I ripped it to the bone off of me.
I an still working it out.Thank you so much.Love,Ann.
I am glad to have helped you.
I have the benefit of not learning what I did, in the church (in the egregor).
I learned it on my own, with the freedom to think with the genuine goal of genuine scientology which is to know how to know, know how to research and learn and know the truth of things. (The clues of how to do this are contained in the article “How to study a science.”
Actually it is an insult or an abomination to call the cos a church. It is better to call it a cherch like someone called it.
A bonafide church is a safe or mostly safe terminal. A good Christian church is the safest terminal that you can find on this planet. (That does not mean it is necessarily perfect, it is just the safest place (terminal) you can find on the planet.)
The cos is not a safe terminal. Is the one of the most unsafe terminals on the planet.
There is a lot of false and limiting data in the tech. One thing wrong (a very significant fundamental or rudiment) is that the definition of serfac is wrong. That alone makes everything else wrong. There are others too.
Def: rudiment: the first principles of a subject.
Like, I think it was Geoffrey Filbert, who said, that the truth is the best bait in the universe.
Hubbard knew that you can lace the truth with poison and trap a lot of people.
Like lacing sugar with poison.
Keep in mind that LRH said in 1950 that he wanted to sell them a piece of blue sky.
Do a search on it.
Money thermometer,
not looking good .
If they stick it up their butt it’ll rise.
Their collective temperature is not raising??? What shall we do? I would suggest we lit a fire under their collective asses to get their temperature raising, but, that probably won’t help either. Seriously, I really think their situation is completely hopeless….
Scientology in New Zealand never recovered from the government inquiry into its deceitful and repellent behavior which occasioned the Dumbleton-Powles report: “THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO THE HUBBARD SCIENTOLOGY ORGANISATION IN NEW ZEALAND”, the conclusions of which made it quite impossible for the organization to function effectively in its preferred way:
– No reintroduction of the practice of disconnection.
– No issue of Suppressive Person or Declaration of Enemy orders by any member to any other member of a family.
– No auditing or processing or training of anyone under the age of 21 without the specific written consent of both parents; such consent to include approval of the fees (which shall be specified) to be charged for the course or courses to which the consent is applicable.
– A reduction to reasonable dimensions of “promotion” literature sent through the post to individuals, and prompt discontinuance of it when this is requested.
“If Scientology in New Zealand has regard to these rules of practice no further occasion for Government or public alarm should arise in respect of those of its manifestations with which this inquiry was concerned.”
So Scientology should be very cautious or they might succeed in their ludicrious goal of making New Zealand the first “Clear Country”. That is totally clear of Scientology!
Hi Andrew, thanks for your post about the government inquiry in NZ. I was not previously aware of it, and the sensible conclusions they arrived at. It is very encouraging to me that the government of NZ is so logical and careful in their application of the law, while not infringing on their citizen’s rights. While an outright ban would have been preferable to me, I now see that their solution is the better one. New Zealand is an oasis of logic and sanity in this world.
Excellent. The only thing I’d like them to add across the globe is the simple statement on any and all of their contracts that the “mark” is required to have his own attorney present before the contract is valid.
Re; NZ and the CO$.
That is very interesting.
Every country in the world where CO$ is, needs to at least adopt those laws.
Thanks for posting that.
Trevor Wilkinson and Sally Garden seem to be expressing the appropriate tone level for having been fleeced and wondering whether it was a good thing or NOT!
Trevor and Sally look like they just finished their preps for the highest level:Operating Pinguin (GAT style)
Wee, Trev and Sally sure look happy about their Double Humongous Whatever. NOT.
sorry you have to see your brother like that
I wonder how Mike’s brother felt wearing the Penguin custom with some sort of horn sticking out of the top of his head? Maybe it was the most epic thing he’s ever done…
It’s likely due to abstinence. I mean who would want get laid by a penguin. Poor fellow. Maybe he will eventually heed the advice of his brother and move on to some warmer places.
After all, word is out that Penguins live in very frigid climates.
“Hamster wheel of endless fundraising”. You come up with some hilarious metaphors Mike.
“the hamster wheel of endless fundraising.” is the real EP of $cientology today. It used to be about auditing and the hamster wheel of ‘engrams’ that turned into ‘body thetans’ that generated the income and Lron’s smiles.
Now is all about the money and Central Files and anything else that can screw on the blinders ever tighter.
A couple of months ago I saw that an old friend is still in in NZ and in fact a huge whale, forking over a ton of hard earned cash for the “Ideal Org” there. It made me very sad.
Hi Simi Valley, Good to meet you.I feel sad for your old friend too,but I know now if a person is still totally inside the bubble- only Ron=DM= the Tech = the money counts.Family children pets old friends old lovers they are scattered to the winds when one is in Cos’s World.Nothing matters but clearing the planet and putting ethics in on the universe.In my Sea Org prime I would have chiseled those words with a screwdriver into a titanium plate even if it took years.That CI was that essential to my being.
Now I read it, laugh and go,WTF Ann were you ever had for breakfast!! Always,Ann.
Simi V,
Sad is what I feel too, looking at these senior citizens up here, glowing with satisfaction due to their utter delusion that they’ve just done something really good, really worthwhile.
There are a number of ways to feel good in life but nothing feels quite as good as knowing one has TRULY helped someone or some bad situation in some way.
The cult KNOWS this, and exploits peoples’ desire to help in the most calculating way.
The non-whale koolaiders, not famous, not necessarily even rich but with some money and accumulated assets, getting up in years. the ones who are looking to achieve some sort of “legacy” of “having really made a difference” are particularly vulnerable to being manipulated out of their money by the cult.
I don’t believe that ALL of the koolaid drinkers who donate to Ideal Morgues and the IAS are vain, empty headed status-seekers like the Cardones and their ilk.
Some of these heavy Ideal Morgue donors are sincere, if clueless.
The con that is being perpetrated on them is beyond disgusting.
The major problem in “clearing a country” is the vagueness of the phrase. What does it really mean? The definition given in Dianetics, or later writings by Hubbard? Every person in New Zealand attesting to this ambiguous state, or just a percentage, and if so, what percentage? It’s literally impossible to achieve a goal that’s not well defined, and that’s what keeps these sorry individuals chasing after something that will never be realized. Sad.
“Clearing a country.” Doesn’t that mean clearing the country of all its citizens cash? Or, am I just hopelessly clueless?
Hey Sleepy, I Yawnalot.
Just replace Clear with Fleece and it’ll start to make sense. It’s all about the MONEY!
Do not under any circumstances relate anything going on with any Church of Scientology
with anything other than fundraising. Whatever is written about the technology is meaningless
to a robotic Miscavige status driven slave. No one in the Church is permitted to audit any better than Miscavige will allow. The term Clear is meaningless unless you’re talking about bank accounts.
That’s the truth, sad, angry or indifferent, it doesn’t matter what emotion you relate to it.
Sleepy: COS is clearly in the clearance business. It’s big on word “clearing” but strings them together into nonsense. “The front porch of infinity” for goodness sake. What the hell does that mean?
I would agree with you there is no point in having objectives like clearing a country without some form of measurement being stated or implicit. Miscavige makes more money out of ambiguity than out of clarity. I will leave you with a clarification telex that just came in from LRH. on Target 2 “If a country is cleared for you it is cleared”
GAG III will usher in the final Clearing Process. A world clear of any last remnant of the Cult called $cientology.
Yo Dave,
Can you get started on the new and improved version of “From Clear to Eternity” good buddy? It needs some serious editing to bring it into alignment with the current reality of Your Cherch.
Sure thing Newcomer. COB is working on it as I write this. Working title is From Fear to Insanity.
“Massive reach for LRH tech” – more realistic:
Massive delusion of the few true believers
Massive con and fraud to steal member’s money
Massive black PR for David Miscavige and $cientology
“Massive reach”. I spotted that too. There’s that Big Lie concept again. The cult owes a great deal to Goebbels or Lenin, one or both of these beauties.
Oh but there was a reach, someone recovered a dropped tech dictionary from the floor.
It’s a typo. Should be massive breach.
“I feel so stupid. No, I’m not going to give you a bigger smile.” Trevor Wilkinson
They could find eleven people only for the photoshoot?
No, Dawn. Some were actors. They’re actually depending more and more on actors. Young actors as most members are old.
No expense spared. Hell – they went to the extent of hiring a sheep to fill the picture
Hi tony -b, The sheep say thank you for finally acknowledging them.They are deciding wether to graze around a pole or not! I hope not. Your post had me laughing today.Always, Ann.
Aarrrrrgggg! As a Scotsman, I have a few favorites when it comes to sheep. They’re good companions at night. Scotsman love to cuddle their sheep. And………what? Really? Oh! THOSE kind of sheep. Never mind.
Couple of notes, first, at least that Double Humanitarian, whatever that is, looks like a whale tail. Second, since Tampa ous just out of A on files and Auckland is over 35%, they have made some progress…. (isn’t that around 4 of the 11 files?)